Can pregnant women drive long distances? Pregnancy driving rules: safety is paramount

When a new life is born, future parents try to change their lifestyle. But sometimes in life there are unforeseen situations when it is simply necessary to go. How can a pregnant woman be safe and not at the expense of the health of mother and baby? Let's start with an instructive story.

A case from one's life

A few years ago, the world was shocked by the story of American Mary Clark. A pregnant woman was returning home when a snowstorm caught her on her way. There was no way to go further, so Mary decided to wait it out. Communication was no longer working, and she was unable to inform her relatives about the incident. The girl went into premature birth from excitement ...

A pack of wolves heard a cry for help. Contrary to Mary's fears, the predators did not harm her. With their bodies, they warmed Mary and her newborn child. And one of the she-wolves gnawed the umbilical cord and pushed the baby to the mother. The animals stayed with her all night until morning, when they were discovered by Mary's relatives.

This case ended in an American style - a happy ending. But it’s better to play it safe and not risk going on a trip in a pregnant car if it’s on the street. And if the need is urgent, you need to take an assistant with you who can take the necessary measures in an emergency. The main thing is to keep calm and take phones from different operators - the network of one of them will definitely work.

Personal transport vs public transport: advantages and disadvantages

Pregnancy is by no means a disease. But as the belly grows, the woman becomes vulnerable to the environment. Behavior, lifestyle and sensitivity change. Based on this, we will consider the pros and cons of using private vehicles compared to public ones.

  1. Traveling by car is better as there is much more air.
  2. On the bus, a pregnant woman may be accidentally pushed by hurrying passengers, or she may hit herself when the bus starts abruptly. This will definitely not happen in a car.
  3. A trip by private car is the best prevention of colds and viral diseases. There are no large crowds of people.
  4. There is no need to adapt to the crowd - you can adapt according to your well-being.
  5. Feeling unwell, a woman can stop at any time and rest.

Of the inconveniences, seat belts unsuitable for the needs of pregnant women should be noted. They squeeze the stomach, creating inconvenience for the unborn baby and disrupting the blood flow of the expectant mother. An additional problem is a long sitting position, as a result of which the pelvic bones clamp the woman's uterus, especially in the last stages. The way out is to sit in the back seat, but this will not help tall women.

Can pregnant women drive

The decision to allow a pregnant woman to drive is made by the attending gynecologist. Factors taken into account are the duration of the situation, the course and the risk of complications. Short trips up to 3 hours are recommended, or long-distance trips within these intervals.

For a period of 20 weeks or more, the gynecologist has the right to restrict the right to drive a pregnant woman. And when obtaining or renewing a driver's license in the third trimester, the commission gives permission to drive only after childbirth.

A woman should refrain from traveling during a period of toxicosis or poor health. If circumstances require departure, you must use a taxi or ask someone close to give you a lift.

Pregnancy is a health restriction when a woman works on commercial vehicles. According to the law, the management of a car company is obliged to transfer a woman with a tummy to an easier job - a dispatcher, consultant, etc.

Don't skip breakfast in the morning, even if you don't feel like eating. A long journey can increase the discomfort. Chilled or frozen bottles of juice or fruit drink will help to pay off. Cool drinks will help you cope with the heat.

Obey the rules of the road. Pregnant women often want adrenaline, and this is welcomed by doctors. But the road is not the best place for thrills in position. It is better to give up fast driving and move at the recommended city speed of 50 km/h. At higher speeds, unpleasant effects can intensify, and concentration can fail.

Be sure to wear a seat belt. Adjust it so that it does not interfere with the fetal blood supply. You also need to purchase a special knife with which you can cut the belt in an emergency.

Prepare thoroughly for a long road trip. Using a navigator or a browser version of navigation applications, view and write down the numbers of evacuation services and services along the travel route on your phone. Thus, you will spend less time solving the problem with a car breakdown.

And one more piece of advice - if possible, check for the availability of driver's Autochannels in the range of 27 or 455 MHz (civilian frequencies). After completing the radio transmission courses and receiving a call sign, you will have another tool for crying for help - a walkie-talkie. It is enough to press only one tangent and report your data to the radio. The nearest driver with a walkie-talkie or a police carriage will certainly come to the aid of the victim.


