Complex skin care after 30. Neck care. Purifying and softening clay-honey mask

Everyone wants to stay young as long as possible. But women are especially sensitive to the passage of time. Already by the age of thirty, wrinkles appear on their skin, and over time it loses its elasticity. It is impossible to stop these processes, but there are ways that help slow them down. And an excellent effect is given not only by the promoted cosmetology products and methods of influence, but also by the recipes of our ancestors that have been proven over the years. Let's clarify how to preserve the youthfulness of the facial skin after 30 years?

In order to look great after thirty years, you need to carry out salon procedures, use special cosmetic preparations and traditional medicine. Also, you cannot do without proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Facial skin care after 30 years

Start your morning with cleansing your face. Cosmetic milk can be used as cleansing agents for dry skin types, and for owners of oily and normal skin, it is better to give preference to water with a foam for washing. It is best to wash your face with water at room temperature. Cold can cause vasoconstriction and lead to loss of elasticity, while hot causes vasodilation and helps to reduce the fat layer. Also, cosmetologists advise to give preference to melted or boiled water, since the tap water contains chlorine. You can also use herbal infusions for washing, for example, products based on chamomile, parsley, rosemary and sage.

To moisturize and nourish the skin, it is better to use special products for the corresponding age group. When choosing a cream, it is best to consult with a beautician. It is desirable that such a product contains antioxidant vitamins (ascorbic acid and tocopherol), as well as hyaluronic acid, which enhances the effect of moisturizing components. Also, the cream should contain elements that activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, and retinoids, which perfectly accelerate the renewal of epidermal cells. Anti-aging cosmetics should be preferred for patients over thirty-five years of age.

As for evening skin care, it should consist of the same items as morning. But in the evenings it is worth using a special night cream. Give preference to products that contain vitamins, retinoids, ceramides, collagen and a number of natural ingredients such as essential oils, chamomile, aloe and calendula. Also, such creams should contain hydro acids and coenzyme.

Home remedies for skin care after thirty

To preserve youthfulness of the skin, you can additionally use homemade care products. So an excellent effect is given by the use of homemade tonics. To prepare the simplest of them, you need to combine five to six tablespoons of cool water, a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Stir these ingredients together and use as directed in the morning.

For oily skin, you can use freshly brewed green tea by adding a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

For facial skin care after thirty years, you can prepare a variety of anti-aging masks. An excellent effect is obtained by using a mixture of banana pulp, one teaspoon of cream and half a teaspoon of potato starch. Apply this mask on well-cleansed face skin and leave it on for a quarter of an hour. Then remove it with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.

Also, as a rejuvenating mask, you can use a mixture of thick homemade sour cream and freshly squeezed parsley juice. Combine them in equal proportions and apply on cleansed face for twenty minutes. Then wash with cool water.

To prepare a nourishing and rejuvenating mask, you need to combine one fresh egg yolk, twenty grams of fresh yeast. Heat some peach oil in a water bath and stir it into the egg and yeast mixture. Apply this mask for half an hour, then wash with warm water, and then rinse with cool water.

An excellent method of maintaining beauty, health and youthfulness of the skin of the face is lymphatic drainage massage. In total, cosmetologists are advised to carry out five to seven sessions of such exposure. Lymphatic drainage massage improves blood microcirculation, making the skin look younger, and its tone increases by an order of magnitude. Such procedures help to eliminate fine wrinkles for a couple of months, especially in the nasolabial folds.

Also, women over thirty years old will benefit from professional peeling procedures, facial cleansing, mesotherapy and microcurrent therapy. A qualified cosmetologist can advise you on the exact list of recommended measures.

In fact, if you take proper care of your skin after thirty years, you can slow down the aging process by an order of magnitude and look young.

