Tattoos for young people. Male tattoos

Each second teenager at least once in his life seriously thought about to make a tattoo. Someone found strength and money to realize their dream, someone is not. The biggest problem for those who have already nubble something and those who want to find a good wizard.

Being an artist-tattooer is a very creative profession, no, not so - this is talent! Like musicians, many masters see a very talented person in themselves, but only the client can give the correct assessment of the work of the artist. And now, when the tattoo has already lost any meaning to some extent and entered the fashion. In the end, it often serves just a decor, and today, almost every corner you can meet a tattoo salon with masters of various profiles.

OfficePlankton could not not pay attention to the best (according to the people) Tattoo masters from around the world. This topic is rich not only by the masters themselves, but also by examples of their work.

We look and share with friends!

1. Amanda uuro. Brooklyn, New York

Amanda Oracle and her amazing abstract ornaments

Amanda uuro makes it impossible with ink on the body - the type of tattoo parts is so flawless that the tattoos are very hypereminal. Especially inspecting attentively "smears" paint by body.

2. Haim Machlev. Berlin, Germany

Futuristic Geometry of Haim McHleva

Famous to the public tattoos as " Points and lines", Master Him McChelev creates absolute black tattoos, without any other color. Black geometric tattoos, which are both confusing and creative, and if you recently made a tattoo, we can suggest excellent tips.

3. Kerier Alice. Portland, Oregon.

Love for Nature from Kerier Alice

If you want to portray something on the theme of nature, you are ideal for Tattoo Master Alice, the style of which looks like drawings from old school textbooks, examples of which you can look above.

4. Yen Levin. Kiev, Ukraine

Surreal Vision Ien Levin

Yen works exclusively with black ink. His extremely confusing style tattoo, there is something terrible, at the same time mystical and psychedelic. Associations at the viewer are compared with chiromantia, psychedelica (like Pink Floyd) and others.

5. David Hale. Athens, Georgia.

Decorative ornaments David Hale

Decorative work of David's art, painted by the spirit of folk creativity - unusual and decorative patterns school tattoo masters Associations associated with the culture of the indigenous population living on these lands long before the arrival of the British. Do you know what their meaning is?

6. Kenji Alaki. Hokkaido, Japan

Japanese style Cage Alaki.

Keneji is known to be a well-based technique called "Spinning". Its tattoos use geometric and breeding motifs and need to be evaluated from close blockage.
He is also traveling a tattooer, so if you want to make your original drawing from Kendji, then you need to follow his page on Facebook to see where in what direction he travels.

7. Marchin Alexander Surovits. Warsaw Poland

Color Style Marchin Alexander

Marchin uses incredibly bright ink to surrealism into their work. In general, to create a tattoo, you can not use ink, but the rays of the sun. How to make a solar tattoo, you can find out.

8. Madame Cheng. Berlin, Germany

Female style Madame Cheng.

Madame Cheng makes several different styles, but my favorite is dreamy, fantastic.

9. Mariusch pipes. Wroclaw, Poland.

Fatty hatching of marius pipes. (+ Photo tattoo)

Mariusha has talent for hatching and creating incredibly bright and hyperealistic drawings, which are like neon.

10.Drash. Czech Republic

"Watercolor" ONDRASH

Osdrash is known to many in the Czech Republic. School Tatu Masters Known thanks to the bright watercolor style of his work on which he specializes.

11. Sasha, Unisex. Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Organizing Russian Style Sasha Unisex

Tattoos Sasha consist of bright prisms with unexpected colors. Lack of schemes and shiny hatching effects provides its work with rich softness.

12. Peter Oris. Berlin, Germany

Fine Art Peter Orisha

Peter is incredibly qualified in the creation of many styles of fine art, whether it is watercolor, cubism or precisely shaded pencil sketches.

13. KSOIL. Paris, France

Very unusual style of Loik Laven

The French tattoo driver of Loik Laveu, also known to the nickname Xoïl, very unusual style. The feeling that each tattoo passes through Photoshop is.

I liked the works of various schools tattoo masters? Share your opinion with the readers of the site!

From hundreds and even thousands of tattoos in the world there are several, which are more often found. They continue to do from generation to generation. This article presents the 17 most popular ideas for the tattoo.

