Features of the culture of behavior in young children. Thesis: Education of a culture of behavior and friendly feelings in children of senior preschool age

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culture behavior preschooler upbringing

The relevance of the study lies in the fact that questions about the decisive role of educating a culture of behavior in the development and formation of personality have been recognized and raised in pedagogy since ancient times. There are many definitions of the concept of "culture of behavior". In the pedagogical dictionary, the culture of behavior is compliance with the basic requirements and rules of human society, the ability to find the right tone in communicating with others Voronin A.S. Glossary of terms in general and social pedagogy. Ekaterinburg: YSU, 2006. S. 32. . The culture of behavior is a set of forms of everyday human behavior (in work, at home, in communication with other people), in which the moral aesthetic norms of this behavior find external expression. The culture of behavior includes: manners of communication, etiquette, the highest degree of refinement, polished actions and deeds of a person, the perfection of his activity in various spheres of life.

L.N. Tolstoy highly appreciated the education of a culture of behavior and believed that of all the sciences that a person should know, the most important is the science of how to live, doing as little evil as possible and as much good as possible Konstantinov N.A., Medynsky E.N. , Shabaeva M.F. History of Pedagogy. M .: Education, 2002. S. 81 ..

However, among the teachers, S.V. Peterina. She believed that the culture of behavior of a preschooler can be defined as a set of sustainable forms of everyday behavior that are useful for society in everyday life, in communication, and in various activities. And the culture of behavior itself is not reduced to the formal observance of etiquette, it is closely connected with moral feelings and ideas and, in turn, reinforces them Peterina S.V. Education of a culture of behavior in preschool children. M .: Education, 1986. S. 14 ..

Other contemporary educators and psychologists also paid great attention to the issues of educating a culture of behavior in preschool children. As studies by E.A. Alyabyeva, L.R. Bolotina, I.N. Kurochkina, S.N. Nikolaeva, S.V. Peterina, the effectiveness of educating a culture of behavior largely depends on the correct organization of the collective activity of children, on its skillful combination with the methods of persuasion, and the accumulation of positive moral experience. In their works, scientists emphasize the importance of cultivating a culture of behavior, moral feelings of the child, and the development of moral relations. Any era, in accordance with its specific tasks of socio-economic and cultural development, dictates the need to form a culture of behavior.

Object of study: the culture of behavior of preschoolers.

Subject of study: the process of forming a culture of behavior in older preschoolers.

Purpose: to study the methodology for the formation of a culture of behavior in children of senior preschool age.

1. Define the concept of the culture of behavior of preschool children and characterize its components through the analysis of the studied literature.

2. To reveal the stages of the formation of a culture of behavior in preschool age.

3. To study the age-related features of the mental development of children of older preschool age.

4. Consider the methods and forms of organizing the upbringing of children of senior preschool age with a culture of behavior.

The method of research was determined by the generalization of pedagogical and methodological literature on the topic of work.

The practical significance lies in the fact that the results of a theoretical study can be used by teachers of a preschool educational institution in practice.

The structure of the work includes an introduction, which presents the relevance of the topic, defines the parameters of the study, 2 chapters, conclusion, list of references, glossary, application.

The second chapter reveals the features of the formation of a culture of behavior in children of senior preschool age.

In conclusion, the main conclusions are given.

The list of used literature contains 20 sources.

The appendix presents the rules of the culture of behavior of preschool children.

Chapter 1. Education of a culture of behavior in preschool children as a psychological and pedagogical problem

1.1 The concept of the culture of behavior of preschool children, the characteristics of its components through the analysis of the studied literature

culture behavior preschooler upbringing

Culture of behavior - compliance with the basic requirements and rules of human society, the ability to find the right tone in communicating with others. V. Belinsky spoke about the importance of educating a culture of behavior in children and its conditionality by moral standards: “Do not lose sight of any aspect of education: tell children about neatness, external cleanliness, about the nobility and dignity of manners and treatment of people; but deduce the necessity of all this from a common and higher source - not from the conditional demands of social knowledge or class, but from the loftiness of human knowledge, not from the conditional requirements of social knowledge or class, not from conventional concepts of decency, but from the eternal concepts of human dignity. » Kodzhaspirova G. M., Kodzhaspirov A. Yu. Dictionary of Pedagogy. M.: ICC "Mart"; Rostov n / a: Publishing Center "Mart", 2005. S. 152 - 153. .

The culture of activity is manifested in the behavior of the child in the classroom, in games, during the performance of labor assignments.

To form a culture of activity in a child means to educate him in the ability to keep in order the place where he works, studies, plays; the habit of finishing the work begun, taking care of toys, things, books.

Children in middle age, and especially in older preschool age, should learn to prepare everything necessary for classes, work, and select toys in accordance with the game plan. An important indicator of the culture of activity is a natural craving for interesting, meaningful activities, the ability to value time. At the senior preschool age, the child learns to regulate his activities and rest, quickly and in an organized manner to perform hygiene procedures, morning exercises. This will be a good basis for the formation of his skills in effective organization of work.

To determine what has been achieved in the upbringing of a culture of work activity, one can use such indicators as the ability and desire of the child to work, interest in the work performed, understanding of its purpose and social meaning; activity, independence; manifestation of strong-willed efforts in achieving the required result; mutual assistance in team work.

The culture of communication provides for the implementation by the child of the norms and rules of communication with adults and peers, based on respect and goodwill, using the appropriate vocabulary and forms of address, as well as polite behavior in public places and everyday life.

The culture of communication implies the ability not only to act in the right way, but also to refrain from actions, words, and gestures that are inappropriate in a given situation. The child must be taught to notice the condition of other people. Already from the first years of life, a child must understand when it is possible to run and when it is necessary to slow down desires, because at a certain moment, in a certain situation, such behavior becomes unacceptable, that is, act guided by a sense of respect for others. It is respect for others, combined with simplicity, naturalness in the manner of speaking and showing one's feelings, that characterizes such an important quality of a child as sociability.

The culture of communication necessarily implies a culture of speech. A.M. Gorky considered concern for the purity of speech an important tool in the struggle for the general culture of man. One aspect of this broad issue is the education of a culture of speech communication.

The culture of speech implies that the preschooler has a sufficient vocabulary, the ability to speak concisely, maintaining a calm tone.

Already at a younger, and especially in middle preschool age, when a child masters the grammatical structure of speech, learns to build simple phrases correctly, he is taught to call adults by their first and middle names, to “You”, pronunciation is corrected, children are taught to speak at a normal pace, without tongue twisters or stretching words. It is equally important at the same time to teach the child to listen carefully to the interlocutor, to stand calmly during the conversation, to look into the face of the speaker.

In the educational activities organized by the teacher, the behavior, questions and answers of children are largely regulated by the tasks, content of the material and forms of organization of children. It is clear that the culture of their communication in such processes is formed faster and easier. But it is equally important to cultivate a culture of communication in everyday life, in various types of their independent activities. On the other hand, mastering the culture of speech contributes to the active communication of children in joint games, and to a large extent prevents conflicts between them.

Cultural and hygienic skills are an important part of the culture of behavior. The need for neatness, keeping the face, hands, body, hair, clothes, shoes clean is dictated not only by the requirements of hygiene, but also by the norms of human relations. Children should understand that respect for others is shown in observing these rules, that it is unpleasant for any person to touch a dirty hand or look at untidy clothes. A slovenly person who does not know how to take care of himself, his appearance, his actions, as a rule, is also careless at work.

Teachers and parents should always remember that the skills instilled in childhood, including cultural and hygienic ones, bring great benefits to a person throughout his subsequent life.

Food culture is often referred to as hygiene habits. But its significance is not only in the fulfillment of physiological needs. It also has an ethical aspect - after all, behavior at the table is based on respect for those sitting nearby, as well as for those who prepared the food.

From preschool age, children must learn certain rules: you can not put your elbows on the table while eating; you need to eat with your mouth closed, slowly, chewing food thoroughly; treat bread and other products with care; use cutlery properly. Mastering the culture of food is not an easy task for preschoolers, but it is necessary to develop these skills, it is necessary to ensure that children eat with pleasure, appetite and neatly Nikolaeva S.N. Classes on the culture of behavior with preschoolers and younger students. Moscow: Vlados. 2007. S. 4 - 5 ..

1.2 Stages of formation of a culture of behavior in preschool age

The formation of a culture of behavior in preschool age takes place in stages. At each of these stages, children, according to age-related psychological characteristics, learn the culture of activity, the culture of communication, cultural and hygienic skills and habits.

T. A. Kulikova identifies the following stages of education of a culture of behavior and relationships. Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool Pedagogy. M.: Academy, 1998. S. 112 - 117.:

The first stage of educating a culture of behavior begins at an early age and aims to accumulate a lot of single facts - exercises in behavior encouraged by society (and parents).

In the next stage, although it is difficult to separate from the first, children begin to explain when and how to behave in order to receive the praise of others. The “anticipation technique” is important here. Its essence lies in the fact that an adult anticipates with his remarks the undesirable behavior of the child and helps to prevent it. For example: “Now you and I will go to the doctor, how will you greet him, what do you say? And he will definitely smile at you in response, he likes well-mannered children”, “Children, of course, you all remember how to go down the corridor to the music hall so as not to wake the kids? I have no doubt that you will pass quietly." The anticipation technique acts as a stimulus to worthy behavior. At the second stage, conditions are created for the child to receive satisfaction from his good behavior. And while he still does a lot for the sake of praise, you should not be afraid of this at this stage. Praise is necessary for every person, it strengthens his self-confidence. This is especially important for a preschooler.

At the third stage, continuing to create conditions for the practice of cultural behavior, the educator pays more attention to the children's awareness of the importance of the rules of etiquette. You can tell preschoolers a little about the history of the emergence of etiquette, about the traditions of the culture of behavior among people at different times and in different countries, and, of course, about the content of etiquette in a group of children.

Children should be taught specific ways of behaving and expressing attitudes and feelings, taught to restrain their feelings if they can be offensive or unpleasant for others.

One of the tasks of educating a culture of behavior and relationships is the formation of self-control in the behavior of children of senior preschool age.

A number of researchers present self-control as an essential aspect of self-regulation, as the ability to prevent possible errors in activity and behavior and correct them; self-control is based on the arbitrariness of behavior, and the moral norms of society are the guideline. With regard to children of older preschool age, the content of the concept of "self-control in behavior" can be specified as follows: the ability of a child to foresee the consequences of a proposed act for himself, a peer, an adult, to experience appropriate emotional experiences (satisfaction or shame, gratitude or resentment, etc.), which allows you to either establish yourself in its legitimacy, or change your decision as inconsistent with the expectations of others. Kozlova S. A. Moral education of children in the modern world // Preschool education 2001. No. 9. P. 18 - 27 ..

Therefore, in order to exercise self-control over their actions in a particular situation, the child needs to: realize the meaning of the situation and determine his act in it; choose a moral rule governing actions in this situation; understand (realize) the justice of this rule as corresponding to the necessary actions, its moral meaning, personal significance; anticipate (anticipate) the consequences of the proposed action; act of will, act.

Development in children of awareness of the moral value of the rules governing behavior, and their use in their activities;

Formation in children of the ability to foresee the consequences of the proposed act, emotional experiences for it (satisfaction, joy, embarrassment, shame, dissatisfaction with oneself, pride, self-esteem);

Formation in children of awareness of the personal significance of actions that contain moral meaning.

In the formation of self-control, it is of great importance to discuss with children specific situations that require finding a way out of them, based on moral rules. As one of the active methods in conversations with children, modeling can be used, that is, a graphic representation of all mental acts of the character in situations that contain moral meaning. The plot of the story about a specific act of a literary hero is presented in the form of successive frames, each of which is indicated by a conventional substitute sign. Education of moral feelings in older preschoolers // Bure R. S., Godina G. N., Shatova A. D. and others; Ed. Vinogradova A.M. M .: Education, 1999. S. 37 - 40 ..

Summary of Chapter 1

The culture of behavior of a preschooler is a set of sustainable forms of everyday behavior useful for society in everyday life, in communication, in various activities. The culture of behavior is not limited to the formal observance of etiquette. It is closely related to moral feelings and ideas and, in turn, reinforces them.

When educating preschool children in positive skills and habits, it is necessary to adhere to the following principles of unity and integrity of the educational process, i.e. the relationship of tasks, methods and means of education: consistency, systematicity in education; repetition of exercises in the formation of skills and habits with a rational distribution of these exercises over time. Positive results in the formation of a culture of behavior are possible in a combination of exactingness with respect and trust in children, both on the part of teachers and parents.

There are several stages in the formation of a culture of behavior of preschoolers. The first stage of education of a culture of behavior begins at an early age, the foundations of a culture of communication, a culture of activity are laid, cultural and hygienic skills are formed. At the second stage, conditions are created for the child to receive satisfaction from his good behavior. And already at the third stage, continuing to create conditions for the practice of cultural behavior, the educator pays more attention to the children's awareness of the importance of the rules of etiquette.

