How to properly feed your baby with breast milk. How to understand that the child is full? A quick guide to correct breastfeeding

The benefits of breastfeeding have been proven for a long time, and there is no point in repeating. Today we will talk about proper feeding. Oddly enough, this also needs to be learned. Moreover, both you and the baby. How to avoid difficulties arising in the early stages of breastfeeding?

The feeding process itself should be comfortable for mom and baby. To do this, you need to choose a position that fatigue you the most and does not cause discomfort.

When feeding, the baby's body should be in a straight line, and the neck should also be straight. The baby's face and belly should snuggle up to the mother. Do not try to use force. Your task is to tell the kid the right direction, and nothing more.

During feeding, the baby must completely capture the nipple and areola. So the possibility of injury to the chest will be negligible. The baby will suck milk efficiently. The breast is properly stimulated, thereby increasing milk production (lactation). Be sure to pay attention to how you feel while feeding. If you feel pain or discomfort, gently remove the breast from the baby and repeat the attachment.

(photo 1. Clickable)

1) The head and body of the child must be in line.
2) Press the baby's body against yours at right angles to your body.
3) The baby should be facing the chest and nose to the nipple.
4) The position should be comfortable for you and the child.
5) The child's head is thrown back, and the mouth is wide open.
6) Bring your baby to your breast, not the other way around.
7) The baby should grip the nipple, areoluke and some of the surrounding breast tissue with his mouth.
8) The baby should start with a few quick suction movements and then slow them down as the milk is released from the breast.

Some babies are so weak that they manage to fall asleep while feeding. In this case, draw his attention to the process with gentle strokes of sweet cheeks.

The correctness of the grip also depends on whether you know how to properly "feed" the breast to the baby. It is important to place your fingers outside the areola. To make the child open his mouth wider, you can move the nipple around the baby's mouth a little. When the mouth is open, the nipple should be inserted so that it touches the baby's palate. Note that after the start of feeding, you cannot move the breast and correct it, it is better to repeat the attachment.

(Photo illustrations 2,3,4,5,6 show how to give a baby a breast correctly. All pictures are clickable)

Video: about the technique of attachment

Are we eating right?

We already talked about the correct grip of the chest just above. It can be added that the correct latching of the breast allows the baby to do without swallowing air. Accordingly, there is less colic, and the baby spits up not so much, and it eats better.
When the breast is correctly taken, the nipple and areola are in the baby's mouth, and its chin and nose are tightly pressed against the mother's breast. The baby's cheeks should be inflated and the lips turned outward. It is also worth paying attention to the sounds. You should hear the baby swallowing, but any whistling sounds will indicate that the baby is taking air. It shouldn't be like that.


It is recommended to breastfeed according to the principle "One breast per feeding"... This alternation allows you to provide the baby with a sufficient amount of milk. After all, its filling is directly proportional to the previous emptying. In addition, the child must receive first "Front milk"(with which he quenches his thirst), and at the end "Back milk" with which the child satisfies his hunger. ( See material).

But everyone understands perfectly well that situations happen different, and not all rules apply to all children. It happens that in the first days of your baby's life, milk production has not yet been debugged, and the baby really does not gorge itself. In this case, you can supplement him with a second breast. Only the next feeding should be started from the breast that was the “supplement” in the previous feeding.

If you are lucky enough to become a mother of twins, you should not worry about the sufficiency of milk at all. Don't forget that the milk arrives as requested. If in one feeding your babies have emptied both breasts, then both of them will be filled at the same time.

Separately, it is worth touching on the issue of feeding during those periods when the baby is crying a lot. Many nursing mothers try to soothe the baby with their breasts at this moment. On the one hand, they are right. But don't forget about yourself. In moments of intense crying, the baby may not properly latch on to the breast. The crumb is on emotions. Improper grip is fraught with cracked nipples and pain. These are even the smallest consequences. Therefore, before offering your baby the breast, try to calm him down a little in another way. For example, wiggle on the handles or just run the nipple over your cheek.

The number of feedings and their duration

Old school people advise nursing mothers to feed their babies on a schedule. This approach has long been outdated and causes nothing but indignation. Don't rape your baby. You yourself, when you eat? When do you want to or when forced?

The modern approach is feeding on demand. But a nursing mother needs to learn to distinguish between the reasons for her crumbs crying. The whims of the baby do not always mean the desire to eat, otherwise he cannot yet express his displeasure. To begin with, remember that newborn babies eat up to 14 times a day and only then they develop their own nutritional schedule. With age, the number of feedings per day will slightly decrease.

Eliminate long breaks between meals. Night feeds should be your rule, not the exception.

The duration of feeding is also left to the discretion of the crumbs. The kid himself knows how much time he needs to get enough. Babies are different, in weak ones the duration of feeding is longer than in their more developed peers. Premature babies can generally suckle for an hour at hourly intervals. And that's okay for them.

Publication on the topic: how many times does a newborn baby eat during the day and how many minutes it sucks -

Also try to get special nursing clothes. So you can breastfeed your baby when needed, and without unnecessary obstacles.

