Is it possible to get a haircut during pregnancy. Why pregnant women should not cut their hair. Can I cut my hair during pregnancy? Superstition or real harm

This eternal question - "When is the best time to cut hair according to the lunar calendar of 2019 in March" or April ... rises in any month. But when you can visit a hairdresser at the beginning of the season is the most exciting question - after all, a haircut in the transition months is a hot topic. The sun or cold injures curls, which makes us take care of our hair. In March and April, you need to look your best. So, what does the oracle, or more precisely, the Moon, advise us.

A proper haircut will not only improve the structure of your hair, but also change your destiny for the better.

The main thing when answering the questions "when can I cut my hair in March" or "can I do it today" - depends on whether we want them to grow faster or slower afterwards.

  • For those who dye, hiding gray hair, it is better to trim the curls when the moon is waning, hair growth slows down and the effect of dyeing will last longer (by the way, these days it is better to do epilation).
  • Well, and who wants the curls to grow better and be thicker, you need to cut your hair when the moon grows.

By the way, it would be nice for everyone who loves to grow a mane. To correctly answer the question - when to get a haircut, you need to know a little the lunar calendar. Reading his oracle gives clear advice.

When to cut the oracle in March 2019.

Today, everyone already knows that procedures such as hair removal, cosmetic and even surgical operations are best done on favorable days, in accordance with the lunar calendar.

But in this article we will try to answer a simple question - when is it possible and better to get a haircut.

Let's say right away - in 2019, you can do everything, even epilation and mesotherapy. But all this should be done on auspicious days.

For those who want not only to make a new hairstyle, but also to get acquainted with the photo of fashionable haircuts, we refer to more
For those who have to go to the hairdresser, but have not yet chosen a hairstyle, we advise you to read

Now many people already admit that in order to avoid unpleasant consequences when cutting (as well as when planting plants in the country), you should adhere to the recommendation of the lunar calendar, it is your oracle for March.

And to the question who goes to the hairdresser on unfavorable days, there is only one answer, those who cross the road at a red light :))

So all the same - when it is possible (and even necessary) to go to the hairdresser in accordance with the lunar calendar.

  • In order for the hair to grow quickly and be healthy, and the dye to stay on them longer, you need to cut and dye it when the moon is growing. By the way, these are the same days when you should make masks for your curls.
  • When the curls are cut off during the waning moon, their growth slows down.
  • If the growing moon is in Leo or Virgo, the effectiveness of the haircut increases
  • The full moon is a great day to release negativity.
  • If you want to get rid of negative energy, cut off the ends. Together with the cut ends, not only will all the negativity go away, but your curls will grow better, acquire shine and strength.
  • But when the Moon is in the constellation of Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio, you cannot not only cut, but paint and do chemical filling.

Therefore, the question of when to do hair removal and depilation should be answered like this - on any day when the moon is waning (but not on days when it is in Leo or Virgo).
Based on the above principles, a calendar has been compiled from which you will find out when to cut your hair in March 2019.
Here is a summary of the day.
If you want to know right away when to visit a hairdresser in March 2019, here's a quick reference.

Days when in March 2019 it is possible and better to get a haircut: 1, 2, 10, 11, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27, 28 and 29

It is better not to do a new haircut on any other days of the month.

You will learn not only when to paint, but also when to do operations, cosmetic procedures.
In addition, you will learn the days of the new moon and full moon.

Below is a detailed table describing "When is the best time to cut your hair in March 2019".

When can I cut my hair in March 2019 according to the lunar calendar.

