Curly hair from nature what to make a haircut. Women's haircuts for wavy hair: options, care, photos

Each girl dreams of healthy, attractive, obedient hair. But not everyone can boast of nature from nature. Many girls face difficulties when laying curls, as well as when creating hairstyles, in particular those whose hair is fed. How to cope with this problem? You will be helped with suitable haircuts on fluffy hair and high-quality caring agents.

Specificity of fluffy hair

This type of hair is usually not amenable to laying and never looks as it was planned initially, due to the specifics that is inherent in such a structure. They are infrequently shiny and have a healthy look. They need constant care with special means, as well as special methods for creating styling. If you want the perfect hairstyle, it is best to choose a haircut that is suitable for fluffy hair.

Hairstyles for long fluffy hair

If you suffer because of the above problem, you will help you to help various haircuts on fluffy hair, which can be seen in our article. Most often, the cascade is recommended as the most popular and simple performed. What are her features characteristic? A feature of this haircut is a gradual transition of strand length from the most short to the longest. Moreover, it should be noted that the cascade will well fit the girls who need a haircut for curly fluffy hair. In this case, different spars in the length are distributed evenly, due to which the hairstyle acquires an attractive look, and the curls become obedient and not excessively voluminous.

In addition to the cascade as a universal exit of the situation, hairdressers also often advise you to choose graduated haircuts that are called "stepwise", or "ladder".

Graduation is performed in a similar way, but the length from the longest to short strands passes only in front. The main level of the cut does not change. Such will hairstyle will suit those women who love magnificent spars, but they want to eliminate excess hair from the face and make the laying more neat.

Haircuts on medium fluffy hair

The holders of medium in length are best selected for themselves the classic version of the haircut (Bob or Kara, for example). Stylists and hairdressers recommend making a choice in favor of a kare, which looks great in this case. This kind of haircuts on the fluffy hair of medium length look stylish, and the hairstyle is well-groomed, and you will not need to spend a large amount of time to create styling.

Choose the hairstyle based on you can choose an asymmetrical option. For example, haircuts such as the square on the extended hair, today are at the peak of their popularity. Bob choose often enough, and it is located in second place, if you consider its popularity in girls with fluffy medium hair. Such a haircut is best suited to the owners of the Kudrey, which are filled, however, along with this are not particularly dense.

A fairly fashionable and well-looking option will be Bob, which is placed on one of the parties. However, if you decide to choose such a hairstyle for yourself, remember that you will have to come to the hairdresser to correct your laying at least several times a month. Only in this way you can support in perfect condition.

Short haircuts on fluffy hair

Of course, not all girls with are solved on such a radical measure, how to short cut them. However, if you wanted to experiment, you can choose a suitable hairstyle, which are used by hairdressers to solve fluffy hair problems.

Such a type of haircut, like Garson, is suitable for those who try to open a person to the maximum, as well as those women who do not want to pay a large amount of time to the styling process. To create a casual image, you can slightly straighten your hair using an iron or styler, which will help make it more business. But if you want to look more spectacular, then, on the contrary, you need to sneak slightly and apply a fixing agent.

It will be attractive to look on the hair, inclined to fasten, model hairstyles "Foute". To make such a haircut, strands are littered on the paint zone, and after that a spiral, strand behind a spin, increase their length. Because of this, the wavy curl looks rather neat, and the hair becomes more obedient along the entire length and begin to stay better in a predetermined hairdresser.

How to put such hair? Possible options

Regardless which type of hairstyle you selected, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for laying fluffy curls.

For a simpler creation, hairstyles you need to purchase funds designed for such (for example, shampoo and balm or mask). Using them, you will help your strands become softer and be healthier and obedient. In the case of the weekly use of moisturizing masks, the curls will become somewhat heavier, and the fluffiness will decrease.

In no case cannot be used shampoos for giving volume, since then the hair will be even more disobedient.

How to dry fluffy strands?

Such hair can not be dried with a hair dryer, especially if they are in nature. It is necessary to let them dry naturally, since in this case the curls will become smooth and straight. However, if this urgently need, use the mode of minimum temperature, and also require a protective agent.

So that during the stacking process, we give the hair resistance and fix them, use special cosmetics. With the help of various tools, you will have the opportunity to create an absolutely any image that will hold a long period of time. However, do not overdo, applying different mousses and styling mousses, even if the curls are excessively fluffy, because the extra number of fixing means makes hair dirty on the view.

