Rating of fighting dog breeds. Rating of the best dogs for fighting

Fighting dogs, gladiator dogs are the names of service breeds that are bred for work: protecting the owners and their property or helping a person in finding and catching intruders. Completely undeservedly, pets are classified as dangerous evil animals. Oftentimes, quality puppies from a proven family with no mental or physical disabilities make good family dogs, loving and loyal.

Of course, certain living conditions must be selected for service breeds (most often, the pets are large enough). It is also necessary to develop a personal training and physical activity schedule. Fighting dogs need to be trained seriously and for a long time, and this can only be done by a trained experienced dog breeder.

This is not a pure breed group. The word "terrier" itself is translated as "earthen" or "burrowing". The dogs were bred exclusively for hunting, they are small in size and cute in appearance.

As for the fighting species, their ancestors are not only Terriers, but also the world-famous Bulldogs. The breeds were indeed bred for fights, most often for dogs. But in the middle of the 19th century, this entertainment became forbidden. Therefore, all such fighters were waiting for selection work, during which the characters of the dogs were radically changed.

Now, most of the former bloodthirsty dogs have become lovable pets. However, fighting terriers are often used for service.

The smallest of the group, reaches 30-40 cm at the withers and weighs 8-13 kg. They are small stocky dogs with well-developed muscles. A distinctive feature is an elongated convex skull and a round nose bridge, which gives the animal an intimidating appearance. Fighting feature - large teeth in a full set (42: 20 in the upper jaw and 22 in the lower). Acceptable colors: white or colored (brindle, brown, red), spots allowed.

The character of the Bull Terrier depends on heredity. The disadvantages are often mentioned by those who have never kept the breed. If the litter is of high quality and without deviations, then the puppy will develop normally, without outbursts of aggression or anger towards the person. Basically, Buli are affectionate to the owner, love children, they are active and playful. Good physical shape makes them unsurpassed defenders, strangers are treated with caution, with proper training, they will never be attacked first.

Of the minuses, it is worth considering jealousy, intolerance to loneliness, cockiness. These pets will never miss the opportunity to show their leadership among other pets. To avoid this, you need to properly socialize the animal from the first days of training: introduce people, with tanks, walk in noisy places.

Animals are rarely kept outdoors, they are intended for housing and home keeping. Due to their short coat, Buli are susceptible to sharp climatic changes, they do not tolerate severe frosts and abnormal heat. They are simple to care for, but require long walks and constant training.

Fighting breed, bred on the basis of Molossian dogs, bulldogs and terriers for fighting. Breeders badly needed a compact, but strong and terrible animal, as a result of which the Bull Terrier appeared. At the withers he 35-40 cm, but weighs 11-17 kg... Due to their small size, dogs were the best figures in dog fights held in closed pubs and restaurants.

Outwardly, Stafford is short, short-footed, but strong and muscular. The owners note that the animal knows how to smile and be sad, this is due to the accumulation of wrinkles on the face and head. Ears in dogs are semi-erect, long, but not large. These Bully look more like Bulldogs than Molossians.

Dogs have not been used as fighting dogs for a long time, their character has been completely changed according to the wishes of lovers-dog breeders. Therefore, the Staffbull is considered one of the most loyal and best family fighting dogs. They are companions rather than working service pets.

Dogs are loyal to the owner, love and protect children, are non-aggressive to humans, even to a stranger ... Genetically, Buli may dislike fellows, but they are not aimed at eliminating the enemy. Representatives of the breed strive to demonstrate their leadership, to establish themselves in the team due to physical superiority.

Despite the fact that the breed is completely human-oriented, the Staffbulls are often stubborn and try to take a dominant position in the house. They need serious education and physical activity, in all other respects the animals are unpretentious.

A daughter breed of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. It was bred in America after the ban on fighting clubs for animals in England. Bull Terriers were taken to the continent to improve their skills. During the selection, the Pit Bull Terrier appeared, in short - Pit Bull.

The breed is distinguished by its extreme external and growth instability. At the withers, individuals reach from 43 to 53 cm are like either Bulldogs or Terriers. Characteristic feature - a toned body and long, muscular legs... The muzzle can be either short, wide or elongated. The color can be solid and brindle (except for merle).

Despite its high popularity in America and the world, active use in the 19-20th centuries, the breed is still not recognized by the world canine organization. Dogs do not have a clear standard, breeding, to a greater extent, is chaotic. That is why Pitas can be very different in appearance and character.

Pit Bulls are the most aggressive and uncontrollable of the group of fighting terriers, all because it is difficult to keep track of the development of character. Not every kennel has generic books, so it is difficult to analyze the shortcomings of the ancestors of a particular puppy. Dogs are banned in many EU countries and America. Other states have introduced strict rules for keeping and walking for the breed, because it is ranked among the potentially dangerous.

In fact, healthy, adequate Pit Bull Terriers do not have aggression towards humans. Their anger is directed towards animals, in particular dogs. Well-mannered Pete will be affectionate and friendly even to strangers.

American Staff or Amstaff is a pedigree branch that originates from the Pit Bull. Unlike their brethren, Amstafs are registered and recognized by the world. They have a relaxed temperament, although they are still not as kind as the Staffbulls. Their direct goal is to protect themselves and the owner, to eliminate the threat.

