Noreva exfoliac creme reparatrice face cream - “how to moisturize oily problem skin? or a cream that helped my skin survive the winter without loss. experience of using for problem skin in photo pictures. ". How to use moisturizing cream correctly

Oily skin requires careful and constant care. She needs not only matting, but also moisturizing. In this case, it is necessary to choose the right cosmetic product that will provide the necessary care.

Moisturizers for oily skin: how they work

Hydration is the most important step in skin care. Moisturizers for oily skin provide it with all the necessary complex of substances.

Moisturizers for oily skin can be purchased at any beauty store.

It is believed that oily skin does not need to be moisturized as the cream will make it even greasier. This is not true!

A good moisturizer soothes the top layer of the skin, restores the sebaceous glands, and has several other beneficial effects:

It's important to know! A moisturizer for oily skin should be matched to individual indicators - age, the presence of skin diseases, the level of skin rashes, personal preferences and indications. An improperly selected product can cause very unpredictable skin reactions.

Review of cosmetic moisturizers for oily skin

Moisturizers for oily skin can be purchased at any beauty store. There are several of the best of the entire range presented, which will be discussed below.

Garnier moisturizing emulsion

Garnier products are always of high quality and good skin care. The moisturizing emulsion is not inferior in anything. You need to apply it in the morning, it remains on the face throughout the day.

This tool can be used at any time of the year. The emulsion is quickly and well absorbed, nourishes the skin, restores it, gives it a shine and healthy look.

The product in question is equipped with an SPF 20 sun protection barrier. It resists UV radiation well.


  • improves skin tone;
  • refreshes and restores damaged epidermis;
  • gives a fresh shine;
  • moisturizes and nourishes the skin well;
  • provides protection from the sun and cold, wind and low temperatures for 24 hours.

Uriage Aqua Precis

This the cream is designed to moisturize the skin and maximize its protection from the influence of various external factors.

French cosmetologists used water from the Alps to make this product. This thermal water is the main and most effective component of the cream.

Thanks to the components of organic and mineral origin, which are contained in large quantities in the water, it quickly and naturally penetrates the skin through the cell walls, providing a regenerating, rejuvenating effect. In addition, there is no feeling of tightness after using the product.

Uriage Aqua Precis is a moisturizer for oily skin that rejuvenates damaged epidermis, revitalizes it and gives it a healthy, radiant complexion. With constant use of this cream, you can get soft, velvety, healthy, radiant and well-hydrated skin.

Bioderma Sebium AKN

Cosmetic product intended for the care of problem, oily skin that is prone to acne syndrome and the appearance of acne.

Due to its unique composition, complex of all essential minerals and vitamins, Bioderma Sebium AKN:

  • removes the problems associated with acne and acne;
  • restores water balance on the skin;
  • normalizes metabolic rate;
  • cleanses pores and controls oil production;
  • significantly reduces inflammation, redness and irritation;
  • suppresses the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, which contributes to the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

Stiefel Physiogel Hypoallergenic Cream

The innovative formula of the cream contains lipids that are almost identical to those of human skin. Designed and developed for very dry skin.

The cream copes with such problems:

  • redness, itching in places of inflammation are significantly reduced;
  • restores the optimal level of hydration;
  • moisturizes even dry skin itself after 5-7 days of use;
  • softens the skin well;
  • gives comfort and lightness.

Vichy normaderm

Moisturizers for oily skin, which are represented by a whole line of cosmetics, are designed to care and improve the condition of skin with highly enlarged pores, oily sheen and frequent inflammation.

With constant use of Uriage Aqua Precis, you can get soft, velvety, healthy, radiant and well-hydrated skin.

Thanks to the unique composition, with the constant use of this line, you can forget about all the problems associated with the skin of the face:

  • the normal level of water balance is restored;
  • the pores are narrowed, and the development of their secret comes back to normal;
  • redness of any nature is reduced, inflammation is relieved;
  • thanks to the matting effect, it can be used as a foundation and hide minor imperfections.

