How to surprise a man in bed: secret techniques of femme fatale. What Men Love About Sex, Or Give It Up, Ladies

To be one and only is the ideal that every seducer strives for.

Wise women know how to always remain loved and desired for their chosen one.

Little "tricks" and knowledge of how to make a man feel good in bed and in everyday life are able to maintain harmony and sensuality even in long-term relationships.

How to do it right for a man: psychological subtleties

Scientists have long proven that women are sensitive and impressionable, while men are less vulnerable, calculating, cold-blooded creatures. In practice, things are a little different. Representatives of the stronger sex, no less than their emotional halves, need tenderness, care and affection. They are also not averse to listening to compliments or a pleasant present. Therefore, special attention should be paid to psychological "tricks".

Respect... Even the last loser flourishes next to the woman who reveres him. It is known that the care of the second half is most important for the fair sex. For men, the direct proof of love is respect. It is important to accept his position in life, opinion, friends. Treat your personal space, interests, and habits with understanding.

Regular insults and attempts to humiliate your dignity are incompatible with the concept of tact, so you should leave angry statements to yourself. A woman herself can feel safe and happy only with her respected chosen one, therefore, in the absence of this important criterion in a relationship, it is worth thinking about parting.

Attention... Strict control can scare anyone away. This is not the case with unobtrusive care. The question of how the working day went or who won yesterday's match will let the man know that he is interesting to his beloved. The chosen one is sick? Who will cook broth and tuck in a blanket if not a charming friend?

It will not be superfluous to show interest in the form of flirting and coquetry. Men love initiative and playful women! To maintain interest in a relationship, you need to find the strength and time to pay attention to the object of adoration every day. Otherwise, the forgotten partner will start looking for him on the side.

Compliments and flattery... Who said that only women love their ears? Representatives of the strong half of humanity are vain and need approval, admiration, compliments. The object of praise can be character traits, appearance, actions. Subtle flattery is also appropriate (not to be confused with obvious lies), in which the abilities of the chosen one will be slightly exaggerated.

Subordination... Nature has determined the role of a man as a dominant. He should feel in charge, even if most of the decisions are made by the other half. True femininity is inseparable from moderate obedience and the ability to compromise, so your obstinacy should be pacified as often as possible. It doesn't matter who has the decisive opinion. The main thing is how a woman presents the arrangement of roles in the family. A man can be henpecked for his beloved, but at the same time he should feel dominant in a relationship.

How to do it right for a man: living together

It is easy to charm a man you like, but not every seductress can do it so that he feels good and comfortable. Representatives of the stronger sex love comfort, and they have certain requirements for living together.

1. Satiety... "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." The well-known truth is 100% true. You don't have to come up with amazing recipes - even fried potatoes and delicious pies cooked with love will help win a man's heart.

2. Romance in everyday life... It is believed that a man should take care of the object of love. However, the strong halves of humanity also do not mind receiving a touching SMS, a cute note of recognition or a nice gift. Maintaining a romantic "spirit" promotes harmony in any relationship.

3. Comfort... Many single men live in their apartments like bears in a den. Scattered things, confused socks, unwashed dishes ... The appearance of a woman in the house is associated with the induction of coziness and comfort in the home, because it is not for nothing that the fairer sex is called “the keepers of the hearth”.

4. Personal space... Each person needs solitude with himself. It is important to give the chosen one time for personal interests and hobbies, relieving him of annoying control. The freer a man feels, the more he becomes attached to his beloved.

At the beginning of a relationship, it is unlikely that anyone would think of checking their beloved for "professional suitability" in business. And yet, there are comparatively fewer lovers of sloths and selfishness than those who prefer to put on a shirt ironed with their other half in the morning and return home in the evening, where a delicious, well-fed dinner awaits.

Washing, ironing and cooking are non-coercive actions, but what man wouldn't be happy with washed and paired socks, ironed clothes and freshly prepared meals?

We delight the look or how to make a man feel good about his appearance

Contemplation of the female body gives great pleasure to the stronger sex. To make viewing even more exciting, you need to carefully monitor your appearance.

Women have heard a lot about the fact that a skilled seductress is obliged to meet her faithful in sexy clothes, with makeup and elegant styling. This, of course, is a win-win option, but its constant maintenance is almost impossible. However, even in a long-term relationship, a woman must remain beautiful. What do men pay attention to?

