When a child begins to keep his head: new requirements in pediatrics. Why a three-month baby crying and wounds back

Young mothers and dads always relate to their baby. Any changes in them in them because inexperienced parents little know about the behavior of newborns. It often happens that baby wounds back. Is it dangerous? And how to act in such situations?

Undoubtedly, you should contact the pediatrician, as it may be an alarming sign. Only a specialist will be able to put the correct diagnosis.

What are the possible reasons for wondering newborn backs

If the child widespread the back regularly, it may indicate an increased intracranial pressure. This is a symptom of various types of diseases such as hydrocephalus, meningitis, encephalitis, brain tumor, abscess, injuries, or in this case, visit the doctor should in the near future.

Frequent "Running on the bridge" may mean that the child has a back. In this case, it is worth contacting the neuropathologist. He will examine the child, give direction on and will write a special gel for rubbing into the cervical and vertebral zone. According to medical statistics, nine out of ten babies suffer from impaired muscle tone. Timely treatment will allow you to fully correct the defect.

Sometimes the infants wounds back, if notes an interesting item next to you. For a more careful study, he is trying to see it more attentively. In this case, you just need to turn the kid in the desired direction.

It happens that, bending the back, the child shows his stubbornness or capricious. At the same time, the kid may be angry and lying, expressing his discontent and the desire to achieve personal freedom. It is not necessary to worry, you just need to ensure that the baby is not injured. If the newborn fuses the back and capricious, gently and persistently make it stop such actions.

In the case when the bending of the back is accompanied by crying, pressing legs, it is most likely intestinal colic. Try to relieve the kid with a soft massage of the tummy. And follow its nutrition.

Possible consequences

If, in early childhood, the child suffered from neuralgia (this is like a pelvis, the case when the infants wound up because of the hypertonus), then by the 15-18 years he may have health problems. A teenager can be: headaches, sleep disorder, lagging in learning, disadvantage, osteochondrosis, vegetative dystonia, behavioral disorder. In addition, such pathologies can develop such as flatfoot, vascular disorders of the brain and convulsive syndrome.

With age, non-harmonic development, headaches, inadequate behavior, anxiety can occur.

As you can see, the consequences are quite serious. So if the baby widespread the back is a rather unpleasant sign. Do not pull the time, immediately should be consulted. In time, medical assistance rendered will allow your child to avoid health problems subsequently.

Breast child wounds back

A small child is a sea of \u200b\u200bjoy and many problems that arise almost daily. Some tasks are solved quickly, others put young parents in a dead end or give rise to panic. One of these problems includes the bearing of the baby in the back, accompanied by crying. Before doing something should be understood, why the baby wounds back and cry.

The reasons why infants widespread back and at the same time sometimes it can be somewhat. It is worth considering each option.

Increased intracranial pressure

The most serious reason why the infants wounds back is the presence of neurological diseases, in particular an increase in intracranial pressure. The cause is various diseases: disruption of metabolism, meningitis, abscess, hydrocephalus, encephalitis, brain tumor.

With frequent repetitions of such attacks, you need to contact the children's neurologist. He will conduct the necessary research to eliminate the presence of pathology. When the diagnosis is established, the doctor will appoint appropriate treatment and will monitor the child's condition.

Hyperthonus muscles back and neck

To identify the presence of excessive muscle tension at home, if the baby is for more than three months. It is only necessary to put a child on the tummy and carefully watch how he will raise his head. If the head is strongly thrown back, and the shoulders rise up without the participation of the hands of the child - the baby has a revealed hypertonus of the back surface of the neck and back. As an option, the kid can fall on one side if the muscles are overwhelmed on one side.

At the tension of the muscles, a session of a special massage of the back and neck will be passed. Experts in the clinic will show mom a complex of exercise for infant for removing excessive muscle tone.


Mama on a notic!

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Pain or unpleasant symptoms

At the age of 2 weeks to 3-4 months, children can cry and bow back from. At the same time, the kid crying strongly and for a long time, up to two or three hours. After four months, intestinal colicses go to no, and the crying for this reason stops.

