Breasts grunts with a spout when feeding. Why is it important to breathe a nose? Creating optimal conditions in the children's

Provide the right care for the newborn - the main task of the parents. Many moms are frightened when they hear that the baby shriekshes the nose. How can you help the baby and what is the reason for this state?

Crusts in the nose

The main reason is the formation of crusts in the nasal passages of crumbs, which appear due to the drying of the mucous membrane inside. A drying can occur if dry air is often dominated in the room. This can often be observed at the beginning of the heating season. Why is still a baby constantly shriveling his nose? Such a problem may occur due to rare wet cleaning in the apartment or due to infrequent ventilation.

Monitor the hygiene of the nasal and nasophacks is necessary every day. In the pharmacy, you can buy a saline solution or a special spray that simplifies washing. The price of these means is low, so you can afford it to afford everyone.

How to do washing?

First you need to make sure that the facilities you use the room temperature. Then put the baby on the back, not giving back the head. Drink 3-5 droplets to each nostril and massaging movements to press the wings of the nose. After 5-8 minutes, it is necessary to clean the nasal moves with a cotton tone. You can not use cotton wands or cotton wounds. Such tools you will help damage the mucous membrane.

This procedure will help soften and freely remove the nose crusts. Before applying the spray, read the instructions in detail, since some drugs are recommended to enter with different dosages and in a certain body position. Hygiene should be held in the morning and in the evening every day, regardless of situations. If necessary, the washing can be done before feeding the baby.

The reasons

If the nose, but no snot, then the problem may be in congenital violation in the structure of the nasal paths. In order to eliminate this option, you need to contact the otolaryngologist. In acute infectious inflammation in the nose, the baby accumulates an excessive mucus, which can also be in flickering.

Often there are cases when foreign bodies fall into the nose cavity - details from toys or rattles, insects. The daily examination of the child with parents in this situation will help keep the toddler's spout in order and avoid grunt. If it does not work independently, it is not possible, then you need to immediately turn to a specialist who will not allow further slippage of the foreign body into the nasopharynk.

So, the main reasons for grunts grunts to the nose:

  • congenital disruption of the structure of the nasal cavity;
  • the foreign body that fell into the nose;
  • infection (bacterial or viral).

What does Komarovsky say?

Children's doctor Evgeny Olegovich, who is a candidate of medical sciences, devoted several articles and programs to this problem. So, the baby grunts with his nose, but no snot. Komarovsky about this says the following:

  1. First of all, you need to ensure the baby optimal temperature in the room. It is about 21 ° C. Relative humidity should be no more than 70%. If the room is constantly very dry, it is recommended to purchase a humidifier and turn it on a couple of hours every day.
  2. Daily washing of nose with saline or water with sea salt for humidification.
  3. You should also increase the time of walking in the fresh air, if the infants have no disease in acute form. Walks will help the natural cleansing and moisturizing the nasal mucosal.
  4. A sufficient amount of drilled liquid during the day will help the body to support the water-salt balance. After transferring the disease, it is recommended to introduce drinks containing vitamin C - mors or specialized juices that can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  5. Inhalations with saline or decoction of medicinal herbs can be carried out, even if the baby shoes his nose, but no snot. It is not recommended to use vasoconducting drugs, as they interfere with the natural outflow of mucus, their action is directed only to the elimination of a cold.
  6. Purification of the nasal sinuses can be performed using oil compositions applied to the turde. It should be remembered that many of them can cause an allergic reaction at the kid. Therefore, they need to be used with caution.

Physiological reasons

If the baby grunts at night at night, then know that this can be caused by physiological reasons that will pass when the child will become older. After all, at birth, the body does not have time to adapt to new conditions, and the passage of air in narrow nasal ways is still difficult.

Grunt sounds for this reason are considered the norm. They will be held by themselves. It is not necessary to engage in self-medication or resort to radical measures, it is enough to perform daily washing, and over time the sound will disappear.

