How to collapse the dress so that it does not remember. How to make a dress longer with your own hands. Additional strip of fabric

Almost everyone thinks over how to put thingsWhen once again pulls out a bunch of clothes from the closet and drops it on the floor in the search for beloved T-shirts.

Do you know that the fact that a person in his head is then in his house?

If everything is not laid in life and in your heart you have absolute disharmony, then the chaos and chronic disorder begin to reign in the apartment.

So let's not forget about this interconnection and start with the simplest: Mix neatly all things and will figure it out how to do it right (the offered photos and videos will help us with us), and there yours see - and after a while in your life there will be peaceful harmony and Calm of thoughts.

Well, the hostess, we suggest start with Azov, so to speak. Let's figure out how it is properly and beautiful to fold any thing, because it is not enough to just put it into the closet or shove into a suitcase, you should first fold it compactly, in order to save more space, which is always so lacking.

So, proceed to the compact folding of your things:

1. Skirts. Surely, not every hostess has the opportunity to store all your skirts on the hangers, and nothing to do with it, after all, it is gently equipped easier! It's enough to fold in half along and twist tightly into the roll, then put where you need - in the cabinet on the shelves or in the suitcase.

2. Socks. We all accustomed to twist socks in the clusters, but so they do a lot of space. There are small tricks, as compactly folded them, while maintaining the space. You can simply put socks on each other, tightly spin into a roll, then put out the gum. Well, and the simplest idea: Put socks on each other and mentally divide them into three parts. Fold first inside the part with a rubber band, and then shove into it a part with a sock. They are obtained compact and will take at least a place, and if you put them with a rib, then you will find a couple in a matter of seconds.

3. T-shirts or T-shirts. Especially for you, cute hosts, we will open the secret of one express method, how quickly and gently fold the T-shirt or T-shirt! Forget about standard manipulations and remember: spread the T-shirt on the table and mentally spend the line across the T-shirts in the center and in the middle of the seam on the shoulder, after which the left hand will be taken over the point in which these lines crossed, and the right - for the middle of the seam on the shoulder. Holding the left hand on the "point of X", attach the right to the bottom of the T-shirt and hold the edge with the shoulder seam, slowly supervising the left. Fold it up to the required sizes twice or three times - and voila! To do this, you may need a maximum of ten seconds.

4. Jumper, shirt or blouse. To fold these things, the studied express method, of course, will not work, but there is a special principle that will help speed up this process. The main feature of this method is that the stroked shirt or blouse will absolutely not be remembered! But it is necessary to fold it when the blouse will cool. Explore it face down on the table, pre-buttoning all the buttons, and make all the edges thoroughly. Both edges wrap to the collar, and put the sleeves vertically relative to the shirt, after which we mentally divide it into three parts. First wrap the bottom, and then central, and turn up the face. In this way, any turtlenecks and sweaters can be added.

5. Pants and jeans. Now we will learn how to carefully fold jeans as much as possible, so that there were no single folds. To begin with, free all your pockets from the contents and remove the belt. Fold them in half along, straighten, then fold across, the bottom edge to the belt. And now again twice. So your jeans never remember. Folding trousers, stick to the same algorithm, just repel from the arrows. Classic trousers can be twisted into a roll, pre-revealed.

6. Blazer. This method is rather suitcase. To do this, you need to turn one shoulder, but not a sleeve, and put the second part of the jacket into it, after which it is gently folded along and in half. You can also equip it according to the method of folding the shirt, only bend you need to double, and you can put pants or pants. But if you are faced with the task of folding things, in order to leave another free space, you can put them in special vacuum packages, and remove the surplus with the help of a vacuum cleaner.

Perhaps these are the main advice and ideas with which you can correctly add any things correctly and compactly, while saving the space in the closet or suitcase for other things and accessories. Well, the hostess, dare to experiment on your T-shirts or jeans new tricks of the right folding of things.

How to fold things in the closet?



Get rid of unnecessary things

The thing can only be left if it is absolutely a whole, does not have contaminants, and it looks good at you. Home clothing must also pass a strict inventory. Things that have not passed control, give friends, pass into commission stores or let the rags.