Clinique Acne Solutions

Specially formulated cosmetics for an instant fight against acne syndrome. Acne breakouts, redness, pimples are quickly reduced. All inflammation and redness disappear in a very short time, thanks to the drying and antiseptic effects of cosmetics.

Plus, there is an excellent moisturizing effect on the skin of the face. She receives the necessary moisture, vitamins and nutrition. The result is fresh, clean, healthy skin.

Be careful! If you have an allergic reaction to any cosmetic product, you should stop using it and contact a specialist for help.

Homemade moisturizers for oily skin

Skin health and condition is a complex process. It includes several important stages, observing each of which you can achieve beautiful, and most importantly, completely healthy skin.

Principles to be followed:

NutritionBalanced and proper nutrition, the presence of all vitamins and minerals in the diet. Exclusion from the diet: fatty, fried, spicy foods and drinking a lot of water
Bad habitsComplete smoking cessation, minimized alcohol consumption
StressA difficult environment and frequent stressful situations negatively affect the health and condition of the skin
Work-restRest should always be complete, and work should be rationed.
Health statusYou must always monitor your health, get rid of diseases on time and correctly.
Folk recipesFolk recipes are the best moisturizers for oily skin

Oatmeal mask

Mix 50-60 g of flakes with 50 g of avocado ground into gruel, add 20 ml of honey and 10 ml of olive oil. Mix well, apply on the face, bypassing the skin around the eyes, mouth. Withstand half an hour, rinse with lukewarm water.

The mask moisturizes the skin as much as possible, prevents flaking.

Carrot and apple mask

Peel the carrots and apple, grate on a fine grater. Stir until smooth, add a couple of drops of any oil (for example, olive oil). Apply to skin for 20-30 minutes, rinse.

When using such a mask, the elasticity of the skin of the face returns, the hydrobalance is restored, the complexion is evened out.

Note! For dry, combination skin, it is better to take a sweet apple, and for oily skin, a sour one.

White clay and olive oil mask

Mix well 50 g of white clay, 100 g of kefir, finely chopped parsley, a couple of drops of lemon juice. Apply on face for 20-25 minutes. After such a mask, the face will acquire color, firmness and good hydration.

1 tbsp. l. white cosmetic clay, a little fresh milk, 1 tsp / l of cottage cheese or fatty sour cream - mix until smooth. Apply to face for 10-15 minutes. The mask will well moisturize dehydrated skin and relieve flaking.

Moisturizing toner

A homemade toner is a good remedy to moisturize your skin. It is characterized by simplicity and affordability, fast use and good efficiency.

The tonic is most often used after any cosmetic procedure, to consolidate the result, but you can apply it several times during the day.

Tonic recipes:

  1. Several large and well-ripe plums must be peeled and pitted. Mash and boil for 15 minutes in 250 ml of water. Strain, cool. Use in the morning and evening.
  2. Mix 50 g apricot oil and jojoba oil with 25 g of wheat germ oil, add 3-5 drops of rose oil. With this tool, it is recommended to wipe your face at night.
  3. Take lemon and grapefruit, squeeze juice out of them. The ratio of 50 g of grapefruit juice and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Mix and add 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. vodka. Leave this mixture in a cool, dark place for three days. Afterwards, use like a regular tonic.

How often to use moisturizers for oily skin

With the choice and use of moisturizers for oily skin, the main thing is not to overdo it. All is well, that in moderation.

Skin care rules:

  • use cleansing or moisturizing tonics after washing 2 times a day;
  • use moisturizers daily, while using both day and night means (if necessary);
  • folk ways and masks do not more often than 1-2 times a week;
  • Do a light peeling 1-2 times a week to completely remove dead and dead skin particles.

Skin health is ensured by an integrated approach. Oily skin needs moisture as much as dry skin. At the same time, it is important to choose the right product that will meet the individual needs of the epidermis.

An overview of the best facial moisturizers:

Moisturizing oily skin:

Cream for problem skin- This is a tool that will help eliminate the imperfections of the problem skin. Relieves inflammation, itching, eliminates rash and flaking, provides soft and delicate care for sensitive and delicate skin.