Nasal septum. Curvature

Why can a child rush? There may be a lot of reasons. But if after consultation with the doctor, it was diagnosed that there is a need for surgical intervention, it is not necessary to panic. Such anomaly in the structure is observed rather often.

The doctor will prescribe funds to alleviate the breath of the baby and will recommend the age in which the operation is most favorable. It should be noted that even with this problem the following activities are needed: regular wet cleaning, ventilation and compliance with a certain air temperature must be constantly under control.

Allergy from a small child

If the baby grunts to the nose, what to do? Contact your pediatrician or otolaryngologist, it will tell the reason or indicate a problem that you need to eliminate. There are cases when the grunt can be caused by allergies on a pet, then the doctor will hold allergeros and reveal it. The animal wool thrown into the balls, clogs the narrow nasal passages of infants and interferes with breathing.

When the small child appears in the house, it is recommended to temporarily limit the finding of the animal nearby. Allergic reaction can also be on washing powder or air conditioning for linen. Acquire these funds needed with a "hypoallergenic" mark. A special series of household chemicals and soap accessories will help you to safely use them without worrying about possible consequences.

Little conclusion

Mom's excitement when she hears that the baby shriekshes the nose is quite understandable. After all, every parent wants the child to grow healthy. Observation of the right development is necessary not only during the period when the kid is quite small, but later, when it becomes more independent. Preference in the acquisition of toys or other developing motility funds is recommended to be given to specialized brands. They will help to eliminate the likelihood of small parts into the nasal sinuses and the nasopharynx, as the quality of these toys has been verified and tested by many researchers. If the baby grunts the nose, then the reason for this can even be self-made synthetic tubes. These toys collect dust, so wash them should be carried out regularly, regardless of how the child uses them.

From the first days of the baby's life, it is necessary to observe the pediatrician who will follow the health of the baby and, if you need treatment or operational intervention, it will immediately have it or send it to the hospital. Applying methods for the treatment of traditional medicine should be only under the supervision of a specialist, since in many cases it can cause a negative reaction in a child.

Young parents, noticing that their newborn baby grunts with a nose, is very worried about whether he got sick? What if the newborn is grunting his nose, and how to help him? In this situation, Moms often hastily take attempts to "treat" strokes with all possible ways - there are instillations, warming, etc.

Often parents even refuse daily walks with the baby, afraid that he was so cold. Is it reasonable? In fact, the appearance of grunty sounds when breathing in a newborn rarely indicates a disease - in most cases this phenomenon is completely harmless. This is usually due to the peculiarities of the anatomy and the physiology of children of the first months of life. Indeed, a healthy newborn, and often a 2-month-old baby can shine, sniffing, groan - there is nothing terrible in it.

In this article, we will talk about why grunty sounds arise in newborns, as well as consider cases when the grunts turn out to be a symptom of the disease.

The reasons

Why does a newborn grunt nose? Any specific sounds coming from the nasopharynx, including flickering, occurs when the air flow on the breath or exhale faces obstacles - mucus, dry crusts, etc. It brings discomfort to the child, but he still does not know how to get rid of the mucus in the nose by high, and everything that he remains - to grunt and hoarse.

Features anatomy

The nasal strokes of infants are significantly higher than in adults, and the nasopharynx is more moisturized, so infants often suffer from difficulty nasal respiration, especially in the first year of life.

Often, the grunt is accompanied by feeding. In this case, milk is possible in the nasopharynx - it annoys the receptors, the baby is trying to get rid of him and grunts. Also, milk in the nasopharynk can be hit when jeeping, so during and after feeding it is preferably to keep the child vertically, keeping the head straight.

Physiological runny nose

If the newborn baby grunts his nose, but you do not observe any other violations, most likely you are dealing with a physiological rhino. This phenomenon is associated with the enhanced allocation of nasal mucus for one or two months after birth. Sometimes physiological runny nose is observed a little longer, up to 3-4 months of life. The fact is that the mucous membranes of the child did not function while he was in the womb, and now they take some time to adapt to new conditions.