With a competent approach, a trip by a pregnant woman by car will pass without any hassle. But if doubts prevail, it is more expedient to give preference to a train, plane or bus.

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Many women sometimes have to move quite long distances - and the period of pregnancy is no exception. It can be a trip on vacation, to visit relatives, on a business trip, etc. And if earlier we chose transport for a trip based on the principles of comfort or cost, then during pregnancy, the question of the safety of one or another type of transport for the unborn baby first arises. . Is it possible to drive a car, fly a plane, or is it better to take a train? Traveling by train during pregnancy - how safe is it?

Can you ride the train while pregnant?

Traveling by train can sometimes be contraindicated for perfectly healthy non-pregnant women - for example, in the presence of seasickness. Pregnant women should also be careful when using trains, especially if the journey is long enough. So, you should not think about traveling by train during pregnancy in such situations:

  • with an increase in uterine tone;
  • with severe anemia (hemoglobin less than 90 g / l);
  • with ICI - isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • with problems with cardiac activity;
  • with reduced pressure, frequent dizziness;
  • with significant manifestations of toxicosis;
  • if there were previously cases of spontaneous abortions (miscarriages);
  • with multiple pregnancy (only after consulting a doctor);
  • with a low location of the placenta;
  • with placental presentation.

In the third trimester, it is better to refuse any travel at all in order to avoid the premature onset of labor. It is especially dangerous to go on a long journey after 36 weeks of gestation.

If the gestation process proceeds normally, the expectant mother feels well, and the doctor has nothing against such train trips during pregnancy, then traveling is not prohibited. It is advisable to take with you on the road such documents as an “exchange card” (if the woman is already registered in the antenatal clinic), or a medical certificate from a doctor.

What's better? Plane or train during pregnancy

If you choose between a train and an airplane, then it is still better for a pregnant woman to prefer the train. Flying on an airplane is dangerous due to sudden pressure drops during landing and takeoff. Yes, and shakes on some planes no less.

If a woman becomes ill on an airplane, or a premature birth begins, then the chances of competently helping her are much less than if this happens on a train.

Absolutely all airlines do not allow pregnant women to fly at a later date - starting from the 36th week.

There are a number of other advantages of a train over an airplane during pregnancy:

  • On the train, you can lie down and even sleep.
  • On the train, you can walk along the carriage, during a stop go to the platform and get some air.
  • On the train, you can eat or drink whenever you want.
  • The train has a clear timetable that it follows. If the composition is delayed, then, as a rule, slightly. The plane can be delayed due to bad weather, and sometimes the flight is canceled altogether.

Of course, the aircraft has one undeniable "plus" is the speed of movement. However, sometimes - for example, during pregnancy - it is better to move more slowly, but calmly.

Traveling by train in early pregnancy

The early stages of pregnancy are a particularly dangerous period, because most complications (for example, spontaneous abortions and missed pregnancies) occur in the first trimester.

If you really need to go somewhere by train during pregnancy, then first you need to undergo an examination and get permission from a doctor for such a trip. It is very, very desirable to do this, especially if you have a long journey ahead.

When planning to travel by train during pregnancy, it is necessary to take into account such characteristic points:

  • The train also sometimes shakes: for example, when attaching and uncoupling cars, when changing a locomotive, during emergency braking of a train, etc.
  • If the car is overcrowded, then there is a danger of a lack of fresh air - and in such a situation, most pregnant women feel much worse.
  • It can smell bad on the train: it's no secret that pregnant women often develop odor intolerance.
  • On trains, sometimes you have to communicate with fellow passengers, conductors, which sometimes you absolutely don’t want to do.
  • Toilets in trains are far from always shining with comfort and cleanliness. In addition, sometimes, in order to get to the toilet, you need to wait in line, or wait until the train leaves the sanitary zone - and this can be a little problem.
  • People with colds and even viral diseases (especially in winter) can ride on the train. If such a person is in the same compartment with you, then the risk of infection is reduced to almost 100%.

However, in most situations, the train during pregnancy is still much more comfortable than some other modes of transport. There is only one conclusion: before planning a train trip during pregnancy, carefully weigh the pros and cons, consult your doctor and make the right decision.