Outwardly they are similar to Pitas: long-legged, tall (43-48 cm), strong and muscular. However, their type is terrier. The muzzle is narrow and elongated with a deep stop and a minimum of wrinkles. Unlike the Staffbulls, the ears of the Staffs are cropped. In addition, this breed cannot be white, liver or tan.

By nature, Amstaf is a true leader, a winner... Animals are hardy, strong, with a high pain threshold and a strong nervous system. Show good results in training and are better than others for service in military structures. Dogs are friendly to people, although strangers are better off staying away from them.

Group of fighting mastiffs (molossoids)

It is difficult to imagine a dog from the Molossoid group as a home sofa dog... Indeed, mastiffs were bred to serve humans: hard work, animal baiting, gladiator fights. They were trained for fierce battles, so modern representatives of breeds still have not lost their former courage.

A common trait for all mastiffs is size. Animals are large and dangerous for a stranger or dog. They require a lot of space, training, food and attention.

The nature of the mastiffs

All Molossoid dogs share the same traits:

  1. Phlegm, laziness, poise and composure;
  2. Good nature, family (a puppy raised in a family will be devoted only to her, will never run away, will not offend household members);
  3. Love for children, tolerance for small animals, non-aggressive attitude towards strangers;
  4. Alertness, sensitivity to others, quick reaction;
  5. Good guarding instincts;
  6. Stubbornness, tendency to dominate;
  7. Without training, animals can become uncontrollable.

It is the largest and heaviest of the European Mastiffs. At the withers it can reach 75 cm, in weight is not limited: there may be more 100 Kg... Gives the impression of a huge dog, similar to a pug due to the similar color and wrinkles on the face.

Correct coat colors: deer, brindle, apricot, fawn, there must be a black mask.

Animals are not used for their intended purpose. They are often taken over by wealthy families in Europe to protect property and as companions. Dogs really need a lot of free space where they can run and rest.

Despite the fact that in ancient times the English mastiffs were used as pickling, now the pets are obedient, calm and friendly. Although they are recommended only for experienced dog breeders who are ready to work on the dog's behavior.

The breed was bred in England in the course of selection work between Mastiffs and Bulldogs. Foresters needed a quick and ruthless assistant to punish poachers. But due to their ferocious nature, the Bully ripped people apart, which was considered unacceptable. After the improvement, the dogs became more agreeable, but did not lose their working qualities.

These are very large pets (50-70 cm at the withers), possessing all the characteristics characteristic of molossians: a strong build, wrinkled muzzle and head, a wide skull, hanging ears and long legs. They can be red, tan or brindle, white patch on the chest and black mask are allowed.

The bullmastiff still serves in the security forces, he is quite ferocious and adamant. Although the family can become a docile dog, it will never touch the baby. They require specialized education.

Was bred during crossing and. Animals are never smaller 50 cm and 45 kg. The world organization has not recognized the breed, so there is no general standard for it.

The animals were taken out for night protection. During the day they were kept in cages or on chains, and released at night. Everyone who encountered the Bandogs greatly regretted it.

Outwardly, the dogs are very large. Their musculature is much more developed than that of Pit Bulls. The animals look menacing and dangerous. By nature, they are unstable due to indiscriminate breeding. They have molossian features, but due to questionable pedigrees, puppies often become aggressive and uncontrollable.

An unpopular breed, known mainly in India and Pakistan, because it was bred there... In Russian, the name translates as "strongly wrinkled dog". Dogs are typical molossoids: large (75-86 cm), strong and with skin folds on the face and body.

They use animals as guardians and protectors. Despite his good nature and love for people, Bulli is considered a dog with increased aggressiveness. It is not recommended for families with children. Pets require intensive training and constant training.

French breed of guard and draft dogs. They were often called butcher's helpers because the animals often had to transport carts of meat to keep them safe from thieves. Bordeaux are very heavy: when growing 65-66 cm their weight can reach 100 Kg.

The external feature of the breed is a monotonous color (shades of red) and a black or red mask on the muzzle. Because of her, they even wanted to divide the dogs into French Great Danes and Bordeaux, but after two world wars, the dogs acquired a single standard.

By their nature they are restrained, lazy, stubborn, but infinitely loving and devoted. They are ready to defend the entrusted territory, to protect children and people.

A baiting dog from the Balearic Islands, bred by sailors and coastal residents to guard houses and bait large animals. One of the shortest mastiffs: 52-58 cm at the withers.

A typical mastiff with a large, rounded head. Distinctive features are rose ears and a long tail, which is not customary to stop. In color, they can be black, deer and brindle (dark tones are preferred).

By nature, Ca-de-bou are good-natured, positive, active. They do a good job with the functions of a defender and guard, but they will never be the first to attack. They are not characterized by outbursts of aggression, especially in relation to familiar people.

An Italian breed bred for a direct purpose - the corral of buffaloes and cattle. A secondary function is the protection of the owner's home and property. Stable and handsome pets with long straight limbs. Often used to work in police investigation departments.

They are friendly with everyone: small animals, children, people. Easily self-identify enemy and danger. They can act without commands, based on intuition. With targeted training, they become ideal fighting or guard dogs.

