Which maternity hospital will be taken by ambulance. Paid ambulance for pregnant women

In large cities, the ambulance service has a special department for obstetric and. Employees of this service will come on call if it is related to pregnancy. The midwife ambulance team includes one midwife and a driver. The team operates in accordance with ambulance standards.

A paramedic or obstetric team can also come to a woman in labor. A specialized medical team, including an obstetrician-gynecologist, leaves only upon the call of a midwife who has already arrived. This may be necessary when complications develop during childbirth, if the woman cannot be transported to the hospital (for example, when attempts have already begun). If an ambulance call is not related to obstetrics and gynecology, for example, in the event of an injury, then an ordinary ambulance team arrives.

Emergencies in childbirth

So when should you call an ambulance? In any case - at the beginning of childbirth, if you decide to cover the path from your apartment to the maternity hospital with the help of an ambulance. You can find out that labor has begun by the beginning of regular contractions or by the discharge of amniotic fluid. Labor pains are painful, regular (every 10-15 minutes, then more and more) contractions of the uterine muscle. Over time, contractions last longer and the gap between them becomes shorter. Contractions do not go away after taking antispasmodics: if you take an antispasmodic drug in the presence of regular pulling or cramping pains in the lower abdomen, then real contractions will not stop. You can talk about the discharge of amniotic fluid when you feel water (not mucus) pouring out of the vagina; it can be a large amount or a slight leak. Usually, after pouring out, water can leak, so you need to put a diaper between your legs (it is better to use a regular one made of fabric, not a sanitary napkin, since it is easier to determine the nature of the discharge and its volume on the fabric).

If rapid labor is expected: in this case, the contractions are very sensitive from the very beginning, frequent (every 5-7 minutes or more). The likelihood of a quick birth exists with repeated births, especially if the first birth was short-lived; if there is information that the closest relatives of women in labor: mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters - the birth was quick; if a woman was diagnosed with isthmic-cervical insufficiency. In addition, rapid childbirth is likely with a number of diseases and complications of pregnancy, which in themselves are an indication for prenatal hospitalization (gestosis, various diseases of the endocrine organs, etc.). In this case, the doctor will most likely suggest that you go to the hospital before labor begins. But if by the beginning of labor for one reason or another you are still at home, then it is better to go to the hospital in an ambulance.

If blood is secreted from the genital tract: this may be a symptom of placental abruption. Normally, placental abruption occurs when the baby has already been born; if the placenta is separated from the wall of the uterus, then blood ceases to flow to the baby, and with it oxygen and nutrients. In this situation, emergency measures are needed to preserve the life and health of the mother and baby. Please note that with placental abruption, the blood is scarlet, there is a lot of it, in contrast to the bloody (brownish) discharge at the beginning of the first stage of labor, which is characteristic of the normal course of labor. Such discharge can accompany the passage of the mucous plug and the beginning of the opening of the cervix.

If the head hurts (dizzy), there are veils or "flies" before the eyes. These symptoms are characteristic of a serious complication of pregnancy - gestosis, in which blood pressure rises due to vasospasm, including those feeding the placenta, which affects the baby's condition. The appearance of such symptoms indicates a worsening of the condition of the pregnant woman and, possibly, the approach of an attack of eclampsia - the development of seizures.

If attempts have begun, there is a desire to push, the urge to use the toilet "in a big way." In this case, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, since the help of qualified specialists is needed during the strenuous period. The period of attempts is the most responsible: in a relatively short period of time, the fetus must travel a sufficiently long way, and it is important that the mother behaves correctly, and the condition of the fetus is constantly monitored - after each attempt, its heartbeat should be heard. You cannot walk and try to go to the maternity hospital on your own during this period: this can harm the baby and mother.

If green waters poured out: this could be due to hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) of the fetus. In this case, all the sphincters of the fetus (circular locking muscles of internal organs), including the anal one, relax, and meconium (original feces) enters the water. Fetal hypoxia is a dangerous condition, therefore, medical assistance is required - monitoring the baby, as well as measures aimed at careful transportation of the woman in labor, delivery.

Childbirth Emergencies: Procedure

By calling the ambulance number 103, 112, or by calling the midwifery service, which your doctor will indicate in the exchange card, you need to provide the dispatcher with information about your condition so that he can choose the right team. You should also inform the period of pregnancy, your last name, first name, patronymic, age, which are due to childbirth, tell about your condition, the time of discharge of water and the duration of contractions, the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy, indicate your location, contact phone number.

After you have called 112 and the dispatcher has accepted your call, you need to prepare for an appointment with a doctor. You need to collect the necessary things and documents that you may need when you are admitted to the hospital.