How can you tell if your baby is full? Can he overeat?

It is much more difficult to extract milk from a mother's breast than from a bottle. Therefore, an infant eats less in one feeding than artificial people of the same age. Do not be surprised if your toddler often asks to attach it to his chest. This does not mean at all that there is not enough milk. Just the last time he got tired of eating and continued this lesson a little later.

The first sign that a child is full is that he is in a good mood. With insufficient milk, the baby will not tolerate, but will immediately show you his displeasure. You can also judge the sufficiency of milk by the following criteria:

  • the breast became soft after feeding;
  • the baby has good weight gain;
  • the child regularly stains diapers.

Some babies immediately start playing with their mother and smiling at her. There are also those who simply fall asleep and continue to "lick" their breasts like a dummy. In this case, gently pull the nipple towards the corner of the baby's mouth.

Remember! The kid can't overeat! After all, this depends not so much on the desire of the crumbs as on the self-regulation of the body. Even if the child sucked a little too much, all this will surely burp.

Also, do not worry too much about the digestion of milk by the child's body. Mom's milk is surprisingly balanced in composition and is absorbed quickly. Moreover, milk of different fat content is produced at different times of the day. Accordingly, the load on the child's gastrointestinal tract is also different, there are periods of rest.

How to wean a breast

We have already said that in case of improper grip of the breast, it must be gently taken away. How to do it correctly and without unnecessary whims on the part of the crumbs?

You can gently press down on your chin or open your gums with your finger. If this "number" does not work, you can gently pinch the nose of the crumbs. In this case, in search of air, he will automatically open his mouth and release his chest.

Typical errors associated with GW

In the process of establishing breastfeeding, no one is immune from mistakes. But it’s better to learn from strangers than to replenish our stock. The most common mistakes breastfeeding moms make:

  1. You don't need to hold your chest with your hands. The kid will not suffocate, do not be afraid. And the movement of milk is associated with the sucking manipulations of the crumbs, and not with the position of the breast.
  2. Do not try to wash your breasts with soap and water before each feed. You just wash off the natural protection. A daily shower is sufficient.
  3. Don't give your child a drink. All his needs, including drinking, are 100% satisfied with breast milk up to six months of age. Even in extreme heat.
  4. Do not deny your baby breast milk because of breast problems or illness of a nursing mother. There are many silicone pads for damaged nipples now, use them. In case of mother's illness, it is enough to use barrier methods of protection. With milk, only antibodies to your disease will get to the baby, and nothing else.
  5. Expression is a thing of the past. You don't need to do this after every feed. Milk will begin to be produced in increased quantities, and you run the risk of "earning"

Every mother wants to see her child healthy and from the first days of his life begins to give him everything he needs. This is breast milk, which has useful substances and trace elements necessary for the growth and strengthening of the child's body.

However, in addition to the feeding process itself, other factors are also important - proper breast care, comfort in position, pumping, the need for supplementary feeding, etc.

Find out all the nuances from our article: how to properly feed a newborn baby, the rules for feeding with breast milk and formula, nutritional characteristics with mixed feeding, how often and after what period of time to feed the baby (schedule and rate of food intake for the baby).

Natural feeding

In the first year, breast milk is a vital food for the baby. In order for this period to bring only joy to the baby and mother, you should know about the basic rules of feeding.

What determines the amount of milk in mom

The amount of milk can be influenced by:

  • transferred stresses;
  • insufficient sleep;
  • mom's nutritional features;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • fatigue
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • lack of rest.

Breast size does not affect milk supply. Neither the shape of the nipple nor the type of milk matters.

Read on the pages of our site! Let's talk about the manufacturer and the composition of the product, how it differs from other infant formula.

Breastfeeding rules and breast care

When feeding, there is only one rule - feeding should be carried out in a separate room, where there is no one except the mother and the baby.

It does not matter what position will be adopted during feeding - sitting, lying, standing; the main thing is complete relaxation and convenience.

Separately, you need to talk about pumping and breast massage... These procedures should be performed in the first 3-4 weeks after childbirth. Then the milk supply is normalized.

Hands and breasts should be washed with soap and water before expressing and massaging. Do not use alcohol-based products.

Regular baby soap is an excellent antiseptic... It is also necessary to make sure that the detergent does not remain on the chest after washing procedures.

It is not recommended to use soap before each feeding.... The tool is able to remove the fatty film that protects the mammary glands from external influences.

That's why you need to wash your breasts only once a day... If necessary, warm running water is sufficient.

The massage itself is not difficult... However, make sure that the glands are of the same density. If seals are found, massage is carried out in this area more intensively.

The chest is supported with one hand underneath. The second, with the help of 4 fingers, you need to massage the mammary gland in a circular motion, starting from the ribs and moving to the nipple. The hand that supports the chest from below should not be idle - the technique is similar.

At the site of the compaction, the movements do not intensify, only the duration of the massage increases.

Expressing is an important step for a nursing mother. If you ignore the excess amount of milk, it will lead to the development of mastitis.