Thus, if a child grunts with his nose 1 month, but in the rest he feels great, it does not need to treat it - this phenomenon will pass in itself.

Stagnation mucus in the nose

If you notice that the child scrolls the nose, it is very likely that a thick mucus accumulated in his noophelik, impellent breathing.

Almost all his time, breast children spend lying on the back. In this position, the outflow of mucus from the nasopharynk is hampered, and it accumulates between the nose and the throat. A similar problem is worried about many adults who notice after the awakening of a plump plump in the throat - it has accumulated muctic mucus overnight.

In medicine, clinical cases of a permanent flow of nasal mucus in the throat are called postnasal flow syndrome.

Predaschalnation syndrome is the consequence of both excessive mucus formation and its concentrations. Thus, liquid mucus is freely stalking, but viscous and thick can linger in the rear sections of the nasopharynx for a long time, causing substantial discomfort.

The thickening of mucus in the nasopharynx occurs as a result:

  • breathing with risen or hot air;
  • long stay in a rarely ventilated room;
  • insufficient kid mobility;
  • liquid shortages in the body.

With the accumulation of a viscous mucus in the rear sections of the nasopharynk, the child sleeps restlessly, and in the morning it shoes and curses.

How to make sure that the baby does not hurt?

In itself, the grunt can not be considered as a sign of the disease. Another thing, if stroke occurs simultaneously with other symptoms, such as:

  • nasal congestion (the child constantly with open mouth can not suck the chest);
  • abundant singlation of snot;
  • the newborn racks his nose constantly, can not sleep normally and eat;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • cough;
  • sneezing;
  • digestion disorder;
  • loss of a child, frequent crying, whims.

Strain against the background of a general deterioration of health status can be a sign of viral infection, bacterial rhinitis or rinopargen, an allergic reaction, problems with the digestion of milk, etc.

To clarify the exact cause of the child should inspect the pediatrician.

How to help your child?

To facilitate the breath of the newborn, it is necessary to put 2 tasks in front of them:

  • regularly clean the nose from the accumulated crusts and mucus;
  • improve the conditions surrounding the condition so that the mucus in the nose is not thickened and easily self-superstar.

Let's figure it out how to do it.

Clean nose

To remove an extra mucus from the baby's nose, you can use aspirator or a small pear. It is necessary to do this during a cold, if the nose flows. If the baby is very covered with the nose, it means that dry crusts have accumulated in the nasal stroke - it is necessary to remove them.

The procedure for cleansing the nose to the infant to the baby is as follows:

  1. We need a saline solution. It can be boiled water with a small content of kitchen salt (no more teaspoon per liter), or special nasal droplets based on sea water for infants. The optimal variant is a physiological solution acquired in the pharmacy. It is sterile, harmless and quite accessible. Before use, the solution must be heated to the body temperature, clapping the bubble in the hand.
  2. The child must lie on his back. No need to throw up the head.
  3. In the nostrils of the child we introduce 1-2 drop of solution.
  4. Next, you need to take a child in your hands, hold in a vertical position, slightly massage the spout. At this time, the droplets of the solution are distributed over the nasopharynk and soften the crust.
  5. After that, you can clean the front part of the nasal moves with the help of cotton tone, moistened with solution. It should not be penetrated deep into the nose of the child, as well as dryly wipe the inside of the nasal moves.

The cleaning of the nose must be carried out regularly, but also to abuse it, if the child is breathing so calmly.

Create comfortable conditions

Our time is that children spend most of the time in the room, and short-term walks are hardly fill in the need of a growing body in the fresh air. That is why one of the most important tasks when careing children remains maintenance of purity and humidity in the children's room. Regular wet cleaning will help this (3-4 times during the week), daily ventilation, refusal of unnecessary carpets, soft toys and other dust drives. The heating season should take care of maintaining normal humidity - it should be no lower than 50%. In such conditions, the operation of the mucous membrane is normalized, and the baby's breath does not interfere.

