Pink lichen during pregnancy, the effect on the fetus Ringworm in pregnant women. The consequences of shingles

Lichen during pregnancy has recently become a fairly common problem. Lichen is a skin disease accompanied by rashes, flushing of the skin, as well as bouts of intense itching, followed by peeling of the epidermis. In most cases, the expectant mother, due to the fact that her immunity is noticeably weakened during pregnancy, can become infected with a skin disease through direct contact with the animal.

Lichen during pregnancy cannot have a detrimental effect on the body of an unborn child or woman, and in most cases, if the disease does not have complications, it is easily treated. However, there are varieties of lichen that can have undesirable consequences.

Expectant mothers often ask themselves: is lichen dangerous during pregnancy? Before answering this question, you need to know what lichen in general is during pregnancy.

During a visual examination of the patient, the clinical picture of the disease may have its own individual characteristics, however, being a dermatosis of the skin, lichen has common symptoms. First of all, the inflammatory process is accompanied by bouts of itching and the appearance of profuse rashes with a change in skin color in the affected area.

According to numerous experiments, this skin disease is a consequence of various causes.

Deprive during pregnancy as a result of a change in the hormonal state of the body and as a result of a weakening of the functioning of protective properties occurs upon contact with an infected object (animal, human).

Among the large list of causes and factors for the development of a skin infection in a pregnant woman, the following should be highlighted:

  • direct interaction with sources of infection;
  • viral disease;
  • allergic reactions to the effects of various external factors;
  • avitaminosis;
  • failure in the endocrine system;
  • decreased activity of the immune system;
  • long-term emotional distress and frequent stress;
  • chronic overwork and sleep disturbance.

Lichen in pregnant women is a rather uncomfortable skin ailment, since severe itching and profuse skin rashes with intense peeling significantly reduce the quality of life of expectant mothers.

Today, there are several types of lichen that women can get sick with when carrying a child:

  1. Shingles. The most serious form of skin disease that occurs as a result of the herpes virus entering the body of a pregnant woman. Due to the fact that the third type (strain) of the virus is considered the cause of the development of such a dangerous viral disease as chickenpox, complications and a real threat to the fetus are possible. As for a pregnant woman, this type of skin dermatosis, in addition to the classic symptoms (itching, peeling, rashes), is accompanied by painful attacks in the hypochondrium. The appearance of the disease is dangerous for the mother and child, therefore, requires immediate treatment.
  2. Pink versicolor. A fairly common type of skin disease in pregnant women. According to statistics and doctors' reviews, this type of lichen does not pose a particular threat to the health of the baby and the expectant mother. But recent medical research has shown the above statements to be wrong. The most dangerous is the development of the disease at the beginning of pregnancy.
  3. Pityriasis versicolor. Doctors often refer to this type of skin disease as color lichen. Colorectal lichen during pregnancy occurs as a result of the pathological activity of a fungal infection, which is strongly activated against the background of a significant weakening of the body's immune properties. Normally, these mushrooms live on human skin without causing any harm. But when favorable conditions arise in the form of a decrease in the protective properties of the organism, these fungi begin their destructive activity. The disease manifests itself in the form of the presence of age spots of various shades on the skin. It is localized mainly in the chest, abdomen and armpits. Unlike other forms of lichen, this variety causes a woman exclusively cosmetic discomfort. Color lichen does not pose a threat to the health of the pregnant woman and the unborn child.
  4. Ringworm. Infection occurs as a result of contact with the carrier of the infection. The scalp of a pregnant woman is most susceptible to the harmful effects of the disease. Infection can occur as a result of contact-household interaction (bed linen, towels, scissors, combs). The likelihood of developing the disease is determined solely by the state of the immune system.

Lichen during pregnancy requires special care and attention.

First of all, in no case do you need to diagnose yourself on your own, let alone self-medicate.

Many women often ask the question: how to treat lichen during pregnancy?

The most important thing is to seek qualified help from a specialist when the first symptoms of skin inflammation appear.

