How can you check your husband on treason. How to find out about treason husband: signs of treason. He became often under different pretexts not to spend the night at home

M. The feet of women will be interested, how to find out if the husband changes. This is not always easy, because all representatives of strong sex are individual. Sometimes the behavior of her husband after cheating speaks for itself. Man begins to behave naturally. This is the property of the psyche to respond to something new in life.

The first signs of treason of her husband are easiest to find at the very beginning of his novel on the side. Each representative of a strong sex, whoever he is, instantly becomes another. If a person in nature is strong, then special changes can not be noticed.

How to recognize her husband's treason? If a man becomes at least with any attentive, caring and gentle, then perhaps this is not a manifestation of love for his wife, but compensation for the feeling of guilt. The psyche of many people is arranged in such a way that the violation of the marital loyalty for them is a crime and brings the constant feeling of guilt and remorse. Understanding how to learn about the treason of her husband on these grounds, you can very soon determine the entry of hikes to the left.

So, if a sense of guilt appears, then a person begins to behave differently. It can be either irritable and evil, or, on the contrary, overly gentle and caring. Behavior changes dramatically, and it becomes noticeable.

How to recognize treason?

How to check your husband on treason? 1 Method is observation. If the spouse behaves secretly and distinguished, it may be an alarming call. Signs of betrayal husband in behavior to catch the easiest. A man who gone on married loyalty becomes sometimes unusually romantic. And if earlier he did not pay any attention to his wife, then suddenly it starts to give flowers, make gifts and even arrange a date.

Most women wonder how to understand the presence of treason on external signs. Well, the main thing is that any spouse can notice your fabulous, this is the hair of another girl and the smell of perfume. However, this is not yet an indicator. After all, it is possible that the spouse simply brought someone. It is possible to determine the husband's treason by SMS messages and calls. This is not the best way, so it is not recommended to resort to it.

Understand my husband or not, it is possible and in its attitude towards intimate intimacy. If the spouse comes home late and tired and avoids sexual contact, it is not excluded that all this he gets on the side. Although you should not exclude that the man just gets tired at work.

If the thought arises that, they say, I suspect a husband in treason, it is worth dispelled. You just need to track some time, as the spouse behaves. It is possible to expose her husband in treason with the help of studying his shirt. This way is old as the world, but it allows you to get to the truth sometimes. The presence of lipstick, hair on the inner side of the clothing may be proof of violation of the marital loyalty.

Additional ways

Knowing how to catch a husband in treason, you can forever dispel unpleasant doubts. One of the most disturbing calls is the inadequate behavior of the spouse to messages. When the husband changed, he fears to get an unexpected call or a message. It rarely happens, as lovers usually agree on everything in advance so as not to put each other in an awkward position.

If the husband changes, he will always hide his phone. Some take it with them even in the bath. Check the phone for extraneous messages and calls at night, when the spouse sleeps hard.

Treason of her husband, the signs of which sometimes recognize is very difficult, should not be in panic. The main thing is to take care of yourself and not to cause unnecessary suspicions so that the spouse does not accept all precautions.

How to understand her husband's treason on other signs? Most people who violate marital loyalty behave extremely restless. Some literally place yourself are not found. At the same time, a person may break the sleep and deteriorate appetite.

Additional signs that the husband changes, can be wounded in trifles. Previously, not too a clean man begins to follow his appearance suddenly. Knowing how to determine that the husband changes on these signs, it is possible to calculate the infidelity without difficulty. A strong sex representative who loving to go left is always dressing stylish.

How to determine whether the husband changes, they want to know everything, but not always it is available. Sometimes you just need to decompose all the cards and ask a person directly. If the spouse does not admit, then in the extreme case you can hire a private detective, which will give accurate results.

How to understand that the husband changes and deceives? Such a person will always avoid a straight look. He will divert eyes to the side. Understanding how to find out that the husband changes, you can forever get rid of the doubts that are. The most faithful sign is, when the spouse often talks about any employee from work, it is convened with her. Especially if, when discussing a woman, his eyes light up.

How to find out if my husband changed his behavior, interests all wives. First of all, sudden business trips begin. When you try to draw attention to yourself, the woman receives a refusal in the form of an explanation about employment at work.

Statistics - the thing is inexorable, sometimes even incredibly cruel. In addition, it is clearly not on the side of the beautiful half of humanity: the fact is that about 70-80% of spouses, at least once in his life, changed their wives or would like to do it. And statistics says: Usually, a loving wife will learn about the campaign to be left last. How to find out if a husband changes or not if the slightest suspicions of infidelity appeared? You can trust magic and conspiracies, you can experience various folk ways or to adhere to the program for hacking various messengers. We bring to your attention the main signs that make it possible to understand whether your husband has a mistress!

