Means from a cold for pregnant women: modern drugs and traditional medicine. What droplets from the runny nose during pregnancy in different terms

Pregnancy - time not only joyful, but also responsible. Well, when the future motley in this period feels great and does not get sick. And the female organism is really arranged to protect both the child and his mother from the evil microbes. But such an idyllic pregnancy is rather a dream than reality ...

The aggressive ecology of large and small cities does its job, reducing the protective properties of the body of a woman. Future mothers, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, are very susceptible to infectious attacks, therefore rhinitis they happen, and tonsillitis, and other colds. And cough and runny nose during pregnancy are always accompanied by anxiety: how to protect yourself and your baby from danger? How to cure a snotty nose and sore throat quickly and without harm to the child?

How to cure a runny nose during pregnancy?

It all depends on the origin of this runny nose has. The first thing you have to do is consult with your gynecologist, which will either put an ethiological diagnosis (will reveal the origin) of the existing rhinitis, or send you to a consultation to narrow specialists, for example, an allergist or a otolaryngologist.

Before continuing reading: If you are looking for an effective method of getting riddled from a cold, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis or colds, then be sure to look at section of the site book After reading this article. This information helped so many people, we hope to help you! So, now we return to the article.

After finding out the etiology, the doctor (allergic, infectious or other) is the doctor will give all the necessary recommendations for the treatment of folk or traditional means, will write physiotherapeutic and hardening procedures and explain in detail what manifestations of the sick nose and throat during pregnancy should be feared, and which one can not be afraid at all . Although not afraid - does not mean nothing to improve well-being and eliminating unpleasant symptoms.

Is it dangerous?

Of course. But it is not necessary to panic. The main thing is to take a runny nose under control, and for this you need to make maximum information about it.

Rubber (rhinitis) is a symptom that is present almost with any cold. It is manifested by the embezzlement of the nose, the difficulty of nasal respiration, the formation and release of a liquid or viscous secret (in the surroundings of the "snot"), itching the mucous and, as a result, sneezing, during which the microbes are flying out in all parties and partially inhaled back the same mom, Cheating recovery. The main danger is a runny nose during pregnancy lies in the fact that:

  • Nasal congestion due to swelling of the mucous membrane disrupts the circulation of oxygen in the respiratory system, which is why hypoxia in the nasal tissues occurs. This initiates the transformation of the conditionally pathogenic microflora, which "lives" in our body constantly and, with good immunite, does not show itself, in active pathogenic. As a result, the development of rhinosinusites, which require a thorough and long-term treatment.
  • Because of the poor supply of cerebral tissue oxygen, headaches and dizziness, high fatigue and lethargy are possible in a pregnant woman. In addition, neurotic symptoms are likely: irritability, federation, sleep disorder. This is especially characteristic of severe rhinitis during pregnancy.
  • The need to breathe through the mouth during a runny nose contributes to the spread of infection into the underlying respiratory tract departments, which may also lead to complications: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc. Do you need it? Certainly no!

To prevent the development of complications, the treatment of a cold during pregnancy should be operational, complex and safe. And also have a powerful prophylactic aspect.

Means from a cold during pregnancy

It all depends on the runny nose of what nature takes place. There are several of its options to pay attention to.

Infectious rhinitis

This is a runny nose that occurs as a symptom of a cold. It has a viral or bacterial nature and is often accompanied by other pathological respiratory manifestations: sore throat, cough and near, so-called common symptoms: lethargy, headache, cough, etc. Treat such cough and runny nose during pregnancy, you need tools that will have a symptomatic action: eliminate the nasal congestion, restore breathing, and is the main thing - will have a supportive impact on immunity.

Among such funds, plant preparations are occupied first place: a chamber, soul man, chamomile, calendula - for inhalation and washing the nasal sinuses; Carrot juice, beets and onions - for instillation in the nose (first it is better to lubricate the mucous membrane to exclude hypersensitivity, and when breeded with boiled water by half). Wonderful healing and prophylactic agents are essential oils of mint, fir and eucalyptus: they are used for inhalation and locally.

There are also a number of medicines allowed for use by pregnant women when it comes to strongly pronounced symptoms of rhinitis. For example, some vesseloring drops are allowed to use future mothers, but any medical drops during pregnancy can be used only after consulting a doctor. As, however, other means, including plant origin.

Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis occurs as a response to contact with an allergen. During pregnancy, sensitivity to allergens may vary in one direction or another. The most faithful is to eliminate the very possibility of contact with the problem substance. But if he still occurred (for example, during a seasonal version), the reception of antihistamine drugs should be solved individually in each particular case with the participation of the allergist and the gynecologist. After all, a strong runny nose requires rapid actions at least in order not to upset and so very vulnerable pregnant woman. With the existing allergyization, the allergic physician will also help choose plant or other means to eliminate or alleviate the symptoms of a cold.