During pregnancy, lichen treatment involves complex therapy, which includes the following points:

  1. Most doctors recommend a hypoallergenic diet.
  2. It is imperative that basic personal hygiene practices are followed.
  3. It is preferable to wear loose clothing without synthetic inclusions.
  4. Refrain from using cosmetics, especially on areas of affected skin.

The doctor prescribes a treatment that focuses on suppressing the activity of a virus, fungus or bacteria (depending on the form of the disease). An effective and efficient remedy is the use of ointments and creams to relieve itching attacks. You can use folk remedies, after consulting a dermatologist.

With the timely diagnosis of the disease, the attending physician selects the most adequate method of therapy that will allow the expectant mother to quickly and effectively get rid of any form of lichen.

Lichen is a term used in dermatology to refer to a whole group of skin rashes, which are characterized by itching, peeling and changes in skin pigment.

Lichen is capable of infecting a person at any age, children are more likely to be exposed to it, since they observe less hygiene rules. In addition, pregnant women also experience these flaky patches. There are many reasons for this, the consequences are generally not dangerous for the mother and the unborn child, however, the spots that appear require careful care during the entire pregnancy.

Causes of deprivation in pregnant women and ways of infection.

While carrying a child, a woman's body undergoes serious transformations. All forces are thrown to ensure that the fetus develops safely, so the health of the woman herself may deteriorate. That is why various spots can appear on the body. The main reasons why lichen occurs during pregnancy:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • stress and increased nervousness;
  • overwork;
  • hypothermia;
  • decreased immunity;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals.

But the most common reason is the ingestion of viruses and bacteria of various types.

Infection can occur through contact with animals that have lichen. It is also unsafe to use the things of an infected person (personal hygiene items or common household items).

It's important to know! If someone is found in the family, the bedding and clothes of this person should be thoroughly washed at high temperatures, and it is better to boil. A pregnant woman should avoid communicating with such a family member and use only her own things.

Types of lichen and its symptoms

Deprive is a generic term. There are many varieties of it: from absolutely harmless, not requiring treatment, to quite serious, which entail many negative consequences. A pregnant woman can develop any form, so you need to roughly know how each type of lichen looks like, what are its symptoms and how it develops.

  1. or lichen rosacea in pregnant women. A characteristic feature is the appearance at the initial stage of one brightly colored "maternal plaque", which can have a size of 1 to 5 cm. After its appearance, a small rash begins on the body, which then transforms into small spots of a pinkish hue. The spots are localized mainly on the neck, shoulders, arms, abdomen, thighs and legs. The face, feet, palms and head remain intact. The spots themselves itch a little, turn pale over time, peel off. Such lichen heals on its own in about 20-25 days, after which small marks of spots remain on the body for a long time.
  2. White versicolor. A harmless form of lichen, which affects people prone to allergic reactions and dermatological problems. Its characteristic feature is the appearance of white spots on the skin of the face, legs or hands, which do not cause any discomfort. Such lichen does not flake off, it does not itch and does not get wet.
  3. or pityriasis. A characteristic feature is the appearance of many multi-colored spots on the body. Shades range from light yellow to dark brown. The size of the spots is also different. As the disease progresses, the spots increase, merge into small islands that flake and itch. The spots are most often found on the abdomen, back and in areas of high humidity, for example, in the armpits.
  4. Shingles during pregnancy. It is caused by the herpes virus, which was previously in the human body "in dormant mode". The disease is extremely unpleasant. It all starts with intoxication of the body, fever and headache. All this is accompanied by severe pain in the intercostal space. A pinkish rash appears on the body, which then transforms into bubbles with transparent contents. Such rashes are localized in the abdomen, lower back and sides, and can reach the chest. The rash forms whole chains and rows. The blisters, which are very sore and itchy, burst and crust over time. This type of lichen is the most dangerous, since there is a risk of infection of the fetus.
  5. Ringworm. Has a fungal origin. It is transmitted mainly from infected dogs and cats. It manifests itself in the form of pinkish spots with clear boundaries on the skin of the body or scalp. It is called shearing because, at the site of staining, the hair breaks off at the very roots, or falls out altogether. For a woman in a position, such a prospect is very stressful, although lichen itself during pregnancy is not so dangerous.
  6. Lichen planus. A fungal disease, a characteristic feature of which is the appearance of a small nodular rash of red, crimson or purple. The spots are often smooth and shiny, but sometimes they can peel off. They are located close to each other and often merge into large formations. In some cases, the nail plates and even the mucous membrane of the eyes are affected. After the spots disappear, traces remain in their place for a long time.
  7. Scaly lichen or psoriasis. An autoimmune chronic disease that can manifest itself in the expectant mother against a background of reduced immunity, stress and hormonal changes. Psoriasis is characterized by white and grayish spots located on the palms, feet, scalp, elbow and knee joints. Psoriatic plaques protrude slightly above the skin, peel off and itch. The disease can affect joints and nails. The acute phase proceeds with an increase in temperature and general weakness. There is a hypothesis that the disease is inherited, so the unborn child is not immune from such a pathology.