Sixth Sense

Very often in matters of male infidelity of the lady rely on intuition. Psychologists say: if you suspected something wrong, do not hurry to shove out of our sensations and premonitions. There is no smoke without fire, and therefore it is better to relate to their suspicions for some time. At the same time, it is important not to cause unnecessary suspicion in the second half. That's what signs say that your chosen one left left.

Changes in appearance

How to find out what husband has changed? The sign, the first and most important, is a change in the appearance of a man. Special attention should be paid to new underwear in the wardrobe of the spouse. No man will go on a date to the lady of the heart in the proven cowards or leaky socks. So if usually the husband bought underwear on the market across the road or at all instructed this duty to you, and now he has several dozen new cowards, he will probably have another woman.

Personal hygiene

How to find out what husband changes? Pay attention to his habits. So, if he did not particularly like the water procedures, and the teeth cleaned with the scandal, and now it goes to the bathroom several times a day, it is worth thinking - and not other smells of smelling? The same category includes frequent shave and the use of perfume and deodorant.

Refusal of the wedding ring

How to find out if my husband changes or not? If a woman is worried about this question, she needs to look at the hands of a man. More precisely, on the Unnamed finger of the right hand. If the spouse stopped to wear a wedding ring, although it was before it, then any pretext ("I'm afraid to lose", "prevents the car to repair", "uncomfortable", "the fingers will be cleaned") loses its faithfulness. True, there are exceptions, for example, skin diseases.

Appearance of foreign things

Your second half has new cuffs, perfume, tie or even a shirt? And they also chosen with special care? This is a serious reason to think about whether the husband did not have a mistress.

Changes in behavior

Often, in women's forums, the girls write: "I want to know, changes my husband or not?" Experienced young ladies know for sure - a sign of treason can be changed in the behavior of the spouse. They can be completely different: a man can lose interest in his second half, become scattered and thoughtful. Or maybe on the contrary, start giving gifts and flowers, to show excessive care. The latter, most likely, attempts to squeeze their guilt.

Cheating on trifles

The right sign that a man walks "left" - deceptions. In trying to hide your misconduct, he will be nervous, deceive. And still begins to be confused in his own words, promises and even plans. Of course, it may be banal forgetfulness. But if it happens too often, it should be molded.

Change of lifestyle

Your spouse suddenly engaged in sports, began to follow himself? Maybe he simply visited the idea that years pass and need to take care of their health and appearance. Or maybe he inspired new love for such feats.

Change of tastes

Before your spouse, gladly joyed the steaks, and now suddenly became a vegetarian? Or maybe he became a fan of some particular kitchen? There is clearly something wrong, especially if the culinary novelties did not interest him before. Of course, to say for sure that it smells like treason, it is impossible. But try to understand how his new interests appeared, still worth it.


How to find out what husband changes? The faithful sign is his constant discontent. Criticism, reproaches may say that a man compares his wife with a new passion, which at this time is just perfect for him. If a woman does not like his spouse, is it worth being with such a man?

Contraception means

Another sign, allowing you to know, changes the husband or not - the presence of condoms in him if this is not your prevention method. Why do your man condoms, if you take oral contraceptives?

New routine of the day

An alarm signal is a sharp change of husband's day. Mistress is always time. A man should stay with her alone, communicate, in the end to spend the night with her, because for this he needs another woman. In 10-20 minutes, there is no way to do! And because the husband started his mistress, he begins to "linger in the service", "spend the night from a friend," "ride on business trips." Regular unexpected circumstances should alerted a wife.

Freak finance

How to find out what husband changes you? A sign that helps to do this is a decrease in the family of finance. After all, the mistress is not only time, but also substantial financial costs. This wife for some reason can do without gifts, and the mistress needs flowers and presents. The mistresses are accepted to poke, make them luxurious gifts, but it costs a lot. If you notice a shortage of cash, look for the cause of this problem! Most likely, the case in the adventures of the spouse!


The easiest way to understand whether the husband did not have another, to pay attention to his eyes. If a man is constantly in reflections or memories, his glance is turned deep, most likely he is in love with another woman. Another sign is a dream.

Sexy cooling

How to find out if my husband changes or not? Think, do you all well in bed? The presence of a mistress usually leads to the fact that the wife no longer attracts her husband. He ceases to manifest initiative, becomes less demanding. These are only women know how to simulate, and it is completely unusual to men. So the satisfaction of the spouse on the side is not impossible. Of course, there is a chance that your second half has a sexually psychological problem. Of course, in the first case, and in the second you need to disassemble the problem and solve it.