Vasomotor rhinitis

This is not a separate view of a runny nose, and its characteristic. Vasomotor rhinitis may have an allergic, hormonal, medication nature. As a rule, it does not have other accompanying symptoms. But those that are quite enough to complicate the life of a pregnant woman. With vasomotor problems, nose, nor with this suddenly stops breathing, "ticking" appears, the need to sneeze a lot. The development of this species is a cold quickly leads to the fact that the woman can only breathe.

To combat vasomotor rhinitis, which is regarded during pregnancy as a strong runny nose with elements of neuro-vegetative dysfunction, it is necessary to establish its etiology (origin), which can only be done by the doctor. It also prescribes the appropriate treatment: vegetable or chemical preparations, physiotherapy, general fasteners, and also signs power rules and day. Yes Yes! It is also very important!

Rougom pregnant

This is not yet an independent diagnosis, but such rhinitis, more often than a vasomotor nature, begins during pregnancy and ends shortly after delivery. Rubber with blood during pregnancy is also quite frequent, but it is not necessary to scare very much. Of course, you need to discuss everything that happens to the doctor. But a slight admixture of blood in the discharge from the nose is associated, as a rule, with the fragility of small nasal vessels, or with an increased permeability of the vascular wall, or with fluctuations in blood pressure - and all these phenomena pass spontaneously or require minimal interference ...

For example, treatment of such a cold with folk remedies or certain groups of vitamins gives a very good effect. The same drops based on beet or onion juice, calendula, sage, essential oils in the form of inhalation (if there is no allergy!) - And this is only a small list of possible options. The vitamins are most often prescribed "Askorutin" or similar preparations with a high ascorbic acid content (to strengthen the vascular wall) and the rutine angioprotector with the same vector action. Consultation with the doctor is obligatory!

Folk remedies

Recipes of your grandmothers, great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers, etc. - This is exactly what during pregnancy works no worse, and sometimes better new-fashioned drugs. In addition, the cost of these funds is usually small, and the effect is tested not by one generation.

For example, with a cold, which appeared from a pregnant woman against the background of a common cold, there is no better means than raspberries and linden. Their catchment effect displays a liquid from the body, and therefore reduces the edema of the nose.

Calendula is a proven infusion for washing the nose with an antiseptic effect, reducing swelling and inflammation.

Honey enters many people's recipes, both internal and outdoor use. In particular, a mixture of honey and beet juice in a ratio of 1: 3 is a magnificent means that allows you to cure a sore throat and a runny nose during pregnancy in a few days. The solution bury 2-3 drops into each nasal stroke several times a day.

Sharing drugs from a cold

It is necessary to unconditionally observe one most important principle: no self-medication, under any circumstances! This is still a runny nose, and not appendicitis (pah-pah!), So urgentness is, but not extreme. Only a doctor can recommend the use of vesseloring droplets, antihistamine drugs, anti-inflammatory creams and local oil ointments, as well as other drugs from a cold for a period of pregnancy. Ensure the safety of the baby is the most important goal of the future mother. Therefore, the disposal of opposing rhinitis should always comply with this priority. And it's not so difficult to do it.

First, take care of yourself. Secondly, if you have foci of chronic infections - spend their sanation (rehabilitation) before the occurrence of pregnancy. If you are allergic - find out what can be done to avoid the occurrence of rhinitis during pregnancy. And if avoiding it will not work - than they can be cured without harm to the child. And remember: any nasal medication during pregnancy - only for the appointment of a doctor and under his supervision.

It is impossible to rely on information like "Masha was the same way ...". Each woman has its own body. Each in its own way tolerates pregnancy and reaction to funds from a cold from various pregnant women can be very different. And what to treat runny nose during pregnancy you are - the question that should be resolved for you is individually.

Be healthy, pretty future moms!

Pregnant women are not allowed to use most vesseloring droplets (type naphtizin, tizin, nazol, etc.). Similar drugs quickly cause addictive, harmful affecting the health of the fetus. Sugging all the vessels in the mother's body, these drops are also narrowed by the vessels of the placenta, disturbing the supply of fetus with oxygen.

At this stage you can use:

  • nasya washing with various solutions;
  • use of droplets (more often than sea salt-based solutions);
  • use (homemade drops, tours, teas).