Problem skin on the face causes great discomfort - it spoils the appearance and sometimes causes painful sensations. You should not put up with this condition, you need to deal with any shortcomings correctly - use a cream for problem skin.

All women strive to look beautiful and attractive, for this they use a variety of cosmetics and sometimes buy completely inappropriate ones.

That is why you should know all the intricacies of choosing products that are designed for problem skin. This will help you choose the one that suits you, which will not only eliminate the flaws, but also prevent the appearance of new flaws.


  1. Peeling and dryness;
  2. Excessive sensitivity;
  3. Acne and acne;
  4. Blackheads and enlarged pores;
  5. Very active work of the sweat glands, which is manifested by a greasy sheen;
  6. Inflammatory processes, infection of problematic unprotected areas;
  7. Accumulation of dead cells;
  8. Redness and irritation, rash and allergic reactions.

The ideal option is to recognize the symptoms of oily skin, find and eliminate the causes of its appearance, visit a beautician or dermatologist who will help you solve this problem and find the necessary products for facial care.


Properties of products for problematic cover:

  • Presence of antibacterial and antiviral properties;
  • Healing of damaged areas of cells;
  • Restoration and renewal of damaged skin;
  • Cleansing and exfoliation, removal of dead cells;
  • Moisturizing and nutrition in sufficient quantities, depending on the type of cover and the purpose of the product (day / night);
  • Hypoallergenic features that prevent the development of new irritation and inflammation;
  • Safe and gradual elimination of the problem without drastic remedies;
  • Normalization of the functionality of the skin;
  • Mattifying features that mask oily sheen;
  • Renewal of the natural protective layer.

Each manifestation of problems is solved using a set of special properties. Choose a remedy that will remove exactly your shortcomings.

A very common reason for the appearance of problems with the epithelium of the face is improper care, as well as the use of funds that are not suitable for you. Sometimes excessive drying of the oily cover leads to serious problems on the face, women in every possible way eliminate the greasy shine with alcohol-containing components, but even the oily cover needs timely hydration and nutrition.


  • Hyaluronic acid, glycerin, water - filling cells with fluid;
  • Salicylic acid - has antibacterial properties, eliminating the accumulation of bacteria on the face and inflammation;
  • Glycolic acid - softens and exfoliates cells, it helps to gently cleanse the cover and refresh it;
  • Fatty acids help to normalize the work of the sweat glands, which are responsible for the production of the lipid layer;
  • Vitamin complexes - vitamin A, which prevents aging, E - a regenerating vitamin that ensures cell regeneration, vitamin C - renews the immune defense of cells.
  • Extracts: cherries, calendula, tea tree leaves, celandine, St. John's wort, chamomile, figs.
  • Plant and essential oils are beneficial for dry and dehydrated skin.

How to choose

Selection tips:

  • Skin of a problem type has its drawbacks, which can be complicated by the use of low-quality and incorrect face creams, therefore, the selection of the product must be carried out with extreme caution and bought in specialized cosmetic stores, where all storage rules are observed.
  • For dry problem skin, careful and intensive moisturizing and nutrition is necessary, for oily skin - products that allow you to normalize functionality.
  • Choose products for problematic skin that have a light and delicate texture that will not "weigh down" the skin, but will solve all the problems that concern you.
  • Carefully study the composition, it should not contain substances that are contraindicated for you, but there should be active ingredients that eliminate the shortcomings.
  • Depending on the time of year, you should select different means, because in the summer even the fattest cover can dry out and acquire a normal type. Depending on this, the problems on the face also change.
  • Packaging matters a lot. In can forms, the consistency is best seen, the smell is felt, but it is more likely that the active components will deteriorate or bacteria will get into the jar. A tube is a more convenient and safer option for perishable goods.
  • Buy products that are age appropriate. Problems can be age-related, so it is very important to approach imperfections in the face cover from the right side.
  • Carefully read the reviews of the selected face cream for problem skin, they will help you finally confirm the correctness of your choice.