If the baby cries and strifting from strong abdominal pain you just need to remove the cause of pain. This will help, warm compress on the tummy. After the cessation of pain, the baby will simply stop crying.

Extinguishing and crying, accompanied by a heavy, difficult breathing talk about the lap of the nose in the child. It is necessary to wash the toddler's nose with a weak saline or a special means. It will relieve a child from unpleasant sensations and stop crying.

Caprises of a child

When disinfecting in the back, when crying and whims, you need to distract the baby. The rapid muscles of the back with a sharp bending may be damaged, so it is worth teaching the baby to capricious on any occasion.

Most often kid whims at eating. There may be two reasons in this case.

  1. In the first case, the child just indulges and capricious. He was already ate, but he just did not want to break away from the breast.
  2. In the second case, the child does not suit the taste of milk or its number. The taste of milk depends on the mother's diet and it is worth it. The amount of milk in the chest can be as excessive, then the child simply does not have time to suck and insufficient - the child simply does not eat.

If the baby fuses the back, but does not cry, but just grind, then everything is in order. So it is back. Or he saw a new and interesting for himself and wants to consider it closer. It is worth just to change the position of the child so that it is convenient to consider the new object.

The consequences of childhood diseases can respond to states in the future. And launched diseases lead to negative consequences. If the baby begins in the back and at the same time it is crying as soon as possible to consult a doctor. He or will put the correct diagnosis and prescribes treatment or eliminate any diseases and will calm parents.

In the first year of life there is an intensive motor development, which contributes to the ripening of the cerebral cortex. Therefore, the more you will do with the baby, the more chances you have to grow up. It is necessary to take care of the timely stimulation of emotional communication, the development of visual perception, auditory perception and understanding of the converted speech.

In the first month Life The flexible muscles of the kid are still in an increased tone, and its movement is limited. Only in the third month the muscle tensions decreases, their development begins, which, however, occurs unevenly. Initially, the muscles of the neck become mature. This manifests itself in the ability of the baby, lying on the stomach, lift and take a short time to hold the head. Gradually, the muscles of the body, legs and arms reach their functional maturity. At this time, the baby already reacts to the sound, turning his head, and also makes an erratic isolated bending and extension of hands and legs in a layout of the back.

Double-month baby Still continues to lie, curling around as in the womb. The muscles of it from time to time involuntarily twist. The legs cannot withstand no load. Hands are tightly compressed in the cams, he can not keep a rattle, but it is already capable of keeping his head hard, freely lead her, and when laying out on the stomach - to rely on the forearm and move it energetically, then another leg.

TO starting the third month The finiteness of the child is constantly relaxing. He raises a head at 45 °, shake it when someone supports it in a sitting position. The involuntary twitching of muscles is less common. The devils of the baby are partially disclosed, it is actively "throws" with his hands. By the end of the third month, he is already trying to stretch his hand and grab something. The baby captures the object that concerns his palms or fingers, compresses and squeezes toys or other things that you give to his hands, and follows the movements of your hand.

At the end of the third - The beginning of the fourth month, the child is already starting to raise his head out of the position lying on his back, trying to roll over from the back on the side, and lying on the stomach, firmly relies on the elbows and forearm and even lifts.

Lying on the back, the child is able to treat his hands for a long time. If he gives a rattle, he is happy to shake her.

AT four months The child lies on his stomach, leaning on the forearm, bent at right angles. The limbs of the kid can already straighten freely: he shakes a rattle embedded in his hand, makes a "bike" and other free-style movements. Lying on the stomach, raises his head, explores the situation. For a short time, it can rely on the legs. Right keeps his head when someone supports it in a vertical position. Turns from the back on the side.

In 4.5 months in the position lying on the back, seeing the subject, stretches to him, grabs two hands and pulls it into his mouth.