These tattoos are perhaps the most popular. It is difficult to say why the tribal tattoo use such success in the modern world. Perhaps because of their wild design, which looks great on the body. And perhaps because there is a huge variety when choosing a sketch.

In the stars there are something that is very nice for the eyes. In addition to the fact that the stars symbolize fame and good luck, from these characters, bright designs are obtained for tattoos that even celebrities cannot resist. Victoria Beckham and Rihanna are two of the most famous celebrities with tattoos with stars.

Tattoos with crosses are very popular not only among those who want to show their faith, but also those who just like how such a picture looks on the body. The most popular sketches include the Celtic Cross, the Maltese Cross and the Iron Cross.

Angels are religious symbols that are considered to be created in order to convey the Word of God to humanity. They are considered the highest beings and, therefore, are well suited for the tattoo. Tattoos with angels are popular among all cultures in various forms. Also often use the image of Archangel Mikhail.

These are tattoos, which are both magical and spiritual. In many myths and legends, the wings were rewarded those who proved that worthy of this. In addition to aesthetic beauty, wings will always be associated with speed, height, freedom. This is enough to make a tattoo with wings as in demand.

Maori tribes are known not only to their calendar, but also amazing tattoos. Many people love them so much that they are ready to decorate the whole body and even face with these drawings.

Dragons symbolize power, power, mystery. In the legends of the East and the West, dragons are depicted in the form of creatures that are afraid and worshiped. We cannot deny that the attractiveness of tattoos with dragons makes them among the most popular.

Phoenix is \u200b\u200bconsidered a mythical bird that was reborn from the ash. Therefore, owners of such a tattoo demonstrate their thirst for immortality.

Tattoos with butterflies are more popular among women. I have not yet seen a single man with a butterfly tattoo, but I am sure that they are somewhere. Tattoo with butterflies can symbolize beauty, rebirth, freedom, happiness and fragility. All this is definitely related to girls.

For those who love magic and magic creatures, tattoos with fairy have a great option. Knowing the fact that fairies can fly and perform mysterious desires, you can come up with a funny sketch that will delight you and others.

It does not matter whether you are a leader or follower, a tattoo with lion will instantly create an image of force and leadership.

In many respects, as well as the lion, the Tiger is the incarnation of force. The distinctive painting makes a tattoo with a tiger very attractive. Tattoos with a tigar rarely look bad.

Roses are considered the most seductive among colors. And truth, what can you oppose their beauty? Values \u200b\u200bhave a lot of roses - beauty, deception, femininity, love and even passion and lust. Tattoos with roses are always able to attract attention. Probably in this and the secret lies their popularity.

I suppose this symbol does not need explanations. Tattoos with a heart occur very often and symbolize life, love and passion.

Tattoos with zodiac signs are popular because everyone has its own sign and can display it on the body. If you are a big fan of astrology, then this option is definitely for you.

The skull is often found in tattoos because of his unique appearance. Threatening and terrible, tattoos with a skull can take different types and meanings, depending on the sketch.

Tattoos with flowers are pretty known, regardless of the view or color. Although Rose remains the most popular, many choose other flowers.

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The body of a man is attractive when it is tightened and pumped. That is why men spend a lot of time in the gym, engaged in sports, and many more and try to eat right, so as not to get a beer tummy.

Nevertheless, today not only beautiful biceps decorate the body of a man, because the manifestation of beauty for everyone can be different.

For a large number of men, one of the attributes of a beautiful body is a male tattoo that give the appearance of masculinity and demonstrating infinite self-confidence, decisiveness, endurance and special temper.

Men's tattoo (both large tattoos for men and small men's tattoo) are not just a broken drawings on the body, but symbols that are coming to those who are surrounded by their particular importance, and without words they talk about temperament and the potential of a man.

Men's tattoo came to the modern world from distant times, when tattoos for men were mandatory, and symbolized the status of a man, its position or military rank.

For those who are looking for beautiful men's tattoo, we present a super review of ideas and options where tattoos are offered for men in different stylistic directions, symbolizing men's qualities and male priorities.

After reviewing our collection, you can pick up the male tattoo on the wrist, tattoos for men on hand, leg, back, original men's tattoo big and small size.