At the age of 30, many women do not notice the deterioration of their skin, looking with horror at brochures from beauty salons, examining jars in stores with an inscription 30+ and marked Anti-age (anti-aging). Each of them thinks, I do not have wrinkles yet, my skin is not flabby, why all these means? However, at this age, irreversible aging processes are already underway, some are more pronounced, and some less, but they have already begun. Facial skin care after 30 years predetermines their further development or inhibition.

You should not be afraid of anti-aging procedures and creams, their function is to prevent skin changes, keep it youthful, healthy looking and prevent it from aging prematurely.

Salon care

Home remedies, quick results cannot be achieved, salon manipulations in this sense are much more effective. After a few days (or even instantly) you can see the result. At the age of 30, significant interventions are not required, the body can cope with most of the problems on its own, but it also needs a little help.


Facial massage in the salon, performed by professionals, is a relatively inexpensive procedure, but requires a systematic approach: one or two times is not enough, a course of 7-10 procedures is required. By activating blood circulation, the nutrition of skin tissues improves, regenerative processes and collagen formation are triggered, swelling decreases, facial muscles are toned and fine wrinkles are eliminated.

Alternatively, you can take a course, this is a more painful procedure, but it activates the deep layers of the epidermis. The course should be repeated twice a year.


The session should be canceled if:

  • The client has a high body temperature.
  • Skin lesions are present.
  • An inflammatory process is observed.


Cosmetic products affect only the outer layer. Salon peels can remove dead cells in the deepest layers. Clients have a wide choice, you can use chemical or natural remedies, as well as modern laser and ultrasonic devices to improve the health and appearance of the face. Some of them require preliminary anesthesia, others practically do not cause discomfort. You can affect only the surface layers or the entire depth of the skin.

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Peeling is prohibited under the following conditions:

  • Active phase of herpes.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • Allergic reaction to the active and auxiliary components of the peeling.
  • The period of hepatitis B (breastfeeding of the baby) and gestation.


The procedure consists of injections, through which a cocktail of substances that stimulate regenerative processes, trigger the synthesis of collagen and elastin, and retain moisture, are delivered under the skin. It contains nutrients, vitamins, trace elements, minerals, hyaluronic acid and other components. This method is the gold standard in skin care after 30.


  • Malignant formations.
  • The period of pregnancy.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Vascular pathology.
  • Sepsis.


Laser resurfacing of the face is not used with an increase in body temperature, pregnancy, skin rashes, serious diseases.

Before carrying out any procedure, it is necessary to consult with a doctor, exclude the presence of contraindications and discuss the need for the manipulation itself and choose the most gentle method on an individual basis. Further care products should also be discussed with your doctor.

Features of home facial care at the age of 30+

If you do not want to use the services of professionals, you can preserve the youthfulness of the skin at home, but this requires time and a systematic approach. The rules will help to understand the issue in more detail.

Rule # 1: Age Means

Proper skin care after 30 years should include special age-specific cosmetic preparations. The fear of anti-aging tubes is associated with many reasons, including the leading ones:

  • Psychological barrier (every woman imagines herself as a weak, unattractive old woman with wrinkles and a flabby face at the sight of such boxes).
  • Fear of getting hooked (fear that the skin will get used to it and itself will no longer be able to produce the necessary substances to maintain youth).

However, cosmetics manufacturers specifically develop various age-related products in order to meet the skin's need for various useful substances and not overload it with unnecessary components. Before the serial launch, numerous tests are carried out, which should confirm their effectiveness precisely at the age in question.

Rule # 2: read the label

Carefully study the content of the creams that interest you. It is necessary to focus not only on the presence of specific components, but also on their position in the list of the composition: the closer they are to the beginning, the more they are contained in the cosmetic product. The selected tube must contain at least a couple from the list below.