Chapter 2. Features of the formation of a culture of behavior in children of senior preschool age

2.1 Age features of the mental development of children of older preschool age

Senior preschool age (6 - 7 years) is characterized as a period of significant changes in the child's body and is a certain stage in the maturation of the body. During this period, there is an intensive development and improvement of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems of the body, the development of small muscles, the development and differentiation of various parts of the central nervous system.

A characteristic feature of this age is also the development of cognitive and mental mental processes: attention, thinking, imagination, memory, speech.

Attention. If during preschool childhood, involuntary attention is predominant in a child, then by the end of preschool age, voluntary attention begins to develop. When the child begins to consciously direct and hold him on certain objects and objects.

Memory. By the end of preschool age, the development of arbitrary visual and auditory memory occurs. Memory begins to play a leading role in the organization of mental processes.

Development of thinking. By the end of preschool age, the development of visual-figurative thinking reaches a higher level and logical thinking begins to develop, which contributes to the formation of the child's ability to distinguish the essential properties and signs of objects in the world, the formation of the ability to compare, generalize, classify.

The development of the imagination. By the end of preschool age, the development of creative imagination takes place, this is facilitated by various games, unexpected associations, brightness and concreteness of the images and impressions presented.

In the field of speech development, by the end of preschool age, the active vocabulary expands and the ability to use various complex grammatical structures in active speech develops.

The activity of a child of 6-7 years old is characterized by emotionality and the great significance of emotional reactions. Palagina NN Psychology of development and developmental psychology. M .: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2005. S. 58 - 77. .

At preschool age, personal mechanisms of behavior begin to form; there is a primary subordination of motives, the child's behavior turns from field to volitional.

Will and arbitrariness are the most important personal neoplasms of preschool age. The development of the will is connected with the formation and formation of the motivational sphere of the child; the development of arbitrariness is determined by the formation of awareness and mediation of one's behavior. At the same time, will and arbitrariness are united in their genesis. The transformation of cultural models of action into the child's own means occurs in the process of initiation, in which the adult conveys the meaning (motive) and mode of new activity in their unity.

At preschool age, the development of will and arbitrariness most effectively occurs in a role-playing game and in games with a rule. The developing effect of games with the rule is due to the special position of an adult, who is both a participant and an organizer of the game.

At preschool age, primary ethical instances arise: moral consciousness and moral assessments are formed, moral regulation of behavior is formed, social and moral feelings are intensively developed. Interpersonal relationships of children have a certain age dynamics and go through three stages. By the older preschool age, comparing oneself with a peer and opposing him develops into an internal community that makes both empathy and assistance to another possible.

The self-consciousness of the child and his attitude towards others develop in an inseparable unity and are based on two principles: subjective and objective.

The ratio of the objective and subjective principles changes with age and determines the nature of the relationship to oneself and to another. The predominance of the objective principle of self-consciousness is the source of some problematic forms of behavior and attitudes towards peers Smirnova E.O. Child psychology. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2009. S. 280 - 282..

So, preschool age is the period of the initial formation of personality. The emergence of emotional anticipation of the consequences of one's behavior, self-esteem, complication and awareness of experiences, enrichment with new feelings and motives of the emotional-need sphere - this is an incomplete list of features characteristic of the personal development of a preschooler. The central neoplasms of this age can be considered the subordination of motives and self-awareness.

2.2 Methods and forms of education of children of senior preschool age culture of behavior

Method (from the Greek word metodos - literally a path to something) means a way to achieve a goal, a certain way ordered activity Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F., Mishchenko A.I., Shiyanov E.N. Pedagogy. M .: Respublika, 1998. S. 134 - 136 .. The methods of education should be understood as a set of specific methods and techniques of educational work that are used in the process of various activities of students to develop their need-motivational sphere, views and beliefs, develop skills and habits of behavior, as well as for its correction and improvement in order to form personal properties and qualities Basova N.V. Pedagogy and practical psychology. Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2009. S. 118 ..

The form of education is the outward expression of this process. The philosophical categories of content and form reflect the unity of the internal and external in the phenomena of education: the first indicates what is available, and the second - in what form it is expressed. Content and form, as you know, are inextricably linked: a change in content entails a change in form and vice versa. The content is formed, the form is filled with content. The leading role belongs to the content.

At the older preschool age, the formation of habits of cultural behavior, which began in the younger and middle groups, continues actively. The content of the pedagogical process at this stage is the education of respect for relatives and friends, affection and respect for educators, a conscious desire to please the elders with good deeds, and the desire to be useful to others.

The formation of respect for others, goodwill, strong-willed qualities, restraint occurs in a group of peers. The team plays an increasingly important role in the life of children, the relationship of children becomes more complicated.

An effective method of forming the skills of a culture of behavior in older preschoolers is an ethical conversation. Such conversations should be organically included in the system of diverse methods of education.

Ethical conversations are planned, prepared and organized classes, the content of which is determined by the requirements of the Kindergarten Education and Training Program. But, referring to the program tasks of education, the teacher must specify them, work out the rules and norms of behavior, the education of which must be strengthened in this group, taking into account the age and, of course, the individual characteristics of children. A deep analysis of the specific facts and actions underlying ethical conversations is also very important. Such preparation of conversations ensures their effectiveness, contributes to a deeper assimilation by children of their program content.

The number of such conversations is small: five to seven per year, that is, once every one and a half to two months. Duration - 20 - 25 minutes. At the discretion of the educator, these conversations can be held both in the morning and in the afternoon.

It should be remembered: the main goal of ethical conversations is to form in the child the moral motives of behavior, which he could be guided in his actions. The main thing is to ensure that ethical conversation awakens the activity of children's experiences, a deep understanding of the discussed actions and rules of social behavior.

At this age, there is a gradual transition from the perception of the content of individual actions (good - bad) to generalized concepts of good behavior. Through ethical conversations, the educator links together in the minds of children disparate ideas into a single whole - the basis of the future system of moral assessments.

The topics of ethical conversations must necessarily include the leading concepts for this age group: “My mother”, “My family”, “Kindergarten”, “My comrades”, “Our good deeds”, “Be polite”, “Be careful”, “ I'm at home" and many others.

Ethical conversations, their results should be directly manifested in the practice of behavior, the actions of children in various situations. This is very important for consolidating the results of pedagogical influence.

Also, in the plan of their daily work, the educator includes various methods that correct the behavior of children. For example, you can invite the child to think about the proverb: “Don’t regret your “thank you”, but don’t wait for someone else.” Such work is especially fruitful during a walk (impressions provide good food for thought) or in the evening, in an atmosphere of special confidence.

A good educational effect is given by the board game "School of courtesy" with a set of various pictures-rules. In a playful, dynamic form, the rules of behavior are taught. The conversations of the fairy-tale characters Ladushka and Byakushka introduce the children to the norms of safe behavior at home, in society, on the street, etc.

The issues of educating a child's behavior in public places are becoming increasingly important in the work of a teacher. A child's visits to public places, travel by transport, etc., are still accompanied by adults. It is clear that the effectiveness of educating a culture of behavior in public places is the higher, the more kindergarten employees use the help and assistance of parents in this. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to thoroughly familiarize parents with the requirements and specific rules for the behavior of a child in public places. This topic can be discussed at the meeting or dedicated to one of the consultations. To help parents, thematic stands or sliding folders are made out.

To solve the program tasks of educating a culture of behavior in public places, exercise games can be used.

In the older group, attention should still be paid to improving the skills of children's personal neatness, neatness, food culture. An indicator of their assimilation is a gradual reduction in the time spent by children on hygiene procedures, the quality of their implementation, and independence. Exercise games will also be of great help in this educator.

In connection with the transition to teaching children at school from the age of six, kindergarten teachers and parents faced the serious task of raising children's independence earlier. In particular, for this it is necessary to give children more feasible household tasks - to buy bread in the store, put a letter in the mailbox, answer the phone when adults are not at home, and so on.

It is very important to take care of the correct orientation of children in the immediate environment in a timely manner. The child of the sixth year of life should know his home address, be aware of the basic rules of the road, etc. Among other means, games-exercise of the appropriate content can be used to achieve these goals.

In the summer, before moving to a preparatory group for school, you can organize a walk-hike in the forest, to a lake or river, to a park. To help the educator to similar walks (one or two per year) of other preschool teachers. Children are informed about the route of such a walk in advance.

The purpose of walks-hikes is to cultivate love and respect for nature; provide an opportunity for effective manifestation of kindness, mutual assistance, camaraderie.

Before moving on to the preschool group in the education of a culture of behavior, it is necessary to place a significant emphasis on instilling a deeper interest than before in children in their comrades, their human qualities, their hobbies, etc. Ethical conversations can also contribute to this. In terms of conversations and meetings, the educator observes what changes have occurred in the relationship of children, identifies the motives for new rapprochements, determines which character traits are more noticeable.

Work on this topic is well supported by a series of meetings with older children - with children from other groups, other kindergartens. The purpose of such meetings is to form a moral experience of communication, to arouse a desire to be like “Octobers are good guys”, to determine the short-term perspective of moral aspirations, to strengthen the friendly, benevolent relations of children in the group.

In the preparatory group for school, there is a consolidation, deepening and expansion of everything that they have acquired over the entire previous period of stay in kindergarten.

The tasks of educating a culture of behavior in a group preparatory to school are solved on the basis of an expedient selection of methods and techniques, the most successful combination of them, ensuring the relationship between educational and cognitive and independent activities of preschoolers.

In working with children in the preparatory group for school, it is especially important to ensure that the child's acquired experience does not run counter to the new knowledge that he will receive in the process of education. Therefore, sincere individual conversations and group ethical conversations are of particular importance; staging games, exercise games are also very effective. Complementing each other, they make it possible to form the moral world of the older preschooler, the social orientation of his behavior.

Using effective methods of education, the teacher forms ethical concepts, a culture of behavior in public places, a culture of relationships, a culture of speech, a culture of appearance. But it should be remembered that in the preparatory group, the playing techniques included in the educational process do not lose their significance; combining them with ethical conversations, the teacher unobtrusively reveals to the children visual examples of everyday communication. It is also important that morally oriented classes and conversations contain not only the rules of etiquette, but also interesting practical exercises in cultural communication. Then you can more effectively influence the inner world of the child.

The connection between different areas of the educational process should be outlined and traced in various ways using the whole complex of methods, means, and techniques. The specific implementation of the relationship of the educational process is an independent activity.

It is very important that the entire regime of the kindergarten, everything that we call everyday life, be filled with meaningful activities and communication. This contributes to the enrichment of the spiritual world of the child.

The upbringing of a culture of behavior in a group preparatory to school is aimed at encouraging the child to be as independent as possible in the implementation of personal hygiene rules, so that the skills and abilities of personal neatness, accuracy, food culture develop into a need, so that cleanliness becomes a personality trait. At the same time, the educator must tirelessly emphasize the social significance of the rules of accuracy: their implementation is a sign of respect for loved ones, acquaintances, and generally for those around them.

Some games-activities, games-exercises are aimed at strengthening cultural and hygienic skills and habits. Depending on their specific content, various rules or their combinations are assimilated, for example: keep your suit, shoes, headgear clean; washing hands before eating and after contamination; use a handkerchief correctly; fasten all the buttons, watch your hair; know the location of things, always put them in their place in kindergarten and at home, etc.

In the preparatory group for school, the skills of maintaining order, cleanliness in clothes should acquire an increasingly conscious social meaning for the child. Now it is important not only to master the skills of self-undressing before going to bed, dressing after sleep and for a walk. At this age stage, the child must do all this at a fast pace, must know how to dress in accordance with the season and weather. Such skills acquired in kindergarten are one of the foundations of a child's independence when studying at school.

You can check how the rules of neatness and tidiness are learned by children during the evening of entertainment. In one of the attractions, for example, children are offered one of the tasks: who will quickly and accurately get ready for school in winter or autumn, that is, collect everything necessary for school in a briefcase and dress neatly, quickly and according to the season. Two or three children participate in the competition.

The upbringing of a culture of behavior in children aged 6-7 is facilitated by conversations, the content of which helps to instill in children a sense of justice, responsibility for the results of their actions. In conversations, it is important to activate not only the memory of children, but also their imagination, to help them remember their experiences, emotions in a given situation.

In the content of the conversation, the educator includes new, age-specific requirements: to carefully make your bed in the morning, to help wash the dishes, to give way in transport, to offer a chair to an adult, etc. In conclusion, it is necessary to make a generalization: love for adults can be shown in different ways , it is important that adults feel this love and attention

A significant part of the conversations with kindergarten graduates should be devoted to the development of a culture of communication.