Second trimester

Principles of treatment Ronyism during this period:

  • if the runny nose is a symptom of a cold, then the bed mode is obligatory;
  • washing or instilcing the nose with herbal or salt solutions;
  • the use of resolved vesseloring drops, softening drugs;
  • in case of medical purposes - the use of local allowable antibiotics or antiseptics.

Third trimester

Treatment Rubber in 3 trimester includes:

Tip: If the doctor considers it appropriate, it is possible to use permitted pharmacological agents (hormonal sprays, decongensants), but only abbreviated courses for no more than 3 days.

What to do when the smell and taste disappeared during a cold, you can learn

Medicines and homeopathy

We give the main drugs allowed to receive pregnant women.
To purify the nose, preparations are used:

  • Solutions (such as Sea Water Dtnta, Humer, Aqualor, Aquamaris, Physiomer, Dolfin, Salin), serving to reduce the edema of the nasal mucosa and improving the removal of mucus from the nasal sinuses and the nasal cavity.
  • Homeopathic remedies (Euforbyium composites, Dudeten). The effect of these drugs will manifest only on the second - third day, but will greatly facilitate nasal breathing.

Hidden danger of a runny nose

Even the usual runny nose in a pregnant woman can be dangerous to complications.

Rubber is unpleasant for any period of pregnancy, but in different periods it has its own characteristics of the flow and appropriate treatment.

In the first trimester, the runny nose is particularly undesirable, as it is usually a consequence of the development of a viral infection.

In the first trimester, the fruit is just beginning to be formed, and it is not completely protected from the harmful effects of many factors, including the effect of the virus and the influence of many drugs.

On the second trimester, the grievous fruit is already partially protected in the maternal womb against the effects of the viral disease, from which the mother suffers and on the negative effects of drugs dangerous in the first trimester.

In 2 trimester, unauthorized treatment of rhinitis is dangerously dangerous because during this period the formation of the most important livelihood systems of the fetus is cardiovascular and nervous.

This creates a high risk of developing pathologies for the formation of the fetus, interrupting pregnancy or intrauterine his death, in the treatment incorrectly selected drugs.

Another of the frequent forms of a cold in this trimester is so-called. "Hormonal Rhinitis", which subsequently disappears after the birth of a child, but without treatment causes serious discomfort for pregnant women.

The runny nose in the second trimester is particularly undesirable due to the violation of the oxygen intake in the mother's body, and the subsequent hypoxia of the fetus. In the third trimester, a runny nose most often: it is found in 42% of pregnant women and often lasts until the birth. With a long rinte, during this period, the ability of the mass of the fetus or underdevelopment of its individual organs is possible.

It is impossible to underestimate the runny nose of the third trimester. If it is caused by a cold, then the poor general health of mommies can provoke premature birth or infection with a virus infection of the baby after birth.

If the runny nose does not pass within 2-3 days, it is necessary to visit the doctor. It is dangerous complications!

In conclusion, I want to warn women from illiterate treatment of rhinitis during pregnancy. If proven home remedies for the treatment of a runny nose did not give a good effect for two or three days, unambiguously need to seem like a doctor. After all, any pregnant woman in response is not only for his life, but also for the life of the one who is at her heart.


Check out the video and find out how to quickly cure a runny nose during pregnancy:

In the treatment of a cold in any trimester, one should not forget that a runny nose during pregnancy cannot be considered a frivolous problem, both due to the risk to the health of the woman itself and due to the possible dangerous consequences for the health of the future child. With any rhinitis lasting for more than 3 days, which did not help the funds of traditional medicine, the necessary treatment must appoint a doctor. Selection during pregnancy is limited and must be consistent with the doctor.

Why a runny nose may appear during pregnancy

A runny nose can darken the condition of almost every woman in an interesting position. It is a pregnant woman who is more susceptible to ORZ than other people. And this is quite a logical explanation.

  • Colds. Woman's immunity of a shearing child decreases, which makes it more susceptible to viral and infectious diseases.
  • Change hormonal background. Because of the hormonal restructuring and enhanced production of progesterone and estrogen, swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, as a result of which the woman feels concrete.
  • Slowing mucosa Nose during pregnancy. First, this is due to an increase in the amount of blood in the body. Secondly, the cause of trouble can be insufficient air humidity or the presence of allergens in it.
  • Existing before pregnancy chronic Nasopharynx Diseases - curvature of partitions, sinusitis, adenoids. They can exacerbate during the baby tool. That is why it is important to visit the otorinolaryngologist at the planning stage.

How dangerous runny nose during pregnancy

If in a non-remote state, women often do not pay virtually no attention to a runny nose, then, being in an interesting position, many questions appear on this. Chief among them - what is the danger of a cold?