Small children often sick, which causes the parents a lot of concerns.Nose and throat disease, virus infections are especially common. They are manifested in various ways: snot, swelling and characteristic "grunt".

All these symptoms indicate the damage of the nasal mucosa, but in some cases they are physiological. It is necessary to pay attention to the available symptoms and contact the doctor in a timely manner, so as not to miss the beginning of a serious illness.

Fralling with a nose in a child without additional symptoms can be caused by physiological factors

Small children can snatch, fuck and publish non-characteristic sounds. This is especially characteristic of newborn children and infants until the year. This is due to the fact that the baby's mucosa adapts to the conditions of the environment, air, so it can react to changes in humidity, dust, etc.

In this case, the treatment is not always required. If there are questions, it is better to turn to the pediatrician, and not to begin to treat yourself. Excess drugs and drops may worsen the situation.

If the child grunts with his nose, but there are no slurry discharge and not tracked, the reasons for this state can be the following:

  1. Anatomical features of the structure of the nose. If a child is possible, frequent infectious diseases, swelling, stroke, approval and snoring during sleep. Only surgical intervention will help correct the situation. Also, the child can have pathologically narrow nasal moves.
  2. Frequent swelling. Small children jerk after eating, part of the milk remains in the nasopharynk, falls into the nose and causes its constriction. For this reason, pediatricians recommend not to lay a child immediately after eating and hold it in a vertical position for 30 minutes.
  3. Dry air indoors. In the children's room, the air should always be quite wet, the room must be ventilated even in winter (in the absence of a child). Dry air causes the formation of crusts in the nose and swelling.
  4. Foreign object in the nose. Little children from 6 months to 2 years often shove small objects in the nose and ears, so it is desirable to remove all the petty away. Parents may not notice that the child put something into his nose, but he will have difficulty breathing and a grunt will appear. In some cases, you can see the object in the nasal passage.
  5. Incorrect nasal hygiene. It is not recommended to clean your nose with cotton chopsticks. It is possible to injure the tender mucous membrane, which will lead to a strong edema and characteristic strokewash during breathing.

Mostly, the reasons for the fracturing of the child without the appearance of physiological snot and do not require long-term treatment. However, there are also dangerous situations, for example, the ingress of the foreign object in the nose. Therefore, it is not worth ignoring a similar symptom, it is better to see a doctor.

The baby grunts his nose and coughs

If a child besides edema and fracturing appeared, it is worth contacting the pediatrician. The probability of pathological causes of such a phenomenon is higher. It is impossible to start treatment, without silent to the end in the cause of the child's condition. Preparations are selected by a doctor after survey.

Pathological reasons for fracturing and cough in a child include:

  • . Allergic rhinitis in a child can manifest itself at any age. Usually concurrency and cough are manifested in respiratory allergies to pollen or dust, wool. In this case, there will also be tearing and frequent sneezing. The best treatment will be antihistamines and termination of contact with allergens, if possible.
  • Bacterial infection. Some bacterial infections begin with edema. The mucus begins to stand out later, since it initially can be sufficiently thick and make nasal breathing. Cough is also an indicator of infection. The sputum and nose mucus in this case may have a greenish tint.
  • Past viral infection. During ORVI, the characteristic symptoms are sneezing, the release of mucus from the nose, cough, concreteness. But even if the infection has passed, some symptoms can persist a week or longer. The remnants of the mucus remain in the nose, dry, make it difficult to breathe. Also cough can last up to a month. These residual phenomena do not require treatment, it is enough to wash the nose.
  • Tumors. This is a dangerous phenomenon. A small tumor can not be felt in the nose for a long time. But when it grows and closes the bow, sucking, snoring, flickering. The child appears weakness, it loses weight, it begins to catch the smells worse or ceases to distinguish them at all.
  • . This disease develops in small children for various reasons: infection, supercooling, allergies. The almonds increase in size, which makes it difficult for nasal breathing. Cough can also appear due to the breath of the mouth and drying the throat or ingress infection on the mucous throat.