The topic of such conversations can be the real actions of children observed by the teacher - this is, as a rule, the most intelligible and effective material,

The solution of the complex problem of ethical education is also facilitated by dramatization games, the content of which is carefully thought out by the educator. Such dramatizations can be included in the content of ethical conversations, but can also be used as an independent methodological device. The theme of games should be based on the personal experience of children: if a child can recognize himself and his comrades, remember the real situation of recent times, he will not remain indifferent. But this must be done subtly and delicately, the names in the dramatizations must be fictitious. The main thing is to draw the attention of children to the moral assessment of the situation, to the method of resolving conflicts. Such games tend to be very short; built on; In one episode, dramatizations can be performed by the children themselves or with the help of puppets.

In the preparatory school group of the kindergarten, the educator needs to pay more attention to the self-organization of children and the related control of the children over their own actions and deeds. The inculcation of these qualities is not a simple matter and at the same time it does not require any special pedagogical techniques; The main thing here is consistency and perseverance. Short morning conversations have a good effect on children in this regard, when the teacher asks them about how they behaved at home, what they did on their own, and how they helped adults.

Encouraging the independence of children, the teacher can invite the children to think about what holiday decorations they want to make for their group, the hall and as a gift for the kids.

It is also advisable to give children various instructions, for example, to take from the head teacher or senior teacher the book, album, record, etc. necessary for classes. In carrying out such instructions, children not only practice courtesy; here, as nowhere else, the child's self-control is manifested.

Ethical conversations-miniatures, stories-miniatures, held in the evening hours, help to solve the most important educational tasks, influencing that “inner sphere”, which is not easy and not always open to the teacher in other conditions. These miniatures can be based on events and situations that the teacher observed in the real behavior of children.

The education of a culture of behavior in a preschooler cannot be considered only within the framework of a kindergarten. It provides for a mandatory connection with the upbringing of children in the family, coordination of the efforts of the teacher and parents. That is why it is so important for educators to find methods to establish close contact with the family in order to ensure unity in the education of a culture of behavior. Of the most effective methods and forms of work with parents, one can note: general and group parent meetings, consultations, teacher visits to the families of their pupils, “open days”, a decorated stand or screen for parents, sections of which in a visual form reveal general issues of educating a culture of behavior , sliding folders, positive experience of family education.

Thus, the educator works with parents in three directions. Firstly, he studies the experience of family education and takes into account its achievements and gaps in his pedagogical activity. Secondly, it provides effective assistance to parents in the upbringing of children. And thirdly, Peterina S.V. coordinates work with kindergarten children and parents. Education of a culture of behavior in preschool children. M .: Education, 1986. S. 44 - 79 ..

By varying the various methods and forms of work with older preschool children in order to form cultural behavior, it is possible to achieve the following tasks:

1. To cultivate goodwill, the ability to focus on the state of peers, their interests.

2. Learn to combine desires to satisfy your needs in the game, activities with the interests of peers.

3. To form the experience of friendly relationships in the conditions of joint activities, uniting children on the basis of common interests. Support interesting proposals of peers, give in to their desire, combine these proposals with the satisfaction of their interests.

4. To form the ability to justify one's opinion, to convince peers of its fairness. Form a conscious attitude to the advice, comments of partners, recognizing their fairness and significance for obtaining positive results general activity.

5. Promote children's awareness of the personal significance of actions that comply with moral standards.

6. Form an active attitude to the positive and negative actions of peers, express their opinion in the form of value judgments, avoiding incorrect remarks.

7. To form elementary ideas about oneself as a participant in a common activity, about one's attitude towards it and ways of behavior corresponding to these ideas. Recognize the need for an equitable distribution of common tasks. In the process of its implementation, pay attention to the difficulties of a peer, offering help, advice, joint implementation, without waiting for a request from him, not to make incorrect remarks in case of a partner’s mistake, his failure, to feel a sense of responsibility for the quality of one’s activities to peers and for the quality of the general result.

8. To develop in children a sense of gratitude from the manifestation of attention, caring attitude towards themselves from their peers.

9. Enrich humane feelings (empathy, sympathy, assistance), form ideas about the norms of humanity and the corresponding experience of benevolent manifestations.

10. Carry out corrective work with children whose behavior is dominated by inhumane, negative manifestations towards others.

11. Follow the rules of the culture of behavior (Appendix 1) Bure RS, MV Vorobieva and others. Friendly guys. Education of humane feelings and relationships in preschoolers. M.: Enlightenment, 2006. P.9..

Summary of Chapter 2

Knowledge by the educator of the features of the mental development of children of senior preschool age, individual personality traits contributes to the successful solution of the problems of moral education, including the formation of a culture of behavior. Work on the education of a culture of behavior and relationships must be built taking into account the mechanism of moral education. An effective method of educating a culture of behavior in older preschoolers is an ethical conversation. Such conversations should organically be included in the system of diverse methods of education. Ethical conversation, as a method of education, is distinguished by a significant originality. The content of ethical conversations consists mainly of genuine life situations, the behavior of the people around and, above all, the pupils themselves. The teacher gives a description of the facts and actions that the child observed or performed in communication with peers and adults. Such characteristics form children's objectivity in assessing events, help the child navigate in a given situation and act in accordance with the rules of moral behavior.

Also, in working with children of older preschool age, in order to form a culture of behavior, reading of works of art, game situations, games-activities, games-exercises, game techniques, and various types of children's activities are used. An important part of educating a culture of child behavior is carried out in the family, so the kindergarten uses a variety of methods and forms of work in working with parents.


Based on the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Culture of behavior - compliance with the basic requirements and rules of human society, the ability to find the right tone in communicating with others. In the content of the culture of behavior of preschoolers, the following components can be conditionally distinguished: the culture of activity, the culture of communication, cultural and hygienic skills and habits.

2. The formation of a culture of behavior takes place in stages. At an early age, the first stage of education of a culture of behavior begins. Then, at the preschool age, at the second stage, conditions are created for the child to receive satisfaction from his good behavior. And already at the third stage, continuing to create conditions for the practice of cultural behavior, the educator pays more attention to the children's awareness of the importance of the rules of etiquette.

3. At the senior preschool age, the development of the cognitive and personal spheres takes place, such neoplasms are formed as

4. Effective methods and forms of education play a huge role in educating older preschoolers with a culture of behavior: practical, verbal and visual methods, as well as a game method, can be noted from them. It is also possible to note exercise games, group and individual ethical conversations, excursions, walks, hikes, game activities, dramatization games.

Equally important is the education of a culture of behavior in the family. General and group parental meetings, consultations, visits by the teacher to the families of their pupils, “open days”, a decorated stand or screen for parents are held with the parents of children, sections of which in a visual form reveal the general issues of educating a culture of behavior, folders, sliding folders, positive experience of family education.

Thus, the combination of all methods and forms of education will contribute to the effective education of a culture of behavior in older preschoolers.

List of used literature

1. Alyabyeva E.A. Education of a culture of behavior in children 5-7 years old. M.: TC Sphere, 2009. 128 p.

2. Barkhatova V.V. Education of a culture of behavior // Preschool education. 1991. No. 11. pp. 41 - 44.

3. Basova N.V. Pedagogy and practical psychology. Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2009. 388 p.

4. Bolotina L.R., Komarova T.S., Baranov S.P. Preschool Pedagogy. M: Academy, 1997. 284 p.

5. Bure R.S., M.V. Vorobiev and others. Friendly guys. Education of humane feelings and relationships in preschoolers. Moscow: Education, 2006. 142 p.

6. Voronin A.S. Glossary of terms in general and social pedagogy. Ekaterinburg: EGU, 2006. 135 p.

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8. Kodzhaspirova G.M., Kodzhaspirov A.Yu. Dictionary of Pedagogy. M.: ICC "Mart"; Rostov n / a: Publishing Center "Mart", 2005. 448 p.

9. Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool Pedagogy. M.: Academy, 1998. S. 112 - 117.

10. Kozlova S. A. Moral education of children in the modern world // Preschool education 2001. No. 9. P. 18 - 27.

11. Konstantinov N.A., Medynsky E.N., Shabaeva M.F. History of Pedagogy. Moscow: Education, 2002. 446 p.

12. Kurochkina I.N. Modern etiquette and the education of a culture of behavior in preschoolers. Moscow: Vlados, 2003. 286 p.

13. Nikolaeva S.N. Classes on the culture of behavior with preschoolers and younger students. Moscow: Vlados. 2007. 78 p.

14. From birth to school. The main general educational program of preschool education / Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. Moscow: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010. 304 p.

15. Palagina N.N. Psychology of development and developmental psychology. M.: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2005. 288 p.

16. Peterina S.V. Education of a culture of behavior in preschool children. Moscow: Education, 1986. 96 p.

17. Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy: 100 questions - 100 answers. M.: VLADOS-press, 2004. 365 p.

18. The program of education and training in kindergarten / Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova. M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2008. 208 p.

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this is a specially organized purposeful activity for the formation and development of consciousness and self-knowledge of the child, the formation of a moral position and its consolidation in behavior.

Cultural and hygienic skills

it is the need for neatness, keeping the face, body, hair, clothes, shoes clean,

Activity culture

the behavior of the child in the classroom, in games, during the performance of labor assignments.

Communication culture

the child's compliance with the norms and rules of communication with adults and peers, based on respect and goodwill, using the appropriate vocabulary and forms of address, as well as polite behavior in public places, everyday life.

A culture of speech

this is speech skill, the ability to express thoughts expressively and intelligibly.

Culture of behavior

compliance with the basic requirements and rules of human society, the ability to find the right tone in communicating with others.

activity formed by repetition and bringing to automatism.

it is a condition that must be met in order to achieve something.


the process of purposeful and organized mastering by social subjects of integral, stable features and qualities that they need for successful life.

Ethical Conversations

special private methods of education, which are one of the varieties of persuasion as the most important general method of education.


Appendix 1

Rules of the culture of behavior of a preschooler

Cultural and hygienic rules

Get up in the morning always at the same time.

Be sure to do morning exercises.

Wash your face thoroughly, be sure to brush your teeth, comb your hair neatly.

Wash hands before eating, after using the toilet, walking, taking care of animals.

Always sit straight at the table, do not put your elbows on the table.

Use cutlery correctly.

Eat slowly, carefully, silently, chew with your mouth closed, chew your food thoroughly.

Don't crumble the bread, break it off piece by piece.

With the help of a teaspoon carefully fold the bones from fruits from compote on a saucer.

When you finish eating, put your spoon or fork on your plate, not on the tablecloth.

Use a napkin while eating.

Do not run with a sandwich, pieces of food - eat at the table.

Climbing the stairs, put your foot on the step with the whole foot.

When going down the stairs, keep your back straight and hold lightly on the railing.

Use a handkerchief; sneezing and coughing, turn away from the interlocutor, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

After a walk, thoroughly dry your feet, shake off and brush your coat.

Clean your own shoes; hang or fold clothes neatly.

In the evening, before going to bed, put your clothes and shoes in order.

Go to bed always at the same time, sleep in a well-ventilated room.

Communication culture rules

Use polite words:

“Hello”, “Goodbye”, “Please”, “Be kind”, “Excuse me”, “Thank you”, “Thank you”, “Allow me in”, etc.

Be friendly and polite to all adults.

Do not interrupt adults, do not interfere in their conversation.

On the street, at home, in kindergarten, in transport and other public places, speak calmly, quietly; keep a low profile; do not demand special attention. Do not eat during the performance, film demonstration.

Listen to your elders carefully, stand calmly, look your interlocutor in the face.

Know how to listen to a friend without interrupting.

Respect the work and rest of elders, do not interfere with adults, do not make noise, do not be capricious.

Make way for adults and children on public transport.

Give a chair or give way to an adult who enters.

Pick up and politely give an object dropped by someone (pencil, mitten, etc.).

Boys: let the girls go ahead into the transport, into the room.

Help your child or peer to put on a coat, zip up, tie a scarf.

Share with friends toys, books, play together.

Be able to admit that you were wrong.

Try to give in to a friend in a dispute, a game, help him to negotiate with him.

Activity culture rules

Don't sit idle.

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Finish what you started.

Just do your job well.

Do everything you can on your own, without requiring the help of adults.

Keep clean and tidy in your play area, at your table.

Everywhere and always take care of things and toys.

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Education of a culture of behavior in preschool children

The main methods and techniques for the formation of a culture of behavior in preschoolers

We form the etiquette behavior of children constantly, using various organizational forms for this: classes, games, conversations, regime moments, i.e. in real life and in specially created situations.

The boys were playing snowballs on the site and hit the girl in the face, she burst into tears. How best to respond to the teacher? Punish those responsible? Feel sorry for the girl? Pretend not to notice?

The teacher invited the children to read; everyone sat around him, but one girl remained standing: she did not have enough chair. Why did the teacher create such a situation? Constant consolidation and positive assessment of behavior create conditions for a conscious and emotional choice of one or another action and deed.

