Hexicon during pregnancy - treatment and prevention of inflammatory diseases. Contraindications and side effects

The physiological immunodeficiency of pregnant women leads to a more frequent purpose of drugs for treating and preventing diseases. But to anyone, even the most harmless tool, during the toasting should be wary, weighing everything "for" and "against". Instructions for the use of candles "Hexicon" during pregnancy argues that they are safe throughout the term. But can you really use the candles "hexicon" during pregnancy without harm to the baby?

Any inflammation in the vagina increases the risks of the intrauterine infection of the kid. This may threaten such complications as premature birth, multi-way, violation of the function of the placenta and even the antenatal fetal death. Therefore, it is important to identify all deviations in time and carry out treatment, but by drugs, safe during pregnancy.

Operating principle

"Hexicon" as an active substance contains chlorhexidine. This means from an antiseptic row, affects pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria and viruses). Chlorhexidine, attached to the surface of the pathogen, leads to a violation of the stability of the surface membrane and the death of the microbe.

In addition to bacteria and viruses, chlorhexidine interacts in the same way with spermatozoa, leading to their instantaneous inactivation. Therefore, "hexicon" to some extent can be used as a method of postcoital contraception. Chlorhexidine is active in relation to the following microflora:

  • chlamydia, Miko- and Ureaplasma;
  • trichomonas, pale treponema (causes syphilis), gonococci;
  • herpessurus of the first and second types;
  • strepto and staphylococci;
  • intestinal wand;
  • entropococci.

Chlorhexidine does not act on fungal microorganisms, including candida. Therefore, the candles "Hexicon" from the thrush during pregnancy to use meaninglessly. On the contrary, they can only provoke the gain of burning, itching and other unpleasant sensations.

Hexicon is active in relation to bacterial inflammation in the vagina. Especially noticeable effect of the drug under purulent processes. Chlorhexidine is destructive only on pathogenic microorganisms, without destroying beneficial lactobacilli. Due to this, the recovery after treatment is fast and without subsequent relapses.


Candles "Hexicon" during pregnancy are used in the following situations:

  • in order to prevent infections after unprotected sex;
  • with pathological discharge from the vagina;
  • to rehabilitate the vagina and cervix;
  • with RAP (discharge obstetric pessary);
  • for the treatment of herpetic rashes;
  • in preparing for childbirth or to Cesarean section in the 3 trimester;
  • on the eve of the applix of the seam on the cervix.

In addition, gel, ointment and hexicone solution can be used during pregnancy for the reservation of the oral cavity - with gingivities, stomatitis, glossites. As well as for surface treatment of wounds, even with pus and blood.

Most often, hexicone candles are used in colpins and cervicitis when inflammatory changes in smears. Chlorhexidine does not affect the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus, even in early time.

Candles and other forms of "Hexicon": instructions for use during pregnancy

Given the testimony for the use of "Hexicon", a preferred form (candles, mortar, gel) drug is selected for pregnant women.


Candles are designed to be introduced into the vagina. The usual course is 10-14 days per one or two suppository. It is convenient to introduce a candle as follows:

  • lie back;
  • widespread legs;
  • introduce the candle as deeply in the vagina;
  • after that, lie 20 minutes.

If "Hexicon" is planned to be used to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs), they must be laid out of them no later than 120 minutes after sexual intercourse.

Liquid form

The "Hexicon" solution is used in the following form:

  • for scriptures of the vagina;
  • for rinsing mouth;
  • for washing wounds.

For this purpose, a 0.05% solution of the drug is used. In this form, it is sold in pharmacies.

Gel and ointment

The gel is most often used in dentistry to rehabilitate foci of infection. Ointment is used in skin pathologies, as well as in vulvit (inflammation of the external genital organs). Apply directly to the affected areas several times a day.

Vaginal tablets

The tablets contain as much chlorhexidine as in suppositories. Indications for use are similar. Before use, it is recommended to slightly moisten the tablet, so it will be easier to put it in the vagina.

Schematically, the features of the use of various forms of the drug are reflected in the following table.