There are many criteria according to which you can sort and fold things. But I want to advise you to use the sorting of things for the seasons. Divide all the shelves of your cabinet on the "Northern" and "Southern". Since now summer, then fold on the most running shelves, and put warm on the distant. Separately position the things that you wear in summer, and in winter, for example, blouses on buttons, which can be put on a cool summer evening or on a turtleneck in winter. Things that you wear rarely fold to the bottom shelf, such as dresses or elegant blouses. Jeans and pants highlight individual shelves. In the "Northern" will go insulated pants, and on the "southern" - light jeans and linen pants.

Seversing hangers

Of course, the most optimal option would be if a separate thing was hanging on one shoulders, but, unfortunately, it does not always work. So I want to tell you about three gold rules:

  • in the covers, save the most delicate and favorite things;
  • on soft hangers, place clothes from delicate fabrics;
  • place things on the hangers according to the colors.

Fold things in a dresser cabinet

The final stage of this manual is the placement of folded clothing directly into the closet. At this stage there are four main rules:

  1. All things are placed on the shelves to the maximum length or according to the distribution to the "Northern" or "southern".
  2. Before putting a thing in the wardrobe, put it compact her so that it occupies a minimum of space and allowed to fold the rest of the clothes.
  3. Small things, such as T-shirts, underwear, socks, should fold into a separate box, for them to highlight another space.
  4. Lower shelves Leave for things that you wear in exceptional cases, and on the top descend those that are often remembered.

1. An excellent helper in this can act cFR (Textile shelves that can be attached to the crossbar for hangers or near the wardrobe). It can be folded straps, scarves, scarves, and even shoes.

2. Universal hanger. Lovers of many accessories, silk handkerchiefs, scarves, belt can even jump from joy, because a multifunctional hanger is an excellent option for folding such things. By purchasing it once, you will no longer break your head over, where to joke your scarves and countless belts.

3. "Organizers" to accommodate shoes. Storing numerous pairs of shoes is a whole problem for women. But do not despair, cute fashionable, because I have several ideas that will help you rationally use your space and fold compact shoes:

    • covers that are placed on the wall are perfect for storing ballet flats, shale and moccasin;
    • if the bottom of your wardrobe is not busy with anything, then there you can put a shelf for folding shoes;
    • if you add it to the boxes, I can advise you to stick to the front wall photos with a particular pair of shoes, - making it, you feel how it facilitates the search for the necessary shoes before going to visit.

4. Textile Hat Storage Container. This option is perfect for both men, and for women, since such containers are designed specifically in order to fold the hats and other hats there.

I hope that my ideas will help you solve the problem of missing space in the apartment, and simple recommendations regarding the folding of things will help you with this. Well, proceed to perform these instructions today, to go to work in an excellent mood, because now you can easily find your favorite skirt, without dumping the entire contents of the wardrobe.

Fold things in a suitcase

Only at first glance it may seem that it is not difficult to fold things into a suitcase, but you just think how to accommodate several favorite dresses into it, five pairs of shoes that you probably put on the sea, and countless t-shirts? Of course, you can simply stuff it all with a squash, but what kind of things will have things when you get them on arrival?

Just do not despair, fans of travel, now we will look at the main stages that will help you with high quality and correctly fold things into a suitcase in order to go to the long-awaited vacation.

Step One: Think and decide what you want to take with you. It all depends on where you are going to go. If you are planning to rest in the forest or the mountains, it is advisable to take sports shoes with you and comfortable clothes, if the sea, then take beach shoes and many shorts and t-shirts.

But in any case, look at the weather forecast for the next week, since if you promise rain, it is better to stock warm things.

Before folding things in a suitcase, a revision should be conducted and sort the most necessary.

To this and proceed.

Necessary things

What to take with you?


Do not rush to pack a bunch of clothes in a suitcase. First, lay out everything that they decided to take, on the bed and rate soberly, whether everyone needs to take with you. Choose clothes so that any Mike is perfectly combined with all shorts and shale.


