What values \u200b\u200bdo the rings on the fingers in women? True value of rings on the fingers in women: characteristics

Wearing the rings goes with its roots in ancient times, rings are not only an ornament for a person who emphasizes his individuality and aspiration, indicating a certain status in society, but also for many people this is a certain talisman and charm. Wearing a ring on a certain finger carries a message and a sense for the people around.

Psychologists believe that people who prefer to wear rings on his right hand wish to control not only their lives, but also other people, and wearing rings on the left hand, are more susceptible to the creative perception of the world and, accordingly, people wearing rings on both hands have a versatile mindset, look On things and creative inclinations.

Psychics, very important attached to what finger for carrying a ring chooses its owner. Wearing the ring, on a certain finger, increases the power and even the energy associated with this finger.

The value of the rings on the fingers:

1. Big finger (Martian).

Traditionally, in the Chiromantia, the thumb is responsible for the logic, willpower, thinking, independence, liveliness, energy, strength and power. The big finger personifies the phallus, and wearing the rings on this finger was considered to strengthen the male strength. As a rule, people preferring rings on a thumb They differ in emotionality, internal energy, straightness, militant fervor and stubbornness, as well as people wearing rings on large fingers, strive by any means self-affected in life.

Wearing rings on the index finger (Jupterans)

In the Hiromantia, the index finger on his hand is responsible for the will, pride, ego, strong character, ambitions and power, so they were not waged on this finger the well-known rulers and priests, which made it not only to achieve the well-known power, but also honors. Carry the ring on the index fingerIt means that it will increase the self-assessment of the owner, will allow to be more confident, add decisiveness, insight, will bring success and good luck to life, will strengthen the leadership qualities of a person.

Wearing rings on the middle finger (Saturinian)

The traditional meaning of the middle finger speaks of human sanity, his responsibilities and is responsible for contacting the family. Therefore, most often on the middle finger, family relics are worn, allowing you to receive help from their ancestors, which gives the forces to survive and cope with difficulties, as well as the ring on this finger will help a person to increase common sense. Very often, the middle finger decorate people confident in their irresistibility and superiority, prone to self-employment.

Ring value on a nameless finger (sunny)

The middle finger expresses our beauty, sophistication, creative potential, artistry, and also expresses emotions, heart attachment, love and loyalty, so traditionally wearing a ring on a nameless finger is considered a marriage symbol, which confirms the true manifestation of love.
Ring on a unnamed finger also worn creative, romantic, sensual nature, people of creative professions. The ring on this finger allows you to give a person with success, will give energy for self-expression and achieve goals, as well as fame and wealth. People buying rings and dressing them on the finger of the Sun, shows what a person loves himself, appreciates and believes in his strength and talents.

What does the ring on the Mizior (Mercurian finger).

The value of the ring on the Mizinz - This finger is responsible for communicating, the sophistication of the mind, relationship with people, also intelligence, business and finance, so the ring on this finger helps to achieve mutual understanding, eloquence, establish and find a common language with any person.
The ring on the Mizinz may also show that the person is inclined to intrigue, flirting, gambling. Wearing a ring on this finger will benefit those who need the manifestation of the flexibility of the mind and eloquence.

How to choose a ring on your finger

  1. young, slim girls will help to emphasize their grace and grace - a thin openwork ring.
  2. wide and massive rings, with large stones, will not suit women of low growth, since the hands are visually dried. Also, such rings will not suit hands with not long fingers and too thin fingers.
  3. the elongated, oval stones in the ring, visually add the hand of the grace, and the fingers of the subtleties.
  4. rings with large stones are not customary to wear in the daytime and with a business style of clothes, massive decorations with precious stones preferably carry in the evening.
  5. also wearing a few rings on one finger, and on both hands most fingers are considered to be a movietone. Exception - oriental style. On one hand you can wear a few rings, but it is recommended to carefully check their combination.
  6. it is accepted that the thinner of the finger, the thinner should the ring.
  7. on chubby handles, it is desirable to dress a middle-wide ring and enlarged.
  8. if the nails on the hands of a small size, limit the pair of rings.
  9. also, weather is considered to wear on one hand of several rings with multi-colored stones.
  10. if you dressed a ring with a large stone, the color of the stone should be repeated in the color scheme of your clothing.
Usually people do not think about what fingers to decorate the ring - and make the choice practically intuitively. However, this is not always so harmless, as it seems - because the rings strongly affect its owner. Moreover, the result depends not only on the quality of stones in rings, but also from the fingers on which the person wears them. Rings can relax or strengthen different character traits, help in achieving the goal or rip out the work of life. That is why you need to be attentive to what you wear in your arms.

Ring on the thumb

Patron: Mars. Controls the will. Element: Ether.

What does not say about the character: this "lord of the rings" of jealous, stubborn, energetic, is overflowing with new ideas - which, however, is often unable to embody, because it prevents him from the lack of teamwork skills. And this is not surprising - after all, such a person wants to stand out from the crowd, subconsciously seeking to express the feeling of superiority, and find "non-trotted paths" for self-realization. Singing a thumb on a thumb, a man as if "closes" a militant finger from the outside world, pacifying his aggression and trying to establish more harmonious relations with others. Rings on large fingers of both hands point to a person who tries to increase their chances to find a common language with others.

To whom wearing: emotional and "explosive" people with an impressive reserve of energy - the ring on the thumb will hold back their fiery temperament, and in return for iron will will help develop logical thinking.

What to carry: Pisnts with any stones of blue and green (increase the vitality of the body, contribute to the restoration of the nervous system and tissue regeneration, enhance the ability to concentrate, increase the protective properties of the body), as well as stones of yellow color (strengthen the nervous system).

Not to wear: Rings with stones of flowers such as blue (causes bouts of fear, thrust for narcotic substances and alcohol), purple (provokes the seizures of nausea and migraine), gray (causes apathy), red (reduces self-confidence, suppresses logic, Reduces attractiveness for the opposite floor - but attracts mentally unbalanced people).

Ring on an index finger

Patron: Jupiter. Manages power. Element: Fire.

What does not talk about the character: therefore, the finger is called that its function is to indicate, identify his will, to send actions and thoughts. A person with a perverse on this finger is independent, freedoming, highly appreciated - but sometimes even too. The constant wearing of the ring makes people of this type by selfish and proud, and if it is still on an inoperative hand (for someone it is left, for someone, on the contrary) - this is a sign of mania of greatness and tendency to hysteria. The ring on the indicated finger of the working hand, on the contrary, testifies to the volitional character, prudsence and the desire for power.

