Congratulations to the wedding modern. Original wedding congratulation in prose. Congratulations to newlyweds with verses

Like bunches of grapes,
Two fate intertwined
Forever now you are a couple,
Happiness gives you life!

Let the family be cozy
All divide in half.
Take care of the world your fragile
From offense, reproaches, dram.

I wish to circle in the rhythm of the Waltz,
Forgive, tolerate, love always.
Let the cold of jealiness be touched
Hearts of hot never.

Keep it carefully,
Do not change on pennies,
To accord and affection,
We lived together two souls!

She is a wonderful princess,
Mila, good to everyone around
Key to heart carefully kept
From evil, strangers, insidious hands.

Fate - strangers Mistress -
And valid and smart
Ways two converts
And looks together their reduced,

2 hearts that were strangers
Suddenly trembled, and froze the world.
She always loved him,
And he always loved her!

This is what a miracle
2 hearts are fighting like one
Some eyes closed hands
One soul, one love.

Let that moment is zoked forever,
Holy feeling Saving
Fate was generously immensely
Such a miracle.

He is strong, smart and honest,
Like a knight brave, with native mil,
Once he is one in the light
Wandered, I drank a gaze.

You are happy, beautiful very,
You are young and in love.
Let the days of happy and nights
You will be destined in life.

Mom sneezing wipes tears.
Their children rose, their family created.
Believe moms in it is not easy
Happy Wedding Wedding Congratulations!

Nurs us short - remember this,
Love every day and every hour!
Let your union be filled with light,
And the angels keep your best!

Love gone quietly into your doors,
She separation, jealousity does not believe
You will keep it forever,
Not on the honeymoon - by year.

And remember, love - she is waters
Crashing once, unplaceable,
So let it only grow and grows
And in your heart the eternity blooms!

So that love has faith
From adversity your family
So that you told each other
And a hundred years later - I love!

You found each other in the big world,
Among the fragments of fate and passions.
Your love hearts connected
So be together happy now!

Through a blizzard and mad blizzard,
And waves of life, life swing,
Let the soul touch each other -
In such love it is not terribly awarded.

You are kindness and tenderness take care,
Do not be afraid to open a storm of feelings.
But just - love is stored -
What is for the sake of being together to be!

Today they became family,
What I congratulate you
Now under the roof under one
There is your piece of paradise!

I wish you, holding hands,
Do not rush in life
Do not know sadness and separation,
From happiness let sow soul!

March sounds, dressed rings,
It is difficult to keep tears to everyone.
Tenderness, love and happiness
I want to wish you.

In a moment, when the nerves are injected,
Remember the first waltz,
How did you not reduce from each other
You are your lovers eyes.

Today rings you got
And gave oaths for centuries.
Let the support in life will be
Always favorite hand.

The bride with the bride includes the house,
For the life of the new everything is ready in it,
Starting the countdown of the married century,
They will give the family of another person.
Let every day live nearby
For them will be award
And their marital happiness
Bypasses bad weather.

We wish our newlywed
So that marriage was strong and successful,
So that the house has always been a complete bowl,
Life with every day of light and more beautiful!
Let the sun shine more often in life
Let them bring you the joy of children.
Love to save at any cost
Shill must before the wedding!

Two hearts merged together
And two hands in one spurled.
Union, yes will be indistinct
For the rest of my life.

What can be more beautiful in life?
Her hand in his hand.
Fire of love and will not fade
Everyone with your hearth.

Big expensive and not a trail
You, holding hands to go.
And let the gait will be light
And less pebbles on the way.

One joy breathe,
And since the misfortune will happen,
You will divide her in half
It is easier to cope with it then.

And life gives you a reward
From flesh flesh from blood blood
Live joy and repelling:
You are repeated again!

Live fun and friendly.
Have all you need in life
Keeping love the law holy
Before your golden wedding.

All the best to you in life and health,
Wealth, peace and warmth.
Family having loved by love
Always reliable and strong.
So that your union was in joy only
So that the children were near you,
You, young, we will simply say:
Live together, in good time!