So, only two fingers should be involved in pumping - the index and the thumb. It is important to press not on the nipple, but on the gland tissue. The most effective method of expressing is using a breast pump.

The many difficulties associated with breastfeeding, consist in the appearance of cracks and abrasions on the nipples... These phenomena arise due to:

  • child activity;
  • features of the mother's skin;
  • insufficient hygiene.

Preventive measures must be followed. This includes:

  • the nipple after feeding should always be dry (for this, blot it with sterile gauze);
  • cleanliness of the chest;
  • a nursing mother should not wear synthetic underwear - only cotton;
  • the baby should grab the areola (halo), not the nipple;
  • if a crack is found, treatment begins immediately;
  • mom's nails should be short (so as not to be scratched while expressing);
  • do not keep the baby near the breast for more than 20 minutes;
  • you can not bring the baby to such a degree of hunger that he pounces on the chest;
  • perform massage and pumping;
  • keep your chest open if possible.

For the treatment of abrasions and cracks, vitamin A is used on an oily basis (sold in pharmacies), "Bepanten", sea buckthorn oil, special aerosols (without antibiotics).

If suppuration occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Meals by the hour or on demand

How many hours do I need to feed my newborn baby with breast milk?

Two options for breastfeeding are considered- feeding by the hour and on demand. Both options are equally relevant and acceptable.

Feeding by the clock is carried out strictly at a certain time every 3 hours... A break is made at night - 6 hours.

This regime lasts up to 2 months. Then the interval between feedings is increased to 3.5 hours, and at night - up to 7 hours.

The advantage of the method is to teach the child to discipline from early childhood. Otherwise, this method is a radical choice on the part of the mother, since not all children agree with the regime.

Feeding on demand is the most popular choice among modern parents.

After birth, the child experiences severe stress, and the only effective way to get rid of it is through bodily contact with the mother. That's why it is so important to latch the baby to the breast when he wants it... After all, sucking is not only a process of getting food, but also an effective method of calming a child.

This method is a highly effective means of maintaining lactation.

However, frequent feeding will prevent mom from doing household chores., therefore, you should not apply the baby to the breast at the first signs of anxiety, smacking lips, grunting, puffing, but when the baby really needs food - once every 2 hours with a 20-minute duration of feeding.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you a few words about the breastfeeding regimen and how to properly feed a newborn baby with breast milk:

Which option to choose

The basic rule is a healthy child knows himself when he needs food. You should not wake him up just because, according to his mother, it is already time for him to eat. Exceptions are such cases:

  • if mom needs to leave urgently;
  • children who weigh little.

The optimal interval between feedings for babies up to 1 month is 2-3 hours. Further, the baby himself will gradually increase it as he grows and develops.

An important condition is latching on to only one breast during one feeding. This rule is irrelevant if the baby is not full or if the mother has cracks on her nipples.

Make sure that the baby swallows during latching, not sucking. If you do not stop his desire to "hang" on mother's breast in time, then in the future it will be quite difficult to wean him from what he loves.

Bottle feeding your baby

Bottle feeding is different from latching on to the mother's breast. In the latter case, he himself determines the volume of milk and the duration of feeding. This allows milk production to adapt to the baby's needs. and changes as it grows.

There are different ways to feed your baby with breast milk if your mother is not around. This situation is justified due to the mother's inability to attach the baby to the breast (severe pain, urgent departure, etc.).

It is then allowed to bottle feed with a nipple. Today, this method is in demand for artificial and mixed feeding, or if the mother is not around.

Nipple advantage- the safest and most natural process for absorbing food.

However, sucking from a bottle and from the mother's breast has significant differences. In the first case, the baby makes less effort. Therefore, after getting to know the bottle, many babies refuse their mother's breast.

An alternative is choosing a special nipple.

  • When tilting the bottle, no drops of milk should come out of the nipple.
  • When pressing on the wide area of ​​the nipple, a trickle should flow.

Remember to take care of your bottle. It is necessary to regularly rinse and rinse baby containers with boiling water.

Expressed breast milk is allowed to be frozen... This will preserve all the vitamins and useful microelements, and the newborn will not remain hungry if the mother leaves on business. It is not recommended to mix milk after several expressions. The frozen liquid is stored for no more than 2 months.

What to do if there is no lactation

How to feed a newborn baby if there is no milk? Often in medical practice, there are cases when the mother does not have enough milk to properly nourish the baby. Additional measures, agreed with the doctor, can correct the situation..

  • Mom should drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • The crumb should be applied in the first days of his life as often as possible.
  • Do not replace breast milk with other fluids.
  • Nighttime latching is essential for good lactation.
  • Mom's nutrition is also important.

10-15 minutes before feeding, mom needs to drink a glass of warm sweet tea with milk or dried fruit compote.

No stress and worries: with emotional disorders in women, lactation worsens.

Why can't grapes be breastfed? You will find answers to questions about nutrition for nursing mothers.

Introduction of the mixture into the infant's diet

If, despite all the efforts of the mother, there is still enough milk, then willy-nilly it will be necessary to use additional nutrition - to switch to mixed feeding. In the case of a complete transfer to milk formulas, we can talk about artificial nutrition.