TO the beginning of the fifth month The child knows a lot. Lying on the stomach, the kid freely lifts the torso, leaning on the palm of the elongated hands, easily and

quickly turns over the back on the stomach. He smoothly and steadily goes through his feet ("dances") when he is kept for the body. Coordination of movements is improved. The child directs his hands exactly to the subject that he was interested. In first, he takes a toy with two hands, then tries to hold her one. The child is now not only tightly holding a toy, but carefully and concentrates it. At five months, the kid confidently stands with support, sits, leaning on his hands. Resting on the elbows, easily turns over with the belly on the back. Stretches to objects with two hands. Collects hanging toys. Interestedly plays with clothes, grabs the mother's chest.

AT six months The child accurately grabs the necessary items, shifts them out of one hand to another, touches and strokes the surface of the toy. During this period, the kid can already hold the position of sitting, holding hard at the fingers of the adult; With the help of an adult, leaning on straightened hands and lifting the body; Sit, leaning on a pillow. He gets up, holding a support. Turns from the belly on the back and back. Running, lying on the stomach ("Airplane"). Raised, pulling the chest and part of the abdomen from the floor. Balls. Pulls the neck to see better.

A six-month-old child lying on his stomach, able to rely on one hand, reaching the other to the toys. Being in a manneva, he can already tie to the interested item. With the same active right and left hands, the kid takes only one of two outstretched toys, but if it is to put another toy in an unoccupied hand, he will hold it. Lying on the back, the kid playing with his legs with his legs, while his head is raised. Signally shifts toys from hand in hand, pushes them into the mouth. Begins to play with cubes.

TO the end of the seventh month The baby crawls perfectly well, firmly and smoothly with the support of an adult. Having tightening the fingers of an adult or behind the walls of the bed, he can already sit down and sits - the truth is still uncertain.

If a child is in the hands of a toy, then he is no longer chaotic waving her, but holding it, rotates a brush, purposefully hitting the toy about the surrounding items, shifts out of his hand, carefully consider. In the position lying on the stomach can be held its own weight on one hand, and the second is sharpened for any object.

At 7-8 months The child rises on all fours, from the position of lying on his back can sit down, and sowing - straighten and lean.

Eight-month-old The child sits steadily, trying to get up, sticking to the walls of the playpen, standing with support for his arms crawling. He considers toys, people and arbitrarily translates from one subject to another.

In nine months The child from the position of Si-Dia can stand, holding the railing of the crib. By the end of the ninth month, the child confidently and quickly crawls on his stomach forward and around him, sits for a long time, with the support of both hands (sometimes for one) it is good at the entire foot and even can even raise one, then another leg.

Ten-month-old child Creed to crawl on hands and knees. At the same age, he begins to stand. Can take an item 3-4 fingers. Holding one hand for the support or hand of an adult, the kid takes steps towards the toy, sits on his own on his chair.

At eleven months The child walks for a long time with support for one hand, it is worth it. At the age of 9-11.5 months, the kid plays two hands, shifting an object from his hand in hand. In capturing the subject, the thumb and the tips of the rest are involved.

At 12 months The kid is already confidently standing on his feet, walks when under-holding for one hand or independently.

Possible deviations in engine development

The first month: being in a vertical position, the child cannot hold his head for a short period of time.

Two months: while in the position lying on the back, it is not able to lift and hold the head. The movements of the hands and feet are chaotic and asymmetrical.

Three months: in the position lying on the belly, the child is not able to hold his head for a short time. Does not hold the head and in a vertical position. During wakefulness, it does not consider his hands.

Four months: in the position lying on the stomach, it does not rest on the forearm and does not lift the body. If the baby lying on his back raise, holding under the mouse, his head devastates backwards. Located in a vertical position and the toddler supported under the mouse does not rest in the fingers. Five months: lifted by the arms from the position lying on his back the baby can not firmly hold the head. It does not know how to confidently roll over from the belly on the back.

Six months: can not leave the position on the stomach to reach and grab the toy. Holded under the mouse in a vertical position, does not rearrange the legs, not "dancing".