Cream at home

  • 2 tablespoons mashed strawberries;
  • 1 spoonful of coconut;
  • 1 spoonful of vegetable;
  • 1 spoon of olive oil;
  • Vitamin E in the form of an oily solution;

All components are melted and whipped, after which the product is placed in the refrigerator and taken out before application. Before applying to the skin of the face, it is necessary to heat the portion on the hand or phalanges of the fingers.

During pregnancy

Facial problems very often occur in women who are expecting a baby. Depending on the work of the endocrine system, which works in pregnant women in an active mode, the features of the skin change, acne and irritation appear.

Pregnant women should be careful with the selection and use of products for problem skin. They should consist of natural substances that are allowed to be used by expectant mothers.

Give preference to special gentle face care creams during pregnancy.

Helps to improve the condition of the skin through cell regeneration, acting on the surface of the skin. Suitable for problem skin - eliminates imperfections and prevents the formation of new problems, as well as softens and moisturizes the skin. Prevents and eliminates acne, acne, rash. Relieves inflammation and irritation. Eliminates problems locally and protects the cover as a whole.

Approximate price: 1 100 rubles.

Vitamins F, A, E, which have excellent beneficial properties, have a beneficial effect on problem skin - they strengthen the immune defense, normalize the metabolic system of cells, nourish and fill all layers with moisture, eliminate inflammation and relieve irritation.

Biotin is a substance that allows you to eliminate dehydration of the skin. Aloe extract heals damaged areas, tones cells and has antiseptic properties. Panthenol is a component that heals wounds and inflammations, regenerates the structure of cells. Green tea extract has a calming and antimicrobial effect and is very beneficial for problematic cover. Sea buckthorn oil vitaminizes cells and softens the skin. The components of the Dead Sea - salt, water, mud - help to heal diseases.

Approximate price: 550 rubles.

Perfectly moisturizes, has a complex effect. Solves the problems of a young cover: enlarged pores, acne, blackheads, shine on the surface, red spots. The product has a light consistency and does not clog the pores. Relieves inflammation, rashes and irritation. Makes the cover smoother, gives tone and elasticity. Evens out the tone and color of the cover. Mattifies oily sheen on the surface. Helps to fix problems that do not go away for a long time. It affects not only the surface of the skin, but also deeper layers. Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores and cleanses them.

Approximate price: 500 rubles.

Due to its composition and special qualities, it can be used by pregnant women and people with sensitive skin to eliminate facial problems. The special surface formula helps to solve problems from the outside, without absorbing active substances into the depths and into the bloodstream. The product does not have a pungent odor, which very often brings discomfort to pregnant women. Certified and tested in various laboratories.

Approximate price: 600 rubles.

Greetings ladies!

Finding a day cream for oily problem skin that would not aggravate its condition and, in addition, copes well with its tasks, it is really very difficult - I know from experience.

At the same time, I do not even need the cream to treat inflammation, matting, smoothing wrinkles and smoothing the skin, but just the following: moisturize, soothe and put to sleep, do no harm.

And here I seem to be lucky, pharmacy cosmetics never ceases to please me.

Noreva exfoliac Creme Reparatrice - my favorite and favorite today.

My skin: oily with pores and a tendency to inflammation.

Product volume: 40 ml.

Appearance: plastic tube in a box.


Manufacturer Promises:

Consistency: rather dense companion, not fluid exactly, similar to night nourishing creams.

Distributed on the skin, of course, not as easy as an emulsion, but without much difficulty. If a tonic is previously applied to the face, then it is even easier, and a smaller amount is enough.

Smell: harsh, drugstore chemical. I do not like. But it ceases to be felt almost immediately after application.

How I am using: I apply every morning after cleansing and toning.

Usage time: about three months.

My impressions.

★ Copes with humidification one hundred percent even in dry air and cold weather. Applied, and the skin is immediately comfortable and fun until the evening.

