Congratulate on the day of the accountant cool. Comic SMS greetings on the day of the accountant. Happy Accountant Congratulations Funny Colleague

In verses in SMS prose

Someone needs money love spell
And the magic is some kind of necessary.
But you, accountant, we have, and now
In the budget, our all is invincible.

You use the program 1C,
You work, our income is multiplying.
We wish joy, health and miracles,
And sincerely, accountant, congratulations.

You are the Lord, the Lord of the Salary,
You are financially financial, sorcerer.
We are able to calculate you and ducats,
Having a wonderful settlement mind.
Accountant, gold ours! Congratulations
Love, good luck and more dollars we wish.

Accountant is an important profession. You can easily be called an accountant with a capital letter, because you know all the nuances of work, you know how to find a way out of the situation. Let your profession do not prevent personal life at all, but always sponsors her.

Your work is to deal with the figures,
Accountant ours, they are obedient.
More often we wish to smile
And with us holiday your mark is very friendly.

Happy Accountant Congratulations on you
And these poems are dedicated to you.
You, of course, are familiar, statistics,
But today there is another stylistics.

We wish you before - health,
So that the living conditions have improved.
So that already in your old calculator
Inserted the boss new battery!

You are friends with numbers, they are with you. Therefore, in your complex and painstaking work it does not happen errors - neither large nor even the smallest! With your holiday of all accountants, a super professional!

Accountant, smile wider -
You think you are all better in the world,
We have a job clearly, boldly
And in the skill do not know the limit!

Let your close friend - the calculator,
Ideas insane generator,
There will be a smart one.
But know, accountant - you, not he.

Lord accountants! Only forms, handles, calculators and computers consist on your weapon. But the whole world with mental trepidation expects a sentencing - default or assesets. Let the additional capital of your families grow with an unpredictable speed, and the balance of life is in a non-optimile plus.

Get ready now I
I will congratulate you
Better Master I do not know
On the day of the accountant I wish

Much money is enough
To happiness grew up,
Ride a cool car
And in general to be on top!

Let them not know any trouble
When passing all sorts of tedious declarations.
Let financial and accounting
It goes without failures and without provocations.

In an infinitely, a wonderful day of the accountant, I wish stunning, dizzying success in the work, let the eternal "friends-rivals" debit with a loan always, magical way, converge.

Golden, profitable business -
The means of the enterprise are considered.
I wish not tired
Credit debt computing.
Subsequently let you have a strict science,
And easily goes like a school algebra,
The team will be the best friend.
Congratulations on the day of perfect -
Happy accountant!

Especially for the site

Let financial lovies
In your life, burst sharply
To crisis on the stock exchange
Clearly knew their place

So that health has fallen
Diamond in a hundred carat,
And good luck helped
Find the cherished treasure

So not for the sake of the account in the bank
With you girl was
Happy holiday you, accountant,
Drop the glass to the bottom!

Especially for the site

Accountant in the company -
Bright personality,
After all, in these hands
Dwells cash

Therefore, you
We are especially honorable
We wish you health
And relatives!

Let be the balance
Your always positive,
Working mood
And the movement is active!

Let all income
Grow every hour
Good weather
Happy Accountant you!

Especially for the site

Again a monthly report
And behind him - a quarter.
Further will be annual -
Hard initially!

Unemployment, social,
VAT, salary ...
Like an accountant dear
You can without Mata!

Give money to people sweetness.
Oh, nice to count them!
So that the work process is joy
In the soul, I want to desire.

And the income of happiness in the estimate!
And love is that wow!
And let him notice the boss
What does chubuch live in you!

Today is not the big days,
Not chauffeur rampant
We congratulate accountants,
They are strict, accurate, smart! Happy accountant! Throw all the calculations
Your numbers and paper will wait
And crispy green banknotes
As if in a fairy tale, let them flee into your pockets!

Accountant - the necessary and necessary profession. There is no place for jokes. Here you need serious and smart head. We appreciate your work, and today in the autumn day, allow you to congratulate you on the professional holiday of Russia. We wish you in the work of a lot of inspiration so that you always loved and respected colleagues, because we often listen to your advice that we need and are important. Let them always appreciate your bosses. Coach in the house you, health and power so that you always have vigor, success, youth. God forbid that fate always gives you joy to come true all your dreams. Happy holiday!

