Technique of correct attachment to the chest. Correct attachment during breastfeeding: recommendations, postures. If the child does not lack nutrition, then

We have already said that every woman should start preparing for breastfeeding long before the onset of the birth itself. To prepare, both from the point of view of physiology and anatomy, and from a psychological point of view, because for many, feeding becomes a real stress or even psychological trauma. Many inexperienced and young mothers (especially primiparas) experience an overwhelming fear of breastfeeding. Some are afraid of losing their shape, others - completely fall into depressive states. To avoid such unpleasant situations, a young mother must be physically and psychologically ready for feeding long before the baby is born. To do this, you need not only to know how to properly apply the baby to the breast, but also to have basic theoretical knowledge in this matter.

First of all, the mother must be aware of the importance - no one except her is able to give the baby the priceless gift of mother's milk. No matter how good an artificial milk formula is, it will never replace a breastfeeding diet rich in all the necessary ingredients for a baby. In addition, constant tactile contact between mother and child during hepatitis B is the basis for the formation of a healthy psyche, nervous system and immunity reactivity, as well as other significant things that are lacking in formula-fed children. The first attachment of the baby to the breast occurs immediately after the birth of the newborn. This point is very important, but, unfortunately, in this case, the professionalism of the medical staff will play an important role, since the woman in labor, most often, is in a state of shock or even postpartum fever and is not able to adequately respond to what is happening around. In this case, it does not matter at all whether the woman became a mother for the first time or gave birth to her sixth child - it is impossible to get used to labor pains, it is always stress and pain.

When the newly-minted mother comes to her senses a little, she has to fulfill a very important mission - to correctly give the baby a breast. It is about how to apply a newborn to the breast for the first time, and will be discussed in our today's conversation.

First attachment technique: no margin for error

The first experience of breastfeeding is a very important task, since a baby incorrectly attached to the breast can not only cause a lot of unpleasant sensations to the mother, but also completely abandon GW afterwards. It is for this reason that the child must be properly trained to breastfeed, because any wrong or incorrect actions can have a number of negative consequences for both the baby and the nursing mother.

The rules for attaching are quite simple. The main thing is to grasp the essence of everything that is happening, then breastfeeding will become comfortable for both you and your baby. So, when you latch on your baby for the first time, you should:

  1. Choose a comfortable position in which you can sit comfortably for a long time. There are no specific requirements for the position of a nursing woman - the main thing is that you feel comfortable. But for a baby, the recommendations of specialists are unambiguous - he should be with his tummy to his mother, and his face should be turned to his chest. At the same time, the baby's body should be located exactly and parallel to the nipple - this is how the normal functioning of the digestive system is ensured.
  2. Carefully make sure that the baby's nose is close enough to the nipple, but not too much, since if during feeding the baby is forced to reach for the nipple, it is highly likely that the baby will only grasp the nipple superficially, which will bring discomfort to the mother and can lead to to the appearance of cracks.
  3. The main rule is that the baby does not need to be forced to breast, he must take the nipple in his mouth on his own. Another thing is if he only captured the tip of the nipple, then the mother always has the opportunity to release the nipple by lightly pressing on the chin and start over.

What to do if the baby does not breastfeed on its own

And what should be done if the baby does not want to take the nipple in his mouth on his own? You may be mis-nesting it. This should be done only when the baby opens his mouth wide. How do you know if your mouth is wide enough? The only way is to observe the baby and draw conclusions.

In most cases, the child does not open his mouth too wide several times, and then once - "yawns all over his mouth." It is very important to catch this moment and put the nipple in the baby's mouth with one confident and quick movement. If you are late, you will have to start all over again.

There is one secret: many young mothers, in the hope of making the baby take a nipple in their mouth, begin to move the nipple widely from side to side over the baby's lips. The only thing that you can teach your child in this way is to turn his head while feeding, which not only does not solve the existing problem, but can create new ones.

The latching technique is not an easy science, but both mom and baby will have to master it! You need to give the baby the breast as many times as he will show a desire for it. Today, on-demand feeding is the HB method recognized by all leading neonatologists as the most effective. Unlike artificial feeding, you cannot control the amount of food that your child received during one feeding, and therefore, if he is not full and soon shows appetite, you should not refuse him.