Table - comparison of medicinal forms "Hexicon"

Reviews of Candle "Hexicon" in pregnancy are convinced of his good tolerance in the early and later timing. But in some cases the following side effects are possible:

  • itching, burning;
  • skin irritation;
  • allergic manifestations.

Contraindication for the use of the drug is individual intolerance, as well as the presence of skin diseases in the estimated place of application. Chlorhexidine has a rather aggressive action, in this case it is better to replace it with more gentle medicines. Other consequences of reception:

  • gel in the oral cavity -dental of dental enamel, appearance of a dental plaque;
  • the gel on the skin is increased sensitivity to ultraviolet.

Does the baby affect the kid

The future mother is naturally worried about whether candles are dangerous, a solution, gel and ointment "Hexicon" during pregnancy for the fetus, especially in 1 trimester, when all the internal organs of crumbs occurs. Do not worry. Reviews of doctors and women confirm that the tool does not lead to negative consequences for a child when used both at the beginning of the term and 2 and 3 trimesters.

Replacement options

Similar for action and safety are the following drugs that also apply from various infections during pregnancy:

  • for applying to the skin - bactericidal plasters;
  • in the form of solutions - "Citen", "Chlorhexidin";
  • for oral cavity -Amidate.

Hexicon and its analogues are safe tools to combat inflammation on the skin, in the vagina, oral cavity. The use of candles "Hexicon" with pregnancy for preventing complications on the eve of the foregoing and any operational interventions on the neck of the uterus during begging is justified.


Pregnancy brings many positive changes in the life of a woman. But during this period, not very pleasant, although natural, changes. Changes, for example, the composition of the vagina microflora, which can lead to an increase in conditionally pathogenic bacteria. The mucosa becomes less protected and more susceptible to various infections.

Very often, pregnant women will learn about such changes on the planned inspection, because such gynecological diseases can be asymptomatic.

To get rid of infection and harmonize the microflora of the mucous membrane, you need to use local action medicines. Hexicon candles - a drug that is suitable for such purposes during pregnancy and in breastfeeding.

Hexicon is an antimicrobial and antiseptic drug, which is used in surgery, urology, obstetrics and gynecology. It is produced in the form of vaginal candles and tablets, as well as a solution.

The main active component of the Suppositories hexicon - chlorhexidine Bigluconat. This substance that has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, and has anti-inflammatory, antifungal, a also antiviral action under local application.

Why prescribe pregnant women

Suppositories Hexicon is often prescribed pregnant women as these candles help get rid of problems that often arise from a woman during pregnancy, as well as the effect of this drug is safe for mother and fetus.

Hexicon candles during pregnancy - 1 trimester

Candles Hexicon are allowed for use during pregnancy in the early stages. They act locally, and the likelihood of acting to other organs and organism systems is very low. therefore Candles Hexicon can be used during pregnancy in the first trimester, without fearsthat their action may affect the development of the fetus.

Hexicon during pregnancy gynecologists are often prescribed to normalize microflora in the vagina. Very often, the violation of the vaginal microflora in the negative side may occur on the nervous soil. After all, the body of a pregnant woman is especially susceptible to experiences and stress.

To keep the flora intimate mucosa in harmony, doctors recommend during pregnancy to especially carefully observe the day of the day, and do not forget about vitamins (, pregnaka, Print, Elevit Prontash, Vitruum Prenatal, center of Mantna, Lonopane for pregnant women, salgears for pregnant women, Multitabs Perinatal) .

If stress is difficult, it is necessary to take drugs (Magneb6, Notta, Pans, Nervochel, Glycine).

Candles Hexicon during pregnancy - 2 trimester

In the second trimester pregnancy passes toxicosis, the stomach is not too big, so women feel the need for active sexual life. Therefore, the hexicone candles can be used in the second trimester for the prevention and treatment of infections that are transmitted by sexual means, as well as the infections of the urogenital tract.

Candles Hexicon during pregnancy - the third trimester

Candles Hexicon can be used during pregnancy in 3 trimester, as well as according to the instructions in the process of childbirth and after pregnancy. The drug does not affect the uterus tone and the likelihood of premature labor. In the last trimension of pregnancy, hexicon is often used in gynecological or obstetric practice to gynecological studies, surgical interventions, as well as in childbirth and immediately after them to prevent inflammatory and infectious complications.