We form curls on fluffy hair

In case you need to make a hairstyle neat, form strands as separate curls. Using a gel and a wooden comb, which has broad cloves, you can lay your hair for everyday image. Just apply a means on strands and distribute it using this tool for the entire length. After you need to give the necessary shape to the curls.

Movement on fluffy hair - one more option hairstyles

An excellent way of laying is pigtails of different species that allow you to create romantic hairstyles. In particular, this method is suitable during a wet weather, which itself makes hair more curly.

Thus, the problem of fluffy hair is solved if the girl is familiar with the rules of care for them. In addition, you simply need to use the necessary means for laying, which will provide you with a magnificent look.

Curly hair from the side look great, but how much they deliver the hassle associated with the care. The problem is quite solved by creating a beautiful and comfortable haircut, which will give a maximum of comfort for the owners of curly, wavy or furry hair.

Fashionable haircuts for long curly and fastening strands

Haircuts for long curly and furry hair looks amazing. Curly and flowing on shoulders strands emphasize tenderness and romanticism. For girls with a small curl, this option is suitable.

Stylish cascade

The cascade will decorate any curly head. In addition to the fact that it gives hairstyle a light and easy-to-face form, it also looks charming on any curb. This greatly facilitates the severity of curly hair.

Multilayer step square serves as the basis for a cascade haircut, And the deft hands of the professional can create an impeccable hairstyle. This haircut creates a good volume even for thin strands due to a smooth step transition.

Cascade has a lot of different options. The strands can be aggregated at the ends of the curls, near the face and throughout the length of the hair.

Also, this haircut has indisputable convenience in laying and care. The last stroke for the stylish cascade can be painting separate strands.

Lestenka - graduated haircut for lush hair

The main principle of graduated haircut - multilayer strands in front.

Here the volume is mainly concentrated on the front curls, behind the hair look just long.

Such an option is extremely advantageous underlines the face, framing him with lush strands.

Lestenka gives the wizard to module and come up with many different variations, Thanks to which you can create a unique image for the owner of lush hair. Graduated haircut looks very stylish and feminine.

Aurora for long wavy hair

Aurora is very similar to a cascade or ladder. Its main difference is a smooth transition between numerous steps of strands and rounded cap on the painter. Another important feature is a well-underlined bang.

A haircut made on the furry and curly hair will look carefully if you lay separately each curl. But the gel is not worth abuse so that the effect of dirty hair does not appear.

This haircut is very popular for several decades. Especially she was loved in the 1980s. If the hair is finely climb, it is better to refrain from such a haircut. On long wavy hair, it will look much more effectively, and good stying will complete a magnificent image.

Note! Crispy and furry hair due to their porosity and subtlety even after haircuts require special care. It is necessary to carefully select shampoos and balms for this type of hair.

Haircuts for curly and fastening strands of medium length

For the haircut on curly hair, the average length is the most universal option. With it you can create a huge number of interesting images. Haircuts on the hair of medium length are suitable for any age and face form, They emphasize the advantages of appearance and hide her minuses. Even small curls will not be filled.

Bob - perfect haircut for lush hair

Traditionally, Bob is considered a haircut suitable for girls with a solid character and independent nature. And there is a share of truth.

Of course, Bob - a haircut for self-confident women.

And yet, for lush hair of medium length, you can come up with many elegant, feminine and romantic images.

Bob on lush hair looks amazingly volumetric. This haircut is just a storehouse for experiments with styling and various color solutions.

The base of medium length is suitable for any form of face.

Extended Karea

Kare is considered a classic haircut that has existed for more than a thousand years, and during this time has proven itself as the most universal. For curly hair of medium length, kara is a brilliant solution.

This option has many interesting variations. An extended kare looks best on wavy curls.

Round or square face lush kare will visually expand.

For wavy hair, the most acceptable option will be an extended square with bangs.

Direct bangs will give the originality of a haircut, asymmetric - playfulness. If the bang is lush, it will be better to choose its graded option.

Asymmetric haircuts for fluffy medium hair

Asymmetric haircuts are always associated with an extraordinary person, sometimes with confident and serious character. And, nevertheless, on fluffy hair of medium length they look incredibly feminine and even romantic.

One of the most successful options for fluffy hair of medium length is an asymmetrical square with an elongated bang.

As a rule, this haircut is made on the oblique sample with a bang in one or another.

Asymmetric haircut more suitable girls with large curls, For minor curls, this option is not the best.