If a pregnant woman is planning a long journey, she must choose the mode of transport that is the least safe, most comfortable, and the duration of pregnancy should be taken into account. In the first three months of pregnancy, doctors do not advise going on long trips, since the body of a pregnant woman is still experiencing powerful hormonal changes during this period and many women suffer from manifestations of toxicosis (morning sickness and vomiting). Traveling in the last month of pregnancy is also undesirable. The most optimal period for long-distance travel, according to doctors, is the second trimester of pregnancy (from the 16th to the 28th week of pregnancy). At this time, the main unpleasant moments associated with toxicosis no longer bother the pregnant woman, the stomach is not yet so large as to become an obstacle to action. During a long trip, the expectant mother must have an exchange medical card with her, which indicates all the features of the course of pregnancy and the results of the tests. Experts do not recommend using places for recreation where it is not possible to receive specialized medical care for a pregnant woman. A pregnant woman can use any type of transport to travel.

Travel during pregnancy and health

A woman should take all measures during the trip to eliminate fatigue, the appearance of back pain. There are medical contraindications to long-distance travel: low placenta previa, increased blood pressure, the presence of edema and protein in the urine, excessive vomiting, various types of bleeding, severe anemia, chronic diseases in a pregnant woman during an exacerbation and various allergic reactions. Of course, it is strictly forbidden during pregnancy to participate in a trip on bicycles or skis, to engage in mountaineering or scuba diving. Doctors advise the expectant mother to spend a vacation in a resort by the sea or in a boarding house. If a pregnant woman is going on a trip to Asia, Africa or South America, she must definitely consult with her doctor and get all the vaccinations that are mandatory when visiting these places. But it is better for the expectant mother to refuse to travel to distant countries, since the flight there will take a lot of time and the woman will experience overwork. A change in the climatic zone and the period of acclimatization can also adversely affect the well-being of the expectant mother. It is not recommended to travel to countries where the climate is hot and humid. Doctors advise giving preference to places with a familiar climate. It should be borne in mind that when the climate changes, the body goes through acclimatization, which lasts an average of 7-10 days, so you should plan your stay on vacation for a longer period of time. During the trip, the expectant mother is advised to give up large luggage, and use a bag on wheels, clothes should be loose, made of cotton fabrics, shoes should be comfortable, with low heels. An important point that a pregnant woman should take care of is proper nutrition during a long trip. If possible, it is necessary to observe the diet that is optimal for the body of the expectant mother. A woman should have a bottle of drinking water, a carton of milk, crackers or cookies, raisins or nuts with her. During a long trip, a pregnant woman is strictly forbidden to drink raw water, eat unwashed raw vegetables and fruits, and you can’t eat pies bought from street vendors.

Travel by car

When traveling by car during pregnancy, there are some negative sides - the expectant mother can get sick, for a long time the pregnant woman will be in a forced sitting position, which leads to disruption of normal blood circulation. To avoid inconvenience and the appearance of back pain, a woman should take care of creating the most comfortable conditions for herself in advance. If you have to take the front seat, it is recommended to recline it at an angle of 100-110 ° and place a small pillow under your back so that the lower back sags. The expectant mother must use a seat belt. When using a seat belt, a woman should ensure that it does not press on the stomach, but is located in the lower abdomen. The most comfortable place for a future mother is in the back seat of a car. Travel by car should not last more than 5 hours during the day. Every 1-1.5 hours it is necessary to make stops, during which the pregnant woman should get out of the car and walk for 5-10 minutes. While riding, it is recommended to do light exercises for the legs (rotation of the feet, various movements with the toes) - this will help increase blood circulation. To prevent nausea in the car, the expectant mother should have snacks and drinks with her. If a pregnant woman has to be behind the wheel, then she needs to push the seat back and lower the steering wheel down.

Travel by bus

While traveling by bus, there are quite good conditions for a pregnant woman: the backs of the seats in many buses recline, there are air conditioners, dry closets, stops are made during the route when you can get off the bus and stretch your legs. But there are also a number of disadvantages that can complicate the journey. A pregnant woman will have to stay in an uncomfortable narrow chair for a long time, it will not always be possible to completely recline the back of the seat, it can be cold inside the bus, so the expectant mother needs to take care of warm clothes in cool weather. A pregnant woman should have a first aid kit with her, as there may not be an opportunity to use her luggage during the journey.

