Sport hobby for men. Rare Hobbies for Men

You are very lucky if your second half's hobby suits you completely and does not become a reason for constant disputes. It happens extremely rare, because they say: "Men from Mars, and women from Venus!" But, nevertheless, there are some hobbies that attract and warm up the interest of representatives of the opposite sex.

I propose to get acquainted with the female hobby, which looks in the eyes of men attractive, intriguing and even sexy.

Women's hobbies that attract men

1. Rugging

Let the men and scold women behind the wheel, but, in fact, they experience respect for the ladies who know what air damper is and for what it needs. Such women look strong and independent, and for representatives of a strong floor, a real challenge to win such a woman.

2. Active rest

Most men prefer active girls who can easily go to a picnic, live in tents, climb on the rock, ride a bike without thinking about how it will affect their manicure.

3. Travel

A girl who wants to see the world is interested in other countries, places and cultures, travel a lot, like men, because they can do this hobby together.

4. Reading

With a girl who reads a lot is much more interesting. It looks intelligent, educated and comprehensively developed, always aware of the last events, and with such a girl there is always something to talk about. In addition, it can not be embarrassed to introduce her parents.

5. Needlework

Creative hobbies always like men. Any crafts, even the most minor, seem to be the embodiment of unprecedented skills, to which they themselves are not capable of.

6. Strip-DENS / Ballet / Gymnastics

A flexible girl, in excellent physical form, gracefully owning his body, will always look feminine and attractive. One word "dancer" is already of interest among representatives of the opposite flight.

7. Equestrian sport

Men consider Horse riding classes very graceful and sexy. In their eyes, it is not just communication with animals, but also an extreme sport, which, without a doubt, causes respect.

8. Cooking

Which man would not want to return home after a difficult day and see the next culinary masterpiece on the table, which not only makes his eyes, but also the stomach. Men perceive cooking, most likely, not as a hobby, but by itself the granted skill of every woman.

9. Drawing

The girl-artist is always passionate, and is not afraid of his raging emotions. She is extraordinary, bright, unusual and knows how to embody fantasies into reality.

Men's hobbies attractive for women

Like women, men can attract their additional skills and skills. They can do things that make any woman feel the weakness of the knees. So, gentlemen, if you want female attention, here are some ways than you can do in your free time to look attractive for women.

1. Photographer / artist

Guys who are engaged in art attract all girls without exception. They have not only a congenital sense of beautiful, but also the ability to transform everything around.

2. Dance

If the guy is the second coming of John Travolta 70s, no girl in front of him. The representatives of the weak gender, like men, love their second half know how to move smoothly and take sexy.

3. Reading

Girls love smart and well-read guys who can support any topic.

4. Sorvigolov

Races in the desert on a cross-motorcycle, jumping with parachute and climbing are impressive hobbies that combine the element of danger with a tough position "I am not afraid." These adrenaline adventures require not only courage, but also a thorough study of technology, physics and the basics of survival. Undoubtedly, there is something attractive in men who risk, walk on the razor blade and live on the verge.

5. Improvement / Gardening / farming and crop production

The belt for instruments, hammer and "I can" have a direct link to the knights, which women read a fairy tale in childhood. A man who is ready to pack hands, or something to create, definitely looks attractive. It not only can fix the broken pipe under the sink and clean the waste ditch to save money, he wants to take care of things and make them better with his brains and muscles.

6. Chef

The path to the heart of a woman is also through the stomach. There is nothing sexier than a man who prepares something quite edible in the kitchen.

7. Learning languages

Girls love smart guys. Especially if they speak with them in the international language of love.

8. Music

Musicians at all times were attractive for girls, even if it is a common garage hobby. Vocalists, guitarists and drummers are particularly popular. And after going to the screen of the film "Twilight", and guys, sorting the piano keys.

9. Sport

Unlike guys who look at the game with buddies, throwing popcorn in the screen, active men who come out on the field and laid out on the full, look sexy and attractive. Sport classes show the purposefulness, not to mention devotion to a healthy way of life.

10. Martial arts

Accuracy, power, patience, desire to protect - For girls, such guys look like real masters of their business.

11. Cycling

Not necessarily guy own a motorcycle to be attractive for girls. Wind in her hair, beautiful physical training, travel, and the opportunity to do this hobby together with his second half.

And what hobby attracts most of you?