To whom wearing: timid, shy and indecisive from nature people who have difficulty communicating. The ring on the index finger will help to acquire confidence in its abilities, will add leadership and purposefulness, will increase self-esteem, makes its owner more insightful and tell me the path of influence on other people.

What to wear: a ring of gold with blue and blue stones, as well as corals or opala.

Not to wear: silver rings completely ban - this will lead to the sustainable collapse of all undertakings and plans.

Ring on middle finger

Patron: Saturn. Manages self-realization. Element: Earth.

What does not say about the character: modest and elegant rings give out the owner of a healthy feeling of self-esteem, and massive polls that attract attention to the brilliance or cordiality (sometimes beamless) - a sign of vanity and narcissistic self-examination. In the first case, we can say that the owner of the ring knows about the moral values \u200b\u200bdoes not appear and values \u200b\u200bthem, understands the meaning of the word "dedication". I know how to be a "teacher" for others and is often engaged in propaganda of what believes. At the same time, the long-time amateur to wear rings on this finger can be a man closed and seeking solitude.

Who to wear: everyone who has a bandwidth of life difficulties and failures, who lacks common sense, wisdom and constancy, as well as everyone who decided to do meditation or self-pressing. The middle finger decorated with a ring is the safest of all options for carrying perrsts: does not bring and does not enhance negative features in character, and existing "sharp corners", on the contrary, smoothes.

What to wear: Iron and silver rings with moonstone, purple and black stones.

What not to wear: Golden Rings - they limit the capabilities and "horizons" of a person, make it uninteresting for others and the opposite sex, destroy personal life.

Ring on a unnamed finger

Patron: Sun. Manages feelings. Element: Air.

What does not say about the character: if the ring on the nameless finger is not engagement, then you are an incorrigible romantic and an esthete. Here the ring emphasizes the addiction to refined things, luxury, pleasant pastime and sensual pleasures. If the rings are on the nameless fingers of both hands - the owner is at the peak of a positive. However, if two or more rings man puts on one finger, it speaks of a lack of love and inspiration, perhaps about the creative crisis - and a subconscious desire to get out of a dead end.

Who wearing: everyone who wants to strengthen the feeling of inner heat, grab a piece of luck, climb on creative Everest, to succeed and recognize their talents and achievements.

What to wear: Golden rings with pearls, stones of red and yellow color.

What not to wear: Silver rings - they too "cool" owners in a romantic plan.

Ring on Mizinza

Patron: Mercury. Manages creativity. Element: Water.

What does not talk about the character: an interesting person who can go out for the generally accepted framework is quite possible, the actor, artist, writer or designer. With the same probability, the owner of the rings on the Mizinz may be a gambling player, an adventurer, pathological manual and Don Juan. There is also the likelihood that in front of you is the owner of extrasensory abilities. But, in any case, this person is sociable, not amenable to foreign influences and strives for self-expression.

Who wearing: to all who lack the flexibility of the mind to achieve mutual understanding with people, or eloquence to fix business contacts. Fans of aimless flirting or gambling Ring on Mizinz will help to restrain the unwanted features of their character.

What to wear: rings with yellow and green stones.

Rings wear many (teens and older people, men and women), and not only on various fingers, but also on their feet. But it turns out that this decoration on one or another finger must necessarily mean or symbolizes. For example, on the maizins of the ring mainly worn creative personalities. On Unnamed (and this is well known) worn engagement (and the Orthodox on the right hand, and Catholics - to the left). But what does the ring on the thumb, not everyone knows.

Most people are confident that jewelry (with rare exceptions) do not mean anything at all, and therefore they need them so that they are combined with each other, and also harmonized with a person, clothing and other accessories.

However, many eastern peoples give it more value than the others. In particular, in China, they believe that wear a ring on the thumb is useful because it can stimulate the nerve endings focused in this area. Hiromants agree with them and representatives of some other exercises.

Psychologists have a different opinion. They believe that the ring on the thumb with a woman or a man says that his owner is trying to attract attention to his personality. This is especially true of men who sometimes adorn the thumbs of both hands.

There is a whole science that binds the fingers on the hands with various planets of the solar system. According to this teaching, the thumb symbolizes Mars (male start, as well as aggression and even war). In this regard, in the ancient world, many peoples have been made to make warriors in such a way to decorate their hands, thereby increasing strength and militancy. If the ring on the big finger is wearing a woman, then, according to this logic, she is trying to be more courageous (suppress the feminine start). This is associated with another interpretation of the wearing of this jewelry. It is distributed throughout the modern world. It is believed that the ring on the thumb in a woman is a sign of its non-traditional sexual orientation. But the most interesting is that many of those wearing do not even know.

Of course, there are girls who, decorating their big finger ring, deliberately report the world that they are lesbians. But many of those who simply spied this option on TV, in some movie or in general on the street. They liked it, and they enrolled in a similar way, do not bother to learn that this can mean.

And there are such stories when the ring girl receives as a gift from a loved one or a dear person (friend, boyfriend, father, brother), and it turns out to be great, and it is impossible to change the size due to its design features. In this situation, it turns out that the ring on the thumb in a woman does not mean anything, it is simply the only option so that it does not fly.

Regardless of which reason, the decoration will turn out to be on a thumb, the main thing is that it looks good on his hand and harmonized with the rest of the accessories and complemented the image, and did not contradict him.

The value of the rings on the fingers in women. How to wear rings

Ring - elegant accessory. He not only emphasizes the tenderness of female hands, but also bears a symbolic meaning. The value of the rings on the fingers can affect fate or detect hidden talents. Decorations on the right hand are designed to intensify the possibilities and quality of personality. On the left - protect against the negative and doubt the inner disagreement.

From the history of the rings

Ring is one of the oldest decorations of man. Already in the Paleolithic era, bone jewelry on the fingers. In the bronze age, the first metal rings appeared. Later they became a symbol of social status. So, in ancient Rome, the prerogative of riders and senators were golden pins.

Features of the profession made their contribution to the functional features of the rings. The archers were put on 3 rings at once, so as not to allow the cuts of the guide. And the shoemakers wore special polls, which prevented injections needle.

There were rings-prints with an engraved family coat of arms. Thanks to them, it was possible to leave an impression on the wax, sealing an important document or letter.

Pinsted with a secret were created on a special design. They opened the top cover. There was a cavity under it, in which the poison could be hidden.

Wedding rings appeared in the first century to our era. They exchanged in love and loyalty. Later appeared rings that gave the engagement sign.

The value of the rings on the fingers carries a certain semantic load. In the psychology, decorations identify how a person is positioning himself in society. In the chiromantia, each finger has its own name and value.