  • Panthenol - is responsible for the processes of regeneration of cellular structures, makes the face more attractive in appearance, improves color.
  • Plant extracts (green tea, seaweed, arnica.) Improve the appearance, deliver the necessary vitamins directly to the cells, stimulate their regeneration, and provide high-quality care for problem skin due to anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action.
  • Ceramides - also stimulate regenerative processes.
  • AHAs (hydroxy acids, hydroxy acids, etc.) - dissolve the outer stratum corneum of cells and stimulate the renewal of their structures.
  • ALA acids are antioxidants that fight free radicals.
  • Vitamins (C, F, E, A) - have a powerful antioxidant effect, stimulate the synthesis of collagen fibers, improve tissue elasticity, and protect them from external influences.
  • Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals.
  • Glycerin - designed to retain moisture within the skin cells (one condition - it acts back in conditions of increased dry air).
  • - retains moisture in cells.
  • Elastin and collagen - smooth out wrinkles, improve elasticity.
  • - do an excellent job with the first wrinkles and push them out from the inside.

The action of the components is aimed at moisturizing, stimulating regeneration, strengthening the framework and increasing the elasticity of skin structures. A quality day cream should include UV protection.

Rule # 4: products must match your skin type

Products for oily skin after 30 are different from products for dry and normal skin, even if they are produced by the same manufacturer. You should not buy a cream for oily skin if you feel its obvious tightness out of habit (if in adolescence you had excess oily face). With age, the hormonal background changes, which affects the skin, changing its type from oily to dry and sensitive. Monitor the condition of your face and, based on this, choose cosmetics.

Rule # 5: correct application

This item is especially relevant for those women who care for dry and thin skin. In the process of physiological changes, the problems become more and more tangible, so the funds should be applied strictly along the massage lines, avoiding excessive pressure (it is recommended to do this with the pads of the ring fingers).

Rule # 6: Pay special attention to the eye area

If at an earlier age you could afford to use one cream for the whole face, now it is an unforgivable mistake: the skin around the eyes after 30 requires lighter products. They are applied strictly from the outer corner of the eyes to the inner one. It is necessary to make a tapping motion and not create strong friction and pressure in this area. The skin of the eyelids is very delicate and easily damaged.

Rule # 7: Pay attention to your neck

After 30 years it is impossible to ignore the skin of the neck, in a later period it will "backfire" by its flabbiness and "sagging". The care is no different from the facial: whatever you put on your face, distribute it on the neck and décolleté area.

Rule # 8: test for an allergic reaction

Before using any new product, it is necessary to do a compatibility test - apply the cream to a small area and wait a day. If there is no burning sensation, peeling, swelling, rashes, redness or other conditions of discomfort, you can safely use the funds daily. Care of sensitive skin and skin prone to allergies is unacceptable without observing this rule.

The required minimum funds for a woman aged 30+

There are many at-home facials available, but not all of them need to be used consistently at this age. Required minimum:

  1. Day remedy (cream, gel).
  2. Night remedy (cream, gel).
  3. Cream for delicate skin around the eyes.
  4. Cleanser.
  5. Tonic.
  6. Serum.
  7. Mask.
  8. Peeling.

Daily routines


Every day should start with cleansing. During the night, fat, sweat and other physiological fluids are released on the surface of the face, dust settles on them, and the skin becomes quite dirty. All this should be removed with cosmetic milk in case of dry skin; if you have oily or normal skin, you can use a foam for washing. Use water at room temperature. Preferably melted or boiled water, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, parsley, sage, calendula, rosemary, etc.


This is a must-have item in facial care at the age of 30. Toning completes the cleansing process, hydrates the skin and prepares it for the absorption of nutrients from the cream. An alternative to tonic is herbal or green tea with a few drops of lemon.

Periorbital region

Apply the cream to the eye area very gently, it is allowed to use liquid products with a roll-on applicator. After application, it is recommended to massage the area slightly with your fingers, patting movements.

Main application

It is imperative to have two types of creams or gels that match your skin type: night and day. It is desirable that they be of the same brand, however, like other helpers to preserve the youth of the face - this will achieve the maximum effect. What is the difference between day and night remedies? The former contain components with the property of reflecting ultraviolet rays, and the latter - a richer composition and a greasy texture (the ingredients are absorbed more intensively at night). When applying a night cream, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • After 25-30 minutes, the excess should be blotted with a napkin.
  • You can sleep only an hour after application.