In some cases, the grunt and cough in the child provoke the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but in this case there will be a woofer snot. In any case, these symptoms require surveys.

Medical treatment of ailment

Those or other drugs are selected after diagnosis and taking into account the age of the child. The choice of drugs for newborn children is very limited.

In most cases, it is enough to change the rules of hygiene, regularly carry out wet cleaning, maintain moisture in the room.

In the case of pathological causes, the doctor may assign the following treatment:

  • Vaconishing drugs. This is the simplest and effective solution to the problem of edema of the mucous. However, despite the effectiveness, these drugs have side effects. Most of them are not recommended for children under the year. The composition includes xylometazoline or oxymetazoline, which can cause addictive and dry in the nose. Popular children's nasal congestion are, tizin,.
  • Antiviral drugs. They are prescribed for viral infection. Nasal and cough, they do not remove, but help fight the causative agent of the disease and reduce the time of the disease. Children recommend Viferon, Ergoferon, Kagole. They are most effective if you start receiving from the manifestation of the first symptoms.
  • Antihistamines. These drugs block the receptors reacting to the allergen, and thereby remove the manifestations of allergies: sneezing, cough, swelling, nasal congestion, itching. Children are prescribed claritin, zoda, suprastin and other drugs. It is necessary to take into account side effects and the duration of treatment. Some drugs take no more than a week, others - up to 2 months.
  • Antibiotics. They are prescribed to children in extreme cases and only in the presence of a bacterial infection. In the case of ORVI, antibiotics will not only help, but also harm will reduce immunity. Drops and sprays with polydax antibiotics or drugs for oral administration can be prescribed :, Sukraks, Ecomed. They must be taken until the end of the course, otherwise the disease will return and can be complicated.

It is worth remembering that any self-medication is dangerous. If the child often has nasal congestion and strokey, you need to consult a doctor. Frequent washing of the nose and regular use of thoroughbuilding drugs can lead to allergies, dryness, addiction and other unpleasant consequences.

Proper nose hygiene

As for prevention and during the disease, you need to monitor the hygiene of the nose. However, this process should be correct and regular:

  1. Babies up to a year can not be mixed up, so in the nasal hygiene in infants should be treated especially carefully. First, the nose is washed with a salt solution (in the form of droplets, not sprays), and then remove the crust with a cotton wand. In order not to damage the mucous membrane, it is better to use special children's sticks that have a limiter.
  2. If there are quite a lot of sequencies, or the crust is not deleted, you can use special. They are safe for children from birth and do not have sharp details. They can be used for nasal hygiene in children under 2-3 years.
  3. You can not use sprays for washing the nose in children up to a year. Under pressure, the mucus penetrates further and can provoke.
  4. So that the nose is always clean, the child must learn to blow the root on his own. It is necessary to explain to the child that it is necessary to blow the nose for each nostril separately.
  5. If funds are purchased at the pharmacy, you need to take into account the age of the child and follow the contraindications. Even a conventional seawater solution has a different concentration of sea salt.
  6. For washing, you can use sterile, it is safe and perfectly cleans, but does not contain any moisturizing components and trace elements to restore the mucous membrane.

Read more about how to properly clean the nose with a newborn baby, you can learn from the video:

Pediatricians are not recommended to rinse the nose onion or garlic juice. They have a lot of vitamin C, but they are harmful to the mucous, as they can lead to a burn. The benefits of such droplets is small, but side effects can be a lot: infection from boiled water, a mucosa burn, an allergic reaction. It is better to consult a doctor and trust verified means.

When do you need a doctor?