Chiromantia and rings

The science of Homoantia originated for a long time. People have always been wondering what the lines are drawn on the palms, as they affect fate. Due to the form of the hand and fingers, the character of a person can be determined. Interpretation of lines on the palm will allow you to find out the past and the future.

In the Hiromantia, each finger has a hidden meaning and affects the qualities of the person. Therefore, in order to succeed in one or another sphere, the chiromers advise wearing rings on the appropriate fingers. All palm is distributed to 9 zones, which are named after the ancient gods.

The values \u200b\u200bof the rings on the fingers are hand-created develop the necessary qualities of the person.

Finger Mars (Venus)

You need to know when the hidden meaning has a certain wearing rings on the fingers. The value should be considered only if the decoration was chosen on this finger. Interpretation will lose its strength if the ring is put on depending on its size.

The big finger is named after Mars, in some cases - Venus. The thing is that the thumb has the basis of the hill of Venus. But next to the hill, in the center of the palm, there is a zone of Mars. Therefore, the name of the thumb has a twofolder's chirromants.

Ring will help develop logical thinking. Smashed at the thumb, it expresses to the desire to assert. Emotionality, internal energy characterizes such a woman. At the same time, the ring will help to doubt aggressiveness, curbs an outbreak of anger. He will help keep himself in their hands, make a harmonious relationship with the surrounding people.

The value of the rings on the fingers of a woman in a hidden potential. The finger of Mars and the decoration on it symbolize sexuality, the desire to dominate. The ring will help to realize their attractiveness in the eyes of the male.

Finger Jupiter

The value of the rings on the fingers in the women's suggestion, the sore chart. The index finger takes the beginning of Jupiter's Hill. The ring on this finger indicates the proudness and thirst for power. It will add confidence in its abilities, will help to succeed. Develop intuition and insight. The hand is of great importance to which the decoration is dealt.

Ring on the indicator finger of the right hand Indicates reason, a tendency to reflections. Detection of causal relationship. It symbolizes the wisdom of the ruler and leadership qualities.

Ring on the front finger of the left hand Confirms the tendency to hysterical splashes, unbalanced emotionality. In rare cases, it means making greatness.

The value of the rings on the finger of both hands is indicated by the desire for the target. A woman is able to post all obstacles, will not stop before to achieve the desired. Rings on the index fingers of both hands - a symbol of ambition, neglect of the laws of human morality.

Finger Saturn

Medium - Saturn's finger. Homorates recommend to wear a ring on this finger by unsuccessful women. Those who do not have a career or family life. The ring on the middle finger will help to overcome all adversity, cope with difficulties, succeed.

The value of the rings on the finger showing the properties of the personality. The decoration on the middle finger indicates the irresistibleness of the woman, her spiritual wealth and the desire to like others.

Usually wearing generic rings. They help to smooth out the presenlation of fate. The strength of the ancestors pacifies a negative impact on life. Stabilizes wealth and gives strength.

Finger Apollo (Sun)

Unnamed - Finger Apollo. He patronizes the sun. It gives an attraction to exquisite things. The desire for comfort, fame, wealth can symbolize in this case the wearing rings on the fingers. The value and influence on the life of a woman depends on the type of decoration. Its small size will give calm, equilibrium. A large and bright ring will add emotionality.

The decoration on a ring finger indicates satisfaction with life and so. The desire for entertainment and variety. Wedding rings are also worn on the finger of Apollo. If one more decoration is put on top of the wedding, it means that the woman values \u200b\u200bwith family bonds.

The energy of the sun gives holders of a rings on a ring finger to honor, success. Promotes the co-career ladder, gives creative energy.

Finger Mercury

Mysinetse - Finger Mercury. For inconstancy, variability, instability of nature indicates the ring on the Mizinz. The sophistication of thinking, a tendency to intrigue. Important information can be learned based on how the rings are worn on the finger. The value of the decoration on the Mizinza is coquetry, self-examination, excitement.

The ring on the finger of Mercury indicates the creative abilities of a woman. Acting, the desire to be the center of attention, the ability to attract the audience to him as an unconventional way. These are bright, interesting women who have the gift of words and internal magnetism. They are independent and able to seek their goal any ways.

During communication with the ladies, you should pay attention to what the rings are worn on the finger. The decoration value carries information about which properties want to develop a woman in themselves. The ring on the Mizinz will help find a common language with different people, install business contacts. He will teach diplomatic and flexibility of the mind.

Metal for rings

The ring is a beautiful accessory and a mystical talisman, helping to acquire or doubt the quality of personality. It is necessary to take into account the interpretation of the chiromantia about what finger the ring. Metal value will help correctly pick up the decoration.

Gold It has solar energy, patronizing generous and generous people. At the power and power of solid personalities. Harmfully, confused people.

Silver attracts lunar, mystical energy. It is able to protect against negative emissions of information. If we put silver into the water - it will become the healing.

Platinum Capably smoothed negative manifestations of stones. For example, pearls, a stone of tears, will lose its negative importance if you fix it into platinum.

Iron Give power and courage. This metal is suitable for timid, indecisive people. Iron is best conducting stone energy to the mental body of a person.

Copper It should be worn in an open form. Even the ring should not be a vicious circle. Copper prolongs life, positively affects the heart, stimulates sexual energy.

What does the ring on the big finger have a girl ???

in addition to a stupid banal answer, that from other fingers will fall ....

(0 \u003d Tosaenka \u003d 0)

Dmitry Limonov

this, IMHO, from the same dense series as the earring in a particular ear of the guy. Tooce and artificial construct, about which they forgotten everything, except ... the older generation, which heard something in his youth. Just like a choker in girls who are particularly brilliant called "black belt on a blowjob" - in general, ordinary rural conjectures of non-evil citizens, according to which. Everything should have something direct value - "And how to live something, nothing is clear!?"

Nastya Afanasyev

Over the centuries, the rings on large fingers symbolized freedom, independence and power. In modern culture, the meaning of such jewelry varies depending on the identity of its carrier. For most, it is just a tribute to fashion, but many put in it personal, psychological or sexual subtext. The chirromants claim that the thumb, or a finger of Venus, symbolizes your personality, own "I". First of all, because of its separate and independent location relative to other fingers, but at the same time it is able to cooperate with them to achieve maximum efficiency - about the same thing happens with our social roles in society. Therefore, many of us on the subconscious level, putting the ring on the thumb, emphasize our own desire for freedom and independence in thoughts and actions. Psychologists generally agree with the opinion of the chiromants, answering the question, which means rings on the big fingers in the girl, are definitely confident that this is a sign of the desire to self-affirmation, achieving freedom and independence without parsing methods and means. It should be noted that in this situation, self-assertion in sexual terms goes first.