Periodic procedures


The stratum corneum must be removed, since dead cells impair tissue respiration and make the face less attractive and healthy. The time of scrubs has passed (their coarse small particles can seriously injure the "matured" skin), after 30 you should choose more gentle products for care.

  • Gommage is suitable for almost everyone - after applying it, it is left until it hardens, and then removed with a circular motion of the fingertips. The product is chemical and does not mechanically injure the skin.
  • In second place is peeling - it should be held on the face for a couple of minutes and only then washed off, the particles in its composition are small and practically do not injure the face.
  • Lovers of exfoliants should be aware that the stratum corneum is dissolved by acids (natural or laboratory-created). After such an attack, an allergic reaction may develop, this should be taken into account by women with sensitive skin type.

For dry type owners, the procedure can be carried out no more than once every 7-10 days; normal, combined and oily type - 2 times a week.


Masks will help to saturate the skin with the necessary nutrients, vitamins and microelements. The procedure should be carried out twice a week, you can alternate means, but it is better to use them in courses (7-10 sessions of a nourishing mask alternate with 7-10 sessions of a moisturizing mask, then a cleansing mask or any other).


Serums are recommended to be used in courses, at the age of 30+ their daily use is not required. They return firmness, elasticity to the face, even out color, and this effect lasts for about six months. The course lasts 1-2 months (depending on the condition of the skin) and is repeated twice a year. The drug is applied after cleansing and toning procedures immediately before applying the base cream twice a day.

Skin care after 30 years requires some effort, but the result will pay off in full when, at the age of 50+, a woman looks 10 years younger than her peers.

At 30, a woman is young and full of strength, but she already has that life experience that gives her a kind of charm that reflects the sexuality, uniqueness and beauty of every woman. It is this age that rewards a woman with the first wrinkles, puffiness under the eyes, and a pale complexion, which can not only spoil the mood, but also frighten a woman, plunge her into deep depression. How to keep your skin youthful, radiant eyes and the joy of a smile for a long time? Of course, start caring for yourself if you haven't done so before, or change your care according to age.

In order to meet the 30-year milestone "fully armed", it is necessary to start caring for the face, neck and hands from about 25 years old. If you did not devote enough time for yourself earlier, then after 30, depending on the facial care should be especially thorough and systematic. An important factor is that careful care at the age of 30 will prepare a woman for the following age stages: facial care after 50 will be easier, and the inevitable wilting will be less rapid. Skin care under 30 consisted mainly of cleansing and moisturizing. A 30-year-old requires adding nutrition and protection, more attention should be paid to the lifestyle and habits that are not only harmful, but also harmless at first glance.

Golden rules of youth after 30 years

The site shares simple tips that can be followed to prolong the youthfulness of the skin. Long sleep and compliance with the rules for good rest is necessary for a woman after 30. It is necessary to choose the right bedding accessories, a mattress and a pillow that promote blood circulation, that is, prevent edema and restore complexion.

UV protection is essential at any age. You should be more careful about visiting a solarium. Even in winter, it is recommended to apply a cream that protects against UV radiation. Do not neglect this protection when working at a computer, the radiation of which contributes to the aging of the skin.

Oxygen will accelerate the synthesis of elastin and collagen in skin cells, which slows down after 30 years. Therefore, walking and playing sports are an effective and most inexpensive way to care for your skin. It is necessary, since it is this bad habit that leads the majority of women to consult a plastic surgeon.

It is necessary to significantly reduce the amount of fluid consumed before bed: excess fluid leads to swelling and unhealthy pallor. You should also review the diet, you should eat food no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

The use of cosmetics and additional procedures (massage, face and neck gymnastics, masks, etc.) is mandatory and must be regular.