Advantages of the Hobby

There are many advantages that give hobbies in life. The hobby gives us time to relax, which in turn reduces the level of stress. Physical hobby contributes to exercises that will produce endorphins that will increase the mood and understanding. The time spent on the hobby can also help find new skills and reveal hidden talents. For example, in a career, choosing a hobby associated with a new area, can help in the profession and it will also give great advantages to include in the summary. Regardless of the chosen hobby, you can get acquainted with new friends, keep the brain in a tone or make money.

For some people, the choice of hobbies can be a natural and light process. For others, it can lead to confusion where to start, as there are so many options. This article will help to deal with the options on the areas of interest and type of personality.

Some home hobbies are the best and simple option when you do not need to go anywhere and think through different options. It can be especially important for people aged. Here are some hobbies that can help keep your brain in the form:

Ä Puzzles, Crosswords and Sudoku
Ä Collection of Rubik Cube for Time
Ä Card games, folding solitaire
Ä Learn to draw or write
Ä Chess
Ä Learn how to play musical instrument
Ä Learn a foreign language

Here are some big hobbies of the whole family who like all children:

Ä Simulation of trains, airplanes and cars

Ä Scenic travel travel
Ä Toys for all ages with remote control
Ä Puzzles and designers
Ä Magic tricks
Ä Launch of air coats
Ä Visiting Zoo and Green Tourism
Ä Traveling on the boat along the river and sea
Ä Dolls
Ä Juggling
Ä Collectibles (details below)

For people who love adrenaline and accelerating cardiac rhythm, it's time to find an active hobby. Here are some hobby options for adventure seekers:

Ä Fishing

Ä Nudling (fishing with bare hands)
Ä Bicycling
Ä Rowing
Ä Diving
Ä Balloon flying
Ä Football
Ä Volleyball
Ä Walking
Ä Hiking
Ä Marathons
Ä Mountaineering
Ä Camping
Ä Hiking in the forest
Ä Speleology
Ä Tennis
Ä Golf
Ä Horseback riding
Ä Skiing or snowboarding
Ä Dancing
Ä Swimming
Ä Travels
Ä Banji Jumping
Ä Basketball
Ä Triathlon
Ä Geo caching
Ä Surfing and windsurfing

Did you like accurate objects at school? Do you like to explore and watch? If so, then here are some hobby options for you:

Ä Astronomy

Ä Construction of models of rocket
Ä Microscopy
Ä Watching birds
Ä Aquariums

Hobbies for History Lovers

Do you like the story and studying our past? If so, here are some hobby options for you:

Ä Titanic studies, Tatunhamon tombs, Troy and much more
Ä Folk souvenirs
Ä Reconstruction of historical battles
Ä Study of folk forgotten crafts
Ä A visit to museums in the country and the world
Ä Trade fairs
Ä Research and creation of your pedigree

Let's look at the truth, some hobbies are just better suitable for men. I do not say that a woman cannot do this, but here are some hobby options for men:

Ä Poker
Ä Swimming pool
Ä Darts
Ä Ping pong
Ä Woodworking
Ä Sports reports in a newspaper or website
Ä Sports refours
Ä Gadgets and digital stuff
Ä Homemade brewing
Ä Hunting
Ä Taxidermy

Some home hobbies make it possible to help you earn extra money on the side. Here are some options:

Ä Freelance journalist or blogger (keeping your blog)
Ä Homemade needlework (can be sold on the Internet or at fairs)
Ä Decoration and manufacture of cakes to order

Ä Sales and auctions
Ä Photographing (wedding, children, freelance)
Ä Carpentry work
Ä Graphic design
Ä Creating a video and laying on YouTube (with monetization)

Hobbies for collectors

Collecting things may be a passion for life, stimulates memories and helps to remember and save the past. People who are collecting are attentive to detail and strive for completeness. of his collection. Here are some good ideas for collecting:

Ä Collection of beer
Ä Collect book
Ä collecting coins
Ä Collection of icons, postcards
Ä Collecting toys (unique or vintage)
Ä Collecting cars (expensive pleasure)
Ä Collection of works of art
Ä Collection of consumption objects: spoons, sugar, tapes and other things
Ä Sport souvenirs and medals
Ä Collect autographs
Ä Antiquarian collecting
Ä Collection of natural minerals, meteorites

Do you expect a child or have recently been children? Do you like crafts and art? But not able to get out of the house for any reason, or just like being at home? Regardless of the reason, here are some ideas of a hobby for the domes:

Ä Production of jewelry

Ä Bakery products
Ä Painting
Ä Ceramics
Ä Drawing
Ä Making candles
Ä Reading
Ä Soap (also can bring money if you do for sale)
Ä Embroidery
Ä Maintaining a diary
Ä Digital art
Ä Cooking
Ä Culinary contests
Ä Gingerbread houses
Ä Production of cubs
Ä Dollhouse
Ä Making family photo albums
Ä Knitting
Ä Sewing
Ä Crochet
Ä Sewing blankets
Ä Gardening
Ä View movies and writing reviews
Ä Feng Shui
Ä Interior Design
Ä Writing stories, poems, novels
Ä Embroidery cross

Do you like to meet new people? Do you like activities related to other people? If you answered "yes" - then these hobbies for you:

Ä Wine degustation
Ä Flea markets
Ä Table games like "Monopoly"
Ä Lotto table
Ä Bowling
Ä Sport clubs
Ä Book clubs
Ä Game in the theater, participation in amateur performances

Hobbies for music lovers

Music is a fundamental part of life. Here are some options for music lovers and musical talented:

Ä Singing and Khor.
Ä Visiting concerts
Ä Study of music history
Ä Write music
Ä Creating your own musical group, writing poems and music and its Promotion
Ä Learning music
Ä Collecting music

Everyone needs to be less nervous and get rid of stress and you can enjoy it! Here are some hobbies to remove stress:

Ä Yoga
Ä Meditation
Ä Lightweight and weightlifting

Seasonal hobby

Some cases can only be engaged in certain seasons. Here are some hobbies that are good for different seasons:


Ä Fair and sales of seedlings, trees, seeds
Ä Visiting Spring Flower Show


Ä Sailing
Ä Gardening
Ä Horticulture


Ä Autumn cycling tours
Ä Collection of autumn leaves and the creation of bouquets and herbarias (for children)
Ä Apple collection
Ä Vintage, Wine Cooking and Izyas
Ä Crafts from pumpkins, sewing costumes on Halloween


Ä Creation of New Year's decorations, lights, artificial cardboard trees, snowflakes and other bright products
Ä Tailoring of elegant suits for the whole family
Ä Holidays in the mountains, sanatoriums in winter

Pleasant rest and leisure!

Very often a male hobby helps in a career, not directly, and at the expense of improving self-confidence and its power. Often these hobbies of "big boys" even contribute to the replenishment of the family budget. So, cute ladies, do not interfere with the strong half of your family to engage in your favorite thing, and those who are not yet a husband, this article can help find out where you can find your future chosen one. But . Nothing, except for use, from a male hobby nor family nor your chosen one. Any male passion is better lying on a sofa with a bottle of beer in front of a TV or friendship with alcohol.

Cars - the most common male passion

In the ranking of men's hobbies, any classes with an "iron friend" are in the first place. According to statistics, a variety of classes with machines and any technique in priority in 25% of men. Modern car models leave few opportunities to lovers for their repair, do professionals on Art. But a real fan of technology will always find that "twist" or improve in your car. This hobby includes everything connected with cars and motorcycles, traveling to the car market, auto racing, discussion with the same like-minded people just associated with technology. A mansion in this men's passion is the restoration of old classic cars. Men engaged in this case are real enthusiasts, who do not regret their time, and, almost always, finance, for the revival of automotive classics. The reverse side of this expensive male hobby is a renovated vintage car stands very weekly.

Sport - Health Hobbies

In second place in the ranking of men's hobby costs sports. In this men's hobby, not only different sports, including extreme, but also passionizing the speeches of the favorite team. Such "sports amateurs" can ride with their team to all of her performances, very nicely "hurt" for her, and then discuss all the details of her victories and defeats with the same fans. But most sports lovers are still passionate about some kind of a certain sport or are engaged in the simulator room. And those who in the modern well-built world lack adrenaline, reimburse these exhibitions of sports: alpine skiing, diving, mountaineering, parachute jumps, auto racing. In such sports, the whole essence of the inner world of men is manifested - overcome the dangers and win.