Particle of our heat.
We wish good health,
Comfort, happiness and good.

The ownership of the Minister of Finance, Trade, Food Industry, Culture, Health, External Relations is assigned to his wife.

The wife approves the family budget. Dotations are allocated for her husband.

The wife is obliged to remember that timely mercy, attention, moderate severity and encouragement decorate and strengthen the supreme power.

The husband is assigned the responsibilities of the Minister of Defense, Electrification, Installation and Construction Work, Automobile Transport, Agriculture, as well as the Supply Committee.

The husband is obliged to voluntarily be always shaved, trimmed, washed, passionate for his wife, as on the first day of the meeting, attentive to her, as in this solemn evening.

In connection with the complete absence of the compositions of crimes and violations of law enforcement, as well as resolving controversial issues, Fully without third parties, the post of Minister of Justice is abolished.

Today is the best day in life -
Day of your bright wedding!
On faces of loved ones and friends -
The sparks of happiness are shining!

Love you, tenderness, heat,
Mutual, loyal life!
Let the fate of good,
Without trouble, offended, whims!

Wealth, money and victories,
Aspirations - only successful!
Not know wish evil and troubles
Only the joys of vast!

We wish you to save you
Before the wedding of the jubilee!
Always love, dream, burn -
In that happiness of family days!

Happy views, love and smiles,
Hope for the best, faith in the eyes!
Play in the hearts of our ringing violins -
Main in the life of a dream!

You became a family - gentle-loving, kind,
You handed over the rings to each other forever!
Now you will go united dear,
There will always be a native person!

We wish to watch only in one direction -
To good luck, success, wealth, good!
We wish you to believe in fate and lucky,
Cherish a cherished bird-dream!

Birthday let the children - love continue
And there will be a full bowl of your home!
Smiles and laughter, flowers, inspiration
And tenderness that warms warm!

Bride - Best of all in the world
The groom is beautiful and loved!
Transfer these feelings
Through the care of hardest dream!

Keep tenderness, honesty, loyalty,
See only forward!
Love we see accuracy
So, luck is luck!

Happiness, joy, lucky,
So that the house has comfort!
So that with good mood
Created a family!

Wedding greetings in your own words to tears

Congratulations beautiful in verse on the wedding

You have become my husband and wife:
Happy family friendly.
Set foot on a single way

It was so cozy and light,

Brought wealth and warmth.

To kids a stork brought you,

I lived with interest so that they

There were only sunny days!

His wedding day he came!
He called you a wife,
She is your spouse
You have surveyed guests around.

Champagne, flowers, candy,
Hugs strong, coins -
Everywhere suddenly fell on you.
Universal joyful ecstasy.

Hand in hand, shine rings,
And the hearts are knocking in unison.
And there is no more "he and she",
Now there is only you - family!

Let the feelings last year after year,
The taste of a kiss is honey.
Children of healthy, mischievous!
Love all my life, without weekends!

Two hearts met once
So as not to part more ever.
Happy Wedding Day you need to congratulate you,
He lit in the sky New Star!

Understand each other, respect
And let the angel keep your marriage.
That would not happen - never dust
After all, you have done a step to a new life!

Let your marriage be launched on Earth for more than a century!
Then continue in heaven.
After all, you found a person in each other,
With whom you can do wonders together!

Build a house that is full of a bowl!
And put at the village house
And happiness this world of love fill,
Which will not be the end.

You have become my husband and wife:
Happy family friendly.
Set foot on a single way
Try not to minimize it.

Create loyalty love,
Give joy again and again.
All feelings equally divide
And keep the wedding day in the hearts store!

You will congratulate you,
And good wish you.
Long, happily live,
To make a bitterness not to know.

Do you support each other,
And to heart
You and in joy, and in the mountain,
Always could warm up.

For many years you live together!
Children and grandchildren worthy to raise
In grief and in joy together you have to be!
Immensely and firmly love each other!
Smile to celebrate a couple of gentle eyes,
And that the fire of these eyes does not go out!