What to give

The infant should receive nutrition that is as close as possible in composition to breast milk. These products are mixtures. All mixtures are divided into 3 groups:

  • partially adapted (children after a year);
  • less adapted (after 6 months);
  • the most adapted (up to 6 months).

The best would be a mixture, on the packaging of which it is indicated:"Designed for feeding children from birth to 1 year."

You should not often change baby food, since the crumbs may develop unpleasant reactions in the form of diarrhea, frequent regurgitation, allergic rashes, etc.

It is necessary to switch to another mixture if:

  • if the baby is not gaining weight;
  • if he has frequent constipation.

It is unacceptable to give diluted cow's milk as supplementary feeding (full feeding). This can lead to irreversible consequences.

The product does not contain those useful minerals and vitamins that are contained in the adapted formula or breast milk.

Mixed feeding rules

  • Give the breast first, then the mixture.
  • Only one feeding can be replaced with formula.

The product should be introduced gradually, starting with a small amount. The temperature of the mixture should not exceed the child's body temperature. It is necessary to dilute the product only with boiled water.

Here is another interesting video with the participation of Evgeny Komarovsky, from which you will learn about the mode of feeding a newborn, whether you need to feed him at night and how many times you can do it:

Feeding hours and dosage

How to properly feed a newborn baby with a formula and should it be done on time?

With artificial feeding 6-7 meals a day are recommended in the first months of life with an interval of 3-3.5 hours.

A 6 hour interval should be done at night. It is important to take into account the required volume, which is calculated depending on age and weight.

So, for the first six months of life, an infant needs 115 kcal per 1 kg, after 6 months - 110 kcal.

The daily amount of food required for crumbs with normal weight indicators is:

  • from 7 days to 2 months - 1/5 of body weight;
  • from 2 to 4 - 1/6 of body weight;
  • from 6 to 12 months - 1/8.

A new mixture is introduced according to the following schedule:

  • 1 day - 10 ml once a day;
  • 2 day - 10 ml 3 times a day;
  • 3 day - 20 ml 3 times a day;
  • 4 day - 50 ml 5 times a day;
  • 5th day - 100 ml 4 times a day;
  • 6 day - 150 ml 4 times a day.

Complementary feeding start

Learn to distinguish between "complementary foods" and "complementary foods"... In the first situation, the baby receives additional food to prepare for adulthood and food. In the second, it is supplemented with mixtures in case of a lack of milk.

Complementary foods are introduced at the age of 6 months- with breastfeeding and 5 - with artificial feeding. Until this time, except for breast milk, formula and water, nothing can be given.

Start gradually and with caution. For the first time, you need to give half a teaspoon of complementary foods, and then supplement with milk or a mixture. The "test" is possible before the second feeding, at 9-11 am.

Assess the child's reaction to a new product... If rash, irritation, anxiety, constipation (diarrhea) were not found, then the next day you can give 2 times more.

In no case should you introduce an unfamiliar product during illness or after vaccination. If there is any reaction, the start of complementary feeding is delayed for 1-2 weeks.

Don't force your child to eat. Perhaps the baby is not yet ready for a new stage in life.

Find out more on our website! We will tell you how the drug works, what are the indications for its use.

And what is the right way to give a baby the drug Espumisan Baby? you will find out how effective this remedy is against abdominal discomfort in the smallest!

We have collected reviews about the dry mix Malyutka and the composition of these products.

Where to start feeding

Better to start with vegetables. These are zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli. Any vegetable is thoroughly washed and cooked (in a double boiler or in an ordinary saucepan). Then it is ground with a blender.

On the first day - half a teaspoon. Then the dose is doubled every day and brought to normal.

If there are no extraneous reactions to the new product, after 4 days you can try another vegetable, and then make a puree from the previously proposed products. After 10 days, one meal of dairy food should be completely replaced.

For 7 months, you can offer porridge. This should be done at the very last reception - before bedtime. To begin with, the baby should be introduced to buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, then gradually expand the diet.

Use special baby cereals designed for 7 months of age. Giving semolina at this age is not recommended due to the presence of gluten in it.

At the 8th month, two feedings are already replaced... Now you can introduce your child to fermented milk products - kefir. On day 4, offer low-fat cottage cheese.

Fruits are introduced into complementary foods when the baby's first tooth appears.... The first is an apple. It is not recommended to completely replace feeding with fruit. They are given in addition to the main food.

Meat is introduced at 9 months of age and fish at 10 months... You can add half the yolk and vegetable oil to the diet. From 10 months, soup is already being prepared on meat, fish broth, to which bread crumb is added. The introduction of vegetable oil and cookies is allowed.

By one year of age, all 5 feedings should be completely replaced. Although some moms still breastfeed at night.

Water must be added to the diet... Its temperature should correspond to the body temperature of the baby.

The key to breastfeeding is to eat well.... It is prohibited during this period:

  • drink alcoholic beverages;
  • eat spicy, salty, spicy foods.


