New wedding rituals. Modern traditions at the wedding: from antiquity to the present day. There should be an even number of buttons on the dress if they are at all. The underwear of the bride should only be white

Wedding is the main holiday in the life of any family. It was preparing for a long time, and since ancient times, wedding celebrations accompany various customs and rites. Some of them have long been riveted in the fly, some perform only a decorative function, and some are alive to this day. Moreover, the exchange of cultural values \u200b\u200bimposed its imprint, and many of the modern customs are borrowed from other cultures. In our article we will tell about modern traditions at the wedding, the story of their appearance and development.

Acquaintance parents

In ancient Russia, there was a tradition to acquaint parents of the bride and groom with each other. Otherwise, it could be called walling. The bride and family came to the parents of the bride to ask their daughter's hands. They covered the rich table, and during the feather discussed the details of the wedding: when it takes place, the number of guests, the dowry of the bride. Nowadays, such meetings are more than a weekday: no one collects a gorgeous table, you can meet not only at home by the bride, but also in a cafe or even in the park. But the fact of the meeting remains unchanged.

Bacheloytsky gatherings

Farewell tradition with idle life is a bachelor party and a bachelorette party - came to us from European and American cultures. There it is a whole event, sometimes no less lush than the wedding. Our compatriots actively adopted her, and today on the eve of the wedding of the groom with comrades go to a cafe or sports competitions, and the bride with girlfriends gather on a fun walk with a photo shoot or a spa salon.

Face coverage of the bride Fata

One of the oldest wedding rituals with ancient history. The bride's head and face were covered to protect it from the evil eye and damage. White fata color symbolizes the purity and impassion of a young girl. Only the husband is entitled to remove a veil after the wedding ceremony, for this there was a special rite. Today, the face of Fata is rarely covered, while it is rather a thin veil than a dense tissue. The bride's face is no longer hiding, it is rather an exquisite accessory. But the tradition of decorating the head of the veil is alive and on sow. True, about innocence, they are trying not to go into details, since many newlyweds have managed to live with a civil marriage and sometimes even give birth to children. Yes, and the color of it is already allowed not only white. Nevertheless, the veil is one of the main attributes and the symbols of the bride.

Redemption of the bride

No Russian wedding did without redeeve the bride. Previously, this custom had a very practical purpose - to pay the parents of money for the daughter. Today, the ransom has become decorative, aimed at entertainment guests, their acquaintance with each other and creating a good mood. Some still arrange cash contests, but in this case the amount is very symbolic. It is then given to girlfriends on chocolates or young on pins. Recently it became fashionable and do without cash contests at all, as fines forcing the bridegroom to sing, dance or recognize the bride in love in five foreign languages.


It was the wedding in Russia and was a wedding. Without a divine blessing, marriage was not considered prisoners. But the years of Soviet power did their job, and the mystery of the wedding was undeservedly forgotten. Today, spirituality is gradually returning to our life, and more and more steam gives vows loyalty to each other in the face of God. After the wedding, it was always made to sink newlyweds grain as a sign of the upcoming wealth. This tradition is relevant to this day, only coins, candy, rose petals and multi-colored brilliant confetti are added to the croups. Shoot young not only near the church, but after the redemption, before entering the restaurant, on the porch of the registry office.

White dress

This tradition is a few years old. She appeared during the reign of Catherine, and that, in turn, borrowed it from the English Queen. Prior to this, the traditional dress of the Russian bride had red and a special ornament. Now the white color of the wedding dress symbolizes the purity and innocence of the girl.

Exchange rings

Old tradition, who came from Ancient Egypt. The circle is put on the finger - the symbol of infinity - should bring a pair of endless love and loyalty.


One of the old Russian traditions, which has been preserved in primeval form. After the wedding and painting, the parents of the groom meet young with bread and salt. Newlyweds must bite off or break as a larger piece as possible, salt and feed each other.

First kiss

The kiss of the young, who have just become husband and wife, has a deep meaning. He combines their souls, making some individuals from individual personalities. Perfect in public, the kiss notifies the couple around the new status.

Abduction of the bride

This tradition appeared in the ancient Slavs, and meant farewell to the native home and the transition to a new family. The bride was usually stolen by the bride of the groom, and he should have found a pressed or pay redemption.

Throw bouquet and garter

Traditions are relatively new, who came from European countries. It is believed that they caught a bouquet or garter, during the year they will also marry (in the case of garter - marry).