Train travel

If you have to travel by train, doctors recommend that the expectant mother use the compartment. You should buy a ticket to the lower shelf in advance, take care of a warm blanket. In a compartment, a woman will be able to comfortably sit down, stretching her legs on the seat, and position herself in a way that suits her, putting a pillow under her lower back. Drinks and food should be in sufficient quantities.

Travel by boat

Currently, pregnant women can afford a cruise. Modern liners are equipped with everything necessary for travel. One of the disadvantages of such a trip can be the manifestation of seasickness. A pregnant woman needs to carefully approach the choice of safe remedies for motion sickness.

Flight by plane

The most convenient mode of transport for a pregnant woman going on a trip is an airplane. You can fly on airplanes until the 36th week of pregnancy in the absence of medical contraindications. From the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy, a medical certificate from the attending physician stating that there are no contraindications to air travel must be attached to the boarding ticket. It is useful for future mothers to know that pregnant women are not allowed to fly on Western airlines from the 26th-28th week of pregnancy. There is an opinion of experts that, nevertheless, a pregnant woman should be wary of traveling by plane. This is due to the fact that during takeoff and landing there is a change in atmospheric pressure, which leads to a contraction of blood vessels and can cause premature detachment of the placenta, rupture of the fetal bladder and the occurrence of premature birth are also possible.

In the cabin of the aircraft, it is best for the expectant mother to take a seat in the front row or near the aisle, this will enable the pregnant woman to stretch her legs so that they do not become numb. During the flight, the seat back should be lowered and take a comfortable position, small pillows should be placed under the neck and lower back. During the flight, a pregnant woman is recommended to periodically get up and walk around the cabin to prevent the occurrence of congestion in the veins of the legs, you should perform light exercises for the legs, making rotational movements with the feet and moving the toes. Doctors recommend using slimming (anti-varicose) stockings during the flight. Given that the air in the cabin is dry, a pregnant woman needs to drink more liquids (tea, juice, water) during the flight.

Sunburn while traveling

On vacation, it is useful for a pregnant woman to sunbathe, since under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is produced, which is necessary for the development of the unborn baby. It is important for a pregnant woman to remember that she should not be in the open sun for a long time. Prolonged sunbathing adversely affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, can provoke bleeding and increase the manifestation of varicose veins. Doctors do not recommend sunbathing from 12:00 to 16:00. The least dangerous time for sunbathing is before 11:00 am and from 4:00 pm. It is recommended for a pregnant woman to sunbathe while in the shade. The swimsuit should be as closed as possible, the expectant mother should make sure that the stomach does not overheat. While sunbathing, a pregnant woman should drink more fluids, be sure to wear a hat, and if possible, use special sunscreen for pregnant women. During the rest, a woman should not only not overheat in the sun, but should also ensure that she does not overcool. In case of hypothermia, the expectant mother needs to take all measures to warm up as soon as possible - you can take a bath with warm water and drink hot tea.

culinary specialties

A pregnant woman should remember that when coming to unfamiliar countries and places, you should not try new culinary dishes. This is due to the fact that allergic reactions to exotic fruits and local dishes (oysters; shellfish, etc.) are possible. If the expectant mother wants to choose a vacation in Cyprus, Crete or Turkey, then the best time to travel will be spring or autumn, and not hot summer. In March or April, the air temperature in these areas is 25-28 ° C, there is no large influx of tourists, as in summer, during the peak season. And if the water in the sea is cool, then every hotel has a pool with heated water. When traveling abroad, a pregnant woman must definitely find out if medical insurance is included in travel documents and whether medical care during pregnancy is included in this insurance policy.

Insects on a journey

If a pregnant woman does not risk (or does not have the opportunity) to go abroad, she can, for the benefit of herself and the future baby, relax in her native land - in the country house or with relatives in the village. Fresh air and walks in the forest will favorably affect her well-being. Being in the country or in nature, the expectant mother should protect herself from the bites of various insects (bees, bumblebees, wasps), which can cause the development of allergic reactions. In the first-aid kit, a pregnant woman must have antiallergic drugs. The expectant mother should remember that a long journey and the rest associated with it should bring positive emotions and joy.