Attention! It is not recommended to diagnose and treat lichen during pregnancy on your own. Show the spots to a dermatologist.

Ways to treat lichen in pregnant women

In some cases, special treatment is not required, in others, it is permissible to use medications agreed with a dermatologist and obstetrician-gynecologist.

The following types of medications can be prescribed for an expectant mother:

  • antihistamines to relieve itching;
  • antibiotics are acceptable for pregnant women;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes and immunostimulants;
  • sedatives.
  • topical steroids;
  • corticosteroids;
  • zinc ointment.

In addition, to alleviate the condition, you need:

  1. Minimize water treatment or, if the stain is single, try not to wet it.
  2. Refuse to use body detergents, as well as washcloths for the duration of the illness.
  3. Wear loose-fitting, natural, breathable fabrics.
  4. Refuse to use any body cosmetics.
  5. Follow a hypoallergenic diet, that is, exclude citrus and red fruits, products containing cocoa and caffeine, nuts, spices, smoked meats from the diet.
  6. After water procedures, lubricate the skin with moisturizers (for example, containing calamine).

If spots of unclear etiology of a pregnant woman are found, it is advisable to immediately visit a dermatologist, who, having examined the skin formations, will be able to give recommendations for treatment.

Pityriasis versicolor is a chronic skin infection that affects the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Another name for this pathology is versicolor versicolor. The disease is not dangerous for pregnant women, but it can cause serious discomfort during this difficult period.

The reasons

The causative agent of pityriasis versicolor is the yeast-like fungus Pityrosporum (another name for the fungus is Malassezia). This microorganism lives on the skin of every person and normally does not lead to disease. The development of the pathological process occurs with a decrease in immunity, as well as when exposed to other unfavorable factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • prolonged stay in a warm and humid climate;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • taking drugs that affect the immune system;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • chronic pathology of the digestive tract.

The disease is more common in young people. Pregnancy can be a provoking factor in the development of pityriasis versicolor. Physiological decrease in immunity and restructuring of the hormonal background lead to a change in the reactivity of the skin. The fungus that exists on the surface of the skin begins to multiply actively, leading to the appearance of all the symptoms of the disease.

Versicolor versicolor is not contagious. A pregnant woman can safely care for a person suffering from this pathology, without the risk of catching an infection. Disease transmission through household items is also unlikely.


In its development, pityriasis versicolor goes through several stages. At the very beginning of the disease, yellow-pink spots appear on the skin at the mouths of the hair follicles. The rash is localized mainly on the skin of the back, abdomen, chest, neck, scalp. The spots never appear on the palms, soles and mucous membranes. The rash is asymmetric on the skin and can occupy a significant surface of the body.

Over time, the pink spots gradually change color to red, brown and then brown. That is why pityriasis versicolor is also called multicolored. The spots can be of very different sizes. The rashes merge with each other, forming bizarre foci.