Rogund Orlova

Most likely nothing. If the ring on her thumb specifically did not say anything, then the symbolism, if it was invested, you do not concern you.
In general, the rings on the thumb wear LGB people, but it is mistaken to assume that they are thus searched for a pair.

Is it true that lesbians wear a ring on the thumb?

George Olympick.

"Ring on the thumb - a sign of lesbian! (On the right hand - Lesbian, but there is a constant companion, I'm not looking for a dating; on the left - lesbian, looking for a dating) If possible, do not wear rings on these fingers, do not enter the girls in confusion! And you will be embarrassed if you do not understand "
Quote from one forum. Perhaps there is such a value, but its value is very exaggerated. In modern society, in contrast to ancient crops, abundant by all kinds of cults, the meaning of such characters is usually important for the owner of this symbol. Large importance to personal views and tastes.
If a lesbian girl, yes for God's sake, and it will not depend on the way of wearing the rings. If the girl wears a ring on the thumb, that is, three options: either she is a lesbian and knows about this "tradition", applying it to simplify communication with other "knowledgeable"; Either she does not know, and do not care what others think; Either she knows, and then, even more so do not care that others will think. And if you have to pester, then besides the rings still in humans and language is to intelligibly explain their sexual orientation. And be guided by such symbols let the collective farmers (collective farms).
I also wear a ring on the big finger, but it is difficult for me to suspect in lesbian, although I also like girls, now one girl is now. For men, and indeed, it may be a sign of the strength and power of character. But I have my own characters, understandable only to me alone (almost).

"On the thumb, it is recommended to wear a ring to people by expansive, emotional and possessing huge energy reserves. According to astrologers and chiromants, the thumb corresponds to Mars, and the ring on this finger should restrain their temperament "

Rings on the thumb or (s) Mizinza, serving only in the right ear, pendant labric, rainbow accessories (badges, scarves), unisex style, piercing, creative haircuts
Militari style
Rings on large fingers, maizins
Earrings in the right ear, rings on the thumb or on the mother's, icons / stripes / prints with the image of 2x cherries or rainbow. As well as almost men's clothing, and most often very stylish. And of course short haircuts)
Labris, Rainbow, Rings, earrings in one ear.

The value of the rings. It is interesting. Ring on the thumb.

The value of the rings. It is interesting. Ring on the thumb.