For the education of etiquette behavior, a number of conditions are necessary. Firstly, the positive attitude of children to observe etiquette and friendly communication between the teacher and pupils. It is impossible to forget or offend any of the pupils. For a positive attitude, the teacher addresses the children by name, kindly and affectionately, expresses praise, gives prizes, and uses various teaching methods that are exciting for children.

The education of a culture of behavior from the standpoint of modern etiquette is carried out in compliance with pedagogical and etiquette principles.

Principles of education: we educate children in the course of their activities, combining pedagogical guidance with the development of children's initiative and independence, taking into account age and individual characteristics, with the unity of the requirements of the educator and parents.

Principles of education: scientific character, encyclopedic character, visibility, systematic character, consciousness and activity of children, strength of education, individualization of pupils' development.

Principles of etiquette: reasonableness and necessity of behavioral rules, benevolence and friendliness, strength and beauty of manners, absence of trifles, respect for national traditions.

Methods of pedagogical influence on children are diverse. Among those that are used in teaching children the rules of etiquette, we single out the main ones: accustoming, exercise, creating educational situations, an example to follow, encouragement and punishment.

Children are given a certain pattern of behavior, for example, to hold cutlery correctly at the table, to listen carefully to the interlocutor and look him in the face when talking with elders or peers. When accustoming to the observance of the rule, one should not only show it, but also control the accuracy and rigor of its implementation.

In the exercise, this or that action is repeated many times, for example, it is correct to take a knife and fork in your hands, cut a piece of meat or sausage. The child should be made aware of the necessity and reasonableness of such use of cutlery.

Educational situations arise when we create conditions in which the child faces a choice, for example, to give up his chair to a girl or not, to use a fork and knife or one fork at the table, to tidy up the toy corner after the game or not.

A preschooler needs an example to follow, which is a kind of visual model. They can be a teacher, a parent, a familiar adult or child, a literary and fairy-tale hero.

Encouragement is carried out in various ways, activates preschoolers to learn, to choose the right behavioral step. An important condition for the education of etiquette behavior is the reasonableness of the encouragement, i.e. its suitability for the action.

Ethical conversation with children helps to find out if they know and understand the norms and rules of behavior. It is more reasonable to conduct such a conversation with a small group of 5-8 children so that each child can express his opinion. The skill of the teacher is manifested in the extent to which he knows the possibilities of children to conduct a conversation on moral and behavioral issues.

Punishment is extremely rare. It should be aimed at the emergence of a delinquent desire to do well, to correct his shortcoming. Sometimes a verbal condemnation by the educator and other children of a negative act is enough. Punishment that causes physical pain or demonstrates disrespect for the child's personality is not allowed at all. “Punishment informs the punished about what cannot be done, but does not tell him what can be done. Punishment does not give a person the opportunity to understand for himself what behavior is best in a given situation. This is the main obstacle to effective learning,” says psychologist O.A. . Shagraev.

A variety of verbal methods, among which a significant place is occupied by a story, explanation, conversation, helps to consciously study behavioral rules. But when applying them, one should avoid boring moralization and lectures. A real or fairy tale story creates conditions for the emotional perception of behavioral rules. The child experiences the behavior of the hero, sees his good or bad deeds and learns about what they can lead to. For a preschooler, the positive end of the etiquette fairy tale is of no small importance: the quarreling heroes reconciled, the clumsy learned to do something, the dunno learned and understood a lot, the violators corrected themselves. Since the social experience of a preschooler is very small, he needs to be explained how and why one should act in one or the views, beliefs, habits, the desire for sincere answers, or the ability to adapt to the expectations of an adult. This knowledge will help the educator to properly build an ethical conversation and find a place in it for etiquette issues.

The game is one of the most effective means of forming a culture of behavior. She, as a way of knowing the world around, gives the child in a bright, accessible and interesting form of ideas about how it is customary to behave in a given situation, makes you think about your behavioral manners. We must not forget about the disciplinary significance of the game, since compliance with the established discipline is an important condition for the implementation of the etiquette rule. For these purposes, a variety of types of games are used. For example, in outdoor games, which are mainly used to solve physical education problems, children compete: who will run around the kindergarten faster, who will throw the ball farther. But the element of life necessarily intervenes in an organized game. One ran and fell, the other hurries to defeat everyone, the third also wants to be the first, but stopped to help the fallen. The most important ethical aspect underlies the behavior of the child. In such a situation, we once again make it clear to the child: the basis of etiquette behavior is a moral principle.

Musical games are held during the music lesson. Children lead a round dance. The teacher again pays attention to the rules of etiquette, but does it unobtrusively.

Theatrical games play a huge role in the formation of a culture of behavior. For example, they are preparing a production of the fairy tale "Turnip" with children. In the course of its analysis, attention is paid to the culture of behavior in the family. The whole family and domestic animals, and even a little mouse, have risen to one common cause to help the grandfather, the breadwinner, pull out the turnip. In a family, everyone matters, everyone plays a role. Both the staging of the fairy tale and the performance with it in front of children and parents will bring awareness of many rules of behavior in public places. The rules of behavior of spectators in the theater are affected. I remember the rules of guest etiquette: the parents came to visit, they must be accepted and entertained.

Traditional folk games are good not only because the child perceives native Russian speech, receives information from the history of our people. He also realizes that all folk culture is based on folk customs and traditions. For example, the game "Boyars, and we came to you." Beautiful Russian text gives children information that there were boyars in the past; at all times people went to visit, received them with joy; in Russia there was a custom of choosing a bride. They play together and amicably, strive for the victory of their team, but do not offend the representatives of the other. Instead of a bride, you can choose a friend; then the teacher pays attention to the friendly relations between the guys.

In the classroom or in their free time, they conduct role-playing games, for example, about professions. Having chosen, for example, the profession of a doctor, they discuss with the children the rules of conduct in the clinic, in the doctor's office, in the pharmacy, etc.

During classes, in other regime moments, organize didactic games, the main goal of which is the development of the child. They are good at working out the rules and norms of a culture of behavior. Tasks can be very diverse: choose the color scheme of your costume from the cards; make a costume for a walk, a visit to the theater, a meeting of guests from the pictures; lay out on the canvas cards with dishes and cutlery for serving a tea, dinner, holiday table; choose a gift for mom, friend, grandmother on the card.

Board games are of great interest to preschoolers. For example, the bingo game "How We Dress" will help develop children's skills in appearance culture. The teacher and children are co-authors of any game. We must not forget about children's independence and initiative, it is only necessary to guide them in teaching the right behavior. Then there will be no boring notations, rigid and incomprehensible requirements for children, and behavioral regulation will easily enter the life of a small person who has realized during the game its reasonableness and necessity.

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Preschool childhood is the most important period in the moral development of a person. One of the directions in the moral development of the child is the education of a culture of behavior.

Many scientists dealing with the problem of the formation of a culture of behavior argue that insufficient attention is paid to this issue. The reason seems to be that adults themselves have not yet fully realized the significance of the very concept of “culture of behavior”, especially now, in the transitional period, when the main components of moral education are undergoing some changes.

The problem of educating a culture of behavior was dealt with by such teachers as: Peterina S.V., Yakovenko T., Khodonetskikh Z., Teplyuk S., Ostrovskaya, Erofeeva, Barakhtova, Yudina, Rychashkova and others.

The formation of the foundations of a culture of behavior begins from the very first years of a child's life. He, imitating an adult, begins to master the basic norms of communication. By the senior preschool age, a child can be brought up with fairly stable forms of behavior, attitude towards the environment, according to the learned moral norms and rules.

Under favorable conditions of social and family education, a child of senior preschool age clearly manifests a sense of attachment to peers, a teacher, a kindergarten. Children are friendly with others, easily enter into communication, kind, sensitive, attentive to the comments of adults, able to acutely experience them. They accept the approval of their actions with joy and express their readiness to do even better.

Characteristic for children of older preschool age is their emerging social orientation. It manifests itself in real children's relationships, and in their statements, and in the assessment of the actions of peers, and in the general direction of the joint activities of all members of the children's team. Children of this age begin to form a public opinion, on which the educator can rely to a certain extent. Children can condemn the behavior of their peers - their selfish actions, dishonest attitude to business - and express approval of the good behavior of a friend.

At the same time, the moral manifestations of older preschool children are uneven and unstable. Different behavior of children often depends on their emotional state, individual characteristics, which requires the educator to use a variety of methods and techniques of education, their more subtle application.

The sum of skills and abilities allows you to maintain the general order in the daily routine, the way of life of the family, at home, in establishing the correct relationship of the child with adults and peers. These skills are associated with personal neatness and accuracy, cleanliness of clothes, shoes; with the culture of food (behavior at the table, the ability to use cutlery); with a culture of behavior with adults and peers (at home, in the yard, on the street, in public places, in the village); with a culture of play, training sessions, performance of work duties; with the culture of speech (form of address, culture of vocabulary, tone, rate of speech).

In the process of forming a culture of behavior in children of senior preschool age, both the educational institution and the family participate simultaneously. The upbringing of a culture of behavior provides for a mandatory connection with the upbringing of children in the family, the coordination of the efforts of the teacher and parents. It is very important for educators to find methods that allow them to establish close contacts with the family in order to ensure unity in the education of a culture of behavior.

1. The concept of a culture of behavior of preschool children and the need for its education

The concept of a culture of behavior a preschooler can be defined as a set of stable forms of everyday behavior useful for society in everyday life, in communication, in various activities.

Activity culture- manifests itself in the behavior of the child in the classroom, in games, during the performance of labor assignments.

To form a culture of activity in a child means to educate him in the ability to keep in order the place where he works, studies, plays: the habit of completing the work he has begun, taking care of toys, things, books. Children at senior preschool age should learn how to prepare everything necessary for classes, work, and select toys in accordance with the game plan.

An important indicator of the culture of activity is a natural craving for interesting, meaningful activities, the ability to value time. At this age, the child learns to regulate his activities, rest, perform hygiene procedures quickly and in an organized manner, etc. This will be a good basis for the formation of his skills in effective organization of work.

To determine the achieved upbringing of the culture of work activity, one can use such indicators as the ability and desire of the child to work, interest in the work performed, understanding of its purpose and reasonable meaning; activity, independence; manifestation of strong-willed efforts in achieving the required result; mutual assistance in team work.

Communication culture- provides for the implementation by the child of the norms when communicating with adults and peers, based on respect and goodwill, using the appropriate vocabulary and norms of address, as well as polite treatment in public places, everyday life.

The culture of communication involves not only doing the right thing, but also refraining from actions and words that are inappropriate in a given situation. The child must be taught to notice the state of other people. The culture of communication necessarily implies a culture of speech. The culture of speech implies that the preschooler has a sufficient vocabulary, the ability to speak tactfully, maintaining a calm tone. Mastering the culture of speech contributes to the active communication of children in joint games, to a large extent prevents conflicts between them.

Cultural and hygienic skills are an important part of the culture of behavior. The need for neatness, keeping the face, hands, body, hair, clothes, shoes clean is dictated not only by the requirements of hygiene, but also by the norms of human relations.

The culture of food is often referred to as hygiene habits, but its significance is not only in the fulfillment of physiological needs. It has an ethical meaning, because the behavior at the table is based on respect for the people sitting next to it, and also for those who prepared the food.

From preschool age, children must learn certain habits: you can’t put your elbows on the table while eating, you need to eat with your mouth closed, chewing food thoroughly.

Already at an early age, the implementation of the regimen creates certain prerequisites for understanding that it is necessary to perform the actions associated with the regimen in a certain sequence and at the right pace. That is why, if we talk about the rules of behavior, it is necessary, first of all, to teach the child to comply with the requirements of the regime (sit down at the table for food at the time), instill in him self-service skills (eat on his own, wash his hands before eating, take off his clothes before going to bed, carefully hang them on chair next to the bed). At the same time, important practical skills are not only developed, but the nature of the relationship between children and adults is also changing.

A child who has previously been freed from the constant guardianship of adults feels more confident, he enters into communication with other children more boldly, expresses a desire to help his peers in what he himself has just learned. All actions of children with a high level of independence are more orderly and organized. Such children start the game more freely, it is easier to learn the simple rules of common games. In older preschool age, a significant role is played by the reminder, the encouragement of the efforts of the child, his desire to independently help others.

The first friendly sympathies and affections of children are formed, on this basis the skills of politeness, organization of behavior, and culture of speech are successfully formed.

Let's take into account the special susceptibility of children - preschoolers - therefore it is important that they see positive examples.

At the senior stage of preschool age, the assimilation of rules of behavior by children ensures the development of organization. But it is one of the most important indicators of readiness for schooling: the future student will have to fulfill educational duties, work rationally in the classroom, under the guidance of a teacher, and independently, at home. The child becomes not only an executor of the demands of adults addressed to him or to a group of children, he begins to make demands on himself and on other children.