Important to remember! Holders of curly hair are required to regularly attend the hairdresser for periodic cutting of split tips. This will ensure hair healthy growth and view.

Stylish haircuts for short wavy and fluffy hair

Short haircuts for curly hair have long entered the usual use due to its convenience, lightness and ease of care. They prefer young energetic girls or women basically.

Such haircuts are perfectly suitable for slim girls with subtle features of the face, adopt youth and paddle owners.

Pixie - Classic for lush hair

Pixie is a charming haircut that appeared in the 60s of the last century.

She gained its popularity after the film "Roman holidays", where the heroine of Audrey Hepburn demonstrated its desire for independence by cutting long hair.

Pixi is a fairly interesting image: the length remains only in bangs, on the top of the top and the back, and the neck and ears remain open. On lush hair, Pixie looks very stylish and feminine.

This haircut is perfect for girls with an elongated shape and large facial features. It distracts attention from hair, strengthening focus on the face, and looks great with oblique bangs.

Garson for curly and lush hair

From French "Garson" translates like a boy. Initially, the haircut was male, and today it is one of the most popular haircuts for women. Garson, like pixie, haircut with open ears and neck, only all strands on the head remain the same length.

On curly and lush hair looks great, perfectly suited for slim and miniature girls with pronounced facial features.

Garson is most suitable for women who lead an active lifestyle, remaining feminine and cute in appearance.

As well as Pixie, this haircut enhances the focus on the face, so the makeup is simply necessary for this image. In addition, Karson's haircut does not require a lot of time to laying and is a gift for women who appreciate their time.

Model Haircut Foute for Short strands

Foute - a virtuoso movement in the classic dance - gave the name of the stylish and exquisite haircut.

Like a dance analog, expressed by repeating circles, the haircut takes place on the helix, extending from the top to the edges.

At the same time, hair remains the most short. Fuete is carried out, as a rule, with an expressive asymmetric bang.

Foute on curly short hair gives the image of youth and mischief.

Very suitable for young slim girls, and looks extremely impressive.

It's important to know! All short haircuts on curly hair require constant correction, since they grow very quickly. The shape of the haircut should be supported about 1 time per month.

Features of laying curly and furry hair

Laying curly hair, their owners are often faced with a real problem. And yet, if you correctly approach this issue, knowing all the subtleties of laying, you can create great curls.

Haircuts for curly and furry hairdefinitely help to cope with the mess on the headbut only a part of the problem solve. It is very important to beautifully lay such hair after the haircut, and this is not so easy.

There are several rules for laying fluffy hair regardless of the haircut:

  • it is advisable to wash your head without leaning forward;
  • dry the hair is best, giving a towel;
  • comb crispy and furry hair after drying;
  • hair care products need to choose only the corresponding type;
  • combing the hair is best wooden;

  • after combing, you need to apply a spray for thermal protection, then transcellect hair again;
  • then you can apply gel for styling and also once again comb your hair along the entire length;
  • to dry the roots, a hair dryer is required with a diffuser;
  • sewing curls should be separate, pre-squeezing every strand in the hand;
  • finally, curls are sprayed with varnish, best of all average fixation.
Type of haircut Recommendations
Long haircuts for curly and furry hairThe laying is suitable for using the gel, which is superimposed along the entire length of the hair. Then the strands can be both combing and give the volume by hand. You can also add volume hair from the roots using a hair dryer.
Curly hair haircutsRecommended a regular visit to the wizard to remove split tips. It is advisable to lift the hair from the roots with a hair dryer, and curls to form hands. If waves are needed, you can form them, gradually straightening strands.
Short haircuts for curlsThe main thing in the laying is to give hair the direction: to make it, to combat on any side, raise, etc.

Curly hair is a real wealth that can be wonderfully arranged by many stylish and spectacular haircuts. And of course an important factor here is the careful and correct care for curls. In this case, the girl is ensured chic and unique image.

How to choose a haircut for curly and furry hair. Stylist tips:

How to make a fashionable haircut on curly hair?

The first thing that can be said about curly hair is visually, they are always very thick. Their owners are often encountered with the problem of choosing a haircut, as the hair does not succumb to laying. But you should not despair, let's try to figure out what haircuts are suitable for you, the owners of curly hair.

Test for the definition of face form

Haircuts on curly middle-length hair

Haircut "Cascade" - one of the options. Such a model will create a visual emphasis on each curl. It is perfect for the owners of curly hair with large curls and dense hair. The cascade can begin both the chin area and below.