Hunting and Fishing - Rest Soul and Drive

Hunting and fishing are a male hobby, both rural and urban representatives of strong sex. And the material component in this purely male hobby, not the main thing. Many hunters and fishermen attract no mining itself, but the process. For some fishing, it is possible to quietly sit on the shore with a fishing rod or spinning, to reflect on what I can not be able to go about Budy. Then the fire, an extraordinarily delicious ear (each of his original recipe for fishing ears), discussion with like-minded people of all features and interesting fishing cases. And the hunt attracts many, as almost every man, in the soul, hunter. Some on the hunt attracts the possibility of prey of trophies, and for someone hunting is a holiday and a reason for meeting with friends, the same lovers shoot.

Computers and Internet, useful and harmful hobbies

It is good that the Internet and the computer stand only on the fourth, and not in the first place in the men's hobby, and that is why. Excessive "seat" on the Internet, and even if it is a passion for computer games, when a person is simply dissolved in another reality, fantastic worlds and incredible images, does not add health, no mind. Fortunately, there are not too many of these gamers among the Internet lovers. Most of those who like to spend time from a computer are interesting and even, often useful for family budget, activities. Correspondence in social networks, maintenance of your own blog, watching interesting, sometimes in a professionally sense, sites, programming, copywriting - all this gives food, expands the horizons, and as already mentioned, sometimes becomes an additional earnings.

Collectibles - passion and obsession

And although in the ranking of men's hobbies, collectibles takes only fifth place, but this is the most long-lived passion. Collectibles were engaged in still grandparents and great-grandfathers of modern collectors. Collect anything, sometimes even the most unusual objects for the collection, from vintage coins, to the stands for beer mugs. Wealthy collectors most often collect expensive weapons or retro cars. Collecting is akin to the hunt, to find, get, hunt for some regular item in its assembly of similar things is a passion and obsession. There is nothing wrong with this men's hobby, until it starts to devastate the family wallet, and it, alas, often happens in the collector environment.

Bowling and Billiards - Mind and Hand Competition

The main thing in the hobby of men bowling and billiards is an element of competitiveness. In the psychology of the strong half of humanity, the desire to fight with an opponent or rivals and win, takes a large place among purely male instincts. And Bowling and Billiards make it possible to compete and try to win. In addition, such a male hobby is a kind of discharge and relaxation after a working day or a week. Billiards, this is not just "skating balls", an experienced billiardist should be able to develop a game strategy, deal with the laws of geometry and be, in some way, a psychologist. In general, the fascination of bowling and billiards is not meaningless classes for stupid, as some wives consider, and discharge, competition, communication with like-minded people of smart and skillful men.

Modeling - Passion for skillful hands

According to the degree of popularity, modeling is not too common a man's hobby, it takes only the seventh place. But after all, both men who can scrupulously concentrately, not tired, designed some kind of complex model, are not often found. Some this passion remains from school, but most of the simulation lovers discovered this talent already in adulthood. Creation of models is soothered, packed, give a way to create and require very skillful and sensitive hands. What unusual masterpieces create lovers of modeling, out of their hands come out: fabulous palaces of matches, miniature models of cars, sailboats in bottles. And in the family it is an excellent opportunity to create a close contact and combine the interests between the father and children, especially sons.

Bath and Baths

Lovers of the Russian bath can be distinguished among men's hobbies. Such fans of bath procedures are not just wash in the bath. They prepared in advance to visiting the baths and a wide variety of brooms, from traditional birch, to exotic bamboo. They will take care of some herbs or special essential oils that will create a pleasant fragrance in a hot atmosphere. Bath is a pleasure for the body and soul. No contrasting shower for benefits and extraordinary sensations does not compare with bath pleasures in winter, when coming out of a hot bath, you dive into a snowy snowdrift or simply like snow. And the situation in the warm pre-tribades has a soul conversation and frank conversations, because it is necessary to once begone and discuss "purely male problems." And yet, the bath is not only pleasure, but also undoubted health benefits, if it is not accompanied by abundant alcohol climbing.

Tourism and travel for romantics

Romantic time passed 60s, time of trips to nature and songs under the guitar by the fire, and the fans of hiking tourism, albeit in small quantities, but remained. This is about them a popular song of the sixties "And people go through the world, they seem to be a little needed, there would be a fastest tent, and there would be no way to ...". Such lovers of nature, hiking and conquering some unknown routes are ready for the first opportunity to break out of close and noisy cities and plunge into the world of nature, overcoming difficulties and romantic hiking life. Travel lovers with the same pleasure conquer the uncharted trails, both in a distant country, and discover some interesting places in the Russian outback. These people are incorrigible romance, and it is simply wonderful that they still exist in the harsh world of modern business men.