In the early periods, there is a great danger itself not a run-nose, and what caused his appearance. This may be the result of penetration into the body of infection. In turn, viruses fall into the blood of a child that in the early deadlines can provoke.

In 2 and 3 trimesters, the runny nose and its symptoms, in particular, the nasal congestion, prevent the intake of oxygen into the body as a mother and the child. If you do nothing, it can provoke the development of hypoxia.

In addition, the danger represents and complications that can cause the appearance of a runny nose. Among those:

  • hymorite;
  • sharp front;
  • acute sinusitis;
  • the growth of polyps in the nasal cavity.

How and what to treat runny nose during pregnancy

1 trimester

In the treatment of a runny nose in the first weeks of pregnancy it is worth remembering that the placenta is still at the formation stage, and Everything that gets into the mother's body is easily falling to the fruit. The use of simple techniques will help get rid of the problem, without bringing harm to the future child. Among them, we note the following options.

  • It is necessary to ensure the level of humidity in the room not lower than 60-65%. This prevents the drying of the nasal mucosa and facilitates breathing.
  • It is necessary to ensure regular ventilation by 15-20 minutes and keep the temperature not more than 22-23 ° C. This will allow the virus in the earliest possible time.
  • When the selection appears, it is necessary to regularly remove the nose salt solution. It can be prepared independently, but you can buy ready-made in the pharmacy.
  • To facilitate breathing, you can use the "asterisk" balm, which is applied to the wings of the nose.
  • For moisturizing the mucous after washing, it must be lubricated with peach or sea buckthorn oil.

2 trimester

Approximately from 12-13 weeks, in addition to conventional colds, a vasomotor rhinitis can appear in a woman in a position. The phenomenon is not rare and is caused by the enhanced production of progesterone and estrogen, which provokes swelling of the mucous and, as a result, difficult breathing.

Such a state does not require special treatment, however, with pronounced symptoms, the doctor may prescribe permitted vesseloring drops.

When an allergic cold appears, you need to identify allergen and assign appropriate treatment. As a rule, the doctor prescribes the use of hormonal nasal droplets.

3 trimester

In recent weeks before childbirth It is categorically not recommended engage in self-medication. During this period there is a very large load on the mother's body. In addition, the placenta agitates and everything worse copes with its "duties", and various drugs can easily penetrate the fetus.

  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • As can be less likely in places of cluster of people.
  • Do not contact people who are ill or recently overdone.
  • Here are in the fresh air.
  • Avoid allergens in the nasal cavity.
  • Take special vitamins for pregnant women who will help strengthen weakened immunity.
  • Watch out for air humidity in the room: it should be no lower than 50%.

Video about rheore during pregnancy

A small video about the treatment of a runny nose will help to learn what to do if the disease found you during pregnancy. Simple techniques and recommendations will allow to get rid of the disease as soon as possible.

Women, even healthy and hardened, during pregnancy often catchy. I got under the rain, I sat on a draft, put on too thin coat - and the nose has already laid, the head splits, and the throat has flushed and tricks. Ordinary people can go to the pharmacy and buy any vesseloring drops, but the future mother has to carefully choose the method of treatment and drugs that will not harm the baby.

Views of a runny nose

At first, the pregnant defines the cause of the discharge from the nose. Provoke concreteness and swelling of mucous membranes:

  • infections;
  • hormonal changes;
  • viruses;
  • allergens;
  • ordinary cold;
  • new chemical or cosmetics.

Infectious and allergic rhinitis develops on any gestation. The body, weakened by hormonal restructures, cannot resist viruses and bacteria. Increased sensitivity, so allergic runny nose can provoke even cosmetics or household chemicals.

Vasomotor rhinitis appears on 2 and 3 trimester when the concentration of estrogen and progesterone in the blood increases. Hormones make the nose mucosa swell and highlight a transparent secret. The well-being of the future mother will improve after childbirth when the level of progesterone decreases.

Vasomotor runny nose is treated with salt solutions and herbal decractions, which are washed with nasal passages. If a pregnant woman is hard to breathe, the doctor discharges vesseloring drops, but preparations are used with caution. When abuse, they cause hypoxia of the fetus.

Allergic rhinitis is treated with antihistamine, abundant drinking and salt solutions. If a woman does not know which product caused swelling of the mucous membrane, it passes a survey. By finding the cause, it simply does not use this component and tries not to contact him.

Infectious rhinitis is the most dangerous. The usual runny nose without proper treatment quickly turns into a sinusitis and causes complications. Viruses affect the child, provoking the development of vices.

