Why does not blood go after deprivation. Lives for a long time after deprivation of virginity

Hello, Alexandra!

Everything in this life can be explained - those or other reasons. There should be no reasons for concern. Not all girls with loss of virginity are painful and observed bleeding. What you had neither that nor the other can also be an option for the norm.

Does it be necessary to have pain at first sex?

The first sex in each can pass somewhat different than others. Many women do not have any pain in defloration. The pain often occurs when the girl is psychologically not yet ready for the first sexual proximity. This may occur because of fear, constraint. As a result, the spasm of vaginal muscles and the girl naturally experiences pain. It is best to relax, trust a partner, and then there will be no obstacles to the penetration of a penis man. It is also worth hinting a partner that you are not ready yet, for example, to sex is clean physically. This he himself can understand if the girl has a vaginal lubricant or not. If it is, but it appears if the girl is sexually excited, the process of the loss of innocence will be easier. The more sexy excitement is experiencing a girl, the greater the stretching of her Phelem. In some, it can be elastic and easily tensile, in the others thick, dense with a multitude of blood vessels and nerves.

At one girl, the virgin Piece breaks completely during the first sexual contact, in the other one it can be saved until childbirth. Or, in some cases, it is necessary to even resort to the so-called surgical defloration. It passes painlessly, long lasts, and it does not affect the well-being or appearance of the girl.

About blood and its absence for the first time ...

Approximately 10 - 20 percent of girls do not observe any, even very minor bleeding during their first sexual proximity to the man. Despite the fact that many people still believe that blood at first sexual intercourse is a sign that the girl before that was a virgin, the lack of blood cannot be a hundred percent sign that she had sex before. The girls may have a different structure of the most virgin splava. In addition, it may generally be absent from birth, to be not developed enough, or could have been violated as a result of any other non-sex manipulation (excessively thoroughly washed, an inaccurate examination of a gynecologist, injury, improper use of hygienic tampons, and the like .). So, blood may not be completely, it can be a bit, or, on the contrary, a lot. And if the bleeding was, it continues from someone just one day, and someone and 4 - 5 days.

Therefore, you should not be afraid, and it is better to focus your thoughts and actions on finding the most suitable way of contraception, so that the beginning of sexual life is not overwhelmed with the fact of the undesirable for your pair of pregnancy. Make it is not difficult now. First time you can use a condom, and if sexual contacts are permanent, you can think over oral contraceptives.

All the best!

Sincerely, Sandrin.

Replied: 01.02.2012

Hello, Diana! The virgin Pepper is very elastic, and does not always break during the first sexual intercourse. There are cases of gaps of virgin splas in a woman during childbirth.


Clarifying 07.06.2012 lena, Kazakhstan

Clarifying 18.12.2012 zhaz, Uralsk

Why I did not have blood in the first sexual act even after numerous attempts was not because of this my young man did not believe and we parted what to do? This is normal

Replied: 01/06/2013

Not always, when first sexual contact may be distinguished. Blood. The virgin rig can have not a lot of blood vessels and when it can be broken, there can be very little bleeding. This is just a feature of your body, and a young man could not be so categorical.


Replied: 04/28/2014

Hello, Diana! Some girls have a very elastic virgin and is not always broken at the first sexual contacts. Explain this to your young man, or go together to consult a gynecologist.


Clarifying 03.04.2015 Romanova Ira, Tyumen

Hello, I had the first sexual act, but there was no blood, the pain was quite a little bit, then not how many times there was a sexual act, there was no blood, I didn't have a virgin, say that I still a virgin?

Clarifying 04.04.2015 Romanova Ira, Tyumen

So I could remain a virgin?

Clarifying 05.01.2016 avazzzhan, Samara

Clarifying 05.01.2016 avazzzhan, Samara

I'm half a year for my husband, well, I can't get pregnant

Replied: 01/26/2016

It is likely that the virgin splash is preserved. But just can be said at the reception at the gynecologist.


Replied: 01/28/2016

Hello, Lena! Some girls can be broken away from the first sexual intercourse. You probably happened for the 3rd time. If the guy does not believe, let the gynecologist confirm this information. Go together to the doctor.