Accountant, congratulations on you,
Let life go be fun
Factory, sharing, read,
Multiply and good, and honor!

Today is a glorious holiday in the team. We celebrate the day of the accountant. And sincerely we want to congratulate our expensive colleague. So many years she is in its place. Accounting for her life, testing fate. The computer seems to be alive in her hands, obeys it in everything. Never nobody makes fault in working for her accounts because balance sheet accounting is clearly. We wish you good health, wonderful mood, great success in work. Let luck always accompany you. Let the world and comfort will always be in your house. We wish you in the future be sure to become the chief accountant. Success to you in everything.

Probably, each employee of this area has arisen the question: how can I congratulate colleagues at work? And not just congratulate, but do it cool and memorable.

Take a few ideas for weapons and run to please my colleagues! :)

First idea.
Arrange colleagues ... Jungle in the office! Find a lot of different vegetation, put it in one place and turn on the record with the sounds of the jungle. As soon as someone and your workers enter the office, publish the battle cry of Tarzan and give him a small present from ourselves. Believe me, this congratulation will be remembered for a long time!

Second idea.
Another very cute and interesting way to please my colleagues is to inflate the balls with helium, to everyone attach greeting cards with congratulations and tie to the table of each colleague. Or, as a different option, tie a lot of inflated balls together and attach one big congratulation to them.

Third idea. Print on toilet paper Congratulations (ask the opportunity to implement such a gift on sites offering photographic services). Either that will be even more interesting, depict dollar bills on it. I think the colleague will be delighted with such a funny and unusual gift!

We hope that these will help you. cool greetings on the day of the accountantAnd you borrow one of them!

Let them remember you only on the day of salary
And per hour, when the director of your shakes
Marked "urgently !!!" annual report
To decide which would reduce costs
But know everything that without your work
Do not hold out the company well
And Chaos and Bardak reigns
Therefore, with respect and care
We wish you always happy
Love, Health and In Growth Career
And in the form of "zero one" is easy and simple
Let always the asset with a passive converge.

I will not hide emotions today -
We must admire
After all, under your reliable control
Economics of our country!
Accounting work we glorify
He is universally demanded
On the holiday you congratulate you from the heart,
For the work you - Low Bow!

Ah, difficult fate -
All numbers and paper.
Where are the spell, a burning,
Where are the wizards and magicians?
Money in their hands is quite a lot
Firms are broken off accounts.
What accumulated accountants
That was disappeared forever.
Avoid cracks in life,
Will be held in the affairs of the ravine ...
Fuck these women
You, wizards and magicians!

Forget for sorrow
And pecked from worries!
We donated the form of quarterly
We passed a quarterly report!

Today at our holiday
Plemble a little wine!
All year we, like horses, pash,
We also need a discharge!

Do not appreciate and do not understand
Accounting hard labor
After all, everyone "runs" on us,
Checks - "get!"

For the beggar of our salary
We must endure all this!
No nerves - steel ropes
Accountant must have!

Excel grids and reports
Balance arch, shortcomings,
Budget calculations
Plans, estimates and projects -
All accountant forces
And without rush rank by rank
Accountant will cope with everything
Numbers and interest master -
Happy holiday we congratulate
And we wish success
And not to be lazy to work,
Just to strive for the better!

Profession is more difficult and more important
We just do not just find peace
You are forever fate tied with her,
And do not drive from this way!
And knowledge is needed, and clarity of thoughts
In the accounting work is not easy,
We wish you in the boundless sea of \u200b\u200bnumbers
Becoming almighty fish golden!

In places where money is growing,
Despite the crisis and could
The top is a financier,
It flourishes his town.
This is not a field of wonders
Give loans and not ruin
Deposit workers percentages to distribute
And currency to cultivate.
Congratulations to you, professional,
With your holiday, the day of the financier,
And we wish you to grow
The heights of unearthly very quickly.
Do not forget about your health,
About smile, love and happiness,
And you for permanent work,
Let Storitsey, and Redeas!

She never twisted in the clouds.
Accounting Life, testing fate.
And the computer is alive in [Name] in hand,
Subscribe to her like a friend!
Yes, the technique all gives up his hands;
Never find fault in your accounts;
Outbalance is clearly conducted,
And for which I will not take away in everything you are lucky!
Congratulations and I want to wish
To you the chief accountant in the future to become!