It is worth thinking in the event that a man demonstrates new techniques that he is not new. What is this - an attempt to diversify sexual life or new habits?

Lack of interest to the family

The abyss can not only interest in his wife. A man ceases to pay attention to children, practically does not spend time with them. If earlier the husband and children played football, went to picnics and generally spent the time, now the kids cause only irritation from your spouse, most likely, in his thoughts he has another woman.

Separate leisure and lack of joint plans

How to find out if the husband changes? Exactly the fact that you stopped out somewhere together. He can spend time with friends, work, attend corporate parties and parties. At the same time most often - without you. As soon as the leisure became separate, you should think.

The fact that your beloved does not build plans with you for the future is another sign that he has another.


Stealth is another sign of infidelity. The spouse stops talking about how he passed his day, it does not share his impressions, or, on the contrary, so Boyko responds to all the questions, as if he had long learned the answers.


Husband offers to see the film about which you spoke the other day, are you sure that there was no such conversation? Offers Italian cuisine, although you do not carry it in the spirit? Most likely, he is too often communicating with another woman!


Learn about the treasures of men will help his car, computer and telephone. Of course, you need to maintain dignity, do not dig in your spouse's personal belongings. But what to do if you are unable to endure ignorance?

While the second half does not see this, you can carefully check his pockets. There you cailer movies, contraceptive means. And on the clothes itself there may be traces of a tone cream, lipstick. If the spouse changes, extraneous smells can be on his clothes.

A place of meetings of your husband with a mistress can become a car. Therefore, suspecting a man in campaigns to side, check the salon. Other people's hairpins, forgotten (or specifically left) underwear, decorations, buttons - all this suggests that your husband is not only yours. In addition, the usual adjustments of your chair under another person can be changed.

You enter the room, and your spouse hastily folds or closes all windows on the desktop? Does he constantly come out of his accounts on social networks? Most likely, he stood up on protecting his personal space. Moreover, the space is so personal that there is no place in it. To learn about the treason will help the phone, because a man must keep in touch with a new heart lady. Probably, a password will appear on the smartphone, and therefore you will not be able to read SMS or check the contacts. It happens that the husband does not hide the phone, and his passion is recorded in contacts as "auto service" or "Ivan Petrovich". Yes, and he immediately removes messages. How to bring it to clean water in this situation? Pay attention to who he calls and writes. If a certain "Fedor Builder" appears in contacts too often, check if it started repair.

Folk signs

Of course, jealous wives existed at all times. Therefore, tricks are transmitted from generation to generation, helping to catch the wrong spouse in treason. Here are the easiest folk ways:

  • As soon as the husband returns home after the tightened meeting, it is worthwhile to take the execution of marital debt. If your spouse's libido is all right, he will cope. But in the event that the husband is trying to see from the proximity, it is worth thinking.
  • Another people's way (rather psychological) is a certification of manganese. Right with her husband, start soaking in a basin with water panties that he wore on this day. Please tell me that you check the old belief that says that if the water remains transparent, then the man is faithful, but if the pinkish shade appears, then this is a sign that the man had sex with another woman on this day. At night, it is necessary to add a little manganese in the water. If your husband was with a mistress, he will hurry to change the water. Check out in the morning - if the water remained Pink - the spouse is faithful to you, but if it is transparent - treason was.

What to do, learning about treason

Did you know that the husband changes? What to do? Psychologists say: first of all it is necessary to keep calm. You can not roll the hysteria. All what is happening you need to soberly appreciate and only then make a decision.

And the option here is only three: divorce with your spouse, forgive him or pretend that nothing happened. Whatever decision you have accepted, it certainly needs to be brought to the end, not amenable to persuasion.

And how do women change?

One of the most feminine popular issues related to treason sounds like this: "Changed her husband with the former, the husband learned. What to do?". Let's not do morals. Just say - up to 50% of women change their husbands or at least think about treason. At the same time, women are much better hiding the fact of a hike. How to find out if your wife changes her husband? There are several signs:

  1. She constantly refuses in proximity - she has a headache, tomorrow early to get up.
  2. Begotive begins to linger at work.
  3. As soon as the weekend begin, the woman seeks to escape from the house - to a girlfriend, fitness or courses.
  4. She has new dear decorations, perfume or fur coats, and from work it comes with flowers.

These signs do not mean that the woman is necessarily found with another. But this reason to think about.

According to statistics, at least once in life changed its halves more than 70% of her husbands. Of course, it is very sad, especially considering the fact that the married wife, a deceived wife, sometimes recognizes the last.

A woman can live in illusions for years, completely confident that her husband is a real family man, faithful, honest and devotee. How bitterly it happens to be disappointed who loved so and who believed so.