Photography and video for men with artistic taste

This men's hobby is in the last place in the world of men's hobbies, and that is why. Photographing and making a video can learn almost everyone, but to make original, beautiful, artistic photos and interesting videos, few of the abilities have few. But those who have an artistic taste and the so-called "frame vision" are enjoyed by this seriously, and very often it is a hobby becomes not only pleasure, but also additional income.

Although there are several dozen diverse hobbies for men in the world, choose among them the one that wives in the soul will fill out their free time, will give the sea of \u200b\u200bendorphins and bring if not money, then a sense of deep satisfaction is undoubtedly not so easy. How to decide on what to stop your choice if the last time you did something for the soul many years ago?

Find a lesson for yourself in the shower - the problem is not simple

The benefits of the hobby and the complexity of its search

A man who does not have a loved business in life loses a lot. For example, the joy of creativity, which is familiar not only to artists and poets, but anyone who takes some thing and makes something fundamentally new. Or the dust with which the passionate man is able to indulge his passion, forgetting to eat and sleep - after all, he has a lesson more interesting! And the opportunity to discover new abilities and talents that did not suspect.

Hobbies and hobbies for a man are a way to avoid boredom, relax after a heavy working day, relieve stress without alcohol, "pump" the ability to concentrate, arrange a good workout of the brain, to feel pride for the work done. Properly selected hobby can expand the horizons. Become a source of additional income. Present like-minded people who have every chance with time to turn into friends. This classes are actually no minuses, unless in the excitement you will not start the launch of money on your passion.

Those who since childhood felt the tendency to any cause was lucky. But a man who has long to share his time between a diligent study / work and Friday tartubles with friends / lying to the TV as a rest, to decide more complicated.

Let's try to go through the most interesting hobbies for men together? You look, something hooked.

For active

Sport gives cheerfulness, physical endurance and excellent mood

You do not want to spend the weekend in four walls? Do you like to feel the tide of adrenaline and experience yourself for strength? Shoot adventure? Then you will definitely find yourself.

Sport. You can enumerate infinitely:

  • bike, running, skiing, snowboarding, football, hockey, basketball, tennis - for adherents of traditional kinds of physical activity;
  • floasted usual and underwater, rowing, jumping from tower and surfing - for lovers of water sports;
  • billiards and bowling - for those who prefer to improve their physical form in closed premises;
  • horse riding, fencing and archery - for secret romantics;
  • flights on a balloon, autoslal or bungee-jumping, named in the people of Tarzanka - for extremals;
  • hiking, climbing, speleology, visits to "abundance" or hiking with overnight in the forest - for disadvantaged vagrants, the will of fate locked in a stuffy office.

In the last category, you can add a popular one-year geokeshing, which consists in using the GPS navigator and your own intelligence to find the "treasure" left by another participant. And if all of the above does not inspire, pay attention to Survivaism - the development of survival skills in extreme situations. Very captures! Whatever you choose, in any case a pleasant pastime, a tangible tide of cheerfulness and testosterone splash is guaranteed.

Hunting and fishing Science time was considered traditional men

Hunting and fishing. Here is a truly brutal hobby for a man! And if you do not have the desire to shoot or put on a hook of one of the brothers of our smaller, join the "male men's" occupation in bloodless way: learn how to own modern types of firearms on a shooting range or collect the team for paintball.

Ability to dance except will not

Dancing. An excellent idea for a man's hobby, not experiencing big love to anyone, nor to weapons or fishing gear. It does not have to be a ballroom dancing or, say, Tango, popular with representatives of the beautiful floor (although in certain circles the ability to walk in the Waltz circle and today is considered a good tone). Sign up for club dances, and your lessons will have every chance of bringing practical benefits once. In addition, classes will give you a good cardionage, excellent posture and ability to move beautifully.

For inquisitive intelligence

Research activity is so fascinating!

What kind of hobby to choose a man who did not lose passion for obtaining new knowledge?

Buy the guitar and make it will conquer it. Lighten the game of chess or poker. Examine a foreign language. It is close to the fact that you have always been interested in and on which there was always enough time: observing the stars, reading books about the secrets of human psychology, the preparation of the genealogical tree of his family. Any scientific or accuracy interest can be developed and turn into an exciting lesson for leisure. And just reading high-quality fiction will be an excellent hobby, pleasant and helpful. All this will expand your horizons, will strengthen the memory and make you an interesting interlocutor.

