Summary of the lesson “In the world of animals. Game lesson - traveling about animals using ict for children of the senior group of dhow

Synopsis of the integrated lesson
Lesson topic: "Animals"
: Activation and development of cognitive, speech, emotional-volitional spheres,

aimed at the personal development of the child in learning, behavior, in relations with others
people and animals.
1 To consolidate the ability to recognize and express emotional states in facial expressions.
2 To develop self-regulation of pupils through listening to musical
3 Improve the ability to verbalize and adequately respond to the emotions of others
4 Formation of a positive emotional attitude, rallying a group of children.
Consolidation of ideas about pets. Clarification and expansion of the vocabulary
stock on the topic "Wild animals", "Vegetables and fruits", "Edible and inedible
mushrooms "," Musical instruments ".
6 Development of coherent speech through the use of components of theatrical activity
in combination with a show (fairy tale "Teremok")
7 Improving the grammatical structure of speech: the formation of possessive
adjectives, verbs from onomatopoeic nouns with
diminutive affectionate suffixes; plural nouns and
verbs; coordination of nouns with numerals.
8 Prevention of dyslexia.
9 Development of visual, auditory attention, logical thinking. Development of general and
fine motor skills.
10 Formation of skills of cooperation, independence, initiative.
11 Raising love for wild animals.
12 To acquaint students with the rules of keeping a dog, cat in the house.
13 Explain to students the rules of hygiene in the home when there are animals in

"Sounds of Nature" accompanied by a selected video sequence of photographs (author's
option), using TCO.
Emotion icons: fear, joy, surprise, complacency (bragging), anger.
 Game "Find, name an emotion", author's version (using a sandbox).

 Object pictures depicting wild animals
 Interactive board, projector, electronic fairy tale "Teremok"
 Musical aid (for playing animal voices)
 Ball

presentation, review cards, memos.
Course of the lesson
Guys, go to the hall, take a seat in the seats that are convenient for you.
I'm glad to see you! How is your mood?
(Kids options)
There are many guests in our wonderful hall today, welcome them.
Exercise 1 "Current"
Let's greet each other.
We created a circle, joined hands. Now let's greet each other with a handshake.
Begins…. We remember that we shake hands with a neighbor not strongly, but also so that he
felt your squeeze.
Thank you, so we said hello. They shook off their hands.
.Game 2 "Show the emotion"
In our classes, we got to know many emotions. What, name.
Children's options: (joy, fear, surprise ..)
I propose to play and show the emotions that are hidden in this bag.
(The child finds a pictogram of emotion in the sand, calls it to the children and presents the image)
Exercise 3 "Classification"
For a given generalizing concept (pets, wild animals, flowers, toys, vehicles,
vegetables, fruits), the child must choose from a set of pictures those that will be
Exercise 4 "Extra word".

Plate, cup, table, kettle.
Dark, cloudy, light, chilly.
Birch, aspen, pine, wood.
Get angry, running, jumping, crawling.
Sofa, table, armchair, wood.
A lot, beautiful, little, half.
Pen, chalk, pencil case, doll.
Yesterday, today, long, day after tomorrow
Earthquake, typhoon, mountain, tornado.
Comma, period, dash, letter.
Red, blue, beautiful, yellow, gray.
Sweet, salty, bitter, sour, fried.
Speech therapist
1 Organizational moment:
- Guys
Remember the words of the ruler of the city of Beautiful speech, how to speak correctly.
We always speak beautifully
Boldly and unhurriedly,
We speak clearly, clearly
Because we are not in a hurry!
2. Guys, listen carefully and tell us who is in a hurry to visit us
Guess the riddles:
Sly cheat
Red head,
The fluffy tail is a beauty.
Who is this? .........(Fox)
Over the mountains, over the fields,
Behind the tall forests
The predator is a thief
Prowls at night
Looking for prey
Snap teeth. Who is this? (Wolf)
Long ear, lump of fluff,
He jumps dexterously, loves carrots. (Hare)
Sleeps in winter

In the summer, the hives stir up. (Bear)
Didactic game "Finish the phrase"
Evil as ...
Sly as ...
Cowardly like ...
Clumsy like ...
How to call them in one word? That's right, animals. What kind of animals are they? Why?
3. Breathing exercises.
Guys, to complete the next task, you need to open the road to Wonderland.
(Children get up, breathe in and blow cotton wool into the house as they exhale.)
4. Work with the electronic fairy tale "Teremok".
Children read a fairy tale on slides, complete assignments, retell.
D \ And "What animals lived in the mansion?"
D \ And "Guess who they talked about in the fairy tale?" (with a ball)
Clubfoot ..., gray barrel ...., Sister ...., Runaway ....,
norushka ... ..., croak ... ...
Didactic game "Mysterious animal": guess from the names of which wild animals
the words turned out: MEDVOLK, ZAILIS, FOX.
5. The result of a speech therapy lesson.