Daily skin care after 30

Regular morning care is one of the basic rules that helps to maintain youth after 30, but do not be intimidated - facial treatment is simple and requires only 15 minutes of your time in the morning and before bed. Morning treatment consists of three simple stages: washing, using active cosmetics, protecting the skin of the face.

For washing, it is better to use cool mineral water, you can also use ordinary water, settled for a day. Washing with ice cubes will relieve puffiness, increase blood circulation, and tighten pores.

After washing, an active agent is applied: a moisturizer, a serum, a vitamin cocktail, etc. It is recommended to periodically change such agents. For example, serums are rich in active substances of biological origin, so their constant use can adversely affect the condition of the skin. Usually, serums are used in courses in autumn and spring for no more than 2 weeks.

The barrier cream serves several functions. First of all, it should contain components responsible for the synthesis of collagen at the molecular level in skin cells, which will help smooth out wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. Also, protection for the face should include UV protection and a complex of vitamins responsible for the rejuvenation processes: C, F, A, E. Day makeup is applied to the protective layer, if necessary.

Evening care consists of cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing. The youthfulness of the skin of the face largely depends on proper cleansing. For this, cosmetic cream, milk and other products are used. In the evening, you need to thoroughly cleanse your skin, even if you haven't.

Purification is followed by a stage of acidity recovery. Tonics, lotions, homemade herbal decoctions will help to tone the skin. After rubbing your face, wait for the moisture to evaporate. Then apply a light moisturizer and nourishing night cream. The nourishing cream should contain vitamins A and E and be more fatty.

Masks after 30

Skin after 30 years of age requires additional care. Masks are especially useful and should be applied twice a month. Masks after 30 years are designed to soften the skin, remove signs of irritation and nourish the skin. Therefore, most recipes use herbs, egg yolk, honey, vegetable oil, cream, etc. You can, nutritious and, which include quite affordable ingredients. Homemade face masks, when applied regularly, will give the skin a healthy and well-groomed look.

Recipes for face masks after 30

Rejuvenating mask. Make a gruel from lettuce leaves, spinach and parsley, add a teaspoon of steamed oatmeal and apply to your face. The mask should be removed after 20 minutes. with a swab dipped in warm water. Then the face is rinsed with cool water and a nourishing cream is applied.

Softening mask. A teaspoon of cream and mashed banana are added to half a teaspoon of starch, the mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with cool water, use a nourishing cream.

Women over 30 should regularly visit a beautician who will give individual recommendations for facial care. Faces include gymnastics, massage and prevent skin aging, but these procedures must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, since improper massage can significantly harm. Also, for the beauty and youth of the face, it is necessary to balance the diet, introduce more vegetables, and consume less animal fats and carbohydrates. Useful juice of cabbage, celery and parsley. When caring for your face, do not forget about caring for the skin of your hands and décolleté, as they give away a woman's age no less than the condition of the face skin.

Kaplinskaya Anna Olegovna

the article was prepared specially for -

It is important to provide competent and complete facial skin care after 30 years so that your skin can receive full and timely nutrition, hydration and the supply of vitamins and minerals

After 30, many women already begin to notice the first mesh of wrinkles, traces of dehydration and crow's feet, but in order to correct the situation, it is important to provide competent and complete facial skin care after 30 years so that your skin can receive full and timely nutrition, hydration and the supply of vitamins. minerals. By following these simple tips, you can look 20 at 30.

Skin cleansing - the foundation

Introduce into your daily beauty procedures such an obligatory stage of care as cleansing, which can be carried out with the help of:

  • Air foam
  • Light mousse
  • Natural herbal wash gel
  • Milk for dry type

A similar procedure must be carried out both in the morning and in the evening. The fact is that at night the glands work more actively, the skin breathes, evaporates moisture, during the night toxins and waste products accumulate on it. That is why she needs careful care in the morning. For morning procedures, beauticians advise using a non-greasy lotion, serum and cream containing essential oils. Ideally, the products will not contain alcohol, irritating sensitive skin.