Pregnant must contact a gynecologist or therapist at the first symptoms of rhinitis. The specialist will determine the cause of the discharge and foreclosure, will recommend funds secure for a developing baby.

Rest and vitamins

Futive mothers who have an infectious runny nose, recommend to forget about home affairs and spend 2-3 days in bed. No matter what temperature. Pregnant women can not bear rhinitis and colds on the legs. Weakened body need a soft bed, a warm blanket and a lot of rest. It is useful to sleep, drink tea and consume a lot of apples and other seasonal fruits.

The body that fards with infection is supplied daily with vitamin C. Lemons and oranges are rich in ascorbic acid, but citrus is contraindicated. Risk increases that a child will be born with a tendency to allergies.

Exotic fruits are replaced with apples, pears and decoction of rose hips. Red berries contain many ascorbic acid. They cope with a cold, runny nose and do not harm the child. Water infants made of rosehip give even babies if they often sick.

Vitamin C is in parsley and lettuce leaves. Ascorbic acid strengthens the immunity and walls of the vessels, removes swelling of the mucous membrane and makes breathing. Useful component can not be abused so as not to provoke premature aging and rejection of the placenta.

Helps with colds and ritin tocopherol and retinol. Vitamins are responsible for the elasticity of vessels, help the body to fight viruses and inflammation. It contains in chicken yolk, carrot, beef liver, peaches, apricots, orange sweet pepper.

It is useful in routine Kalina. Berries are sorted with sugar or honey, eating twice a day. Recovery accelerates currant and raspberry jam, but it is impossible to get involved in sweet. Use 50-100 g of delicious drug daily to disappearance of mortgage and secretions.

Tea and air humidifier

Pregnant with routine need to drink 1.5-2 l of any liquid. Non-carbonated water, berry frost and kislets, herbal champs and green tea. If the rhinitis is accompanied by a headache and temperature, honey and a chipping of ginger are added to the drink. Spice warms, removes inflammation and supports weakened immunity.

The symptoms of rhinitis will disappear in a few days, if brewing medicinal herbs:

  • st. John's wort;
  • strawberry leaves;
  • craea Willow;
  • plantain;
  • chamomile;
  • soul.

Pregnant women can not drink concentrated decoctions, so boiling water take a pinch of the selected plant. Insist anti-inflammatory tea in the thermos or under the lid. Fix when the drink becomes warm. Pregnant women who do not like the taste of medication, advise to mix infusion with a spoonful of honey or raspberry jam. Drink twice a day at 150-200 ml.

Important: If rash, strange pain or other unpleasant symptoms appeared after eating herbal beam, the plant does not fit the plant. You need to try another component or refuse this method.

Pregnant before bedtime is recommended to drink a glass of warm milk. The product is heated in a water bath, connected with a pinch of soda and 30 g of honey. The drink relaxes, soothes, helps at elevated temperature and tread in the throat.

Water balance is restored by chicken or vegetable broth. Heavy soups cooked from pork, mushrooms or fatty fish are contraindicated. The body of pregnant woman is weakened by a runny nose, so it is difficult for him to digest such food.

Decorations and kissels drench the mucus. Allocations do not accumulate in the gaymorny sinuses, so the woman becomes easier to breathe.

The nasal mucosa swells due to the underwent and stagnant air. The apartment needs to air at least 2 times a day. In the fall and in the spring, you can open the windows and go walk to the park for 1-1.5 hours. Rooms during this time are filled with oxygen. In winter, two-weeks are opened for 15-20 minutes. Frosty air refreshes, narrows vessels and makes breathing for a few minutes.

In the bedroom and room in which the pregnant woman spends a lot of time, arrange bowls with bow or garlic. The workpiece is crushed and poured with water. It highlights phytoncides, which disinfect the room and destroy bacteria. Next to the bed and the sofa are advised to put air humidifiers. They regularly spray fluid, so the mucosa does not dry up and swells less.

Warm from a runny nose

Foot legs can not. The blood circulation at the bottom of the body is enhanced, the uterus begins to shrink. In early terms, due to such a procedure, miscarriage can happen. Pregnant women are 5-8 months the risk of premature births increases.

Feet with a cold need to be kept warm, so we recommend wear woolen or cotton dense socks. Feet can not rub with vodka or mustard powder.

Constitution will remove the baths for hands. In the basin poured warm water, a little sea salt is added. Immerse in the palm solution for 15-20 minutes. Thanks to the procedure, the blood circulation is enhanced only in the upper part of the body, so the child does not threaten child.