Are you doing everything right?

Correct latching to the breast has its own characteristics by which you can determine if you are doing everything the way you need to. You can assess how successful the first experience was based on the following criteria:

  • the baby has completely captured the nipple given to him along with the areola, while turning the lips out;
  • the child's nose is pressed close enough to the mother's breast, but not enough to drown in it (special attention should be paid to this nuance for women with full breasts);
  • during feeding, the mother should not hear any extraneous sounds, except for the characteristic sound of swallowing, otherwise something went wrong;
  • during feeding, the baby is calm, and the mother does not experience any discomfort or pain.

Some babies suckle very actively, others literally "fall asleep in the process." Less active babies can be encouraged a little by trying to pick up the nipple or lightly touching it on the cheek. As a rule, the child wakes up and continues to suck vigorously. Many people are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to give a child a breast again if he is not full. It should be noted right away that the baby and his mother, as a rule, have different concepts of satiety. If a mother wants the child to receive the "dose" prescribed for him, then the baby may simply not be in the mood. There is no need to force the child to eat. If the attachment to the breast ended with the baby letting go of the nipple on its own or, moreover, falling asleep, do not insist. When the baby gets hungry, he will inform you about it loudly, clearly and unambiguously.

The main criteria for breastfeeding to be successful are as follows:

  • when weighing, it is revealed that the child is actively and inexorably gaining weight (at least 125 grams per week in the first months of life);
  • the child sleeps well and for a long time without waking up;
  • during wakefulness, the child is active and not capricious.

If all of the above signs are present, then the mother can calm down and enjoy communicating with the baby, not overshadowed by heavy thoughts that the baby has remained hungry.

Let's summarize and draw conclusions

If the baby is actively breastfeeding, does not fall asleep during feeding and independently decides when the feeding process should be stopped, you are on the right track. The question of whether the baby is full and whether he is getting enough milk worries all mothers without exception. If, in the opinion of the mother, the child is not getting enough food, she begins to look for ways to "fully satisfy".

As a rule, for this purpose, supplementation from a bottle or, even worse, supplementary food from a common table are used. In the case of supplementing, you can permanently discourage the baby's interest in your breast, because it is much easier and easier to suck from a bottle, and a lather is still lazy. To feed a child until he reaches the age of 6 months is a crime at all, since his gastrointestinal tract is not yet ready for such loads.

If you have any doubts about how to breastfeed, how many times to breastfeed or how to care for the mammary glands, do not hesitate to seek advice from your family doctor or pediatrician. A qualified specialist will always inform you about the effectiveness of feeding, give the necessary recommendations and dispel all doubts. On the contrary, when you do not share your fears, fears and doubts with anyone, this can not only lead to the development of depressive states, but can also affect the quality of lactation. That is why, the most important advice: do not neglect the help of doctors who know almost everything about HB.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video on how to properly attach a baby to the breast from Maria Bezhko:

Breast milk is the most invaluable and irreplaceable product for a newborn. Its composition is so unique that all attempts to create an artificial analogue are simply insignificant. The most adapted formulas can never replace mother's milk: it changes constantly in composition, adapting to the needs of the child at a certain stage of life.

Many women face a number of problems during lactation: to establish it at the initial stage, to choose a posture, etc.

In order for the feeding to bring only positive emotions to the mother and her baby, you need to know the correct rules.

Preparation of the female breast for lactation takes place already during pregnancy. Colostrum is the first milk that a baby receives in the first 2-3 days of life. Colostrum helps create intestinal microflora and has a mild laxative effect - it cleans the baby's intestines of meconium (original feces). It is produced in small portions, but constantly.

Therefore, frequent latching of the newborn to the breast stimulates the mammary glands to produce milk in the right amount. Early breastfeeding is essential for successful breastfeeding. Nowadays, it occurs normally 1-2 hours after childbirth.

Baby feeding positions

The first latching of a newborn to the breast after childbirth is a very important emotional event, contributes to the further development of natural feeding and improves lactation. All the rules of breastfeeding need to be known before childbirth.