Do not take with you all your shoes in the hope that you will all wear it! After all, every year you are convincing that we carry some sandals on the sea, and all the pile of shoes called "And suddenly, Oden in the cafe" do not even get. Therefore, fold with you maximum three couplesIt is best to take any sport shoes, slap and one pair of sandals for the evening exit.

Cosmetic set

Here, of course, every girl has a purely individual approach. Put with you a minimum set of cosmetics, let the skin relax on the sea, but personal hygiene products like shower gel, soap and toothpaste, you can buy in place.


Favorite jewels are better not to take. Believe me that at the time when you sunbathe on the beach, your thoughts will not be about the sea and rest, but about whether anyone will take them from your room. Therefore, the maximum that you can take with you from jewelry, is good jewelry.


But the medicines necessarily take with you. The first-aid kit with major medicines should be collected at home. Fold in it the following:

  • antipyretic drugs;
  • painful;
  • to normalize the gastrointestinal tract;
  • antihistamines.


Do not forget to check availability of passports, tickets, cards and everything you need to travel. For the safety net, fold copies of passport data and tickets.


If you take a tablet, a camera, a camcorder, be sure to put all the chargers to them in the bag.

Step 2: Now we fold the selected things into the suitcase:

Step Three: All things you have folded into a suitcase, now it remains to wish you a lightweight and comfortable road and a wonderful rest!

  1. To not forget anything, make a list of necessary things. Then reread it and think about which items can be replaced with more compact, and which - do not take with them at all. For convenience, use for different trips.
  2. Make up clothing sets for every day travel. Try to combine things so that you don't have to take too much.
  3. When choosing clothes, shoes and accessories, take into account weather conditions and how you spend time. Do not take things about the reserve, otherwise they can fall into the suitcase all the trip.
  4. Do not take with you what can be cheap to buy at the destination. Speech, for example, about toothpaste, soap or beach hat.
  5. At the bottom of the suitcase, it is better to lay heavy volumetric things and what will be needed. Accordingly, put on the very top of the fact that you can immediately come in handy. For example, clothes for sleep or toiletries.

And here are some more useful tips:

Fold shoes just like that without putting anything inside, is not the most reasonable idea. After all, about 6-8 pairs of socks will fit into one pair of closed shoes.

About how to fold socks most compactly, we told in detail here:

The shoes itself can be placed in ordinary cellophane packages and decompose the suitcase at the edges. There she will take less space than at the bottom.

If you want it to look more accurately, use special shoe covers. Free space in them can be filled with some trifles. For example, the same socks.

Here are some comfortable and beautiful covers:

Volumetric covers with large shoes are better tightly put on the bottom of the suitcase. Small covers with flat shoes will not occupy a lot of space. So they can be put on folded things at the very end.

How to compactly fold clothes

So that clothes do not remember, it is best to roll it with rolls or folded along with a special way. About him Lifehaker is already. And even removed the video instruction:

So we will not stop in this method. But about how to roll things with rolls, it is worth telling more.

Suit pants need to be folded across in half and, starting with a bend, twist the usual roll.

Jeans better fold a little differently. Remove the upper part and impose one shed to another. Starting below, twist jeans with a roll. Then wrap around it bent part.

How to roll up sweatshirts, shirts and other things with long sleeves

Put the sleeves at an angle to the front of the jacket and bend them in the middle. Remove the bottom of the sweaters for several centimeters. Right side of the jacket roll up to the middle and cover the left. Starting from the neck, turn the thing with a roll and wrap the curved part.

You can use a simpler way: to fold the shirt in half, put the sleeves along and roll.

How to minimize T-shirts

Well, if you still want to fold things across the old fashioned, use cigarette paper and film. So the clothes will not mind right away.

How to compactly fold under linen

It is impossible to just crumble linen: it can deform and take a lot of space. The package also needs to be suitable with the mind.

And female, and men's pants can simply be neatly folded. And you can twist the rolls in this way:

It is better not to take full-size versions for care. They will take a lot of space and make a suitcase harder. Shampoos, gels, balsams, tonic and other liquid cosmetics can be pouring into small bottles. And creams, lotions or masks are better shifting into small jars.