Characteristic differences: height 64-68 cm, high set cropped ears, glossy short coat, various colors (monochromatic and brindle) with a mask and a white spot on the chest.

The rarest Molossian, the only one bred in Japan. The peculiarity of the breed is a refined physique, uncharacteristic for mastiff-like ones. The growth of dogs begins from 55-60 cm, the standard does not limit the height of the animal, the weight fluctuates from 40 to 80 kg.

Tosa Inu has practically no folds on the face and head, thin long limbs and a large body with developed, but not visible muscles. The color can be either light: peach, brown, apricot - or dark: black, brindle.

By nature, the breed is incredibly stubborn, it is very difficult to train and educate it. Although the features of molossians are fully present: love for children, people, good guarding abilities.

The breed was bred in Brazil, the structure of the body is similar to the English Mastiff, but smaller in size (65-75 cm in height). Skin folds on the neck, forming a collar, are pronounced. The skull is voluminous, round, and the muzzle is of medium length.

Aggressiveness towards strangers is officially recognized in the standard of this breed.... Even at shows, the dog can react negatively to the judges and will not be disqualified. Although in the family and among friends, Phil is an absolutely calm and docile dog. He does not like training, he is very lazy.

Now Sharpeev, for the most part, is perceived as decorative pet dogs, attracting attention with their unusual appearance. But their past is really connected with fighting, protection and even hunting. Until now, dogs are doing an excellent job of protecting humans.

Even a child recognizes Sharpei by her appearance. His entire body is covered with thick skin folds. In addition, the dog has a blue-black tongue. The color in animals can be solid or pigmented. Most often found beige, apricot, brown, gray and red.

Despite the fact that such pets look like affectionate bears, they are wary of strangers. Dog training should be started from early childhood.

This breed is not recognized by the world canine organization, therefore it does not have a certain strict standard. Of course, she, like all molossians, has deep wrinkles, a broad chest, strong bones and developed muscles. It was bred by mixing African aboriginal dogs with European Great Danes, which were brought to the mainland by the colonizers. Copes with home security and work in services.

Statistically, not all Boerboels are the same... Officially, a dog should be balanced, calm, reserved towards humans and animals. But because of poor-quality puppies, obtained by indiscriminate breeding (more often in Africa), the entire breed line deteriorates and the aggressive gene is revealed. Now it is difficult to find a purebred individual.

Herding mountain dogs

A group of dogs bred to work near humans, protect livestock and property, as a rule, animals cannot be attributed to gladiators and fighters. However, due to the huge size and functions of defenders from predatory animals, dogs are called dangerous.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog or Alabai is an aboriginal breed that has not been improved by breeding... Belongs to the Molossian group, but functionally the breed is a mountain shepherd. It has long been used for driving livestock. Although there is information that in ancient times she participated in gladiatorial battles.

It is a massive bear-like dog. The characteristic feature is a soft coat of medium length. The color can be any, except for liver, chocolate and blue. According to the standard, the height should not be less than 65 cm.

It is difficult to educate and raise the breed, many experienced dog breeders cannot cope with this. The fact is that animals belong to a number of late maturing. Full completion of development falls on the 3-4th year of life... Although in general, pets are friendly and agreeable, they do not like strangers.

Gamprov are called Armenian wolfhounds. Large animals: 67-77 cm... The first name translates as "strong" or "powerful". The breed is indigenous, has not changed its appearance and character since the moment of domestication.

The dog is considered multifunctional. It serves both for the protection of livestock, and for the hard work of a draft dog, and for hunting. Often performs the tasks of a shepherd, nanny for children, guardian of property. Outwardly frightening, but only because of its size.

Gampra's character is docile, soft. The animal cannot be called the most obedient. Like Alabai, the Wolfhound develops for a long time, therefore it requires special training and proper education.

Large ancient breed originally from the Caucasus. It is widely used for the protection of private and public facilities throughout Russia. Dogs are large, strong and hardy. There are three types of shepherd dogs:

  1. Long-haired (characterized by long feathering on the neck, tail and legs);
  2. Shorthaired;
  3. Intermediate (guard hair is long, but no decorating).

Despite the differences in appearance, all animals are balanced, restrained, with a bright protective instinct. They are loyal to their family and owners, they do well with the tasks of a security guard. They require a lot of free space and quality training.

Fighting Bulldogs (English

All Bulldogs have increased aggressiveness towards relatives, but a peaceful attitude towards humans... They love children, are active and cheerful on walks, and are resistant to any weather conditions. However, like all fighting breeds, they need serious education.

Other fighting breeds

In addition to molossoids and similar dogs, large mountain animals, there are other breeds, whose character and physical data clearly indicate a fighting nature.

A variety of the originally Japanese breed that was introduced to America. Unlike its brother, the American Akita is not a hunting one, but a security one. Since the breed has been improved in the course of selection, it has a softened character in relation to humans. Japanese representatives are unfriendly, capricious, they are difficult to train.

The Americans showed themselves excellently in the protection. Akitas follow the instructions of the owner, do not attack first, do not show excessive aggression. The only drawback is the cute, welcoming appearance that does not scare the intruder.

Now many amateurs are eager to get a fighting breed not only for protection, but also as an intimidation of others. However, such dogs are intended only for experienced people who have had the opportunity to communicate with such animals and know how to train them.