We wish in your sleeping
It was so cozy and light,
To love, how the capital is initial,
Brought wealth and warmth.

Take care of the spacious children's
To kids a stork brought you,
With a combination of simplicity and brilliance,
Your home comfort so that it has grown.

Young - health, money, happiness.
I lived with interest so that they
So that there is no bad weather in life
There were only sunny days!

Dear bride and groom,
In this glorious, solemn hour
From the heart and from the pure heart
We would like to congratulate you.

Wish you love and patience
Understanding, a lot of heat,
Passionate feelings and more respect
To life your fairy tale!

Congratulating legitimate marriage
I want you, friends, wish,
To each of you, wherever
Hurried home to sleep.
I want love to be with you
So that the passion of halted fire
To make your marriage was strong, like a stone,
Without the slightest cracks in it!

Young - Congratulations,
And today you wish -
Marriage strong on forever
To live in love endlessly.
Together to live, give birth to children,
Build life, do not get tired.
Peace in the house and prosperity,
So that you live delicious, sweetly.
So that love was always
Not fugged when!

Love sparkle eyes today
I do not believe in happiness.
And only from joy this tear,
Now you will always be two.

Slinding Let not be on your way
And by all troubles will be used.
In life you wish to go together
And together to seek.

Let your home be full of the cup,
Love and sun warmed.
Let children's legs be fill in it,
Heat to you, comfort and light!

Congratulations to you, spouses,
You are now one family!
We wish you, each other
Respecting and loving!
Like a dove and dove,
We visit the nest together
Feelings precisely and sensitive
Take care day after day!
Gustly let the union over the years
And the family is growing with a number,
Let luck be with you
Ahead of you, happiness is waiting!

Legal you are now spouses,
And we complement you wish each other.
Let the husband helps wash the dishes,
When you need a manicure wife update.
Sometimes even let the child walk,
Carpets vacuuming and dust wipes.
The wife let the beer quickly goes away,
When World Cup passes.
And the garbage will be captured in the morning on Saturday,
When the husband is drunk, and she has to work.
Learn if helping everything,
That life is happy you can not avoid!

Wonderful wedding day greetings

Remember this day is the most beautiful!
I wish you peace, harmony, happiness!
You seem to be created to be together:
Successful bride and beautiful bride.
You can make life to put your fairy tale
Giving each other to take care and affection.
You tenderness in my hearts take care,
And warm feelings reliably store!

Congratulations on the creation of a new family!
You live in affection, attention, love.
Respect each other, take care of always
And do not get sick, please, you never.
You found each other and you are so lucky.
Be together always, the peripeties called.
After all, it is so important not only to start living together,
But former love through the year to save!

Beautiful short congratulation with a wedding

Young wishing health and strength
In the reality of the dreams to embody,
So that children gave birth to each other
And loyalty could save!
Let your family be the happiest,
To be happy with the house,
In the hopes of the Unified, Most High Stored,
Under an angel bright wing!

Beautiful Long Wedding Congratulations

So that the bowl of the best to the bottom is to eat,
To be a pair you are about
I want to teach azam
Family life is full.
Live together, without adversity,
Love your own
And every day, from year to year,
In each other help.
Not knowing bitterness losses
The family is holy progress
Fate, one now
Dreams in reality will embody.
Comfort, wealth, peace and way
Let your home come true
So that the life of bloose, like the May Garden,
To never be upset.
Keep feelings of your warmth,
Share the heart of kindness,
Let trouble and evil
Course your side is your side.
So that your leisure is pleasant
With friends, close to meet
And set out that there are strength
Comfort your best try.
To rest do not spare funds,
Do not deprive yourself
So that life is full of miracles,
In rich countries, rest.
Moved without interference
To capital in the execution of the family,
Let you be accompanied by success.
In the work of profitable, excellent.
So that life was more beautiful
Let the sun shy
And in the house, soon, children's laughter
You happiness warm warming!