You can purchase road kits in which there is everything you need, and even more:

And so that nothing sheds and not stained things, use the food film. Unscrew the bottle nozzle, wrap the neck with a film and tighten.

As for, with its transportation, it is important not to break anything. For protection, put in a blush, powder and shadow cotton disks.

If possible, get the mini version of some products. For example, the probes of cream, carcasses or spirits. During the trip, they will certainly run out, and they will not have to carry back.

Cosmetics and toiletries are better folded into cosmetic bag or special organizers.

Travelers need to take a lot of things with them: clothing, first-aid kit, cosmetics. We need various techniques, such as a tablet, laptop, camera, chargers. It is desirable that they all fit in one bag, and did not have to take a lot of packages. Consider how to fold things into the suitcase compactly and neatly.

When people are going on vacation at sea or send a child to the camp, they plan to lay half the cabinet in a suitcase. After it is noticed that only a small part was used. Therefore, the procedure should pass with a cold head and not at the last moment. You should pull out in advance from which it is planned to take. If this is not a move, in a few days it is worth reviewing the luggage and put back unnecessary accessories.

It is better to choose incumbent materials. Designers advise carefully think through images and take with them skirts and blouses that can be combined immediately with several products. If you take shoes suitable for one dress, they risk to fly all vacation, as clothes are sometimes rushing and dumping.

Recommendations for the selection of things for rest

You should not take a big cosmetics with you. There are two methods to help solve its reduction:

  1. Purchase mini-set cosmetics. In stores you can find small versions for travel;
  2. Transfusion of fluid into small cans 50-100 ml. The bottles for gels and creams are common among travelers who use plane for trips. They are purchased in online stores of cosmetics, household chemicals, accessories for the house.

Some tourists apply plastic cans from mustard or for lenses. So that the gels are not spilled when moving, the vials are wrapped with a film or leave in hermetic package.

Vacuum bags are used to save space. They put clothes from incumbent materials. Things twist in the rollers, send in. After the bag gradually folded to come out.

With vacuum packages, you can save quite a lot of space in the suitcase

There are options with valves that have fasteners. Things pack and check the tightness of the bags. After the vacuum cleaner, the air opens. It can make a person if he has a lungs developed, and he is used to inflate the balls for the beach.

Important: Fill the bag is needed from the most severe things, such as shoes, iron, hairdryer. They are recommended to fit in packages. Bottles need to be wrapped with soft things.

How to fold into suitcase clothes

There are two ways to gently assemble a suitcase so that everything fit:

  1. Method of configuration. Put things crucifably on each other. Murred things should be from below, in the middle - socks, swimsuit, underwear. It will help clothes to face less and look presentable;
  2. Folding clothes into a roll. Things do not fold in the traditional way, but turn on the rollers. To reduce the volume, a vacuum bag is applied.

Simple instruction how to put things

There is also a way that allows you to do on the journey. Consider step by step guide to help fold things into a suitcase, so that after the trip they do not remember:

  1. Decompose a horizontally jacket or sweater;
  2. Then the face in the opposite direction, breaking the thing on the sleeves. The same action to spend with other shirts, that is, put each product is the opposite of the previous one;
  3. After horizontally, put jeans or dress. The belt should be on the left side;
  4. In the reverse side, you can put another jeans, skirt or trousers. After alternating the sweaters and the ibayts in the northern and southern directions. Shorts - in Eastern and Western;
  5. Top should send the kernel around which all things are tightened. It can be a big cosmetics, a thermos;
  6. Now you can start to turn the clothes around the kernel. First, the sleeves are turned around and the coal, after - aged;
  7. Then you need to fasten the resulting "pyramid" with the help of inner belts that should be in the road bag.

To the note: Actitianly folded the suitcase so that things are not remembered in it, this algorithm can, even if it is small. Before starting the process, we should sort clothes and accessories on stacks and packages and determine whether to accommodate everything.