Seven months: with the support of his hands, the baby is not trying to sit down from the position lying.

Eight months: not crawling back. Not even a short time with the support of hands. It is not capable of keeping a button between big and index fingers or another small object.

Nine months: Being in a position lying on the stomach, does not turn around his axis, does not try to crawl forward. Surely sits, in this position can not turn around its axis. Cannot drink yourself from the cup.

Eleven months: not crawling on all fours. It is not able to sit, stretching exactly the legs. Holding behind the support, the child moves badly or does not move at all. Twelve months: does not go with the support of hands.

Maybe someone will also come in handy.

Information from the School School of Child Massage Elena Gorteikova

One of the reasons for flexing the baby in the back and threading the head may be excessive tension of the muscles of the back surface of the neck and back. To determine this test the baby.

Testing is carried out with a 3 month old child. Put the kid on the stomach and watch him.

If the muscle tension in the back is pronounced, then in the position of the child lying on the stomach, the head throws back, the shoulders are lifted above the surface of the table without participating in this hands. It is possible that on the one hand, the voltage may be higher, then the torso will be curved in this direction, while the head turns, and the child spontaneously falls on his back. It is necessary to distinguish the active coups of the child from the abdomen on the back and independent hold of the head from the random "tipping". The difference lies in the biomechanic movement. It is believed that first, children must learn to turn over the back on the stomach, but still in 5% of cases, the first turn on the back. Only after the removal of excessive muscular voltage should be proceeding with the active proper movements of the appropriate age.

Now in the position lying on the back slightly pull the baby for the handles. At the same time, the child can not be grouped, the head throws back.

In order to feel the severity of muscle tension in the neck, move their palm under the back of the baby and slowly lift the head over the surface. During attempt to bring the chin to the baby to the chest, you will feel muscle resistance.

In this case, several relaxing techniques of the neck neck massage and special exercises will help.

The initial positive result of your actions can manifest itself in the fact that the child ceases to keep his head and "tipping over" on the back. In fact, it decreases excessive not necessary muscle tension, which can interfere with the active movements of the child, including a timely turn from the back on the tummy. After a decrease in muscle tension, it will be possible to go to the exercises for the muscular strength training and motor skills.

Correction of muscle tone

Massage of the collar zone

The stimulating massage is not shown if the baby has strongly and constantly tense the muscles of the back, extending the neck, because of which he cannot bring her chin to the chest or lying on his back, nor lying on the stomach. In these cases, a relaxing massage, which is described below.

The baby during the massage should lie on his stomach, bend his hands in the elbow joints and move under the chest. We start massage from stroking. Your palm should move from the occipital area to the side of the adple, on the back and side surfaces of the neck. Separately, intend yourself the adapter from the neck to the shoulder joints. Receive the reception 4-5 times.

Then go to delicate tensile movements that are used directly for these muscles.

To do this, hold the back of the head with one hand, and the second hand from this area is slowly spending on the muscles of the neck down and to the adrenalities, delay at the end of the movement for 2-3 seconds. Reception We repeat 3-5 times.

We finish stroking and go to the back massage.

Back massage

Choosing massage techniques, remember the test muscles testing. You need to start with a relaxing massage if you have seen the pronounced tension of these muscles. These must be taking stroking and light stretching. If there is no such voltage if the child still keeps his head, then give preference to trituration techniques, as stimulating movements, and do not apply stretching techniques at all.

First accept stroking. It is conducted along the spine with hands in the direction up and down. Repeat the reception 3-5 times.

Then stroking is carried out by the pillows of the fingers from the spine along the ribs in the side. Repeat the reception 2-3 times on each side.

To remove the voltage from the back muscle, we turn to delicate tensile movements that are used directly for these muscles.

Complete the back massage, repeating the reception of strokes.

Now add special exercises that strengthen the neck muscles, tilting the head forward and stretch the muscles of the back surface of the neck and back.