Stylishly looks haircut "Lestenka". Such an option looks feminine, the curls fall on the shoulders will add romanticity into the image of their owner.

With any haircut, do not forget about Milling, which will allow you to give your curls ease and volume.

Laying curly hair

The shorter curly hair, the more attention and time is required to lay. For this reason, when drying hair, you should use a hair dryer with a diffuser, use mousse for smoothing and fixing. But in order to save time in the morning, optimally when choosing hairstyles and styling for curly hair, give preference to haircuts that require minimal laying, -

If you are from the nature of tricky curls, do not hurry to align them, we picked up the best haircuts for curly hair, photos of which will confirm their immaculateness. Let's consider every fashionable option and find out what kind of appearance suitable for your type.

What are your curls?

In the choice of hairstyle, the key role is played by Kudrey. They can be elastic and rigid, which stick together in different directions, bulk, soft and structured and light. We are talking about the variability is not just like that. The perfect design depends on it. For example, small springs perfectly hold the form, but can create an impression of the "dandelion". Practically imperceptible waves complicate styling. Often there are problems with the volume on the top, as long strands pull the mass down.

Therefore, it is important to take into account the personal preferences and features that nature bestowed. Subtlety and porosity is immediately noticeable during high humidity. We will try to get rid of all the difficulties that may arise.

Of course, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of person, since many girls are shy forms, so they prefer the catch and its adverse effects. But it is precisely a well-selected haircut that can adjust the disadvantages and emphasize the virtues of the image.

  • If you have an oval, you are suitable for symmetry and asymmetry. You can experiment with bangs. But keep in mind that loose long waves add you for several years.

  • Kruglole girl The effect of the plane should be fear. You need to pick up such a hairstyle to visually stretched out the form. Excessive pomp in the field of cheeks and cheeky is inappropriate, like a direct sample and the same bang. But oblique laziness is superbly hiding cheeks. The curls combed harmoniously look harmoniously. The main thing is to form the impression of the cone (narrow bottom and wide top).

  • Smooth the square helps graduation. It covers the lower jaw and smoothes the angularity. Symmetry is not allowed, as it makes blacks.
  • Triangle It assumes the length slightly below the chin. A feature of the side is not very short bangs and direct probor.

Separately should talk about full women. They are recommended to pull the front of the book. This contributes oblique bangs and unevenness.

As we see, any style can be improved if you determine the weaknesses of the type. If you yourself can not define your minuses, seek help to fashion experts. In a good hairdresser, the master will definitely advocate and offer the most successful ways of self-improvement.

Tip! When choosing a haircut, be sure to take into account the time on its laying. It is unlikely that you have extra half an hour a day that you will spend on it.

Step-by-step instruction

The curl coercion process consists of the main stages, regardless of the length and other characteristics.

  • Washing heads for removing fixing means and other dirt residues.
  • Divide the sap on seven parts: the top, the occipital area on both sides, theme and whiskey. So you will create a guide line that will contribute to the construction of a certain algorithm of work. It is directed from one point behind the ear to the opposite. Drop the upper part and scam, so as not to interfere. Repeat manipulation in the rest of the zones. When secure the whole lot, release one centimeter from each strand.
  • Begin to keep scissors in accordance with the chosen form. Do not hurry, because it is difficult to smooth the mistake.
  • Dry the hair and laid, then adjust the irregularities and choose from the overall picture of the hairs.

Note that for the correction of the tips is necessary dry lap. Then it is better to see strands that come out of the overall picture.

Bob will give femininity and elegance

Popular Bob applies to short and middle hair. And their thickness is not important. Allows the creation of new hairstyles, and is also suitable for visiting secular events. Kudri in this kind are suitable for girls with an oval and triangular face. If you are a bright square representative, grab the angle asymmetrical option.

When the hair takes to the level of the blades, the stylists recommend doing one side elongation. To always be at the height, do not forget about regular correction. Here you need perfect lines.

The advantage is that you can create any image of the mood. Today you can be a gentle cutter, and already tomorrow a sterry business woman.

Tip!Apply filming, graduation or hot scissors. So you facilitate the formation process.

Who is suitable sensual kara?

A real chopstick will be an extended square for you, especially if you are a chicap. This is a universal laying, which looks great on soft and slightly curled curls.

It is interesting to look retro style. It is achieved at the expense of direct thick bangs, lowered slightly below eyebrows.