If a business suit is needed on the trip, it is worth putting it on the bottom of the suitcase in the package. You can send rollers from shirts and t-shirts, small items. If you need to take several costumes with you, it is important to trace that they do not touch each other. So that the fabric does not deteriorate, you need to pull out all of the pockets.

Adhere to these simple recommendations and problems with luggage you will never have

Consider the phased other effective lifehak for laying suit:

  • On the bottom of the bag to send the most severe items;
  • Trousers fold, straighten, fold so that the pants hang from the bag;
  • To the top send jacket, turn out, put the sleeves in the center;
  • In the shoulders to shove socks, towel, underwear to fill out empty space;
  • Then collapse three times the shirt. Sleeves fold back along line. Several folded shirts are put on collars in opposite sides;
  • After carefully wrap the edge of the trousers and jacket into the suitcase. Empty space Fill out with small objects and rollers from things.

No need to fasten the shirt completely - so it will faster. It is better to pass 1-3 buttons.

To avoid the deformation of the hats, you should fill it with small things, linen, socks. Jackets are put on the bottom of the bag in a separate package. But if the climate is different and it will be necessary to wear it on arrival, it is better to put up. Leather products should be turned inside out, cross the sleeves, wrap in the roller.

Upon arrival you should immediately cheat things on the shoulders. If clothes have been laughed, it is worth using a hot shower. Send it to the bottom of the bath, direct the stream up. On the hose holder to hang her shoulders with rummy clothes. From the pair of folds will disappear, and things can be safely worn.

How to prevent errors when packing a suitcase

How to put shoes

Spare shoes come in handy in any trip. Each pair is worth putting separately in a package or packaging. To save space, you can put it in different free areas. Also, shoes will perfectly serve as a case for glasses, a tie.

It is important to understand that skin things are dangerous to twist into the tube, since they crack from it. For such products, you will need more space. The belt and shoes are usually unfolded around the perimeter of the suitcase. It is necessary to take into account that for any trip no more than three pairs of shoes are required.

More than three pairs of shoes you hardly come in handy on vacation


Iron, curl and hairdryer should be put between things. In order not to harm the equipment (camera, tablet, laptop, camera), it is worth sending it to a hard case. Chargers are also prevented in it, flash drives.


Creams, shampoos, toothpastes are something, without which travelers do not come. It will correctly fold things into packages or box. You can place them at the bottom or in the center of the bag so that during damage they do not spoil the clothes. This concerns fragile products and bottles with liquid. So you can prevent their breaking.

On the journey it is not recommended to take fragile items with you. The rinser for the mouth should also be purchased in place, as it is very sticky. Putting capacity with cream, foam and other shaving tools together do not need. It is better to make sure that they are tightly closed, and put them in free plots of bags. Upstairs you can leave a small deodorant.

Things like napkins, wallet, toothbrush, the phone does not need to be sent to the suitcase. They are easily placed in a compact hand-made bag (backpack, ladies' bag). The first-aid kit should be filled with medications for the stomach, against allergies, painful and antipyretic.


A classic wedding dress is an outfit with a lush, bulk skirt that turns the bride into a fabulous princess. It emphasizes the narrow waist, helps truly feel like the main "acting person" of the celebration. To achieve the desired volume, the dress is complemented by a special element - a chinoline or frame. It should be tough enough, keeps the right outline of the skirt and helps to hold the wedding day, during which the owner will move and sit.

Many beautiful outfit models lose their "highlight" without a lower skirt that gives the pomp, emphasizing multi-tiers, lace dresses, folds and drapery. The fact that the clothes are uncomfortable - stereotype and myth. In modern products are inserted flexible, elastic rings that do not interfere with walking and quickly restore the form.

Krnolin is worth useing for many reasons:

  • unlike several layers of the lower skirts, Krnolin is easy to use - it is not necessary to constantly straighten it, it does not come down, and the dress looks properly;
  • krnolin is suitable for summer weddings - ventilated, it is not stuffy;
  • at the outfits with the crinoline, a clear, severe shape and spectacular style;
  • the modern doorway weighs a little, the bride will easily move, it will not get tired per day.