Clarifying 29.03.2016 Akmal, Moscow

I am a Muslim during the first sexual relationship with his wife, she was very afraid and in stress it was we who had sex for 5 hours were able to do only 1 time, she did not have sex before that time. The hall was 1 2 drops was very little and Typer I have a doubt she was really a virgin or not? How much should the shelter due to the answer in advance thanks

Replied: 03/29/2016

Hello,! Bleeding with a gap of virgin splava is insignificant or not to be absolutely absent if the Pieva did not break.


Replied: 03/31/2016

Hello, it happens with a good elasticity of virgin splava. Influence the image of your boyfriend's thoughts if it does not suit this answer, unfortunately, the doctor cannot.


Replied: 04/01/2016 Izikovich Boris Leonidovich Moscow 0.0 head Departments of Pediatrics

Hello, when the tear of the grooves the grooves does not happen in normal as the vascular growth of the splava is insignificant. As a consequence, it may be from simply pink stain when scabing up to and maximum level 3 - 5 ml of blood. If you do not believe in the purity of your wife now, then answer the question: will you trust then? You yourself for how honestly in front of a woman that do not believe? Do you have your first?


Replied: 04/01/2016 Izikovich Boris Leonidovich Moscow 0.0 head Departments of Pediatrics

Hello Lena! In the first place, not everyone has a virgin splava from the first hollow act for various reasons, the head of men and your patience and the peculiarities of blood supply and its elasticity plays. And the fact that your young man does not trust it is bad and the question appears and not one. The main of which is whether you need a man who initially instead of the offer lays you to bed and "inflates the cheeks" why there is no blood, maybe you are not virgin. Think, and you need it to you. This is not jealousy and no distrust, but rather cynicism. I'm so white and fluffy and you are not virgin!


Replied: 04/02/2016

Hello! The virgin rig is a different structure. In some cases, it remains as much even with multiple sexual acts. In this case, the gynecologist can give a conclusion that you are a virgin.


Replied: 04/02/2016

I can not argue, but the signs of virginity could be preserved. You can easily check this if you pass the examination of the gynecologist and ask the doctor about the state of the virgin splava.


Clarifying 15.06.2016 Elena, Kuibyshev

Replied: 06/15/2016

Hello, it can be elastic and stretch. Blood supply there is always good. It often happens that its oassekuchi during childbirth


Replied: 06/15/2016

Hello, it makes no sense to convince. If you do not believe it, it is not yours and not worth your attention.


Replied: 06/15/2016

Hello, virginity, the concept is more moral than physical. It's like you


Replied: 06/15/2016

Hello, the presence of an ellastic splava may not lead to her rupture. And he does not need to explain anything, will not understand


Replied: 06/15/2016

Hello, virginity - the concept is more noaple, rather than physical. If you are so convenient, please stay.


Replied: 06/16/2016

Hello, your young man has read fiction or having heard the stories for yourself. Anything "feel" is possible with a very dense spray with a small "pocket

Help please very confused! I am a virgin once a guy started to pester me and a little slightly touched before the beginning of the sexes and a little bit, the fingers did not give anywhere. I immediately stopped it. Then he was very worried, and the next morning the blood of a brown color went, but it was 7 days before menstruation. Feels almost like menstruation only without abdominal pain and lasted 3-4 days as monthly usually. Help determine if he damaged the virgin splas?

The first sexual act is important for both sexes, so it is necessary to properly prepare for such an important act: it is hard and in the physical aspect, and in psychological; Because it is characterized by a certain pain, besides, after the first intercourse, blood goes.

Scientists engaged in this sphere of human life give a lot of comments, and all of them agree that it is necessary to be ready to be ready for loss of virginity in every sense. In the physical plane, this means that sex life is better to start after 18, because it is this age when the body is fully formed.

The importance of defloration

The loss of innocence in the weak floor should happen at the age when the girl is fully formed, that is, is physically ready for proximity and can make a deliberate and weighted decision on such an important step. That is, the most suitable age for the undertaking of sexual life is over 18 years old. This fact is confirmed by the specialists in the field of sexology of many countries, although in many people there is their own opinion on this matter.