Hair must be washed and tidy. Uncolored roots, tangled strands and dandruff can scare off the most persistent suitor.

Nails must be clean and tidy. Intricate manicure is a woman's whim, men usually notice either stripped or brightly acidic varnish.

Competently selected clothes emphasizes the merits and hides the flaws, and also attracts the stronger sex. It should be neat - torn and dirty branded items are significantly inferior to clean and ironed wardrobe items purchased somewhere on the market.

The woman should smell delicious... Not a single perfume is able to "kill" the smell of sweat and unwashed body.

Each man has his own preferences for the parameters of the female figure. Someone loves slender beauties, others give girls with "curvy" forms. However, the proportionality of the body, its neatness and elasticity are encouraged by everyone, without exception.

Clean and well appointed leather always attractive and without makeup. Problems that the woman herself cannot eliminate should be solved with the help of specialists (cosmetologist, dermatologist).

To always look good, you do not need to visit beauty salons every day and stand in front of a mirror for half a day. It is enough to regularly maintain neatness and beauty, consistently devoting at least an hour a day to personal care.

Do not neglect the tricks available only to representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Lacy lingerie, sexy stockings, thin heels and other "things" drive any man crazy! Seductive wardrobe items can add passion to relationships for both new and seasoned couples.

What is the right way to make a man feel good in bed?

Representatives of the stronger sex quickly “get turned on” and do not need lengthy preparations for the act of love, as their partners do. But this does not mean that you can cheat your chosen one. foreplay and games... Erotic dance, relaxing massage and gentle kisses will make the seductress in the eyes of her beloved even more desirable.

Cold and withdrawn partners during sex reduce a man's self-esteem and interest. The realization that the other half feels pleasure during intimate contact, even more inflames the passion of the lover. Of course, it's not worth shouting and replaying frantically. But languid groans, barely restrained screams and other manifestations of ardent emotions will drive a partner crazy.

How more active and assertive the impulse of a mistress, the more desirable she is in the eyes of a man. No need to be ashamed of feelings, you can and even need to declare your beloved about your erotic desires! But the lack of initiative will make the partner doubt his own sexual attractiveness for a woman.

Every man has a love scenario in stock that he dreams of realizing in life. As a rule, fantasies are simple to perform: having sex with a maid, in a public place, or in handcuffs. Make your partner's erotic dream come true it is not difficult, besides, a bold act will help bring variety to intimate life, and a woman will feel even more desirable.

The naked body of a partner excites and drives a man crazy, so during sex you should not hide under the covers and turn off all light sources. Complexes associated with figure imperfection should be removed along with clothing. In a fit of passion, the lover will not notice cellulite or stretch marks, since the image of a woman is perceived by him as a whole. Shyness and shyness in bed must be abandoned. Experiment with poses, influence the erogenous zones of your partner, do not disdain oral sex and fantasies of your man, and then he will consider you the best lover.

Working on relationships and improving in love science helps to always maintain the interest of the object of adoration. However, theoretical knowledge of how to make a man feel good in bed and outside is not enough without sincere feelings and emotions. Love, be relaxed during sex, friendly in society, an economic house, attentive to the chosen one, and then he will not go anywhere from you!

While most men love to brag to their friends about their sexual exploits, they rarely go into details.

And when it comes to the actual disclosure of their desires, and not to friends, but to the woman they love, for some reason they often prefer to remain silent. What Like men in bed? This question, probably, has troubled the minds of many women more than once. After all, every man has his own individual needs. But there are a few things that all men like, without exception. In order to become a sex goddess for your beloved man, you do not need magic at all, you just need to know that Like men in bed.

Constant variety

Many women are afraid of any experiments in the bedroom, preferring to have sex in already proven and familiar positions. But don't stop there. After all, what Like men in bed? First of all, many of them are attracted by ladies who are not afraid of experiments. It’s okay to try new things from time to time in order to turn on each other. Do not forget the fact that men quickly get tired of the monotony in sex. Sometimes it is not at all necessary to change your favorite position; it is quite enough to change the script of the foreplay. Still, you shouldn't try to learn all possible positions overnight - simply because not every man is able to withstand such a marathon.