Rubber will remove steam inhalations. A hot solution is poured into a ceramic or porcelain kettle. Suitable:

  • chamomile decoction;
  • saline solution with iodine or without;
  • hot water with bow or garlic;
  • mentho essential oil or tea tree.

The container is filled with fluid by half. Love the kettle with a lid not necessarily. The nose is inserted into one nostril, the second presses with a finger to the partition. Make some deep breaths. Exhale too through the nose. Repeat twice a day.

Inhalation is easier to spend if there is a nebulizer in the house. You can breathe above boiled potatoes, covered with a wide towel or bedspread. Thermal procedures last 5-15 minutes.

Gaimorov sinuses warm up with tissue bags in which they pour:

  • rice or buckwheat cereal;
  • salt;
  • sand.

Dry filler is split in a pan. Boiled eggs are suitable, which wrap up tissue napkins or small towels in order not to burn the skin. The nasal sinuses warm the blue lamp in the hospital or home. It helps with routine, angina and colds.

Folk recipes

Edema and purulent discharge remove onion drops. Prepare natural medicine from finely chopped vegetable, which is mixed with linden honey. Connect up to 30-40 g of components and insist until the workpiece starts to highlight the juice. The liquid is drained into a glass bubble. I bury the nose onion juice 3-4 times a day.

Rubber is treated with gauze turund moistened in special compositions. The tampons are impregnated with a mixture of essential oil and vegetable. Suitable corn, sunflower or olive. Spooning the base pour into a glass plate or a cup, warm in a water bath. Add 2 drops of essential oil, stir the wooden wand. Intimate the tampon tool, press up too much and insert into the nasal passages for 15-30 minutes.

The turtle solution is prepared from butter and milk. In the ceramic container put on the tablespoon of each product, warm. Add 5 g of soda in a warm mixture and 30 ml of honey. Stir, wet the gauze tampons in the agent.

Nose are buried by natural juices:

  • carrot;
  • apple;
  • beetroot;
  • from Kalanchoe.

Aloe cannot be applied from a runny nose during pregnancy. The plant provokes miscarriages and premature birth. Fruit or vegetable juice diluted with water. Crave into each nostril 4-5 times a day.

Remove the edema of the mucous membrane helps eucalyptus and menthol oil, which is mixed with sunflower or linen. The remedy is applied to the nose, sinuses, whiskey and nose wings. Liquid rubbing massage movements. Instead of essential oils, use the "star" or "Dr.".

Cleansing and moisturizing

The nose is regularly washed with warmth, which is prepared from a marine or iodized salt. On a glass of heated water take a teaspoon of dry product. Enter into each nostril with a syringe or a small fringe. After washing the throat with brine, so that the infection does not fall on the tonsils and bronchi.

Pharmacies sell ready-made drops:

  • Dolfin;
  • Salin;
  • Humer;
  • Aquamaris;
  • Meriner;
  • Otrivin.

The saline solution is replaced by chamomile or calendula. Purulent discharge wellwashes warm water, in which the povered pill furatciline was dissolved. The drug disinfects the sinuses gaymors and destroys the infection.

After washing, the mucous membrane is lubricated with a vaseline or a fatty children's cream so that it does not drive. Suitable and sea buckthorn or flaxseed oil.

Pregnant women with a cold need to relax a lot, drink warm tea with lemon and warming the giroshi sinuses. Put the nose with fruit juices and washed with salt solutions. If the state of the future mother is worsening, and folk remedies do not help, the doctor prescribes vesseloring drops, antibacterial drugs and antibiotics.

Video: How to treat cold and flu during pregnancy

Reasons for the intention in pregnant women

Pregnant women are absolutely not insured against the appearance of a runny nose. There are quite a few reasons for this. And it should not be assumed that all this is due to the fact that the immunity of a woman at that time weakens, and therefore it is possible to catch the cold or the ARZ very quickly. There are other factors affecting the appearance of concurrency in the nose in a pregnant woman. True, in spite of any causes of occurrence, the runny nose brings with me discomfort not only for the future mommy, but also for a developing baby.

There are situations when a woman still does not even know that pregnant, and her nose has already appeared. Moreover, until the end of pregnancy, the runny nose does not pass. This state of specialists got the name of a runny norm of pregnant or vasomotor rhinitis. The reason for his appearance lies in the hormonal restructuring of the entire body, which provokes the edema of the nasopharynx. As a rule, a similar runny nose appears in a woman in the second trimester. And almost always completely passes only after childbirth. It should be noted that it is not necessary to treat such a runny nose special way. But to help breathe freely necessary. At the bottom, various ways are described, allowing to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane. But it is necessary to emphasize that it is necessary to start a pregnant woman only from the safe method itself.