A nightmare is represented
Planet without papers:
The order is scattered
And reigns a mess ...
But slender columns
Accountants ranks -
Sit, humble heroes,
Saving from trouble.
Pythagoras discovered that the world
Right digit and number.
In this sense, you - idols,
You, colleagues, lucky!
Let let storm in the world
Mess and Supbar,
Let you, colleagues, will
Full lifestyard!

On the day of the accountant, we are glad to congratulate
We are the wisest rulers numbers!
Mastery of their useful - glory
And the ability to competently think.

Let all calculations come together
And income with expenses are friends!
Master of cash and reports
Our accountant - love you and need!

Happy Accountant Day, Friends!
Do not congratulate you!
We are still very happy
Get one's salary

We wish you happiness!
Be competent, smart,
Memory will be excellent,
Speech is compact, laconic,

Mood Letting
Pours right through the edge
And love you and good luck
From employees - returns!

Reports, plans, reports - all this will leave on the background, because today a significant holiday is an accountant day! We wish you clear and sunny days, always have a full pocket of the World Currency and not exhaust your cheerfulness. Let your enviousings are constantly calculated, and relatives and friends do not leave your home!

To twenty first day of November
We will make a mysterious cipher,
To congratulate your abruptly -
Trainer of the capricious digits!

Only an accountant will be read -
Wishes mysterious code ...
It's not more difficult because than to comb
All finance, for example, for the year!

From the accountant depends a lot:
You need to distribute the means
To happily the bosses were strict
And could, so that the company flourish.

And today this holiday is wonderful,
We want you, accountant, wish:
Light days, workers of diligent,
And the balances made on the "five".

Congratulations on the day of the accountant! Let your capabilities and desires coincide as debit and credit. Let the boss meet you every day with a smile, saying: "What would I do without you?". I wish your sharp mind to conquer all the digital peaks, and the tax visits did not turn into a natural disaster!

I congratulate on the day of the accountant
Those who are counting everything leads.
Statistical gods and algebra
Who does not suffer accounting.

I wish you for strength and patience,
In this difficult.
With all kind of good relationships
And setting up every day.

Women beautiful and slender,
Very cute, calm,
You are an accountant and brain of the company,
And today all the attention today!

Happy accountant in Russia Congratulations,
Many success you wish you
So that work was fine,
Feel our care!

We wish you love,
And with love on his hands wearing,
So that your home is fulfilled,
And the prosperity was in it!

In documents flow
Drive all accountants
And calculated reports
In documents for "Hurray."

Unemployment, salary,
All taxes are taken into account
And calculated payment -
Everyone can do you.

My accountant dear
You are finance genius.
We all proud of you,
You deserve premiums.

On the day of the accountant I wish
Right affairs.
And hope hope
So that the career bloomed.

Today is digital day masters,
They are always everywhere, for everything in response -
Today is the holiday of all accountants,
The most responsible profession in the world.

I want you, accountant, wish
Do not lose practicality and grip,
In all matters to observe
So that your life has always been in order.

And in personal life - joy, love,
Native people so as not to betray.
More dare, rejoice, live
So, so that you will not know the sorrow forever.

My friend, accountant, is your day today,
So go to go with a good mood.
Although your child is quiet, he is difficult.
Accept my, accountant, congratulations.

On the day of accountant of Russia
I want to wish you
Life to live beautifully
Never lose heart!

So that the numbers are all converged.
To reports are good.
What was breathing to loved
So that it was dreaming - from the soul!

Past your cabinets
Go quiet because they know -
There are big things
And the salary is charged.

In the day of the accountant we wish
Movement in positive
And so that they were all envy
Your personal assets!

Ballase mix
Huge grave labor.
Who did not meet it
Hardly you will be understood.

I wish you finance,
Decent wallet
And debit to boost
You always with credit!

Congratulations on the day of the accountant
And I wish from the soul,
To converge debit with a loan,
So that tasks to solve everything!

Let the accounting days you
Will be joy, will be in the buzz.
And in the affairs of letting everything goes on,
So that is not life, but just paradise!

No wonder songs
About a cute accountant
After all, this profession
Important in the country for everyone!

And in this holiday joyful
Congratulate accounting
For labor they are not in vain
And for their mind is ignorant!

You are the best accountant in the world
Accept congratulations to these!
I wish the career takeoff,
Let joy brings work
And the salary increases,
So that lived luxurious, richly,
To each in life a moment
Gave you pleasure!