Beauty and confidence

Second thing Like men in bed, it is beauty and confidence. This raises the question, what does it mean to look great at such a moment? Unlike women, for most men, it is not so much emotional contact that is important as visual contact. And the first thing that attracts them to women is their appearance. But this does not mean that a girl must necessarily have the figure of a model. Appearance depends more on how confident the girl is and whether she accepts herself for who she is. If she can calmly walk around the room naked, seducing with the curves of her body, and at the same time feel confident, then a man will be in her power.

Forbidden fantasies

Men have a natural need for a constant search for a partner for intercourse. Therefore, it is not surprising that they look at other women and sometimes, in their fantasies, see the cover girl next to them. To be very frank, many women sometimes have similar thoughts. Although many couples find it unacceptable to tell each other about their fantasies, at the same time, ladies should not forget that a bystander can cause a sudden erection in a lover. It turns out, as numerous polls have shown, men highly value those women who are sympathetic to such manifestations of male nature and do not arrange violent scenes of jealousy. In addition, sexologists offer to explore the sexual fantasies of your man and help him discover his secret desires.

Unchained mistress

This is how most men want to see their chosen one in bed... The blush on the cheeks and embarrassment during the first sex look, of course, cute, but after a while every man wants his beloved woman to open up and feel comfortable. Of course, it's great to be nice and modest, and to be embarrassed when talking about frank topics, but is that the point? Men do not tolerate promiscuity in women, but at the same time, they do not like when their partner prefers to make love in complete darkness and exclusively under the covers. Them Like when the beloved explores his body and allows the man to explore himself. This is one of the important things that they need in bed... They want to be around a woman who is happy with them.

Straight Talk

Very often, many girls make one significant mistake when, after a while, they begin to naively expect some accomplishments from their chosen one, especially in sex. Here we should not forget that men are not telepathic, they cannot read our minds. Sometimes, especially during experiments in bed, you need to communicate with your partner and tell him exactly what you would like receive... Sex in a dark room under a thick blanket will not bring the desired satisfaction. If you want your loved one to pay more attention to caresses, then it is enough just to whisper to direct his actions. Are similar
These guidelines will help the man relax and focus on sex rather than reading his partner's thoughts and desires.

Who is the first to bed

Fake orgasm

This is, of course, a very controversial issue. After all, nothing hits men's self-esteem more than the dissatisfaction of his mistress. A man can try long and hard at bed just to make sure the lady received pleasure from sex. On the other hand, there are times when a man ejaculates much earlier than a girl's orgasm. From this, many men begin to have complexes. Strong sex very Like and they love it when a woman calls them the master of the bedroom, but they also easily fall into depression when they realize that they have not lived up to the expectations of their mistress. Of course, it is best to always speak frankly with your partner about the problem and lack of orgasm. But sometimes, to help a man increase his self-esteem, sexologists advise to simulate an orgasm if the girl feels that her partner cannot stand it long enough. After all, he will never know about it and you can always say that he was at his best last night. On the other hand, if a similar problem happens all the time, then it is better to tell the man about it, no matter how it affects his ego. Based on materials from

Incredible facts

Bed is an integral part of every couple's life.

However, sometimes physical intimacy does not bring joy, becoming boring and mundane.

Experts believe that the key to a happy intimate life is, first of all, variety, well, and several other things that not everyone knows about.

How to enchant a man so that he loves and wants you?

Surely many women are wondering how to make a man just lose his head from passion every time he crosses the threshold of the bedroom.

There are some simple and crazy things that turn on any man, and that will drive him crazy.

How to drive a man crazy in bed

1. Enthusiasm of a woman

Enthusiasm is what every man wants to feel when he is with a woman.

Believe me, when a partner perceives physical intimacy as a favor, it doesn't turn anyone on.

Lovemaking should be enjoyable for both partners, and the enthusiasm should also come from both.

2. Associated sounds

Absolute and complete silence during lovemaking does not always mean something good. As a rule, this means that you are not enjoying the company of your partner, or worse, you just fell asleep.

So, to be sonorous during intimacy with a loved one is quite a normal and natural thing. Your voice is the best barometer by which your partner is guided if he is doing everything right.

3. Prelude

Foreplay is incredibly important. Without foreplay, intimacy becomes like a roller coaster without the slow climb to the top of the track.

As elsewhere, expectation itself is the key to any intimacy. Do not think that foreplay is a purely feminine desire. Believe me, men also love this stage of physical intimacy.