Be sure to consult a doctor if the child has abundant purulent discharge from the nose, the body temperature increased. Also a dangerous symptom is a shortness of breath and an attack of a suffocation, as it can be a sign of swelling swelling during allergies or promotion of a foreign body in respiratory tract. In any case, the child needs medical care.

Caring for your native child is often accompanied by anxiety and anxiety, which is characteristic of inexperienced parents. Young mothers and dads are most afraid that their favorite child will get sick. They are worried about any change in the state of Baby.

Therefore, when the kid begins to publish strange grunty sounds to the nose, they are enough for their heads - did their favorite fell ill? Or maybe there is nothing terrible?

Let's deal with ...

The child grunts his nose: Causes

Otolaryngologists specializing in small children argue that it is often the reason for such a phenomenon lies in the plane of physiology, so when the child becomes older, it will disappear by itself.

But, despite the fact that the problem of grunting nose is very common, and in most cases does not need special treatment, yet you should not hope for the will of the case, and it is better to appeal to a pediatrician or lore. After all, pathology is not completely excluded.

Physiological reasons for grunting nose

In most cases, because third-party sounds, there are no faults of the disease. The grunt of the nose in newborns is explained by the fact that most of the newly born babes, the mucous membrane is still adapting to new conditions. And because of the narrow nasal paths of the child, when air passes through them, you can hear grunting sounds. But, usually closer to the year everything comes to normal.

When the kid grunts in a dream, the reason for this accumulated snacking thick mucus in the rear sections of the nose, or the swelling of the mucous membrane. This may happen in the cold season, when the central heating is turned on in the houses, when the warm and dry air in the room dries the mucous membrane of the nose. In addition, dust drives (upholstered furniture, books, carpets) contribute to the accumulation of mucus and drying the nose shell. To avoid this, you should often air the rooms, and if there is an opportunity to purchase an air humidifier.

The child grunts with a nose for pathological reasons

In some cases, the cause of grunt the nose with the absence of snotes is diseases and pathological processes. These may be congenital abnormalities of the structure of the nasal ways, which appeared during the intrauterine development of the child. Also, often kid grunts with a nose in the development of acute disease - viral or bacterial infection.

Swipe and hoarse sounds can occur when foreign bodies in the nasal paths, as well as when developing a tumor, which arose after the damage to the nose.

If you have noticed that your baby pulls his nose all the time, you must immediately consult a doctor - baby lore. There are cases when the doctor does not detect pathologies, in this case, it is possible to help the baby can, daily moisturizes of the nasal spray solve. Such a solution you can prepare yourself or buy drugs, based on sea water - Salin, Aquamaris, Humer, Akvalor.

Why is a breast kid grunts his nose?

In fact, motherhood is very exciting, and sometimes even a frightening process. Many inexperienced parents in vain are worried and disturbing whether they are doing everything right, and, paying attention to the little things, misses important signs and symptoms of developing serious diseases.

Often you can hear the complaints of young mothers that the kid is grunting the nose. Consider the reasons for such an exciting behavior of young parents. And also discuss whether it is worth it to worry or begin to treat a child if you have noticed that the baby grunts grunt.

The reasons for grunting the naist of infants

Explain the fact that frightening for young parents is simple: the nose in the infants is completely small, and, accordingly, narrow nasal moves. And in this regard, even a slight runny nose or cluster of dry crusts in the spout can cause difficulty free air movement.