Other traditions

Let's tell about some more interesting and unusual traditions.

Custom bring the bride into the house in your hands - so the girl will be protected from evil spirits.

Beat the dishes for happiness - Greek tradition. After the bride makes three wines, she must throw a glass over his shoulder. Today there are several options for this custom. For example, in the form and size of the fragments, you are guessing who will be born at the first pair - a boy or a girl.

Wedding cake - a European tradition that has successfully accustomed to modern Russia.

Whatever traditions and customs have used young people at their wedding - Russian, European, traditions of small peoples - the main thing so that all the decisions were joint, and in a pair reigned respect and love.

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In our age, many ancient traditions of wedding ceremonies turned out to be irrevocably lost, and those that were still remained conditionally and in the changed variants. Fortunately, now young people are more interested in their own roots, and more and more steam wanted to organize in the spirit of old Russian traditions.

Why abide by tradition

Most modern weddings are played by the same typical scenario. Newlyweds are trying to adhere to the main traditions, often without understanding their meaning. Unwritten rules for weddings are complied with the habit to keep up with others.

Meanwhile, wedding rituals in the Russian people have developed many centuries ago. Each action at the wedding had a certain meaning. Therefore, if possible, it is necessary to carry out all the traditions of the Russian wedding. Such a wedding in ancient spirit will necessarily get fun, clearly organized and rich in events. In addition, setting up in the spirit of old customs, you will have respect for your ancestors, make a small civil feat and you can feel a connection with your roots.

Customs of the Russian wedding

A whole range of mandatory rituals and rituals was used during the Russian wedding. All of them were performed in a certain sequence and on the preceded scenario. Each such action carried a certain load. For example, wedding represented a religious cropping of marriage, and the first night of newlyweds became his physical conclusion.

What rites were included in the traditional wedding celebration in Russia:

  • Watching in essence was negotiating families of future bride and groom. This item was mandatory. Earlier, the parents of newlyweds were engaged in marriage, so all organizational issues were engaged in organizational issues. From among close relatives or distinguished people, the matchmakers were chosen, which were to lead a conversation and negotiate with the parents of the bride, expecting contact between families.
  • Sowing of young grain or, the so-called, "rain of abundance" symbolized prosperity in future family life. Previously, the bride and the bride showered rye or oats. Now for this purpose, rice is used. Sometimes young under their feet throws their life to be full of love and beauty.
  • Meeting of the young with carabic was designed to give young family happiness. Capaway specially baked for a wedding celebration, decorated with different patterns. Traditionally, the loaf was decorated with a grocery branch, which was a symbol of love. The loaf itself baked on a special recipe with the observance of the set of rituals.

  • The redemption and abduction of the bride symbolized the confrontation of the forces of evil trying to overshadow the happiness of the future family. During the redemption of the bridegroom, many tasks had to fulfill various tests that came up with the bridesmaids. So he showed his strength and agility, the desire to withstand the evil forces. At the end of the groom could wear a ring on his bride's finger and give it a kiss.

  • The transfer of the hearth is hardly the most touching rite. Now it is carried out at the end of the wedding celebration. Newlywed Mothers with candles are suitable for young and they light from their candles a total large candle, which symbolizes the family hearth. Then they dance the last dance, saying goodbye to the guests. It looks very beautifully this rite in the twilight.

Wedding traditions of the bride

A few days before the date of the wedding celebration, the bride conducted a bachelorette party. It was a kind of rite of farewell to the virology and joining a new family life. During this event, the girl gave each other symbolic gifts, having fun and entertained.

An important rite, which is followed by and in our days, was considered the removal of Fata. In ancient times, the bride broke the braid and spilled out of the hair, two braids, which then laid around the head and told the handkerchief. This meant that the girl is now married.

Now this rite is carried out differently. In the center of the room are stools and put the pad on it. The bride should take this chair. This means that now the young wife has its own cozy place in the groom's dwelling. Removes veil from the bride. Then she testifies the bride with a handkerchief or an elegant shawy and says good wishes. In conclusion, the bride should dance with unmarried girlfriends bringing over their heads to the veil. It is impossible to try on the removed venue - you will stay in girls.

Another rite for the bride is associated with its bouquet. Now the bride by tradition throws his bouquet with unmarried girlfriends, turning back to them. At the traditional Russian wedding, this rite was carried out otherwise. The bride with tied eyes chose a future owner of a bouquet from among the unmarried friends until the girls drove a dance around it.