The appearance of spots is accompanied by pronounced peeling of the skin. Itching is not typical. Slight discomfort is possible. After the disappearance of the spots on the skin, foci of depigmentation remain. These areas of the skin appear lighter than the rest, they are not taken by a tan. This phenomenon is associated with a violation of skin pigmentation under the influence of an aggressive fungus and is called pseudo-leucoderm. A few months after recovery, the spots disappear without a trace.


Pityriasis versicolor should be distinguished from other similar skin conditions. For this purpose, the dermatologist uses a special device during the examination - a Wood lamp. Under the light of the lamp, the spots of multi-colored lichen acquire a specific coloration. If necessary, a scraping is taken from the skin to determine the fungus in it.

The course of pregnancy and consequences for the fetus

Pityriasis versicolor is a chronic disease. Changes in the skin can persist for years without causing much discomfort. Against the background of the disease, successful conception and bearing of a healthy child is possible. Pityriasis versicolor does not affect the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

In many women, the disease proceeds with episodes of exacerbation and remission. The duration of remission depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Often, the next exacerbation of the disease occurs during pregnancy. Carrying a child practically does not affect the course of the disease and does not worsen the general condition of the expectant mother.

Pityriasis versicolor is not harmful to the fetus. The disease is not contagious, it is not transmitted through blood or contact. There is only a slight chance of genetic transmission of the disease. In this case, not the infection itself arises, but only a tendency to develop it in the future. The first episodes of the disease usually appear after the age of 12 years.

Treatment methods

Antimycotic drugs are used to treat pityriasis versicolor. Some of these agents block the production of enzymes of the fungus, thereby disrupting its functioning in the stratum corneum. Other agents destroy the cell wall of the microorganism, leading to its death. The choice of a particular drug will depend on the severity of the woman's condition and the prevalence of the process. When treating, it is also worth considering the possible resistance of the fungus to certain antimycotic agents.

During pregnancy, local antifungal drugs are used - creams and ointments. As an active ingredient, only drugs that are relatively safe for the fetus are used (ketoconazole, terbinafine, ciclopirox, etc.). In the first trimester, all drugs are used with great caution. Since pityriasis versicolor is a long-term, sluggish disease, there is no need to rush to treatment. In most cases, doctors try to wait until the second trimester before prescribing any antimycotics.

The course of treatment for pityriasis versicolor is up to 3-4 weeks. All this time, a dermatologist recommended remedy is applied to the skin 2-3 times a day. When spots appear on the scalp, special shampoos with antimycotic effect are used. The duration of the shampoo application is 5-7 days.

It has been noticed that pityriasis versicolor often develops in people in hot, humid climates. If possible, a pregnant woman suffering from frequent exacerbations of lichen should change their place of residence while waiting for the baby. If this is not possible, in the hot season it is necessary to treat the skin with antimycotic agents (skin cream and shampoo for the scalp within 3-5 days before the onset of the season).

Systemic antifungals are not prescribed during pregnancy. Antihistamines are used for severe itching, which is extremely rare. Severe itching is a reason to reconsider the diagnosis and change the tactics of treatment.

Mild itching with pityriasis versicolor can cause some discomfort. The following recommendations will help get rid of discomfort:

  • Do not use soap or other products that dry your skin. See a dermatologist for a selection of specific skin care products.
  • During an exacerbation, do not take a hot bath or shower. Hot water makes itching worse.
  • Do not rub your skin with a towel.
  • Avoid wearing coarse and synthetic underwear.
  • Immediately after water treatment, apply a special moisturizer recommended by a dermatologist to the skin.

There is no specific prophylaxis for pityriasis versicolor. A balanced diet and strengthening the immune system reduce the risk of exacerbation of the disease during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth. Expectant mothers who are prone to developing lichen should avoid stress. It is not recommended to visit countries with hot climates and stay in humid rooms for a long time. If characteristic spots appear on the skin, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist.

Colored lichen is a long-term fungal disease. The lichen is manifested by skin rashes. On the body of a sick person, spots appear that can have a different color and size. In this case, the inflammatory process is absent.

Colored lichen got its name due to the fact that spots can have a wide variety of shades: pink, brown, yellow. Some rashes stand out brightly on the skin, and some remain barely visible.