general information
Ring, put on the ring finger of the left hand speaks - my owner has a lover or beloved (and today it is a sign of family bonds from Catholics). The ring on Mizinza reports that the owner does not want to marry, on the indicator - only looking for his wife. The ring on the middle finger gives an amateur "Platonic" relations. But before the new announcing the rings were just an ornament, symbol. And the mandatory attribute of the wedding ritual Christians they became only about 900 years. Wear a wedding and wedding ring on one finger - first wedding, then wedding. Spouses who have lived together for 25 years, are at the same time gold and silver wedding rings.
Orthodox spouses wear wedding rings on the nameless finger of the right hand. Widowers wear their wedding rings and spouses (spouses) on the nameless finger of the left hand. On the same hand and the same finger wearing collaborated rings.
Silver ring on his left hand - a girl on granting, on the right - promsted. The golden ring on the right hand is married, on the left - divorced. Two gold rings on the left hand - a widow, since the second ring is a ring of deceased husband.
Unnamed finger (a finger of the sun)
Rings on a ring finger - naturally, the most popular graph is "marital status". Filled with a ring on a ring finger of the right hand (or left, as accepted by Catholics). For the first time, this custom rings appeared yet from the ancient Egyptians, who believed that it was from the nameless finger "arteries of love" begins, leading to the heart. With these thoughts, the people of Pharaohs wore wedding rings from a variety of metals, glass and even ceramics. Definition with the material arises during the times of ancient Rome - a tradition appears to give the spouse the iron or bronze ring as a sign of irrevocability of marriage bonds. More usual gold wedding rings appeared on their hands only in the III-IV centuries.
The decoration, put on this finger (with the exception of the wedding ring), emphasizes the passion for beauty, exquisite things and luxury. The ring on it, especially gold, serves as a guarantee of cardiac team, helps self-expression, acquisition of celebrities and wealth.
# If a person constantly carries a ring on a ring finger, he strives for pleasures, pleasant pastime, sensual pleasures. At the same time he is a tireless romantic. Seeing on a date from his chosen one's finger on the sun, know that he has a wonderful mood, good intentions and the most romantic plans. Rings on both fingers show that a person is at the peak of positive emotions.
# If the decoration is small, then the person is calm, harmonious, confident.
# If the decoration is large or bright, it indicates a stormy, even the hysterical behavior of the owner.
# Wearing on a unnamed finger of the wedding ring shows that the marriage for its owner (no matter what a person would speak in words) - the state is familiar, meaningful and quite acceptable.
# If a married man with a wedding ring on his right hand says, as he is unhappy, you can believe it. But if he swear he wants to break the marriage bonds, "don't believe in any way, for the ring on his hand is the testimony of his lies.
# Women sometimes on top of the wedding ring put on some second, usually golden with precious or semi-precious stone. The subconscious meaning of this sign is to emphasize the significance of marriage for her and the desire to further strengthen.
# In the usual environment, "alarm" is not needed, so many ladies in an ordinary setting or house of wedding rings are not worn.
# On the left hand, the wedding ring is more often conscious, and usually this sign, like a green light taxi, indicates that the owner is free.
# Other rings put on this finger indicate a mental state of man at the moment.
# Small and not distinguished rings talk about calm, relatively indifferent and stereotype of their owner to the environment.
# Large and extravagant are designed to attract attention to the owner (more often - the owner) and emphasize the desire to be noticed. It may be a manifestation of an exalted, excitable or eternal person, especially if the owner of the ring is a man.
# Less frequent rings put on women with great modesty and as much aspiration to pay attention to themselves. To show yourself in another way they cannot or can not.
Index finger (Jupiter's finger)
The entry in the "power" column is made on the index finger. Decorated ring finger - a sign of a volitional character, pride and desire for power. "Ring of power" on his right hand indicates reasonable, rings on the left hand - rather about the mania of greatness and tendency to hysteria. Rings on the indicator finger wore many famous rulers and commander - Caesar, Ivan the Terrible, Cardinal Richelieu, Heinrich VIII. The latter, by the way, fundamentally wore rings only on the index fingers, but immediately on both - with them and captured on all portraits this great monarch, reformer, six-room and paranoid.
The ring on this finger says that its owner is a timid man, shy and indecisive from nature. Having experienced difficulties in communication, it is easily influenced. However, putting on the ring to the index finger, such a fragrance becomes confidence in its abilities and, perhaps, even seeks to leadership. A man who came on a date with a ring on this finger is ready to conquer and conquer, he has the most serious intentions.
If there are both fingers of Jupiter (on the right and left hand), it means that your new acquaintance will not stop neither in the desire to achieve its goal.
The ring on this finger increases self-esteem and helps the implementation of ambitious plans, especially if it is made of tin-metal and Perun, or, in extreme cases, from gold, metal, friendly Jupiter.
Any size ring indicates self-dedication, self-confidence, arrogance, owner's authority.
Middle finger (Finger Saturn)
Ring Resolution "I am beautiful!" put on the middle finger. The longest and most central, he best demonstrates the decorations and how much we like yourself. The aggressive superiority of the ring on the index finger is replaced by a more polite sense of self-esteem and prosperity. It was on the middle finger who wore a ring Marilyn Monroe when sang about diamonds. By the way, the size of the diamond in this case also matters - the larger and noticeable ring, the stronger his owner seeks to convince others in his irresistible.
Curiously, but it was on the middle fingerty that the legendary ring of all-witty of Tolkien's trilogy was worn. It is asked how the troops of the opponent Sauron welcomed the troops, if this finger with the ring was immediately cut off.
As a rule, there are family decorations on this finger to emphasize the connection with the ancestors. Thus, a man, putting on the finger of Saturn decoration, takes as the inevitable influence of fate, he believes in his karma and the highest destination. The ring "taught" the negative effect of rock and liberates thinking. Communicating such a person, be sure that he has a huge spiritual force. And if he came to your date - it means that your meeting (for him certainly!) Predefined over. Rings on both fingers of Saturn give a person a certain degree of fatalism and some denunciation from everyday life.
The ring on the middle finger increases common sense and helps to overcome life difficulties, gives devotion, constancy and wisdom, especially if it is made of lead, Metal Saturn, or, in extreme cases, from iron.
Small, elegant and inexpensive and artistically performed rings show themselves rather about self-esteem, and large, brilliant, often tasteless - pride sign and vanity.
Thumb (Mars's finger)
Rings on large fingers deserve special attention, especially if the hand is men's. With these fingers, like in the hitchhock, men serve the signal "I ask you attention!". According to psychologists, the main desire of the owner of such a ring is to assert themselves with any ways, and first of all - in sexual terms. Opinion on this score does not change the last two thousand years. Still ancient Greeks and Romans considered the thumb with a phallus symbol and wearing iron rings on it to protect their male power.
Mysinetse - the most miniature page of our hand passport. There is enough places only in order to put a "tick" in the column "Creative abilities." According to the female magazine, the rings on the Mizinz - a frequent satellite actres, artists, fashion designers. Marlene Dietrich preferred such rings with all other things. But even if you have a person who is not related to the world of art, the ring on Mizinz will tell me that his owner is interesting and able to go out for the generally accepted framework.
The ring on the finger of Mars reveals a man of expansive, emotional, possessing huge energy. In the hearts, he is able to talk such that those surrounding for a long time will remember heard as a bad dream. To convince any of such a person - in vain spending time.
This understands the rings itself, so it is purely intuitively with the help of decoration aims to curb his ardent temperament.
However, it is not necessary to scare if the person came on a date, putting on the thumb massive ring. Most likely, the "Lord of the Ring" wants to pacify their aggression and make the process of communication more harmonious.
Decorating the thumbs of both hands, he seeks to increase its chances to find a common language with others.
According to psychologists, the main desire of such ringleads is to assert themselves with any ways, and first of all - in sexual terms. Opinion on this score does not change the last two thousand years. Still ancient Greeks and Romans considered the thumb with a phallus symbol and wearing iron rings on it to protect their male power.
Mysinetse (Finger Mercury)
Mercury personifies a sophisticated mind, passion for subtle intrigues. The permanent presence of the ring on the Mizinza emphasizes the variability of nature, narcissism and coquetry. The little finger associated with the art of a writer, mathematical abilities, healing, trade and diplomacy - that is, with those regions for which Mercury was responsible.
Mercury metal was mercury, but due to its toxicity and unusual properties - this is the only metal, which is liquid under normal conditions, it is not used in the manufacture of rings. True, Mercury applies friendly to all metals, he will be able to "agree" with almost every one.
Moreover, it is an accurate sign of a tendency to gambling and constant readiness for flirting. Ring or other decoration in this case is designed to calm or even suppress these sometimes binding quality. What to wait from a man who came on a date with the ring, kissed to the little finger? Most likely nothing good. He (she) will fool his head, flirt and constantly speak in a lie. The only thing that can somehow form such a person can somehow form, are rings, suitable on both Misinians. However, one hundred percent warranty, of course, no! Be careful!
If the decorations wear an unconventional and aesthetic character, then this means that their owner is looking for new, original, unusual sensations and impressions.
ZY Ring on the big finger - a sign of lesbian! (On the right hand - Lesbian, but there is a constant companion, I'm not looking for a dating, on the left - lesbian, looking for a dating) if possible, do not wear rings on these fingers, do not mislead girls! And you will be embarrassed if you do not understand "

Ring power. In the 21st century, the product is associated with this phrase with the history of the Lord of the Rings written by Ronald Tolkien. However, a couple of centuries ago, Grasnokov omnostia called, wearable on the index finger. It was placed on it, for example, Cardinal Rolling and Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

The peoples of different countries were notified by the domineering of those who put the jewelry on the pointing fingers. In the 20th century, psychologists, astrologers and physicians joined the discussion. They studied the peculiarities of wearing on all fingers. Conclusions of scientists and people, further.

Ring on an index finger

In addition to the Richelieu and Terrible, such a ring had Caesar. He wore the right hand on the index finger. She controls the left hemisphere. It is responsible for logic, a tendency to accurate sciences. Subconscious thrust accommodate the jewel on the right hand points to strategists and reasonable people. They crave power, but have a "cold" mind.

The ring on the left hand is the testimony of the Majuity and the tendency to hysteria. The "game" enters the right hemisphere of the brain. It is responsible for the humanitarian path and creativity, and creative people rarely have a "cold" mind.

On what finger wearing a ringAccording to astrologers, he tells not only the brain, but also the stars. Indexing fingers are energetically associated with Jupiter. This planet gives forces for accomplishments and eliminates insecurity. The result - self-esteem increases. Conclusion: - Many leaders suffer from doubt and subconsciously seek a way to get rid of them. The output becomes the strengthening of the personal ego with the ring on the index finger.