Advice! Be sure to apply a serum after cleansing that will work all day, moisturizing, protecting the skin with active ingredients in the required concentration.

After that, apply a light cream all over the face, moving along the massage lines. Don't take large portions. Hammer in with your fingertips, spreading the texture. Repeat the same manipulations with a cream intended for the eye area. For oily skin, it is advisable to use ingredients that tighten pores and control oil production.

Washing in the evening: give your skin relaxation

If your skin is prone to oily, then you need to wash with water at room temperature or cool mineral water. Chamomile infusion is also perfect for this.

For the evening ritual, you can also use natural foams with oxygen, caviar, collagen. These ingredients will further nourish the skin during cleansing.

Apply air mousses for dry skin as well. They will saturate it with important elements, vitamins, minerals. To tone the skin, alternate water: mix cool with warm - this is a kind of gymnastics for the face.

It is important to use a toner after washing, which will help to absorb a record amount of active ingredients of the subsequent care. At the end of the process - serum, cream, and, if desired, thermal water to soothe the skin.

Make-up removal: an essential step in cleansing and grooming

In order to remove eye makeup, you need to use two-phase products that are activated when textures are mixed. Such products contain only natural and well-selected ingredients in the composition:

  • Collagen
  • Cornflower extracts to soothe skin
  • Chamomile

It is important to choose a product that suits your type.

Advice!For dry skin, special cleansing creams are available. To activate them, you need to apply the texture for a few minutes, and then remove with smooth massage movements with cotton pads.

Anti-aging treatments

Milk and herbal infusions

Some girls, even in adulthood, have oily skin. Care after 30 years should imply the use of milk, which contains important valuable elements, vitamins. Dip a cotton ball in milk and rub it over your face. This procedure is able to normalize blood circulation. In order to eliminate wrinkles, laxity and puffiness, use aloe juice, which additionally normalizes the production of sebum.

After such washing, it is important to apply a hydrating, but not oily cream, which will help fill in the lack of water and fill in fine wrinkles. However, in winter, it is better to use creams with a dense texture to protect the skin from:

  • Drying out
  • The negative influence of frost, winds

But after a few minutes after application, it is better to remove it with a napkin.

Nourishing and moisturizing tired skin

The normal type produces an optimal amount of fat, but occasionally needs additional moisture. That is why, for these purposes, you should use a delicate cream with herbs and valuable extracts - these components will allow you to retain fluid.

For oily skin, choose a moisturizer that is antibacterial. A light, pleasant in consistency emulsion is able to protect the skin from the negative effects of the environment. It is absorbed as quickly as possible without leaving a shine.

Dry skin lacks nutrition. That is why it is necessary to use 2 products at once: a light remedy with vitamins for morning care, but at night, pay attention to a restorative remedy with a record content of essential oils and emollients.

Advice! If you combine these funds, you will be able to provide the skin with elasticity and firmness.

Complete nutrition for delicate skin after 30

In order to give the skin moisture, nutrition, and also saturate with vitamins, it is necessary to perform special masks several times a week. To enhance the effect and lift, you can perform masks in a course. They will give:

  • Elasticity
  • Elasticity
  • Well maintained look
  • Fit

With this, you can even out the complexion. The session does not exceed 14 days, but the effect will last up to six months. You can alternate this beauty procedure with moisturizing, nourishing masks. Look for collagen, hyaluronic acid, kiwi extracts, algae on the packaging.

A prerequisite: the use of serums for aging skin.

Such a cosmetic product must be applied in a course. From the age of 25, their daily use is necessary. The tasks with which they do an excellent job: increasing elasticity, increasing microcirculation, improving skin turgor. Serums are able to even out skin tone. But you can also take a course lasting a month. But this aspect depends on the condition of the skin.

Advice! For greater effect, it is better to use the product after cleansing, toning, but before moisturizing or nourishing.

Deep cleansing

In order to cleanse not only impurities, but also dead particles, to polish the skin, it is important to use a scrub or special peeling - these funds can fully cleanse the skin, open breathing, and also saturate with oxygen, important substances.