There are many different feeding positions:

  1. "Cradle";
  2. "Cross cradle";
  3. "From under the arm";
  4. "Lying on the arm";
  5. "Lying from the upper chest";
  6. "Baby on Mom";
  7. "Overhang";
  8. "Riding Mum";
  9. Jack;
  10. "On the hip";
  11. "Rocking while standing," etc.

A pose is chosen based on individual preferences and characteristics, very rarely on the recommendation of a doctor. If the feeding lasts a long time, then it is recommended to change the position.

Let's consider the main ones.

Cradle Pose

It is one of the most common. Mom is sitting, holding the baby in her arms. The child is turned with his whole body to his mother. The baby's head is located at the elbow bend. The mother's hand supports the back, and if the baby is still very small, then the ass.

Pose "From under the arm"

The child is to the side of the seated mother. It lies below the mother's armpit, as if peeping out from under her. For convenience, use a pillow or blanket to bring the nipple and mouth closer. Very good posture: allows you to control the baby's head, often there is a good latch on the breast, milk is "extracted" from the lower part of the mammary glands. This position is used to prevent milk stagnation. Can be used after cesarean section: the mother does not hold the baby, there is no load on the abdomen.

Lying Pose

Mom and child lie on opposite sides, turned towards each other. On the hand of the mother, which is located below, the head and body of the baby are located, the mouth is at the level of the nipple. A pillow is placed under the mother's head for more comfort.

Attention! The pillow should be just under the head, and not under the neck, shoulders and part of the back.

There is another variation of this position: the child lies not on the arm, but on a thin pillow. With her free hand, the mother holds the baby's body, helping to snuggle to the breast.

Back feeding

Great for relaxing. The child lies on top of the lying mother, and she holds him with her hands. The advantages of this position: it is quite easy for the child to make a correct latch on the breast; the intensity of the milk flow is controlled, it is easier to cope with the milk flow if it is plentiful; prevention of gas accumulation.

Sling feeding

For lovers of slings, feeding is possible directly in it. This greatly facilitates the mother's life: frequent feedings do not require unnecessary actions, the baby is hidden from prying eyes. Use sitting, standing, moving positions.

When feeding in a sitting position in a sling, there is no need for additional support with pillows, mother's hands are free. When feeding on the go, many babies suck more intensively, calm down and fall asleep.

For a sling, the “Cradle” position and the upright position in the “Front” or “On the hip” positions are suitable.

How to feed twins

With twins, it's a little more difficult: you need to ensure the convenience of already 3 participants in the feeding. An assistant may be needed first. It is advisable to feed the twins at the same time.

The most comfortable positions for twins:

  1. both are fed "From under the arm" (we use pillows as support);
  2. both in the cradle position. Recommended for children of this age when they independently control breast latch.
  3. a combination of the pose "In the cradle" and "From under the arm."

How do I prepare my breasts for breastfeeding?

The feeding process does not require any special preparations. before each feeding it is not necessary, the natural fatty layer of the skin is washed off, which causes dryness and. Therefore, washing once a day is sufficient. Some experts argue that it also washes away the smell of "milk mom", causes anxiety in the baby, and sometimes refusal of the breast.

How to properly latch a baby to the breast

Correct attachment during breastfeeding is the key to the successful development of the baby. Negative experiences can make both mother and baby refuse to suckle.

Let's analyze the sequence of actions:

  1. Choosing a pose. Mom should feel comfortable and relaxed. You can place a pillow under your lumbar region to make feeding even more comfortable. Holding the baby should also be comfortable. The baby is turned to face the chest, lies horizontally (some experts still recommend some inclination: the legs are below the head), the head is at the bend of the mother's elbow.

Do not fix the position of the baby's head - it adjusts the position of the nipple in the mouth.

  1. The baby grabs the nipple on its own. Do not try to force a nipple into his mouth. You can stimulate the latch of the breast: press the nipple with your fingers to squeeze out a drop of milk and move the nipple along the mouth - if the baby is hungry, the reflex will not keep you waiting.
  2. The nipple and part of the halo enters the mouth. A small distance should be observed between the nipple and the mouth, for the convenience of the baby. If it is necessary to bring the nipple closer, then they move the baby, and do not try to reach it.