Original Congratulations on Wedding Day

Happy birthday family
Health to you, patience,
Smaller chagrin!
Let the sun be ray you
And the wind temper,
The energy of love does not dry out.
And happiness, not on the moment, forever!
Let in the house sett
And may a person be born in the family
Who will be proud!

Congratulations on the wedding from the parents of the groom

Happy Wedding Day, relatives, we congratulate you
And only a good in life we \u200b\u200bwish -
Huge happiness, health, success,
Coziness, wealth in the house, joy, laughter!
You wish you my son great
With good work, salary decent,
Owner strong in life to walk,
To cherish your wife, love, respect!
Bride wish the wife to be tender,
Support for husband, Mistress diligent,
Cheerful, caring, wise while
So happiness and joy full of a house!
Native, good, cute children,
There is no more beautiful pair on the whole planet,
Hope the Lord let the way falls to you,
And the angel from the troubles and adversity guards!
Parents in life are not difficult
Only happiness and joy always with you
So that your desires often come true,
And goals and plans easily managed!
We wish you a wonderful road in the world,
Where you are waiting for you smiles friends and acquaintances,
Let it brighter the love of your dawn,
So that only at the wedding, at least a thousand - bitterly!

Beautiful wedding day greetings

From the pure heart I wish good,
With marry you congratulations guys!
Let your life be on the joy of generous,
Beautiful, cheerful, successful, rich!
Love and happiness fill days
Hearts are warmly carrying through the years,
Let your dreams become reality,
And the laughter of kids will take all the adversity!

Original wedding congratulation

For the first time called you husband and wife,
From now on, the road in life is one -
Today you have become a uniform destiny -
Happy couple, wonderful family!
Live together - love yes advice
We wish you long and sunny years,
Let happiness warm the family hearth,
Beautiful children and all kinds of good!

Beautiful copyright wedding greetings in verse

To all congratulations add their own -
Live in love, young!
After all, in the life of a family, in no way without it,
All days like one - idle!
I wish you money, without them, like without hands,
Papers, and in life are helpful!
After all, with them - freedom, comfort and leisure
Pleasant, very interesting!
Serious success, health, like steel
And the estimates - always useful
Then all the problems, anxiety, sadness,
You can not even dream!
In the family - understanding, peace, heat
And sincere, devoted friendship,
Without them, the life of Niccene, anxious, empty,
Aimed ... Do you need it?
I wish to solve all the questions with housing
Easy, no problem, vigorously
Let the apartment and the cottage and the house,
Comfort, with a decent atmosphere!
The garage is required, and in the garage -
(Let it be just that, not otherwise)
It is silver, chic "Porsche",
With him life fun and richer!
Let you do not leave the pad a young,
In life leads, inspires
And even at the wedding, already golden,
Native and friends are impressive!
May the kids decorate wonderful days,
Not goes out beautiful dawn
Big, disinterested and loyal love,
So that only at the wedding you: bitterly!

Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on your wedding day! In this wonderful day you, newlyweds, happy, more than ever. We wish you to keep the sparks of this happiness for many years to warm them into the cold, harsh moments of life.
Family hearth is the main source of heat and energy for any person. While it burns - life will be complete and real. Let your family hearth, expensive newlyweds, never goes out, let him give warm and you, and your children, and your grandchildren.


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About marriage speak differently. Some people will say that marriage is a meeting of two single souls. Others will say that marriage is just the first month of colors and tenderness, and then he turns into a routine. Third will say that it is just a stamp in the passport.
I think that, in my own way, the first, and the second, and the third will be right. But I think that for our young marriage will be the way they will do it. I wish these stamps in passports to give rise to the most excellent moments in the life of these young people. Let them go to them with flowers, and only warm rains sear them. Let them live in the soul, every day finding all the new amazing sides of their chosen one.
Happiness to them, love and understanding!


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Cute guys, with a wedding you! Such beautiful newlyweds as you, I have never seen. I wish you not to lose this beauty, characteristic only in love. Let your eyes glow happiness, and the hearts will be full of love and tenderness. Every day prepares its surprises that do not always raise the mood. I want you to go to the future, shook everything around with your beauty, and then every day will seem the most wonderful!