A reasonable question is set: why is defloration important for virgins? The first experience is remembered for a lifetime, it all knows: he determines even the attitude of the girl to the opposite sex in the future. And often the life moments in which the loss of innocence occurs, differ in both girls and guys. Some choose themselves in the first man quite experienced, others prefer to start with just as innocent.

The first proximity strongly changes the girl in a psychological aspect - she becomes a real woman. For this reason, the behavior of a guy during the first intercourse is important. In his first time, the girl is able to experience insecurity, fear, constraint and fear of pain.

It's no secret that with the first intimate proximity there is a gap of a virgin film, which will certainly lead to the onset of painful sensations. In any case, after the first intercourse there is blood - this is the most obvious figure of the girl's innocence. But blood can not go, that is, the fact of the lack of blood also does not mean that the girl was no longer innocent at the time of the Socia. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body, so the first experience may entail different changes in the organism of a young girl.

Why is this happening

Thoughts that the first sexual act always passes unsuccessfully and this is a very unpleasant process, you need to drive away. It can be noted that this attitude is noted in many, but there are exceptions in any rules: it is not necessary that blood will go after defloration. There are cases when bleeding and does not occur at all - and this is not some defect, it is simply an individual predisposition. It is worth understanding why in general when there is a loss of virginity and blood goes.

Sometimes there are cases when the loss of virginity passes gradually - after the first pairs of times, when the virgin film is only abandoned. In this case, maybe every time, and may not happen and in general. Painful feelings are mainly dependent on the confidence in the partner and the mood of the girl - the more confidence and desire to spend their first time with this person, the less unpleasant feelings will be.

Thus, if the girl is initially tuned to the fact that it will be very painful and there will be blood after the first sexual act, it will be possible - the mood can provoke a reduction in the muscles of the vagina, causing discomfort from the Socia to both partners. That is, it all depends precisely from the mood - the blood is most often when the girl is morally not ready for a gender act. Therefore, you should not drive and immediately think that everything will be bad. No need to shove your partner if I tried my first sexual intercourse in life.

The question is very controversial, in addition to the fact that doctors and scientists are advised, but rarely who listens to the words of specialists, and even more so at the younger age. The time of the first intimate proximity to the girl should choose, whether it is her full-fledged desire or development of love relationships, so everything is in order even in the case when the first sexual act takes place early.

As already mentioned, the right time is when the girl is already ready for this physically and morally, and the average age for this is eighteen years, although it may be a little earlier or later. Not in vain this period is called "adulthood".

The law in our country states that the girl is allowed to enter into sexual relationship after the occurrence of 18 years of age, under one condition: if a partner is over 18 years old.

An important aspect on which the methods of contraception and the rules of intimate hygiene should be thought. The fact that the first sexual contact will not be deposited from the enhancing or other disease, but also the pregnancy has many coming after the first time.

First of all, the presence of sexual attraction is important, and in different floors it is also manifested in different ways. Girls, the excitation occurs in such a way that the genitals watered, as a result - the allocation of special lubricants using special glands. It is this moisture that helps to take place in a sexual act smoothly and gently, since the introduction of the penis is not now the task of impracticable, since it is at that time a girl may experience a certain proportion of unpleasant sensations. Because in the vagina is still the virgin Piece, the damage of which leads to the fact that after the first intervention there is blood.

After some time, the contact comes an orgasm, the occurrence of which the guy testifies. This is a liquid with which fertilization occurs, therefore it is necessary to take care of the purchase of contraceptives. And even if after the first experience, bleeding did not arise, it does not mean that the girl is still innocent. We remind you that the girl after granting love is not at all the indicator, and the deprivation of virginity just passed more softly and smoothly.

It is worth noting that the choice of posture is little affected by the first situation, and no one will give accurate recommendations on this issue - everyone chooses what is better for him. The most common option is a missionary posture in which the guy is over the girl. That is, in general, an exact answer to the question of which posture is best to choose for the first time.

No need to nourish yourself with empty hopes, which in some pose of pain less or blood is not so much, it is so. It depends on the characteristics of the body, and not from the location of the body.