Of course, the bag, or rather plastic bags (since only bags are allowed into the maternity ward), must be assembled in advance. In the maternity hospital, you will first of all need a shirt, a dressing gown, slippers (preferably made of easily washable materials), documents: an exchange card, a passport, an insurance policy, an agreement for the provision of paid medical services (if any), a birth certificate, as well as a telephone, small a bottle of water.

What will the doctor ask and what will he do?

The emergency doctor will ask you for an exchange card. Then he will conduct an inspection. The doctor will assess your general condition, the height of the uterine fundus, the position of the baby's head relative to the entrance to the small pelvis, listen to the fetal heartbeat using a special stethoscope tube or a portable device (then not only the doctor, but also everyone in the room will hear the baby's heartbeat). The doctor may perform a vaginal examination using sterile gloves to assess the degree of dilatation of the cervix in cases where attempts have already begun.

With full dilation of the cervix, the baby can be born very soon, so taking a woman to the hospital is risky: childbirth can occur in an ambulance. In this case, the obstetrician will prepare everything you need and take care of the birth at home. A bed or sofa covered with a clean sheet is suitable for inspection. The doctor needs to provide the most accurate information possible. You need to talk about contractions (if any), when they started, what is their intensity, duration and frequency. For example, you mark regular contractions for an hour at intervals of 10-15 minutes and lasting 20-30 seconds.

If the waters have moved away, then I must say how long ago it happened, it is necessary to remember their color, quantity. You also need to remember and tell the doctor about the peculiarities of the course of this pregnancy, about whether you were in the hospital during pregnancy and with what diagnoses. Tell us if you have any chronic diseases, such as bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, kidney disease, etc., whether pregnancy complications are associated with them. The doctor will also ask if you are allergic to any medications.

It is desirable that the information be as complete as possible, but concise, without unnecessary details.

Where will the ambulance go?

If you have already concluded, then the ambulance will take you there. In the absence of a contract with a specific maternity hospital and the presence of a birth certificate, you can choose any non-private maternity hospital. In this case, an obstacle to hospitalization in the desired maternity hospital may be the inability to receive a woman in labor: lack of places, lack of unoccupied medical personnel (some small maternity hospitals do not accept patients if the entire team on duty is busy in the operating room), as well as the closure of the maternity hospital for quarantine.

If you have agreed with the head physician in advance and you have the signature of the head physician of a certain maternity hospital in your exchange card, then you will be taken there (of course, in the absence of contraindications for transportation). However, if your condition does not allow you to procrastinate, and the path to the desired maternity hospital is not close, then a decision may be made to take you to the nearest maternity hospital. This decision is made with the consent of Center 103.

Unforeseen circumstances in childbirth

If you are in a store, on the street or in transport and your water has fallen, act according to the situation. You can get to the hospital on your own if it is close, you feel good, the color of the waters is normal (they are transparent, there is no blood). Otherwise, you need to call an ambulance. If you have a mobile connection, this is not at all difficult, and an ambulance can arrive at any place, even on the street, at a bus stop, in the metro. Of course, when calling an ambulance, it is better to describe your location as accurately as possible, naming house numbers, intersections of streets, names of shops, etc., located nearby.

Let's say you are in the country. In this case, the ambulance that arrived on your call will be able to take you only to the regional maternity hospital. If you plan to give birth in a city maternity hospital (and the dacha is located in the region), then you need to independently get either to the maternity hospital or to your apartment in the city and call an ambulance from there.

If you do not have documents at the moment, but they are in principle (they can be given a lift), then you will still be admitted to the hospital and provide emergency assistance. In the event that the water has receded or bleeding has begun, you will be assisted even in the absence of documents.

Even if a woman in labor does not have documents and registration in this city, but she will come to the hospital on her own, and even more so by an ambulance, she will in any case be provided with medical assistance.

If it's too late to go to the hospital ...

As mentioned above, if childbirth is fleeting or an ambulance is called when the attempts have already begun, then the midwife takes delivery where the labor period began (at home or in an ambulance).

An ambulance worker will be able to take a woman's birth at home and provide the necessary assistance to her and the baby, but then, when the afterbirth leaves, the mother and baby will be taken to the hospital. There they will register the fact of childbirth, examine the woman and the child, prescribe treatment if necessary, and give the baby the necessary vaccinations.

Only pluses

If you are in doubt about the best way to get to the hospital - "on your own" or by ambulance, then the latter option has significant advantages:

  • in conditions of congestion of city roads, it is the ambulance that will take you to the hospital as quickly as possible, since it has the right to turn on the siren and "flashing light";
  • you will be accompanied by qualified medical personnel;
  • the ambulance driver knows exactly the addresses of the maternity hospitals and has the ability to give you a lift directly to the emergency room.