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Dear our newlyweds, new husband and wife! In such a wonderful holiday - on your wedding day, allow you to congratulate you from the heart and wish you prosperity, love, tenderness, mutual understanding and mutual trust. Let the wife always feel a strong her husband's shoulder, and let his spouse be sure that he will have a reliable rear at any life circumstances. Let it always be with a row with each other and warm, and sweet, and any bitterness in the relationship. Let always easily eliminate the kiss. And now - practice. Bitterly!


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Happy wedding!

Happy Wedding Day, dear newlyweds! This day was the beginning of your new life in which everything will be different. You have become the halves of the whole. We wish you that in this new Ipostasi you felt extremely happy. Let the feeling that connected you, every day only grows, so that your union is for each of you a real source of mental strength, joy, energy and happiness. Let you together be so sweet so that nothing can upset you. And let only one kiss can easily dissolve any "bitterly"!


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Newlyweds from close friends or relatives

Dear newlyweds! On your wedding day, we want to congratulate you and wish you love and understanding. Know that on the whole earth there is no greater jewelry than the opportunity to be near your beloved spouse. Whatever happens, whatever changes come into your life, try to understand each other, to have patience to the weaknesses of a loved one, remember that love is above any quarrel.
Be prudent and die do not cross the whole page of your life because of one curve line. Happiness to you and joy every future day, and only without kisses each other will be bitterly you!


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Let love never runs out!

We love while we live, but we live while we love. These words were told long ago, and did not lose their relevance to this day. On this light feeling, the best relationships are built that may arise between people. So and we have two beautiful and young people plunged into it with your head. Thanks to this, we all gathered here and celebrate their wedding.
I want to raise my glass and have a drink for the love that connects the souls and makes the hearts fight in a double strength. Let it never run out, but only picks up its turnover. I wish it to not and all-consuming. Let Hop, presented with love, does not overshadow the mind when we need to take suspended solutions. Let it never be blind - I want our newlyweds to always see each other's eyes. Let Love happened once, never runs out!

Touching to tears congratulations on the wedding in your own words

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Two angels

Dear friends! Today's occasion, not otherwise, as a gift over! Today, two angels, who came to this land became one of the whole. Their bright souls are full of pure love and endless tenderness. In their eyes, the fire is burning, which is not capable of blown away by any wind in the world. Their arms are so strong, as if two rocks, crowned with herbs and flowers, merged together. Let us all remember this moment of happiness. And for newlyweds, I wish this moment to stretch for long-long years! Let nothing overshadowes him, and the world around you do helps you all rejoices with you your happiness!


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Love drink

Today, a special and exciting day has come for this charming couple - the wedding day! My dear, my lovely, beautiful mine ... From the heart I want to wish you love and happiness. Let your shared life be similar to the wine cellar of the medieval castle. Every day you will discharge a new bottle of wine. Sometimes the drink will be sweet, like nectar, and sometimes it will be tart. But invariably, the wine will be drunk you and turn your heads. Remember the main thing that over the years the wine becomes only stronger. I wish this love. Let it become the drink, without which you can not live and day.


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Love each other

Dear newlyweds! I want to tell you without frightened epithets and dull revolutions: love each other. Only in love you will find happiness and support. Only she will help you overcome all obstacles in the life path. Love will give you strength when you get tired; She will help you cope with misunderstandings and small quarrels; This feeling will be the key to long and excellent living together. Love each other as if you met for the first time. Love as if today the last day of life on Earth. Give love disinterestedly and it will return to you repeatedly enhanced feeling. Happiness to you, understanding and love!


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Congratulations: 32 in verses (3 short)

Each guest, invited to an important family holiday, is worth preparing for the perpetrators of the celebration of beautiful and touching congratulations on the Wedding Day. The spouses will be pleased to hear the wishes for both marriage and every anniversary: \u200b\u200band after 5, and after 10, and 30 years after a significant day. Especially - congratulations from the closest friends and relatives.