2. The most important pedagogical approaches to educating a culture of children's behavior in kindergarten

Having considered the main components of the culture of behavior, we will determine what is the need for instilling, educating it in a child. Continuing to develop the culture of behavior laid down at an early age at the senior preschool age, parents and educators should remember that the child at this age is preparing for a new stage of his life - schooling. Therefore, they bear a great responsibility in shaping children's behavioral skills, a conscious, active attitude to the task assigned, and camaraderie.

From childhood, adults should instill in children sensitivity, responsiveness, readiness to come to the aid of each other. “If it’s difficult for a friend, help him”, “If it’s difficult for you, ask for help” - these are the rules that children should follow in everyday life.

Do not forget one more most valuable, general rule for all: "You must greet everyone whom you saw for the first time that day." It also matters how the children say “Hello” or “Good morning”, because the external form of politeness expresses respect and a friendly attitude towards others. Some greet willingly and affably, others only after a reminder, others do not greet at all or greet reluctantly. However, it is not necessary to consider every case of coldness as a fact of impoliteness.


culture behavior preschooler upbringing

The relevance of the study lies in the fact that questions about the decisive role of educating a culture of behavior in the development and formation of personality have been recognized and raised in pedagogy since ancient times. There are many definitions of the concept of "culture of behavior". In the pedagogical dictionary, the culture of behavior is compliance with the basic requirements and rules of human society, the ability to find the right tone in communicating with others Voronin A.S. Glossary of terms in general and social pedagogy. Ekaterinburg: YSU, 2006. S. 32. . The culture of behavior is a set of forms of everyday human behavior (in work, at home, in communication with other people), in which the moral aesthetic norms of this behavior find external expression. The culture of behavior includes: manners of communication, etiquette, the highest degree of refinement, polished actions and deeds of a person, the perfection of his activity in various spheres of life.

L.N. Tolstoy highly appreciated the education of a culture of behavior and believed that of all the sciences that a person should know, the most important is the science of how to live, doing as little evil as possible and as much good as possible Konstantinov N.A., Medynsky E.N. , Shabaeva M.F. History of Pedagogy. M .: Education, 2002. S. 81 ..

However, among the teachers, S.V. Peterina. She believed that the culture of behavior of a preschooler can be defined as a set of sustainable forms of everyday behavior that are useful for society in everyday life, in communication, and in various activities. And the culture of behavior itself is not reduced to the formal observance of etiquette, it is closely connected with moral feelings and ideas and, in turn, reinforces them Peterina S.V. Education of a culture of behavior in preschool children. M .: Education, 1986. S. 14 ..

Other contemporary educators and psychologists also paid great attention to the issues of educating a culture of behavior in preschool children. As studies by E.A. Alyabyeva, L.R. Bolotina, I.N. Kurochkina, S.N. Nikolaeva, S.V. Peterina, the effectiveness of educating a culture of behavior largely depends on the correct organization of the collective activity of children, on its skillful combination with the methods of persuasion, and the accumulation of positive moral experience. In their works, scientists emphasize the importance of cultivating a culture of behavior, moral feelings of the child, and the development of moral relations. Any era, in accordance with its specific tasks of socio-economic and cultural development, dictates the need to form a culture of behavior.

Object of study: the culture of behavior of preschoolers.

Subject of study: the process of forming a culture of behavior in older preschoolers.

Purpose: to study the methodology for the formation of a culture of behavior in children of senior preschool age.

1. Define the concept of the culture of behavior of preschool children and characterize its components through the analysis of the studied literature.

2. To reveal the stages of the formation of a culture of behavior in preschool age.

3. To study the age-related features of the mental development of children of older preschool age.

4. Consider the methods and forms of organizing the upbringing of children of senior preschool age with a culture of behavior.

The method of research was determined by the generalization of pedagogical and methodological literature on the topic of work.

The practical significance lies in the fact that the results of a theoretical study can be used by teachers of a preschool educational institution in practice.

The structure of the work includes an introduction, which presents the relevance of the topic, defines the parameters of the study, 2 chapters, conclusion, list of references, glossary, application.

The second chapter reveals the features of the formation of a culture of behavior in children of senior preschool age.

In conclusion, the main conclusions are given.

The list of used literature contains 20 sources.

The appendix presents the rules of the culture of behavior of preschool children.

Chapter 1. Education of a culture of behavior in preschool children as a psychological and pedagogical problem

1.1 The concept of the culture of behavior of preschool children, the characteristics of its components through the analysis of the studied literature

culture behavior preschooler upbringing

Culture of behavior - compliance with the basic requirements and rules of human society, the ability to find the right tone in communicating with others. V. Belinsky spoke about the importance of educating a culture of behavior in children and its conditionality by moral standards: “Do not lose sight of any aspect of education: tell children about neatness, external cleanliness, about the nobility and dignity of manners and treatment of people; but deduce the necessity of all this from a common and higher source - not from the conditional demands of social knowledge or class, but from the loftiness of human knowledge, not from the conditional requirements of social knowledge or class, not from conventional concepts of decency, but from the eternal concepts of human dignity. » Kodzhaspirova G. M., Kodzhaspirov A. Yu. Dictionary of Pedagogy. M.: ICC "Mart"; Rostov n / a: Publishing Center "Mart", 2005. S. 152 - 153. .

The culture of activity is manifested in the behavior of the child in the classroom, in games, during the performance of labor assignments.

To form a culture of activity in a child means to educate him in the ability to keep in order the place where he works, studies, plays; the habit of finishing the work begun, taking care of toys, things, books.

Children in middle age, and especially in older preschool age, should learn to prepare everything necessary for classes, work, and select toys in accordance with the game plan. An important indicator of the culture of activity is a natural craving for interesting, meaningful activities, the ability to value time. At the senior preschool age, the child learns to regulate his activities and rest, quickly and in an organized manner to perform hygiene procedures, morning exercises. This will be a good basis for the formation of his skills in effective organization of work.

To determine what has been achieved in the upbringing of a culture of work activity, one can use such indicators as the ability and desire of the child to work, interest in the work performed, understanding of its purpose and social meaning; activity, independence; manifestation of strong-willed efforts in achieving the required result; mutual assistance in team work.

The culture of communication provides for the implementation by the child of the norms and rules of communication with adults and peers, based on respect and goodwill, using the appropriate vocabulary and forms of address, as well as polite behavior in public places and everyday life.

The culture of communication implies the ability not only to act in the right way, but also to refrain from actions, words, and gestures that are inappropriate in a given situation. The child must be taught to notice the condition of other people. Already from the first years of life, a child must understand when it is possible to run and when it is necessary to slow down desires, because at a certain moment, in a certain situation, such behavior becomes unacceptable, that is, act guided by a sense of respect for others. It is respect for others, combined with simplicity, naturalness in the manner of speaking and showing one's feelings, that characterizes such an important quality of a child as sociability.

The culture of communication necessarily implies a culture of speech. A.M. Gorky considered concern for the purity of speech an important tool in the struggle for the general culture of man. One aspect of this broad issue is the education of a culture of speech communication.

The culture of speech implies that the preschooler has a sufficient vocabulary, the ability to speak concisely, maintaining a calm tone.

Already at a younger, and especially in middle preschool age, when a child masters the grammatical structure of speech, learns to build simple phrases correctly, he is taught to call adults by their first and middle names, to “You”, pronunciation is corrected, children are taught to speak at a normal pace, without tongue twisters or stretching words. It is equally important at the same time to teach the child to listen carefully to the interlocutor, to stand calmly during the conversation, to look into the face of the speaker.

In the educational activities organized by the teacher, the behavior, questions and answers of children are largely regulated by the tasks, content of the material and forms of organization of children. It is clear that the culture of their communication in such processes is formed faster and easier. But it is equally important to cultivate a culture of communication in everyday life, in various types of their independent activities. On the other hand, mastering the culture of speech contributes to the active communication of children in joint games, and to a large extent prevents conflicts between them.

Cultural and hygienic skills are an important part of the culture of behavior. The need for neatness, keeping the face, hands, body, hair, clothes, shoes clean is dictated not only by the requirements of hygiene, but also by the norms of human relations. Children should understand that respect for others is shown in observing these rules, that it is unpleasant for any person to touch a dirty hand or look at untidy clothes. A slovenly person who does not know how to take care of himself, his appearance, his actions, as a rule, is also careless at work.

Teachers and parents should always remember that the skills instilled in childhood, including cultural and hygienic ones, bring great benefits to a person throughout his subsequent life.

Food culture is often referred to as hygiene habits. But its significance is not only in the fulfillment of physiological needs. It also has an ethical aspect - after all, behavior at the table is based on respect for those sitting nearby, as well as for those who prepared the food.

From preschool age, children must learn certain rules: you can not put your elbows on the table while eating; you need to eat with your mouth closed, slowly, chewing food thoroughly; treat bread and other products with care; use cutlery properly. Mastering the culture of food is not an easy task for preschoolers, but it is necessary to develop these skills, it is necessary to ensure that children eat with pleasure, appetite and neatly Nikolaeva S.N. Classes on the culture of behavior with preschoolers and younger students. Moscow: Vlados. 2007. S. 4 - 5 ..

1.2 Stages of formation of a culture of behavior in preschool age

The formation of a culture of behavior in preschool age takes place in stages. At each of these stages, children, according to age-related psychological characteristics, learn the culture of activity, the culture of communication, cultural and hygienic skills and habits.

T. A. Kulikova identifies the following stages of education of a culture of behavior and relationships. Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool Pedagogy. M.: Academy, 1998. S. 112 - 117.:

The first stage of educating a culture of behavior begins at an early age and aims to accumulate a lot of single facts - exercises in behavior encouraged by society (and parents).

In the next stage, although it is difficult to separate from the first, children begin to explain when and how to behave in order to receive the praise of others. The “anticipation technique” is important here. Its essence lies in the fact that an adult anticipates with his remarks the undesirable behavior of the child and helps to prevent it. For example: “Now you and I will go to the doctor, how will you greet him, what do you say? And he will definitely smile at you in response, he likes well-mannered children”, “Children, of course, you all remember how to go down the corridor to the music hall so as not to wake the kids? I have no doubt that you will pass quietly." The anticipation technique acts as a stimulus to worthy behavior. At the second stage, conditions are created for the child to receive satisfaction from his good behavior. And while he still does a lot for the sake of praise, you should not be afraid of this at this stage. Praise is necessary for every person, it strengthens his self-confidence. This is especially important for a preschooler.

At the third stage, continuing to create conditions for the practice of cultural behavior, the educator pays more attention to the children's awareness of the importance of the rules of etiquette. You can tell preschoolers a little about the history of the emergence of etiquette, about the traditions of the culture of behavior among people at different times and in different countries, and, of course, about the content of etiquette in a group of children.

Children should be taught specific ways of behaving and expressing attitudes and feelings, taught to restrain their feelings if they can be offensive or unpleasant for others.

One of the tasks of educating a culture of behavior and relationships is the formation of self-control in the behavior of children of senior preschool age.

A number of researchers present self-control as an essential aspect of self-regulation, as the ability to prevent possible errors in activity and behavior and correct them; self-control is based on the arbitrariness of behavior, and the moral norms of society are the guideline. With regard to children of older preschool age, the content of the concept of "self-control in behavior" can be specified as follows: the ability of a child to foresee the consequences of a proposed act for himself, a peer, an adult, to experience appropriate emotional experiences (satisfaction or shame, gratitude or resentment, etc.), which allows you to either establish yourself in its legitimacy, or change your decision as inconsistent with the expectations of others. Kozlova S. A. Moral education of children in the modern world // Preschool education 2001. No. 9. P. 18 - 27 ..

Therefore, in order to exercise self-control over their actions in a particular situation, the child needs to: realize the meaning of the situation and determine his act in it; choose a moral rule governing actions in this situation; understand (realize) the justice of this rule as corresponding to the necessary actions, its moral meaning, personal significance; anticipate (anticipate) the consequences of the proposed action; act of will, act.

Development in children of awareness of the moral value of the rules governing behavior, and their use in their activities;

Formation in children of the ability to foresee the consequences of the proposed act, emotional experiences for it (satisfaction, joy, embarrassment, shame, dissatisfaction with oneself, pride, self-esteem);

Formation in children of awareness of the personal significance of actions that contain moral meaning.

In the formation of self-control, it is of great importance to discuss with children specific situations that require finding a way out of them, based on moral rules. As one of the active methods in conversations with children, modeling can be used, that is, a graphic representation of all mental acts of the character in situations that contain moral meaning. The plot of the story about a specific act of a literary hero is presented in the form of successive frames, each of which is indicated by a conventional substitute sign. Education of moral feelings in older preschoolers // Bure R. S., Godina G. N., Shatova A. D. and others; Ed. Vinogradova A.M. M .: Education, 1999. S. 37 - 40 ..

Summary of Chapter 1

The culture of behavior of a preschooler is a set of sustainable forms of everyday behavior useful for society in everyday life, in communication, in various activities. The culture of behavior is not limited to the formal observance of etiquette. It is closely related to moral feelings and ideas and, in turn, reinforces them.