In 2012, having met the appearance of more than 134 thousand young Muscovites, Sergei Sobyanin stated with satisfaction: "For the second year we have been observing natural population growth in Moscow, when the birth rate exceeds the death rate." The demographic situation in 2013 is also pleasing: in the first half of the year alone, 65,708 children were born, when at the same time last year there were 63,806. "

But numbers are more of a hypostasis than officials. Muscovites are much more concerned about the question: where to give birth? Where is the ambulance lucky? Or buy a contract in advance? The observer of "RG", whose gestation period exceeded just the middle, looked closely at the Moscow maternity hospitals. It's time to choose.

Where will they take you?

In Moscow, there are more than two dozen state hospitals and obstetric hospitals, private clinics and research institutes. In addition, in the coming years, perinatal centers will be built on the basis of the 67th city hospital, as well as in Troitsk and Kommunarka - in the annexed territories.

The obstetric care system in Moscow has been debugged down to the smallest detail. Even if there are no contracts and agreements with doctors, you are guaranteed to "give birth" - so the midwives say. Contractions started? Call a gynecological ambulance and let them carry you where there is free space. This is how the absolute majority gives birth. According to the health department, only 12% of women in childbirth enter into contracts in Moscow maternity hospitals. With contractions, any maternity hospital in the capital will accept everyone, even without Russian citizenship, without documents and exchange cards with the results of tests and examinations. This, by the way, is actively used by residents of the CIS countries and Russian regions, where obstetrics are not as good as in Moscow. Every month in the capital, about 600 births are taken from visitors who have specially rolled over to give birth. Previously, for some reason, those who came in large numbers especially loved the 36th maternity hospital, and after it was closed for repairs, they were dispersed throughout Moscow. But the baby boom continues among Muscovites. In my home edition this summer I will be the third.

Mom wants to sleep

Quality standards in maternity hospitals are the same. Everywhere new equipment is the result of the healthcare modernization program, which has been going on in the city for 2.5 years. Every maternity hospital has been renovated, ventilation has been put in order. Where possible, climate control systems or central air conditioning are supplied. "This year there were no complaints about the heat," says Irina Kalinovskaya, head of the department for organizing medical care for mothers and children of the Moscow Department of Health.

With the exception of infectious diseases hospitals, due to their specificity, in each maternity hospital, mothers can lie with the child. True, according to the statistics of the Department of Health, not everyone enjoys this right, which ten years ago had to be achieved. About 30% of women in labor, producing an heir, prefer to get some sleep.

Delivery by contract

"Under the contract, you can choose a ward of superior comfort, individual supervision of childbirth by a doctor and midwife, observation and follow-up examination in the selected maternity hospital starting from 36 weeks. The contract starts from 50 thousand rubles.

Future mothers, judging by the forums on the Internet, are primarily looking for the quality of medical care, comfort and courtesy of the staff. However, the list of requirements could be continued. "I want to choose a doctor myself, a maternity hospital next to the house, and so that there is children's intensive care in it," Anastasia Zueva, who is expecting her second daughter, shared with "RG". And she continued: "And the main thing is free behavior during childbirth, so that there is a ball and a shower to wait out the contractions, and after the birth, the baby is put to the breast."

“Most often I am asked about which maternity hospital is good, where there are good doctors,” says Nadezhda Pavlovskaya, a psychologist who teaches childbirth preparation. But it is precisely the desire of a woman in labor to have a loved one next to her during childbirth that most often prompts them to take care of the contract in advance.The second reason is the possibility of visits. their interests were taken into account. All this is possible without a contract, but psychologically it is more difficult for women in labor. "

Ekaterina Zhitomirskaya, another psychologist who accompanies childbirth, said that, for example, the perinatal medical center is chosen for its high comfort and superprofessional doctors - according to some reviews, childbirth here is no different from foreign clinics. The 1st maternity hospital is famous for free partner deliveries, in the 4th they practice vertical childbirth, and about the 15th it is known that childbirth is also accepted there after a cesarean section.