4. Light on

Men love with their eyes.

Therefore, most of them, of course, are pleased to see their partner during intimacy, to look into her eyes.

Therefore, you should not turn off the light, make your man a pleasure: let him enjoy your body and face.

5. Feedback from the partner

No one wants to do a job alone.

Therefore, it makes sense that your partner expects the same full return from you as he does from his side. Do not assume that only a man should give himself up in bed.

Love requires the presence of both partners.

What makes men lose their heads

6. Compliments

Do you think men don't like compliments? Then you are wrong.

Any man will be pleased to hear about what a macho he is, and what a wonderful lover he is. Praise him, appreciate his skills and abilities in love affairs.

A little talk in bed never hurts.

7. Communication

Communication is critical in understanding each other's partners, which means better sex.

This does not mean, of course, that you have to shout out phrases from plays or stop in the middle of the process to make a few comments.

Just remember that your foreplay may be diluted with some words and phrases.

Communication can include conversations, but it can also be wordless. After all, you can understand each other without wasting words. Sometimes our eyes, lips and hands speak more eloquently than any words.

8. Variety

Variety is especially important when it comes to pleasure in love.

Without him, intimate life becomes boring, sluggishly current routine. To make your man lose his head every time, make sure that there is at least some variety in your love games.

9. Initiative

Most women believe that the first step should always come from the man.

Initiative is the prerogative of a purely stronger sex. This is what we have been taught since childhood, and this is what we are taught in numerous articles that teach us how to build right relationships.

But sometimes there are moments when a man wants the initiative to come from his partner. It actually turns on and excites his fantasies.

The fire of desire in the eyes of a woman, hard flirting - all this drives a man crazy. And even if you are not a leader by nature, but just a fragile sweet woman, try at least sometimes to deviate from your own rules and take initiative in the bedroom.

After all, if you do not do this, it may seem to your partner that you are a cold and unapproachable snow queen.

10. Nice underwear

Continuing the topic of what a man loves with his eyes, we should mention sexy lingerie, which most men pay attention to.

Therefore, try to wear underwear that he will certainly like at least occasionally.

Even if it suddenly seemed to you that your man did not pay absolutely no attention to what was under your dress, you should know that he probably liked this sexy underwear, and he appreciated your efforts to be beautiful for him.

11. Spontaneity

Now many can argue, they say, it's nice to make love in a beautiful place, with candles and silk sheets prepared.

But what if you succumb to passion and the desire that has arisen spontaneously and unexpectedly, moving away from the usual schedule, rules and place?

Agree, it sounds tempting.

Don't be afraid to make changes to your daily routine and daily routine. After all, routine and everyday life kill all romance. Believe me, your man will like a certain spontaneity and make him lose his head, as in the first days after meeting.

12. Fantasy and trust

Fantasies are an integral part of intimate life.

Offer your partner something new, share your fantasies, ask what your man wants, what he fantasizes about. It is possible that you have common fantasies that you both want to realize.

Think of a scenario together that would be nice to act out in bed. So you will not only open up on a different, more interesting side for your partner, but also let him know that you are open to new experiments, and also trust him completely and in everything.

After all, our thoughts and fantasies are the most intimate that we have.

13. Sense of humor

If you think that there is no place for a sense of humor in the bedroom, you are very much mistaken.

Humor should be present always and everywhere, and bed is no exception in this matter.

If something suddenly went wrong, such a moment can always be turned into a joke. However, be careful. Jokes must also be appropriate and correct. Remember that jokes and ridicule are two different things.

14. Hear your name

Psychologists say nothing turns on like your name uttered by a loved one.

It's always nice to hear your name from a partner's lips, including in bed. Use this information, don't be afraid to say your man's name while making love.

15. Sleep after love

Many women are offended when a man, having received everything he wanted, immediately turns to the wall and peacefully begins to snore.

However, if it is better to know the male physiology, it is possible that the claims of the female sex to their partners will immediately diminish.

Making love depletes the male body. He needs a complete recuperation. And sleep in this case is the best solution. Therefore, allow your man to rest and gain strength before the next fight.

Many women are interested in this question: is it possible to be at the same time a wonderful companion, a wonderful lover, self-confident and happy woman? Is it possible so charm a man so as not to doubt that he will return? Take on your arsenal of oriental subtleties and grace, based on female wisdom, tact and intuition. The doors to the world of harmony and satisfaction will open before you.