Wedding traditions of the groom

Now in front of the wedding the groom arranges a fun evening for his friends. This event usually symbolizes a farewell with a bachelor life, it is observed with a scope, merry events, draws and jokes are held. Friends congratulate the groom with the upcoming wedding.

This custom, unlike the student, has appeared not so long ago. Previously, the fiance on the eve of the wedding celebration simply washed in the bath alone.

Preparation of a bouquet for the bride was an integral responsibility of the groom. He was supposed to independently draw up a bouquet of flowers that will fall to taste and present the bride along with the wedding ring after redemption.

By analogy, with the transfer of the bouquet of the bride, not so long ago, the custom of throwing a garter to the crowd of unmarried guests, removed the bride with the legs of the bride. The caught garter should symbolize a quick successful marriage.

Today, the wedding is no longer a complex of complex rituals, as it was in the times of our ancestors. Fashion and time change our idea of \u200b\u200bthe wedding ceremony and make their own adjustments. However, some wedding rites are still preserved, albeit in a somewhat "upgraded" version.

Wedding is a kind of magical sacrament, which is for each of us an important event in life. It testifies to the acquisition of a family hearth. In this regard, there is a huge number of rituals, traditions and will take. Any wedding ritual has its own history and carries a deep meaning. Careful compliance with wedding traditions was for our ancestors to some extent to "influence" to the future life. Modern wedding rituals are only an addition to the wedding feast, most of us do not even know and do not think about their meaning. Nowadays, the wedding is a festive event organized by the possibilities, ideas and knowledge of organizers of this event.

Tradition to meet parents with each other before the wedding reached the present day. Typically, on this day, parents are discussing the organization of the wedding and the material side of the question.

Also, in our time, a tradition has been preserved on the eve of the wedding to carry out boys and bachelides. As a rule, this is a farewell party with a free maiden (idle) life, on which close girlfriends (friends) of the bride (groom) are present. The bachelor party and the bachelorette party are held in different places. This tradition is not as old as, for example, the custom of covering the head of the bride by Fata. This rite has been several thousand years old. Fata covered the head and face of the bride, first of all to protect against damage and evil eye. In addition, the Fata symbolizes purity, innocence, modesty and impaired newlyweds. After the marriage conclusion ceremony, only the husband is entitled to raise a veil.

The rite of redemption of the bride at girlfriends and parents is also respected in our days. Today it is the smallest, beautiful and spectacular part of the wedding. The bridegroom will have to overcome a series of tests, shine intelligence, force and erudition to get the right to possess the lady of his heart.

The rite of church wedding today is reborn again. Increasingly, lovers want to combine their love not only before the public, but in the face of God. Previously, after the wedding of the newlyweds, it was customary to sink by grain. This action acted as the wishes of wealth, strength of relationships, have many children. Instead of grain, in many countries today, rice, raisins, candy, money, rose petals, grain or nuts are used. The value of this ritual has been preserved. Just to sink newlyweds today, when leaving the registry office (if the wedding is not provided in the church). The road from the church to the house of the young was made to sprinkle with flowers. This rite resembles a pagan. Nowadays, this tradition is more due to its beauty and solemnity of the moment.

The tradition of the wedding to wear a white dress appeared relatively recently, about two hundred years ago, during the Board of Catherine. Initially, the bride's wedding dress in Russia should have had red. White color symbolizes purity and impairment, so white wedding dress began to mean the introduction of a girl in a new life. It is white color that has become a mandatory wedding symbolism.

The rite of metabolic rings has appeared in ancient Egypt. The circle was considered a symbol of eternity, so the round ring began to symbolize the infinite happiness and love between her husband and his wife.

Today it is customary that the groom bought wedding rings, a wedding dress and shoes for the bride, and the bride's parents prepare her "dowry" (bed linen, towels, dishes, furniture). Of course, today it happens that it happens that to collect the dowry, in general, and it is not necessary, since the bride is already there everything is already there (the apartment with furniture and technology, etc.). Because to see the bride before the wedding in the wedding dress - bad sign, the bride can take on the purchase of dresses. Previously, the bride, herself prepared his dowry: Sheil, embroidered, prepared decorations. Wedding shoes also bought the bride to the saved funds, which demonstrated its business and leaning relatives.

By registering a marriage, newlyweds with guests travel to a wedding walk at commemorative places of their city or village.