Men polygamans, by their nature they tend to change, just there are more decent male representatives and less worthy. Someone is stronger than instincts, others are love for their wife. Yes, and wives over the years often turn into the grumpy and scornful women, whom only to pour and drink a husband. It is clear that both marked trees are to blame. If in the family is not okay, it is better not to hide the head in the sand, but to solve the problem at the very initial stage. Determine, changes the spouse or not, not difficult. The main thing is to be attentive and clearly know what to focus on attention.

How to recognize whether to change your spouse?

There are many ways to find out, the husband is faithful or not. In the case of the novel on the side, the lifestyle, behavior, the habit of the spouse, his manners, even sexual technique may be changed. If there is at least the slightest suspicion, then it is worth studying all the factors that can be the key to a randering.

Always cool man, suddenly became a tary careerist and workaholic

If the husband has been constantly lingering, explaining it with meetings, processing, passing a report or summing up the year, although before nothing has been observed, that is, the reason to think about it.

Of course, maybe he really found his luckee or realized that for the material well-being, the family needs to apply more forces. However, the cause of the whole thing may be another woman. After all, time required for dates, it is explained by his delays.

In addition, the husband can start talking about a new project, big workload, duties at work. His eyes are burning, he is inspired when he speaks of work, and it is constantly no at home. All this looks like a workaholic. However, in the case of true guidance, a concrete result in the form of increased income, premiums or bonuses is very quickly visible. If the money has become less, the improvement in the well-being of the family does not occur, then it is clearly worried. How is this possible? You can call your husband to work, try to catch it, if in the office it is constantly absent - this is a bad sign.

Unusual behavior

If the husband became thoughtful, the nefple is responsible, everything passes past the ears, his head is scored without understanding than, and the view is missing, then it is seriously worried about what is happening.

Its diffuse can be replaced by excessive tenderness and affection, suddenly it becomes incredibly courteous and caring, and then inattentive again. The eyes run, the sight is to blame, and maybe the husband is often annoyed and too picky? All this indirectly indicates the likelihood of treason. The unusual softness and tenderness of the husband is explained by the fact that he feels his guilt and wants to think so much. However, the wife can start too nerving it, then the spouse will be constantly evil, grieving and indispensable.

Permanent false

Illogical explanations, all sorts of inconsistencies, strange excuses - all this suggests that men have secrets, he hides something.

In addition, the modifier can give the facial expressions and gestures. The wrong spouse is often lying, but if the wife has lived with him for many years, she can easily guess that it is unclean.

Changed appearance

The spouse began to dress like a franger, with a needle, every day a new costume, to which accessories carefully selected, and his hairstyle became more fashionable and stylish, he let go of the Espanyol, himself all glows and shines?

Know, it's not clean. Usually, men are not completely tasted with their appearance, forget to shave, and, especially, do not bother themselves with a selection of a tie to a new shirt. They strive to push what they got on hand and rush in cases. Compare comes to him when he wishes a special impression on the lady of the heart. Everything goes through: carefully selected clothes, a new perfume, another hairstyle. If, with all this, the house of the spouse is not shy to appear in front of you in the stretched pants and the stacked T-shirt, then it is definitely a muse - not you.

Family budget

Money often goes on mistresses, and considerable. There were no major acquisitions, other countries did not visit, were not spent somehow in other things, but not enough money? It makes sense to think about whether another woman appeared. Of course, maybe the spouse is innocent and simply postpones something or prepares a surprise, but everything can be completely different. No need to hide and from the mistress of the mistress.

New Receivers in bed

Native, loved husband studied completely. The wife has long known that he likes how to please him, and the spouse is aware of the preferences of the cost of expensive half. Suddenly, he striking you with his extraordinary skills, opens up as an experienced seducer and Don Juan, although so far he even prescribed porn preferred. Strange? Not that word. To think about where these skills come from. It is reasonable to assume that everything is the other. Although, perhaps, the husband actually walked to master the new technique and please you. However, you should not relax, be alert.

Straight evidence

Footprints, scratches on the back, other people's hair on his clothes or in the car, forgotten strangers in the car, the aroma of other spirits, the detected venereal disease explicitly indicate infidelity.

Moreover, the spouse can explain all this by the accident, the miscarions of enemies and the goats of ill-wishers. His eloquence amazes and surprises. The husband so sincerely says that he already believes in his nonsense. The case is for you - to believe him or call for help your mind and soberly look at what is happening.

Permanent absence of a house

The husband is always tired and busy, from work began to come much later, for lunch no longer comes, as before.