You just need to reincarnate as a geisha by taking a couple of seduction lessons in a Japanese school, and you will become the standard of attractiveness and sensuality.

In the 17th century, this craft was considered purely masculine. Women came to the profession later, giving it a special charm and aesthetics. The geisha's task was to decorate the male pastime without providing sexual services. She could enter into an intimate relationship only by mutual consent.

Geisha differed from persons of easy virtue and were considered aristocrats.

A positive mood, peace and carelessness, the ability to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding world are the foundations of the geisha's worldview. All her actions and deeds are aimed at pleasing a man, pleasing his pride, subtly indulging weaknesses, helping to relax. And all this in order to establish a relationship full of mutual understanding and harmony, based on the fusion of soul and body.

An integral attribute of a geisha is makeup. It is a business card that makes an image recognizable. A whitened face, a high oriental hairstyle, crescent-shaped eyebrows, dark black eyeliner, small red lips and, of course, a luxurious kimono that envelops the body in delicate silk.

The main advantages of a geisha are slenderness, perfect posture, graceful, exciting gait, flowing gestures. Geisha must have a special aura. She should beckon and attract. She is driven by an all-consuming tenderness for a man, a desire to give him affection.

How to help a man to feel comfortable and relaxed, to tune in to the desired system?

To do this, you should create a relaxed atmosphere: dim light, aromatic essential oils, soft pads. Talk to a man in a languid, sensual voice, charm.

Geisha pay special attention to the tools of seduction. They have another incredible quality - the ability to understand men from half a word and half a gesture. A true geisha knows the secret of the body and knows how to skillfully use it. In the process of seduction, the following technique will help you: exactly copy the facial expressions and gestures of the man. This will help establish invisible contact with the man. You will be able to understand his mood, know his preferences, guess his desires.

Most geishas are proficient in the art of erotic massage. He is a kind of prelude to sex. Massage movements should be rhythmic and measured. Particular attention should be paid to the chest, back between the shoulder blades, neck and all intimate areas of the male body.

In addition, a real geisha should know how to obtain mutual satisfaction and various positions in sex, be able to continue sexual intercourse, stimulate a man for long-term satisfaction, and also contribute to an increase in male capabilities (for example, using various aphrodisiacs). Particular pleasure can be delivered to your partner by squeezing and relaxing your intimate muscles. This allows you to give a man special satisfaction, and is also good for women's health.

Geisha masterfully master their lips and tongue! This can be learned too. For training, you can use a regular banana. Try to peel the skin off the fruit with your tongue and lips, do it slowly, gradually peeling the banana in thin layers.

It is impossible to become an experienced geisha in a short time. But with a great desire to bestow and receive the joy of love, to experiment, you can master the refined oriental art of temptation. After all, at heart, each of the women is a geisha!

To interest a man, it is not at all necessary to demonstrate to him the depth of your neckline and inner world at the same time. After all, there are much more effective ways to awaken a man's desire to conquer you.

These methods are based on three simple truths, which have always been remembered by such skillful seductresses as Cleopatra or Marilyn Monroe.

The first truth is how to conquer a man: men are simple, but not stupid, so a woman just needs to directly show her interest and let the man take action.

The second truth how to conquer a man: Men love special women - both spiritually and physically - so there is no better way to subdue them than to love yourself and emphasize your dignity.

Truth three how to conquer a man: a man will give all the treasures of the world for being with a woman who will make him feel like a Man with a capital letter.

It can take years for these truths to become part of a woman's worldview, although some women fail to grasp them at all. But, in order to make sure of their effectiveness, five minutes are enough. So how can you quickly get a man's attention and interest him?

  • Stand out from the crowd... It is not surprising that it is the “woman in red” that inspires the musicians, because it is not about the countless ladies in small black dresses that they write their songs! Red attracts attention, although it does not create the best sense of danger and tension for flirting. Those who do not like this color have other opportunities to be different from those around them: dance plasticly in a disco, sing sensually in karaoke, look luxurious in any setting, or simply separate from a large company, even for ten minutes. Any way to emphasize your uniqueness will be good, because the desire to possess something rare is the strongest human motive, including in relationships.