When educating preschool children in positive skills and habits, it is necessary to adhere to the following principles of unity and integrity of the educational process, i.e. the relationship of tasks, methods and means of education: consistency, systematicity in education; repetition of exercises in the formation of skills and habits with a rational distribution of these exercises over time. Positive results in the formation of a culture of behavior are possible in a combination of exactingness with respect and trust in children, both on the part of teachers and parents.

There are several stages in the formation of a culture of behavior of preschoolers. The first stage of education of a culture of behavior begins at an early age, the foundations of a culture of communication, a culture of activity are laid, cultural and hygienic skills are formed. At the second stage, conditions are created for the child to receive satisfaction from his good behavior. And already at the third stage, continuing to create conditions for the practice of cultural behavior, the educator pays more attention to the children's awareness of the importance of the rules of etiquette.

Chapter 2. Features of the formation of a culture of behavior in children of senior preschool age

2.1 Age features of the mental development of children of older preschool age

Senior preschool age (6 - 7 years) is characterized as a period of significant changes in the child's body and is a certain stage in the maturation of the body. During this period, there is an intensive development and improvement of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems of the body, the development of small muscles, the development and differentiation of various parts of the central nervous system.

A characteristic feature of this age is also the development of cognitive and mental mental processes: attention, thinking, imagination, memory, speech.

Attention. If during preschool childhood, involuntary attention is predominant in a child, then by the end of preschool age, voluntary attention begins to develop. When the child begins to consciously direct and hold him on certain objects and objects.

Memory. By the end of preschool age, the development of arbitrary visual and auditory memory occurs. Memory begins to play a leading role in the organization of mental processes.

Development of thinking. By the end of preschool age, the development of visual-figurative thinking reaches a higher level and logical thinking begins to develop, which contributes to the formation of the child's ability to distinguish the essential properties and signs of objects in the world, the formation of the ability to compare, generalize, classify.

The development of the imagination. By the end of preschool age, the development of creative imagination takes place, this is facilitated by various games, unexpected associations, brightness and concreteness of the images and impressions presented.

In the field of speech development, by the end of preschool age, the active vocabulary expands and the ability to use various complex grammatical structures in active speech develops.

The activity of a child of 6-7 years old is characterized by emotionality and the great significance of emotional reactions. Palagina NN Psychology of development and developmental psychology. M .: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2005. S. 58 - 77. .

At preschool age, personal mechanisms of behavior begin to form; there is a primary subordination of motives, the child's behavior turns from field to volitional.

Will and arbitrariness are the most important personal neoplasms of preschool age. The development of the will is connected with the formation and formation of the motivational sphere of the child; the development of arbitrariness is determined by the formation of awareness and mediation of one's behavior. At the same time, will and arbitrariness are united in their genesis. The transformation of cultural models of action into the child's own means occurs in the process of initiation, in which the adult conveys the meaning (motive) and mode of new activity in their unity.

At preschool age, the development of will and arbitrariness most effectively occurs in a role-playing game and in games with a rule. The developing effect of games with the rule is due to the special position of an adult, who is both a participant and an organizer of the game.

At preschool age, primary ethical instances arise: moral consciousness and moral assessments are formed, moral regulation of behavior is formed, social and moral feelings are intensively developed. Interpersonal relationships of children have a certain age dynamics and go through three stages. By the older preschool age, comparing oneself with a peer and opposing him develops into an internal community that makes both empathy and assistance to another possible.

The self-consciousness of the child and his attitude towards others develop in an inseparable unity and are based on two principles: subjective and objective.

The ratio of the objective and subjective principles changes with age and determines the nature of the relationship to oneself and to another. The predominance of the objective principle of self-consciousness is the source of some problematic forms of behavior and attitudes towards peers Smirnova E.O. Child psychology. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2009. S. 280 - 282..

So, preschool age is the period of the initial formation of personality. The emergence of emotional anticipation of the consequences of one's behavior, self-esteem, complication and awareness of experiences, enrichment with new feelings and motives of the emotional-need sphere - this is an incomplete list of features characteristic of the personal development of a preschooler. The central neoplasms of this age can be considered the subordination of motives and self-awareness.

2.2 Methods and forms of education of children of senior preschool age culture of behavior

Method (from the Greek word metodos - literally a path to something) means a way to achieve a goal, a certain way ordered activity Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F., Mishchenko A.I., Shiyanov E.N. Pedagogy. M .: Respublika, 1998. S. 134 - 136 .. The methods of education should be understood as a set of specific methods and techniques of educational work that are used in the process of various activities of students to develop their need-motivational sphere, views and beliefs, develop skills and habits of behavior, as well as for its correction and improvement in order to form personal properties and qualities Basova N.V. Pedagogy and practical psychology. Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2009. S. 118 ..

The form of education is the outward expression of this process. The philosophical categories of content and form reflect the unity of the internal and external in the phenomena of education: the first indicates what is available, and the second - in what form it is expressed. Content and form, as you know, are inextricably linked: a change in content entails a change in form and vice versa. The content is formed, the form is filled with content. The leading role belongs to the content.

At the older preschool age, the formation of habits of cultural behavior, which began in the younger and middle groups, continues actively. The content of the pedagogical process at this stage is the education of respect for relatives and friends, affection and respect for educators, a conscious desire to please the elders with good deeds, and the desire to be useful to others.

The formation of respect for others, goodwill, strong-willed qualities, restraint occurs in a group of peers. The team plays an increasingly important role in the life of children, the relationship of children becomes more complicated.

An effective method of forming the skills of a culture of behavior in older preschoolers is an ethical conversation. Such conversations should be organically included in the system of diverse methods of education.

Ethical conversations are planned, prepared and organized classes, the content of which is determined by the requirements of the Kindergarten Education and Training Program. But, referring to the program tasks of education, the teacher must specify them, work out the rules and norms of behavior, the education of which must be strengthened in this group, taking into account the age and, of course, the individual characteristics of children. A deep analysis of the specific facts and actions underlying ethical conversations is also very important. Such preparation of conversations ensures their effectiveness, contributes to a deeper assimilation by children of their program content.

The number of such conversations is small: five to seven per year, that is, once every one and a half to two months. Duration - 20 - 25 minutes. At the discretion of the educator, these conversations can be held both in the morning and in the afternoon.

It should be remembered: the main goal of ethical conversations is to form in the child the moral motives of behavior, which he could be guided in his actions. The main thing is to ensure that ethical conversation awakens the activity of children's experiences, a deep understanding of the discussed actions and rules of social behavior.

At this age, there is a gradual transition from the perception of the content of individual actions (good - bad) to generalized concepts of good behavior. Through ethical conversations, the educator links together in the minds of children disparate ideas into a single whole - the basis of the future system of moral assessments.

The topics of ethical conversations must necessarily include the leading concepts for this age group: “My mother”, “My family”, “Kindergarten”, “My comrades”, “Our good deeds”, “Be polite”, “Be careful”, “ I'm at home" and many others.

Ethical conversations, their results should be directly manifested in the practice of behavior, the actions of children in various situations. This is very important for consolidating the results of pedagogical influence.

Also, in the plan of their daily work, the educator includes various methods that correct the behavior of children. For example, you can invite the child to think about the proverb: “Don’t regret your “thank you”, but don’t wait for someone else.” Such work is especially fruitful during a walk (impressions provide good food for thought) or in the evening, in an atmosphere of special confidence.

A good educational effect is given by the board game "School of courtesy" with a set of various pictures-rules. In a playful, dynamic form, the rules of behavior are taught. The conversations of the fairy-tale characters Ladushka and Byakushka introduce the children to the norms of safe behavior at home, in society, on the street, etc.

The issues of educating a child's behavior in public places are becoming increasingly important in the work of a teacher. A child's visits to public places, travel by transport, etc., are still accompanied by adults. It is clear that the effectiveness of educating a culture of behavior in public places is the higher, the more kindergarten employees use the help and assistance of parents in this. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to thoroughly familiarize parents with the requirements and specific rules for the behavior of a child in public places. This topic can be discussed at the meeting or dedicated to one of the consultations. To help parents, thematic stands or sliding folders are made out.

To solve the program tasks of educating a culture of behavior in public places, exercise games can be used.

In the older group, attention should still be paid to improving the skills of children's personal neatness, neatness, food culture. An indicator of their assimilation is a gradual reduction in the time spent by children on hygiene procedures, the quality of their implementation, and independence. Exercise games will also be of great help in this educator.

In connection with the transition to teaching children at school from the age of six, kindergarten teachers and parents faced the serious task of raising children's independence earlier. In particular, for this it is necessary to give children more feasible household tasks - to buy bread in the store, put a letter in the mailbox, answer the phone when adults are not at home, and so on.

It is very important to take care of the correct orientation of children in the immediate environment in a timely manner. The child of the sixth year of life should know his home address, be aware of the basic rules of the road, etc. Among other means, games-exercise of the appropriate content can be used to achieve these goals.

In the summer, before moving to a preparatory group for school, you can organize a walk-hike in the forest, to a lake or river, to a park. To help the educator to similar walks (one or two per year) of other preschool teachers. Children are informed about the route of such a walk in advance.

The purpose of walks-hikes is to cultivate love and respect for nature; provide an opportunity for effective manifestation of kindness, mutual assistance, camaraderie.

Before moving on to the preschool group in the education of a culture of behavior, it is necessary to place a significant emphasis on instilling a deeper interest than before in children in their comrades, their human qualities, their hobbies, etc. Ethical conversations can also contribute to this. In terms of conversations and meetings, the educator observes what changes have occurred in the relationship of children, identifies the motives for new rapprochements, determines which character traits are more noticeable.

Work on this topic is well supported by a series of meetings with older children - with children from other groups, other kindergartens. The purpose of such meetings is to form a moral experience of communication, to arouse a desire to be like “Octobers are good guys”, to determine the short-term perspective of moral aspirations, to strengthen the friendly, benevolent relations of children in the group.

In the preparatory group for school, there is a consolidation, deepening and expansion of everything that they have acquired over the entire previous period of stay in kindergarten.

The tasks of educating a culture of behavior in a group preparatory to school are solved on the basis of an expedient selection of methods and techniques, the most successful combination of them, ensuring the relationship between educational and cognitive and independent activities of preschoolers.

In working with children in the preparatory group for school, it is especially important to ensure that the child's acquired experience does not run counter to the new knowledge that he will receive in the process of education. Therefore, sincere individual conversations and group ethical conversations are of particular importance; staging games, exercise games are also very effective. Complementing each other, they make it possible to form the moral world of the older preschooler, the social orientation of his behavior.

Using effective methods of education, the teacher forms ethical concepts, a culture of behavior in public places, a culture of relationships, a culture of speech, a culture of appearance. But it should be remembered that in the preparatory group, the playing techniques included in the educational process do not lose their significance; combining them with ethical conversations, the teacher unobtrusively reveals to the children visual examples of everyday communication. It is also important that morally oriented classes and conversations contain not only the rules of etiquette, but also interesting practical exercises in cultural communication. Then you can more effectively influence the inner world of the child.

The connection between different areas of the educational process should be outlined and traced in various ways using the whole complex of methods, means, and techniques. The specific implementation of the relationship of the educational process is an independent activity.

It is very important that the entire regime of the kindergarten, everything that we call everyday life, be filled with meaningful activities and communication. This contributes to the enrichment of the spiritual world of the child.

The upbringing of a culture of behavior in a group preparatory to school is aimed at encouraging the child to be as independent as possible in the implementation of personal hygiene rules, so that the skills and abilities of personal neatness, accuracy, food culture develop into a need, so that cleanliness becomes a personality trait. At the same time, the educator must tirelessly emphasize the social significance of the rules of accuracy: their implementation is a sign of respect for loved ones, acquaintances, and generally for those around them.

Some games-activities, games-exercises are aimed at strengthening cultural and hygienic skills and habits. Depending on their specific content, various rules or their combinations are assimilated, for example: keep your suit, shoes, headgear clean; washing hands before eating and after contamination; use a handkerchief correctly; fasten all the buttons, watch your hair; know the location of things, always put them in their place in kindergarten and at home, etc.

In the preparatory group for school, the skills of maintaining order, cleanliness in clothes should acquire an increasingly conscious social meaning for the child. Now it is important not only to master the skills of self-undressing before going to bed, dressing after sleep and for a walk. At this age stage, the child must do all this at a fast pace, must know how to dress in accordance with the season and weather. Such skills acquired in kindergarten are one of the foundations of a child's independence when studying at school.

You can check how the rules of neatness and tidiness are learned by children during the evening of entertainment. In one of the attractions, for example, children are offered one of the tasks: who will quickly and accurately get ready for school in winter or autumn, that is, collect everything necessary for school in a briefcase and dress neatly, quickly and according to the season. Two or three children participate in the competition.