  • exclude cow's milk, peas, beans, white cabbage from the diet;
  • limit the use of caffeine, chocolate;
  • exclude fast food and convenience foods.

During the feeding period, you should avoid stress, adhere to a sleep and rest regimen.

From this video lesson, you will learn a lot of useful information about breastfeeding positions for a newborn, how to properly feed a baby while sitting and lying on its side, in which position it will be best for you and your baby:

In contact with

The appearance of a baby is a real miracle. During this period, the main thing is to do everything to make it easier and more comfortable for the baby to adapt to new conditions for him. It is important that mom is always there. After all, this is the most dear person for him. Don't forget about breastfeeding. All pediatricians unanimously repeat about its necessity. Mom's milk has no analogues. No mixture can reliably reproduce the composition, because it has been scientifically proven that it changes during the day. But recently, more and more women are faced with the problem of establishing lactation. In the article, we will consider how to properly feed a newborn with breast milk, whether it is worth putting a baby on the first demand or doing it on a schedule. Let's highlight the basic rules that must be strictly followed.

Step-by-step breastfeeding technique

It is worth breastfeeding a newborn from the first day of his birth. Only in this case can we talk about successful lactation. A few days after giving birth, young mothers note that a clear liquid flows instead of milk. This is a normal physiological process. The body prepares for breastfeeding and colostrum appears. The baby's digestive system is still so fragile that a couple of drops of this liquid will be enough to make him full.

But it is in the colostrum that there are those important components that are responsible for the baby's immunity. On 3-4 days milk will definitely arrive. Do not worry if this period is accompanied by a slight increase in body temperature. This is a natural process.

To establish the lactation process, it is important to know how to properly breastfeed, or rather apply the baby. Experts suggest considering the following scheme:

  • Take a comfortable position, as the process can take quite a long time;
  • Make sure that the baby is turned towards you with his belly. For the first months, the baby cannot hold the head, so it is worth holding it, but not rigidly fixing it. He should be able to independently adjust the position of the nipple;
  • The nose of the baby should be as close as possible to the chest, but not rest against it, otherwise the child will suffocate;
  • Do not put the nipple in the baby's mouth, let him do it himself. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the correct bite;
  • If the child took only the tip and the mother is in pain, press the center of the chin of the crumbs, he will immediately release the breast;
  • In the baby's mouth, there should be not only the nipple, but also the halo. This will prevent the mother from developing cracks and wounds on her chest.

Choosing the desired pose

Effective and correct breastfeeding is highly dependent on a well-chosen posture. Pediatricians distinguish the following positions:

  1. Lying on your side. You can control the baby, it will be comfortable for him to grip the nipple, there is no way to choke. Also a plus is that you can take a nap and rest. And this is very important for moms;
  2. Sitting. You can hold your baby in your arms or use a pillow. Make sure that the height for the baby is comfortable, and he can easily reach the chest;
  3. Standing. The position is not very comfortable for moms. During feeding, pressure is exerted on the spine. But if you cannot feed your baby without motion sickness, this is a great option.

The above described how to properly breastfeed your baby. Use the tips and problems with lactation you will definitely not have.

On mode or on demand?

Many young mothers ask themselves the question: "Do you need to feed your baby on schedule or on demand?" In Soviet times, doctors had a clear schedule. Feeding was carried out every 3 hours and lasted no more than 20 minutes.

Over time, pediatricians around the world have come to a consensus that this position is fundamentally wrong. Modern science says that you need to feed children at the first squeak. This is the key to a good and long-lasting lactation.

Tune in to the fact that feedings can be up to 15-18 times a day. And if the baby was born restless, then more. Don't worry, this will only last for the first few months. Over time, the regime will develop by itself. The amount will decrease up to 6-8 times.

Night feeding plays an important role in lactation. At this time of day, the highest amount of milk is produced.

We eliminate problems while maintaining lactation

Before figuring out how to properly feed a newborn with breast milk, many mothers face serious problems. Below we will consider how to solve them while maintaining lactation:

  1. The child is hungry, constantly crying. This happens due to the inexperience of the mother. Newborn babies sleep about 80% of the time. For a woman, these are hours of rest and an opportunity for relaxation. Situations often occur when the baby eats no more than 10 minutes and falls asleep. Pediatricians recommend waking him up in this case. Since the milk is not greasy at first. To get the necessary minerals and vitamins, you need 20-25 minutes of active sucking;
  2. The kid does not want to eat, does not take the breast well. This can happen for several reasons. Firstly, incorrect attachment to the breast. This problem can be resolved by reviewing the information above. Secondly, the introduction of water into the diet. Pediatricians argue that this is not worth doing. Milk contains 80% water. This is especially true for the liquid that is released in the first 5-7 minutes. You should not think about giving the baby a drink from a bottle, this is a sure way to end lactation ahead of time;
  3. Cracks and wounds on the nipples. The problem is quite common for a nursing mother. To get rid of it, you need to properly care for the mammary gland. After each feeding, it is imperative to perform hygiene procedures. After that, treat the nipples and halo with cream or ointment. Bepanten will do well. The product does not need to be washed off, it is completely safe for babies;
  4. Inverted nipple, it is not possible to feed the baby properly. If in the old days this was a real problem, and many women had to give up breastfeeding, resorting to using formulas, now the problem is being solved by buying a special silicone attachment. The cost is not high, it ranges from 300-500 rubles;
  5. Lactostasis. This is an excess of milk in the breast. Occurs due to improper lactation. The process is rather unpleasant. The mammary gland coarsens, swelling appears, the temperature rises. In this case, straining will help. If you cannot cope on your own, it is better to contact the clinic. It is impossible to tighten, otherwise mastitis may occur. The case will end with surgery;
  6. Lack of milk. Often you can hear from women that at a certain period, the amount of milk they produce sharply decreases. This is a physiological process. This is how the body adapts to new conditions. Doctors call the problem a lactation crisis. It happens at 1, 3, 6 months after the birth of the baby. You cannot quit feeding. At this time, it is worth eating well, resting, constantly putting the baby to the breast.

Knowing how to eliminate mistakes, the woman will continue the breastfeeding process without any problems.

It has been scientifically proven that no formula can replace the composition of breast milk. Its benefits for the baby are enormous. How to breastfeed a baby has been described in the article. Pay attention to the technique and basic postures. Please be patient, the process may seem difficult at first. Over time, you will realize that this is not the case. Try not to make mistakes, and if they arise, know the algorithm for eliminating them.

How can you help your little one get used to this difficult and responsible job? How to make this work joyful and enjoyable for both the baby and his mother? The answer to this question is surprisingly simple: the position of the mother and child should be as comfortable as possible.

For a successful breastfeeding it is extremely important that the milk passages in the gland have a wide lumen: this ensures free flow of milk, good emptying of the breast and easy sucking for the baby. If the mother's body is tense, if she is uncomfortable, then this distracts her, prevents her from concentrating on feeding. In addition, the tension of the muscles of the body causes a reflex spasm of the milk ducts. As a result, milk from the gland begins to be released scarcely, and breast not completely emptied. The kid is nervous, not getting enough food, but breast without emptying completely, is at risk of lactostasis (milk stagnation).

That's why when starting to feed your baby breastfeeding, so it is important to be aware of the correct postures to aid feeding.

Baby feeding positions

If the baby's mouth is closed, you can touch nipple to the corner of the mouth or gently "tickle" the upper lip next to the corner of the mouth with your finger. Usually, in response to such irritation, the mouth of the newborn reflexively opens, and the child begins to search with his mouth breast... This is the so-called "search reflex" of the newborn, which makes it easier for the baby to feeding.

When the child opens his mouth wide, you should direct nipple in the center of the mouth and with a quick movement of the hand, press the crumbs to you. This is an important point: you do not need to bend over to the child, protrude breast otherwise you will get tired quickly during feeding. The child has to grab nipple and the areola in the areola.

If the areola is large, then the radius of the grip should be approximately 2-2.5 cm.The baby's lips should not be tucked inward - they should wrap breast so that at the same time their red border is visible. The chin of the crumbs should be in contact with breastfeeding, but not too tight, but just enough so that it does not interfere with breathing.

If it still seems to you that it is difficult for the baby to breathe, pull his buttocks towards you, slightly changing the angle of the body position, or lightly press with your thumb on breast to release the spout. If the child took breast wrong or you need to free breast for another reason, you should gently unclench the baby's gums by gently inserting your finger into the corner of the mouth.

Don't give up trying until the child takes breast right. With the correct posture, it is noticeable that the baby is relaxed, making slow and deep sucking movements, and you can hear him swallowing milk. You do not experience pain in the area nipples.

Lying and sitting feeding

There are two main breastfeeding positions- sitting and lying. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

In the supine position, it is usually applied to the breast of newborns in the first days after childbirth, when it is difficult or impossible for the mother to sit. It is also suitable for night feedings. With this method of attachment to the breast, the mother should lie on the side corresponding to the breast to which the child will be attached. A pillow should be placed under the head so high that the head is not raised too high. The pillow should be moderately firm to provide good support for the head, neck and upper shoulder girdle.

The baby should be placed next to you on the bed, having placed a baby diaper on the sheet first. Place the baby's head on your shoulder at chest level, holding his torso with a bent arm. You can also put your child on the bed and put your hand under your head. With the other hand, opposite to the breast to which the baby is applied, you need to raise the mammary gland, placing it in the palm of your hand, as in a bowl, with the thumb and middle fingers of this hand, grab nipple on the border of the areola with the breast skin and lightly press it down, giving it a flattened shape parallel to the baby's lips After the baby has captured nipple and began to actively suck, you need to listen carefully to your feelings. Pay attention to the condition of the muscles of the back, neck, arms - try to keep all these muscle groups relaxed. If you feel uncomfortable, have someone nearby put a pillow next to the part of your body where you feel tension. For example, you can place another pillow under your back or under the arm that is supporting your child.