The quirks of the seasoned

But, despite all the wealth of choice in the capital's maternity hospitals, every year there are dozens of women in Moscow who prefer to give birth at home. In 2010, there were 394 of them, in 2011 - 372, and in the past, when the area of ​​Moscow itself increased by 2.5 times - 457. Most often, this desire of women is explained by the fact that women in childbirth are unhappy with the treatment of staff with them. “With the first pregnancy, most Muscovites prefer to give birth in the maternity hospital, but with the second and subsequent pregnancies they think about childbirth at home more often,” says Nadezhda Pavlovskaya. those who are preparing for home birth, then leave Russia to give birth to countries where there is an institution of such assistance, for example, to Israel. "

Moscow does not promise changes in this area in the near future. “The opening of a state medical organization accompanying home birth is not expected,” Kalinovskaya said. “This is a high risk for the mother and child. In addition, outside the hospital it is difficult to provide conditions for monitoring all vital signs of the mother and fetus. "

Maternity hospitals, which are most popular among women in labor, according to the Department of Health: Center for Family Planning and Reproduction, maternity hospitals N 1, 3, 4, 15, 17, obstetric hospitals N 29 and 72.

  • Maternity hospital at the Central Clinical Hospital, an average score of 4.58 on 154 reviews.
  • Maternity hospital at Tuberculosis Clinical Hospital N 7, average score 4.57 for 21 reviews.
  • Perinatal medical center, average score 4 on 328 reviews.
  • Maternity hospital at GB N 8, an average score of 4.48 based on 610 reviews.
  • Maternity hospital N 20, average score 4.47 based on 367 reviews.

Based on medical data, the approximate birth time for primiparous is 10 to 12 hours, and for multiparous about 8 hours. Therefore, you should not worry that you will not have time to get to the hospital.

Which maternity hospital will you be taken to if you call an ambulance

An ambulance will take you to the maternity hospital to which you are attached, or to an institution by registration. If you are in some remote area, and the situation on the roads is bad, then you will be taken to the nearest institution.

Many women prefer to go to the hospital in advance and stay there until the moment of delivery. This is especially true for primiparous mothers. In the hospital, doctors will prepare the uterus and, when the pregnancy is "re-paced", stimulate uterine contractions and induce labor. It should be noted that calling them at home is strongly discouraged.

If you are at home and experience cramping bouts of pain in the lower abdomen, it is likely that a natural process begins, which should take place under the attention of a doctor.

The question of when to call an ambulance during pregnancy is important, so you need to know the recommendations about the time of travel to the hospital for childbirth.

Pregnancy for a woman is a happy time, where she prepares with special impatience for the upcoming birth. In the later stages, the expectant mother may be concerned with a very important question, how to understand that childbirth is beginning and when to call an ambulance to the hospital during contractions.

What are contractions and how do they start

Contractions are a painful contraction of the uterus, for the subsequent expulsion of the fetus from the birth canal. It is necessary to distinguish between false contractions (occur periodically and do not end with childbirth), as well as real ones. In the latter case, the pain is wavy in nature, starting from a small area and gradually spreading wider. Later, the pain syndrome subsides before the onset of the next "wave". If time permits, before calling an ambulance, you can take a shower and be with loved ones. In this case, do not forget about these recommendations.

Rendering not required. It should be understood that in the absence of reasons, this process is natural, which just needs to be experienced.

While on conservation, there is a school for expectant mothers in many childbirths. There, pregnant women are told about how to care for a child and important issues are discussed, up to and including.

In what case you need to call an ambulance urgently

For every pregnant woman, the child's well-being is a priority. With a normal pregnancy and the absence of pathologies, the question of when to call an ambulance during childbirth is resolved. But it is worth noting several reasons, as a result of which it is necessary to call an ambulance and go to the hospital immediately:

  • contractions started less than 37 weeks;
  • the amniotic fluid has departed even with the absence of labor, while it is worth noting the time and their appearance (cloudy, transparent or green);
  • there is bleeding from the vagina;
  • the interval between contractions is less than 7 minutes, and their duration is more than 1 minute;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • there is a scar from the KS on the uterus;
  • the contractions are painful, the uterus is in constant tone without relaxation;
  • high blood pressure is observed;
  • the child actively moves and delivers pain to a pregnant woman;
  • The woman has a second pregnancy (second birth, etc.);
  • in the leaking amniotic fluid, blood impurities are observed.

Pregnancy is a sure reason to know when and when. Any alarming changes in the body of a pregnant woman should not be ignored by the doctor.

To the question of the Girl. ... who knows? If you go to a maternity hospital with labor pains - will the ambulance take you where the woman asks or where she has to? given by the author Elena the best answer is They will be taken to the nearest maternity hospital .... (no one will ask)

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Girls. ... who knows? If you go to a maternity hospital with labor pains - will the ambulance take you where the woman asks or where she has to?

Answer from TDekorell[guru]
where the ambulance doctor decides, most likely to the nearest maternity hospital

Answer from Vera Shestopalova[guru]
The ambulance is trying to get to the nearest one. But my neurological indicators were bad (fainting) and they took me to the place where there is a neurologist.