After registering the newlyweds on the preserved tradition, the parents of the groom met bread with salt. Newlyweds alternately bite or bleed a piece of bread. Who has a broken piece will be more, the owner in the family.

The newlywed kiss concludes a sacramental meaning, he unites the souls of a young couple into a single whole. The popular kiss of the bride and the bride informs those present at the same time on its union in one family. The relationship of young to the marriage had a chawed character, so it is very important that the kiss is carried out in the presence of parents and relatives.

The tradition of stealing the bride had a place for Russian Slavs. For example, Vyatichi and Northerners have existed games called "Mezhie villages", where during games, songs and dance men chose the brides and took to themselves at home. Hence, the tradition of abducting brides, which symbolized the farewell with parents and fatherly house and the transition to the house of the groom, to a new family. Usually the torments of the bride were engaged in the friendship of the groom. The groom was necessary or narrowed, or give redemption for her. Modern weddings kept this fun tradition.

Tradition to throw a wedding bouquet came to us quite recently from European countries. All the unmarried bridesmaids are going to a bunch, and the bride, getting his back to them, throws a bouquet. It is believed that the one that will catch a bouquet will soon marry. A similar rite exists for friends of the bridegroom, who, removing the bride from the legs of the garter, throws it to idle friends. The one who will see first, he gets married in the near future.

Today a tradition appeared to beat the dishes at the wedding celebration. This is usually done on happiness. Today they beat the glass of the groom or bride, as well as plates. According to the resulting fragments determine who the couple will be born first: if the fragments are large, then the boy, if small - girl.

New wedding tradition - binding champagne bottles for happiness. This action of witnesses can be carried out either at the beginning or at the end of the wedding pyr. The first bottle of young drinks on the first anniversary of family life, and the second - on the birthday of the first child.

No wedding costs without a wedding cake (cake, punishing), which symbolizes abundance, joy and good luck in family life. Its height can be different, but the form is usually round.

There is another modern wedding rite, according to which at midnight the bride, standing in a circle of dancing girlfriends with closed eyes, puts his veil on the head of one of them. A girl who is lucky will lucky in a short time to marry.

Very beautiful and romantic tradition, which newlyweds are increasingly observed, is the tradition of bringing the bride into the house in her arms. Our ancestors believed that such a job would protect the bride from damage and evil spirits.

And today, newlyweds love to let go of two pigeons into the sky, whose paws tie the pink and blue ribbons. According to them, they determine who will be born in the pair first. This is usually done on a wedding walk or in front of the building where a wedding feast is scheduled. In addition, there are a lot of other new wedding traditions: the hanging of locks with the names of the bride and the bride on the tree or the bridge railing, beating the bottle of champagne on the bridge, etc.

Another interesting and fun tradition of weddings is the gifting of newlyweds. Parents, witnesses and guests give young valuable and necessary things in everyday life (equipment, dishes, furniture, etc.). In this case, the process of donation is accompanied by interesting booms, jokes and wishes.

According to the tradition of newlyweds after the wedding, go to the wedding trip to spend a honeymoon in a romantic setting.

Despite the existing rites and traditions, only young have the right to decide whether they are not on their own wedding. The main thing is that the wedding has retained an important, sacred value - the transition from free idle to family life, with their joys and responsibilities.

Until our time, a lot of wedding rites of Russia came, who accompany the marriage ceremony. They all have changed, the majority today is more entertaining. If you want to give tribute to a rich cultural past, embodying him in his celebration, study wedding customs and traditions that originated many centuries ago, but did not lose charm and now.

Blessing young

"God bless!", In these words, the parents gave consent to the marriage of young ones in Russia. This is a church custom, which suggests that parents cross the future spouses with icons wrapped in the roast. It was permissible to conduct it only baptized, but now on the beautiful wedding rite / customer of Russia there are even those who were not baptized, but this is not a blessing in the literal sense.


The Russian wedding of the former centuries according to tradition did not take place without a sorcerer, who provided the protection of newlyweds from evil forces, conducted rites to protect them from the evil eye. Modern sorcerer is a friend of the bride and tamad at the same time. He takes care of a pleasant, interesting wedding atmosphere throughout the holiday.


In the old days, the parents of the groom came to wrap. His children were given to the crown early, so all the issues were solved between adult family members - dowry, expenses, deposit. Over time, this Russian tradition has changed, because people marry love. But the gesture of respect, as well as the maintenance of customs from the bridegroom, is considered to be visited by the parents, to ask her hands.