Put the toddler on the table on the back and put the baby pillow under his head and shoulders. From the back of the back, with your own hands, graze the shoulders of the child with your own hands and slightly lift them over the surface, wait a few seconds so that the child tries on his own after the shoulders raise his head. Lower the child on a pillow for recreation. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

If a child does not work independently to lift his head, help him bring his palm under the back of the back. Hold in this position for 3-5 seconds, gradually increasing this time. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

In the position lying on the back, the top head end is raised at an angle of 30 degrees, for this put under the head and shoulders a pillow. The palm of the doctor is located on the rear surface of the shoulders, neck, head. Slowly raise the upper half of the body over the surface, delay for a few seconds and omit. Repeat several times before the sensation of muscle resistance.

Complete the previous action, stimulating the active static hold of the head when lifting the body. To do this, in an elevated position, remove the fingers with the nape of the child for a few seconds. If the child holds his head, you can go to the next action.

From the pillow lift the torso, but does not support the head. The child should attempt to group if he succeeded several times in a row, the pillow can be removed and the rise from the horizontal plane.

Active exercises. As the muscular tone of the back surface of the neck and the body is normalized and the strength of the muscles of the neck is growing, you can proceed to the training of self-control of the head. For this, exercises on a gymnastic ball are designed: in the form of rolling in the stomach position in all directions, rolling on the roller, "flights".

The child develops from two source positions:

1. Lying on the back
2. Lying on the stomach.

Now we are detailed by months, consider the motorcy of the child. In this part of the article, the concepts of facial and occipital limbs will be used. First, consider them and give them an explanation. The front limb is a hand or leg, in the direction of which the face of the child is turned (as a rule, the reference limb). The occipital limb is a hand or foot lying on the side of the baby's nape. It must be remembered that when assessing the motor development of the child of the first year of life there are several axioms:

1. The main motor task of the child is a transition from horizontal to a vertical position.
2. Any coordinated skill is formed from above-down: head-torso-hand-legs. Until the head is coordinated, or some kind of coordination of hands and legs cannot go.
3. Inside the body There is a certain coordinate system, with respect to which all movements are estimated - this is a longitudinal axis of the torso.
4.99% of information about the engine and functional condition of the child we get, evaluating the rest of the child.
First, we look at the position of the head, then the torso, then we estimate the position of the head relative to the body, then we look at the position of the limbs relative to the body and then we estimate the whole. Moreover, such a thorough assessment must be carried out from two provisions: lying on the back and lying on the stomach.

For the development of a child from the position of lying on the stomach, the center of gravity is of great importance, more precisely, its location. The newborn baby has the center of gravity at the top edge of the sternum (a very big head relative to the body). In an adult, he is in a small pelvis. What affects the gradual movement of the center of gravity down? Preasing weight. As the child grows, he adds in weight, the center of gravity shifts down and, accordingly, there is a decrease in the area of \u200b\u200bsupport.

0-1 month:
I.P. Lying on the back: The head is turned to the side, the body is compensatoryly curved, the facial hand is semi-bent in front of the face, the occipital hand is half bent up, the lower limbs passively semi-bent in all joints. This is the so-called post "semi-feller". The Pose "Fencing" is pathological, therefore, this, physiological for the child of this age, we call the pose of "half-fledged" (as it resembles a fencer in the main rack). When turning the head of the head, they change their position (due to reflexes of oral automatism). Does not lock the view (0 months). Capture of the subject "Look", i.e. The look wants to take the subject, and the hand can not (the end of the first month).
I.P. Lying on the stomach: the head compensatory is turned to the side, the axis of the body is compensatory bent, the hands are shown to the torso and are bent as much as possible in the elbow joints, the brushes are compressed in the cams, the legs are bent in the sagital plane (fit under themselves). At the same time, the pelvic thighs should not lie on the surface of the support. If the legs in the "Frog" position (melt) are considered to be a sign of muscle hypotension, it is necessary to look for a generic injury of the cervical spine.