Beautiful congratulations on the day of the wedding in prose

Wedding day always becomes special for her husband and wife. This holiday appears a new family. Newlyweds feel especially in love, romantic, close to each other, infinitely happy. And to strengthen pleasant sensations and extend their perpetrators of the celebration will help dear favorite guests.

If a person is invited to a wedding, it is worth it to reveal not only a suitable gift, but also a beautiful sonor. It is not necessary to write long complex poems for this. There is enough spiritual prose with pleasant wishes of a new family.

My dear, I want to congratulate you from all our hearts with this significant event in your life. I want to wish much a lot. The most important thing is to carefully store and appreciate the feelings you are experiencing to each other now. Bear each other, respect, pamper care and caress. Let any difficulties do not darken your life. I wish you more romance and bright impressions in life. Be each other a reliable support and support in any situation. Love each other!

Congratulations on the birth of the family! I wish to live together for many years, without losing the severity of feelings and respect for each other! Be happy, enjoy every moment living together, love and take care of each other!

Dear my newlyweds! I want to congratulate you on all my heart with this beautiful and significant event - creating a new family. I wish you that your family bonds are inseparable throughout life. Be happy, always love each other, appreciate and take care of your feelings. Let your family happiness be colorful, filled with love, tenderness and passion. Be patient to each other, understand and forgive each other. And I want to wish you the most important thing - so that your home in the near future is filled with a children's joyful laugh.

Original wishes for the wedding in your own words

Usually congratulations on the day of the wedding are pronounced by a chic holiday table in the presence of all other guests and a leading event. You need to be prepared for the fact that the usual wish will turn into a public speech. Therefore, even if it is written in your own words, it is worth making the text beautiful, sonorous, folding. And, of course, try to rehearse his reading in front of the mirror. So that all selected rows sounded effectively.

If the wish is read along with the presentation of the gift, then it is excellent if these parts congratulations will elap. For example, it can be noted in your text that the "newborn" family will become the same strong as donated cutlery, wish in love with the same softness and tenderness for many years, as a given plaid, etc.

Wedding is a beautiful and always very soulful joyful holiday. Going to such an event is solely with a good mood. And in addition to it, you need to take a interesting gift with you and pre-prepared text of beautiful congratulations.

Newlyweds we rush to congratulate
And from the soul we want to wish them
Heat, comfort, wisdom, patience,
Love each other, understand and respect.

Let your feelings never fade away
And every year only becomes stronger.
Let love brings only joy
Successes, happiness and, of course, children!

When people meet with each other
And the soul freezes inside
They appear behind them
Geese wings of love.

All lovers are stored from fall.
Woven as an openwork thread.
It is very important, by taking patience,
These wings forever save.

I wish you peace and joy,
To live your long life,
And let them go without fatigue
Behind the back two light wings.

You together are already happiness.
How easy it is to achieve it:
Overcome the fate of bad weather
Friend one friend to love!

Let him all be well
Let love to leave you,
Let every day of living together
It boils from passion blood.

In this holiday, happiness and love
I want to wish quite a bit:
So that all obstacles are contrary to
Joy to you always found the road.

To the full bowl of your home,
So that live comfortably and comfortable,
So that luck settled in it,
So that the children's laugh sounded in prison.

This day is happy.
Two fates in one splash.
Weddings day - he is long-awaited
Brighter has become your life.
We wish you a lot of kids
Love and loyalty in everything.
And do not judge each other strictly,
Always, everywhere you have to be together.
In wealth to live in a cozy house
Where will the world and respect will be.
Happy Wedding Day you! From us with love
Take these congratulations.

Happy Wedding Day I have a hurry to congratulate.
I wish you a strong family,
Joint century to fix
Of course, eternal love.

Let the house be full of bowl,
Let it be warm and light.
And life will be long
In everything else so that it was lucky.

So that the adversity passed by
Not touching you along the way.
Strengthened happy years
All the best is waiting ahead.

We are so happy for you on your wedding day!
Today there is no eye in love.
Beautiful bride, excited the groom,
Champagne volley, glitter rings gold.