Often young girls intimidating terrible stories about the fact that the first sexual experience brings only suffering. Some argue the opposite. And such phenomena as the presence of pain and lack of blood, or the presence of blood and the absence of pain - nothing of this says that the defloration did not occur, just such a feature of the genital organs with a separate girl.

It is necessary to adhere to some tips to be remembered for the first time as something positive: you need to do it only if the girl is excited enough and penetration does not cause problems because of this. If the girl's lubricants are not enough, it can use any artificial sold in the pharmacy. Pose must be convenient for both partners. The first experience is recommended to receive in the dark to reduce the fear and aspect of both. Even if there is confidence in a strong half, it is worth using contraceptives in any case.

As for blood and its quantity, this question also lies on the physiology of the girl. For example, blood selections can go even after that within a few days.

Blood goes precisely when there is a gap of virgin splava and after that, as a consequence of violation of the work of the genital organs. Pain and blood is quite a normal phenomenon for first seitses, as well as the absence of one of the variables. If a girl attend some doubts, she can contact a specialist. For example, it will not be superfluous to do this if after some time after the first experience there was a delay in critical days or pain is felt in front of them.

It is necessary to consult a doctor if the first contact was unprotected. That is, one should not be shy, because they still did not kill anyone a scrupulous attitude towards his health.

Sometimes it causes acute pain during the first intercourse such a phenomenon as an abnormal structure of the pubic bone. The norm is the shape of the roller, thick with the thumb. It is this structure that does not constitute any threat during the first intercourse or during childbirth. Under the anomalous meant, such a form as a saber-shaped plank, whose width is 3 or 4 more normal. Therefore, pain may occur, in no way associated with the first, this is a sexual intercourse or tenth.

During the penetration, the penis presses the urethra to the discovering part of the pubic bone, which causes sharp pain. Because of this, a woman enshrines confidence for himself that the first intimate relationship is not the most pleasant lesson. Medicine is powerless in this case, so it is worth discussing with your partner convenience, because it must be comfortable to both parties of the intercourse. It is not necessary to endure pain, it is desirable to be honest with you and your chosen one.

During the first experience, the woman is better to be as relaxed as possible to avoid unnecessary discomfort and for himself, and for a man. Think better about positive, that sexual intercourse is a pleasant process, and also that all this happens with a person you trust. In this case, everything will pass smoothly and memories of will be positive.

Virginity ... The reason for how many unrest and troubles was this little fold of the mucous membrane even for modern, devoid of prejudices of girls ...

Bleeding after first sex and painful sensations from different girls can be strong, weak or practically absent. The number and nature of lost blood during defloration is associated with the individual characteristics of the structure of the virgin splava. Since at the age of 20-22 years, there is a restructuring of the connective tissue of the poles, followed by a decrease in the number of elastic fibers, then the defloration after reaching the girl 22-25 years old is always more painful, accompanied by large hemorrhages and heals longer. Thus, from this point of view, age most favorable for defloration is 16-19 years old.

So, the rupture of the usual, thin splava is accompanied by small bleeding for several hours and moderate discomfort. Stretching pure can expand to the diameter of the penis, tightly covering it and remain the whole. The loss of virginity with thick (fleshy) or regional spheres is usually accompanied by abundant bleeding (up to strong blood secretions over the next 3-7 days) and pronounced pain. Hemorrhage in this case is also observed immediately and go for a longer period of time.

To learn more,
The influence of one or another splava on the defloration process:

Kileida Stretch
Dense With partition
No hole Without splava
Infection With age
Damage Remains of Plouy
Why painfully rushes

How many first time is blood?

The following is a description of the condition in violation of the standard virgin splava, which does not have any anatomical and physiological features. This description cannot be transferred to a particular person. To do this, you need to undergo a specialist.