Fashionable men's tattoo 2019-2020: trends, ideas, symbolism

It should be noted that not everyone will make male tattoo today, because this procedure is undoubtedly related to painful sensations.

But the strong spirit of the man without problems will allow themselves to make a men's tattoo, overlooking their ego in a symbolism of a native drawing.

Fashionable men's tattoo 2019-2020 can be of different sizes. Many men can make men's tattoos for their self-expression for their self-expression or a significant part of the body.

Someone chooses the men's tattoo small, but no less symbolic. Male tattoos most often decorated wrist, hands, legs, back, torso.

Let's consider the most fashionable men's tattoo, which are popular with male representatives.

Men's Tattoo 2019-2020 temporary type - Beautiful tattoos for men henna

For those who cannot decide on the men's tattoo, we advise you to choose an alternative - tattoos for men.

We are talking about the Tattoo of Henna Mahendi or Bio Tatu, which will last no longer, decorating your body only for a while.

At the same time, men's tattoos henna will look like ordinary, giving the masculinity to their owner.

Men's tattoo henna approximately three weeks. During this time, a man can decide whether he wishes a full-fledged constant tattoo, or not.

Male Tattoo Mahendi, performed by Hnna, will cost much cheaper than similar ordinary tattoos.

With the help of Henna, you can create multicolored men's tattoo, which looks very beautiful and colorful.

Men's tattoo 2019-2020 on the whole body - Trends of the Figure

As we mentioned, the men's tattoo can occupy a substantial part of the body. Men's tattoos are very important in terms of painting style, which determines which characters and values \u200b\u200bwill have a tattoo.

Since tattoos for men of any size, shapes and colors symbolize the male personality, there are a lot of options today, because every master invents and offers to its customers something new and interesting.

Among the trends, tattoo for men can separately consider the monophonic tattoo and tattoos, made in different shades.

You can choose symbols and hieroglyphs that have a huge amount, they can be placed on any part of the body depending on preferences. Such men's tattoo you can see in our top 50 examples.

Also, men's tattoos may have kind of animal (lion, tiger, wolf, snake, griffin), skulls, female charms and appears.

On the body of a man Impressively look at the trendy tattoo in the form of symbolic inscriptions, canonical ornaments.

The choice of drawing is again directly dependent on a separate personality. Often today men make steam tattoo that symbolize the cohesion of the male and female start.

Do not forget that men's tattoos are in themselves a specific symbolism, which may not best affect the perception of you by others, so advocate in advance with a specialist, what kind of Tau you want, and can you afford it.

Trendy male tattoo in the style of the Celts and the ancient Slavs. Gothic tattoos for men, 3D pictures are also very popular.

Such a tattoo may have a beautiful smooth drawing, or sharp transitions and unusual combinations of lines, shapes, colors.

Fashionable men's tattoo often decorate the bodies of the stars of show business and movies, so looking at them, you can see how you look and perceived a man with a good drawing.

If you want a men's tattoo, our top 50 is your own opportunity to choose Trend Men's Tattoos for yourself.

Cool men's tattoo 2019-2020 - photo ideas

Tattoos are now popular more than ever, so they will not surprise anyone. But these tattoo are just incredible. Such masterpieces can only create the true masters of their business. And that's what it turns out when the canvas of the artist becomes hands ...

1. Passionate fan of coffee

2. For lovers to travel

Coordinates in combination with travel documents - this is something amazing!

3. Airplanes, trains and cars

Cards, boats, compass - how cool it is!

4. Displaying the work of art on your body

Bonus: You do not need to spend money on museum hiking.

5. Tributes of respect for Banksi, embodied in a kind of tricolor lace

Real graffiti in hand.

6. This galactic sleeve looks like it is not from this world of this world.

Dark and mysterious, it is most likely completely completed, although we still do not know something about the universe?

7. This drawing moves from the galaxy back to the ground, successfully combining them

8. Oda favorite literary work

This sleeve is devoted to the story "Old Man and the Sea".

9. The Fan of Harry Potter received something incredible of simple ink

10. This geometric illusion is able to take your eyes for a whole day.

ATTENTION: If you look too long, you can feel nauseous.