Hexicon effectively prepares the generic paths, for this it is applied by the course before childbirth. Immediately after the birth of the baby, this medication is prescribed to prevent infectious inflammatory processes into the vagina. After generic hexicon is used before and after the installation of intrauterine spirals, coagulation procedures for the erosion of the cervix.

Contraindications and side effects

Hexicon candles cannot be prescribed in the presence of an allergic reaction to one of the components that are part of the drug. It is also not recommended to use hexicone simultaneously with any other vaginal suppositories.

Side effects when using candles, hexicon can be allergic manifestations of a local character - itching, a feeling of burning, redness, rash on the skin, swelling. The adverse reactions in other systems and organs rarely occur. Also, in rare cases, intestinal disorder is possible.

Instructions for use

Before using the vaginal candle, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands and free the suppository from the shell. The hexicone candles are needed as deeply in the vagina twice a day - early in the morning and late in the evening. Minimum Medical Course - 7-10 days. It is possible to use the drug up to 20 days.

To get the maximum effect from the candles, recommend using them before the very sleep that the suppository action continues all night. In the morning after using the candle, it is necessary to lie down for a few more hours.

For the prevention of infection with venereal diseases, one suppository needs to be introduced no later than a few hours after sexual intercourse. Means with iodine content, as well as alkaline means (soap) can neutralize the action of the active substance of the candles, therefore it is impossible to use them at the same time. Candles Hexicon can be used during menstrual bleeding.


An analogues of hexicon can perform suppositories based on the same active substance. These are candles chlorhexidine, clerous, Depantola. Vaginal candles based on other active ingredients are also used as an analogue of hexicon.

You can hear or read that this drug has some "profitable" features. But his biggest feature consists, perhaps, in the following. Very many gynecologists actually prescribe it with their wards and should be recognized, it is not possible. While many women poorly carry such treatment and complain about pink and bleeding after hexicon during pregnancy.

Let us find out whether hexicone is dangerous during pregnancy, for which it is prescribed for pregnant women, how many days you can use candles and do they treat from the thrush.

Why prescribe candles hexicone during pregnancy

The drug produces an antiseptic disinfecting therapeutic effect. It shows activity to gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and the simplest. That is, hexicone candles during pregnancy are prescribed in infectious inflammatory diseases in the urogenital tract and the vagina: from chlamydia, from ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, syphilis, etc. treatment of this means during this period is produced in bacterial vaginosis and colpites when they are detected. Increased leukocytes in the smear, as well as before childbirth - as the preparation of the generic paths (Sanation).

The effectiveness of the drug in the fight against sexual infections provides the main active ingredient in its composition - Bigluconata chlorhexidine.

During the entire duration of the child, the need to apply these candles may occur repeatedly. After all, the risk of exacerbation of infectious diseases (including sexually transmitted) is now particularly high. But this drug is ineffective in the treatment of infections caused by acid-resistant mushrooms, viruses and bacteria (type of candida), so hexicone does not apply during the thrush during pregnancy. Moreover, the thrush may appear after using these candles as a consequence of the destruction of the bacterial flora in the vagina, which is why the candids begin their activity - a strong burning and itching occurs, white curls appear.

Meanwhile, in practice, gynecologists and obstecra are often prescribed hexicon from the thrush. How so? - you ask. Most likely, you have a mixed infection detected, that is, candidiasis is complicated by other bacterial vaginites. In this case, treatment can be carried out, which includes the use of hexicon together with other drugs - in the complex.

How to apply Hexicon Candles: Instructions for use during pregnancy

Often, gecacon candles are prescribed, but there is also a solution for outdoor use. These are vaginal suppositories, that is, you need to insert them into the vagina. How often and how many days is only a doctor! In each case, destination may be varied, but longer than 20 days the treatment is not carried out.

Usually the dosage is 1 suppository overnight before bedtime (after its introduction should not get out of bed within 1-2 hours), sometimes the candles must be administered as early as in the morning. On average, the therapeutic course lasts 7-10 days.