Guys, today I really liked how you read, answered questions, performed
tasks. Oh, did you like the story about animals? (children's answers). What tasks and games for you
did you like it? (children's answers). Well done boys!
Social teacher:
Today we continue to talk about our home. Let's repeat ours with you
passed topic. Now I will give you the task cards on which you will need to
mark the correct answers with pluses.
Assignment: Determine how to care for furniture, depending on the coating.
Vacuum cleaner
damp cloth
We are responsible for those we have tamed.
Tell me guys who are we taming? List your pets.
That's right, it is about the animals that we tame that will be discussed in our lesson, that is,
animals in the house.

We will talk about pets that live with us under the same roof - about cats,
dogs; the rules for keeping them in the house, the rules for observing the hygiene of the home.
How do you understand the meaning of the expression: "We are responsible for those whom we have tamed"?
How do you understand the meaning of the word "tame"?
Taming means taking care of an animal, helping it, solving its problems.
What do you think is the responsibility of the owner if he does not look after his
There is liability for injury, inappropriate maintenance, ill-treatment,
leading to deterioration in the health of the animal and death. In these cases, the owner is liable to
law. Never throw animals away, do not leave unattended, food, water,
beat them up.
And now let's read A. Dmitriev's poem "Homeless Cat".
Once I met a stray cat:
How are you doing?
Nothing, little by little ...
I heard that you are seriously ill ...
I was sick.
So you were lying in bed?
Lay in the street for many weeks
Homeless, I have nowhere to put my bed.
I thought: “It is strange that in a huge world
There is no place for homeless dogs and cats. "
Do you hear the cat? Come with me -
It is getting dark, which means it's time for us to go home!
We walked with her along the street proudly and boldly -
I was silent, and the cat sang softly.
What was she singing about? Perhaps about
That everyone needs their own home.
What was the cat singing about?
Unlike wild animals, the cats and dogs we tame need our
care and love. Keep this in mind when you take your pet into your home.
Having taken an animal into the house, remember - it is a member of your family and it cannot be driven out into the street.
Guys, where do you think stray cats and dogs come from?

All the kitten meowed
In the yard under a bush
The kitten wanted everything
To call someone into the house.
Suddenly from the bush lonely
A yellow leaf rustled -
It seemed to the kitten
That they called "pussy".
Freezing with happiness
He rushed to the call
Only the door turned out to be
Sad poem, isn't it? May it never happen that your pet loses
shelter and was left alone. Don't forget to take care of your little friend. It's not funny
a toy, but a living creature to whom you become a protector for many years.
Tell me, why do we have pets?
Pets enliven our lives, give lonely people an opportunity to feel
themselves necessary, help to bring up in children responsibility for "those who have been tamed."
What should be done before getting a cat or dog?
Before you get a cat, dog, parrot, or other pets:

consult with your family members;
Make sure that no one objects to the introduction of the animal in the house.
What do pets need to live?
Cats and dogs, like any living thing, need food, water, warmth, light and shelter.
Listen carefully to the poem.
The cat says quietly to me:
"Have a little pity on me!"
I don't understand this cat:
I put candy in her mouth
I'm under the cat's nose
The best one brought up his badge.
I put my arms around her neck:

that's how I pity you!
Well, what do you want, cat?
She says:
“A little, at least a little
Have pity - let me go quickly. "
There are guys who take small kittens, puppies, but take poor care of them,
because they do not want or do not know how to do it. So that you do not face this problem,
let's talk about the basic rules for keeping pets.
 The animal must have its own bed.
It can be arranged out of a box or cardboard box with a blanket inside. The bed should
be in a dry, warm place, away from drafts. It can be lifted by placing
piles of old newspapers or magazines under the box.
• Three bowls are needed to feed the animals: food, milk and water.
milk does not quench thirst, therefore water must always be poured.
the animal will not drink from a dirty saucer.
 You can feed cats and dogs with fresh food or special canned foods.
 If there are other small animals in the house (fish, hamsters), they should be kept in such
places where they are difficult to reach.
 Animals should not be allowed to carry food from the table, begging while you are
Teach the animal to lie at this moment in a corner or be in another room. Do not give
food directly from the refrigerator. You should not stop the cat if it is eating grass: there is
 Cats and dogs love to play.
During games, they develop and learn to hunt. Your favorites should have their own
 Pets are taught where to go to the toilet.
Place a plastic tray where you can put a little sand or small
scraps of paper. The dog needs to be walked 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.
For a walk, the dog is taken out in a collar and a muzzle, wearing a leash.
 To keep cats and dogs clean and healthy, they need to be brushed regularly
brush and comb.
The cat itself keeps itself clean, but the dog needs to be washed. For washing animals
special shampoos are used.
 When leaving, you need to make sure that someone feeds, watered and walked your animal.