Classic crinolines - skirts made of grid or lightweight fabric in which rigid or elastic rings are inserted. Hoops are made from different materials: metal wire, plastic tape. For them, it is often common for additional fateful ruffles to create a "maximum volume". Rings support skirt over the entire length, not giving fabrics to prevent. The bride will be happy to revise wedding photos and videos, remembering the beautiful outfit.

Types of adjusts and crinolines

The lower skirts with hoops are diverse - you can find exactly a suitable model under your dress. When selecting, think not only about the form of a product, but also about how to turn it during a celebration (sitting in the car, at the table) or after it, when the dress goes to the "Honored Leisure" in the case.

Classification of adjusts

  • By the number of wraps. The most common three-star options, models with 4-7 circles hold very well the form, with 2 - simple in folding and suitable for skirts-midi, single-level skirts emphasize the shape of the dress "Mermaids".
  • By material from which the skirt is sewn. It can be a popular fatin, a grid, silk, etc.
  • According to the silhouette - trapezoidal, in the form of a classic dome, with a loop, ruffle-year at the bottom.
  • By stiffness hoop.

The last paragraph directly affects the ease of handling of chinoline. Flexible rings, as a rule, stitched with the base of the fabric, they are invisible when driving, weigh little, but they are expensive than metal. If you like elastic hoops, be careful when choosing a dress for dresses. If it is heavy (brocade, multi-layer dense silk), flexible plastic can break away or progress. To fold elastic circles, you need carefully for the same reason - they are badly "tolerated" a strong load.

Hard hoops make most often metal plates. They are available, the dress with them retains the form, as would actively move the bride. But there is a risk that the rings will be noticeable through the matter of the skirts, they are difficult to fold. Sitting into the car, you will have to raise Krnolin and carefully, but quite strongly fold it, watching it looks aesthetically from the side. Metal rings are well transferred storage, and even in case of deflection, their form is easily restored.

"Neutralize" the main lack of hard hoars (visibility under the fabric) can be outer on rolling rings. They support the skirt, hide an ugly relief, help finding out the dress and figure of the bride. For the crinoline of such a design, dense tissues are chosen, and when they are folded, they need to gently separate.

How to fold Krinolin

So that Krnolin did not bring inconvenience during the celebration, did not break and did not deform, it is important to put it correctly. The main problem is when landing into the car or during a passage through narrow corridors. You can take advantage of the reception that resembles the principle of the tie of the hair gum - with a break.

The principle of folding Krinolin.

  1. Take rings with your hands on top of the skirt and learn so that they are all in the palm of palm.
  2. Take carefully, making the centers in the center, - the hoops will resemble the eight.
  3. Get into the car and let go of folded rings.
  4. Place the ruffles and fabric skirts after the door closes.

When packing the product for storage, the same principle applies. Before folding the rings from the wedding dress, you need to straighten them.

How to pack wedding rings

  1. Put the lower hoop on a solid surface - table or floor.
  2. Turn over the next ring with the back of the spiral ("eight") and put on the first.
  3. Consistently do the operation with each next hoop, tightly holding them in your hands.
  4. Packing a folded skirt with rings in the package and immediately tie to the "design" not straightened.

If in the attitude more than three wrap, they can be turned over two - except the lower. To simplify the task, you can ask for help. Store adjustments are recommended in a packet of dense tissue or plastic. Ventilation is needed to prevent the appearance of a sharp smell.

How to handle the entry on the rings

Depending on the Leson, it can be from the 1st to 7-8 wars from the 1st to 7-8 wo. Even the elements made of the most elastic materials require the skill of circulation. Modern girls are often uncomfortable and hard to wear a clothesline.

Rules handling

  1. Carefully with a long crinoline: if you shorten it too much to make it more convenient, the bottom of the wedding dress will ugly offer, the line of Niza is deformed.
  2. The optimal length of the product can be considered the distance from the waist to the floor minus 30 cm and more.
  3. When "collecting", the first is the first to wear a clothesline, fixing it in the level of the waist, but not hips.
  4. For additional reliability, the crinoline is fixed by attaching under the corset to the dress.