Doctors add that hand brushes are a concentration of biologically active points. It is best to work out with the help of massage and acupuncture. But, a small impact on the energy centers has a wearing decorations. Through the indicating finger passes the meridian associated with the digestive tract.

The ring may indicate hidden problems with it. The body sends signals. A person cannot recognize them, but feels a subconscious thrust to influence the biologically active points of the index finger.

Ring on middle finger

On what finger we carry rings, meaningit has for daffodils. People confident in their beauty, swaying to her, wear jewels on medium fingers. They are the longest and most noticeable. Remember the film "Gentlemen prefer blondes?" It sounds a song about diamonds. Performed by Maillin Montro composition. Actress's hands fall into the frame. Ring wear on the middle finger. Psychologists notice: the larger the stone and the very stronger the person is trying to convince the public in its irresistible.

Astrologers see the connection of the middle finger with Saturn. It enhances the energy of the genus. Therefore, the middle fingers advise to wear family jewels. They, and the energy of the planet, will help to overcome the vital difficulties, achieve the goals. At the same time, a healthy heart will remain. Biologically active points responsible for the "human engine" and the bloodstream are in the middle of the brush.

Ring on a unnamed finger

Nameless finger - answer to questions, what finger we carry a wedding ringand what finger we carry the engagement ring. Certificate of spiritual communications, marriage in heaven is not for good place here. Tradition is laid in ancient Egypt. The head of the country found out that the arteries of love passes through the ring finger.

It was so called, as the vessel leads to heart. Egyptians, like modern people, believed that the high feeling is born in the chest. Occoltage it, can be done continuous and endlessly dried rim on the ring finger. Therefore, on it, first of all, testifies to cardiac attachment and marital status.

In different countries, engagement pans put on different hands. For example, the nameless fingers of the left brushes are decorated in America. This is the tradition of Catholics, koi in the USA, most. In Russia, the wedding are worn on their right hand. This is the tradition of Orthodox Luda. At the same time, the product on the nameless finger of the left brush is interpreted as readiness for new relationships.

Unnamed finger left hand is the answer to the question, what finger are the rings of the widow. That is, the hoop may be evidence that the lady buried her beloved. In the West, the widows are transferred to robust on the right hand.

Astrologers associate nameless fingers with the sun. Rings are acquired positively thinking people, or those who lack warmth, life comfort. Jewel on the finger without a name, as well as help to get rid of depression, headaches, epilepsy. Doctors of traditional medicine say about it, based on the scheme of biologically active points of the brushes.

Ring on Mizinza

On what fingers wearing rings for womenoften Marlen Dietrich was expressed. The famous actress of the 20th century saw a special chic and charm in rings on the maiden. They are small, elegant and defenseless, like true lady. Psychologists explained the celebrity traction to the arrangement of the rings on the mother's maiden. PansnÄ› on the smallest fingers - frequent satellites not only actors, but also singers, artists, fashion designers.

Putting the jewel to the little finger pulls and entrepreneurs. This is explained by the touch of a finger with the planet Mercury. She is responsible for the sphere of finance, attracts them into human life. Not only merchants and bankers are enjoyed by chance, but also, for example, Casino regulars. To the question on what finger wearing a ring manThey answer: - "Of course on the Mizinz, because the gentleman must be a getter."

In the body on the maizins, they can affect the work of the heart and the small intestine. Biologically active points are in the top area of \u200b\u200bfingers. However, acupuncture meridian passes along the entire length of the little finger. Even in its foundation, the jewel affects the necessary centers, and they transmit impulses to internal organs.

Ring on the thumb

Among the answers to the question on what fingers can we carry rings, there is a big finger. In decorations on it, psychologists see an attempt to self-affirmation. Jewels on large fingers wear those who want to take their decent place in society, but until, did not achieve this. For men, one of the areas of self-affirmation is a bed. Therefore, the ring on a large finger often indicates a desire to dominate women, command them.

Of the celestial bodies, a thumb is associated with Venus. This is a planet charm and beauty. It is not surprising that the sector on the big finger was Kozhana himself. Among those who wear jewels on the largest fingers, quite a few loving. The decoration can also testify about problems with the lungs, as well as becoming the prevention of their disease. Such verdict drugs of Eastern medicine.

Additional nuances wearing rings

There are categories, the rules of wearing which do not depend on the needs of the body, or character traits. We are not only about wedding models. Restrictions are superimposed on some church samples. For instance, on what finger we carry the ring "Save, Save"?

Batyushki stand for the location of the hoop on one of the fingers, which is committed by the criticism. Not spelled out what fingers can not wear rings. But, by exclusion, you understand that the little finger and the nameless fingers are not suitable for the Christian symbol. Old Believers, and at all suffer with two fingers.

For many people, the rings are a symbol of exceptionally beauty. In the pursuit of it put on several products at once. This is permissible in ethnic images. Harmony is not disturbed and in the event that miniature jewels, hollows of decorations are thin. If the robust is massive, it is worth stopping the choice only on one and them.

At the same time, a poor manicure is needed. Bright lacquer, on the contrary, letteit small rings and tiny stones. By the way, about stones. Stylists do not recommend simultaneously to wear models from different colors, even on different hands. Such ensembles look alapotato. If desired, pick up the "comrade" perrsect with a colorful mineral, it is worth choosing a ring with a transparent stone.

It turns out, from the point of view of style and fashion, there is no difference on which finist is a decoration. The main thing is that it supplemented the image, and not a contrary to him. Issues of religion, psychology and astrology are discarded to the side. On the podiums, there is a good taste ... and fashion designers with rings on the maizins.

Does the value in what finger wearing a ring? There are many traditions in wearing jewelry. Knowing the symbol of wearing rings can be "making a statement" or something to learn about its owner. The rigid array of rules on what finger and on what hand to wear the ring does not exist and anyone can wear rings, as he swallows, with the exception of wedding. But here there are nuances. For example, most of the inhabitants of South and North America, including in the United States, and in most European countries are engaged in a wedding ring on a nameless finger of the left hand, and in accordance with the Orthodox tradition they are worn on the nameless finger of the right hand. However, their men often do not wear them on any finger. However, an easy eye will easily see a track from the ring, if there is no interest not only theoretical. As a rule, the right hand will tell more about the physical side of the person - it is more active, dominant, more "gesticulating". The left is usually considered as a reflection of the psychological side of the person of a person - she more talks about the character and beliefs. What will the symbolism of the rings tell us? Let's go through the fingers.