The best time to travel while pregnant is around the 14th to 26th week. During this period, all organs and systems of the baby are formed, the placenta is formed and works optimally, the tummy is not too big yet, most often toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy with nausea and vomiting is behind, and the upcoming birth is not yet close, which is important for a comfortable rest. However, if the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then you can travel during pregnancy, in principle, at any time (of course, except for the last weeks of pregnancy). Before an upcoming trip while pregnant, be sure to consult with your doctor to make sure that you have no contraindications for travel, as well as to obtain a medical certificate, which may be required by a number of carrier companies.

Rule #2

Currently, flights to warmer climes, to the sea, palm trees, exotic, unusual routes, etc. are becoming very popular. As a rule, these are very remote territories from Russia, so you will mainly have to get there by plane and the flight there takes from 4 to 11 hours . This is a serious test for a perfectly healthy person. And what about the body of the expectant mother? The negative aspects of long-distance trips include a sharp change in climate (when the temperature difference can reach 40 ° C or more), the difficulty of adapting to both new climatic conditions and food, the time zone, which can cause a decrease in the body's defenses and subsequently lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases or an increased risk of respiratory infections in the expectant mother (this can happen both during rest and after returning home against the background of a natural decrease in the activity of the immune system during pregnancy), the risk of catching some exotic infection, including and helminthiasis, taking into account the fact that before the upcoming trip, the expectant mother is contraindicated in vaccination against many diseases.

It is easier and safer to go to countries with similar climatic conditions, for example, to Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Spain, the Baltic countries or visit beautiful places on our territory - Crimea, Valdai, Seliger.

When choosing a vacation spot, find out in advance about the peculiarities of the weather in the area so that the rainy season, extreme heat, seasonal winds or other similar natural phenomena do not become an unpleasant surprise when traveling during pregnancy.

Rule #3

During pregnancy, scuba diving is contraindicated, long excursions on foot or by bicycle, windsurfing, hiking in the mountains are not recommended. In addition, you should not order excursions that involve many hours of sitting on the bus, which can also adversely affect the well-being of the expectant mother and the course of pregnancy. If you still have a great desire to visit the sights, then choose short sightseeing trips and make sure that the days are not too busy. Give yourself some time just to rest and do nothing, especially in the first days after arriving at the place of rest.

Rule #4

When choosing how to get to a place of rest, you need to remember the peculiarities of traveling by different modes of transport, which can affect the health of mother and baby.

It happens that you can only get to your destination by plane - then there is no other choice. Traveling by plane during pregnancy, of course, significantly reduces travel time, but it can be a serious test for the body of a future mother and baby. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons when choosing a vacation spot. It should be remembered that during a flight during pregnancy, there are quite sharp changes in atmospheric pressure (this happens during takeoff and landing), which can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus and blood vessels and lead to impaired placental blood flow, premature detachment of the placenta, especially if there are prerequisites for this ( for example, low attachment of the placenta) or to rupture of the amniotic sac with the development of preterm labor. In addition, sitting in one position for a long time can adversely affect the blood circulation of the pelvic organs and legs. If the blood supply to the uterus deteriorates, it means that fetal hypoxia (oxygen starvation) may develop, which may affect the formation and maturation of the growing organism. Evidence of hypoxia can be both increased fetal movement and a decrease in its activity. Also, with a long sitting, the pregnant uterus presses the rectum to the pelvic floor, causing the vessels to squeeze, blood flow is disturbed and there is a high risk of developing or exacerbating hemorrhoids, varicose veins of the legs, thrombophlebitis.

During pregnancy, the spine also experiences a large load, this is aggravated by a shift in the center of gravity in expectant mothers.

Traveling by train during pregnancy is the safest mode of transport, but it is still advisable for the expectant mother to choose the most comfortable travel conditions (compartment or SV-car). On the train, you can lie down and relax comfortably, unloading the spine, as well as the vessels of the legs and small pelvis (for the prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids).

Traveling during pregnancy by bus or car is desirable for short distances so that the travel time does not exceed three hours. What are these restrictions? Firstly, a long sitting position creates a large load on the spine, vessels of the legs and small pelvis. Secondly, traveling by car is often accompanied by shaking, even when the road is in perfect condition (especially since the tracks are far from being in good condition everywhere), which can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the general well-being of a pregnant woman. Thirdly, during such a trip, the expectant mother can get sick, which of course will worsen her general well-being and overshadow the pleasant impressions of the trip.