2 months:
I.P. Lying on the back: The head and the torso are already located along the longitudinal axis, the hands are in the initial phase of the reflex moro (on the sides, palm), legs - passive-active bending (the active component is just beginning to appear). If the torso is deflected from the longitudinal axis, we can suspect the initial phase of scoliosis.
I.P. Lying on the stomach: head and torso - along the longitudinal axis, the center of gravity shifts on the middle of the sternum, the hands are based on the forearm, the legs are bent in the plane, intermediate between the front and sagital (the so-called flexion with a 45-degree assignment).

3 months:
I.P. Lying on the back: the head and the body - along the longitudinal axis, the hands also "find" the longitudinal axis, the legs passively are actively bent (the active component of bending increases). It pulls both hands in the mouth and examines your body with hands - chest and stomach before the navel. The seizure of the subject is unfinished. How does it look in practice by the hands of the longitudinal axis? The baby begins to take the handles in the mouth. And the reason for this is the main muscular stereotype of movement, also related to reflexes of oral automatism. Therefore, we must give recommendations to mom - do not "remove" the hands of the mouth, as this is the necessary stage of its motor development.
I.P. Lying on the stomach head, torso - along the longitudinal axis, the center of gravity is the middle of the sternum, the hands are based on the forearm, the legs are bent in the frontal plane (flexion with the assignment), hip joints fall on the surface of the support (this is the so-called position of Lawrence 1). This provision contributes to the correct and timely formation of the head of the hip joint.

4 months:
I.P. Lying on the back of the head, the body - along the longitudinal axis, the child begins to make his hand into the space "opposite" hand, legs in the position of passive-active flexion (the active component continues to grow). The legs are bent in the joints at 95 °, the feet close to each other; The child knows how to turn on the side and back; It examines your body with hands below the navel gradually the child begins to master the space opposite one hand. Relying heels to the surface, raises the pelvis and moves them in different directions; If the hand establishment occurred earlier than 4 months (especially if this provision is fixed), then some neurological pathology can be suspected.
I.P. Lying on the stomach of the support on the forearm, ray-tailed joints and belly; The child can lift one hand and reach to the toy; Capture the fourth and fifth finger of the brush (monkeys).

5 months:
I.P. Lying on the back of the head, the body - along the longitudinal axis, pulls his hands in the mouth, sucks them, actively turns both hands in the opposite directions, legs - completely lacking a passive component of bending, legs are actively bent in all joints up to 90 degrees. He examines his body with hands to his knees, can shift the toy from one hand to another.
I.P. Lying on the stomach head, torso - along the longitudinal axis, the center of gravity shifts closer to the navel. Hands rest on the brush or rays-up joints, the legs are actively bent up to 90 degrees, the support on the legs - the child periodically takes the standing positions and fours. The pelvis remains free. Items captures 2-5 fingers of the brush.

6 months:
I.P. Lying on the back there is a breaking of priests from the surface of the table, the legs are found a longitudinal axis. How? The child pulls them in the mouth and sucks. If the child earlier the legs before 6 months and fixes them in this position - a sign
Neurological pathology. The higher the level of the cross, the worse the forecast.
I.P. Lying on the belly head, torso - along the longitudinal axis, the center of gravity is at the level of the navel. Support on brushes and legs, pelvis finds the point of support - so the child sits down. Standing on all fours, can raise one hand parallel to the floor; Capture of the subject 2-3 fingers. A healthy child under the condition of its normal development sits out of the position standing on all fours, through a turn on the side or turn on the belly. This is considered physiological. If the child does not sit for this age, provided that he doesn't lag behind the other way in everything else (it rises on all fours, crawls, gets up), then this can be considered an option for the norm. The child has the right to sit in the latter order (for example, she walked, fell on the ass - sat down and learned to sit). Put a child forcibly while it is not ready for it, is strictly prohibited. The load on the spine in the sitting position is a hundred times stronger than in standing position. An example of this can serve as a compression fracture. The adoption of the position of "semi-lying" for a short time (in case of feeding or in a stroller). But if you put a child in the pillow and do it regularly, then in the future we will have problems with posture.