If you correctly select the lower skirt to the style and fabric dresses, the wedding dress will be perfect. Removing Krinolin for storage, you can get it at any time to re-use or remember the most important event.

How to fold things into a suitcase?

How to fold things into a suitcase?

How to fold things into a suitcase? This question is asked even the most avid travelers. After all, anyone I want to take all the items of your wardrobe safe and preservation. And for this you should know how to put things in the suitcase correctly.

Gently fold the shirt in the suitcase - the key to success for a business person. Among the many methods telling how to put a shirt in a suitcase, which we will not see, but always wins the most reliable, time-tested, the so-called, "store" method. To do this, it is to fasten the product to all buttons and put it on a flat surface with your back up and raise the collar, so as not to be remembered. Next, remove the sleeves on the back, straighten the folds and fold the shirt across. It is desirable that the bending level is lower than the waist level - then the reaches will refill in pants. To fold the shirts in the suitcase better than the "currency", that is, the first shirt is located in one direction collar, and the second one.

Or you can use the method shown below:

The jacket is the most capricious thing, if you throw something into a suitcase, then then it will not be possible to get rid of the folds, so it is better to be accurately folded as follows:

Take a jacket for the collar and remove one sleeve inside out, put the second sleeve in it so that they are pressed against the front side to each other. The jacket will be fully turned inside out and will be like half a jacket. Carefully straighten all the elements - collar, pockets, valves. Roll the jacket with a large tube or fold in half. Put it on top of all things in the suitcase. You can also put it in the package and leave the air in it - it will provide the most careful transportation.

Simplified option:

Choose a good suitcase you can

Fold pants in a suitcase easier than a simple! Fold them on the seams and the upper part of the trousers on the most bottom of the suitcase so that the trousers hang out. When the suitcase is completely packed, cover things with these hanging brothers. This method will help to avoid chances on the pants. If you simultaneously transport several pairs of pants, then place the trousers along different sides of the suitcase.

Choose a good suitcase you can

- How to fold a dress in a suitcase

Folded the dress in the suitcase can also be trousers. If the dress has long sleeves, they should be carefully adjusted on a flat surface as if you pack the shirt.

Choose a good suitcase you can

The hat is better to put on the bottom of the suitcase at the same time in the convex part, put some scarves or swimsuits to avoid deformation. On the fields gently spread the rest of the clothes. On the other hand, so that it may be calmer, it is possible to better take a hat into a manual sting. And also, for hats there are special cases and boxes, but they and places occupy a lot and are worth it, so such adaptations should be purchased only for expensive hats.

Choose a good suitcase you can

What to fold a T-shirt in a suitcase will need a minimum of time. T-shirts, T-shirts and tops are better folded into the ride. So you save the place in the suitcase, and things do not remember. Such rolls are better to lay at the end of the collection to fill them with empty space.

Choose a good suitcase you can

- How to fold the jacket in a suitcase

Fold in the suitcase the jacket is actually easier than it seems. To do this, it is necessary to leave all the fasteners eclipsed, carefully turn them out inside out (the sleeves of the jacket are obtained inside). Fold the jacket in length once. Then fold the jacket horizontally and bend three times (if the jacket is quite thick, then less). Place it in a plastic bag. This packaging method is more compact and reliable.

If you have a big suitcase and some things are placed entirely, then no need to add them. When collecting the suitcase, it is also necessary to arrange things so that all heavy items are lower (near the wheels). If a lot of empty space remains at the end of the packing in the suitcase, it is better to fill it with polyethylene bags or paper so that things in the suitcase are in their places. From properly folded things Your appearance depends, so pay special attention to this process!

Many clever beat the issue how to pack a shirt, jacket, pants or evening dresses in a suitcase and not to remember. And thanks to their efforts today, baggage manufacturers offer modern decision Question "How to fold things into a suitcase." Complete to the suitcase or mount for hangers, or in the suitcase there is a special branch for business clothes. Such a suitcase below.

See for more about the collection.

Choose a good suitcase you can