The dog is considered quite dangerous and even bloodthirsty. Without proper training and education, it can be aggressive. This breed is even included in the list of especially dangerous in such countries as: Ukraine, Spain, France, Italy, Romania. Not everything is as bad as it would seem, because with proper education, the Rottweiler will become an excellent companion and faithful guard, an example of this is the prevalence of the breed in Russia.

Has large sizes: height is about 70 cm, the weight - 45-50 kg... Rottweilers have high intelligence, therefore, with the right approach, it is not difficult to train them, the main thing is not to let the dog dominate, and to be able to show who is the master.

Video: 10 most dangerous dog breeds

Also, it is important to purchase a fighting dog only from trusted breeders in order to avoid mixing blood and unblocking an aggressive gene. Having fulfilled these conditions, getting a balanced healthy friend is much higher.

The breeds that are used in fighting fall into a category called fighting dog breeds. There are approximately twenty breeds in the world taking part in this kind of competition. It should be noted that none of the International Kennel Organizations recognizes the category of fighting dogs. For them, this concept defines the profession, but not the breed of the dog.

The category of fighters has a number of common features: a large head, a well-developed jaw, a massive body and a very formidable bark. A number of Molossians are classified in this category: Alabai, Bulldogs, Mastiffs, Bull Terriers and some varieties of Great Danes.

Alabai... A breed endowed with a difficult psyche and unique character. The use of alabay as fighting dogs in Turkmenistan is a tribute to centuries-old traditions. The only breed that will never finish off the enemy, but will retreat at the first squeal. And, along with this, Alabai is surprisingly gentle and caring in relation to his and human children. The main job of this devoted being is to guard the peace of his master in any weather and to guard his property.

Takes its roots from the English Bulldog. Dogs with a powerful jaw and an iron grip. Initially, they were used for baiting a bull, and later in battles against other dogs. Since the qualities of a fighter in dogs of this breed were not enough, they began to cross with various kinds of terriers. As a result of this work, a number of new breeds appeared, but not all of them inherited fighting qualities. And the American Bulldog himself has long forgotten his fighting past.

Thanks to the negative outpouring of the media towards this breed, the pit bull was called the fiend of evil and the idol among fighting dog breeds, which has become the most dangerous creature in the eyes of the public.

In fact, this is one of the most cheerful, loyal and loving breeds on the planet. It simply contains an indomitable desire to please its owner in everything. This is the only breed in which the feeling of love for a person is so great that it does not even notice the strong smell of alcohol, although almost all breeds simply cannot stand it.

American staffordshire bull terrier... Another, so colorfully painted by the media, the monster of the canine world. Let's just note that thanks to painstaking selection, the staff has lost aggression towards living beings.

There are no dangerous breeds! There are some very irresponsible owners. Leaving education on its own, without doing training, you will definitely get a stubborn, unbalanced and disobedient dog. Only indifferent owners become a dangerous dog.

Representatives of the breed

    Akita Inu is a visiting card of the Land of the Rising Sun. It is the most famous breed in Japan and is considered the oldest in the world. They say that the first dog tamed by man was the Akita Inu.
    20-35 thousand rubles for a puppy

    The American Akita is an offshoot of the Akita Inu breed, and the American Akita is descended from the ancient Akita Inu dogs.
    $ 700 to $ 100.

    The American Bulldog breed has been known since the 19th century. During its existence, this breed was called "Old English Bulldog", "Country Bulldog", etc., but it is this breed of dogs that is the closest in relation to the English Bulldogs.
    $ 350 to $ 850.

    The American Pit Bull Terrier breed has been known for a long time, engravings depicting these dogs date back to the 15-16th century. Initially, the breed was bred for dog fights.
    USD 200-400.

    The American Staffordshire Terrier breed has been known for a long time. These dogs appeared as a result of crossing Bull Terriers with Pit Bull Terriers.
    $ 150 to $ 1000

    The English Bulldog belongs to the group of mastiff-like dogs, their ancestors were the fighting dogs of Ancient Rome. These dogs were also used to bait bulls. In the last century, English Bulldogs have become pets and companion dogs.
    $ 500 to $ 1000.

    The first modern Bull Terriers appeared in Great Britain in 1895. Nowadays, these dogs are popular among breeders around the world, they have established themselves as excellent pets, protectors and friends of man.

    This breed is used in a wide variety of jobs. They rescue and protect, guard livestock and serve. Acts well as a shepherd, can be an excellent watchman or lifeguard.

    Cane Corso is considered one of the most ancient representatives of the Mollos group (mastiff). There is evidence that the ancestors of Cane Corso Italliano were the ancient Roman fighting mastiffs, which were used at that distant time as dogs for tr
    15,000 - 20,000 rubles per puppy

    Pit Bull Terrier in translation means fighting bull terrier. Pit bull terriers are often abbreviated as pit bulls. But this is not true, since pit bull means fighting bull.

    The breed comes from Germany, from the city of Rottweil, which is located in the South of this country. There is a version that the Rottweilers trace their history back to the times of the Roman Empire, where they were fighting and chasing dogs.
    From $ 300 to $ 500.