7 months:
I.P. Lying on the back of the head, the torso - along the longitudinal axis, hands - in the mouth or headed into the space of the opposite hand, legs - in the mouth or headed into the space opposite foot. Thus, the hand and leg will begin to side, and the child carries the coordinated (!) Rotate on the side (1 phase of rotation) and on the belly (2 phase). If the child earlier turns on the side and on the stomach, then such a turn cannot be considered coordinated and independent, and is considered as a single case (or his mother is actively helped). Pose of "Garden Gnome" (sits on a side with a support for a straight arm) photo 4; knows how to turn from the belly on the back; Can take objects at the same time in two hands.
I.P. Lying on the stomach confidently stands on all fours, swinging in all directions; It can crawl in Plastanski (on the elbows, the legs are passively dragging behind).

Photo 4.

7-8 months: I.P. Lying on the belly, the child actively studies crawling, and starts to do it after 6 months. At first, the child traced a symmetrical stereotype of movement (ahead is at the same time right hand and right leg). Then he changes his stereotype of movement to the opposite - right hand - left leg. As soon as the movement stereotype changes, it is a starting point for verticalization, and we can up to several days to "predict", that the child will soon rise on the legs. Hand lifting, standing on all fours more than 120 °; The seizure of the subject is the first and second fingers flat (tweezed seizure).

9-10 months:
I.P. Lying on the belly, the child crashes towards the support and gets up. Up to two years, the child should normally get up through the turn on the side (this is the so-called medium-physiological rode), "jerk" from the position of lying in the position of sitting and standing only adults, which are already "not sorry".

11-12 months:
I.P. Lying on the belly, the child begins to walk, and the motor stereotype of walk has a symmetrical nature - simultaneously forward "go" the right hand and right leg (it goes, having overturns like a bear). It is possible to feel when you substitute your child under his palms your hands "help" - ahead "go" the same arm and leg. Very quickly, this motor stereotype is changing to asymmetrical. Freely rises from a support from the position on all fours; Holding behind the support, makes steps to side or, release, one hand can turn; walks with support; The seizure of the subject is the first and second fingers round (ring grip).

12-14 months: Walks without support.

Recommendations for learning kid with independent walking:
Mom stands behind the baby, her hands are substituted under the child's palm (the child's handles are bent in the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees). At first, the baby relies alternately on one and the second hand, as soon as the mother feel that the baby began to rely only on one hand - all the hands of "help" can be removed! Never give hands "top", never use walkers and other devices that facilitate life to moms. If the child studied to walk in walkers, stirrups, etc. - He simply deprives the skill of coordinated movements (especially this will be noticeable when such children fall - they do not know how to coordinate when falling from the height of their own growth).

Baby in Loop therapy
The reflex movement is extremely effective, but for babies and small children, unusual and tedious, in connection with which, emotions are expressed during treatment through a cry. It is clear this causes annoyance from the parents and makes them assume that their child hurts. Creek in this agencies is an important and adequate means of expressing a small patient. As a rule, after a short time of addiction, the cry is not so intense as at the beginning of the course of treatment, in the overwhelming majority when conducting regular therapy, the child gets used to this effect and completely disappears a negative perception response. The exact lead management of the general therapist gives the mother confidence in the treatment of a child at home. Loop therapy has a positive effect on the overall coordination of the child in the presence of spontaneous motility with the expansion of motor reactions in the form of straightening, grabbing function and speech. At the same time, she stimulates the child to master the surrounding world. In the area of \u200b\u200bearly treatment of infants and children, the therapists cooperate intensively with pediatricians and doctors of other specialties, teachers and psychologists, speech therapists and ergotherapists.
Loop therapy does not cause pain and does not adversely affect the psyche.

In Saratov and Saratov region, the consultation of the Wagon-therapist can be obtained in the clinic of tradecothology and hematology of the Saratov Medical University.

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