It should be borne in mind that hexicone during pregnancy can cause intolerance and side effects: allergic, rash, itching, burning, dry mucous membranes occurs. In this case, the use of a hexicon must be suspended and notifying the reactions that have arisen.

But in order to reduce the likelihood of unwanted manifestations, as well as increase the effectiveness of treatment, you need to follow the instructions:

  • It is impossible to combine the use of a hexicon during pregnancy with other vaginal candles.
  • The drug does not apply simultaneously with iodine tools.
  • For the period of treatment, sex life is excluded.
  • It should also be abandoned using the use of cosmetic and hygienic tools of an anion group in the crotch area (gels, soap and other means containing sodium lauryl sulfate, it is impossible to apply during this period).

Is it possible to use hexicone candles during pregnancy: contraindications

This drug can be treated with multiple sex infections and collitis in women. But he found his wide popularity among obstetrician-gynecologists for another reason: hexicon during pregnancy is allowed in early time than the help of its analogues cannot "boast". The drug acts only local (that is, at the place of use), does not disturb the vaginal microflora, it is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream and, therefore, unable to flow to the fetus. That is, it is appointed without fears to be pregnant on any lapitage period: 1, 2, 3 trimesters of pregnancy are not contraindications.

Moreover, hexicone can be applied even for prevention. For example, after sexual acts (for 2 hours) - prevents pathogenic microorganisms into sex paths and suppresses the ability of spermatozoa to fertilization. After childbirth - prevents infectious complications (it can be used in breastfeeding).

Hexicone practically does not have contraindications, with the exception of the intolerance of chlorhexidine, however, although the drug is recognized by the doctors completely safe for use with pregnant and nursing women, there are no proven data on the absolute absence of its negative effect on the fetus.

In addition, women often receive complaints about this medicinal product. Therefore, it is not surprising that many of them are interested in hacked by hexicone during pregnancy.

It should be recognized that negative reviews are quite common: women say that their plinlet, burns, but the most frightened that after the candles begins the mastery and bleeding. In some cases, pink highlights from hexicon may be an option for the norm, but to say this doctor must be mandatory! Nevertheless, sometimes pregnant people fall on preservation after such treatment ... Although many have transferred it well and note noticeable improvements: yellow discharges and other unpleasant symptoms of bacterial vaginosis disappear.

Than replace hexicone candles during pregnancy

A spectrum of drugs that can be applied during the baby tooling is quite limited. For this reason, it is possible to choose a safe drug in one way or another experienced specialist.

If the treatment is carried out in the second or third trimester, then it is much easier to make it, because you have to choose from anything. In particular, instead of hexicon, Miramistin, Terezhin, Nystatin, Pimafucin and other drugs can be appointed.

Of particular care must be observed in the first trimester of pregnancy: there are no analogs of a hexicon, it is possible that treatment will have to stop.

But in any case, regardless of the length of wear and on the type of sex infection, discovered in a pregnant woman, only the doctor can and should appoint her treatment.

Especially for - Larisa Necrob

Pregnancy is a very responsible period in the life of a woman. The health of her child directly depends on the health of the future mother. At this time, significant changes occur in the feminine organism, and various infectious diseases become often becoming. The defeat of the infection of the genital organs is especially dangerous, because you can infect a child. In such a situation, you will need a safe and reliable drug that can deliver the problem and not harm the fetus. The listed requirements are answered by hexicon candles, during pregnancy it is the optimal option for the treatment of female genital infections. The drug is valid only at the point of contact with the mucous membrane and is practically not absorbed into the blood, and therefore will not have any impact on the formation of the fetus.

Composition and form of release

The drug is an antiseptic active in relation to grams (+) and grams (-) bacteria and is produced in the form of vaginal candles (suppository) of white (permissible is the presence of a minor yellow shade).

Hexicone has a torpedo-shaped and white or pale yellow

Have a torpedo-shaped and individual contour packaging. The base of the drug is chlorhexidine. Depending on the form of release, each candle contains 8 or 16 mg of the active substance. Polyethylene oxide is used as the base of the suppository.

Indications for use

The most common way to get a vaginal infection is unprotected sexual intercourse. But in pregnant women, the situation may be more and more different. Due to the change in the hormonal background and immunity, can "wake up" infection, which before being suppressed.