    In the 18-19 centuries, the French Bulldogs were bred by poor peasants as fighting dogs of the light type (medium-sized). This breed is descended from the Spanish Bulldogs - Alans (extinct breed).
    over 15 thousand rubles.

Fighting breeds are those breeds of dogs that were bred specifically for participation in competitive fights. However, one should definitely distinguish between the semantic load of the phrase "fighting dog breed" and "fighting dog". Because representatives of these breeds are not born by themselves as fighting dogs, they become as a result of intensive training. Initially, this type of pets was bred for tournaments and shows. Now more and more representatives from the list of fighting dogs began to be used as an exterior decoration or a family heirloom, which, in fact, is not a good indicator. Often all the features and needs of the animal's nature are not taken into account, which in turn leads to negative consequences.

Very often we hear from media representatives that the best fighting dog breeds are by their nature very cruel and little controllable. This is pure myth. If the animal is properly raised and given enough attention, you can grow a wonderful tolerant protector. You may be surprised, but according to the International Cynological Federation, as a result of studies conducted from 2000 to 2005, the most frequent cases of aggression towards the owners were observed from such a seemingly peaceful breed as the poodle.

Below is a list of the top ten fighting dog breeds.

Rating of fighting dog breeds

  1. In tenth place in the ranking of fighting dog breeds is staffordshire terrier... This is an American breed of dog that is distinguished by its courage and determination. It was originally bred for baiting big game, which was facilitated by a wide chest. He loves his loved ones very much.
  2. Pitbull... Experts consider Pit Bulls to be a wonderful breed. They are actually very friendly towards family and friends. But at the same time, they are quite bloodthirsty in relation to prey and danger.
  3. The next number on the list of fighting dog breeds is Tosa inu... They are of Japanese origin, aggressive towards their relatives. They never attack first.
  4. Central asian shepherd dog(alabai). The oldest breed. For many years she was engaged in the protection of pastures and trade caravans. They are very hardy and fearless. Known for their battles in the CIS.
  5. Ranked sixth in the ranking of fighting dog breeds. Extremely friendly pets. With their help, mental and neurotic disorders are treated. However, in the face of danger, she is merciless, this is helped by light weight and small body size.
  6. Fila brasileiro(Brazilian fila). In the list of fighting dog breeds, he takes 5th place, an excellent hunter. Taking into account the large size and habits, it is advisable to keep it in a country house or dacha.
  7. Perro de presa canario... An excellent hunter for livestock and wild animals. Chokes the victim, pinching the throat with jaws. In the Canary Islands, there was once a law prohibiting the possession of such a breed by ordinary people, only butchers and hunters.
  8. ... In cruel hands, this breed becomes a dangerous weapon. Main characteristics: strength, obedience, hunter instinct, powerful jaws. Could break a skull with one bite.
  9. Bull terrier... Long-term selection has given this one of the best fighting dog breeds an unusual appearance. For a long time, it was considered prestigious among Oxford students and teachers to have such a four-legged friend. It consists of 40% jaws, which it uses very well.
  10. The first place in the ranking of fighting dog breeds is kangal... Alabai is more enduring and stronger. The sheer size is terrifying and makes the animal an excellent guard. Not picky about the content.

Articles on this topic:

Most people are wary of dogs of fighting breeds - they are accused of excessive anger, uncontrollability. But in the right hands, these animals turn into gentle pets. What breeds are fighting dogs? What should you pay attention to when raising such a pet? We will talk about this in our article.

Fighting dogs: an overview of the breeds

Fighting dogs were among the first to appear in human homes. They helped people in everyday life, protected from enemies. Modern representatives descended from ancient wild dogs, the distinctive features of which are:

  • medium or short stature;
  • stocky physique;
  • strong muscles;
  • endurance.

The main directions of their activities:

  1. Protection of the house from animals and people. Animals are strongly attached to their owners, follow them in the house and on walks. At the slightest manifestation of aggression from strangers or people unrecognized by the animal, it attacks, protecting its owner. In addition, the fighters were a good home guard from stray animals (dogs, cats, large predators) and excellent rat-catchers.
  2. Hunting escort. The strong-willed qualities of the dogs contribute to the successful conduct of the hunt. If the task of greyhounds is to chase and drive the beast, then fighting dogs specialize in capturing and maiming. They also do a pretty good job of searching.
  3. Entertainment. It was only over time that people began to use the stocky, muscular pets in animal fights, noting their strong grip and desire to win. Fortunately, most fighting breeds are now perceived precisely as protectors of the home and family members. And dog fighting is officially banned all over the world, except in Japan. But even there there are strict rules that prohibit biting the opponent - the opponent is only allowed to press like sumo.

After evaluating the fighting qualities of animals, people decided to breed purer breeds with enhanced traits. This is how the following classification appeared:

  1. Combat - assistants in the performance of military operations, participation in the war.
  2. Pickling - serve for corral and baiting of large animals (bulls, monkeys, bears, lions).
  3. Fighting - participate in fights with representatives of their own species. Animals from this classification became the progenitors for modern fighting dogs.

Should you get a fighting dog?

Around strong dogs there are many myths about their aggression, uncontrollability and anger. They are mostly invented by those who have never had pets or specifically dogs.

Who can have a War Breed pet?