This is a very important point - the baby must stimulate part of the halo, otherwise milk will be delivered to him with great difficulty and is fraught with cracks in the nipples for the mother.

  1. The nose can touch the chest, but not rest against it. Owners of a magnificent bust should be especially careful.

The position of the chest overhanging to the nose is very dangerous because of the blockage of nasal breathing.

Every nursing mother should know how to apply the baby correctly.

Signs of correct attachment of the newborn:

  1. the child's mouth is wide open;
  2. the area of ​​the halo above the mouth is larger than the area that ended up in the mouth;
  3. the chin touches the chest;
  4. the nose is close to the chest, but not pressed against it;
  5. sucking movements are deep and prolonged;
  6. no extraneous sounds;
  7. mom does not feel pain while sucking.

Improper attachment of the baby to the breast leads to a number of negative consequences:

  1. Long feedings. The child is not satiated, milk production is not an easy task for him. As a result, milk stagnation in the mammary glands. An extreme case -.
  2. Decreased lactation, as a result of reduced milk absorption. Violation of the integrity of the nipple, cracks.
  3. The child is not gaining weight. Becomes restless and anxious.
  4. Refusal to breastfeed.

That is why doing everything right will ensure reliable breastfeeding success.

How to feed your baby?

There are two main feeding styles: by regimen and by demand. Proponents of the "regime" style argue that the baby should not be fed more than once every 3 hours. This approach was common before.

Their opponents assure that frequent contact between mother and child provides psycho-emotional stability for good development. It is necessary to apply the baby as many times as required.

Practice shows that everything is very individual. It is rarely possible to strictly adhere to a particular style.

It all depends on the child and the choice of the mother, which is again based on many factors: the baby's weight, the state of his health, etc. After good feeding, the child's physiological need for nutrition does not occur earlier than after 2 hours. If the child is worried and crying, you should look for the reason elsewhere.

Only the mother decides how many times to apply the newborn to the breast. The number of feedings at birth reaches 10 times a day, then decreases to 7-8 times. Normally, one meal for a baby lasts 10-30 minutes. Underweight babies can feed for about an hour.

Do not confuse feeding and holding a pacifier in your mouth. Sometimes the child is not hungry, but it is easier for him to endure discomfort or illness by holding his mother's breast in his mouth.

There are no clear boundaries in time - even a baby who suckles quickly can do it for a long time at a certain feeding.

It is easy to determine the moment of saturation of the baby - he himself releases the breast or lulls him to sleep. If there is a need to forcibly stop feeding, the index finger is lightly pressed into the area of ​​the halos to let air into the baby's mouth. So he himself will easily release the chest from his mouth.

If the child does not lack nutrition, then:

  1. he gains weight well and grows proportionally;
  2. sleeps well;
  3. quite active according to age.

Be sure to remember that there is nothing better than mother's milk and gentle hands. This is the greatest happiness given to a woman. Stock up on strength and patience - your baby will be grateful.

Very often, a young mother does not realize that breastfeeding is a whole science. But don't be scared! It is not difficult to master it. And very soon it will become clear that, in spite of everything, nothing is easier and more convenient than natural feeding. Happy mothers should be taught how to properly apply a baby to the breast in the maternity hospital or a family doctor.

Correct attachment of the baby to the breast will ensure stable lactation in the mother, help to avoid the appearance of wounds and cracks on the nipples, the baby will receive the required amount of milk, and the baby will be much less bothered by the tummy.

When to start breastfeeding

The first attachment to the breast of a newborn baby should occur almost immediately after birth. This is necessary so that the first beneficial inhabitants of the microflora appear in its intestines, the development of which will provide the crumbs' immunity.

From the first moments of life, the child does not need any other food, except for mother's breast milk. In some maternity hospitals, the mother may be asked to feed the baby with formula until milk appears. Of course, we are not talking about babies, weakened or born prematurely, or with low weight, etc. They can and should be supplemented with a mixture, according to the recommendations of the attending doctor. However, this approach in practice often turns out to be an obstacle to the development of lactation.

A hungry baby is less likely to be put to the breast, which will cause the mother to produce less milk.

A breastfed newborn baby should be applied to the breast as often as possible.