If you notice that your baby is hard to breathe, you should not neglect this. To change the situation, our recommendations will help you:

  • first of all, take care of the control of humidity in the room of a newborn. Do not forget to regularly ventilate the room, it will have a beneficial effect on the health and well-being of the child. Of course, at the time of ventilation, the baby should be taken to another room so that the newborn does not smack.
  • a good humidifier for the room will be a mini fountain or aquarium. To raise moisture, often use wet rags, rages on batteries, or placed on the room of a cup of water. But the easiest way to buy a homely air humidifier, which is capable of adjusting the humidity level in the room, and is equipped with an automatic shutdown system, when the desired level is reached.
  • depending on your preferences, as well as financial capabilities, you can purchase an ultrasonic or traditional moisturizer. Humidifiers of more expensive models are equipped with filters that purify air. Very expensive air purification systems are equipped not only by air humidification function, but also with special filters are able to capture dust and other contaminants, making the atmosphere of the room as comfortable as possible.
  • another important moment is a regular maintenance of a wet cleaning in the child's room. But it is not necessary to cry hard with cleaning. In no case do not use aggressive chemicals for washing, since they are able to provoke an allergic reaction in a newborn.
  • also, do not forget about the daily hygienic procedures for the child: clean the nose to the baby with cotton turtles, in order to avoid cluster of a crust in narrow nasal strokes.
  • if your baby pulls a little sprinkle and breathes hard, rinse the spout with weak saline or salt solution. Such procedures are best carried out before feeding and before bedtime.

The above describes the main preventive measures to apply always and thanks to which your baby can avoid problems, and you will be less worried about this. In the absence of other symptoms of the disease, a couple of days, the nose of your child is completely cleaned.

But if the sprinkling is accompanied by other signs of the disease - cough, an increase in temperature, compulsory contact your pediatrician, which will examine the baby and prescribe treatment. In no case do not self-medicate, it also concerns the use of folk methods. After all, with any unqualified intervention, you can harm more than help. Please note that even the safest drugs intended for the treatment of adults or older children can have a negative impact on health infants.

Also do not experiment with the treatment of herbs. Many mistakenly believe that phytotherapy is a harmless and not very effective treatment. But in fact, infusions, decoctions or herbs extracts are able to provide a strong effect on the body of even an adult, what to talk about the newborn.

Do not attempt to get rid of the symptoms of the disease on your own, consult your doctor's doctor and do not forget that prevention is still considered the best tool.

The baby grunts his nose, and no snot

What to do if your one-year-old kid grunts a spout, but there is no high temperature, not snot? And, all your attempts to drain mucus from the nose - in vain. After all, the baby's nose is not laid, and when the child sleeps and eats, he breathes well.

Most likely that the toddler is grunting, due to drying the mucus in the nose due to the high dryness of the air in the children's room (in winter it is associated with the inclusion of heating). But to remove the spout of a crust, which interfere with the air passage is not always possible because they can be in the rear spacing. The solution to the problem can be moisturizing air indoors (water capacity, wet towels, fountain) and regular walks with a baby in the fresh air (on the street the air is more wet, and it is easier to breathe children). But for insurance still consult the pediatrician.

The reasons, because of which the baby grunts with their tiny nose, is actually not so much, and most often they do not represent a reason for the special concern of young parents. A specific runny nose of a newborn, surprising parents in the absence of snot, usually has a physiological nature and is nothing more than an adaptive reaction of the children's body to new conditions of existence.

But sometimes the nose of infants is laid due to a number of pathological causes. To understand why the baby's nose grunts, his parents should show his qualified specialist.

About physiological reasons Ronyism

If the newborn baby often shrinks his nose, but no discharge from it is observed, it can be assumed that the nose is laid due to:

  1. Individual features of the structure of nasal channels and respiratory tract. The grunty sounds that the child publishes can be explained by the special narrowness of his bronchi, trachea or nasal moves.
  2. Special elasticity. In the process of respiration, the anatomical shifts of a very thin bone-cartilage tissue, from which it consists, prevent the outage of air flow, provoking the coating.
  3. Increased operation of the mucosa secret. Thus, the gentle mucous membranes, lining the nose of the baby, react to the unusual situation outside the maternal womb. It is this mucus and laid a little nose.
  4. Fast formation of dry crusts. The mucous membranes of the nasal channels are permeated with a huge number of blood vessels, which constantly dryly dry the secrecy secreted secrecy. Formed crusts make it difficult to free circulation of the air flow. As a result, the baby is all the time.
  5. The fact that the crumb of breast age most of the day spends in the lying position. Because of this, the mucosa secret does not flow along the back wall of the larynx, and is delayed in the nasophal. It is not yet known to spit or expectors, so when breathing the accumulated mucosa secret and makes them make grunting sounds.
  6. Gas accumulations in the intestine. A small child due to physiological underdevelopment of the lungs breathes with the help of a diaphragm - the unpaired muscle distinguishing the abdominal and thoracic cavity. If gases accumulated in its intestines, they easily push the diaphragm, disrupting the process of proper breathing and forcing the baby to make strange sounds.

