Emergency first aid for burns

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A burn is an injury to the skin and muscle tissue as a result of exposure to high temperatures, over 55 degrees Celsius. Mortality from extensive burns ranks second after road traffic injuries.

What can cause a burn?

A source of thermal burns is incandescent objects, open flames, hot liquids and hot steam, as well as electrical injury. The cause of such lesions, most often, is a person's inattention or an accident.

There are risk factors for getting a thermal burn:

  1. Professional activities associated with sources of damaging effects (cooks, electricians, boiler room operators, etc.)
  2. People who have certain neuropsychiatric diseases, in particular epilepsy and people with disabilities.
  3. Inappropriate use of flammable liquids for ignition or heating (kerosene, etc.)
  4. Irresponsible use of household appliances. When working with all household appliances, strict adherence to safety precautions is required, which are warned by the instructions for using this or that device.

Burn classification

Thermal burns are divided into extensive and non-extensive. The measure of measurement is conventionally considered to be the size of a person's palm, equated to 1% of the entire skin. A non-extensive burn is considered to be a lesion area of ​​up to 10%, and above this figure, an extensive burn is diagnosed. Household injuries in the kitchen that damage the upper layer of the epidermis are considered minor. Extensive lesions affect deep layers. According to the depth of the defect, 4 degrees are classified.

  1. First degree thermal burn

    Symptoms of a first-degree burn are: burning, moderate pain, slight redness, and sometimes swelling. In three days, the wound surface is restored without leaving any traces.

  2. Second degree thermal burn

    Damage in the second degree forms bubbles with a liquid content. After opening them, drying crusts (scabs) form and after two weeks the skin is restored.

  3. Third degree thermal burn

    The third degree is characterized by deep skin lesions. Under the influence of high temperatures, the proteins of the skin and blood coagulate, forming a deep scab. Under it, the wound heals up, leaving a scar.

  4. The fourth degree of thermal burn.

    The most severe degree of thermal injury. Not only the skin is affected, but also organs, tissues and bones. It is characterized by skin charring and necrosis of damaged tissues.

Third and fourth degree burns are considered severe injuries. Most often, they have a large area, which threatens with burn disease that ends in death. Extensive thermal lesions of more than one third of the surface are fatal. The victims experience a painful shock, the decay products of dead tissues cause intoxication of the body. Urgent help is needed.

Ways to provide first aid for thermal burns at home

  1. It is necessary to remove the source of injury (extinguish the flame, turn off the electrical device, remove the victim from the affected area).
  2. Substitute a small burn under a stream of cold water, apply a dry sterile bandage. If you feel well and there are no dangerous signs, you can apply Levomekol or Pantestin ointment under the bandage.
  3. In case of extensive burns, carefully remove the smoldering remnants of clothing from the person, cool the affected areas with wet compresses or plain water.
  4. Apply dry, sterile dressings and call an ambulance.
  5. Before the arrival of an ambulance, the victim must be at rest, in a comfortable position. At any temperature, the victim should be covered.
  6. If the victim is unconscious, he should be laid to one side.
  7. In case of burn shock, the victim should be laid on his back and slightly raised the lower limbs.
  8. If possible, the victim should drink water (preferably mineral or Renidron).
  9. Pulse control, respiratory function is required. In an emergency, in the absence of breathing and cardiac activity, resuscitation should be started - artificial respiration with indirect heart massage.
  10. The victim is taken to the hospital, where doctors carry out anti-burn therapy. Anti-shock measures are prescribed, narcotic drugs are prescribed to relieve pain. For the healing of large burned surfaces, they resort to skin plastic surgery. Treatment of the general condition includes the normalization of water-electrolyte metabolism, acid-base balance, prevention and treatment of the cardiovascular system, and the fight against intoxication.
    The prognosis for recovery depends on the severity of the lesion and the extent, on the age of the victim.

Burn- This is tissue damage caused by exposure to heat, chemicals, radiation energy and electric current.

Thermal burns arise from direct exposure to the body of high temperature (flame, boiling water, burning and hot liquids and gases, hot objects, molten metals, etc.).

The severity of damage depends on the temperature, the duration of exposure, the extent of the lesion, the location of the burn and the general condition of the body. Flames and pressurized steam can cause particularly severe burns. Patients with lesions of 50% of the body surface or more have a poor prognosis.