• Cats and dogs can have fleas, worms, ear mites.
The animal can get sick. In this case, you must definitely contact your veterinarian, who
will prescribe a course of treatment.
 For a cat in the house, a place must be allocated where it will sharpen its claws, otherwise it
spoil the furniture.
There are rules for observing the hygiene of the home if there are animals in the house.
Try to name them.
wash the toilet regularly;
clean furniture, carpets from hair;

• wash bowls and the floor near them;

if fleas are found on the carpet, bed, use special means for their
2. Consolidation of the studied material
What are the basic rules for caring for pets?
What are the basic rules for maintaining home hygiene when there are animals in the house?
3. Lesson Summary Now you know a lot about how to care for animals.
I hope that you will manage to become true friends with your future pet, and you together
spend a lot of joyful minutes. And now I will give you instructions for taking care of your pets.
The final part of the lesson:
5) Relaxation: In the meadow
(Soundtrack of insects chirping, birds singing)
Let's present a clearing with you. A soft grass grows here. You lie on
her, as on a soft fluffy featherbed. And everything around is quiet and calm, only you can hear how
grasshoppers chirp and birds sing. You breathe easily and calmly. Affectionate gentle rays
suns caress your forehead, cheeks, touch your hands, stroke your body ... (pause
stroking children). Ray stroked ... (child's name), caressed ... (child's name). To you
nice and you feel good. Let us stretch together and open our eyes on the count of three. You
had a great rest.
Exercise 6: Objective: to bring children together, develop a positive attitude and emotions.
The psychologist talks about good mood, joy, smiles, pauses between
statements. After each statement, the children say the same phrase: “We have
Psychologist: “I am sharing my good mood with you!
Children: "we too!"

Psychologist: "I give you a smile"
Children: "we too"
Psychologist: "I am glad"
Children: "we too!"
Psychologist: "I am jumping for happiness!"
Children: "We too!"
Psychologist: "I love you!"
Children: "We too!"
Psychologist: "I hug you!"
Children: "We too"
Everyone hugs in a single circle.
Is your mood good? (YES!!!)
Our meeting is over.
Enjoy your emotions!

Frontal lesson.

Topic: Pets.

1. Activate the dictionary with the names of pets (adults and babies), the names of body parts, enrich the dictionary with verbs.

2. Continue to teach correctly, use prepositional-case forms.

3.Exercise in correct plural formation.

4. Learn to practice possessive adjectives.

Course of the lesson:

Hello children!

The one who says who was who will sit down?

The dog was ... ... a puppy

The horse was ... ... a foal

The cow was ... ... a calf

The goat was ………………… a kid

The rabbit was ... ... ..bunny

The cat was ... ... ..kitten

The pig was ... a piglet

Today in the lesson we will talk about animals. About those animals that live next to a person and benefit him.

What kind of animals do you think I am talking about? (about home)

What pets do you know?

Guess who I'm talking about now:

The muzzle is whiskered, the coat is striped.

Often he washes his face, but does not know with water. (cat)

(a picture of a cat is posted)

Do any of you have a cat at home?

Now we will turn into cats.

Phys. minute:

A cat sharpens its claws

They are very sharp.

And the cat paws

As soft as slippers.

Hide claws in pillows.

And he will scratch his ear with his paw

Drink milk from a bowl

Our affectionate cat.

A cat is a pet.

Guess the following animal:

In the middle of the yard

There is a heap:

In front of the pitchfork,

There is a broom in the back. (cow)

How does a cow benefit people? (a cow gives milk, which children drink to grow up. Milk is used to make cheese, sour cream)

A cow is a pet.

Guess the following animal:

The nose is with the heel, and the tail is crocheted. Who is this? (pig)

A pig is a pet.

Next riddle:

Not a plowman, not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,

And the first worker in the village. (horse)

A horse is a pet.

Next riddle:

Cherries in place of the eyes

Hook claws;

Siganul, coward, into the laz

Little white lump. (rabbit)

The rabbit is a pet.