Detail of female portrait of Elizavtian period. Unknown British artist, 1600

1. THUMB Symbolizes the power of the will and reflects the inner essence of man. If you start to wear a ring on the big finger - be careful, changes will soon begin. Also, wearing the rings on the big finger helps to develop the will.

Abraham Del Kurt and Maria de Kaarshiter, artist Bartolomeus van der Gelst

Portrait of a matrimonial couple in the park, artist Gonzalez Coke

Portrait of Ertzgezzogi Johann with a portrait of Karl V, an artist SOFONISBA Angissol

Portrait of a man in profile. Artist Quentin Mag.

Indian miniature with the image of the Shah Jahan with a ring for archery on the big finger of the right hand

Rings on large fingers often cause surprise, but, in fact, this phenomenon in the world is quite common. In most cases, the ring on the thumb is perceived as a symbol of wealth and influence, while the rings in this case are more often worn and large. Previously, the wedding ring was often moved to the thumb. This tradition existed, in particular, in the times of George I in England, in medieval Europe, wedding rings were carried on different fingers. It is also the usual choice of those people who want to wear a few rings on one hand, but so that somewhat distance the rings from each other. Wedding ring, rings on the mother's and middle finger together can cause the feeling of excessiveness and in this version they are not always comfortable to wear. The ring on the big finger "unloads" the composition.

The thumb, raised upwards, is a friendliness gesture, so you should not wear such a ring on it that will annoy other people. There is nothing worse than expensive and tasteless rings on the big finger. It is best when it is bold, but simple. And although many authors believe that the thumb does not have astrological associations and does not have a patron saint among the ancient Greek gods, like all the other fingers, he is often associated with the militant Mars. It was believed that the thumb reflects the character - severe straight fingers are characteristic of authoritative personalities, and the curves were perceived as a sign of sinfulness. Astrology connects a thumb with a carnelian, grenade and ruby.

There is another important point - on a thumb from an ancient times, a man was put on archery ring, initially such rings were leather. Therefore, in ancient, the presence of a ring on the thumb has been associated with the courage and the ability to own weapons. Perhaps for this reason, wearing a rather large and wide ring on this finger remains to this day the male prerogative and the symbol of masculinity.

Left big finger it will not make statements about your status, profession or another important part of life. But this is a wonderful finger for the "statement" - select a wide ring that will not interfere with the hand, and people will understand that you are fashionable and confident.

Right big finger Also, nothing specifically says - this is a great way to demonstrate your favorite ring or use for the "statement". I heard, for example, that with the help of rings on large fingers, there are similar statements by non-traditional minorities.

2. FOREFINGER personifies power, leadership and ambition. It is believed that the rings on this finger acts exactly this kind of energy. It was especially noticeable in those distant times when the famous and powerful kings were carried on the index finger. Wear a ring on this finger, if you want to develop leadership and get a push for development in this direction.

Coronation portrait of Elizabeth I works of an unknown artist, 1600. National portrait gallery

Henry VIII, artist Yos Van Kleve

And this is a frame from the movie "Sherlock Holmes" Guy Richie. The Bull Ring is in the plot of the film Supreme Judge Sir Thomas Rothera and it shows on belonging to the fictional temple of the four orders. I do not know whether the authors of the film about historical symbolism were conceived (and they touched the symbolism of secret English organizations), but it is dressed in logical, moreover, emphasizes belonging to power. Sherlock Holmes with closed eyes was delivered to this house and accurately calls its location - North West of St. James Park. It is between the Buckingham Palace and Green Park. There is quite a lot of information to use the deductive method of the hero, in any case for the era Conan Doyle. I will not deepen - I lead this to the fact that the historic symbolism of the rings is relevant to this day.

Portrait of a girl written in the 1840s in Russia. Presumably portrait ordered in honor of the engagement - the ring on the index finger means that the young lady is gained. Roses (white and black) symbolize purity and love. Exhibition "Unknown Artist" in the Russian Museum in 2012 Found a photo here lENARUDENKO.

Jewish bride Rembranta

Instinctively, we most often use an index finger in gestures (not counting the big one). But it turns out that the ring on this finger does it interfere with us less than on the average with it. In history, wearing a rings (more often in print or perverse) on the indicated finger was the most common, except in cases where it was prohibited in some regions of Europe for persons below a certain status. Therefore, the rings (especially men) were often put on this finger, symbolizing affiliation to some fraternity, membership in the organization, etc. The ring on the indicated finger does not stand out as sharply, as on the middle finger or the maker, but, thanks to the gesture, is sufficiently noticeable. Astrological Association - Jupiter, who symbolizes strength, leadership, authority and spirituality. Metal Jupiter Tin, but the normal choice for the ring will be silver. Astrological stones of index fingers - lapis, amethyst, blue topaz.

Left index finger It does not have a blank-unambiguous symbolism, although this is a good finger to demonstrate important rings. So your ring is noticed - you can wear your particularly valuable on it or cocktail Ring etc.

Right index finger - Place for the wedding rings during the traditional Jewish wedding ceremony. As a rule, a simple gold ring is used for this purpose. Often the bride after the ceremony move the ring to the familiar to understanding the ring finger, but some continue to wear it on the indicator. So take a closer, before you come for girlfriend you like. Previously, in Russia, too, was the custom wearing a wedding ring on the index finger.

3. Wenst finger- This is the individuality of a person. Located in the center of the hand ring symbolizes a balanced life. And wearing the rings on the middle finger helps make life more harmonious.

Melancholia (La Fumeuse), artist Georges de Fur, a symbolist and one of the founders of Paris Modernism, in the picture depicted Julien Raskin, afterwards the wife of the artist.

Portrait of Louise Maria Orleans, Queen Belgium, Belgian King Leopold I. Artist Franz Ksaver Winterkhalter

If you don't take into account the well-known gesture, then the middle finger is the biggest, strong and brave finger. Rings on it are surprisingly rarely, partly, apparently, because it is located next to the index and 2 rings nearby become an interference for various small actions. So that the ring does not bother - it is better to wear a rings simple and small on the middle finger. However, wearing an on the middle finger the ring is very convenient, especially when you first wear a ring on it. In addition, in contrast to the nameless, or, for example, the mother's, the symbolism of this finger is the safest, it does not create any secret meaning or confusion. Thanks to the central location, the middle finger symbolizes the balance, it is associated with Saturn, Metal Saturn Lead, simple gray metals are well suited for this finger. Saturn stands for equilibrium, justice, law, responsibility and self-analysis. His stones are soothing, such as pink quartz, coral, aquamarine.