This stage of care is also important because it makes it possible to improve the absorption rate of important nutrients and moisturizers. In addition, metabolic processes increase, blood circulation increases, new cells grow rapidly.

The frequency of the procedure depends on the skin type. With oily, it is recommended to cleanse the skin at least a couple of times every 7 days. For dry skin, the procedure is best done no more than 3 times every 30 days. But before the beauty procedure, you should steam the skin.
Hommages take good care of normal to dry skin due to their delicate and delicate abrasive particles. Ideal for sensitive skin. Often they contain:

  • Important vitamins
  • Antioxidants
  • Emollient components
  • Humidifiers

Lymphatic drainage massage: your way to firm, elastic skin

This procedure is extremely useful to have a session: twice a year. The course consists of 7-8 procedures that have a beneficial effect on the skin. At the same time, blood circulation increases, the skin acquires a rejuvenated, rested appearance, wrinkles are eliminated. But if you cannot visit a beautician, then the massage can be performed on your own, having familiarized yourself with the technique.

Eye area care

Age-related changes are especially noticeable in the eye area. This makes the skin softer, more vulnerable and thinner. That is why care products must be selected taking this aspect and age into account. It is best if the following ingredients are marked on the packaging:

  • Parsley
  • Caffeine
  • Hyaluronic acid

Such components will additionally help relieve morning puffiness, overcome bags and mimic wrinkles. Of course, you can prepare your own cream and mask for the delicate area.

Advice! All products must be applied with massage, patting movements, without stretching the skin.

Masks after 30 years: how to make at home?

Yeast natural mask

It is necessary to introduce about 19 grams of yeast into the egg white. This resulting mix should be combined with peach oil. But in advance it should be warmed up to 40 degrees. An important condition: the mass must be thick. Be sure to soak it on your face for about 35 minutes.

Advice! Do not forget to rinse with warm water first, and cool water to increase microcirculation.

Oil beauty mask

It is necessary to warm up about 90 grams in a bath. vegetable oil. Into it, add rowan juice in the amount of a tablespoon, add honey, as well as some chamomile flowers - they should be pre-grinded, let stand for 18 minutes.

Take a thick piece of cotton wool and apply an effective mix to it. Place the thickening on your face and a towel on top. Wash off with water after 23 minutes. After the procedure, apply a non-greasy cream containing:

  • Algae
  • Essential oils
  • Emollient components
  • Moisturizing Ingredients

Refreshing carrot mask - a radical remedy for wrinkles

This vegetable must be grated. The carrots shouldn't be too big. It is important to mix it with starch and olive oil in a small amount. Add the egg white to the mass and stir the thickened properly. The mass should be applied to the face, décolleté and neck. Remove residue with a damp swab.

Whitening mask

You need to take lemon juice and add it to the protein. With this composition, treat your face with a special brush. But while the mask is not dry, it is important to apply another layer, consisting of: a few drops of vegetable oil, lemon juice. After 16 minutes, it is recommended to remove the residues.

Mask consisting of honey and clay

For these purposes, you must use green or black tea leaves. Add dry white clay and honey here. Stir the product so that you end up with a thick gruel. Apply the product to a steamed face, let it sit for 22 minutes, and then rinse with water.

Mask for eliminating wrinkles on the forehead

It is important to take a spoonful of cream (but not fatty), egg white. The latter should be whipped well, and then combined with cream and stir well. Now the resulting thickening should be treated with the skin. After 19 minutes, it is recommended to wash off the mask with water.

A mask that softens the skin

Grind a small banana, and then add potato starch. Then add some heavy cream. Apply the resulting thickening to your face, and after 19 minutes, rinse.

A mask with a record content of vitamins

For these purposes, it is recommended to take spinach, salad, and parsley. It is recommended to grind all these ingredients, and then add potato starch. But this component can be replaced with oatmeal. It is necessary to treat the face with thicker, but so that it does not fall on the eye area. After 14 minutes, remove the residue with a swab.