The upbringing of a culture of behavior in children aged 6-7 is facilitated by conversations, the content of which helps to instill in children a sense of justice, responsibility for the results of their actions. In conversations, it is important to activate not only the memory of children, but also their imagination, to help them remember their experiences, emotions in a given situation.

In the content of the conversation, the educator includes new, age-specific requirements: to carefully make your bed in the morning, to help wash the dishes, to give way in transport, to offer a chair to an adult, etc. In conclusion, it is necessary to make a generalization: love for adults can be shown in different ways , it is important that adults feel this love and attention

A significant part of the conversations with kindergarten graduates should be devoted to the development of a culture of communication.

The topic of such conversations can be the real actions of children observed by the teacher - this is, as a rule, the most intelligible and effective material,

The solution of the complex problem of ethical education is also facilitated by dramatization games, the content of which is carefully thought out by the educator. Such dramatizations can be included in the content of ethical conversations, but can also be used as an independent methodological device. The theme of games should be based on the personal experience of children: if a child can recognize himself and his comrades, remember the real situation of recent times, he will not remain indifferent. But this must be done subtly and delicately, the names in the dramatizations must be fictitious. The main thing is to draw the attention of children to the moral assessment of the situation, to the method of resolving conflicts. Such games tend to be very short; built on; In one episode, dramatizations can be performed by the children themselves or with the help of puppets.

In the preparatory school group of the kindergarten, the educator needs to pay more attention to the self-organization of children and the related control of the children over their own actions and deeds. The inculcation of these qualities is not a simple matter and at the same time it does not require any special pedagogical techniques; The main thing here is consistency and perseverance. Short morning conversations have a good effect on children in this regard, when the teacher asks them about how they behaved at home, what they did on their own, and how they helped adults.

Encouraging the independence of children, the teacher can invite the children to think about what holiday decorations they want to make for their group, the hall and as a gift for the kids.

It is also advisable to give children various instructions, for example, to take from the head teacher or senior teacher the book, album, record, etc. necessary for classes. In carrying out such instructions, children not only practice courtesy; here, as nowhere else, the child's self-control is manifested.

Ethical conversations-miniatures, stories-miniatures, held in the evening hours, help to solve the most important educational tasks, influencing that “inner sphere”, which is not easy and not always open to the teacher in other conditions. These miniatures can be based on events and situations that the teacher observed in the real behavior of children.

The education of a culture of behavior in a preschooler cannot be considered only within the framework of a kindergarten. It provides for a mandatory connection with the upbringing of children in the family, coordination of the efforts of the teacher and parents. That is why it is so important for educators to find methods to establish close contact with the family in order to ensure unity in the education of a culture of behavior. Of the most effective methods and forms of work with parents, one can note: general and group parent meetings, consultations, teacher visits to the families of their pupils, “open days”, a decorated stand or screen for parents, sections of which in a visual form reveal general issues of educating a culture of behavior , sliding folders, positive experience of family education.

Thus, the educator works with parents in three directions. Firstly, he studies the experience of family education and takes into account its achievements and gaps in his pedagogical activity. Secondly, it provides effective assistance to parents in the upbringing of children. And thirdly, Peterina S.V. coordinates work with kindergarten children and parents. Education of a culture of behavior in preschool children. M .: Education, 1986. S. 44 - 79 ..

By varying the various methods and forms of work with older preschool children in order to form cultural behavior, it is possible to achieve the following tasks:

1. To cultivate goodwill, the ability to focus on the state of peers, their interests.

2. Learn to combine desires to satisfy your needs in the game, activities with the interests of peers.

3. To form the experience of friendly relationships in the conditions of joint activities, uniting children on the basis of common interests. Support interesting proposals of peers, give in to their desire, combine these proposals with the satisfaction of their interests.

4. To form the ability to justify one's opinion, to convince peers of its fairness. To form a conscious attitude to the advice, comments of partners, recognizing their fairness and significance for obtaining positive results of common activities.

5. Promote children's awareness of the personal significance of actions that comply with moral standards.

6. Form an active attitude to the positive and negative actions of peers, express their opinion in the form of value judgments, avoiding incorrect remarks.

7. To form elementary ideas about oneself as a participant in a common activity, about one's attitude towards it and ways of behavior corresponding to these ideas. Recognize the need for an equitable distribution of common tasks. In the process of its implementation, pay attention to the difficulties of a peer, offering help, advice, joint implementation, without waiting for a request from him, not to make incorrect remarks in case of a partner’s mistake, his failure, to feel a sense of responsibility for the quality of one’s activities to peers and for the quality of the general result.

8. To develop in children a sense of gratitude from the manifestation of attention, caring attitude towards themselves from their peers.

9. Enrich humane feelings (empathy, sympathy, assistance), form ideas about the norms of humanity and the corresponding experience of benevolent manifestations.

10. Carry out corrective work with children whose behavior is dominated by inhumane, negative manifestations towards others.

11. Follow the rules of the culture of behavior (Appendix 1) Bure RS, MV Vorobieva and others. Friendly guys. Education of humane feelings and relationships in preschoolers. M.: Enlightenment, 2006. P.9..

Summary of Chapter 2

Knowledge by the educator of the features of the mental development of children of senior preschool age, individual personality traits contributes to the successful solution of the problems of moral education, including the formation of a culture of behavior. Work on the education of a culture of behavior and relationships must be built taking into account the mechanism of moral education. An effective method of educating a culture of behavior in older preschoolers is an ethical conversation. Such conversations should organically be included in the system of diverse methods of education. Ethical conversation, as a method of education, is distinguished by a significant originality. The content of ethical conversations consists mainly of genuine life situations, the behavior of the people around and, above all, the pupils themselves. The teacher gives a description of the facts and actions that the child observed or performed in communication with peers and adults. Such characteristics form children's objectivity in assessing events, help the child navigate in a given situation and act in accordance with the rules of moral behavior.

Also, in working with children of older preschool age, in order to form a culture of behavior, reading of works of art, game situations, games-activities, games-exercises, game techniques, and various types of children's activities are used. An important part of educating a culture of child behavior is carried out in the family, so the kindergarten uses a variety of methods and forms of work in working with parents.


Based on the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Culture of behavior - compliance with the basic requirements and rules of human society, the ability to find the right tone in communicating with others. In the content of the culture of behavior of preschoolers, the following components can be conditionally distinguished: the culture of activity, the culture of communication, cultural and hygienic skills and habits.

2. The formation of a culture of behavior takes place in stages. At an early age, the first stage of education of a culture of behavior begins. Then, at the preschool age, at the second stage, conditions are created for the child to receive satisfaction from his good behavior. And already at the third stage, continuing to create conditions for the practice of cultural behavior, the educator pays more attention to the children's awareness of the importance of the rules of etiquette.

3. At the senior preschool age, the development of the cognitive and personal spheres takes place, such neoplasms are formed as

4. Effective methods and forms of education play a huge role in educating older preschoolers with a culture of behavior: practical, verbal and visual methods, as well as a game method, can be noted from them. It is also possible to note exercise games, group and individual ethical conversations, excursions, walks, hikes, game activities, dramatization games.

Equally important is the education of a culture of behavior in the family. General and group parental meetings, consultations, visits by the teacher to the families of their pupils, “open days”, a decorated stand or screen for parents are held with the parents of children, sections of which in a visual form reveal the general issues of educating a culture of behavior, folders, sliding folders, positive experience of family education.

Thus, the combination of all methods and forms of education will contribute to the effective education of a culture of behavior in older preschoolers.

List of used literature

1. Alyabyeva E.A. Education of a culture of behavior in children 5-7 years old. M.: TC Sphere, 2009. 128 p.

2. Barkhatova V.V. Education of a culture of behavior // Preschool education. 1991. No. 11. pp. 41 - 44.

3. Basova N.V. Pedagogy and practical psychology. Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2009. 388 p.

4. Bolotina L.R., Komarova T.S., Baranov S.P. Preschool Pedagogy. M: Academy, 1997. 284 p.

5. Bure R.S., M.V. Vorobiev and others. Friendly guys. Education of humane feelings and relationships in preschoolers. Moscow: Education, 2006. 142 p.

6. Voronin A.S. Glossary of terms in general and social pedagogy. Ekaterinburg: EGU, 2006. 135 p.

7. Education of moral feelings in older preschoolers // Bure R.S., Godina G.N., Shatova A.D. and etc.; Ed. Vinogradova A.M. M .: Education, 1999. S. 37 - 40.

8. Kodzhaspirova G.M., Kodzhaspirov A.Yu. Dictionary of Pedagogy. M.: ICC "Mart"; Rostov n / a: Publishing Center "Mart", 2005. 448 p.

9. Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool Pedagogy. M.: Academy, 1998. S. 112 - 117.

10. Kozlova S. A. Moral education of children in the modern world // Preschool education 2001. No. 9. P. 18 - 27.

11. Konstantinov N.A., Medynsky E.N., Shabaeva M.F. History of Pedagogy. Moscow: Education, 2002. 446 p.

12. Kurochkina I.N. Modern etiquette and the education of a culture of behavior in preschoolers. Moscow: Vlados, 2003. 286 p.

13. Nikolaeva S.N. Classes on the culture of behavior with preschoolers and younger students. Moscow: Vlados. 2007. 78 p.

14. From birth to school. The main general educational program of preschool education / Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. Moscow: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010. 304 p.

15. Palagina N.N. Psychology of development and developmental psychology. M.: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2005. 288 p.

16. Peterina S.V. Education of a culture of behavior in preschool children. Moscow: Education, 1986. 96 p.

17. Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy: 100 questions - 100 answers. M.: VLADOS-press, 2004. 365 p.

18. The program of education and training in kindergarten / Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova. M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2008. 208 p.

19. Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F., Mishchenko A.I., Shiyanov E.N. Pedagogy. M.: Respublika, 1998. S. 134 - 136.

20. Smirnova E.O. Child psychology. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2009. 304 p.




this is a specially organized purposeful activity for the formation and development of consciousness and self-knowledge of the child, the formation of a moral position and its consolidation in behavior.

Cultural and hygienic skills

it is the need for neatness, keeping the face, body, hair, clothes, shoes clean,

Activity culture

the behavior of the child in the classroom, in games, during the performance of labor assignments.

Communication culture

the child's compliance with the norms and rules of communication with adults and peers, based on respect and goodwill, using the appropriate vocabulary and forms of address, as well as polite behavior in public places, everyday life.

A culture of speech

this is speech skill, the ability to express thoughts expressively and intelligibly.

Culture of behavior

compliance with the basic requirements and rules of human society, the ability to find the right tone in communicating with others.

activity formed by repetition and bringing to automatism.

it is a condition that must be met in order to achieve something.


the process of purposeful and organized mastering by social subjects of integral, stable features and qualities that they need for successful life.

Ethical Conversations

special private methods of education, which are one of the varieties of persuasion as the most important general method of education.


Appendix 1

Rules of the culture of behavior of a preschooler

Cultural and hygienic rules

Get up in the morning always at the same time.

Be sure to do morning exercises.

Wash your face thoroughly, be sure to brush your teeth, comb your hair neatly.

Wash hands before eating, after using the toilet, walking, taking care of animals.

Always sit straight at the table, do not put your elbows on the table.

Use cutlery correctly.

Eat slowly, carefully, silently, chew with your mouth closed, chew your food thoroughly.

Don't crumble the bread, break it off piece by piece.

With the help of a teaspoon carefully fold the bones from fruits from compote on a saucer.

When you finish eating, put your spoon or fork on your plate, not on the tablecloth.

Use a napkin while eating.

Do not run with a sandwich, pieces of food - eat at the table.

Climbing the stairs, put your foot on the step with the whole foot.

When going down the stairs, keep your back straight and hold lightly on the railing.

Use a handkerchief; sneezing and coughing, turn away from the interlocutor, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

After a walk, thoroughly dry your feet, shake off and brush your coat.

Clean your own shoes; hang or fold clothes neatly.

In the evening, before going to bed, put your clothes and shoes in order.

Go to bed always at the same time, sleep in a well-ventilated room.

Communication culture rules

Use polite words:

“Hello”, “Goodbye”, “Please”, “Be kind”, “Excuse me”, “Thank you”, “Thank you”, “Allow me in”, etc.

Be friendly and polite to all adults.

Do not interrupt adults, do not interfere in their conversation.

On the street, at home, in kindergarten, in transport and other public places, speak calmly, quietly; keep a low profile; don't demand too much attention. Do not eat during the performance, film demonstration.

Listen to your elders carefully, stand calmly, look your interlocutor in the face.

Know how to listen to a friend without interrupting.

Respect the work and rest of elders, do not interfere with adults, do not make noise, do not be capricious.

Make way for adults and children on public transport.

Give a chair or give way to an adult who enters.

Pick up and politely give an object dropped by someone (pencil, mitten, etc.).

Boys: let the girls go ahead into the transport, into the room.

Help your child or peer to put on a coat, zip up, tie a scarf.

Share with friends toys, books, play together.

Be able to admit that you were wrong.