All the time the spouse is out of the house: it helps on the work of Vasily Ivanovich, it solves an urgent matter, then signs the contract, with something often after 8 pm. Meetings, overtime work, negotiations - constant load and there is no end and edge. Suddenly, he recalls an old friend, with whom it is necessary to drink beer or a cousin who has a child who was born, and it certainly needs to be noted.

Husband holds an extremely long time on the Internet

The spouse suddenly loved social networks, he does not get out of them, spending all the time, immersed in virtual reality. What the laptop takes with him even in the toilet. When the wife approaches the wife, the page closes, and the spouse sees the desktop, and so every time. A little strange, you do not find? Most likely there is a permanent communication, which is not needed by his wife.

Husband stopped to delve into what he is talking

Two days ago, you asked her husband to pay for the apartment and go to the child to school at the meeting. As a result, it turns out that no affairs are made, the spouse does not remember that something they spoke something. It seems that he is on his wave, hovers in the clouds, constantly immersed in his thoughts. It is impossible to reach it, it is problematic - problematic, he became indifferent to the family affairs and lives his life.

Spouse loved to discuss other women

It is not clear where "school friend" either "familiar friend" either "girl from the nearby department" appeared. The husband, without fail, criticizes her, says that she is fighting him and annoys him, but constantly turns about her conversation. Here, undoubtedly, the wife is better to alert. If a woman is so annoying, why keep constantly discussing about it.

Hidden gifts

The wife suddenly detects a golden catulcher or earrings, which subsequently disappear, it does not get them for a holiday. Obviously, things were designed for someone else.


The husband quit for everything: The spoon is not so lied, the cup is not so worth it, the magazines are crushed, in the room of the poor. He is all annoying in a spouse, he expresses claims about her hairstyle, spirits, clothes. Sometimes innocent rod can go to anger attacks, then the husband is tearing and mosques, despicable everything around. For tomorrow, the husband is again - an innocent angel, kind, gentle and attentive. Such jumps from the angry lion to a gentle calf loosen their wife's nerves, she no longer knows what else to expect from his spouse.


Husband became a scrupulous to appeal to appearance, it worries him literally everything: a tie is beautifully tied, whether shoes are suitable for a new costume, whether the pants are carefully deployed. He bumps bright pullovers, original cut shirts, can suddenly buy a hat. The husband is constantly spinning near the mirror, smoothing his hair and correcting clothes, it seems to him that it is not good enough and you need to become even better, more fashionable, stylish and bold. He can suddenly change the style or buy an unusual accessory like a leather bracelet.

Cellular telephone

The husband does not part with a mobile phone, he is constantly calling that "Commercial Director Oleg Yuryevich", then "Locksmith Vasily", then "Valera's classmate". With that for conversation, the spouse must be retired: on the balcony or in the bathroom. My husband does not let me up to the phone and simply explodes if the wife manage to take a cellular in hand. Yes, and SMS began to come more often than usual, often at night. At the same time, the husband grows and swears on the cellular operator, who poured him with spam.


The husband began to express Vitiyevato, he began to use words such as Rivaivelism, Cathagelasticism or Cultrolreger. If no one speaks at home, and the husband was not previously seen in the veservoice, then obviously he grabbed strangers outside the house. Its speech is often pompous and high, the husband himself seems terribly smart and judicious, he loved philosophy and argue into extensive topics.

Sexy life

He or constantly refuses to make love (leading such arguments, as - a challenge at work, an indestructible stomach, overwork in the gym and other non-seeing) or shows just miracles in bed, applying everything that has learned from the mistress. Fur handcuffs, and weaks, and toys go through.

Ways to recognize treason husband

  • On distance

When the beloved is far, you always feel concern and trouble, you miss and wait for his return. Sometimes there are crazy thoughts in the head, and whether he is faithful than he is busy away from his halves. You just need to take care. Symptoms, forcing me to think about infidelity: a husband forgets to go into Skype at the planned time, the appearance of the spouse is exhausted, unwitted or scattered, he is little interested in his wife's life. It is not in a hurry to go home, says that it was added to affairs, you need to stay for several days;

  • At work

When the spouse reports that there is a challenge at work, he will work overtime, then you can call him or even visit the office. Spends on treason a constant absence of it at work, the surprised glances of his employees and colleagues;

  • Business trip

A man began to call rarely, talks about the fact that the troubles arose and they need to be solved, so he will not be able to communicate. He often helped, talks little about work, nothing asks about households. A business trip is delayed, there are constantly new reasons for not returning.

How to check the guy on treason? To confirm or disprove the speculation

  • You can contend the cute, seductive girlfriend to smell with him. Let the eyes build, writes in social networks, radiates in every possible way. It is important to choose a really beautiful girl to whom all surrounding men. And then watch what will happen. Of course, it is risky, but effective.
  • There is an option to imperceptibly trace the guy. Let the company will be a close friend, which, if that, comfort and support, and tell me what to do.
  • Make a printout of calls and SMS, then much will clarify.