  1. Experienced dog breeders.
  2. People who are ready to take full responsibility for the animal.
  3. For those who are looking for a good protector and guard.
  4. Owners who have enough time to nurture and care for their pet.

Who better to give up this idea?

  1. Novice dog breeders.
  2. People who didn't have animals before.
  3. For those who are looking for a calm, pliable, unpretentious animal.
  4. People without experience in training and animal training.

List of fighting dog breeds

Currently, there are several dozen fighting breeds. Some of them also have the makings of shepherds, hounds, hunters, companions. Below is a list of the most famous fighting breeds.

Active animals, the appearance of which is known to the whole world - an understated stocky body on strong legs, an elongated face with protruding ears, a long thin tail.

The main features of the breed:

  1. Activity.
  2. Physical endurance.
  3. Unpretentious care.
  4. Good health.
  5. Curiosity.

The Bull Terrier is strongly attached to the family, especially to the children. Despite the misconception, the Bull Terrier is an intelligent dog that lends itself to competent training and shows an example of obedience.

Attention! She may be indifferent to the animals around her or show a little aggression.

Benefits of bull terriers:

  1. Easy care for hair, claws, ears.
  2. Active accompaniment of the owner.
  3. Weak molt.
  1. A shower is required after each walk.
  2. Constant need to socialize with family members.

Distinctive character traits are loyalty and active participation in family life.

Video - Everything You Wanted to Know About Bull Terriers

American bulldog

Unlike bull terriers, bulldogs are of medium height and slightly less massive build.


  1. Devotion to the owner.
  2. Calmness.
  3. Friendliness to people and animals.
  4. Good health.
  5. High adaptability.

Bulldogs easily adapt to life both in an urban apartment environment and in the fresh air in a country house. They are distinguished by a calm, almost passive, lifestyle in the house with average activity during walks.

On a note! They are incredibly friendly to all family members and animals, regardless of their species.

Pros of Bulldogs:

  1. Ease of care.
  2. Unpretentiousness to the place of residence.
  3. Possibility to eat both natural food and feed.
  1. Potential problems during training.
  2. Average level of intelligence.

The main thing is to initially build the right relationship with the dog, showing your dominance "in the pack" (in the family) in order to instill obedience.

More information about the characteristics of the breed, maintenance, care, feeding and upbringing of American Bulldogs can be found in our portal.

Video - All about American Bulldogs

Large dogs with kind eyes, red or brindle color with slightly drooping ears and slight folds all over the body. Distinctive features:

  1. Active lifestyle.
  2. High intelligence.
  3. Curiosity.
  4. Calm character.
  5. Friendliness.

Relatively independent dogs, unlike previous breeds. They can be alone for a long time, without the owner and representatives of their species. Easy to train, need regular physical activity.


  1. Fast memorization of commands.
  2. Unpretentious care.
  3. An unobtrusive pet.

Controversial points:

  1. Potential health problems.
  2. The optimal habitat is a country house.

On a note! It is difficult for Boerboels to live in cramped apartments, despite the tranquility at home.

Video - About the Boerboel breed

Large dogs with thick coat, powerful body and head. Distinctive features:

  1. Curiosity.
  2. The need for human affection and communication.
  3. Adaptability to different climatic conditions.
  4. Playfulness.

Alabai were originally used as herding and guard dogs. A high level of obedience and loyalty to the owner distinguish them from the rest, for which they love to use the breed in the army service.

On a note! At home, the animal shows love and calmness. It is worth remembering that the optimal conditions for an alabai are a large free space (your own yard, aviary).


  1. Ease of education.
  2. Courage.
  3. Inner calmness.

  1. Relatively short life expectancy - 8-10 years.
  2. Poor relationship with apartment conditions.
  3. Regular hygienic care is required.

Friendly and loyal with their families, Alabai exhibit strong guarding and fighting qualities towards strangers.

More information about the characteristics of the breed, maintenance, care, feeding and upbringing of the Alabai can be found in our portal.

Video - All about Alabay

Cane Corso

Not the most common large breed with predominantly black coat. Outwardly it resembles and at the same time.

A brief description of:

  1. Good health.
  2. High intelligence.
  3. Curiosity.
  4. Devotion to the family.
  5. The need for human society.

Strongly built animals with strong health loyally guard the family in which they live. They react cautiously to strangers, animals and places they haven’t been to yet.

Strongly built animals with strong health - this is the Cane Corso

Breed advantages:

  1. Good watchdog performance.
  2. Unpretentiousness to the attention of the owner.
  1. The need for free space.
  2. Difficulty in grooming and hygiene.

Attention! If you need a calm security guard, choose the Cane Corso.

Video - All about Cane Corso

Large massive serious dogs with folded skin and short hair. They are distinguished by a particularly large head. Peculiarities:

  1. Increased affection for family members.
  2. Good health.
  3. The need for communication with household members.
  4. Curiosity.
  5. Average activity level.

Due to their short coat and skin type, the animals are relatively easy to care for. The main problem is to wash a large dog after an active walk. Due to their innate friendliness, Great Danes easily get along with both adults and children, get along well with animals that have been present in the house since their childhood. They require a lot of space: free premises, a separate aviary, your own yard will be optimal conditions for life.