Depending on the depth of the lesion, burns are divided into superficial(1st and 2nd degrees) and deep(3rd and 4th degrees).

For burns of the 1st degree the following signs can be distinguished:

Redness of the skin;


Moderate swelling

Feeling hot;

After 3-6 days, all phenomena disappear, and the process ends with sloughing of the surface layers of the epidermis.

Second degree burns:

Sharp redness of the skin;

Strong pain;

Significant swelling of the skin

The formation of bubbles filled with a clear and slightly yellowish liquid. Bubbles come in a variety of sizes, with some forming immediately and others forming within hours.

Healing with second-degree burns lasts 10-14 days. With suppuration (in cases of blister rupture), healing will take up to 3-4 weeks. In this case, thin superficial scars will remain.

With burns of the III degree and necrosis of all layers of the skin is observed.

At the site of the burn, the proteins of skin cells and blood coagulate and a dense scab (crust) is formed, under which there are damaged and dead tissue. Pain sensitivity in the burned area is reduced or absent due to damage to sensitive nerve endings located in the skin. If the scab arose under the influence of a flame, then it has a dark brown color, and in cases of the action of hot liquids, steam, thermal radiation - a grayish marble color.

The healing process begins at the edges of the affected area, lasts 4–6 weeks or more, and ends with deep scars.

IY degree burns(charring) are accompanied by damage to the skin and deep-lying tissues (muscles, bones, tendons, etc.). Healing of grade III and IY burns occurs very slowly, and often the closure of the burn surface is possible only with the help of skin grafting

First aid for thermal burns:

Interrupt the damaging effect as soon as possible (removal from the fire, throw off clothes, extinguish the flame by wrapping the victim with a tarp, blanket, in certain situations, the flame is extinguished with water, rolling on the ground). Clothes are cut and discarded as it is less traumatic. Areas of clothing that have adhered to the skin are not ripped off, but clipped around, some of which can be left in place. In case of burns of the upper extremities, immediately remove rings, rings, watches, bracelets;

With a burn of the 1st degree cool the affected area with cold running water for 15-30 minutes. It is enough to treat burnt skin several times a day with special aerosols such as "Panthenol", "Vinisol" (intended for the treatment of superficial burns). The bandage does not need to be applied.

With a burn of the II degree, in which bubbles have already formed, and some of them have already burst or the integrity of the skin has been violated, the burn area cannot be treated with alcohol, because this causes severe pain and burning. Bubbles must not be pierced as they are they protect the burned surface from infection. A dry sterile napkin must be applied to the burn wound, which is fixed with a bandage.

Extensive burns are allowed to be covered with a clean cloth (sheets, diapers), clean parts of clothing (shirt, dress), in extreme cases, leave the wound uncovered. Immobilize the injured hand with a support kerchief if the victim can move by himself.

To prevent shock the victim must be given a gentle position, covered with warmth, and given painkillers. In case of significant burns of the extremities, transport immobilization is indicated, it should ensure such a position of the burned parts of the body, in which the skin will be in the maximally stretched position. Drink only 1 teaspoon of soda and 0.5 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water or mineral water only with a clear consciousness and the absence of trauma to the abdomen with a saline-alkaline solution.

Transportation of a victim with extensive burns is carried out with extreme caution. To facilitate the transfer of the patient, it is necessary to put a strong cloth (tarpaulin, blanket) in advance, by grasping which, you can quite easily transfer the patient to a stretcher without causing him additional pain.

In case of thermal burns, it is prohibited:

Apply oil, ointments and balms to the surface of the burn.

Treat burns with alcohol, iodine, brilliant green.

Pierce, cut, remove bubbles.

Remove loose skin or clothing debris from the wound.

Try to give water to the victim if he is unconscious.

Chemical burns arise from exposure to the body of concentrated acids (hydrochloric, sulfuric, nitric, acetic, carbolic) and alkalis (caustic potassium and caustic soda, ammonia, quicklime), phosphorus and some heavy metal salts (silver nitrate, zinc chloride, etc.) ...

The severity and depth of damage depends on the type and concentration of chemicals and the duration of exposure.

When chemical burns heal, deep scars form. The course of chemical burns is sluggish, slow in the process of cleansing and healing wounds. Such complications as shock are almost never encountered with them.