Solution of the problem. What to do if the husband changes? How to treat what happened?

First you need to calm down, the end of the world did not happen, it happens in life.

Having learned this news, you need to behave adequately, do not cry, do not arrange scandals. It is best to demonstrate to my husband indifference, then leave somewhere for a while. Do not call him or try to speak and figure out why it happened. So let him face and suffer, experiencing why the wife is so indifferent and will not hysterite, maybe she has anyone. The spouse will be in bewilderment, and if you appear before it the scandalist, start disassembly, then he will only make sure that he is a steep macho, as women are fighting for him.

The next step will think, and if there is no you guilt in this. Maybe the husband gave to understand what he needed, and you did not pay attention to his advice and requests. Sometimes a man, leaving attempts to reach his wife, go aside in search of the lack of warmth, caress and love. If the relationship of the road can be worth a certain effort to become more attractive and seductive for their half?

Definitely it is not worth a corner, to make and torment. It is better to sit down and reflect how to live with it further. It is necessary to proceed from that whether there is a willingness to forgive the spouse and live together, without reproaching it, or there is no readiness. Then the best way out will part.

You can relate differently to this phenomenon. Psychology of treason is a difficult thing. It happens that one of the partners will forcing the other for these actions to their behavior or relationship reached the critical point and exhausted themselves. In any case, it is impossible to talk about idylls in the family in which it happened. We must not forget that suddenly, suddenly such things do not happen. Most likely, in marriage, mutual dissatisfaction with each other has long accumulated, there were rampant or conflicts that were silent. Everything needs to be discussed, strive to find a compromise. You need to take care of each other, give warm, love and affection.

Not always treason means the end of marriage. Sometimes you can still restore, you do not need to forget it. It is also important - a one-time case or long-term relationship on the side. And of course, it matters his own point of view on infidelity. If there is a firm confidence that this is impossible to forgive, it is better to think about parting.

Video help

How to learn about treason husband?

Other answers to readers questions

  • My husband was constantly lingering after work, changed the image, but he swars like that was faithful. What to do? How to determine whether the husband does not change.

You can call work in the evening and cope with his affairs. It will be quite good in front of the washing a good look at his clothes on someone else's hair, lipstick traces and other evidence. The simplest thing is to make a printout of calls. You do not only need to become enthusiastic, everywhere follow my spouse. On the contrary, it is better to be a little mysterious, to disappear in the evenings, come with bouquets of flowers, you need to switch your husband's attention to yourself. So that he concealed and worried, thought about what was going on with his wife.

  • I forgave her husband to betray a year ago. Agreed to be loyal to each other. Now I feel that everything starts in a new way. Is it worth saving marriage?

Everything indicates that the spouse does not want to save the family. Of course, you can try to save marriage, but there is no guarantee that what happened will not happen again. The culprit clearly did not realize the whole depth of what happened. It is unlikely that he appreciates the family, his wife and, certainly, is not responsible for his words. If promised that this will not happen, then it was necessary to fulfill the promise. Is it possible to trust the one who broke the word? He betrays yet. I absolutely see no reason to count on strong relationships with this person.

How to check a husband on treason - folk signs

Such methods are quite original and unusual.

  1. To determine the treason of her husband, such a test is suitable. Appeared home spouse put in a bath. There is a fact that a man who has recently has sexual contacts, eggs pop up in water. If the husband did not change, then the testicles are drown. Everything is simple. The spouse came home - offered him to swim and check what will happen. They surfaced - it means that they are convicted, infection.
  2. Pretty hard method. You can sprinkle panties of the alleged perpetrator with pepper. He will begin to be hung, at the same time complaining with him to his wife and his wife, while accusing her husband and sending the curse of his mistress. Realizing that he could and get infected, the classifier is likely to open and confess in everything. That's just suddenly the husband does not know anything? Then, of course, it is cruel to expose it to such a test. Maybe to start to take something else.

Is it worth planning revenge

Decision to take revenge - not the best. So you can block the firewood and then regret yourself. Any actions are best taken on a sober head, calm and focused. No need to look for a mistress, spoil her to the hair or, especially, to throw it on it. Most of all wounds indifference. It is indifference that the spouse who guessed the sheltered. Do not change in response yourself. Happiness with a random partner is hardly gaining, and problems on the head is very difficult. Thus, the first thing you need to calm down, cool and retire to think about further life.