Are you different cheerful cheekbones and outstanding chin? Then the mischief is suitable for you. Place one kauchery strand side. Correct Curls with your fingers to form a fashionable deliberate carelessness.

Pay attention to the option in which the neck is fully open. Also do not pass by a cascade type, which is formed from different spars. The main thing is that the lower cut is harmonious. If during drying to keep the hair dryer under the tilt, the desired missing volume will appear.

Tip! P jeriodically rinse the bright curls of the chamomile decoction, and dark-water with lemon juice. This is necessary to improve the structure and additional nutrition of the roots.

Cascade will emphasize the natural beauty and ease

The curls are becoming obedient if they are coated in cascading technique or graduation. The method makes them obedient, and also helps to spin naturally. Thanks to a multilayer character, an excessive mass is eliminated, which takes on the bow. It is beautiful on the spirals of any rigidity, allows you to hide defects and brings the face to oval as possible. Follow the rules to achieve the ideal.

  • Bang Consite feathers if too narrow oval. Lenten choose until the middle of the forehead. Do not forget to cover the cheeks in front wavy strands.
  • The uniform cascade pulls the circle. You need to hide the zone cheek.
  • For small damn it is necessary average length.

Tip! To get a beautiful image, keeping his concept to the end. For example, a business outfit is poorly combined with positive antennas sticking out in different directions.

Extreme versions for short hair

The disadvantage is that if it can be severely shortening, a kind of dandelion may turn out. And if you lower them below, then do not avail the lion's mane. Therefore, the curls with mean rigidity it is better to leave the shoulders falling on the shoulders. From classic varieties perfect:

  • Garson allows you to leave hair wavy or align them at a convenient case;

  • Care There is more narrowly women;
  • Fuete. It looks like a cascade, but is distinguished by a horseshoe-shaped probor;

  • Bean - the most romantic view that is easy to lay with mousse;
  • Pixes Excellent for medium curls, it is perky and has a rejuvenating effect.

Try to raise the roots not all curls. Leave the puff only on the sides. Then you visually expand the form.

Tip! If the dryness is increased, refuse shampoos with the effect of increasing the volume. They will destroy the waviness, and will strengthen the brittleness.

Variety of options for medium length

If you are a representative of such a chapels, then the cascade is the best solution. It can easily give the desired parameters. Do not refuse the kara and asymmetry. Some girls believe that they are contraindicated by them because of the curly structure. But in fact it's not at all. Professional stylists are stylists in one voice that you should not be afraid of experiments.

Easyness and air is characterized by a ladder. It does not lose weight, so there is always the right mass on the top.

Tip! Remember that the length depends on the growth. High suggests a long haircut, and low - short. Otherwise, the disharmony of the image is possible.

Do you have long curls?

Well-groomed waves below the blades look incredibly effectively. But they are difficult to comb and give the necessary appearance. To facilitate the task, choose a haircut for yourself, which does not need frequent correction and harmoniously complements the bow of modern fashionista.

Pay attention to the multi-tier cascade. Its smooth transitions will add tenderness and softness to the holder. If you apply hot scissors, the shock will rejoice for a long time, because the secheny tips are not terrible to her.

It seems to be a bang, whose density should be reduced.

Tip! It is not necessary to make a hairstyle for a solemn event. Kudri will always allocate you from the crowd and will attract attention.

What to do with bangs?

Do not give up bangs if you have curly hair. The main thing is to take into account the proportions.

  • Reaching eyebrows or middle bridges helps to cover too wide forehead.

  • Thick strands are better to swread, so as not to look like a rocker of the 80s.

  • Place an ability to create asymmetry.

Remember that after drying your curls will jump and see. Therefore, do not overdo the tips with the coercion.

Tip! So that the bangs always looked well-kept and succumbed to laying, milling it or give in calibration.

Caring for curly hair

Since the moisture lacks more curly, they quickly become dry and brittle. Strengthen the natural shine, save the surgeness and improve them to help the careful attitude.

  • Use a good dear shampoo that is suitable for the climbing type.
  • Masks for dry type Keep at least half an hour, insteading your head. So you will strengthen blood circulation and get intensive nutrition. But if the instructions indicate that it should be left for only five minutes, then the extension of the term does not make sense. There is a risk of reverse effect.
  • Self-massage at any convenient time, you reduce the amount of deposits.
  • Glitter and additional volume will give the lamination procedure that can be carried out in salon and home conditions.
  • Result moisture in the rod helps fat alcohols, glycerin and vegetable oils. The main thing is not to overdo it to avoid the increased allocation of the sebaceous glands.