A pregnant woman can get colorectitis. The disease is not dangerous for the fetus, since it does not have any effect on it. However, this does not mean that a fungal infection should be ignored. First of all, a woman must make sure that she has colorectal lichen, not any other form of this disease. The nature of the rash can only be determined by the doctor. However, a woman must know the causes of its occurrence and the main manifestations of the disease.

Causes of lichen coloration during pregnancy

Colorectal lichen is a dermatological disease caused by fungal microorganisms - Malassezia furfur, Pityrpsporum orbiculare and Pityrpsporum ovale. They settle in the stratum corneum of the epidermis and, in the presence of favorable factors, begin to multiply. The fact is that a woman could have been infected with fungi long before the onset of pregnancy, but did not know about it, since these microorganisms belong to conditionally pathogenic flora. The transmission of the fungus occurs with prolonged and close contact of a healthy person with an infected patient. A potential danger in terms of infection is the use of personal hygiene items (washcloths, towels, items of clothing, etc.) on which there are mycotic microorganisms.

Fungi show their activity only when the immune system is weakened. This is exactly what is observed in most pregnant women.

The following factors can also cause the appearance of spots of colored lichen on the skin:

    Increased sweating. Hyperhidrosis is a common problem that occurs during pregnancy. The reason for this is hormonal changes in the body. Fungi that cause the development of lichen thrive in a humid environment. Therefore, even with the observance of the rules of hygiene, the disease can develop in pregnant women.

    Endocrine Disorders.

    Changes in the chemical composition of sweat secreted. Sweat during pregnancy can change its acidity, becoming more alkaline. For fungal microorganisms, this is a beneficial breeding ground.

    Hormonal surges.

    Inaccuracies in nutrition.

    Application of gels and soaps with an antibacterial component for skin care.

In addition, a pregnant woman must definitely donate blood for glucose determination and be tested for tuberculosis. The fact is that tartar lichen can be a marker of these diseases. However, during pregnancy, the causes of its occurrence are most often not so global, but boil down only to a weakening of the immune system.

Also, one should not exclude a woman's genetic predisposition to the development of dermatomycosis. If her blood relatives suffer from lichen coloration, then it is likely that for the first time he will manifest himself precisely during the carrying of a child.

Symptoms of lichen coloration in pregnant women

Symptoms of tartar lichen in pregnant women are no different from the symptoms of a similar disease in women who are not expecting a child. However, during gestation, you should be especially careful about any rashes on the skin, as you can mistake the manifestations of lichen for age spots. Therefore, if any rashes appear, they must be reported to the doctor.

So, the symptoms of tartar lichen during pregnancy will be as follows:

    First, a small yellowish spot appears near the mouth of the hair follicle. It gradually increases in size. Fungi disrupt the work of melanocytes (these are the cells that produce the pigment responsible for skin color). Against the background of the death of melanocytes, the skin becomes discolored. That is why lichen coloration is accompanied by the appearance of skin rashes.

    As the disease progresses, the spots become more and more. Their average size is 1 cm, but sometimes even a single spot can be equal to 5 cm in diameter or more.

    Spots have the ability to merge with each other, forming the most bizarre shapes. Their borders are uneven.

    The spots do not rise above the surface of the skin, do not swell or hurt.

    The color of the spots can be very diverse: yellow, pink, coffee, brown, brown, etc. Moreover, all these colors can be observed simultaneously on different parts of the body. This characteristic distinguishes tinea versicolor from other varieties of the disease.

    The spots are peeling. This is not very noticeable if you just look at the rash, but if you scrape it, then the flakes of the skin are easily separated.

    A favorite place for localization of spots is the back and chest. Less commonly, they appear on the neck, on the sides, and on the abdomen. They can also be found in natural folds. Symmetry is not typical for lichen stains.

    Most often, rashes do not bother a pregnant woman. Although sometimes they may itch slightly.

    If the skin in the area of ​​the spot begins to become inflamed, then you should think about the addition of a secondary infection.