Changes and deceives me. What to do. There is a little baby

In a situation where the family has a child, and the husband changes, it is difficult to maintain composure. But, nevertheless, it is better to try to do it. Summary for yourself, you are ready to forgive what happened and save marriage if the husband stops his connection. Then discuss everything with my spouse. Look, he wishes to work on the preservation of relationships or not. It will be quite good before talking to consult with a lawyer. The most important thing now is not emotion, but think about how it will be better. We must not forget the interests of the child. In the atmosphere of the skins and scandals it will be difficult for him. If you decide to disperse, settled with your husband financial and property issues, nor you nor a child should suffer because of a windy husband.

Treason of husband: causes, consequences, ways to solve the problem.

It is worth it to attach more to the treason of her husband or not, the solution is yours. In fact, it's all so easy and simple, and at the same time inexplicably difficult.

Causes and psychology of treason men

Treason of her husband: Causes Professor Psychology David Lasser sees the causes of treason of men in the fact:

  • they are important sexual diversity
  • not happy men in marriage, try to smooth out harsh family weekdays

Steve Santagati, who has been engaged in many years by the publisher of the causes of male treason, argues that more ninety percent of men change due to disappointments and boredoms that can be divided into the main components:

  1. The woman stopped watching himself.A man like male is looking for temptation by beauty. If the woman broke up in size, does not follow his appearance, it is not surprising that a man looks at a more attractive forbidden fruit.
  2. Grumbling and whining a spouse.The grumpy character of his wife pushes a spouse into the bed of another woman. What kind of sex to speak, if he is tired of listening to her reproaches and wedding. Runs from home, just to get rid of all this as soon as possible.
  3. Misunderstanding.Men are looking for a simpler output if there is no mutual understanding in the family. Instead of making a compromise and trying to fully find solutions to problems in relationships - just start changing.
  4. Adrenalin.Many men, just for the sake of risk and in order to rip the nerves, get huge arousal and pleasure from the forbidden fetus.
  5. Man hunter.There are such individuals that do not even understand why they do it. Everything is fine, however, I always want something new. It happens, something like a constant hunt, like an ancient instinct - to conquer, defeat, collect women, as another prey.
  6. Natural instinct.Men in nature polygamus. Regardless of the beauty and all positive qualities of the spouses, at the sight of a new beautiful body, there is an irrepressible desire. For a man, this is just a sex, random connection. Love and married relationship is more.
  7. Permanent excuses.Sex men are needed much more often than a woman. If the woman is burdened with concerns, unable to satisfy this need, sexually active men are looking for a worthy partner being married.

How to learn about treason husband: signs of treason

Treason husband-signs
  • Irritability -starting a double lifestyle of a man avoid communicating with his wife. Aggression respond to any given questions. This is one of the signs of treason.
  • Suddenly, often arising business trips, overtime work. For meetings with another woman, it is necessary that time not provided for by the previous mode of life. From here there are fictitious valid reasons to justify their absence of the house.
  • A sharp change in relationships.Spouse, previously attentive, ceases to notice you. Or, on the contrary, before they do not notice the habits, suddenly became very noticeable for him and irritable.
  • Excessive attention to appearance.Special hygiene, shave, underwear. And if you also added a visit to the athletic hall to improve the forms, it all makes thinking. And didn't your beloved appeared?
  • Constant Secret Calls and SMS.The spouse often speaks by phone closing in the bathroom. Gets SMS and screaming again. Practically does not release him from the hands of afraid to clutter a call. This requires careful analysis. Does he wait for an important call? And so urgent his answer? Or someone else convinced his attention at that end of the wire?
  • Several small signs of treason to pay attention to:
  1. Traces of lipstick on clothes
  2. Unreasonable increase in expenses
  3. Women's footprints in the car - hair, lipstick, smells of perfumes or other female things
  4. Accidental appeal to another name
  5. Scratching on face, body

Treason husband-signs

How to survive her husband's treason as overcome depression: psychologist tips

Treason husband-like overcome depression
  • In order to, as quickly as possible to get rid of the complex psychological state, and in most cases and from depression arising on the basis of this problem, first of all, it is necessary to deal with this problem.
  • The world collapsed. The picture of the existence of an ideal pair failed. Alas, it hurts! But what exactly causes these suffering? Permanent memories of a happy life in comparison with the fact that all this collapsed, because of the day they drive into the scored existence? Life is over. How to live is incomprehensible and scary.
  • It is at this moment that it will be necessary to stop and understand that life goes on.
  • The ideal way is what the wedge says, the wedge is embroodble. No need to hide from people.
  • Parties, funny companies, Communication with friends, acquaintance with new people is a way without antidepressants to get out of depression. And if you are lucky and suddenly, at this time there is a "wedge" (man), which overshades, all previous relationships.
  • It is a chance and use it. But this may not happen if you close at home and roar into the pillow.