date Day of week Moon day Zodiac sign Moon phase The best days to get a haircut
1 Fri 24,25 Capricorn Waning moon Who asked "when is the best time in March 2018 to cut hair"? Today is the day of "open doors" in all salons.
2 Sat 25,26 Aquarius If today we come to the stylists in slender rows to get their hair cut, they will have a "tinsmith's day"
3 Sun 26,27 Whether or not you can cut your hair today is up to you. But the calendar of the Moon, believes that today this is not worth doing.
4 Mon 27,28 You can't cut your hair today. It is better to wait, there is a bad time ahead, but even coupons for a 20% discount on the next visit should not force you to break the recommendations of the lunar calendar
5 W 28,29 Fish You can meet with a stylist. Talk, drink coffee, go to the movies with him, the main thing is not to touch or shorten the curls. There are still auspicious days ahead
6 Wed 29,30,1 New moon It's a pity, but you can't cut your hair today. When you can only know the lunar calendar. Only he will tell you when to do it better.
7 Th 1,2 Aries Waxing Crescent You have to wait. Even those who really need to create a new image, it is better to wait. Today is the day you shouldn't cut your hair
8 Fri 2,3 Today you can and should do your hair, but not a haircut. There is no need to rush. In March, you can only cut your hair on certain days.
9 Sat 3,4 Bad day for a haircut. To the theater, to visit, to the zoo with a child or to the country house ... just not to the salon.
10 Sun 4,5 calf To the question "when is it possible and better to have a haircut", the answer is, yes at least ... now. Good position of the moon.
11 Mon 5,6 Thinking about a new hairstyle. The time when you can cut your hair in March has already come.
12 W 6,7 Twins Bad day for a haircut. When is it possible ?? Very soon. Today, only those who urgently need to post a selfie on a dating site cut their hair.
13 Wed 7,8 A great day when a haircut in March is recommended for everyone
14 Th 8,9 Even if you have a discount coupon in Lisovets' atelier, you shouldn't use it today. You can see how the masters work, but getting a haircut is not worth it.
15 Fri 9,10 Cancer Do you need to cut your hair today? The day is not made for a trip to the hairdresser.
16 Sat 10,11 Didn't visit the master yesterday ?? You can also cut your hair today, March 13th.
17 Sun 11,12 Leo No experimentation. Better not to cut or dye. We are patiently waiting, until the beginning of April, there will still be good days.
18 Mon 12,13 Auspicious day. Everything is possible, except for actions that will disturb your curls. You can get your hair cut and combed. But without fanaticism.
19 W 13,14 Virgo A very auspicious day. It is better to leave the hairstyle old. Hair can be cut today. Today is a good day when you can afford any fantasies with hair.
20 Wed 14,15 Wait. Everything is possible, up to hair cutting. Today you will help salons and craftsmen fulfill the plan. We are not waiting for the beginning of April.
21 Th 15,16 Libra Full moon You can shorten the curls, but not today. You have to wait. Those who urgently need to create a new image should act at their own peril and risk.
22 Fri 16,17 Waning moon Anyone asking when to get their hair cut in March should check out the table below. And today is clearly an unfavorable day
23 Sat 17,18 Scorpio You can cut your hair today, but you can not. Tomorrow is also a good day
24 Sun 18,19 Everything is possible, up to hair cutting. Today you will help salons and craftsmen to fulfill the plan. We are not waiting for April, we are waiting for our turn.
25 Mon 19 Sagittarius The day has come when you can cut your hair. Don't wait for a better time. The month is running out
26 W 19,20 Neutral day. Better not to cut your hair today. You can allow to make a new hairstyle on old curls, but without fanaticism.
27 Wed 20,21 Capricorn Better to visit a hairdresser today. The next haircut in March can be done in a couple of days.
28 Th 21,22 Better to get a haircut today. You can visit the master. Sign up in advance
29 Fri 22,23 In order not to wait for the end of March, you can visit the hairdresser today. The haircut will be successful, and even the stylist Zverev will envy.
30 Sat 23,24 Aquarius Unfavorable time. When the day comes for a haircut, it's easy to say. It won't be long to wait. Until April 2019
31 Sun 24,25 Alas, this day of March is not created for a successful haircut. The best days await us in April.

I want to tell you can i cut my hair? At all times, in different countries and beliefs, there have been legends about hair. Women have always had long hair. From an esoteric point of view, hair is not only given for attractiveness, but it is the energy that connects us to the cosmos. In many cultures, to this day, it is believed that in the hair is the strength of a person, energy from nature (space), which protects and protects a person. It is in the hair that information is stored about the potential of health, the willpower of a person, his well-being, and the characteristics of his intellect.

Many priests wear long hair, but Muslims specially cut their heads to visit Mecca in order to get closer to the Creator.

When we drastically want to change our life, we change our hairstyle, and then think about changing the image, etc. Therefore, by changing the color and length of the hair, thereby making changes to information about ourselves, and therefore many women ask such a question whether it is possible to cut ourselves hair.

Why you can't cut your hair

  • if a cut my own hair in the evening, the biofield is deformed, a negative effect can attract disease;
  • cutting your hair yourself means losing your well-being;
  • cut yourself on Sunday, attract illness;
  • with a strand cut off, you lose your own energy, over time the sensation will pass, but an inner emptiness will appear;
  • it was believed that cutting one's own hair was to spoil the beauty (external and internal).