What animal am I talking about now:

With a beard, not an old man,

With horns, not a bull.

Not a horse, but kicks,

Milking, but not a cow,

Down, not a bird. (goat)

Guys, what benefits does a goat bring to people? (Gives milk)

A goat is a pet.

Guess who I'm talking about now:

You stroke - caresses

You tease - it bites. (dog)

How does a dog help a person? (guards the house)

A dog is a pet.

Phys. minute: (the toy is shown)

Here is our Bobik,

Nice dog!

White forehead

Black nose!

Bobik, Bobik,

Give me your paw!

Sit on the rug

Now we'll play a little with Bobik:

Put Bobik on a tree stump. What did you do?

Put Bobik on a tree stump. What did you do?

Put Bobik near the hemp. What did you do?

Let Bobby go around the hemp. What he did?

Put Bobick under the table. What did you do?

Now look everyone under your chair, baby animals have lost their mothers. Let's help them find their mothers:

Whom did you find? (cat)

Whom did you come up to? (to the cat)

With whom now? (with cat)

(kitten, kid, foal, puppy, pig, rabbit, calf, lamb)

Now let's play: I name one animal, and you are many.

1 cow, but a lot?

1 horse, but a lot?

1 dog, but a lot?

1 cat, but a lot?

Here we helped to find the cubs of their mothers. And all the animals decided to gather in families:

(three circles - large, smaller, small)

Big Circle - Daddy

Smaller - Mom

Small - cub

I call my dad, and you continue:

Cat - cat - kitten

Stallion - horse - foal

Ram - Sheep - Lamb

Boar - pig - pig

Bull - cow - calf

Animals really want us to compare them (cat - goat, dog - pig)

Our animals have lost their tails, let's help them find them (picture)

The dog has a dog's tail

A cat has a cat's tail

The horse has a horse's tail

The cow has a cow's tail

A goat has a goat's tail

Bottom line: Guys, now let's remember what kind of pets we talked about today (bend our fingers). You did a good job today! I am very pleased with you! (praise every child)

Theme: pets.


Correctional educational:

Clarify and activate the children's vocabulary on the topic;
- learn to use the preposition u in speech through exercise. "Who has who?", "Who has what?";
- to teach to educate noun. pl. hours from units h. through exercise. One-Many;
- to teach to educate noun. with mind-caress. suf. -ok, -yok through exercise. “Who has who?”;
- to learn to coordinate the number. with noun via ex. "How many animals";

Correctional and developmental:

Correct thinking through exercise. "Collect the picture";
- to develop articulatory motor skills through art. gymnastics; fine motor skills through finger gymnastics and exercise. "Connect the dots";
- to develop visual attention through the organizational moment, exercise. "Get to know the animal";
- to develop coherent speech (the ability to answer the teacher's questions with a full sentence) through exercise. Control. "Who has who?"

Correctional and educational:

To cultivate perseverance in the classroom, the desire to see the result of the work begun.

Dictionary: cow, goat, pig, horse, sheep, dog, cat, ram, calf, kid, kitten, puppy, lamb, pig.

Equipment: object pictures with animals (cow, goat, pig, horse, sheep, dog, cat, ram, calf, kid, kitten, puppy, lamb); Dunno picture, cut pictures (dog, cat, rabbit, ram, goat, cow), a picture with a silhouette of animals, the picture "Animal Farm", a ball, colored pencils, tasks on sheets A5 for exercise. "Connect the Dots" by the number of students.

Preliminary work: learning finger gymnastics and physical minutes

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist. Anyone who guesses the animals that are drawn in these pictures can sit down. (horse, goat, cow, pig, dog, cat)
2. Speech therapist. How do you call these animals in one word? (Homemade)
Speech therapist. That's right, home. We will continue to talk about pets in class today. And so that our tongue will help us with this, we will do gymnastics for the tongue.

Articulatory gymnastics.

Speech therapist. Oh, listen, guys, there is someone rustling at me. Yes, it's Dunno. Guys, Dunno will carefully observe you and at the end of the lesson he will appreciate everyone! So be careful! He forgot what kind of young pets have. Can we help him remember?

Control. "Who has who?"

First, let's name the mum animals [pictures on the board: cow, horse, dog, cat, pig, sheep]
Speech therapist. Everyone has pictures on the table, take them. Katya, who is the cow? (at a cow-calf.)
Similarly, a horse has a foal, a dog has a puppy, a cat has a kitten, a pig has a pig, and a sheep has a lamb.