For Domases

Modeling from matches and toothpicks today is very popular

Collecting puzzles, the breakdown of crosswords and laying out the jewelry twisted drawings from the sand in bottles is good not only as a hobby for pensioners - men, but also how to temporarily disconnect from routine problems and relax for those who are at the peak of their physical form. By the way, puzzles train the brain is no worse than mathematical tasks!

In addition to the listed, there are many interesting things that are available to any household.

For one real find, collectibles will be, and no matter what a candy candy candy or rare cars, if only the occupation was carried away and allowed finance. The other will find himself in conducting a personal blog, day after day, honing his style of presentation and fantasy. The third will learn to relax, to acquire a personal camera and regularly plunging into the study of the wisdom of photoshop. The last two classes, by the way, from an uncomplicated way to have a pleasant time to spend unexpectedly to grow into a profitable hobby for a man, sincerely they are passionate. Who knows, suddenly your literary talent and faithful eyes will eventually become a new source of income?

If you not only prefer to spend time at home, but also love nature, perhaps it's time to think about getting a pet, go beekeeping or landscape design?

For sleeper

Any needlework once can turn into an income article

However, you can earn not only knocking on the computer keys and clicking on the camera button. There are other hobbies able to bring the owner of dividends in the form of finances on a par with moral satisfaction.

For a man bringing a hobby revenue can be:

  • work with wood - from the decoration of a thin carving of cutting boards to a personally extended and assembled furniture headset;
  • work with metal - Here, too, the variants from the artistic etching of copper with armored means and scratching miniature tin figures with a soldering iron to Majania by a hammer in a real blacksmith;
  • work with glass - Fusing, Lampwork and glassware techniques at your service;
  • working with leather - production of exclusive belts, purses and bags a very profitable business;
  • cooking - Among the world's glory of women's chefs to the offensive little, so the man who will not be shying their aspiration to knead, to bagging and bake, there are all the chances of missing with time by the clientele, which will be crazy to go from his culinary masterpieces.

For sociable and non-indifference

Volunteer - this is not just a passion, it is a vocation

Help others in your free time for a man - the hobby is truly noble. His and the hobby is not turning the language, although the volunteer is also engaged in "for the soul", because it does not bring any profit. But to know that with your help the world has become a little better and warmer, invaluable. And already opportunities for this sea: children's homes, nursing homes, animal shelters, lonely neighbors-pensioners, launched lawn ... If you don't know at all where to start, contact your city charity organizations, there can be prompting where to attach your own pair .

Well, for those who are not yet ready to give a considerable time to volunteering, the opportunity to chat and make new friends will be seminars, master classes, clubs in interest. Almost any hobby from those listed earlier can be mastered in the company of like-minded people, the whole difference is that the big city will offer you a whole list of diverse communities, whereas in a small one may arise difficulties. Well, the Internet to help you - start the virtual associates, and there, you look, it makes it possible to meetings and in real life.

Pampering physical form, knowledge of historical eras and fun time guaranteed

As an option: Do not try to combine outdoor activities with research activities, handmade work and interest in interest, filed by reconstructors? Banal weekends with such a hobby do not be threatened.

Video: How to find your hobby?

How to find my hobby and not to quit it after the first timid samples, tells the video from the channel sobriety navigator.

And for a woman, and for a man, a homemade hobby is an almost necessary condition for normal existence. Without it, life plays less bright colors, stresses are gaining strength, and creative abilities, data from nature to every person, dust without a case, gradually fading. So be sure to find yourself a lesson in the soul, it is the shortest way if not fortunately, it is for a good mood without any doubt.


Men play chess for thousands of years in order to set up their analytical, abstract thinking and logical problems skills. Benjamin Franklin wrote an essay yet ?? in the 18th century called Moral Chess. In it, Franklin argued that the game of chess creates "valuable quality of mind, useful in the course of the whole human life, which should be strengthened or acquired by a person when playing chess. He also mentioned in his essay: "What could be better than passing time with a friend, playing a game that makes more and more people from you."


It is obvious that people today read less and less due to the expansion of the high-tech world and services. But it would be stupid to argue with the fact that most of the great people in history were large readers. For example, Theodore Roosevelt was an insatiable reader. Reading allows you to connect with great thinkers and stories writers, enriches you with new ideas, therefore, makes you smarter and versatile. The output is simple: reading is an absolutely free and easily accessible, but very useful and fascinating hobby.