It is not necessary to exclude this option that the runny nose and infinite sneezing are the result of allergies. It is especially brightly manifested in the height of the spring blossoms of plants. If this is the case, then you need to urgently turn to a specialist. And in the event that in addition to the cold, the pregnant woman has a headache, a hole in the throat and a high temperature, it is safe to say that this is a viral disease. And it is urgent to start treatment. After all, any infection may be very dangerous for the future mommy and for her baby, especially if it develops in early pregnancy.

That is why, you should not wait when it starts to pour continuously from the nose. It should be started to eliminate the causes as quickly as possible. Of course, the most ideal option will be if the cause is a doctor. It is the doctor who must competently explain how to be treated in a similar condition. And what can and need to be done, and what to categorically make pregnant women is prohibited. But in the event that there is no possibility to get to a specialist, you can use the recommendations and advice below.

Treatment Methods Richnorm for pregnancy

To date, there are quite many different ways to cure a runny nose.

1 Pregnant women can greatly help ordinary vaconishing dropswhich are sold to treat from ordinary runny nose. This is really the most efficient option. But at the same time it is very dangerous. Many people know well that the human body quickly gets used to such drops and therefore it is recommended to change them often. But since such drops really act almost instantly, so many mammies completely forget about the dangers that they can bring. And in vain, because now a woman should think not only about themselves alone, but also about the future baby. And such drops can harm him. After all, it is known that even the most such common drops like naphtizin or galazoline affect not only the woman's body, but also on the arteries that are available in the resulting placenta. And some of the drug can get into a female esophagus, and from there - in maternal blood, and then - in the blood of the placenta. And this means that there may be some kind of blood circulation in the placenta, and, as a result, and the fetus. Moreover, pregnant women get used to such drops much faster than non-empty. The reason for this is again hormonal changes in the female organism.

But you can find and alternative treatment for a cold. These are the so-called "folk" drops. But it is necessary to immediately note that almost any treatment (including folk remedies) have certain contraindications. It follows that before using folk remedies should still be advised to the doctor. Some doctors give very similar advice on the use of certain herbs during pregnancy.

2 The easiest and proven method of fighting a triple is either onion, diluted with water, or aloe juice (which should also be divorced). You can use this tool quite often - 2 or even 3 times a day 2 drops in each nostril. It can be markedly alleviating the condition of a pregnant woman suffering from a cold, with the help of simple tea-soda droplets. You can even take advantage of the rinse. To prepare this medication, it is necessary to add one teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm black tea. You can pack this remedy for two drops into each nostril no more than three times a day.

3 Folk remedies suggest use as drugs freshly squeezed juice. With a cold, for example, apple, carrot, beet or any citrus juice are very effective. But before applying this fund, it is necessary to emphasize that freshly squeezed juices can cause a woman an allergic reaction. And you can not bury juices purchased in stores in the nose, as they have different additives that will not be useful in treatment. But in the event that the juice is cooked at home, it is able to bring a real relief of a pregnant woman. Juices should not drip often. Folk medicine recommends this to do three or four times a day for two or three drops in each nostril.

4 Can be used as droplets in the nose special oils. We bring a noticeable sea buckthorn, peach and rosehip oil. Such oils have a magnificent softening effect. It is impossible to dig them in its pure form: before use, such oils should be dissolved, for example, vegetable oil. The most efficient base oil is olive oil. It is divorced in such a proportion: on 1 part of therapeutic oil accounts for 20 parts of the base oil. Moreover, at home, you can prepare this oil yourself. To do this, it is necessary to maximize the grass, on which the therapeutic oil will prepare, and mix it with olive oil in proportion two tablespoons of crushed herbs on one glass of oil. Pre-oil on a very small fire is boiled for 10 minutes. After that, the oil is fastened. You can bury such healing oil from three or five drops into each nostril.

5 With a cold, you can use simple heating. But it is necessary to know that such warming procedures can be taken only if a woman has no high temperature. Indeed, in the process of heating, blood flows the mucous membrane at the moment. And as a result of such a tributary, the temperature may rise. At the same time, the mucus, which is in the nose, becomes noticeably aliens and, due to this, it is quickly excreted from the nasal passages. And, as a result, nasal congestion decreases. This is the easiest and most popular recipe of traditional medicine, allowing to fight nasal congestion. The nose can be warmed with an egg that is boiled by screwing. Or you can heal either salt or cereal, then pour them into a canvas bag and apply it to the nose. Greens need both nostrils. It is necessary to continue the procedure until the croup or salt is cooled.