What happiness to find each other!
We wish you to go together in life.
Your family build, take care and love,
To each other relatives and close to be.

We wish you bright and joyful days,
Healthy, beautiful and smart children.
Let it be in the family easily and warm,
Let, looking at you, say: "lucky!".

We wish you tenderness and kindness,
Let our dreams come true.
And without a doubt, we want again
On the golden your wedding to walk!

The day is not simple today!
He is special.
You became a family one
You are now inseparable!

We wish spouses
Tightly rush to each other.
Your focus to protect
And mutually trust.

Mom - Daughter, Dad - Son,
House, good car,
And keep love holy
Make a gold wedding.

Newlyweds congratulations
Love, consent wish.
Saturated, beautiful life,
To be able to read each other thoughts.

So as love passed over the years,
To tenderness remained with you,
So that was happiness, and only
Well, now, guys: "Gorky!"

Happy and joyful faces
Flowers and congratulations of friends.
You were worth the guys get married
There is no beautiful pair and there is no gentle!

Let there be happiness your endless,
Love deep like the Pacific Ocean
Slinds will be very versatile.
And the eternal will be a handsome your novel.

We wish you to continue the fairy tales
You have beautiful kids born,
So that the father's daughter was eyes,
The son is the sparks of Mamina Soul.

Wealth your seven does not bypass
Health let forever go into your home,
Love and tenderness on the heels go for you,
Luck let it accompanies in everything!

Happy Wedding Day we congratulate you
Successes, you wish you happiness!
Live to glory, love each other,
After all, from this day you are a spouse and spouse.
Everyone in life share, friends, in half -
And the work and alarms that will meet you.
Let your life flow the river
In the way that does not know the obstacles!
And even over your head
Only three constellations are burning:
One constellation - love.
Other - loyalty and happiness,
And the third is just kindness.
Let them sparkle over their family
To fulfill dreams.

To be able to love - the Great Gift of Nature!
Then everyone gives this gift,
To carry through storms and adversity
In his soul a raging fire
Love and tenderness to keep forever,
To seemed the best
Running a man!
Runs inexorably time
With him, he can feel the heat.
Let first love change over the years
Calm friendship mature time.
Children rift, let them take
So they will not touch them neither pain nor sadness
Yes not falling blind by ash courtyard in which
Any trail knew by heart!
To tenderness did not leave your eyes,
To other lips were not for you!

Oh, life! You give newlyweds
During life, paradise and loving children,
Large happiness, good health!
Let go lucky friends!
Do you love each other with love,
Ha lose your feelings of my trifles
And more children give,
Live more interesting with them will be to you!
Speak to give up, forgive me,
Keep the warmth of the native focus
And do not regret each other's life ...
Then the adversity and trouble will be afraid!

You dried in the church
For five decades
Celebrate and wedding gold
And live the whole century without grief and without trouble!

Raise full glasses
Behind our wedding table.
And, as it should be, first
In honor of the young toast they say.
I wish them all souls
How did it have been done for a long time
So that love is strong
How good wine is;
So that life was their full bowl,
From which happiness is not loss;
To the groom with the bride
Together in love hundred years live!

Congratulations with legal marriage
We wish you great happiness.
We are talking now seriously:
Let Millions of Scarlet Roses
Lie on the big way
What are going to pass.
And let the bonfire of big love
Lit not fading!
With love it is easier to go through -
Everyone knows about it.
I agree in life to achieve
Live up to one hundred years.
Always resperate each other
Love you yes advice!

In family life, you wish you happiness,
Let the children firmly love you.
Let the side of you will be misfortune,
And let it be sunny every hour.

We are young with all my heart
We wish loyality to the coffin,
And for not in a hurry,
And so that wealth in the house was,
And whoever put something somewhere,
So that they knew both ...

Rings are gold,
Standing in testimony ...
Well, the spouses are young,
On this day you wish you?
So that in the house the music sounded,
So that it was not bored together
Live together, interesting
So that happiness was - full of the house!

And only at the wedding, let it be "bitter!"