The sitting position is more comfortable for the vast majority of mothers and their babies. After the mother is already strong enough after childbirth, when she can already sit, it is better to feed the baby while sitting in a chair or in a rocking chair.

Option 1. Sit in a chair with a small pillow on the armrest on the side of the breast you will feed your baby. You can put a small bench under your foot on the same side. Get into a position that is as comfortable as possible for your whole body. With your elbow resting on a cushion resting on the arm of the chair, place your child on your forearm so that his head is on the elbow at chest level. You can slightly turn the baby to face you. Take with your free hand breast in the palm of the hand as described above and, slightly holding it, give the child nipple.

Option 2. Let's say you want to feed your baby right breastfeeding... Place the child on a bent left hand so that his head rests in the palm of your hand. Take your right hand with your right breast and put it in your child's mouth. If you put your hand with the child on your knees, then the back is quite bent, and this is uncomfortable. Putting a pillow on your knees (under your arm) makes it easier. In this position, the hand of one hand subtly "controls" breastfeeding, and the other guides the baby's head and prevents him from sliding from the areola to nipple.

Option 3. The position with the baby under the arm is especially relevant for women who have undergone a cesarean section, since the baby is located away from the seam. It is also ideal for active babies who move their legs during feeding, as well as premature babies or those who have difficulty gripping the areola.

You should sit on a bed or a wide chair with a large armrest. Place a pillow or a small pillow on the wide armrest next to you on the side you are going to attach your baby to. Put the baby on the pillow - it turns out that he lies under your arm. The baby's head is on your palm, the back is on your forearm, the legs are behind your back, and the hand with which you hold the baby, you press his hips to you. With one hand you hold the baby, and with the other you give him breast.

Whichever position you use, pay attention to the fact that there are no pronounced curvatures of the child's spine - he should lie straight. This can be achieved with the hand that holds the child's body. Watch this moment. This is important because the large arteries that feed both the spinal cord and the brain pass through the bone canals located on both sides of the spinal column. Due to the imperfection of the ligamentous apparatus of the spinal column of the newborn, these arteries are very vulnerable. Excessive or prolonged flexion of the spinal column causes reflex spasm of the arteries, which impairs blood circulation in the baby's brain and spinal cord.

How to feed a baby in public?

If the baby is crying and the most likely reason for his dissatisfaction is hunger, then you can and should feed the baby in the place where you are. Before feeding, wipe your hands with a damp cloth, which should always be at hand for a young mother. In addition, breast pads and dry wipes will be useful for these feedings - these items should also be carried with you. You need to find a relatively deserted place where you can sit down, if such a place is difficult to find, then you can simply turn away from others. Special clothes for nursing mothers will come in handy, which makes it easy to bare breast... People usually have the tact not to disturb you with their approach. If not, let it remain their own problem. Get healthy indifference, and - bon appetite to your baby!

Feeding the baby breastfeeding, look at him, be in contact with him - bodily and visual. These moments of intimacy between the mother and the baby become the first precious minutes and hours of communication that form the psyche of the child. Use them fully and with joy!

Breastfeeding is the key to excellent baby health. Breastfeeding allows the little one to avoid many diseases, to stock up on the necessary trace elements and nutrients for successful growth and development, and also to establish contact with the mother. Breastfeeding allows mom and baby to create a harmonious relationship that empowers them to love and value each other throughout their lives. However, very often mothers face a number of difficulties, the main one of which is that the baby cannot properly capture the breast. Let's take a look at this very important problem!

Breast anatomy
Take a close look at your nipples. Under the collagen membrane is a lining of contracting microepithelial cells that surround the glandular tissue. Milk moves from the alveoli to the excretory ducts, thanks to the action of the hormone oxytocin. Almost reaching the nipple, the ducts expand somewhat, forming the lactiferous sinuses. It is in them that milk is collected. The nipple is surrounded on all sides by a pigmented areola or halo. It is this area that serves as a kind of visual reference for the child. The shape and size of the nipple varies and has an individual shape, but it does not in any way affect its functioning.

Both the halo and the nipple are equipped with a large number of nerve receptors, so it will be quite easy for the mother to understand whether the baby has captured the nipple correctly or not.

  1. Mom's feelings. Correct attachment is a position in which neither mom nor baby is uncomfortable. Undoubtedly, during the first week after giving birth, a young mother will experience some unpleasant sensations, however, after a while the skin of the nipples "coarsens", and with further feedings the mother does not experience any unpleasant sensations. A nursing mother should be alert if she feels severe pain, burning, or any unnatural sensations. This may be due to improper attachment to the breast. Don't ignore your feelings - they will help you establish successful breastfeeding!
  2. We are looking for a comfortable position. Before you start feeding, one thing should be learned: the baby should feel comfortable. In this case, he will not be alarmed to twist his head, twist his arms and legs in search of the correct position, distracting from the true purpose of the event.
    The child should feel confident. A similar state of mind will give him strong mother's hugs. If you are lying down, your baby should snuggle against you with his whole body, leaving only a little space for direct feeding. If you prefer to feed your baby while sitting, gently hug the back and shoulders. Such close contact gives confidence to the baby, and it will be more convenient for him to find the mother's breast.
    Nowadays, the ideal solution for new mothers is to purchase a U-shaped pregnancy pillow. This wonderful device will help you when you are just in the joyful anticipation of the baby, as well as after feeding. This pillow is specially designed so that the mother can choose from several options the most comfortable position for her when feeding the baby.