In the first two days, hemorrhage has a rich dark red, red-purple, red-blue color, more often is located across the entire circumference of the Plev, either localized only near the gaps. Pleva acquires traumatic edema or all, or only on the edges of breaks. Also these days the edges of the breaks can be obtained by small blood clots, its traces at the entrance to the vagina. In the future, on the 3-5th day at the edges of the gaps, whiteish yellowish fibrinous raids are observed. The hemorrhages in the Plev are rapidly pale and the edges of the ruptures are usually circled after 1.5-2.0 weeks. The thinner of the Piece, the faster hemorrhage disappear. By the end of the 3rd week, after defloration occasionally, it is possible to see only traces of the former hemorrhage in the form of alternating areas of the splava of inhomogeneous reddish tonality. Thin Phews are chipped and heals after defloration in just 5-7 days. Thick and fleshy heals longer - by the end of the third and even fourth week.

Performing any physical effects in this area during the healing period (gynecological examination with a mirror, sexual act, etc.) leads to a re-injury of the hymen, bleeding of one or another severity, pain, as well as the inflammatory process of vulva. The addition of purulent infection increases the lifting deadlines.

Defloration without blood

The man himself most often does not feel the moment of the gap of the virgin splava, so some of them, without seeing blood, begin to set in thoughts or out loud issues. The real situation is such that the virgin plea is not all girls. But if it is, then its gap will not necessarily be during the first sexual act or not necessarily immediately expect blood appearance. In some cases, the Pure may be absent from birth or be lost due to non-accurant masturbation, as well as active activities by some sports. In this case, when neither the blood or pain is not observed.

Many blood at first sex?

Doctors recommend to refrain from alcohol abuse before the loss of virginity for the simple reason that blood vessels are expanding because of it. As a result, it may be much more. If there are such symptoms: the pain is strong and does not pass, the bleeding after defloration immediately became intense or the day did not stop, purulent discharge from the vagina, discomfort when urinating, the temperature rises - it is necessary not to consult a gynecologist.

Where can I contact
With these questions in Moscow?

The only radical and guaranteed way to avoid possible bleeding during the first intimate proximity is to carry out a small operation on the cut of the virgin splava. In our clinic, this is carried out in sterile conditions, absolutely painless and psychologically comfortable. If you do not want to experiment with first sex or fear for probable trouble, this option is the best way out!

How to check why blood goes or avoid these problems with his first sex?

  • Sign up for a reception to a specialist,
  • At the reception, discuss the situation,
  • Find out what you can do and how.

How is the loss of virginity

The process of loss of virginity, called defloration in medicine, actually happens to all girls in different ways. In the vagina, more precisely, its entrance is a film - a virgin plea, a special mucous fold. Her gap with a gender member of a man and is called deprivation of virginity. The most often girls are experiencing the following sensations:

  • Pain in the genital organs and the field of groin;
  • Blood during sexual contact;
  • Blood selection within a few days after it.
  • There are also such cases when there is no blood during the loss of virginity. Linding why for the first time there was no blood, many girls think that it is unnatural.

Causes of lack of blood during defloration

In fact, do not think and worry, why there was no blood when the virginity is deprived. Maintenance of this process is not always necessary. Blood is the result of numerous gaps of virgin splava, which, on the contrary, indicates violations during sexual intercourse.

The defloration process ideally should pass gently and painlessly, and it depends on both partners. Often, the fear of sexual act prevents relaxes, because of which the deprivation of virginity becomes painful and, as a result, blood goes. There is no blood and pain in the following cases:

  • The girl sets himself on a positive way, completely relaxing. Psychological training is an important component of a favorable sexual intercourse.
  • The girl does not shy his nude body.
  • The girl does not strain the body and does not repel a man if he feels at least the biggest pain.

Medical indicators of non-blood

Also, the people live a stereotypical concept that blood is evidence testimony. In many nations, there is a custom when, after the first marriage night on the street, the sheets were postponed with a stain of the bride. If blood is not, it means that the girl is not a virgin. But it's not always the case. Blood may not follow the following indicators:

  • Plev is not developed enough, this is due to genetic features.
  • Plev is very elastic and does not break during sexual intercourse.
  • Small number of capillaries.
  • Damage to the splava during falls, training, the introduction of tampons.
  • Damage to the splava during the necessary gynecological operations.
  • As can be seen, deprivation of virginity is an individual process, all girls passing in different ways. And the presence of blood, and its absence is a normal phenomenon that does not give a reason for anxiety.

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