Today you married,
For you - happy day in the world!
Since you lit love Lighthouse,
Then let him all his life and shines!
Everything went out as you wanted
And here came the desired hour -
You are rolled loyalty,
Flowers and music - for you!
Step nearby, in my leg,
Beautiful firm family.
Let it not be easily expensive,
But necessarily straight!
To be near to be in the heat and Studu,
For the honor of the family stand the wall,
To be a groom a good husband,
Bride - nice wife!
Love take care of trustingly, vigorously,
And only at the wedding
Let you be "bitter!"

Congratulations to your wedding!
"Bitterly!" I will shout you
Very important with a kiss
Family life start!

So that you love each other
I want to wish you
So that difficulties did not know
To go shoulder to shoulder!

Kids wish cool
And girls and guys,
Wonderful work
A lot of money and friends!

People do not occur by chance -
So, heaven joined you.
We wish you today
So that love fires did not go out!

Keep your feelings
Carry your tenderness through the year,
Friendly you grow your children
And do not part more ever!

Family birthday is a wedding day.
This is a feast of love endlessly to each other,
This is a new level in life.
Kiss, loyal husband, dear spouse!

Congratulations, Gifts Useful Mountain ...
On this day, everything is for you, everything is fine, beautiful.
We cry all together three times: "Hurray!".
So that your family has become the happiest.

On the wedding day, love usually wish
But I wish you fairy tales from heaven,
Let the joy of everyday life fill,
Let life shinen the rays of wonders!

I wish you so that feelings are strengthened over the years,
Filled with happiness, smile, dreams,
So that the souls, like pigeons, in the sky, Paris
So you loved each other infinitely!

Happy Wedding Congratulations, young,
Union of Love is fastened in heaven,
Happy today you are
And this happiness glows in the eyes!

Let your union give you only joy,
Love in you every year - all stronger,
Let him give inspiration she sweetness
And many bright, romantic days!

As beautiful bride in love haloe,
And the bridegroom should be: young, deleted!
You are entering new roles today
And become strong, happy family!

May the sparks of love between you do not go out,
For many years you live among good people!
Let questions are solved unanimously
Happiness in the house, love you, beautiful children!

Congratulations together young
We have decided to become one.
The way is steleing their way
A carpet with a darous, polar.

To life path
Did not know the sorrows, sadness.
We wish to go under the arm
You are crowned Angels themselves.

Give God to your new family
It was always a cell.
Native all today and friends
Wish you for a long year

Mutual understanding in everything
Patience and wisdom, all the best.
Always let it be a complete bowl of the house
And your love focus will not go out.

That loyalty to the Swan
Shoulder reliable. In dance days
Spouses are the same two wings,
What a common goal to swell yours!

As if two quick rivers met,
From love feelings in one merged.
Two hearts of your, faithful two hands,
Marriage strong, all life was intertwined!

On this day they uttered you - yes!
In front of each other, God and the law.
Let the eyes glow happiness,
And the family will be reliable to be a bastion!

Wish her husband and his wife
Did not know the joy of other
How to carefully love each other.
So that wise was a spouse,

Yes, and the mistress is not bad.
And the husband to be a family chapter,
So that I value my wife,
So as behind a stone wall

The spouse felt himself.
Successful will be the beginning
And then - without end happiness,
How endless two rings!

Wedding Day is an unforgettable and solemn holiday that many are waiting with excitement. Parents are waiting for him, probably even more than newlyweds. Once in life, a snow-white dress dressed all the brides like a symbol of intellocation. Only in this solemn day at the top, the stars of dreams of young people are lit in the sky, and the Milky Way of these Stars performs all their hopes. The first to congratulate the children with the wedding day and bless children rush parents - the most native people them.

Congratulations on the Wedding Day ... Bright, exciting, breaking from the depths of the heart and soul, the words about loyalty and respect, about tenderness and heartiness, support and ability to forgive. Everything that wished in this wonderful moment sincerely, mentally, will surely come true. Oaths that pronounce loving couples are beautiful.