  • Do not gather more than three girls in the company Scientists have found that this number is the most optimal for a group of women who come together to a club or other promising place for dating. Large groups of women scare timid men, and awkward men will feel more confident if they know that a girl they like can leave their friends on occasion. She will feel less stressed, because the two friends will be left alone and dejectedly look sideways at the flirting from the corner of the bar.
  • Make eye contact with your chin down slightly... A top-down look awakens in a man a desire to dominate and visually makes female eyes bigger. If you look awkwardly in the eyes of a man, you can focus on the point between the eyes, the difference will not be noticeable. Or look "in French", that is, embarrassedly lower their eyes down in response to male attention. Three seconds of unbreakable gaze, flavored with a mysterious smile, is the most obvious manifestation of interest on the part of a woman. True, the reception of eye contact affects only 60% of men, and some of them need to catch up to 21 glances on themselves in order to understand that a woman is interested in them. This was calculated by meticulous scientists. They also found out that if a woman applies this technique to all men in the room 35 times within an hour, at least four of them will approach her to meet her.

  • Walk by, literally. So you will kill several birds with one stone: firstly, the man will notice you that in a crowded room it will already be an achievement. Secondly, he will be able to appreciate your gait, perfume scent (or natural pheromones, which is even better), hair and posture, as well as other very important traits of attractiveness.
  • Get into a pose that in zoology is not romantically called "mammalian lordosis", but in life it looks very inviting. It is in her that Marilyn Monroe is captured in many of her photographs: a playful look from over the shoulder, her back bends erotically in the lower back, her legs are straight. The pose seems to tell the man "catch me if you can!" and allows him to appreciate the prominent parts of the woman's body, as well as her sexual interest in the "involuntary" observer.
  • Focus on the neck: looking at a man, move your shoulder, tilt your head thoughtfully to one side, straighten a lock of hair at the neck. This movement demonstrates your defenselessness. Even if a man is not a vampire, but subconsciously he will perceive this as a sign of trust.
  • Hold the drink in your hand. Some men don't like to feel that a woman can want something from them, even if it's just a cocktail for 300 rubles. A woman's drink will calm such unique people, and normal men will find in it a reason to continue their acquaintance, treating the girl with one more.
  • Be beautiful, or rather, well-groomed and confident in your attractiveness... Men pay attention primarily to hair, lips and skin. Therefore, all this should be in perfect condition and, preferably, with a minimum of cosmetics. Layers of foundation and several tiers of eyelashes scare men because they don't know what is really behind the mask. Also, some of them say that there is nothing more asexual than a woman in sloppy clothes. A man's oversized T-shirt, jeans and rough shoes hanging on the bottom emphasize the woman's desire for independence, but along with it, the lack of interest in men as a phenomenon.

  • Be interested in communication, but first, just respond to the man's attempt to communicate. Beautiful strangers are beautiful only until the moment they meet. After that, they should move into the category of even more wonderful acquaintances. Be enthusiastic about the conversation and show that you are interested too. True, not enough to immediately remove the entire veil of secrecy. Therefore, a phrase like "Do you know, I've been waiting all evening for you to come up" is not the most the best way... A man should think that he is seducing a woman, and not vice versa.
  • Create a sense of joy and happiness... Let the man entertain you, laugh approvingly, or just smile if you don't know what to say. Talk about light travel, music, movies, and other subjects that are not burdened with negative emotions. Some men (about the same who do not want to approach a girl without a drink) note that they hate premature questions about their occupation. It is unpleasant for them that the woman seems to be trying to determine the "prospects" of a new boyfriend.
  • Help the man to believe that he is special. It is not necessary to shower with compliments (although if they are undeserved, the man will still not smell a trick), it is enough just to use phrases like "wow!", "Wow, how great!" or "it's amazing how you did it?" For many women, either natural pride or everyday stupidity prevents them from praising a man once again. And in vain, because there is no better way to encourage him to take action and help him be truly courageous.
  • Let the man think you are special. Everyone wants to have only the best, and men are the first in line for the exceptional benefits of the world. They like women whom they initially consider to be special, or those in whose extraordinary qualities they want to believe. The task of a woman here is simple: just something to convince a man of her singularity and to support this conviction. Accept compliments with dignity, do not hesitate to mention your talents and abilities, emphasize the advantages of your figure. And to love yourself like no one else, and then it will not be difficult for you to conquer a man.