In the old days, they said that you cannot trust anyone to cut your hair. Scissors in the hands of an evil person and others can have negative consequences.

Signs why you can't cut hair for young children

The people have preserved from ancient times many signs about hair cutting:

  • from birth, young children should not have their first hair cut off until they get stronger, they believe that otherwise they will lose their health and the worst can happen;
  • in old Slavic times, it was allowed to cut a child only after 3-5 years;
  • in ancient Egypt, children were left on their temples until adulthood a long strand.

If there is no one around, and you want to quickly change your image. You can change any hairstyle with scissors.

Self-haircut tips

  1. You have to believe in yourself, cut your hair only in high spirits. Otherwise, with a small mistake, you will get annoyed.
  2. Looking for good quality scissors specialized for cutting hair. Do not buy them on the Internet, do not be lazy to go to a professional store and personally choose the tool you like.
  3. Learn the rules, haircuts start from the back of the head and go down to the bangs. We shouldn't forget about zones either.
  4. Prepare some mirrors so you can see the back of your head. It's good to have a trellis with three mirrors that you can turn and see yourself from the sides.
  5. The hardest part is learning how to cut yourself in a mirror image.

These are the main stages of self-haircut.... Consider all the tips and you can start creating a new image.

In the evening, gently untangle the strands with your hands along the entire length;
- a natural wood comb is good: oak, juniper, linden and aspen;
- be sure to regularly trim split ends, they prevent energy from circulating freely;
- do not abuse the styling products.

  • A Monday haircut will get rid of negative thoughts.
  • A haircut created on Tuesday will help with depression.
  • To distract new people from the "gray" days, it is recommended to cut their hair on Wednesday.
  • Thursday is the most suitable day for a new hairstyle, a new look is sure to bring success.
  • It is not recommended to go to the beauty salon on Friday. But if there is a desire for drastic changes, then this is the right day.
  • Get a haircut on Saturday - for a surge of physical strength and vitality.
  • It is better not to touch your hair on Sunday, so as not to miss out on good luck.
  • Still, try not to cut yourself, it can change plans and much more.
  • try not to have your hair cut by a man's master if you are a woman. They say this will bring misunderstanding with a loved one.

What does hair or lack of it talk about?

Hair length directly depends on the amount of accumulated energy. Baldness also has its own reasons.... If a man becomes bald, it means that he is actively striving for power. Basically, it throws him off the spiritual path. Therefore, the hair, like antennae, leaves the head. If, on their own initiative, men cut their hair very short, shave their heads, it is often a desire to instantly break the energy connection with the past and start a new life, with a clean slate.

When people themselves get rid of the hair on their heads or cut their hair very short, either he is looking for enlightenment and wants to be closer to the Cosmos, or he wants to hide information about his life, in which he had big troubles.

There is a direct connection between the hair with the inner world of a person, which means that with their help you can influence your own life.

Unfortunately, modern girls and women do not take care of their hair, as they have been doing for centuries ... Fashion pushes for experiments: coloring, curling, straightening, etc. As a result, hair weakens, fades, falls out. This goes along with internal devastation and disease. People themselves destroy cosmic connections. Ideal antennas are straight, long, sleek hair.

The main law for women: conservation, accumulation and retention of energies. That is why from above every woman is prescribed to wear long hair. For a hairstyle to bring good luck and happiness, you need to properly care for your hair.

Hair legends

The Bible has a story about Samson, which talks about hair, its strength and power. He dreamed that he had lost his hair, and with it his power and strength. When the hair began to grow back, life began to return, he got stronger and became healthy.

In Russia, all women wore braids, loose long hair gave magical powers to attract men. Women in marriage had to cover their hair with a scarf so that no one except the husband could influence their energy field. Men chose wives for themselves according to the thickness of their hair, thick braids, which means that the wife will be glorious and with a good disposition.

The value of hair can not be overestimated even now. The beauty of a woman consists mainly of her hair and figure. Only when you get closer can you see the face. Long braids have been an indicator of health for women since ancient times.

In the old days, it was believed that the hair of women keeps the memory of ancestors about witchcraft and age-old wisdom. For centuries, any magical rituals were carried out with loose hair. They said that "when you cut your hair, shorten your life or radically change it" ...