On the prevention of physiological supply

Most often (in 90% of cases), the nose of the baby is laid due to physiological reasons. Such a runny nose usually passes by itself when the child reaches a one-year-old age, but the knowledge and use of some preventive methods will allow each caring mother to alleviate his well-being in many ways.

The kid will better breathe a nose if:

  1. Competent parents will maintain the level of humidity in the children's room at a comfortable level for it. During the period of operation of the central heating, it is possible to fight with excessive dryness with special humidifiers, aquariums, indoor waterfalls, regular through ventilation and wet towels, wipe on heating radiators.
  2. In his room there will be a wet cleaning daily (without the use of household chemicals that can cause an allergic reaction).
  3. Its nasal moves is systematically cleaned by crusts formed in them with soft cotton wool phytels.
  4. Its nose periodically rinse the pharmaceutical or self-cooked brine.
  5. Control the frequency of its chair and completely abandon the tight peeling, leading to the squeezing of the diaphragm. If the kid's intestine is not overflowing, and the diaphragm is compressed, it can be stated that there are no factors provoking infant coating.

About pathological reasons

Sometimes the baby is grunting by the spout due to a number of pathological causes. Socks are often not. Rubber, in which the baby covered with his nose, can be due to:

  1. Anomalous structure of respiratory tract as a result of malformations of intrauterine development. Breastfish may have a fraction of light or bronchial cartilage. His trachea may be in the squeezing vascular ring formed by the arc aorta. With such pathology, the nose of the child grunts, but there is no runny nose.
  2. Damage to the mucous membranes in the noraine baby. This can happen as a result of the negligent cleansing of narrow nasal nasal nose channels.
  3. The impact of pathogenic microorganisms. Viral and bacterial rhinitis are most often accompanied by the abundant allocation of the mucous membrane, but at the very beginning of the disease, the runny nose is sometimes absent.
  4. Tumor or strong. The baby's nose may be laid due to any mechanical damage, injury or injury. The mucous secret, which has lost the possibility of a natural way out because of the enemy occurred, and is the cause of grunting nose.
  5. Looking for a foreign object in the nasal stroke of the child. This often happens when the kid remains unattended himself shoves it into his nose. The runny nose that appeared soon is a consequence of inflammation of the mucous membranes, and the grunting sounds that make up the child are explained by the presence of an unnatural barrier in one (and sometimes in both) from the nasal channels.

On the prevention of pathological runny nose

If the nose of the baby is laid, but there is no runny nose, it is necessary to show the crumb to an experienced specialist (the pediatrician will definitely give direction to Laura) to detect or eliminate the presence of any pathology. If the runny nose arose due to the impact of pathogenic microorganisms, the doctor will immediately appoint adequate treatment.

But how to prevent the situation when the nose of the crumbs turns out to be laid due to the fault of the traumatic edema of the mucous membranes of the nose?

  1. All hygienic manipulations for cleaning narrow nasal channels should be carried out with extreme caution.
  2. So that a small child could not injure the gentle mucous membranes of his nose, putting his own fingers in the nostrils or very small items, it is necessary not to leave it unattended for a minute.
  3. In the house where there is a little baby, it is necessary to create a situation in which he does not have the ability to receive any injury or bruise.