Away loneliness strive for people, no matter what.

Otherwise, a straight road first to a psychologist, and then to a psychiatrist.

Accidents do not happen. In everything you need to see only positive. Even with all the charms of the previous life, it may be a chance to change something. About which you were afraid to admit even to yourself.

Treason of her husband
  • The path of adaptation to a new life has passed. Pain Uted
  • Husband wants to return to the family
  • How to take it and forgive?
  • We define for ourselves, by deep psychological analysis - if you want to continue living together?

A positive answer suggests the following steps:

  • specific conversation with a spouse about the attitude to what happened and about his future plans
  • if it repents and promises not to repeat errors - you can forgive. But at the same time keep dignity and indicate on his mistakes. Not listening to a long speech of justification, but to propose constructive solutions
  • there may be a temporary gap. This will help put points over "and". Understand this or finally?
  • if he does not feel guilt and believes that this is just a temporary passion. It goes and swear that this will never happen, then be prepared to forgive him the rest of the best life.

I can not forgive my husband to betray: what to do?

Treason of her husband
  • If we talk about forgiveness, there are also several options connected with the previous topic.
  • In general, should I forgive him?
  • Life failed. He found another, I have another -eal option.
  • If there are joint children, you can always agree, with the adequacy of parents, about joint education.

If the situation when the husband returned to the family is presented that everything is fine, and in the shower, periodically boils offended options not much:

  • We accept and goodbye
  • Drive and forget

Treason Husband: Can I choose a divorce and a new life?

Treason of her husband
  • If all the accompanying efforts to forgive, it does not work together, it's time to divorce.
  • Divorce-birth of a new life.
  • After analyzing all the possible options and without seeing the result, it should not be twisted in the clouds.
  • Nothing changes - divorce.
  • But this is already a constructive option if all the preliminary methods are tried.

How to establish relationships after treason?

Take a husband time passed, a favorite house. But the relationship is tense. We are trying to discharge the situation.

  1. We are looking for positive moments.I remember the pleasant moments of the first meeting, living together. All that I liked in the spouse. After all, for something you chose him, loved? If he fell in love, he would have left the veneer. A man is difficult to keep the presence of children and eloquence. He chose you. So treason was an unpleasant coincidence. He appreciates and values \u200b\u200byou. And also experiences as you. But he is not going to make a family. He loves you. This fact must be realized to take a look at the situation, looking around. Do many men throw a family and go to the mistress? No. These are isolated cases. In most cases, the spouse chooses his wife. You are not alone.
  2. We protect yourself from unnecessary suffering.
    It is not worth too much about what happened in your family the problem. The smaller the people know about it, the less likelihood that someone will let and seek, remind of this situation, inciting the already faster offense. It will also help save the positive attitude of those around the spouse. After all, a decision was made about further living life.
  3. Do not hide pain from her husband. He must feel hurt. But of course, it should not be everyday aggressive disassembly and clarifying relationships.
    It is enough to sit once and calmly find out the relationship. Combine plans for the future.
    If it is difficult to say out loud, we try to pour everything on paper. We write a letter letter. Send it or not, the decision will come in the process of writing. This is a very good, proven psychological way.
  4. Reduced self-esteem and offended by pride Because of the current situation, it's not a reason to engage in self-vacation and blame yourself in what happened. This may lead to new complexes, about appearance, success, sexuality and other moments.

Therefore, disconnect from negative thoughts and fill with confidence to yourself:

  • We start an active lifestyle and choose for yourself: dancing classes, fitness. Just walk in nature. Everything was missing before free time.
  • We change your way: style of clothing, haircut.
  • We communicate with girlfriends, bring new friends.
  • There is an opportunity - change the work or looking for a new passion, hobby.
  • We begin to follow yourself and for a new interesting way of your life, and not for my husband.
  • In this case, the spouse will definitely be interested in his, "new" spouse. And will be afraid of losing you.

Treason husband: reviews

Olga: Analyzing your life experience, I can say that in family life much depends on the woman. The slightest inattention to their appearance and the advantages of the spouse is fraught with the consequences.

Nina: Husband walked. The first time I learned about changed on a divorce. As a result, I realized that it was easier to close my eyes on all this than to stay without a means of existence, for yourself and children.

Natasha:What is the problem? Husband changes? Stupidity, he does not give up. If you are able to contain a family and a mistress. Guys and so lack. Let two contain than a 25% family when divorced.

Hope: If the husband changed once and forgive him, it will be a turn of misfortune. Betrayed - break once and forever.

Video: Male treason. What if the husband changed?