River and sea cruises can be quite comfortable for an expectant mother. However, they may hold a few surprises, especially for those who have never traveled this way. Most often it is motion sickness with nausea and vomiting, as well as fear of water. If before pregnancy the expectant mother tolerated this method of transportation well, then most likely (with a normal pregnancy) there will be no surprises, but a change in well-being is possible not for the better. Therefore, being in an interesting position, it is better to refuse such trips.

Rule #5

The expectant mother on vacation and while traveling needs to take care of hygiene. You should not drink raw water, it is better if it is bottled, be sure to wash vegetables or fruits, do not try food on the street, especially in Asian countries, where raw meat, fish and other seafood are often used in dishes, generously seasoned with various spices (this can still provoke an exacerbation, the development of a disease of the digestive system or food poisoning).

Do not forget to wash your hands with soap or use wet cleansing wipes, preferably with an antibacterial effect or special antiseptic gels. Do not dry your hands with shared towels, but use hygienic paper.

It is advisable to walk along the beach in shoes, since in many exotic countries (Africa, India, South America, Vietnam), helminthiases are common, infection with which occurs through the skin of the legs or other parts of the body that have come into contact with the ground. For the same reasons, you should not swim in unknown water bodies - choose specially designed and equipped places (for example, a hotel beach).

Rule number 6. Take care of insurance and documents

Before traveling, a pregnant woman must take with her an exchange card, a conclusion from a doctor, which is desirable to be translated into English or another language used in the country of rest.

Before traveling, a pregnant woman must also take care of insurance, carefully study what cases it covers, whether it includes complications during pregnancy. According to international rules, medical insurance usually does not include cases related to pregnancy and childbirth (although in some countries it is valid for up to 12 weeks). You should keep this in mind and provide an additional amount for unforeseen medical expenses.

You should definitely discuss your future trip with a gynecologist. Contraindications for long-distance travel include exacerbation of any chronic diseases, including allergic ones, problems with the formation or work of the placenta, for example, its low location, fetoplacental insufficiency, the risk of uterine bleeding, threatened miscarriage, preeclampsia, multiple pregnancy, miscarriages or premature births in past.

Rule number 7. Avoid overexertion

Being in an interesting position, expectant mothers are prone to emotional swings and fatigue, and rest should be enjoyable. So do not go forcibly, for example, on a tour or shopping, if there is no desire and strength, you should listen to your feelings and emotions. It is also not recommended to plan days that are too busy: of course, new impressions are necessary for a good rest, but you should not get carried away, because you can also quickly get tired of overly active pastime and changing pictures will no longer bring joy.

Rule number 8. Do not lift weights during pregnancy

While waiting for the baby, pregnant women are not recommended to lift weights, so it is better not to take bulky and heavy luggage with you. If there is no way to avoid this or the expectant mother goes on a trip without a man's shoulder, then bags and suitcases should be on wheels, with long handles, and even in this case they should not be heavy. At the station and at the airport you can use the services of a porter, and at the hotel do not refuse the help of a porter.

How to avoid motion sickness?

While traveling by any means of transport, the expectant mother is not immune from motion sickness, even if the woman has not previously suffered from this ailment. Motion sickness is a vestibular disorder that occurs when a person moves in any form of transport and is perceived as a feeling of lightheadedness, impending loss of consciousness, dizziness, unsteadiness, with possible nausea and vomiting, sometimes bringing only temporary relief. This condition most often develops due to the increased sensitivity of the vestibular apparatus and in violation of the assessment of information received from it and the eyes to the brain. Such changes quite often occur during pregnancy. Other manifestations of motion sickness can be a change in taste, increased salivation with frequent swallowing movements, palpitations, increased pressure, sweating, blanching, less often reddening of the skin, rapid breathing, headache, tinnitus, lethargy, drowsiness. Drugs against motion sickness are contraindicated during pregnancy, so you will have to use non-drug means:

  • When planning a trip during pregnancy, you should choose places where you get the least motion sickness. For water modes of transport, you should book a cabin in the forward or middle part of the ship or on the upper deck. On an airplane - places at the leading edge of the wing, and during the flight, a stream of air from the ventilation system should be directed to your face. On the train, you should choose seats by the window in front of the car and sit facing in the direction of travel. In the car - the front passenger seat, and on the bus, the seats are closer to the driver in the direction of travel;
  • while driving, you should try to concentrate your eyes on the horizon line or on a distant stationary object, also look forward, and not into the side windows;
  • do not read while driving or use a mobile phone to play or read. During movement, the text is viewed from a different angle than in the normal state, and reading can cause deterioration;
  • it is better to keep your head still, leaning back on the seat;
  • during a boat trip, you should try not to look at moving objects;
  • fatty, spicy, smoked, salty or other "heavy" foods, milk, sugary carbonated drinks, and overeating should be avoided before and during the trip, so as not to overstimulate gastric motility and the production of digestive enzymes, which can subsequently lead to nausea and vomiting. Before traveling on any form of transport, you should definitely have a bite to eat, since with an empty stomach there is a greater likelihood of nausea;
  • during the trip, it is also recommended to moisten the palms, neck, temples and forehead with water;
  • To prevent motion sickness, regular lozenges, especially those with lemon or mint flavors, can help. You can also use lemon by adding its juice to drinking water or by holding a small slice in your mouth from time to time. You can take aromatic oils of ginger, pine needles or orange with you. They have antiemetic and tonic properties, therefore, by dropping oil, for example, on a handkerchief, you can periodically inhale it to prevent motion sickness.
  • you can pre-purchase special pillows for the neck and lower back, so that you can get comfortable;
  • during a flight or moving by other means of transport, you can take off your shoes, periodically rotate your feet, move your toes to restore blood flow in the vessels and improve blood outflow, preventing the development of varicose veins, hemorrhoids, as well as impaired blood flow in the placenta;
  • if the trip is long, then it is advisable to get up more often and walk around the cabin of an airplane or train; when traveling by car, you need to periodically stop, go out and do a light workout;
  • with a tendency to varicose veins, you can wear anti-varicose knitwear (tights, stockings or stockings).

A car is a universal tool that helps a woman to facilitate the implementation of plans as much as possible. Traveling by car, a pregnant woman makes important trips in a short time, moving comfortably through the streets.

Can you drive a car while pregnant?

Pregnancy is a natural physiological state, which by no means can be called a disease. With good health, there is no need to change your usual lifestyle and give up driving. Traveling by car has a number of serious advantages for the expectant mother.

  • The car provides a pregnant woman with comfortable movement around the city in any weather.
  • Helps to avoid crowded public transport, where not everyone will give up their seat, and different smells can provoke nausea.
  • A future mother who knows how to drive a car does not need to stand at a bus stop, wait and storm the bus in order to be in time for a doctor's appointment or for work.
  • Own car saves a woman from a large crowd of people, which is the prevention of various colds that are completely unnecessary for a pregnant woman.
  • For an experienced driver, driving a car gives a lot of positive emotions.
  • In the car, you can create your own microclimate, which makes it much easier to endure any weather conditions - summer heat or winter bad weather.
  • At any moment, a woman can stop and rest a little, especially if you need to travel long enough distances.

Travel safety rules

A mother-to-be should remember that driving a pregnant woman is a serious responsibility. Before getting into the car, you need to consider a few important points related to safety.

  • Poor health or toxicosis? Refrain from traveling. If this is not possible, ask someone close to you to take you or call a taxi. If you have high blood pressure, you should also avoid solo travel.
  • You should not learn to drive a car at any stage of pregnancy. This can cause severe stress that can harm you and the unborn baby. Driving around the city or over long distances is acceptable if you are an experienced driver with good training.
  • No motorcycle rides, even if you are the leader of a local bike club and are a master of two-wheelers. This is unacceptable at any stage of pregnancy.
  • For trips, choose a quiet time, when there are few cars on the street, so as not to be stuck in a traffic jam.
  • It is imperative for pregnant women to buckle up in the car, while the seat belt should not squeeze the stomach.
  • Do not develop a high speed of movement. During pregnancy, concentration and reaction are reduced.
  • Always take your mobile phone, exchange card and passport with you, especially in late pregnancy.
  • Do not drive during heavy rain or ice.

Whether pregnant women can drive a car or not is up to you. Remember that you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the life of the baby. And one more important point: in pregnant women, as a rule, intuition is sharpened. Even if you feel great, but, for some reason, do not want to drive, it is better to listen to yourself and use public transport or, if possible, avoid trips on this day.