★ Over time, it copes well with peeling, even in such "dangerous" places as the wings of the nose, for example. In the photo, the nose is thoroughly powdered with mineral powder, which can emphasize even what is not there. But what is not - that is not :)

★ I bought this cream also because I wanted to somehow calm my skin after treatment with klenzit (it became very sensitive and reacted with slight redness to almost all care products) and the use of acids. The cream also coped with this task perfectly, and from the first time it was used.

★ The tool is very economical, I use it for three months every day and it feels like there is still a decent amount of it left there.

★ The cream is definitely non-comedogenic, this promise of the manufacturer has been verified by our own experience. He did not provoke any inflammations, everything is fine with the pores too - he does not clog.

★ Not felt at all on the face. Those. no greasy film and other delights. The skin with it gets a little less oily than usual, most likely due to sufficient moisture. (But it does NOT matte the skin).

★ There is a cumulative effect. If you do not use it for a couple of days or "forget" to moisturize your face after cleansing, the skin will not dry out or stretch. No discomfort.

★ It is a good makeup base.

The cream does not have a wow effect, its effect is perceptible, but it is difficult to show it in the photo. Therefore, just a photo of the skin as it looks now.

My findings: if you do not expect from this cream the treatment of inflammation and other nishtyaks (it is included in the line exfoliac, but it is intended specifically for moisturizing, nourishing and soothing the skin after treatment with aggressive agents), then it is wonderful. If you have irritated, dry, oily skin at the stage of treating inflammatory elements, then I recommend it! I think it's not even necessary to use it as part of the noreva line.

Issue price: bought for 556 r on the Skin Health Center website. But that was before the New Year ... Now it costs 816 rubles.

Thank you for reading, let your purchases only benefit you! ✿ܓ

Maintaining natural water balance is the main secret to the beauty, health and youth of our skin. Its firmness and freshness largely depend precisely on the balance between the incoming liquid and its evaporation.

To ensure optimal hydrobalance, it is necessary to replenish water reserves all the time, both inside and outside. Failure to comply with this important condition can lead to a number of problems, including premature aging, dull complexion, and early wrinkles. That is why hydration is one of the main components of any skin care, regardless of its type.

Do you need to moisturize oily skin? Many people mistakenly believe that it does not need additional moisture saturation, as this only adds unnecessary shine to it. This is a very common misconception. This type of epidermis also requires regular hydration, as due to a lack of moisture, the sebaceous glands become more active, and the production of sebum is more intense. Therefore, owners of oily skin simply need to use moisturizers every day.

In this article:

We take care of the skin correctly

Needs constant care. But in this responsible business, the main thing is to remember one thing an important rule - don't overdo it.

Excessive enthusiasm can provoke overactivity of the sebaceous glands, cause increased sensitivity of the skin, cause peeling and rashes. Therefore, the issue of caring for a problem person should be approached competently.

Based on deep cleansing and moisturizing. Cleansing procedures should be performed carefully and delicately to avoid injury to the skin. The products used for this purpose should not contain aggressive chemicals (sodium laureth sulfate) that disturb the acid-base balance.

Tonics and lotions that should be used to complete such manipulations should be designed specifically for the oily type, and not contain alcohol.

After cleansing procedures, it is very important to moisturize the skin, because in the process of such "executions" the skin is deprived of the necessary moisture and fat.

Moisturizers help maintain natural water balance and prevent discomfort after washing.

How to moisturize oily skin? The best option is to use gels that do not contain mineral oils. Compared to creams, they have a lighter texture and are absorbed much faster. In the case of using creams, it is better to give preference to those containing antibacterial substances.

Powerful moisturizers

How to moisturize oily skin? Today the cosmetology market offers a wide range of care products. Permanent hydration of the epidermis can involve the use of several cosmetic product options.


The use of non-fat creams helps to eliminate inflammation and irritation. After using such products, the skin becomes soft and elastic, the oily sheen disappears completely.

These creams balance the water balance, preventing flaking and breakouts. The best facial moisturizers for oily skin are:

    a light balancing cream with matting properties from Melvita;

    moisturizing emulsion that stabilizes sebum production La Roche-Posay EffaclarMat;

    matting cream Babor organic.