    Those areas of the skin that previously had lichen spots may stop responding to exposure to sunlight, that is, they do not tan. This phenomenon is called pseudo-leukoderma.

    If the rash appears on the scalp, then the hair will not fall out. However, those areas of the skin on the body that have undergone a fungal infection can lose hair.

A dermatologist is responsible for diagnosing lichen coloring in pregnant women. Most often, the doctor is able to make the correct diagnosis already at the first examination of the patient. To confirm it, a dermatoscopy of the affected skin area is performed.

Another method for diagnosing the disease is the Balzer iodine test. To do this, an iodine solution is applied to the skin and the reaction of the dermis is monitored. Since the skin in the affected areas is looser, it absorbs the solution much better than intact areas of the epidermis. Iodine can be replaced with brilliant green or fucarcinum.

Another diagnostic method for detecting lichen is to determine the presence of Benier's symptom. It is expressed in the fact that scraping the skin from the surface of the spots leads to its severe peeling.

The scraping of the dermis is sent for microscopic examination. In the scales of the skin, elements of the fungus are found, which look like long spaghetti with round inclusions on them. Doctors call the picture seen under the microscope "navy-style macaroni."

After the diagnosis is made, the doctor decides on the appropriateness of therapy. By itself, tinea versicolor does not pose any threat to the life and health of a woman or child. On the other hand, drugs for therapy can be harmful. Therefore, most experts agree that it is better to refuse the treatment of lichen coloring with medications.

The woman is advised to calmly carry the child, and then proceed to therapy with antifungal agents. Moreover, in some cases, further treatment may not be required, since the disease will resolve on its own as soon as immunity returns to normal.

However, if a woman insists on treatment, then the following recommendations can be given to her:

    Spend more time in the sun. Ultraviolet rays are harmful to the fungus.

    Apply ointments with a low concentration of the main active ingredients to the skin. So, Lamisil cream 1% is not contraindicated during pregnancy. When used topically, it does not enter the systemic circulation and will not harm the child.

    Taking vitamin complexes for pregnant women. If lichen is provoked by vitamin deficiency, then this measure is advisable.

    You can lubricate the rash with vinegar at a concentration of no more than 9%.

    It is imperative to change the bedding every day for the duration of the treatment, washing it at high temperatures, and then ironing it. The same rule applies to underwear and underwear. The washcloth that the woman used before the first signs of the disease appeared should be thrown away.

As a rule, these activities are enough to get rid of the problem. It should be remembered that lichen develops against the background of a decrease in the body's defenses, so a woman should be more careful about her health, avoid visiting crowded places, and wash her hands more often.

Pregnancy itself is stressful for the body. Do not aggravate it with external factors. You need to keep calm and peace of mind.

Prevention of lichen coloration in pregnant women

In order to prevent infection with shingles, you need to follow basic hygiene rules: refuse to use other people's towels, do not wear other people's clothes, do not go to saunas and baths during pregnancy.

To strengthen the immune system, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

    More outdoor activities.

    Eat right.

    Exercise for pregnant women.

    Shower more often.

Colorectal lichen during pregnancy is not a cause for panic, but it is a factor that should make a woman alert. You may need to pay more attention to your health, and the disease will go away on its own.

Education: Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology was obtained at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Healthcare and Social Development (2010). In 2013 completed postgraduate studies at N.N. N.I. Pirogova.

Despite the exciting and joyful expectation of a child, due to the reduced immunity, the expectant mother becomes very vulnerable to various infections. It so happens that pregnant women are affected by such as lichen.

What is this disease and how is it dangerous for the unborn child

Deprive is a collective concept. This is not one specific disease. Usually, it means a whole complex of skin diseases that combine specific general symptoms and manifestations. These symptoms include an itchy skin rash that is accompanied by flaking and discoloration.