First aid for chemical burns:

Wash off chemical with water. Quicklime is washed off with oil;

Close the burn wound with a wide sterile (clean dry) bandage;

Pain relief for intense pain;

Gentle immobilization for burns of extremities;

Transport position - in which the least discomfort and pain

Death from burns occupies a leading position in the general list of types of mortality. The reason for this is not only ignoring the help of specialists with injuries, but also the inability to provide the necessary assistance. Therefore, it is relevant to be able to determine the degree of burns, as well as to navigate in the provision of first aid to victims of thermal, chemical, electrical burns.

Symptoms, local and general processes after burns

  • Actions in case of an electrical burn before the arrival of doctors. This type of burn is characterized by the fact that when receiving it, the victim passed an electric current through his body, which can cause cardiac arrest, numerous wounds. A person who has suffered from contact with an electric current must consult a doctor without fail - cardiac arrest may not occur immediately, but several hours after the incident. First aid includes:
  1. Elimination of the current source. If such a source is open, then to remove it from the victim, you need to use an object that does not pass current: wood, rubber, plastic things.
  2. Providing cardiac massage in case of pulselessness. This procedure must be performed until an ambulance arrives, regardless of whether it is possible to feel the pulse or not.
  3. Spraying with water, using ammonia- if the victim is unconscious.

The rest of the measures for assistance with electrical burns are identical to those for thermal burns.

  • First aid for chemical burns. The latter is a consequence of the action of alkaline, acidic materials on the skin, mucous membranes. With such a burn, a change in skin color does not occur, but its soft layers can be destroyed irrevocably. To help a person who is under the influence of a chemical agent, you should:
  1. Eliminate the source of the chemical burn.
  2. Cleanse the skin of chemicals by rinsing under running water (at least 20 minutes). If the burn is caused by calcium oxide, then the water cannot be used - a strong chemical reaction can occur. In this case, a solution of water with sugar is suitable, in which you need to soak the fabric and attach it to the burn site. Substances that contain aluminum can ignite on contact with ordinary water. Here you need to use oils (gasoline, kerosene).
  3. Treat the wound with a solution of acetic acid or alkali. To do this, you need to dilute a teaspoon of vinegar or soda in a glass of water. The first solution is used when the burn was caused by alkalis, the second type is relevant for neutralizing acids.
  4. Give the victim at least 1 liter of purified cold water to drink, provide warmth before the arrival of doctors.

General rules of prevention

A large percentage of fires and burns occur due to the carelessness of people, who then suffer. There are basic precautions that can be taken to reduce burn injury:

  • No smoking in bed.
  • Installing fire alarms in your home or office will reduce the risk of accidents. In the house, such alarms are recommended to be installed not in one, but in several copies: a kitchen, a room with a fireplace / stove.
  • Each company should have its own evacuation plan in case of fire. With such a plan, each employee must be familiarized with signature.
  • Knowing how to use a fire extinguisher is a very useful thing. It can be useful not only at work, but also at home. Each employee should know where the fire extinguisher is located.
  • If there is a water heater at home / at the company, the heating temperature should not exceed 50 C.
  • Paints and varnishes should be tightly corked, stored in a room where it is constantly ventilated. Within the working area, such products must be placed in a special container.
  • It is necessary to regularly check the serviceability of the shields and their fuses. The latter must be made of reliable materials;
  • The place for waste paper is the basement.
  • When organizing fireworks, the terrain must be carefully thought out, all precautions are taken.

First aid for thermal burns is a set of measures that help reduce the negative effects of skin damage. The further condition of the victim and the healing process of the wound surface depend on these actions.

Burns are classified according to the severity and etiology of the lesion. There are such types of burns:

  • thermal (the cause of damage to the skin and tissues is the high temperature of flame, steam, water, hot object);
  • chemical (occurs when exposed to chemicals: acids, alkalis, various solutions);
  • electric (the source of damage is an electric discharge);
  • radiation (negative impact on the condition and integrity of the skin radiation of various nature. It can be solar, ultraviolet, ionizing rays).

Thermal burns can occur at work, at home, on the street and anywhere else. The reason is non-observance of safety rules, domestic injuries, car and plane crashes, fires, explosions and others. In addition to external damage, there are thermal lesions of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, larynx, esophagus and stomach. Such cases are associated with the intake of hot food or drinks.