This is especially important during the neonatal period for several reasons:

  1. Each drop of colostrum is invaluable for the baby's health, it is it (and not the mixture) that should be the first to enter the infant's digestive tract.
  2. The breast reacts to sucking. Accordingly, the more the baby requires milk, the more the mother will have.
  3. Benefits for mom. During intense breastfeeding, the uterus contracts, which helps it return to its normal size sooner.

Correct feeding technique

To put the baby to the mother's breast for the first time, he is swaddled. The baby should be placed on the arm in such a way that its head rests on the forearm, "resting" on the elbow bend. At the same time, the baby's nose should be at the level of the nipple (as an option, you can touch the nipple to the cheek). Thanks to the innate sucking reflex, the newborn baby can easily find mother's breast, try to grab it immediately.

Until the baby learns to grab the nipple on its own, the mother should help him, especially in the first attachments. The baby must grasp the nipple along with the areola, otherwise he will not be able to express milk. The nipple itself is not a nipple.

Sucking only the nipple is wrong, because it simply does not make sense, milk will not be released, while the baby can simply swallow air.

With one hand, the mother holds the baby, and with the other she holds the breast, grabbing it with her whole palm, while the nipple, along with the areola, are between the middle and index fingers.

If feeding hurts mom

When breastfeeding, young mothers often complain of severe pain during feedings. Yes, it really hurts at first, as the nipples are very tender. These painful sensations will dull or disappear altogether after a couple of weeks.

If, after a few weeks, the mother is still experiencing pain in the nipples or new wounds appear, it is worth checking the correct attachment. The baby's mouth must completely capture the nipple along with the areola! This is the only way he can express milk. When the baby sucks only the nipple, the milk does not flow, the baby is nervous, and the mother is in pain.

If there are sores on the nipples

Unfortunately, when breastfeeding a baby, not many young mothers manage to avoid the appearance of wounds and cracks on the nipples. Can I continue to feed? Can.

  1. Use an appropriately sized nipple cover until the abrasion heals. The pads can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  2. Wash silicone pads frequently before use. It is best to use hot boiled water for this.
  3. Use ointment between feeds to help prevent infection. For example, "Bepanten" or any of its analogs. It is imperative to thoroughly rinse off the cream before feeding the baby.
  4. You don't need to wash your breasts often with soap. This will dry out the delicate skin and encourage the formation of new wounds.

Folk remedies or medicines

You can find information that when breastfeeding a baby it is harmful and unacceptable to use any chemistry. Traditional medicine in this case recommends lubricating the nipples with butter, etc. However, this method is not a panacea, this should be remembered. The oil creates a suitable breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria."Chemistry" in the form of antibacterial ointments is safer when used correctly.

  • The ointment is applied to damaged skin only between feedings.
  • It is necessary to thoroughly rinse off the cream or ointment before feeding the baby.

Safe feeding rules

Latching a baby to the breast correctly means doing it safely for the baby. In particular, young mothers who did not have time to "switch" to the daily routine of a newborn baby should pay attention to this.

What is the best position to feed? As a matter of fact, you can feed a child in any position in which it is convenient for mom and baby. At the same time, it is extremely important to monitor the safety of the baby.

We have already said that every woman should start preparing for breastfeeding long before the onset of the birth itself. To prepare, both from the point of view of physiology and anatomy, and from a psychological point of view, because for many, feeding becomes a real stress or even psychological trauma. Many inexperienced and young mothers (especially primiparas) experience an overwhelming fear of breastfeeding. Some are afraid of losing their shape, others - completely fall into depressive states. To avoid such unpleasant situations, a young mother must be physically and psychologically ready for feeding long before the baby is born. To do this, you need not only to know how to properly apply the baby to the breast, but also to have basic theoretical knowledge in this matter.