Control. "Who has what?"

Speech therapist. Well done, guys, and which of the pets has horns? (from a cow, from a ram, from a goat)
Who has a mustache? (rabbit, dog, cat)
Who has soft paws? (cat)
Who has an udder? (cow, goat)
Who has a snout nose? (in a pig)

Control. One-many. (with a ball)

Speech therapist. Now let's play the game "One-Many". Katya, one cat, and if there are several, what would you call? (cats)
Likewise, dog-dogs, cow-cows, horse-horses, sheep-sheep, kitten-kittens, calves-calves.

Control. "Name it kindly."

Speech therapist. And now, guys, let's show Dunno how we can affectionately call animals. Cat. What do you call her affectionately? (kitty)
Likewise, a dog-dog, a horse-horse, a goat-goat, a sheep-lamb.
Physical minute.

Control. "How many animals?"

Speech therapist. Dunno says that we do not know how to count with you at all. Is it so? Let's prove to him that we are smart guys and complete the next difficult task. Before you is a barnyard. Misha, count how many cows there are. (one cow)
Children count other animals in the same way.

Control. "Get to know the animal."

Speech therapist. Guys, there are animals hiding in this picture, name them. (cow, horse, sheep, goat, cat, dog, pig)

Control. "Collect the picture."

Speech therapist. Collect the picture and name the animal that you get. (dog, cat, rabbit, ram, goat, cow)

Finger gymnastics.

This finger is the smallest
This finger is the weakest
This finger is the longest
This finger is the strongest
This finger is fat
And all together a cam.

Control. Connect the Dots.

Speech therapist. Connect the dots and name which animal did you get?

Bottom line.

The speech therapist evaluates the activities of each child.

CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER - D / S No. 29, Preparatory group "Strawberry"

Compiled by: Urazaeva A.K., Beloretsk, 2015

Purpose: Compilation of descriptive stories.

Developmental tasks:

Develop creative imagination, children's speech, the ability to reason their answers.

Educational tasks:

  1. To form knowledge about wild and domestic animals, about their children;
  2. Exercise children in educational, instrumental and parental cases.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate love and respect for animals.

Educator: Guys, I have prepared pictures for you. Look and tell me what is drawn in this picture (Forest) and on the other (barnyard).

Tell me, who lives in the forest and in the barnyard? (Animals)

Educator: Why is there no one here? Where did all the animals go? Children, do you want to become little wizards?

True, to become a magician, you need to study a lot, practice, but suddenly we will succeed. Wizards, before performing miracles, utter magic words, make a mysterious face, close their eyes, raise their hands up.

The sun is shining red
The sun is shining clear
One, two, three, four, five,
We will play now.

(I post pictures with animals, but at the same time I mix groups of animals: wild and domestic).

Children open their eyes.

Educator: What is wrong in this group of pictures? Why?

You did the right thing by dividing the animals into 2 groups. Answer, the animals that live in the forest, what are they called and why.

(Repeat question about pets too)

Educator: And now we will play a game with you "Find by description" .

Some of you describe an animal without naming it. The one who answers correctly gets the chip. The winner is the one who gives the most correct answers and correctly composes a descriptive story.

Children compose descriptive stories.

Physical education "Bear cubs"

Educator: And now a game for you "Who eats what?" (Assimilation of the category of instrumental case).

The teacher prepares small pictures of animals and what they eat. For example, a horse eats oats, a dog eats meat, a hare eats tree bark, a bear eats raspberries, honey, etc.

(Children should pick up pictures of animals and what they eat. Praise the children).

Educator: Children, you were magicians, and you did well. Let's try again.

(Children repeat the words, the teacher opens the board, where the parts of the animal's body are confused: head, tail, torso)

The game "Who's the boss?"

(Use of possessive adjectives)

The teacher shows the body parts of domestic and wild animals and asks questions: "Whose tail?" , "Whose head?" .

(Children must find the head, attach it correctly and name the animal. For example, "This is a wolf head" etc.)

Educator: Well done, guys! Children, and when you were little, who fed you (mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, etc.)

Now let's play a game with you "Who feeds whom?" (Assimilation of the genitive category).

The wolf feeds ... (wolf cub or cubs) etc.

Educator: Well done, guys! You are children now, and when you grow up you will be men and women. And children of animals are also called differently.

And now the last game for today "Who will be who?"

(Consolidation of the names of baby animals, assimilation of the category of the instrumental case).

The puppy will be ... (dog), the calf will be ... (cow), the cub will be ... (wolf) etc.