6 Very effective in the treatment of runny nose inhalation. It is recommended to conduct them using a special device called nebulizer. But, nevertheless, many use the old proven method, which is that the patient is covered with a dense towel above the bowl or pan with a hot warming. And breathe there with hot steam. Pregnant women can breathe not more than five minutes. Immediately after the end of such a procedure, it is impossible to make a draft or go outside for one hour.

What kind of inhalation you can use pregnant women? Folk medicine offers a huge selection for these purposes. But after all, pregnant women still should be part of the calendula and chamomile flowers. You can also take advantage of the leaves of the plantain, eucalyptus, as well as herbs of Salfa, Hypericum or Castobus. To prepare therapeutic tincture for inhalation, you should take one or two tablespoons of the desired grass and pour the glass just boiling water. After that, it is necessary to lean over the container with the infusion obtained and begin to inhale steam. It is necessary to breathe a nose, because treatment is made in order to reduce the mortgage of the noma. Such inhalations can be held up to six times a day.

7 In the fight against a runny nose nose And often moisturize the mucous membrane of the nose. For pregnant women, this method is also suitable. For moisturizing, you can use an ordinary children's cream. If it is not, there may be vaseline or any vegetable oil. Today in pharmacies you can meet moisturizing sprays, which include sterile sea water. This is Akwalor, Aquamaris and other sprays. These drugs are really completely safe for a pregnant woman. And at the same time, a mucous membrane and nose and even nasophacks are very well moistened. The swelling of this is noticeably reduced. Moreover, such sprays are addicted and no allergic reactions cause. After all, by a large account, it's just sea water.

8 In the event that a strong runny nose is observed, then you can use to wash paintings of medicinal herbs And even medication. There are such recipes: licorice is taken, mountain rhizomes, plantain leaves, clover flowers, calendula, and grass sage. Herbs are taken in equal parts. Pour them into the container and pour the glass of boiling water. After that, it should be brought to a herbal infusion to a boil, cover with a lid and insist for two hours. After that, the infusion should be strain and warm to washing. Moreover, you can perform a similar procedure for no more than five times a day. And to wash the nose was more convenient, you should use an ordinary srintsauch. If there is no possibility to prepare the infusion of their herbs, you can wash the nose using a simple salt solution, in which the iodine droplet is added.

9 Must not forget about the maximum moisturizing air In the room where pregnant with a runny nose is located. After all, it is too dry air in the room can provoke not only nasal congestion, but even a runny nose itself. In order for the air to become more wet, you can use special air humidifiers. If they are not, then you can simply place the container with clean water. And do not forget that it is superbly moisturized air indoor plants.

10 There is another way to effectively deal with an ordinary rhino. This is about point massage. It should be carried out on the outdoor sides of each of the nostrils. And in order to strengthen the effect obtained, it is necessary to anoint the nose in front of the massage a perfectly known to each modern person to the tool - "asterisk". But it is necessary to smear a very thin layer.

11 Sometimes doctors in the fight against a runny nose recommend pregnant women warm hands for Hands or Foot. But use this method is necessary very careful. After all, as practice has shown, very hot baths are harmful to a pregnant woman, especially in the first trimester. It is they who provoke the interruption of pregnancy, that is, miscarriages. And in the event that the pregnant woman has varicose veins, the adoption of the bath will be categorically contraindicated. And in order for the bath to bring a certain effect, it is necessary that the water in it does not exceed 40 degrees. Some pregnant women have a reasonable question: can really similar baths help with a strong cold? Even if the runny nose will not completely pass, fatigue and the severity in the legs will be unequivocally. And so that the effect is still noticeable, immediately after taking such a bath to wear warm woolen socks onto their feet.

Preventive prevention measures during pregnancy

In order not to get into the unpleasant situation during pregnancy in a cold, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • Do not heal.
  • During the campaign to any public place (office, pharmacy, shop), it is necessary to carefully lubricate the nostrils with oxoline ointment (smearing it is necessary from the inside). It is especially important to do during the seasonal flu epidemic, for example.
  • In the event that a sick person appeared in the family, a pregnant woman should try to limit communication with him until a person recover. The house should constantly wear a mask.
  • In the same case, if the cold is still appeared, it is necessary to proceed to its treatment as early as possible.
  • It is necessary to constantly take care of strengthening the immunity of pregnant. In the event that the protective forces of the female organism will normally, no cold will be terrible. It is necessary to seriously revise the power and lifestyle. On the table every day there should be fresh fruits and vegetables. About bad habits should generally forget.

But the most important advice is impossible to engage in self-medication. In the event that a pregnant woman has a runny nose after 3-4 days, it is necessary to contact a specialist - the doctor Laura.