Answer from PortalX3[guru]
The ambulance will take you where the ambulance will take you.
Will not ask

Answer from Aina[guru]
tell me that you have agreed to give birth in this hospital. have the right to choose. the certificate gives the choice ...

Answer from Ўla[guru]
maybe by registration, maybe at the place of residence, or where the housing complex issued a generic certificate

Answer from Odessa citizen[guru]
Where you are registered, or to the nearest one at the place of residence.

Answer from Ўlya[guru]
They contact maternity hospitals and ask about availability. Why do you need an ambulance if the maternity hospital is a 5-minute walk away? You will reach it yourself! I myself calmly reached, I can see it from the window, just 5 minutes to go.

Answer from Ludmila[guru]
good in a small town, where there is only one maternity hospital and there is no choice

Answer from 342 [guru]
where the woman says, takes a taxi, and the ambulance takes it to the district or the duty officer.

Answer from Happy ...[guru]
to the nearest maternity hospital, or to the one that the ambulance doctor considers the best for you ... it is easier to call a taxi and get to the maternity hospital you need ... and even more so if it is so close ...

Answer from Lyuska[guru]
better call a taxi, she will definitely take you where you say

Answer from Kovalevskaya Svetlana[guru]
The ambulance usually takes you to the maternity hospital on duty ... and by agreement - by car or by taxi ...

Answer from Koshastik[guru]
where you ask)) but I'm tallinn)) only 2 kind of house))

Answer from EfimYch[guru]
In the Istra district of the Moscow region there is one maternity hospital per district, what do you think the ambulance will be lucky to. If we talk about big cities, for example Moscow (and judging by the fact that you did not name the city, you live in Moscow) The arrived team will contact the center, tell you your diagnosis, age, etc., after which the dispatcher from the center will tell you which maternity hospital to go to. You can ask, but to ask you need to report something, they will not fulfill your whim for free. If you ate the maternity hospital next to the house, you just get together and go, ask your relatives to be taken, amoteom, about contractions. They will not go anywhere, they will accept.

Answer from Yoimon[guru]
Everything is simpler with us - they are taken to the one you relate to at the place of residence))

But you can grow pigs and if time permits, they will take you where you want, which one you chose, that is))

Expectation of a child is a wonderful state that makes a woman happy. In order to think only about the good for all nine months, it is worth taking care of qualified and prompt transportation to the maternity hospital or hospital. Every expectant mother should have an ambulance phone for pregnant women in Moscow and the Moscow region. Fast transportation will help avoid serious health problems for both the woman and the child. Commercial ambulance for pregnant women of the medical service "Doctor 03" is safety, professionalism and maximum comfort for paid hospitalization.

When you may need a paid maternity ambulance

During the nine months of pregnancy, situations repeatedly arise in which a woman needs the help of doctors. However, it is not always possible to figure out on your own whether it is worth calling an ambulance or it is enough to visit your doctor. If you encounter any of the symptoms listed below, immediately call an ambulance for pregnant women in Moscow:

  • bleeding during pregnancy or early labor;
  • severe cramping pains in the lumbar region, lower abdomen, genitals;
  • surgical pathologies (ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis, etc.);
  • somatic diseases that can sharply worsen during pregnancy (urolithiasis, bronchial asthma);
  • the onset of labor, accompanied by regular contractions or outpouring of amniotic fluid.
  • It should be understood that in any of these situations, qualified medical care should be provided as soon as possible. A taxi driver or even a loved one driving is not the best option, as they will not cope with the difficulties that have arisen. The most comfortable and safe way to transport pregnant women to the maternity hospital is the paid obstetric ambulance of the Doctor 03 medical service.

    If you have a generic certificate, a commercial contract or in the case of a personal agreement with a doctor, our ambulance will take you to any maternity hospital.

Benefits of paid ambulance for pregnant women in Moscow service "Doctor 03"

Efficiency. The teams of the private ambulance "Doctor 03" work around the clock. Our dispatchers will accept the application and draw up the best route to arrive on call as soon as possible. Paid ambulances at the Doctor 03 maternity hospital are equipped with special signals, which increase the speed of medical transport in dense city traffic.

Technical equipment. Each car of a paid ambulance for pregnant women is equipped with modern devices that allow maintaining a stable condition of the expectant mother and baby. If necessary, our doctors will take delivery or carry out resuscitation measures. For the transfer and transportation of pregnant women in our ambulance to the hospital or clinic, a comfortable stretcher is used, in which a woman can be lying or reclining.