Previously, the ransom was exclusively financial in nature - the groom was required to prove its worth. Now this Russian custom turned into a game where the narrowed girlfriend is preparing a lot of tasks, puzzles, competitions. If he does not cope with them - the money bumps off with them, candy is the custom.


Credit was traditionally passed after the walling and was a monetary part of wedding traditions. The side of the bridegroom, together with the side of the bride, discussed organizational, financial questions about the dowry, making, wedding spending of families. Analogue, or rather, the continuation of this custom of Ancient Russia can be called a modern contract, which is concluded by spouses during marriage, "Conducting" about the rules of family life after the wedding.


The former Russian feast is a demonstration of generosity of parents. The wedding menu was extensive, each dish looed his meaning, but all together allowed from the heart to feed and drink guests so that there is no hungry left. The young had to treat bread-salt - by tradition, it was a loaf. Now all these traditional stages are held during a banquet, the tables on which they always break from festive snacks. The abundance of meat, fish dishes is replaced by vegetables, at the tables necessarily have bread, and the crown of the feast is a cake.

"Bitterly!" "It is this word that the guests shout at the wedding feast of Russia - before it was not a call to a kiss, but there was a different meaning. From a tray that brought bride, guests took a glass of vodka, instead of leaving money, gifts, and then shouted: "Gorky!". They confirmed that they drank a terrible bitter drink.

Another tradition of the wedding feast is the binding of two champagne bottles, one of which spouses, in Russian tradition, will open on the anniversary, the second - when a child is born.

The last stage of the official part of the wedding feast of Russia, which has already become a tradition - the first wedding dance. The spouses together go to dance, later they join other couples. This moment marks the transition of the celebration of the wedding in a dance, musical, competitive program.


The church rite of the wedding confirms the marriage between a woman and a man before God. After him, the spouses go to a wedding walk, having time to visit the banquet in several places, to make memorable photos. Now it is not always taken to marvel, so the motorcade takes the newlyweds immediately after the wedding registration. And before, the wedding was the main part of the wedding celebration, so not only the church itself was carefully selected, but also outfits for the bride and groom.

When the newlyweds walk, another custom happens - fortune telling: they are tied on the paws of two pigeons of rose and blue tapes, then the birds are released together, determining the tradition, as the floor there is a future firstborn - male or female.

Girlish and bachelor party

The tradition of spending a bacheloremniestnik before the wedding, came for a long time: in Russia, girlfriends gathered at the girl, combed her braid, took bath procedures, passing to her the gloomy details of the future life. It was done in order to protect the young girl from damage. The bachelor party, as a tradition, appeared not so long ago - before the bridegroom before the wedding, followed the bath to one.

Wedding rings

Wedding rings - a symbol of loyalty, love and devotion. The first to appear with the Egyptians who believed that such a wedding gifts to each other will help keep the spark of relations between two people. We are familiar today, they came to us to Russia not so long ago from European countries, becoming a strengthened tradition.

The bride's bouquet

In Russian traditions it was both: the girl passed his bouquet with his boyfriend. Interestingly, a traditional Russian round dance was used here: Circling and dancing the bride (blindfolded) chose the one that will be the owner of a bouquet. The tradition of throwing a bouquet in the crowd of unmarried girls appeared later and came to us from Europe - that girl that was lucky to catch him, was destined to marry the next.

Men will not be left either without a kind of tradition at the wedding: before throwing a bouquet, the girl takes off the garter, which men will soon catch. It also defines someone who successfully marries the following.

Abduction of the bride

Now the abduction is entertainment, but during the times of serfdom of Russia it was an unpleasant peasant custom. The girl who got married could take on the first wedding night of Pan or Barin. If the groom opposed this - his assistants crawled the bride from the celebration and led themselves, but the rich men managed to pay off this.

Toftle of the bride

But stealing the shoe in Russia was not accepted. On the contrary, the narrowed sama gave her to fit the girlfriends, which only waited for their own happiness. The one that the shoes are suitable, demanded a redemption from the future husband. This custom of Russia also allowed to determine the welfare of the groom, evaluate its generosity.


Alone embroidered bride, the Rushnik was considered one of the main attributes of the wedding celebration, he remained forever with his spouses after the wedding, was part of the dowry girl. Under the wedding, the spouses become one of the towel, and the second tied up the hands of the new spouses, forever fastens them together. This attribute to this day is used in the blessing and offering of the festive punishment in Russia.