Thermal water

Oily epidermis should be moisturized throughout the day. This is especially important in case of prolonged exposure to sunlight or just outside.

Thermal waters are best suited for this purpose, as they have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties and are good at moisturizing the skin.

These include:

    a unique thermal remedy from the French cosmetics Avene;

    thermal water saturated with natural sulfur Acqua Di Repole;

    highly effective face toner Sanoflore.


Serum is one of the most effective cosmetic products for problem skin care. Its active ingredients have a pronounced moisturizing effect, increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin, and normalize the production of sebum (sebum).

It is important not to overuse serums, as excessive use of them can provoke skin irritation, rash and irritation.

In the photo there are moisturizers and products for oily and problem skin.

Homemade moisturizing masks

Hydrobalance can also be maintained with the help of self-made moisturizing masks for oily skin. The main advantage of such products is that they are prepared exclusively from natural ingredients, the quality of which is beyond doubt.

In the care of problem skin, the following masks give positive results:

    Banana and honey mask... To prepare the product, you need to mash one banana with a fork, then add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of warmed up honey and 1 tsp. a spoonful of lemon or orange juice. Mix the ingredients well. Apply the resulting mixture on the face, hold for 15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

    Egg mask... It is prepared as follows: beat two egg whites until foamy, then add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of slightly melted honey and 1 hour. a spoonful of lemon juice. Apply the resulting mask to cleansed skin for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with warm water.

    Moisturizing starch and tomato juice mask... To prepare a homemade cosmetic product you will need: 1 hour. spoon of olive oil, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of tomato juice and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch. Components should be placed until smooth. Apply after cleansing, apply on face for 20 minutes. At the end of the time, rinse with water.

Regular hydration is the key to beauty and good skin condition. Properly following these simple but essential procedures will help you avoid the troubles associated with this type of skin, and will allow you to enjoy its cleanliness and health.

Useful video

Why does oily skin need to be moisturized and what's a good moisturizer for oily skin?

In contact with

Problem skin requires special care at all seasons. To make her look beautiful and healthy, it will be necessary to correctly select not only the appropriate procedures, but also cosmetics. the form of rashes or pimples.

Problem skin, like any other type, needs not only to be thoroughly cleansed and nourished, but also moisturized. Fortunately, modern stores have a huge selection of a variety of cosmetics, among which every girl can choose the perfect one for herself.

What properties should a cream have to moisturize problem skin?

To choose the right cream, you need to know what features a high-quality product for problem skin has. First of all, its consistency is important. In order for the cream to be easily and evenly distributed over the surface of the skin, it should not be too thick. You can easily determine this property using a probe. The product should have a very light, delicate texture. Experts recommend that owners of problem skin choose the appropriate gels for themselves.

At the store, you can try applying a small amount of cream or gel from a tester to your wrist. If it is quickly and easily absorbed, does not stick to the fingers, and also instantly softens the skin, then the product will "behave" in the same way on the face. If the cream lies on the hand with a thick film, is not absorbed for a long time and creates a feeling of discomfort, then it is better to refuse to buy such a product right away.

Of course, the composition is no less important. You should also pay attention to it in the first place when choosing a cream for any type of skin. A remedy for oily skin should not only moisturize the skin, but also normalize the secretions from the sebaceous glands and act on it in the deepest layers of the epidermis, soothing inflammation and irritation. Therefore, the cream should contain, for example, Dimexide.

Sometimes it also includes hormonal drugs. Of course, such a remedy always turns out to be very effective and effective, but its use must be agreed with a dermatologist. Vitamins should also be included. Most often these are A, B6, C and E.

If problem skin is oily, then such ingredients of the cream as herbal extracts of lavender, calendula, tea tree and chamomile will help to achieve its dullness. Zinc and salicylic acid may also be among them. But for a dry one, the composition should contain hyaluronic acid and collagen.