Based on the vastness of the wound surface, the depth of the lesion and the general condition of the victim, burns are classified by stages:

  1. At stage I, there is no wound and blisters at the site of the burn. Redness and burning are observed. With this degree of damage, the victim does not need hospitalization. The damaged surface heals within 3-4 days without complications.
  2. At the II degree, blisters appear, tissue hyperemia, necrosis of the epidermal layer, pain are observed. With proper first aid, the burn site heals in 10-12 days. If a child is injured or the wound surface of an adult occupies a large area, you should call an ambulance or contact a burn center.
  3. At grade III, necrosis of the upper layer of the skin and dermis is observed. A brown or grayish scab appears on the damaged area. Under it, bright pink areas of the dermis are visualized. Blisters with serous fluid appear inside. Often, suppuration occurs at the site of burst blisters. The healing process largely depends on the pre-medical treatment of the wound. In the absence of complications, regeneration occurs in 30-40 days.

If a burn has caused necrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, then a dark dry scab from a flame or a soft viscous gray scab from steam and boiling water forms at the wound site. The discharge of the scab is often accompanied by an inflammatory process with wound suppuration. Healing is slow and ends 4-5 weeks after the incident. At the site of the burn, a trace remains in the form of a spot and a scar.

  1. Stage IV is the most severe. It is characterized by carbonization and death of tissues, muscles, tendons, bones. The process of rejection of dead tissue is slow and painful, often with complications. Such severe injuries can cause amputation of the phalanges of the fingers, hands, limbs.

Stages 1-2 are superficial and injuries heal on their own with the help of medications. Treatment of stages 3 and 4 requires the participation of doctors, often in surgical intervention.

First aid at home

Adhering to a certain sequence in the provision of first aid, it is possible to alleviate the condition of the victim, to reduce the risk of the spread of the burn, the appearance of inflammation and suppuration.

Thermal burn first aid algorithm:

  • eliminate the source of injury;
  • free the wound site from clothing. It is unacceptable to tear off adhered tissue from the wound. It needs to be cut off the free areas, and the rest should be left in the wound;
  • cool the burned area under running water, or lower the body part with the wound surface into water. At 3 and 4 degrees, you should first apply an aseptic bandage, and then immerse the damaged area in a container with cool water for 20 minutes;
  • treat the burn with Chlorhexidine solution, lubricate with medicinal regenerating liniment, give anesthetic;
  • bandage the wound to avoid infection;
  • with extensive burns, shock may occur, which will manifest itself as a decrease in blood pressure, pallor, anxiety, respiratory failure, tachycardia and other signs. In this case, it is necessary to provide the patient with plenty of drink and wait for the arrival of an ambulance.

First aid actions for different degrees of burns

First aid for thermal burns of varying degrees:

Severity of injury Feature of emergency care
Stage 1 A first-degree burn does not require a bandage. It is enough to apply a medicated ointment or spray.
Stage 2 The damaged area is cooled, treated with a regenerating ointment and a sterile bandage is applied. If blisters appear, then large ones must be hooked at the base and exudate released, but not to tear off the exfoliated skin. Pain medication should be given for complaints of pain.
Stage 3 Cooling the wound should be done after removing clothes and applying a wet bandage. Do not remove the skin from the burst blisters. The wound is treated with a solution of chlorhexidine, furacilin or boric acid. To relieve pain, the place is sprayed with 0.5% novocaine for 5-7 minutes. Then a bandage is applied with Syntomycin, Methyluracil ointment, Panthenol, Levomecol, Betadine, Povidone-iodine. The patient should be given plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

Calling an ambulance team or self-delivery of the victim to a medical facility is mandatory.

Stage 4 Helping a severely injured person from a burn is to alleviate his condition and provide him with plenty of drink before the ambulance arrives. After treatment, the cooled wound surface is covered with a sterile bandage. The patient is given pain relievers or injections with narcotic analgesics. Treatment is carried out in a specialized medical burn center.

Follow-up medical treatment

Inpatients who have grade 1 burns are not shown inpatient treatment. Light damage to the skin is treated at home with the use of regenerating drugs.