In Russian, it was believed that the groom's shirt should also be embroidered by the bride.

Wedding loaf

At the threshold, parents presented with newly minted wedding loaf with bread-salt: they should take turn off the piece, such a custom of Russia. Previously, he meant a kind of fortune telling - what Paul will be a baby, where the expenses of the family will send. However, modern newlyweds are guessing who will be "leading" in the family, and who "slave" depending on whose piece is greater. In Russia, such fortune telling was unthinkable, because the only possible head of the family, according to the tradition, was a man.

The wedding night

After all the most complied with the traditions of Russia, the customs spent, the last, the main part of the wedding day is coming - the first marriage night of lovers. This is an important event for an innocent girl. The spouse makes a bride through the threshold on the hands so that evil demons think that this is a baby, and not a foreign person. Often, the newlyweds chose an unusual place for the first marriage night, so that "the perfumes did not find them" - Senov, Shed, a fear of a familiar couple.

Even modern people strive to spend it not at home - in the chic room of the hotel, a removable apartment. In recent years, when attention to traditions again made them popular, the wedding in the rustic style implies the first wedding night in the stack of the aromatic hay, and the lovers of romance are not refused.

After this event, the second day of the wedding celebration may occur, but it depends on the financial consistency of the organizers of the wedding celebration. Usually, according to tradition, it ends with a honey month - travel spouses. But before the honeymoon meant a light alcoholic drink, which was preparing for the wedding and drank not only in the process of celebration, but also a month after it. Interestingly, the weight of the barrel was at least 10 kilograms, and it was not allowed to drink anything other than this invigorating sweet drink.

Wedding rites and traditions in Russia See in an interesting video:

Traditions, customs and people have changed, only one thing remains unchanged - the solemnity of the wedding ceremony, which will forever be remembered by a loving pair. That this day passed perfectly, the traditional Russian wedding requires serious, responsible training.

Will you use these customs, traditions at your celebration? Tell us in the comments.

Russia is a multifaceted unique country whose history has hundreds of beautiful rituals accompanying, including a wedding celebration. Until today, some traditions have been preserved, the execution of which is more likely to tribute history and additional fun for guests. It is going to organize marriage, it will not be superfluous to explore the wedding customs of Russia and find a lot in them with modern rituals.

Blessing young

The obligatory tradition of the preceding the sacrament of marriage was the blessing of the parents, which was strictly respected. The children turned to their relatives with the words: "Bless the father, Mother!". In response, mother with his father, holding an icon in his hands, answered - "God bless!" In the old days, almost all people were baptized. At the present time, receiving a blessing with an icon of unresolved young, rather follow fashion, as God's blessing as they do not get.


Along with the high degree of religiosity of the Russian nation, the people of Holy believed in the otherworldly. The wedding needed was the presence of a sorcerer, a sorcerer that would protect the young from the evil eye, distracted from them with fun jokes and playing Satanic evil. At a modern wedding in Russia, the sorcerer can easily learn in the guise of the desired Tamada. The organizer of the ceremony creates a festive atmosphere at the celebration, having fun and entertains guests.


According to the Staroral Testaments, cotton wallery was fully lying on their parents. Behind them remained a decisive word - to be a wedding or not. It was the parents that determined the size of the dowry, controlled the cost of the celebration. Wedding traditions of Russia today allow children to make a choice themselves, as well as to solve issues related to the organization of the celebration. But still a visit to the parents of the bride for official permission to marriage is considered a familiarity of decency, respect.


In Russian wedding traditions, it was natural for the bride and his parents to pay for their happiness, that is, to accomplish. Today, the ransom ritual is cheerful fun for young, friends and all the participants of the festival. An impatient newly demanded fun guests are thrown into tasks, come up with obstacles on the way to your beloved. Usually the groom covered off with minor amounts of money or sweets.


In Russia, after the match, passed the custom of conspiracy. So called long conversations about joint investments in the wedding budget. The dimensions of the dowry bride, family capital and redemption were discussed. Such an event resembles a legal registration of a marriage contract, which regulates the costs of family members and inheritance in the event of a divorce.


In Russia, a young young, a wedding loaf with salt female salt took place in Russia in front of a solemn lunch. Having granted ritual bread, newlyweds bowed to the belt guests, and they, in turn, symbolically blessed them, shining with grain, symbol of wealth and prosperity. Now, when leaving the wedding palace, the fiancé and the bride are arranged fireworks from the petals of beautiful roses. And in the process of the holiday there is a ritual karabav.