First of all, the mother must be aware of the importance - no one except her is able to give the baby the priceless gift of mother's milk. No matter how good an artificial milk formula is, it will never replace a breastfeeding diet rich in all the necessary ingredients for a baby. In addition, constant tactile contact between mother and child during hepatitis B is the basis for the formation of a healthy psyche, nervous system and immunity reactivity, as well as other significant things that are lacking in formula-fed children. The first attachment of the baby to the breast occurs immediately after the birth of the newborn. This point is very important, but, unfortunately, in this case, the professionalism of the medical staff will play an important role, since the woman in labor, most often, is in a state of shock or even postpartum fever and is not able to adequately respond to what is happening around. In this case, it does not matter at all whether the woman became a mother for the first time or gave birth to her sixth child - it is impossible to get used to labor pains, it is always stress and pain.

When the newly-minted mother comes to her senses a little, she has to fulfill a very important mission - to correctly give the baby a breast. It is about how to apply a newborn to the breast for the first time, and will be discussed in our today's conversation.

First attachment technique: no margin for error

The first experience of breastfeeding is a very important task, since a baby incorrectly attached to the breast can not only cause a lot of unpleasant sensations to the mother, but also completely abandon GW afterwards. It is for this reason that the child must be properly trained to breastfeed, because any wrong or incorrect actions can have a number of negative consequences for both the baby and the nursing mother.

The rules for attaching are quite simple. The main thing is to grasp the essence of everything that is happening, then breastfeeding will become comfortable for both you and your baby. So, when you latch on your baby for the first time, you should:

  1. Choose a comfortable position in which you can sit comfortably for a long time. There are no specific requirements for the position of a nursing woman - the main thing is that you feel comfortable. But for a baby, the recommendations of specialists are unambiguous - he should be with his tummy to his mother, and his face should be turned to his chest. At the same time, the baby's body should be located exactly and parallel to the nipple - this is how the normal functioning of the digestive system is ensured.
  2. Carefully make sure that the baby's nose is close enough to the nipple, but not too much, since if during feeding the baby is forced to reach for the nipple, it is highly likely that the baby will only grasp the nipple superficially, which will bring discomfort to the mother and can lead to to the appearance of cracks.
  3. The main rule is that the baby does not need to be forced to breast, he must take the nipple in his mouth on his own. Another thing is if he only captured the tip of the nipple, then the mother always has the opportunity to release the nipple by lightly pressing on the chin and start over.

What to do if the baby does not breastfeed on its own

And what should be done if the baby does not want to take the nipple in his mouth on his own? You may be mis-nesting it. This should be done only when the baby opens his mouth wide. How do you know if your mouth is wide enough? The only way is to observe the baby and draw conclusions.

In most cases, the child does not open his mouth too wide several times, and then once - "yawns all over his mouth." It is very important to catch this moment and put the nipple in the baby's mouth with one confident and quick movement. If you are late, you will have to start all over again.

There is one secret: many young mothers, in the hope of making the baby take a nipple in their mouth, begin to move the nipple widely from side to side over the baby's lips. The only thing that you can teach your child in this way is to turn his head while feeding, which not only does not solve the existing problem, but can create new ones.

The latching technique is not an easy science, but both mom and baby will have to master it! You need to give the baby the breast as many times as he will show a desire for it. Today, on-demand feeding is the HB method recognized by all leading neonatologists as the most effective. Unlike artificial feeding, you cannot control the amount of food that your child received during one feeding, and therefore, if he is not full and soon shows appetite, you should not refuse him.

Are you doing everything right?

Correct latching to the breast has its own characteristics by which you can determine if you are doing everything the way you need to. You can assess how successful the first experience was based on the following criteria:

  • the baby has completely captured the nipple given to him along with the areola, while turning the lips out;
  • the child's nose is pressed close enough to the mother's breast, but not enough to drown in it (special attention should be paid to this nuance for women with full breasts);
  • during feeding, the mother should not hear any extraneous sounds, except for the characteristic sound of swallowing, otherwise something went wrong;
  • during feeding, the baby is calm, and the mother does not experience any discomfort or pain.

Some babies suckle very actively, others literally "fall asleep in the process." Less active babies can be encouraged a little by trying to pick up the nipple or lightly touching it on the cheek. As a rule, the child wakes up and continues to suck vigorously. Many people are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to give a child a breast again if he is not full. It should be noted right away that the baby and his mother, as a rule, have different concepts of satiety. If a mother wants the child to receive the "dose" prescribed for him, then the baby may simply not be in the mood. There is no need to force the child to eat. If the attachment to the breast ended with the baby letting go of the nipple on its own or, moreover, falling asleep, do not insist. When the baby gets hungry, he will inform you about it loudly, clearly and unambiguously.