And finally, the third feature is the acidity level. It is very important for problem skin that it is neutral. A zero pH level in a gel or cream will prevent skin irritation. Typically, this information can be found from the information about the tool indicated on the package.

Reviews of pharmacy and store products from different manufacturers

Some girls prefer to just take the most expensive cream for problem skin from the store shelf, without studying any additional information about it. In fact, the price is not always an indicator of quality. Many other features of the product are also important. After all, all modern cosmetics also differ in properties and effectiveness.

Pharmacy cream Vichy Normaderm

This cream for problem skin is sold in pharmacies. It can also sometimes be found in themed online stores. The product contains unique active ingredients that allow you to restore and make your skin more beautiful and healthy in just 30 days. The main thing is to use the cream regularly during this time. You can use several products from this series at once.

They allow you to level the relief and eliminate skin imperfections.
The cosmetics in question are ideal for women and men over 30 who suffer from skin problems such as clogged and enlarged pores, intense shine and redness.

CLINIQUE Anti blemish solutions Clearing Moisturizer

This is a special non-fat cream that allows you to eliminate inflammation, and also actively moisturizes the skin. The composition of the tool is selected in such a way that it performs three important functions at once. First, it controls the growth and reproduction of bacteria thanks to its antibacterial ingredients. Secondly, it controls the production of fat and prevents it from accumulating on the surface. And, thirdly, it exfoliates dead cells from the surface of the skin.

It is best to use it twice a day at once - in the morning and in the evening. The cream is applied to the face in a thin layer. It is important to treat not only problem areas, but also the entire surface of the skin. It is recommended to use it after eliminating problems for prevention.

Sebium Hydra BIOTERM cream for fragile oily skin, dry as a result of treatment

This product was created specifically to treat and restore oily skin that has thinned as a result of aggressive treatment of any problem. Allows you to compensate for imbalances and restore the skin to its previous beauty and health.
It contains a special DAF complex that lowers the skin's sensitivity threshold and soothes it.

This cream guarantees excellent tolerance. With just a few application procedures, the skin becomes clearer, more beautiful and radiant. There is a feeling of comfort.
The cream can only be applied to thoroughly cleansed skin.

A soothing and moisturizer for all skin types. Great for restoring skin after using acne and acne treatments that irritate and dry out the skin.

Well absorbed due to its light, non-greasy texture. The composition includes only safe natural ingredients. Such as jojoba, shea and cocoa butter. Thanks to them, the comfort of the skin, as well as its nutrition and hydration, remains for a long time. In addition, the ingredients include thermal water, which is able to soothe irritated and inflamed skin. It is applied twice a day in the morning and in the evening on previously cleansed skin.


Catherine: After daily application of ichthyol ointment for acne and blackheads, the skin became even more irritated and inflamed. The dermatologist advised to purchase a moisturizer for problem skin. Chose AVENE Clean-AC. After the first application, this unpleasant tightness and dryness disappeared. I still smear my face, I really like the effect. I plan to further purchase other products from this series.

Olya Kh .: No store-bought creams for problem skin suited me. I do not know what is wrong, but after applying them, the skin does not get better. Therefore, I do such tools myself. I just take it and rub it lightly on the skin every other day. As a result, it is very moisturized, but the fat content and the number of pimples does not increase. You can choose another oil for yourself instead of a cream. An excellent and inexpensive tool.

Galina: I really like the CLINIQUE series of cosmetics for problem skin care. I advise girls to purchase several products at once - a cream, and a washbasin, and a special pencil, and any others. The skin reacts to them just fine. Over time, it becomes more beautiful, elastic, and the pores are less visible.

Self-made cream recipes at home

A moisturizer for problem skin can be easily prepared on your own at home. It is best to use oils for this, which are well absorbed. For example, almond. A little low-fat yogurt is added to the future "cream", a drop of vitamins A and E, as well as a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil. The finished product is applied to the skin in a thin layer. If the skin is dry, then you can even take oily homemade sour cream instead of yogurt. If not all of the ingredients are absorbed, then the rest should be gently blotted with a paper towel.