Benefits of Dogue de Bordeaux:

  1. Calm character - relative passivity.
  2. High intelligence.
  3. Congenital hunting instincts.
  1. Stubborn character.
  2. Increased salivation.
  3. Difficulties in keeping in an urban setting.

Attention! The main task of the owner is to properly educate the Great Dane on his own or to hire a qualified trainer.

More information about the characteristics of the breed, maintenance, care, feeding and upbringing of the Dogue de Bordeaux can be found in our portal.

Despite the name of the breed, its representatives are more similar to Staffordshire Terriers and Boerboels than Bordeaux dogs. Signs of the breed:

  1. Security functions.
  2. Endurance.
  3. An active lifestyle.
  4. High intelligence.
  5. Friendliness.

Animals are easy to train. But to achieve absolute obedience, you need to train them regularly. At the same time, the dogs quickly get bored with the monotony of exercises - it is necessary to constantly interest their inquisitive mind with new tasks.

Advantageous signs:

  1. Unpretentious to living conditions.
  2. Ease of care.
  3. Teach commands quickly.

Problematic sides:

  1. Sullenness towards other animals.
  2. Regular exercise and training is essential.

On a note! Thanks to the tightly folded limbs and good health, the average life expectancy of Great Danes is 10-16 years.

More information about the characteristics of the breed, maintenance, care, feeding and upbringing of the Argentinean Great Dane can be found in our portal.

One of the largest fighting dogs, the weight of which can exceed the 100 kilogram mark. Athletic body, large head, wide and short muzzle - it's all about mastiffs. Notable features:

  1. Good security guard.
  2. Needs constant communication with people.
  3. Friendly to children and cats.
  4. Stubborn character.
  5. Requires a lot of financial and physical costs of maintenance.

The size of the breed indicates a large amount for the maintenance of the animal. You need to feed the breed 3-5 times a day, and the serving size should correspond to large or giant breeds.

The English Mastiff is one of the largest fighting dogs

The dog is quite active: if you do not give the mastiff enough movement, obesity is possible. But as an activity, this breed prefers long leisurely walks.

More information about the characteristics of the breed, maintenance, care, feeding and upbringing of the English mastiffs can be found in our portal.

Benefits of mastiffs:

  1. Suitable for keeping in a large family with other animals.
  2. Teaches commands easily.
  3. Wool does not require serious maintenance.

Controversial points:

  1. Increased salivation.
  2. Loud snoring.
  3. At critical moments, he can show aggression.

Attention! It will be difficult for a large dog to live in a small apartment. The best option is to have your own aviary, a free yard for walking.

Pit bulls are characterized by medium size, strong body, wedge-shaped structure of the skull, symmetrical body structure.


  1. Fast adaptation to various conditions.
  2. Average activity level.
  3. High life expectancy - 10-15 years.
  4. Aggressive attitude towards strangers and animals.
  5. Fighting and guarding instincts.

For proper education, the owner of a pit bull terrier needs to regularly train the animal, raising him as his ward. Friendly communication with other family members, dogs of related species will not hurt.

More information about the characteristics of the breed, maintenance, care, feeding and education of pit bull terriers can be found in our portal.

  1. High intelligence.
  2. Gentle attitude towards household members.
  3. Developed protective qualities.

  1. Health is average.
  2. Loud breed - loves to bark.

Attention! Pit bulls can really show aggression, but only if they receive the wrong upbringing or insufficient attention from the owner. When starting a pit bull, be sure that you can provide him with the right conditions for socialization.

Video - The most dangerous dog breeds

Names for fighting dogs

Each breed is characterized by the use of certain nicknames. Usually dogs are named according to their appearance, character, lifestyle, habits. Below is a list of the most commonly used nicknames for each individual breed from the list.

Table. Nicknames for fighting dogs

Breed namePhotoCharacteristic nicknames for boysCharacteristic nicknames for girls
Archie, Luke, Rocky, Stark, Snake, Theo, EugeneJesse, Irma, Beauty, Jetta, Cleo, Barsa, Polly
American bulldogRudolph, Otis, Chester, Persian, Oscar, HarrisMolly, Chukki, Tiara, Abby, Dana, Viva, Maya
Thunder, Ringo, Larry, Porkan, Jerry, WoodySalma, Tessa, Casey, Dina, Kira
Casper, Skiff, Cliff, Nice, Yakut, Zak, OnyxGretta, Dana, Ollie, Piggy, Taska, Suzy
Cane CorsoBuddy, Fang, Titus, Lucius, Beckham, BeckTori, Chita, Laura, Polly, Isa
White, James, Tucker, Henry, Chase, PersUlka, Ricci, Perry, Masya, Vesta, Bonya
Raymond, Tiberius, Bim, Spikes, Courage, KhakiKira, Fiona, Viva, Emmy, Venus, Gabi
Dustin, Uranus, Steef, Baron, EarlHani, Amber, Sandra, Keri
Adrian, Sieves, Phil, Shark, Jacques, StitchDakota, Paris, Daisy, Goldie, Sophie

Nicknames are approximate - it is not necessary to name your pet that way. But perhaps they will push you to choose or create an independent name for the animal.