At grade 2, the patient is hospitalized if the burn occupies a large area. Without fail, the doctor prescribes analgesics, antibiotics, topical agents with anti-inflammatory and healing properties. An ointment bandage is applied to the wound, which is regularly changed 2-3 times a week. Plastic surgery may be necessary if the face or other open areas became the site of the burn, as well as if the treatment proceeded with complications, which led to the formation of scars.

The third and fourth degrees of burns are characterized by deep damage and necrosis of the skin and tissues. The healing process of such wounds is divided into several stages, each of which requires a special approach to treatment:

  • The purulent-necrotic stage in healing proceeds with pronounced hyperemia of the wound surface, tissue edema, and suppuration. Therapy is aimed at excluding the spread of infection;
  • granulation is characterized by the cleansing of the wound from dead tissue and purulent masses, a decrease in edema. Treatment is aimed at removing the discharge from the wound. For this, hygroscopic dressings are used;
  • epithelialization is the repair of the skin or the formation of scar tissue. It is important to observe a gentle regimen for the wound in order to promote its complete healing.

Surgical therapy for burns is divided into three types:

  • necrotomy (performed in severe forms of burn wounds to prevent subfascial edema);
  • necrectomy (removal of scabs to clean the wound from tissue affected by necrosis and / or amputation of the limb);
  • dermatoplasty (used for 2-3 degree burns to eliminate a cosmetic defect).

Possible complications

The correct provision of first aid in the order of the necessary actions is of great importance for the further course of the healing process. To prevent wound infection, it is necessary to carefully follow the rules of asepsis and medical recommendations.

Traditional medicine does not welcome the use of traditional methods of therapy, since an illiterate approach to the implementation of first aid can lead to negative consequences. Especially when it comes to deep wounds and burns of the respiratory tract, organs of vision, digestive tract.

Careless handling of fire, boiling liquids, and chemicals can cause burns. The severity of burn injury depends on the size of the affected body surface.

First aid for chemical burns

When providing first aid for chemical burns, the first step is to remove the clothes soaked in chemicals. An area burnt with acid (with the exception of sulfuric) or alkali is washed abundantly with water and neutralizing solutions (the acid is neutralized by an alkaline solution, for example, soda solution, and the alkali, on the contrary, neutralizes a weak acidic solution, for example, water with lemon juice or citric acid - just do not overdo it with a dose).

How to determine the degree of a burn?

At the first degree of the burn, there is redness, swelling, pain. Moderate and severe burns are associated with blistering (grade 2 burns), wounds or bursting blisters (grade 3 burns), and tissue necrosis and carbonization (grade 4 burns). Burns of 3-4 degrees should not be cleaned and lubricated. It is necessary to apply a sterile bandage and seek medical help. It is necessary to immediately call for medical attention and for extensive burns of any degree. They are life threatening.

First aid for thermal burns

Cool the burn site. Before that, remove all things from the burnt area of ​​the body. The stuck clothes should not be torn off from the burn - the fabric around it must be cut off. In the first and second degree - cool the burned area of ​​the skin with running water for 10 - 15 minutes. In case of third and fourth degree burns, a clean, wet bandage is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin; a container with cold water is used for cooling. Then the victim needs rest and anti-shock measures.

First aid for thermal burns - what not to do

Lubricate the affected area of ​​the skin with oil, regular cream, protein, urea, etc. Do not apply panthenol and any other means for burns on the freshly burned area of ​​the skin without cooling it. Do not lubricate with these means burns of the 3rd and 4th degrees.

Also, you can not tear off the adhered clothes and pierce the resulting bubbles.

When should you call an ambulance immediately?

Always call an ambulance if:

  • The area of ​​the burn is greater than 5% (1 palm of the victim = 1% of the body)
  • A burn (of any degree) occurred in a child or elderly person
  • If it is a 3rd degree burn (blisters burst, wounds formed)
  • If the groin is burned
  • When both hands or feet are burned
  • When the mouth or nose, head, or airways are burned *

* Respiratory tract burn is equivalent to 30% 1st degree burn


How to provide first aid for thermal burns

If you, or someone close to you, received a thermal burn, then you should not panic, but you must immediately perform several simple manipulations. The further course of the disease will depend on your competent actions.