  • Start washing with the root zone. Shampoo that falls on the tips during the washes, they are enough. This rule applies to the use of mask.
  • Remove with spirals with a special cream or gel, until they are completely dried.
  • Avoid paints, based on ammonia. It disrupts the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, leading to fragility. Prefer natural dyes. But note that plant and industrial preparations are not compatible with each other, as an unexpected shade may appear.
  • Less use instruments for laying. If you resort to them, use the thermal protection spray. His keratin film will retain health.
  • The tips should be coated at least once every three months. As you need, the number of visits to the hairdresser can be increased.

Bring the execution of the rules listed to automatism and forget about the problems with curly hair.

Tip!Head massage perform the pads of the fingers so to get pleasure from it. Manipulations not only enhance blood circulation, but also perform the functions of excellent relaxant.

An amazing gift of nature is curly and curly hair. Hundreds of girls spend daily time to make curls with a bad or bigwheat. And the beauties with wavy hair there are no such problems, beautiful curls are always with them.

Undoubtedly, the charm of wavy and curly hair is manifested in their length. But wearing the same hairstyle is constantly very boring. Here you can decide to experiment and afford a short haircut. Not every short hairstyle will suit girls with a curling hair structural. How to choose a short haircut in accordance with the structure of the hair and face type?

Consider the most popular and fashionable hairstyles that are perfectly combined with wavy or even curly curls.


Multistage haircut is always an ideal hair option with a climbing structure. In such a hairstyle, the curls lie beautifully and neatly. Often girls with such a haircut do not even have to make any effort for laying. It is enough just to suck the hair with a hairdryer after washing, slightly beat the hairstyle with your fingers and everything is ready.
Who will fit the ladies?

With the help of a short ladder on curly hair, you can visually pull out a wide face. The haircut is suitable and girls with a square face type. It is not recommended to make a stepped hairstyle on an oval face, it may seem even more elongated.
Regarding the curl structure - the hairstyle is better to do on the hair with a medium degree of waviness or a little curly. Too crispy hair in such a hairstyle can look too large.


This haircut has become especially popular over the past few years. Stylish, fashionable, comfortable short hairstyle can solve the problem of naughty hair and greatly relieve the life of girls who do not have absolutely time for complex daily hair treatments.

Who will suit Pixie? Pixi almost gripped the whole of faces, therefore it does not suit women with a wide and square type of persons. It will be good for girls with an oval face, triangular, thin, narrow. The haircut will be harmoniously look at the "small" girls with a fragile figure. Hairstyle emphasizes elegance and refinement in women.

The hairstyle of Pixie can afford ladies with any hair structure, from the smallest Kudrey, to large curls. Usually, the haircut does not require special stacking and lies "by itself."

Bob Care

Kare-Bob is an excellent option for those who want to get briefly, but not "under the boy." An elongated front strands make a hairstyle more feminine and romantic. The haircut gives thin hair volume and puff.
Who is suitable bean kara?

Bob is not recommended to cut hair with small curls. But the girls with a slightly curly hair, or the owner of the middle kud and can safely choose this haircut. Especially winning the hairstyle will look if the hair is thin.

Bob-kara with an elongated front strands will make a round face more elongated. Square face will look softer. This haircut can do ladies with an oval face. In general, Bob-kare is suitable for almost all types of persons. It is for the versatility that the girls choose this haircut often who want to get rid of hair length.

Very unusual and original haircuts with asymmetry look at the wavy hair. It is usually an emphasis on one of the side strands or bangs.
Who is suitable asymmetric haircut?

First of all, it is worth understanding that such a haircut must match the lifestyle. Often through such hairstyles, the girls express their inner world and individuality. Some specific rules for such hairstyles do not exist. Here, rather, you will have to consult with a stylist and choose the type of asymmetry, which will suit each specific type of appearance and the structure of the hair.

Wavy hair, in comparison with straight, have a more porous structure, so require more careful care. More often make moisturizing and nutritious masks so that the curls are shiny and elastic. And do not forget that any short haircut opens a face. If your skin has imperfections, then with short hairstyle they will be more noticeable. For short haircuts, it is advisable to have a healthy, smooth skin of the face.

Looking for an effective hair care agent? Then go, and you will learn how to restore your hair.