Hexicon can be used on any gestation period. It cures inflammation caused by chlamydias, ureaplasms, herpes virus and other simple organisms. In future mothers, hexicon in the last trimester (practically before childbirth) in order to prevent postpartum infectious inflammatory complications.

Sometimes hexicone is prescribed for prevention

Use the drug and with a prophylactic goal. If unprotected sexual contact with a partner in which the woman is not sure is, it is worth using hexico. But in this situation, efficiency is important: enter suppositors in the vagina needed within 2 hours after sexual intercourse. If you have a manipulation later, the effect will not be. During this time, pathogenic microorganisms will have time to penetrate the mucous membrane, and will subsequently need more serious treatment. But in order to do not have to resort to drugs, it is necessary to be confident in its sexual partner.

Method of application and dosage

Hexicon is a local action preparation. The course of his admission to therapeutic goal ranges from 5 to 10 days, with a frequency - twice a day. The manipulation of the input in the drug vagina is better to carry on the back with clean hands or using sterile gloves. You need to enter the candle as deep as possible, and within an hour does not show any active physical activity, it is best to lie down.

When treating hexicon, it should be carefully used soap and shower gels

During the treatment period, hygienic procedures with soap, gel for the shower and other cosmetics should be carried out only for external genital organs. There is a risk that intimate hygiene products will reduce the efficiency of the drug. After the introduction of polyethylene oxide (which is the base of the candle), it starts to melt, and therefore it may be selected. It can not be a reason for concern if they are not abundant and bright. And if Sukrovitsa appeared in the discharge, then it is worth going to the doctor immediately.

At the time of treating sex infections, hexicone candles must be abandoned by sex.

It is important to know: at such a common disease as a hexicone thrush almost does not have any influence, although it is most often women who are used, faced with a similar problem. It is prescribed in a complex with other drugs that strengthen each other's actions. This once again confirms the postulate of unsuccession of self-medication. If applying drugs without appointing a doctor, then instead of getting rid of the disease, you can acquire a critical or chronic form of its flow.


Like any other drug, hexicone of the candle has contraindications. It can not be used to women who are particularly susceptible to the ingredients of the drug. Such a property of the body can withdraw the allergic reaction - itching at the place of contact of the mucous and preparation. With such manifestations it is necessary to stop using candles and consult a doctor.

Side effects

In addition to an allergic reaction, in rare cases of hexicon, a selection with sucrovits may appear. This may indicate that a woman has intolerance to the components of the drug. If pinkish or even browned isolations appear in a patient with an elevated level of blood leukocytes, this is considered the norm.

But such manifestations may indicate more serious problems - bacterial vaginosis or even about the placenta detachment. And this is the real threat to the fetus, which can lead to premature abortion of pregnancy. This situation is not a consequence of reception of hexicon, but is provoked by very other factors. But still it is necessary to stop the use of the drug and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Compatibility with other means

Hexicon is incompatible with paws that are part of detergents, alkaline substances, and substances containing elements of anionic group (saponins, sodium lauryl sulfate, colloids, gummyiabik). It is impossible to use candles with chlorhexidine simultaneously with iodine-containing drugs.

Additional Information

Hexicone Candle is an invaginal drug that provides local medicinal impact. The water-soluble PEO base envelops the walls of the vagina, making it easier to enter the acting substance to the foci of infection. In addition, the suppository is the most sparing method of receiving antibiotics, as it misses the digestive system. Its safety during pregnancy is due to the fact that the active substance is not absorbed into the blood (as for oral administration) and does not accumulate in the body. This allows the preparation and during breastfeeding, and during the planning period of the family.

Hexicon has another form of release

Keep hexicone is not more than two years from the date of release, at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees, not allowing direct sunlight and out of the reach of children. Released without a recipe.


Each pregnant woman should follow the state of his health in general and internal genital organs in particular. Best of all during this period to try to do without taking medicines. But if it is impossible, then naturally preference should be given to drugs that will not have a negative effect on the fruit.