Believe it or not, the advice will hopefully help all women to be happier and more loved. Good luck to you!

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The need to cut your hair does not disappear during pregnancy. A timely visit to the master will allow you to get rid of split ends and change the length of the curls. But not every woman will decide on such metamorphoses, since signs say that it is contraindicated for pregnant women.

    Can pregnant women cut their hair?

    Doctors do not impose a ban on haircuts during pregnancy. Signs that say otherwise are considered a relic of the past. If a woman is not superstitious, then she can cut her hair at any stage of pregnancy.

    A haircut is necessary to create a well-groomed effect. Every day, hair is exposed to the aggressive effects of styling products and weather conditions. The situation worsens during pregnancy. hormonal surges... As a result, the ends of the hair begin to split. In the absence of proper care, they look ugly.

    A pregnant woman is characterized by a sharp change in mood. She may be accompanied by a desire to change something in her appearance. Since dyeing hair is undesirable, many women decide to cut a forelock... The only thing that stops them is social prejudice and stereotypes.

    With the help of bangs, it can significantly change the image. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to resort to drastic measures. Cutting the bangs does not carry any harm. Appearance update evokes extremely positive emotions, which has a beneficial effect on the process of bearing a child.

    Some doctors disapprove of going to beauty salons early provisions... In this case, it is not a matter of superstition. In salons, cosmetic products containing chemical components are often used. Inhalation during pregnancy can be harmful to health.

    ON A NOTE! It is a tradition in China to cut a strand of hair after confirmation of pregnancy.


    Folk signs became widespread in antiquity. Some of them have survived to this day. It was believed that the hair was kept in itself valuable information about a person and his future. Various magic rituals were performed using hair. Long strands symbolized strength and keen mind of man.

    If you turn to history, you will notice that the fair sex did not wear short haircuts. A woman was deprived of her hair if she committed grave sins... The most common pregnancy superstitions include:

    • With the help of the curls of the expectant mother, the soul penetrates into the baby's body. If you cut your hair, you will have a miscarriage.
    • The strands of a pregnant woman are tied to the gender of the child... Trimming the hair ends promotes gender reassignment.
    • Hair is considered a kind of health indicator. A haircut causes various illnesses and affects the course of pregnancy.
    • While in the womb, the baby is protected from external influences by the mother's hair. Cutting them deprives the baby of protection, which makes him vulnerable in the future.
    • A pregnant woman's hair contains the life span of a child. Cutting off the strands, the expectant mother shortens it.
    • You cannot comb and cut your hair on Paraskeva Friday. Otherwise, the patroness of this day of the week will leave the woman without help in childbirth.

    Have no signs scientific confirmation... Each representative of the fair sex decides on her own how to relate to superstitions. You don't need to listen to the advice of others. It is recommended to rely solely on the opinion of the attending physician.

    When is it forbidden to have a haircut?

    It is believed that the growth of a curl depends on what time they cut their hair... There is an opinion that it is undesirable to cut hair in the winter season. This slows down their growth. But geneticists refute this claim. Density and ability to grow are laid during the period intrauterine development.

    It is almost impossible to influence the hair structure. In winter, the intensity of the growth of hair can be influenced by a lack of nutrients.

    • Undesirable for haircuts are 29, 23, 15 and 9 lunar days. The body in these time periods suffers from a breakdown. Defense mechanisms are weakened. Clipping hair during this period contributes to energy depletion.
    • The elimination of split ends with scissors should be carried out on the growing moon. This improves the growth of curls.
    • Contacting a hairdresser during the waning moon will provide perfect hairstyle.
    • It is not recommended to carry out any manipulations with curls during the full moon and new moon.

    REFERENCE! Sunday is considered a bad day for trimming.

    If the expectant mother is wary of visiting her master during pregnancy, she may prevent tip splitting... To do this, you will need to provide appropriate care for the curls. When choosing cosmetics, you need to build on the type of hair. The use of products containing alcohol should be avoided. They dry the hair structure, promoting development of fragility and sections.

    Regular grooming should definitely include the use of a nourishing mask or conditioner. During cold weather, be sure to wear a hat or scarf to protect the curls from harmful effects... It is better to completely abandon the use of a hair dryer and irons.

    Rinsing with herbal decoctions will give the hair shine and smoothness. A decoction of nettle is great for dandruff. Chamomile rinses are suitable for light hair. They are prevent color washout.