Try to give in to a friend in a dispute, a game, help him to negotiate with him.

Activity culture rules

Don't sit idle.

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Finish what you started.

Just do your job well.

Do everything you can on your own, without requiring the help of adults.

Keep clean and tidy in your play area, at your table.

Everywhere and always take care of things and toys.

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The formation of a culture of behavior is one of the most urgent and complex problems that must be solved today by everyone who is related to children. What we lay in the soul of a child now will manifest itself later, will become his life and ours. Today we are talking about the need to revive a culture of behavior in society, which is directly related to the development and upbringing of a child before school.

Interest in the problem of forming a culture of behavior of preschoolers is due to the fact that the educational impact of the family and Russian national culture in the field of education is sharply reduced. Among the most important tasks for preschool educational institutions are the formation of a basic personality culture and high moral qualities from early childhood.

There are many opportunities for this in kindergarten. In the process of everyday communication with peers, children learn to live in a team, master in practice the moral norms of behavior that help regulate relations with others. The younger the child, the more influence can be exerted on his feelings and behavior.

For the development of the child's personality, the formation of a culture of behavior, the following principles are required:


Work on the formation of a culture of behavior should be carried out systematically. The teacher flexibly distributes content throughout the process. It is advisable to conduct specially organized classes in the afternoon. As for the unregulated activities of children, these forms of work can be carried out both in the morning and in the afternoon. However, all this does not exclude the work of the educator with children outside of class, since it is impossible to predetermine the whole gamut of spontaneously arising situations and difficulties, and the teacher may require additional explanations, answers to questions, organization of a game situation, and involvement of relevant fiction.

Reliance on the positive.

Teachers are obliged to identify the positive in the child and, relying on the good, develop other, insufficiently formed or negatively oriented qualities, bringing them to the required level and harmonious combination. In the educational process, confrontation, the struggle of the educator with the pupil, the opposition of forces and positions is unacceptable. Only cooperation. Patience and interested participation of the educator in the fate of the pupil give positive results. Experienced educators do not skimp on compliments, generously advance future positive developments. They project good behavior, inspire confidence in the successful achievement of high results, trust the pupils, encourage them in case of failures.

Humanizationeducational process.

The principle requires a humane attitude towards the personality of the pupil; respect for his rights and freedoms; presenting feasible and reasonably formulated requirements to the pupil; respect for the position of the pupil even when he refuses to comply with the requirements; respect for the human right to be oneself; bringing to the consciousness of the pupil the specific goals of his education; non-violent formation of the required qualities; rejection of corporal and other punishments degrading the honor and dignity of a person; recognition of the right of the individual to a complete rejection of the formation of those qualities that for some reason contradict her convictions.

Personally active approach.

The educator must constantly study and know well the individual characteristics of temperament, character traits, views, tastes, habits of his pupils; was able to diagnose and know the real level of formation of such important personal qualities as a way of thinking, motives, interests, attitudes, personality orientation, attitude to life, work, value orientations, life plans; constantly involve each pupil in educational activities that are feasible for him, ensuring the progressive development of the personality; in a timely manner to find out and establish the reasons that may interfere with the achievement of the goal, to rely as much as possible on the individual's own activity; combine education with self-education of the individual, help in choosing goals, methods, forms of self-education; to develop independence, initiative, self-activity of pupils, not so much to lead as to skillfully organize and direct activities leading to success.

Unity of educational influences.

All persons involved in education acted together, presented the pupils with agreed requirements, went hand in hand, helping a friend, supplementing and strengthening the pedagogical impact. If such unity and coordination of efforts is not achieved, but counteracted, then it is difficult to count on success. At the same time, the pupil experiences enormous mental overload, because he does not know who to believe, who to follow, he cannot determine and choose the right influences among those authoritative for him. It is necessary to sum up the action of all forces.

The educator in his work relies on an activity approach. This means that different types of children's activities (cognitive, playful, independent) serve as a pedagogical means of education. The acquired experience serves as the basis for the implementation of a holistic activity of the formation of a culture of behavior. The educator carries out teaching children the norms of a culture of behavior in a joint game or joint work. In activities, especially games, there are situations that allow you to support the positive manifestations of children, to formulate the rules of a culture of behavior. Independent activity contributes to the formation of the ability to volitional effort, understanding the need and importance of knowledge of the rules of the culture of behavior, helps to establish game and personal relationships in independent activity, and overcome conflicts.

By organizing the activities of children, the educator creates conditions for the formation of their relationships based on the rules of a culture of behavior, tolerance, and courtesy.

Tasks for the formation of a culture of behavior in preschool children:

  • to form the skills of a culture of behavior in everyday life;
  • learn to see their shortcomings in behavior and be able to correct them;
  • introduce the rules of the culture of behavior;
  • cultivate love and respect for loved ones and others;
  • to teach to treat others with care and patience, but at the same time to show intolerance to the bad deeds of people.

As a result of the implementation of the methodological recommendations, it can be expected that the child can become a harmoniously developed personality, be able to behave with dignity in any environment, understand the meaning and significance of certain rules of the culture of behavior. To be able to speak affably with each other, with adults, to communicate politely with peers, to be able to fairly evaluate their actions and the actions of their peers, to be friendly, honest, fair.

An important feature of the content of methodological recommendations is the close connection with the real life of the child, his social and emotional experience. Therefore, in addition to specially organized classes, you can use a variety of situations that arise in the process of interaction between children (in other classes, in a game, on a walk, at home), in order to enrich the program content of classes and develop children's social competence.

In addition, when forming a culture of behavior, it is necessary to adhere to certain stages:

Stage I: Diagnosis of the formation of levels of culture of behavior.

– Technique No. 1. The study of communication skills.

Target: identify the formation of communication skills in children.

- Method No. 2. Studying the organizational skills of children in joint activities.

Target: to find out the degree of formation of the organizational skills of the child in joint activities with peers and the influence of these skills on relationships with peers.

– Technique No. 3. Learning the skills of a culture of communication.

Target: identify the skills of the child's communication culture, find out what relationships prevail in communication with peers, how often conflicts arise and how the child resolves them.

- Method No. 4. A series of conversations on the topic "Culture of behavior, speech of children."

Target: reveal children's knowledge about the culture of behavior in various situations, yield to each other, give up their desires in favor of a friend; to reveal children's understanding of the words friendship, camaraderie, honesty.

II–III stages: Tasks, content and methods for the formation of a culture of behavior, the process of formation.

Table 1


cognitive activity

Game activity

Independent activity

Identification of the formation of the skills of a culture of behavior in children, respectful attitude towards people around them. Develop and nurture conscious mutually benevolent relationships with peers.
Develop the ability to address an adult by name and patronymic, combine direct appeal with an expression of joy.

Classes: "In the world of polite words", "Acquaintance", "Cultural environment".
Reading the work of V. Oseeva "The Magic Word".
Conversation "Why do you need a friend."
Exercises using polite words and expressions, etc.

D / and "Polite cat", "Good and bad", "Bring me water."
C / r. store game.
The game is a journey using a problem situation;
Game "Funny glances";
Game-training "My feelings".

"Box of Good Deeds"
Examination and discussion of plot pictures on the topic “About good people”.
Dramatization of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man";
Watching the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs";
An evening of riddles, tongue twisters, proverbs about friendship, camaraderie.

To acquaint with traditional greetings, to form the skills of a polite conversation on the phone, to develop the ability to get rid of bad habits and promote the formation of good habits, to develop good, warm relations between children.

Classes: "Morning greeting", "Polite conversation on the phone",
"Debt good turn deserves another".
Reading proverbs and sayings about friendship, partnership.
Reading a poem by A. Barto "The bear cub is ignorant", etc.

D / and "Tease, offend";
D / cognitive game "What is good and what is bad";
C / role-playing game "Table of calls";
game situations.

"Individual exhibition of drawings of each child";
The game "Daughters-mothers";
Creation of the album "Here we are!";
Board-didactic game "ABC of moods";
Solving riddles.

To form the skills of a culture of behavior in everyday life. Learn to express your opinion about the implementation of the rules of the culture of behavior. Find definitions for evaluating the behavior of real people. Learn to treat others with care and patience.

Classes: "Cultural person";
Solving crosswords;
Reading a poem by E. Karganov "On the bus";
Quiz "Rules of culture of behavior", etc.

C / r. game "Guests are always welcome";
The game "Club";
Theatrical activity: "The Tale of the Silly Mouse";
D / and "Our kind words";
Game situations;
The game "Polite Brook", etc.

Examination of illustrations for the works of S.Ya. Marshak;
Listening to a song from the cartoon "Leopold's Birthday";
Consideration of the book by D. Harms "Behavior in public transport", etc.

Learn to see the connection between your actions and the actions of adults. Familiarize yourself with the rules of human interaction with each other.
To form a conscious understanding of the significance of family relationships. Teach children appropriate behaviors.

Lesson: "We and adults";
Lesson: "Visiting Masha";
"Rules of Ethics";
Reading fiction;
Conversation "On partnership";
Conversation "About friendship";
Lesson "Brothers and Sisters".

Collective games with dolls;
N / A game "To love the beautiful";
Game situations:
– Call to the information desk;
D / and "Bring me water";
D / and "Flower of Kindness";
Game-lesson "Book Doctor".

The game "Okay";
The game "We're going to visit";
Game "Choose me";
Viewing illustrations for the work of K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr";
Production of individual albums "What the child loves";
Draw a portrait of a kind, polite person.

To form in the child the confidence that adults love him, like all other children. Strengthen the skills of caring for things. Develop the ability to get rid of bad habits and promote the formation of good ones. Learn to restrain negative impulses, avoid conflicts, find words to evaluate behavior

Lesson: "Guests are always welcome";
Reading Russian folk tales;
Conversation: "Brothers and sisters";
Writing stories about the rules of conduct.
Reading to children of the book by N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and his friends";
Lesson: "Debt by payment is red."

N / and "Domino - How to";
The theater opens: a puppet show based on the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut";
C / r game "Let's drink Katya with tea";
C / r game "Kindergarten";
P / game "Polite brook";
N / printed game "Evaluate the act";
The game "I did well when ...".

Independent examination by children of books with drawings by E. Charushin;
Creation of a problem situation during regime moments;
“Tell poems with your hands” (M. Mayakovsky “What is good, what is bad”);
Evening of riddles, tongue twisters, proverbs about friendship.

Learn to treat others with care and patience.
To form the skills of a culture of behavior in public transport.
Develop polite telephone skills.

Occupation: "Tease, offend";
"With friends";
Conversation about the culture of behavior;
Lesson: "I am a passenger";
Reading Nosov's fairy tale "The Living Hat" and discussing what was read.

Creation of a problem situation.
C / r game "Daughters-mothers";
Game situation: "A call to work for mom";
Dramatization of the fairy tale "Two Greedy Little Bears";
Telephone conversation.

Postcards cut in half "Best Acquaintance";
Viewing books with works by A. Barto, V. Oseeva;
Listening to V. Chaliapin's song "Smile";
telephone conversation;
Watching the cartoon "Kitten Woof".

IV stage: Interaction with parents on the formation of a culture of behavior in children.

An important place in the organization of interaction is occupied by communication between teachers and parents. Parents need to be constantly kept up to date, creating opportunities to get acquainted with the work of the kindergarten in open classes, when attending various general events; post information in the "Corner for Parents"; organize special expositions and exhibitions of children's works.

Positive results in the formation of a culture of behavior in children are achieved with a skillful combination of different forms of cooperation between educators and parents. It is advisable to use both traditional and new forms of work.

parent meetings are group and general. At meetings, parents can be informed about the achievements and problems of children related to their assimilation of the norms and rules of a culture of behavior.

Conversations. Most often, the subject of conversations can be children's fears, peer attitudes towards the child, moods and tastes of children, their interests and needs. We can recommend the following topics for conversation:

  • What is friendship for?
  • How to avoid quarrels;
  • What is the child afraid of?

Individual and group consultations. Parents of different groups who have the same problems can be invited to group consultations. The goals of the consultation are the assimilation by parents of certain knowledge and skills; help them solve problems.

Team work. You can organize a variety of joint activities of children, parents and teachers. The experience of organizing such work with parents shows the effectiveness and efficiency in the formation of a culture of behavior.


  • staging general performances;
  • production of collective panels on certain topics;

Trainings. A new and effective form of work with parents. Invite parents to discuss a situation together.


  • Your child sometimes does not clean up after himself toys.
  • Toys in a child's life.
  • Exhibit of family photos.

In the process of working with parents, the teacher achieves unity in solving educational problems, in using means and methods of influencing children and providing great assistance in shaping a culture of behavior among preschoolers. The indicators of the effectiveness of the work carried out will be an increase in the activity of parents in discussing issues of education in conversations, their numerous questions to the teacher, discussion of examples from own experience, the need for individual consultations, and as a result - positive results in the formation of a culture of behavior and moral character of the child.