There are certain rules for training fighting dogs. If you follow them, the animal in the house will turn into an intelligent protector and loyal friend, dispelling all myths about the danger of representatives of these breeds:

  1. Teach your puppy to train from childhood - by the age of conscious he must learn to listen to the owner and accept his leadership.
  2. Start with simple commands: "Sit!", "Give your paw!", "Lie down!", "Voice!" Gradually complicate the tasks.
  3. Change the training program periodically to keep the animal interested: the monotony of tasks may bore him.
  4. Most fighting dogs are prone to obesity - remember to exercise with them, in addition to educational exercises (jogging, jumping, chasing objects).
  5. Do not hit the dog: with rude abuse and physical damage, you will only cause anger in the pet. Despite this, try to show strength of character in front of the animal, punish him for offense.

Additional consultation with experienced dog handlers will help determine the character of your pet and outline the vector of upbringing.

Remember that fighting dogs only become if they are specially trained to be in the ring. In reality, they are loyal friends and loyal protectors of the family.

Fighting dogs is a terminological designation of a dog breed bred specifically for fighting games and fights. There is no specific group of fighting breeds in the world, but there are dogs that are excellent fighters. Fighting dogs are very similar to each other in appearance, have strong muscles, beautiful posture, and endurance.

The history of the appearance of dogs in this category dates back to the 18th century. At that time, terriers and bulldogs were set against a tied bear or wild boar. It was a spectacular and terrifying fight, which soon bored people, and they decided to hold fights between dogs. Fighting dog breeds list with photos later in the article.

American Pit Bull Terrier - known to all as the Pit Bull fighting dog

Outwardly, the American Pit Bull Terrier looks like a real fighter: it is a strong dog with well-developed muscles, broad chest, large rough muzzle, large neck and powerful jaws. The height of the dog can vary from 40 to 60 cm, and the weight is about 30 kg. The coat of Pit Bull Terriers is stiff and short, the bones of the legs are as strong as the jaw.

Due to its dark fighting past, the breed has long been taboo in many European countries. Today these dogs are very popular in Russia and the United States, and with proper education, the breed of fighting dogs can have a completely peaceful and adequate character.

The English Mastiff is a huge fighting dog with a docile nature

The English Mastiff replenishes the list of fighting dog breeds, he is a majestic and noble, incredibly powerful and strong, very large dog, one of the most flexible and brave. According to legend, huge dogs appeared in England thanks to the tribes of the ancient Celts, and they got their name from the Romans, who adored this incredibly strong dog in battles.

The American Pit Bull Terrier in the world of fighting dogs is better known as the Pit Bull (photo by This Year's Love).

The mastiff has a strong skeleton, elastic skin, tight-fitting and slightly harsh coat. The height at the withers is about 76 cm, and the average weight is 80-86 kg.

Dogue de Bordeaux - a fighting dog with a long history

Dogue de Bordeaux - Also known as the French Mastiff. In the Middle Ages, the breed was used to compete in spectacular battles. The former fighting dog has a calm and balanced character, rarely barks, loves its owner and needs constant training. The dog has a powerful body, a strong neck, a toned belly, and a muscular body shape.

Dogue de Bordeaux is a fighting dog breed originally from France (photo by PrettyKateMachine).

Bull Terrier is a breed of fighting dogs with an egg-shaped head

Tosa Inu are real Japanese fighters

Tosa Inu are the only national dogs of Japan. The 19th century Japanese wanted to create their own breed that would take part in traditional Japanese dog fights, as a result of selection carried out in the province of Tosa, the Tosa Inu breed of fighting dogs was bred. These are real warrior dogs - brave and fearless, calm and balanced.

Fighting dog breeds - Japanese Tosa Inu (photo by DieselDemon).

A feature of dog battles in the East was to press the enemy to the ground, and the fighters who bite were immediately removed from the fight. Now the Tosa Inu is a rather rare breed. She has a large, massive appearance, a proportionate figure with a strong head and a broad skull. These dogs have very strong and strong mouths.

Fila Brasileiro - Brazilian fighting dog breed

Fila brasileiro are very large strong dogs with a strong bone and proportional figure. They have a large, heavy head with a wide and convex muzzle. Large drooping ears, medium-sized eyes far apart. In a calm state, the look is sad, thanks to the loosely hanging skin.

Fighting dog breed Fila Brasileiro (photo by red_pretender).

On the Internet, it is difficult to find fighting dog breeds with photographs of this species, because in some countries this breed is prohibited due to its inherent aggression. The fact is that these animals have a very strong guard instinct. They protect their loved ones and their territory at all costs. With strangers, this dog behaves no worse than a wolf.

Shar Pei is a breed of fighting dogs originally from China

Shar Pei are excellent fighting dogs and guards. A native of China was crossed with mastiffs, and their descendants were actively attracted to participate in dog fights, arranging impressive shows. The modern Shar Pei population originates from several dogs that were laboriously exported from Hong Kong to the United States.

Shar Pei are fighting dogs from the Middle Kingdom (photo by M.Peinado).

In general, the Shar Pei is a hardy and unpretentious dog that can live for more than 14 years. In the company of strangers, the dogs are somewhat arrogant and proud, but only their owners know that behind this mask of seriousness there is a kind soul and obedient character.

Interesting and useful about dogs

  • (training at home).
  • (from natural food).
  • (drawings, video instructions).