    ON A NOTE! An alternative to paints can be tinted shampoos. But if possible, it is advisable to abandon them.

    Cutting hair during pregnancy is allowed, there is nothing to worry about. Well-groomed appearance makes a woman more attractive and confident. This has a positive effect on bearing a child.

Often women in a position deny themselves a lot, sometimes even doubting whether it is possible for pregnant women to cut their hair. And suddenly it will negatively affect the development of the baby.


Of course, there are things that pregnant women cannot do (,), but for some reason many are so superstitious that they try to observe even those prohibitions that in our time no longer have any basis.

From a psychological point of view, the behavior is understandable: it seems that the successful course of pregnancy depends on the observance of all sorts of little things.

Therefore, many young mothers become superstitious.

In other words, there is a sense of control over the situation. This, in turn, gives mothers peace and confidence in the successful development of pregnancy.

After all, now all around is talking about problems with bearing babies and pathologies. And in order to somehow protect themselves, pregnant women begin to be afraid of everything: walking between the pillars, looking at an open fire and, of course, cutting their hair.

Signs why not

The roots of the prohibition go back to the distant past, when it was believed that hair loss during pregnancy entails various kinds of troubles for mom and baby.

  • Loss of strength and energy. After all, such a situation is completely unacceptable.

Women in ancient times did not even think about a haircut. Mom was supposed to grow long braids, being a clear proof of health.

  • The curls were compared with a life path, which was unacceptable to change.

To get a haircut is the way to shorten. And even for non-pregnant women it was scary to lose their hair. In ancient times, there was a terrible punishment - public shaving.

  • By getting rid of hair during pregnancy, you make your baby's life shorter.

He may die in the womb of the mother due to these manipulations.

  • When, for some reason, they had to cut their hair, the cut was never thrown away, but without fail burned.

So that the "material" does not fall into the hands of someone who wishes harm to a person. After all, sorcerers could damage people, while having only one hair from their head.

  • If women at that time sometimes had to cut their hair, this was done with an eye to the lunar calendar. They were allowed to radically change their hairstyle once in their entire life - on their wedding day.

During the ceremony, the young spouse cut off the braid of his betrothed, after which he gave it to the one who was in charge of the clan from which his future wife came out.

The ceremony symbolized her transition from one clan to another - for her relatives, she seemed to be dying. However, at the same time, the same girl was reborn in another, already husband's, family.

Now you can

Modern doctors say: pregnant women can cut their hair. At least bangs, at least the whole head.

From a medical point of view, such manipulations do not affect the baby at all. Moreover, the ban is considered meaningless, whether early or late.

It's another matter if pregnant women want to observe the traditions of their people. But even then you can find a loophole to at least be able to cut split ends - do it in accordance with the lunar calendar.

During gestation, due to hormonal changes, the hair can change, for example, from mixed to turn into oily, fall out, become dry and lifeless.

Such a head of hair can spoil the mood of the expectant mother, affecting her emotional state.

Do not deny yourself a good well-groomed look. It is not necessary to radically change the image, but you can only slightly trim the overgrown ends and shorten the bangs.

The main thing is that the changes during pregnancy are only positive.

Do not listen to annoying old women and relatives who want only the best for you. Grandmothers will definitely find a bunch of excuses and will try to make you believe in folk signs and beliefs.

Haircut and coloring

Some brave ladies decide not only on a creative haircut, but also on a bold coloring. Although, the last procedure should be treated with particular caution.

You cannot dye your hair during pregnancy.

When using paint that contains ammonia, you regularly inhale its vapors. They negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Plus, hairdressers do not advise moms to drastically change color during a happy pregnancy. The staining result can be unpredictable.

To freshen up your look, try some tricks.

  • Only tint the roots.
  • It is allowed to do highlighting or coloring. Then the growing ones will practically not differ from the colored ones.
  • For golden-haired beauties and hot brunettes, the following option is suitable: use natural herbs. That is, to be painted with henna, basma. It will be possible not only to refresh your color, but also to strengthen the roots. It is better for blondes to use chamomile decoction. The procedure will give the hair a special shine and slightly lighten the curls.

However, it is worth noting: there is still no official ban on staining. Doctors allow pregnant women to use natural dyes that contain a minimum of harmful substances and various kinds of artificial additives.

Especially relevant is the prohibition in the early stages, when all organs and systems of the baby are being formed (although at this time you are unlikely to be drawn to "fragrant" dyes).