To keep the skin young for a long time, it is important to follow the following tips:

  • It is important to eat vegetables, berries, fruits every day.
  • Include greens in your daily diet
  • No need to lean on fatty foods, salt and seasoning
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke
  • Take a walk in the fresh air

By following these simple rules, beautiful, radiant skin will be very grateful to you.

Every ten years of a woman's life, her skin undergoes major changes, and her care priorities shift over time. What was needed at 20 is no longer enough at 30, and the further we grow up, the more important it is to follow certain rules in our daily beauty routine. ELLE has collected basic rituals that should be adopted by those who have already celebrated their 30th anniversary.

Permanent sun protection

More and more experts come to the conclusion that harmful sun rays can harm the skin even on the most cloudy day. That is why cosmetologists strongly recommend using UV-protected cosmetics on a daily basis. Whether it's a moisturizer or lip balm, be sure to check the label for UVA / UVB filters.

Enhancing cell renewal

At the age of 30, the natural process of cell regeneration begins to slow down, which, first of all, is manifested in the loss of natural shine by the skin of the face. Regular exfoliation - for example, several times a week - will help to get rid of dead cells from the surface of the skin faster, making it softer, more radiant and even. Glycolic acid is responsible for the excellent exfoliation of the skin, so it is important to check for its presence in the scrubs and masks you use.

Investment in a good eye cream

The delicate skin around the eyes is the area where the first signs of aging appear first, so the sooner you get a good moisturizer for your eyes, the better. The cream should be applied twice a day - in the morning and in the evening: this will keep the skin as young as possible for a long time.

Stable cosmetic procedures schedule

Regular visits to a beautician can be a good solution to many skin problems and a guarantee of proper tone after thirty. After cleansing cosmetic procedures, the skin looks healthier, becomes softer, and wrinkles on it are less noticeable. In addition, a professional cosmetologist will immediately notify you if something is wrong with the skin, and will tell you how best to deal with this or that problem. The ideal beauty treatment schedule for women after 30 is three times a year.

Relax and detox

It is difficult to argue with the fact that we live a busy and sometimes completely crazy life, without stopping for a minute. Our skin is often forgotten in this eternal kaleidoscope of events and deadlines. It is also negatively affected by everyday stress, without which city life is impossible today. After 30, all this becomes the main reason for the appearance of acne, irritation and redness on the face. Therefore, it is important to set a must-have time for relaxation in your weekly schedule - be it a yoga class, a long walk in the park, or a trip to the pool or spa.

What we eat is on our face

It must always be remembered that the condition of the skin directly depends on what we eat. This is especially true for women over 30. The further the body matures, the more important it is for proper nutrition, therefore a balanced diet with an emphasis on fresh produce and a variety of vegetables and fruits is a fundamental prerequisite for maintaining healthy skin.

Lips, cleavage and other parts of the body

A healthy look is not limited to the skin of the face, so do not forget about the palms, lips, fingers and décolleté area. They also need constant hydration and protection from the sun, and, for example, lips - also regular exfoliation.

Choosing the right serum

After thirty, a proven serum must appear in the arsenal of every young woman, the action of which is aimed at specific individual characteristics of the skin. As a rule, by this age, almost every representative of the fair sex understands what her advantages and disadvantages are, so it is very important to start fighting the latter as early as possible. Red spots or dry skin, wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, bags under the eyes or general dullness of the skin - now there are highly effective serums that work wonders for all these ailments.

Fighting sun exposure

No matter how carefully we are about protecting the skin from the sun, harmful rays still find a way to penetrate the epidermis, and the consequences of this effect with age make themselves felt. If until now you have not been scrupulous about protecting your skin from the sun, it is never too late to start dealing with the consequences. To do this, it is worth adding a tonic and cleansing milk containing vitamin C to your evening routine: it will help protect the skin from discoloration and give it a healthy glow.