First of all, it is necessary to remove the source that caused the burn. Of course, if you burn your fingers on a hot pan, you will instantly pull your hand, but if boiling water is spilled on your clothes, you can get confused. Free the damaged area from clothes, even if you no longer feel that things are hot on you.

In the event of a thermal sunburn, you must go into the shade yourself or move the victim. When you do not have such an opportunity, cover the place of the burn with a light, light cloth, or better create a shadow over the victim using available means.

In case of a first-degree burn, that is, when only redness of the skin is observed, without violating its integrity, substitute the burned part of the body under a stream of cool clean water. Such a procedure will help to locally reduce the surface temperature of the skin and produce short-term pain relief.

Contrary to popular belief, you cannot smear the place of the burn with sour cream or butter. The burnt surface of the body, even with the first degree of the burn, receives microtraumas, and the application of such products leads to its infection. With a burn, a local inflammatory reaction of the skin is triggered, and bacteria from sour cream or another product contribute to increased inflammation, so the burned area will take longer to heal.

With a second-degree burn, blisters appear on the skin - remember that they cannot be opened. All your actions should be aimed at creating antiseptic conditions on the damaged surface. If you have a first aid kit, place a sterile bandage over the burn, but do not make the bandage tight.

Do not treat a burnt body with iodine or alcohol. Such actions on the damaged skin will provoke the addition of a chemical burn. You can pour over the place of the burn with anesthetic sterile solutions from ampoules, such as: "Lidocaine", "Dikoin", "Ultracaine".

Use sprays or aerosols that have antiseptic, wound healing and analgesic effects, such as Panthenol or Livian.

When large bubbles appear on the burnt place and burst themselves, the skin becomes brown or blackens - this is a third-fourth degree burn. In this case, after excluding the source of the burn, it is necessary to immediately give the patient pain relievers, since his condition is threatened with pain shock. The more powerful pain medications you use, the better for the patient. In this state, you should take the tablets "Ketarol", "Ketonal" or "Ketanov".


First aid rules for burns: thermal, chemical, electrical

Death from burns occupies a leading position in the general list of types of mortality. The reason for this is not only ignoring the help of specialists with injuries, but also the inability to provide the necessary assistance. Therefore, it is relevant to be able to determine the degree of burns, as well as to navigate in the provision of first aid to victims of thermal, chemical, electrical burns.

In general processes, there is a burn disease, which is a consequence of noticeable lesions, characterized by transformations of internal organs / systems. As a result of such transformations, the body is loaded with toxins, which dulls the capabilities of the defense system. There is an imbalance in protein, water-salt metabolism.

In its development, burn disease goes through 3 stages, each of which is characterized by duration, symptoms:

It is permissible to treat such a shock only in a hospital, under the regular supervision of medical specialists.

First aid is a system of adequate measures to be taken over a burn victim. Such measures can not only speed up resuscitation in the future, but sometimes - save lives.

Burns, depending on their nature, are different, which also classifies the type of first aid for certain burns:

If there is a thermal burn of the I-II degree, the victim is able to perform these measures on his own. With more severe degrees - the help of others, doctors is needed.

In any case, you should consult a doctor if the burn injured the face (mouth, eyes, nasal sinuses), neck, groin area, the victim has a fever, vomiting has begun, and there is a suspicion of a burn of the respiratory tract.

The rest of the measures for assistance with electrical burns are identical to those for thermal burns.

A large percentage of fires and burns occur due to the carelessness of people, who then suffer. There are basic precautions that can be taken to reduce burn injury:


How to properly provide first aid for burns

Timely first aid for burns relieves the condition of the victim and plays an important role in recovery. Speaking of a burn, they mean a physical injury that is caused by exposure to electric current, chemical environment, high temperature. Such injuries on the body cause a lot of discomfort and can lead to painful shock.

Features of burns and their healing

The severity of the lesion depends on the area affected and the depth of tissue carbonization. Due to the violation of the protective properties of the epidermis, loss of fluid and blood, the victim is in critical condition. Traumatic shock is aggravated by metabolic disorders and inflammation. Among the degrees of burns, the following signs are distinguished:

  1. Redness of the skin, burning.
  2. Blisters that burst.
  3. Protein coagulation, scab formation.
  4. Damage to soft tissues, up to muscles, bones.
A burn from an overturned mug or kettle of boiling water is not uncommon at home. Since domestic injuries remain a frequent occurrence, everyone should be able to perform first aid.