    Attention! If your baby does not feel that he is being held firmly, he will wave his arms and nights, further disturbing himself, and in such a situation it will be almost impossible to breastfeed.

  3. Technique for correct attachment to the breast - step by step. It is optimal if the first feeding of the baby occurs immediately after childbirth. It is at this moment that the child's search activity appears. It is very important to attach the baby in the first 30-60 minutes after birth. If you failed to do this, then attach the baby as soon as you can do it.
    • Step 1. Fold the areola with your thumb and forefinger. This must be done so that the baby can easily grab the breast.
    • Step 2. Gently touch the baby's lips with the nipple. Wait for the moment when the baby opens his mouth wide. Quickly press your baby with your whole body. The baby should cover the nipple and most of the areola (areola).
      Do not try to push the nipple into a half-open mouth, as there is a high probability that the baby will simply squeeze it in his jaws, preventing it from going deeper. Try to act quickly. In order to place the breast in the baby's mouth, you only have a couple of seconds. If you are late, try it next time. If the baby does not properly latch on to the breast, it should be stopped immediately and the baby should be allowed to gently release the nipple. This can be done in the following ways:
      • tickle the corners of the baby's lips;
      • lightly press on the baby's palm in the immediate vicinity of the thumb;
      • gently press on the chin of the toddler;
      • carefully cover the nasal passages - the child will reflexively open his mouth and stop sucking;
    • Step 3. The first feeding in the hospital does not last long - about 5-10 minutes. Subsequent feedings will last about 20-40 minutes. During feeding, the baby may fall asleep, but you should not take him off the breast ahead of time. He may wake up and continue to suckle. Growing up, the toddler will shorten the feeding time, sucking the prescribed portion in 10-15 minutes.
General guidelines for correct attachment of the baby to the breast
  1. The main tool of the crumbs. The lower jaw is the most important tool for the baby, because it is she who helps the baby to actively suckle the breast. This leaves the upper jaw in place. If you hold your chest, then you can involuntarily be near the baby's lower jaw, which will prevent him from freely opening and closing his mouth, correctly capturing the breast. The baby should freely throw his head back in search of the breast, grab the nipple and the halo and begin active sucking. That is why it is important to leave the baby room for "maneuvers".
  2. The position of the baby's lips is "butterfly". In the event that the baby has correctly gripped the breast, his lower lip will be slightly protruding. You can assess the correctness of the position of the baby at your breast: if the lips are not closed, but rather open and from the side they resemble the wings of a butterfly, then you are doing everything right, and your little one will easily receive healthy breast milk.
  3. Calm, only calm! Try to be patient in this responsible business. Very often, young mothers panic: the baby shows an active "search" action, mothers decide that the little one does not want to breastfeed, they begin to worry, which also affects the state of the baby. Very often babies refuse to accept the mother's breast, worry about her, spit out the nipple. In this case, the mother needs to show patience and perseverance, without ceasing to offer breasts. To make it clear to the baby how delicious breast milk is, you should pour a couple of drops onto a spoon and give it to the baby.

    It is very important! If absolutely necessary, try not to accustom your baby to the horn. Sucking formula from a baby bottle is much easier than laboring to extract breast milk from the breast. Therefore, a baby accustomed to a horn may not want to breastfeed solely because he will be "too lazy to work."

    Only in this case it will be possible to establish successful breastfeeding.
  4. Uncomfortable chest - give another one! Many mothers worry that their nipple shape is uncomfortable for the baby - flat, retracted, thick or long. Any toddler can adapt to absolutely any form of his mother's nipple. It's just that the mother of a baby with an "unconventional" nipple shape will have to make a lot of effort and have patience to teach the little one to properly attach to the breast.

    Helpful advice! On the shelves of stores for mothers and babies, there is a large selection of breast pads. These clever devices allow the mother to establish breastfeeding if the baby does not want to breastfeed or if the mother has cracks or other injuries. However, you should not get carried away with overlays, so that the little one does not get used to them completely.

  5. Free breathing. When the baby is attached to the breast, his nose is pressed tightly against the mother's skin. In order for the little one to have something to breathe when feeding, try so that the baby can breathe freely. If the baby has difficulty breathing, he will become anxious, trying to free the nose and will not be able to fully concentrate on the important feeding process.
By following all the rules, you can easily establish successful breastfeeding. While on the way of teaching the baby to breast, you should not turn around to others: for some mothers, babies begin to suckle successfully from the first minutes of birth, other mothers have to somehow struggle with their little ones before establishing breastfeeding. Every young mother should remember that her baby is individual, and only she can find an approach to her dearest baby in the world.