11. This guy is actually a terminator!

12. This tattoo make more difficult than others!

We mean the epic school doodle in notebooks that were constantly imprinted on the skin.

13. Black and gray shades that incarnate the essence of wildlife

The whole forest is on your hands!
Pros: no insects
Cons: You will not be able to walk in it

14. Cute animals found against nature

And, of course, food. Food is always plus, even if it is just berries.

15. The colorful side of nature embodied in the picture

These birds and thoughtful woman create an incredible and bright sleeve.

16. The guy plunged into the extensive unknown water of the Earth

Ah, these sea waves!

17. This woman made a fierce dragon out of her hand

Withstand 23 hikes in the salon this year, her hand now looks like a real dragon.

18. Batman as a tattoo element

19. Tattoo with Flowers Lisa Frank

Although it clearly lacks the unicorn.

20. Many different elements of skateboarding in one tattoo

21. Sleeve with classic musical hits 80s

22. Musical instruments come to life thanks to this drawing.

Even almost heard the game of the guitar.

23. The piano in the previous tattoo

Just, but boldly.

24. Real prey for pirate in the world of tattoos

25. Funny text and graphics mixture

But really wondering what does all this mean?

26. The strongest energy in the tattoo

"Star Wars" in the hands is a vivid example of a true fan.

27. Watercolor tattoo - a stunning masterpiece!

If you doubt, decorate your hands in a lightly causing color, and it is likely to amaze the imagination of anyone, even the most sophisticated connoisseur!

These tattoo are no doubt amazing and beautiful. But before you decide on anything like this, remember that such a tattoo is forever!

Tattoos have long been transferred from the discharge of "forbidden" decorations into a fashionable and stylish reflection of the personality of man. On the Internet you can find thousands of sketches of tattoos for every taste or draw something yourself.

At the moment, a significant percentage of those who take the tattoo does not reach 30 years. Youth tattoos as such do not exist - people apply images of a wide variety of styles, but you can select certain trendy trends.

Girls very often adorn their body with inscriptions with a language or Japanese hieroglyphs. By the way, fashion for the latter does not leave for a couple of dozen years old, although choosing a tattoo in the cabin is still to clarify its meaning.

Interestingly, tattoos in the form of inscriptions in Russian in the youth environment are actually not found - it is believed that they are suitable exclusively for "portals" - poor-quality tattoos with prison motifs.

One of the most popular topics in the youth tattoo is an image of animals. Very often, girls choose small silhouette tattoo cats, as the most graceful fauna representatives. Symbolic image of flying birds, small dolphins, etc., also look good, small dolphins, etc. In the medium of young people, realistic images on tattoos are more admitted. In particular, tattoo with predatory animals (wolves, lions, leopards), and with such representatives of the mythical fauna as dragons.

Ethnic tattoos remain in fashion always. They are predominantly applied by men, but you can meet the tattoo of large sizes in an ethno-style and girls too. Popular men are Celtic patterns, tattoo on the shoulders and around Polynesian style (Maori). Not so widely known, but popular among many people traveled and enthusiastic people's style "Hyda" (Indian tattoos with a symbolic image of totetem animals).

Often, lovers of young people make themselves paired tattoos. Very often it is a tattoo with the image of hearts or paired inscriptions, sometimes - tattoos in the form of wedding rings on the fingers. It should be remembered that, despite the external beauty and unusualness, tattoo on the palms, fingers and feets is extremely rapidly erased due to the features of the place (hands and legs are the most accessible for detergents and water parts of the body).

Recently, among young people (especially belonging to a hipster subculture), a tattoo in the style of "New Skul" was included, which is a variation on the theme of classical American tattoos, popular since the late 20s of the last century. As a rule, they differ quite large sizes and are colored.

Tattoo in the style of "Old Skull" or "New Skul" is quite difficult to change over time (overlook, if necessary, other tattoos) due to the fact that they are made by colored ink.

With the environment of youth, enthusiastic oriental philosophy, popular tattoos are popular in the form of Buddhist and synthosic synoval symbols (sign "Ohm", Yin-Yan), inscriptions in Sanskrit. Fred tattoos in the style of Sak Yant (Thai and Cambodian Shamanskoy Tattoo), the fashion on which Angelina Jolie introduced.