Pros without a haircut

Many women like long hair. Right now you can try to make your wish come true! In most pregnant women, under the influence of hormones, the hair grows much faster, the curls become silky and shiny.

In addition, the hair becomes thicker - the bulbs that previously "slept" are activated. It will be a pity to cut such beauty.

But it is worth at least sometimes during pregnancy to cut the ends, forcing the hair to grow faster.

However, be prepared when everything returns to normal: the density will become normal. "Superfluous" ones will simply fall out, and the activated follicles will "plunge into sleep" again.


A huge number of signs and superstitions are associated with pregnancy. One of them is that pregnant women should not cut their hair on their heads. So, it is very common opinion that the expectant mother, along with her hair, will shorten the life of her child. But what about the desire to be beautiful and well-groomed?

Where "legs" grow from

The version that cutting the hair of a pregnant woman somehow affects the child has very deep roots. Our ancestors considered hair sacred, believing that life force is concentrated in it. In those days, girls cut their hair only once in their life (during the wedding). This haircut symbolized the death of the bride for her kind ("cut off" the vitality) and the birth for the family of the spouse. Of course, in those days, not a single woman could have a question about cutting hair during pregnancy. These manipulations were strictly prohibited.

The ancestors believed that by cutting off their hair, a woman is deprived of her vitality. And pregnant women need these forces like no one else. It was believed that the expectant mother, along with her hair, could lose not only her energy, but also lose her child.

Modern look

Modern society in this matter is divided into 2 camps: some support the point of view of wise ancestors, others believe that all legends about the sacred power of hair are meaningless.

It is difficult to say who is right, on the one hand, indeed, for a modern person, belief in myths and legends seems ridiculous, there is no scientific basis behind the ban on cutting hair during pregnancy. However, you can still find mothers who stubbornly refuse to carry out any manipulations with their hair (cut, trim) during pregnancy, explaining this with a "bad omen".

A haircut or trimming of hair does not in any way affect the life of the little man, and even more so it does not threaten her, it is harmless for mom too. A pregnant woman should and can look attractive, but whether a modern haircut is needed for this is up to you.

Should you dye your hair during pregnancy?

It's hard to imagine a modern young woman who has never used hair dye. Well-colored and styled hair looks well-groomed, attracts attention, delights. Should you give up your favorite hair color during pregnancy?

There is no exact answer, although it is obvious that the chemical components of the paint can penetrate the mother's body and affect the fetus. There are no studies that could say with a 100% guarantee that dyeing hair during pregnancy will affect the health of a child, but there are a number of other reasons why you should not use hair dye.

  1. Ammonia. This component is needed in order for the color pigment to better penetrate the hair structure and fix. Ammonia has an unpleasant odor. Can enter the body through the scalp. In high concentrations, it causes severe poisoning. Despite the fact that now the so-called "ammonia-free" paints are produced (ethanolamine is used instead of ammonia), they did not become "more useful" because of this.
  2. Strange result. The body of the expectant mother is undergoing a powerful hormonal change. Therefore, it is impossible to predict the result of staining. It is likely that "Burning Black" will turn out to be marsh, while "Ash Blonde" will be yellow. Is this risk justified?
  3. There is no child protection. Every expectant mother assumes that any chemistry carries potential harm to the fetus, and until 15-16 weeks the baby has absolutely no protection (the placenta has not yet formed). Therefore, if you do not give up staining completely, then it is worth taking a break for the first trimester.

Dyes of natural origin (henna, basma) are considered safe for pregnant women. It is better to test the dye on a small strand of hair before use.

Highlights during pregnancy

Highlighting is also coloring, but not the entire head, but only individual strands. It can be considered potentially safe. The main harm, as with full dyeing, is caused by ammonia fumes, but it will not enter the body through the scalp, since only part of the strand is dyed (the hair roots are not affected). This procedure can be made less harmful if:

  • use basma or henna;
  • do not dye your hair in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • use paint without ammonia or tint shampoo.
Folk omens

Our ancestors would not have approved of staining. They had their own explanation for this.

Firstly, hair is a symbol of vitality and energy, dyeing destroys their structure and, accordingly, the flow of life energy weakens.

Secondly, in a pregnant woman, as the ancestors believed, all thoughts and desires should concern the unborn child, and not their own beauty and attractiveness. A woman in an "interesting" position should look modest.