Competent help to yourself or loved ones minimizes the risk of infection and amputation.

Providing first aid

Careless handling of boiling water and steam, careless handling of fire, or excessive exposure to ultraviolet light results in burns. With the 1st or 2nd degree of heat injury without complications and infection, first aid should be provided at home.

Regardless of the cause of the defeat, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Elimination of a traumatic object. The affected area is cooled with running water.
  2. The tissue adhering to the body is cut, taking care not to disturb the integrity of the epidermis.
  3. Cover the surface with a sterilized tissue without touching the wound.
  4. To neutralize the shock state, ice is applied over the bandage.
  5. Be sure to drink every 15 minutes, and use Nurofen or Tempalgin for pain relief.

The help provided before the arrival of the doctor will protect against complications. The victim can be discoordinated by severe pain, you need to communicate with him continuously. The body fights external infection by trying to neutralize it. Subsequently, the doctor will prescribe treatment in accordance with the patient's condition. Rehabilitation in a medical facility will be much faster and more successful.


Dryness and tightness are the main symptoms. The skin hurts when touched, quickly begins to peel off. Severe ultraviolet burns can be accompanied by fever due to heatstroke, the appearance of a rash, and abscesses.

You should go to a place protected from the sun. Protect your body from the sun as much as possible with cotton clothing soaked in cold water. In case of burns, try not to wear clothes that expose large areas of the body.

After taking a shower at room temperature, an ice compress is required. You can treat the turgor with furacilin, aloe juice or manganese solution. Relieve painful sensations with Ibuprofen or Aspirin. You can moisturize burnt skin with a cream containing chamomile and vitamin E.


After removing the victim from the danger zone, provide an inflow of fresh air, extinguish burning clothes. Feelings may resemble frostbite. The burned areas are cooled with bandages with snow, ice, cryopacks. This reduces the depth of tissue damage.

Then an aseptic bandage is applied. Ketorol, Nise will help relieve spasms. Do not pierce the bubbles, as this is a defensive reaction of the body. If the wound is not dry, sterile bandages soaked in an antiseptic solution will help to avoid purulent complications.

This is a brief procedure for rehabilitating actions on the first day. The patient is immediately admitted to the clinic, where diagnostics will be carried out.


Immediately stop the effect of electric current on the person. After being taken to a safe zone, the pulse is checked, the state of consciousness is assessed. Burn wounds are treated with an antiseptic, a bandage is applied. With complex degrees of damage, loss of consciousness, fractures, the patient is taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

Preparations based on sodium fusidin, which effectively fight staphylococcus, will help reduce infection with electric burns. Industrial discharges can be hazardous to the eyes. Seemingly mild damage can lead to decreased vision, photophobia and corneal edema.


Exposure to chemicals - alkalis, acids and other aggressive drugs - causes damage to the epidermis. After the skin is burned, it is advisable to rinse the affected area with running water to reduce the concentration of the hazardous substance. Remove solids with a cloth.

Treatment with a neutralizing solution is required. A solution of soda or burnt magnesia will help to remove the effect of acid. Wounds caused by steam or acidic gases are flushed with water. Lotions will help with a solution of acetic or boric acid.

What not to do

If the provision of first aid for burns is performed unprofessionally, this will worsen the patient's condition. Do not lubricate the wound with oil or substances containing fat.

Never put rosin and starch on top. Shoes and clothing burnt in a fire are carefully cut and removed. If you cannot remove the adhering scraps of tissue on your own, emergency specialists will take care of this.

Follow-up treatment

Each type of burn requires specific treatment. The doctor determines the degree of damage, guided by the classification of injuries. With the closed method, the wound is covered with a fibrin film with antibiotics, and with the open method, it is treated with coagulants. Surgical intervention involves the removal of dead tissue and further transplantation.

The bladder is treated by a surgeon using Levosin and anti-tetanus serum. A follow-up study will make it clear whether the patient needs anti-shock therapy. For complex lesions, sedatives and antidepressants are included in the treatment. Different types of burns leave ugly scars, which are treated with Solcoseryl and Actovegin. Complex wounds can only be corrected by a plastic surgeon.