If infectious processes occur in the vagina, the optimal version is a hexicone of the candle. Instructions for use during pregnancy instructs compulsory advice with a doctor and application for the prescription of a specialist. Clinical studies have confirmed security, but self-medium in any case is unacceptable, especially during the period of having a child.

During pregnancy, the body of the future mother becomes more vulnerable to adverse environmental factors. To maintain the navigation, the immune system is synthesized a smaller number of protective antibodies. Also in the female body, hormonal restructuring and improving the load on the heart, liver, lungs and kidneys occur. Through the listed changes, microorganisms becomes easier to multiply and cause various diseases.

Hexicon candles during pregnancy are used for therapy and prevent certain inflammatory diseases of the internal and external genital organs. The components of the medicine are safe for the future child, they do not cause congenital abnormalities of the fetus. Vaginal suppositories are an effective antibacterial agent, have a low price, due to which they are popular among the population.

The composition of the drug

Active component of candles Hexicon - chlorhexidine. The drug refers to the class of synthetic antiseptics. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the destruction of the bacterial cell wall, as a result of which the microorganism dies. Chlorhexidine preserves its therapeutic activity in the presence of mucus, pus, blood.

Chlorhexidine - a means of a wide antimicrobial spectrum of action. The drug is used to destroy many types of gram-positive bacteria: staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci, clostridium, bacilli. Also, hexicone candles during pregnancy are prescribed for the treatment of infections caused by gram-negative flora: diplococci, enterobacteriums, protics, green and blue rod.

The use of drug is not limited to bacterial diseases. Chlorhexidine causes the death of a virus that causes a simple herpes of a human type 1 and 2. The drug is used to treat protozoan (caused by the simplest) diseases - trichomoniasis. Hexicon during pregnancy is used for the therapy of fungal inflammation caused by representatives of the clan candidate.

Candles with chlorhexidine are used locally, due to what the components of the drug do not penetrate the systemic blood flow. The drug does not act on a permanent flora of the genital organs of a woman, so it does not contribute to the development of dysbacteriosis.

Release form and shelf life

Hexicon is produced in vaginal suppositories. The drug is sold in a cardboard pack containing 2 aluminum blisters of 5 suppositories in each. The same candle contains 16 milligm of the active substance, as well as additional components: polyethylene oxide 1500 and 400.

Vaginal tablets and suppositories can be used for two years since the release, solution - for three years. The drug should be stored in a dry place, avoiding light contact. The air temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius. In no case do not need to apply hexicone after the expiration date. The drug is released from pharmaceutical points without presenting a prescription form.

Indications for use

The use of candles hexicone for pregnant women is shown in the following cases:
  • treatment of vaginal thrush;
  • treatment of syphilis;
  • therapy of gonococcal inflammation;
  • treatment of chlamydia;
  • treatment of cervicitis caused by pathogenic microorganisms;
  • trichomoniasis therapy;
  • treatment of the erosion of the cervix;
  • therapy of the vaginite of microbial etiology;
  • treatment of vulvite caused by microorganisms;
  • prevention of STDs, after unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • prevention of postpartum inflammation.

Effect of drug on the fruit

The drug produces a local therapeutic effect, it practically does not penetrate the systemic blood flow. Due to this, vaginal suppositories do not have embryotoxic action in the early deadlines of the child. The use of medicinal hexicone in the first trimester of pregnancy is allowed under the strict control of the doctor.

In studies on laboratory mice, chlorhexidine did not affect congenital pathology in embryos. The drug has no teratogenic action - it does not cause fetus deformity. The drug does not affect the duration of the pregnancy period, its use does not lead to the development of premature birth.

Instructions for use

Before using the drug, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor for taking a smear and delivering an accurate diagnosis. Depending on the type of pathogen, the doctor selects the duration of the course of therapy. On average, it is one or two weeks.

The instructions say that for the treatment of infectious pathologies the drug must be applied 2 times a day. one suppository. 40 minutes before the introduction of the candle, the toilet of external genital organs should not be carried out, since this procedure can reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

Before using vaginal candles, a woman must be thoroughly rinsed under running water, applying cleaning products. Next, the future mother should open the blister and remove one suppository. It is necessary to try not to change its form if the candle is badly touched, you can put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Then the woman should take a comfortable position in bed - lying on his side, pouring his knees to the front abdominal wall. After that, with the help of an index finger of the future mother, you must enter a candle in the vagina to the maximum depth. If everything is done correctly, a woman should not experience any unpleasant sensations in the field of genital organs.