Custom screaming "bitter!" It used to happen somewhat differently. The bride took turns approached each guest with a festive stack on a tray. Drinking, invited shouting "bitter!", Demonstrating in such a way that he was brought to a chump festive drink. And in return, it was customary to put money and gifts on the tray.

Modern wedding traditions of Russia, associated with the feast, covered new interesting moments, already firmly rooted among the population. So, the witnesses fasten two bottles of champagne for a young family. The first bottle of sparkling beverage newlyweds will shove before the first anniversary of the wedding, the second should be discussed in honor of the birth of the first child.

On the wedding custom, the dance evening opens the young with their first dance. Then dance will come out all those who want, and next, as a rule, the entertainment part of the celebration begins.


The rite of wedding is currently being carried out always or postponed at another time. After registering and visiting the church, the newlyweds make a fusion walk around the city. During such a trip, newly visited rites of modern weddings are often occurring. For example, at bridges together, you close the lock on the key, which symbolizes the irrevoyability of the marriage. Or they are tied up with pink and blue ribbon paws and let them go to determine the child's floor. With some ribbon, the dove takes off above, he marks the floor of the future kid.

Girlish and bachelor party

Maiden's gatherings before marriage - a long-standing wedding tradition of Russia. The girlfriends went to the bath, thoroughly washed the braid of the bride, shared by the bikes about unfortunate marriages to take a bad eye. The bachelor party was not accepted in Russia, a young guy simply led himself in order: washed in the bath, haughtily.

Wedding rings

Starting to each other on the fingers of gold and silver rings - the tradition of worldwide. The ancestors of this event are the ancient Egyptians, who were the first to introduce a beautiful and romantic custom. Today, no wedding in the world is without the exchange of rings.

The bride's bouquet

The prototype of the bouquet in the crowd of girls at the ceremony is the old rite of wreath transfer from the bride's head close to his friend. This ritual defines the future newlyweds. At the modern wedding of Russia, a spicy nuance was added to the tradition. The bride removes the garter with a stockhing and throws idle men to find out which of them the next potential fiance.

Abduction of the bride

Of course, no one is kidnapped by a happy girl, perhaps if the groom of the Russian bride is a Muslim. In Russia, a newly demanded of a simple peasant family could sometimes be kidnapped by a despotic landowner. And in order to protect your beloved, the groom had to be generously bite off.

Toftle of the bride

The wedding tradition of Russia, kidnapping the bride-tuning bride to the second day for the sake of comic sputter, passed in ancient times otherwise. Young newlyweds herself offered to try on wedding shoes with his girlfriends. The girl who was a shower was fit, fully demanded a ransom with a well done.


A towel or a trench in Russia is a special ritual object of marriage, on which the wedding loaf endured, and in the church, the young was supposed to stand during the wedding. An embroidered festive towel in some settlements were tied up with newlyweds. Beautiful ethnic bride's ethnic trench gave a narrowed on the matchmaker, several types of towels should have been available in the dowry.

Wedding loaf

The sign of wealth and prosperity among Russian people was traditionally considered bread. Therefore, young people had to taste this delicacy so that their life was without need, hunger and deprivation. The modern interpretation of the ritual was transformed into a comic form. While biting from punishing, the groom with a bride string to grab a slice more to take a leading position in a pair. In the oldest times, it would not come to mind about the head of the family. In Russia, the rules of strict and sometimes brutal patriarchy.

The wedding night

Pre-wedding troubles behind, finished feast, and the most mysterious and beautiful night occurs in the life of lovers - the first marriage. Wedding tradition, make a young wife in a new home in your arms, also has a magical background. In the ancient times, the groom thus assigned the eyes of the unclean strength, pretending to be the child.

The custom of spending the first wedding night outside the native walls calls on young people to hide from the evil spell, hide in another place. Often overnight newlyweds provided relatives, or as an exotic version of young people we were sent to the seeding, equipped with a shed. Modern newlyweds also crave an adventure and book a hotel room renting apartments.

Unlike Slavic traditions, the second day of the banquet became optional. Instead, young lovers prefer a wedding journey, honeymoon in some resort place.

Despite the fact that culture is constantly changing and many traditions lose their relevance, the wedding celebration will forever remain the most magnificent and memorable event in life. And that the wedding becomes a real holiday of love and fun, it is necessary to make every effort and how to prepare.