Disease transmission occurs through contact with an infected carrier. During pregnancy, due to low immunity, a woman is especially susceptible to infection with shingles. Also, this is facilitated by a breakdown, shortage, acute and chronic stress, hormonal changes, hypothermia and recent colds.
Lichen exists in several forms, and each of them requires specific treatment and carries a certain danger to the mother and child. It is important at what stage of pregnancy the mother is, how long she has already been experiencing changes in the skin, what type of lichen and the reasons why it has arisen. During pregnancy, the lichen that has arisen in the mother can negatively affect the condition.

Depending on the species, lichen can threaten an unborn child:

  • serious in development;
  • disorders in the structure of the nervous system and brain;
  • sudden spontaneous;
  • if the disease is not cured, it can be transmitted to the baby after.

How is it transmitted

The disease is viral and fungal in nature and is highly contagious. But the development of the disease directly depends on the state of the human immune system. Some viruses that cause shingles, such as the herpes virus, are constantly inactive in the human body.

Important! As long as the immune system works well, it successfully suppresses the virus. But when it is weakened, the virus is activated and manifests itself as lesions on the skin.

Lichen is spread from person to person. This can happen through:
  • skin contact through shaking hands, touching, or kissing;
  • personal items: bed, clothing, hairbrush, nail scissors, cosmetics;
  • objects of a public nature - those that people often touch: for example, door handles, railings and handrails;
  • on the beach through the sand on which the infected person lay.

Did you know? A huge number of bacteria are constantly found on human skin, individually they can be counted about 1 billion. And this billion is made up of about a thousand different species.

Varieties of lichen and symptoms

There are many types of lichen manifestations, but we will consider a few of the most common. (or as it is called in another way, Gibert's disease) is very common in expectant mothers. In principle, it does not pose a threat to the fetus if the infection occurred in the second trimester or later. But in the first trimester, this disease can cause spontaneous and abortion. Symptoms include the appearance of several large, coin-sized, pink patches on. Localization may vary. The spots are peeling.
Then the rash multiplies, spreading to other parts of the body. - not a necessary symptom, but, if present, its degree may fluctuate during the day. A month after the onset of the disease, the spots begin to disappear, but the flaky surface remains for some time. Traces of the disease do not go away for a long time even after complete recovery.

Pityriasis (or multicolored) versicolor has a fungal etiology. Usually, this fungus is always present on the surface of human skin, but with a decrease in immunity, its reproduction becomes too massive, which is why spots of various colors appear on the skin. The reason for the activation of the fungus can also be a lack of vitamins in the body, excessive sweating and hormonal disruption. This disease is not dangerous for the mother or for. It does not bring inconvenience, does not itch, does not get wet, does not hurt. The only symptom of the disease is unpleasant specks. Treatment is aimed at replenishing the body with vitamins and normalizing hormonal levels.

An unpleasant disease. Affects the skin, scalp and nails. Causes massive hair loss, resulting in bald patches. Bald spots grow for a long time and looks unaesthetic. It does not pose a threat to the fetus, except that during the time the baby can become infected from the mother with this unpleasant disease. Therefore, it is recommended not to delay the visit to the doctor and to be cured before the onset.
the most dangerous, as it is caused by an insidious virus. This is exactly the virus that causes the occurrence. The baby in the womb will be safe only if the mother herself had chickenpox in childhood, and now her antibodies are transmitted through the blood to the baby. But if this does not happen, the fetus is in danger. This type of lichen, if it occurs during pregnancy, has serious consequences.

Important! The herpes virus affects the nervous system and the brain, in an infant, it causes serious developmental disorders, can stop intrauterine development and cause the birth of a still child or cause miscarriage and premature birth.

Even if a child is born alive, he may have severe defects of the central nervous system, may be deaf and blind. In the mother, the disease causes an increase in temperature and general weakness, severe pain appears under the skin, and a couple of days after the onset of painful sensations in the place of their localization, a red rash appears. Soon, the rash turns into fluid-filled vesicles. Then the bubbles burst, become covered with crusts, and the crusts themselves fall off after about 20 days.

Which doctor should you contact

If symptoms of this disease occur, you should consult a dermatologist or dermatovenerologist for advice and treatment.