Playing guitar

Instead of spending your time, playing the guitar on the Guitar Hero simulator, find out how to play a real tool. This is a skill that will provide you and those around you, the years of pleasure (if, of course you will master this thing, and you will play with decent, worthy music). You yourself understand how many advantages can be here: you will seem from the side of a very romantic and special person, you can literally "kill" your fears and complexes related to public speeches, well, and the attention of girls is deprived of obviously not ...... and how You see - this is not all the advantages from this kind of classes. "But why guitar, not any other musical instrument?" - you ask. Yes, because the guitar is the same musical instrument from which to start learning music is the easiest way. Most of the information in today's Internet is about this musical instrument: these are sites, and channels on YouTube, and training courses and many more sources of information that will not cast you in trouble when mastering such a case.

Work with wood

Always admire people who can make something useful and beautiful from a piece of wood. They are from those people who make their own Christmas gifts, and do not buy them in stores, they can make it all furniture for home and say: "I did it." It can be unambiguous to say that woodworking is a wonderful male passion. Such a passion will give you a useful skill and maybe in the future will allow you to save solid amounts of money.

Restoration of classic cars

Today, more and more lovers "mess around" with their own and not only cars appear. Someone does it for himself as as ordinary hobby, and someone does for money. We will look at the 1st option. If you are "in the shower tehnar", you can always engage in the restoration of classic cars and turn it into a full hobby.
Doing such a thing, you know the technique and mechanics, improve the skills to solve problems with the car (on what can save solid funds, depriving the auto-workshops of the profits), and know the sweet sense of success when the engine configured by you is coaling as a kitten.

We also note that such a genus is more suitable for wealthy personalities. After all, you will need solid tools for buying a car, garage and a mass of devices, tools and the necessary equipment.


Metalworking has all the advantages over the wood, except that there will be no sweet smell of sawdust - you will surround yourself with an unpleasant smell of hot from the metal processing. But you yourself just think about how much useful and interesting from metal can be made it. From a wide variety of tools and decor elements to a full-fledged garage of its own manufacture!


A modern man can be very restless and dissatisfied, because he, living in a permanent urban bustle, has practically lost contact with fresh air and nature. Each person should strive for regular reunion with nature for both its physical and mental well-being. He must at least occasionally break away from the city routine and go hike. This type of entertainment and recreation can be organized together with friends and loved ones. Tourism may enrich you useful survival skills and give you a lot of new interesting emotions.


Throughout the millennium, the main role of a man in his family was to provide food and meat family and offspring. For most of the human history, it was carried out through tracking and murder of wild animals. Hunting in many cultures and tribes associated with courage and gave men the opportunity to experience real adventures in a completely male environment.

Today, much has changed ... For survival, it is not necessary to kill the "from the morning" of a boar or "fill up" an elephant spear. Today hunting is more entertaining - gaming character. The benefits of hunting are countless, just some of them:

First, it gives you a chance to give you and your family a source of high-quality, deprived of any "shop chemistry" of meat free from antibiotics, hormones (and even ammonia!) That in production most meat suppliers hide today. Secondly, it gives you a chance to find real contact with nature. Thirdly, you will maintain the preservation of wildlife, since your funds spent on hunting licenses and equipment go to finance state bodies of wildlife.


There may be an idea of \u200b\u200ba deer or a bear - this is not your luck. But you can still use the benefits of the production of your own natural meal, doing fishing. Fishing - noble male hobby. This is an excellent way to spend time for a male company of friends, or for example, Father and Son. Such a passion will not cost too much, unlike the same hunting. And here you do not need any permissions and licenses (if you are certainly not professional fisherman). A good set of novice fisherman will cost you a maximum of 1.5-2 tr.


Each man, whether "botany" or "Ring," must have some physical activity in his life. Physical activity increases your natural ?? Testosterone level (the most important male hormone), keeps you healthy and in shape, protects against depressions and soothes stress. In sports, there is always a competitive spirit that can be quite and very useful for the masculinity of "real macho" of any age. Snowing sports, you can always find out your physical "ceiling" and pierced it, improving your form, strength and endurance. It is stupid to argue with what it is in life, as a truly man, can be repeatedly useful.

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