Attention! Hexicon can be used on any gestation under the control of the attending physician. The drug produces a local therapeutic effect and practically does not penetrate the systemic blood flow.

After passing the full course of therapy, a woman is recommended to consult a doctor for control. This must be done even if the patient disappears subjective symptoms. The incomplete destruction of pathogenic microflora contributes to the emergence of infections resistant to antibiotics. A competent doctor must take a re-smear from the walls of the vagina, which will show the strains of bacteria living in them.

Candles with chlorhexidine can be used to prevent STDs. To do this, you need to enter one suppository no later than 120 minutes after sexual intercourse. The sooner the prevention was made, the higher the chances of preventing infection.

Hexicon can be used to renowning the vagina before childbirth. For these purposes, preference should be added to the drug in the form of an outer solution. Before birth, a pregnant woman should introduce 2 milliliters of the drug in the urethra and 10 milliliters to the vagina. It is also recommended to treat the inner surface of the hips, pubes, large and small sex lips with solution.

The use of chlorhexidine can be combined with other antiseptic means. Hexicon does not affect the effectiveness of antibiotics, their sharing increases therapeutic effect.


The drug can be used to treat and prevent genital diseases in a wide range of patients. Vaginal candles subject to instructions for use are allowed even with nursing mothers, since the components of the drug do not penetrate the systemic bloodstream and milk. Contraindications for receiving vaginal candles are the following diseases:
  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • viral diseases of female genital organs;
  • damage to the epithelium of the wall of the vagina.

Side effects

Usually, the drug does not cause uncomfortable sensations when the course of drug therapy passes. Sometimes patients notice itching, redness and burning from Hexicon. Among other local adverse reactions, rashes and dryness on the genital organs are distinguished. When listed negative effects appear, it is recommended to cancel the reception of the drug.

Sometimes against the background of medication patients celebrate the appearance of unusual vaginal discharge. The mucous, whitish, abundant believes are a normal reaction to the use of suppositories. The abolition of the drug is necessary when a brown or reddish discharge occurs at the normal number of leukocytes in the blood test.

Due to a specific immune response and death of normal vaginal microflora Hexicon can cause the development of thrush. Its symptoms are curly abundant allocations from sex tract, accompanied by itching and redness. Sometimes these complaints join pain when urination and sexual intercourse. The appearance of thrush on the background of therapy by vaginal suppositories is an indication for the cancellation of the drug and selecting another drug.

In rare cases, the use of chlorhexidine entails the development of allergic reactions. Usually they are manifested in the form of skin rashes - dermatitis, eczema or urticaria. In more severe cases, the drug intake may cause the development of angioedema swelling by Quint.

Analogs of candles hexicone

Hexicon is one of the trading titles of chlorhexidine drugs. Its complete analogues on the active component are the following drugs: Chlorhexidine Biglyuknat, Citel, Categel, Hibiscran and many others. All listed drugs are active against many strains of causative agents of sexually transmitted infections. Upon compliance with the rules of use, they can be treated during the entire period of the baby tool.

Kanefron is a diuretic preparation with natural composition. It contains the extracts of therapeutic plants - rosemary, the gold masculine, lovers. The drug can be used for therapy of urinary organs: ureters, bladder, urethra. Canefron should be used only after consulting a doctor, since it has contraindications.

Vaginal suppositories, the active substance of which is ketoconazole. The drug is antifungal and antimicrobial means of a new generation, used to treat thrush and other diseases. Ketoconazole can cause congenital pathology in the fetus: Sindactilia (Fingering), oligodactyl (decrease in the amount of fingers), intrauterine lag in growth and development. The drug should be used only by strict indications.

Vaginal tablets, which include the antimicrobial preparation of metronidazole and antifungal agent Fluconazole. The drug is used to treat infectious diseases of female genital organs. Futive mothers cannot independently take data vaginal pills, they can have negative effects on the fruit. Their reception is possible only on life indications.