The main criteria for breastfeeding to be successful are as follows:

  • when weighing, it is revealed that the child is actively and inexorably gaining weight (at least 125 grams per week in the first months of life);
  • the child sleeps well and for a long time without waking up;
  • during wakefulness, the child is active and not capricious.

If all of the above signs are present, then the mother can calm down and enjoy communicating with the baby, not overshadowed by heavy thoughts that the baby has remained hungry.

Let's summarize and draw conclusions

If the baby is actively breastfeeding, does not fall asleep during feeding and independently decides when the feeding process should be stopped, you are on the right track. The question of whether the baby is full and whether he is getting enough milk worries all mothers without exception. If, in the opinion of the mother, the child is not getting enough food, she begins to look for ways to "fully satisfy".

As a rule, for this purpose, supplementation from a bottle or, even worse, supplementary food from a common table are used. In the case of supplementing, you can permanently discourage the baby's interest in your breast, because it is much easier and easier to suck from a bottle, and a lather is still lazy. To feed a child until he reaches the age of 6 months is a crime at all, since his gastrointestinal tract is not yet ready for such loads.

If you have any doubts about how to breastfeed, how many times to breastfeed or how to care for the mammary glands, do not hesitate to seek advice from your family doctor or pediatrician. A qualified specialist will always inform you about the effectiveness of feeding, give the necessary recommendations and dispel all doubts. On the contrary, when you do not share your fears, fears and doubts with anyone, this can not only lead to the development of depressive states, but can also affect the quality of lactation. That is why, the most important advice: do not neglect the help of doctors who know almost everything about HB.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video on how to properly attach a baby to the breast from Maria Bezhko:

From the first days of his life with the help of mother's milk. It is believed that naturally fed babies have good immunity and grow healthier and stronger. It is very important to establish the feeding process immediately after birth. Most women understand this, but face a number of problems. How to properly latch on the baby to the breast?

First, you need to remember that you need to apply the baby at his first request. If earlier according to the schedule, then today pediatricians assure that this should be done exactly on demand, whenever it takes place. So, for example, if a child is dissatisfied with something, and the breast can calm him down, this means that you need to feed him. Often mothers worry that the baby is eating too much milk. In fact, you cannot overfeed, so the child should suck as much as he wants. In addition, the more and more often the baby is correctly applied to the breast, the more milk will be produced.

One feeding should last exactly as long as the baby eats. If the baby is not hungry, he will release the breast by himself. It is known that sucking triggers the process of inhibition in the nervous system, so often the infant can ask for the breast to calm down or fall asleep. After eating, the child is usually satisfied both physically and mentally.

How to properly attach the baby to the breast so that neither the mother nor the baby has any problems? Pay attention to the way the baby grips the nipple with his mouth. We must not forget that the breastfeeding process should be comfortable for both parties. The child must be taken so that he is turned towards the mother with his whole body. Many women make the mistake of turning only their heads to their breasts. In general, specialists have identified a large number of poses that are suitable for correct attachment.

If the nipple is correctly gripped, the baby's mouth should be wide open and the chin should be pressed against the chest. In this case, the lower lip should be turned outward. Also, note that not only the nipple should be captured, but also most of the areola. Correct latching stimulates the nerve endings of the breast correctly and increases the effectiveness of sucking. If the baby is not sucking properly, it is likely that the mother will experience painful sensations, which may indicate cracks or other problems.

How to latch on the baby to the breast at night? Night feeds are essential. It has been proven that milk is most actively produced at night, and therefore nipple irritation at this time of the day may occur.

Mom should think about how to apply the baby to the breast already in the maternity hospital, because the first attachment is carried out immediately in the delivery room. In the first days, colostrum should be enough for the baby, and if there is an opportunity not to feed and not add additional water to the baby, it is better not to do this. The more often you breastfeed, the faster the milk will appear. When milk appears, the woman should remember all the recommendations on how to properly attach the baby to the breast so that there is no milk stagnation, and the breastfeeding process yielded only positive results.