What tests need to be passed

Diagnosis of each type of disease is carried out through different ones. First of all, the specialist assumes a diagnosis based on the clinical picture, that is, he determines the type of disease by the patient's appearance and complaints. Further, to clarify the diagnosis, if necessary, they can prescribe the delivery of tests.

With pink lichen, skin scraping from infected areas and a PCR test are prescribed. The last test accurately identifies the causative agent of inflammation. A Wood lamp can also be used, under which fungi, if any, begin to glow. If there is no reaction under the lamp, the diagnosis is confirmed, since the disease is not fungal in nature.

But ringworm is just a fungal infection and is also confirmed under Wood's lamp. Additionally, you can assign a microscopic examination for the presence of fungi. With shingles, the clinical picture is usually very clear. Sometimes the doctor may give a referral for a PCR test to confirm the presence of the herpes virus.

With pityriasis versicolor, in addition to Wood's lamp, iodine solution can be applied to the affected skin. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the spots will turn brown.

In the most extreme case, if the etiology of the disease is not clear, a biopsy of the infected site may be prescribed.

Did you know? Despite the fact that shingles, like chickenpox, causes the same herpes virus, people can get sick with this type of disease several times during their lives.

Basics of treatment and therapy

Any treatment for lichen during pregnancy begins, first of all, with maintaining cleanliness and hygiene. Rashes should be lubricated with disinfecting ointments (they can be antifungal and antiviral, depending on the etiology of the disease), regularly change bedding, wear only clean clothes ironed on both sides, avoid excessive sweating and skin contamination.
A prerequisite for treatment is strengthening, increasing immunity and normalizing hormonal levels. Drugs that increase immunity may be prescribed.

With severe itching, the use of drugs is allowed. They relieve itching and reduce irritation. The sick person's clothing should be made of natural fabrics, soft and spacious so as not to damage the skin and provide good air penetration. Reception is not recommended, as they are dangerous to the fetus.

How to treat lichen, which has arisen in a pregnant woman, with medications, can only be decided by her attending physician.

Important! Self-medication is unacceptable due to the possible danger to the child.

Lichen ointments for pregnant women

Of course, a disease that occurs during pregnancy requires treatment, and usually in these cases, various ointments from lichen help well. But not every ointment can be used by a pregnant woman due to her special situation.
The use of the following ointments is allowed:

  • - must be applied to lesions, but prohibited in the first trimester;
  • Nizoral- only external use of shampoo is allowed, without trimester restrictions;
  • Exoderil- this ointment has not been tested on pregnant women, there is no research data, therefore, use is possible only if the disease threatens the patient's life and the benefits to the mother outweigh the harm to the fetus;
  • "Bifosin"- can only be used for two weeks, with an exception -;
  • "Keto Plus"- unlimited shampoo during pregnancy;
  • Dermazole- it is permissible to use only external in the form of shampoo and cream.
We have considered those ointments, the use of which may be acceptable in the "interesting position" of a woman.
However, you should not self-medicate, because each drug contains specific active substances that penetrate into the mother's blood, and then enter the child's blood. The effect of these substances on the fetus can be negative and cause developmental pathologies.

The basics of prevention

A woman expecting a baby is very susceptible to various infections and diseases. Infection with shingles can occur even if you adhere to all the rules of personal hygiene. But still, you shouldn't neglect some prevention:

  • keep your skin and clothing clean;
  • wash your hands after being outside;
  • do not touch street dogs and cats, especially those affected by shingles;
  • avoid touching people who have any unusual skin lesions;
  • strengthen immunity with vitamins and healthy;
  • avoid hypothermia and stressful situations;
  • do not run chronic and diseases.
Many pregnant women are faced with such an unpleasant disease as lichen. It is not worth the time to visit a dermatologist after the first changes on the skin.
Yes, there are safe types of this disease that only look aesthetically unattractive. But there are also dangerous types of lichen that cause developmental pathologies in a child, and which can cause stillbirth, miscarriage or premature birth. Therefore, it is important, at the first symptoms, to consult a specialist for a diagnosis and correct timely treatment.