Left middle finger. If the ring is worn on this finger, it can not mean anything. But since it takes a central place on his hand and this is the longest finger - the ring on it can symbolize power and responsibility. This finger is a good choice if you want to show the ring without making any allegations related to your life.

Right middle finger, Just as the left does not have a certain meaning and is open to interpretation. You can choose your own symbol and value for the ring.

4. Unnamed finger The left hand has a straight connection with the heart. For this reason, on this finger and wearing a wedding ring in most countries of the world. Wearing a ring on this finger will add positive emotions and adherence to your life, as well as increase creativity and taste for creativity. Wearing a ring on a ring finger right hand will make you more optimistic.

Princess Albert de Broglie , artist Jean Ogust Dominic Engr

Portrait of Isabella de Valua, French Princess and Spanish Queen. The daughter of the King of France Heinrich II and Catherine Medici, Philip II's wife. Artist Juan Patoha de la Cruz. Museum Prado

In most countries of the world unnamed finger Most often associated with the wedding ring - in the US, the ring on the right hand testifies to the engagement, on the left symbolizes marriage. Most people choose a simple golden or silver ring, in particular, because the ring is always worn and it is more convenient. But this does not mean that people do not wear rings with large stones or obviously artistic ornamental rings on a ring finger. In this case, they will simply not be perceived by the rings associated with marriage. At the same time, the rings are quite simple, if they are made from different metals or have inscriptions - most likely will be.

It is symbolic that the ring finger is associated with moon, beauty and creativity, as well as, obviously, with romantic relationships. Metal moon - silver, so it is a natural choice for rings that are worn on a ring finger, if it is not a wedding ring. Wedding rings are traditionally made of gold. Finger is associated with Apollo. Precious stones - Moonstone, jade, amethyst, turquoise.

Left ring finger. In most cases, we carry on this finger wedding ring. Many believe that this custom comes from the faith of the ancient Egyptians, and then the Romans in the fact that the blood on the veins from this finger goes straight to the sedza (by apiona is nerv). But the ring on this finger may mean that his owner is just going to marry (engagement ring). On the same finger can wear a ring promise (romantic promise)Despite the fact that the status of the official proposal is fixed behind the finger. Many young people prefer to wear a ring of purity on this finger (chastity ring). Wedding ring on a unnamed finger of the left hand wear in France, Italy, Great Britain, Ireland, Slovenia, Croatia, Sweden, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan. As well as in Japan, Korea, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Canada, USA, in Cuba and in other countries. On the left nameless finger, along the tradition, move the wedding ring in Russia after the divorce, and the two wedding rings (their spouse) wear widows and widows.

Right ring finger. Although in many countries the engagement ring is customary to wear on the left nameless finger, there are countries in which the right nameless finger is used for the same purpose. This applies to the laws of the tradition and countries of Central-Eastern Europe - Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Poland, Moldova, Ukraine. Also on the right hand wearing a wedding ring in Germany, Spain, Austria, Greece, Norway, Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Chile and a number of other countries. However, everything is particularly ambiguous with the wedding rings. There is such an anecdote - "Sofa, why do you wear a ring not on that hand?" - "Because I got married not for the person!" So, if you set out the goal to find out, whether the girl liked is married to you - you need to take into account many factors.

5. LITTLE FINGERcombines all relationships and communication with the outside world, as well as communication with other people. Wearing a ring on the Mizinza helps to improve relationships, especially in marriage, but also in the business sphere. Mysinets is also responsible for a mustache in creativity, harmony in the emotional sphere and in the material world.

Portrait of Francesco D "Este, artist Rogir Van Vaden

Portrait of Philippe de Crook, artist Rogir Van der Wayden

Portrait of Charles Kuverina (Charles Couperin) with the artist's daughter, Claude Lefevre

Little finger It often becomes the choice of a person who wants to "declare" about anything, since the little finger with the ring will attract the most attention - it is less than others related to religious or cultural traditions and associations, so it carries your clean idea. That is, the Mizior is rings when they want to attract attention to this fact. People who fond of astrology and chiromantia will perceive this symbolism through the connection with intelligence and beliefs. The little finger symbolizes mercury, but this does not mean that it is necessary to wear a ring from this metal - it is liquid at room temperature and besides highly toxic for humans. Patron - Mercury, which personifies intelligence, communications, beliefs and intuition, he patronizes crafts and trade. Traditionally, wearing rings on the Mizinz are associated with both intelligence and creativity and business. Stones - moonstone, amber, citrine.

Mysilineal right hand - In the XIX and early XX century, in a number of countries, 2 rings on Mizinz showed that the person was married (Ring Rod) . The bottom ring was wedding, the ring was put on over. Now this tradition is forgotten, some historians claim that such rings wore American president Franklin Roosevelt. Sometimes wearing the rings on the Mizinz are associated with the traditions of organized crime (Mafia Rings), I wore such rings clan soprano, in particular. In the UK and other Western countries, men on the left Misinz have wore a ring, the age of antique rings of this type is more than 100 years. Usually such rings have the coat of arms and in many families they were transmitted from generation to generation (Family rings with coat of arms) .

Mysinaire left hand Use often for rings pointing to professional status. This is typical for engineers of a number of industries, for example, machine-building, where the ring can designate the achievement of a certain educational stage. Graduates wear a ring not on the driving hand so that it does not bother. Professional rings can be simple iron, silver, stainless steel and other materials, often they have inscriptions or signs. All of the above is characteristic of right-handers, Leftches sometimes make confusion in all this symbolic system.

How many rings can be worn? Are there any restrictions?

It depends on the rings. For example, a set of several thin rings on one finger is perceived as one. A safe maximum can be considered 2-3 rings scattered on both hands. You need to try that the rings in general did not look too bright so that it is not perceived as a caricature. Men is better to wear one "declared" ring and nothing more, or in combination with wedding. But I repeat - the rules do not exist on this score, here the advisors can only be a sense of measure and taste. I have long moved pictures of artists of different eras, because jewels, including rings, depicted on most portraits. Interestingly, most often people in the portraits of the rings are put on the little finger, or the little finger and the index finger. On the nameless and thumb, the rings are found almost equally and less frequently on average. I hope you will give pleasure these illustrations selected from among the vintage canvases of painting masters.

Portrait of Isabella Clara Eugene, artist Alonso Sanchez Coelho

Portrait of Madame Montessori, artist Jean Auguste Dominic Engr
National Gallery of Fine Arts (USA)

Portrait of Eleonora Toleskaya, spouses Duke Tuscan Kozimo Medici, artist Anolo Bronzino