New Year's riddles for children 11 years. Big selection of New Year's mysteries for children and adults

We all come from their childhood. And even in adult life, we are not alien to the behavior of children. Riddles and rebuses adore those and others. But no more mature audience will not surprise questions for kids. New Year's riddles for adults are suitable for any Great Age. For those who do not like outdoor games or, on the contrary, for those who are tired and want to sit.

We have prepared riddles both in verses and in prose, they are all with answers. Sometimes you need to break your head, and sometimes the answers will suggest themselves instead of the final rhyphous. Such, naturally, to solve the easiest way.

Riddles in verse

Insert into the hole wand,
She, as if corrupt
Sizes there are all
A chopstick is not sin!

If cold - warms,
If it is hot - cool,
Do not take your hands - hanging,
And you go - worth it.

The chess player plans
On the body lady wears
In hockey on it maneuver
Jew makes all the brain to her.


The mystery is such:
Sweats the lady of the future
As soon as it hits
He is a lady between the legs.
(exercise bike)

Earth has the whole day,
Paws in manure
The back is tanned,
And the tummy is white?

Hairy head
Welter - delicacy for everyone,
Wigching it we deftly
And without visible interference!

It is small
In the hands you take dry,
In a minute already wet,
And everyone gets pleasure from him!
(bag with tea)

He is without hand I have,
It is worth a clear end
And as soon as you take,
Software will find it.

To work as tongue,
First you need to remove the case.

Who prevents Gin
To enter into your strength?

Circle black, in the middle - Krasn about ?
(radish in the ground). Krugot black, in the middle - Krasn about ?

On the wall dangling
On "A" begins.

To mildly enter
Need to come from behind.

We guys are removed
We love gaps of sex

I'm sitting in the car with red,
And behind Zebra closed,
Circling, the circle of animals are different,
Where did I woke up with a hangover?

Riddles with rhymed answers

Bodies when they meet together
When the hair is closed,
Everything freezes in a person,
What it is? (eyelids).

Pleasure at sheet
Sheet on the wall,
Opened it a long time ago
What is this? Of course ... (cinema).

By sex slugs skillfully
Becoming a favorite thing
Sexual solid business
Tell me, who am I? (broom)

Fire, Wilder, Copper Pipes
In the morning, sick and face pale,
The body causes damage,
While we chased ... (moonshine).

He owns me at night,
We have no longer slept with him.
Do loves everything with light
And calling ... (internet).

Puzzles for adults in prose

  • A word in which you can find forty "a".
  • 90 Then 60 then 90, think that this is a model? No, so I'm going if I see a traffic police ahead.
  • Men in the morning scratch eggs, and women? (eyes)
  • What do you get with a broken air conditioner? (Striptease)
  • What do naive people wear instead of earrings? (noodles).
  • He is not a pate, but he has both onions and eggs (Robin Hood).
  • Often lowers eggs into the water, but not cooks? (diver)
  • Guess the word of three letters, on the letter "x": he always stands, and finished, immediately inclined? (choir).

The more interesting questions, the more merrily the answers will turn out. That is why you should re-read them as much as possible to choose the best. New Year's mysteries for adults can entertain any audience. They are funny and fun, and at the same time, make people think of the measure of their promiscuity.

Mysteries for the new year 2019 comic (with answers) will help you in the preparation of a festive program. We offer in this article completely different riddles. Some are ideal for adults, while others can be safely choosing for children's matinees. Each mystery is thematic and is connected, if not with Christmas and New Year holidays, then accurately with winter.

Riddles for New Year 2019 (Lungs)

If such a period of the year "Winter", and what is in the center of it? (Letter M)

Quickly answer, what two months end in the letter "T"? (March, August)

Imagine that they put a saucepan on the edge of the table and closed it with a lid. The dishes are so that two thirds hang it from the table. After some time, the saucepan fell. The question is what was in a saucepan, and why she first stood, and then fell. (Ice)

What every student hears at the end of the lesson, especially before the New Year holidays, when so I want to go home? (letter "K")

The driver forgot the home right. On the road there was a sign of one-way movement, but the driver still went in the opposite direction. The policeman saw it, but did not leave the driver. Why did it happen so? (The driver walks on foot)

Cavernous question about how many eggs can eat on an empty stomach. Not only in the morning on January 1? (One, because the rest will not be an empty stomach)

The truck was heading to the village, and on the way there was four passenger cars towards him. The question is easy: how many cars went to the village? (One)

Before you put something in a saucepan, what is thrown into it? (Sight)

In the winter beautiful park there were eight benches. Three of them painted and the question is how many benches became in the park? (Eight)

In the park 8 benches. Three painted. How many benches became in the park? This mystery for the new year for children is good. In general, the riddles for the children's program should be founded among the lungs. Complex riddles advise to save for adults. (8 benches)

What kind of tree will the bird sit down during a torrential rain? (On wet)

The road to school takes the Pasha ten minutes. How long will he spend on the road to school if he went with a friend? (Ten minutes)

Why in the mouth language? (For teeth)

You got into the driver's seat, but the legs do not get to the pedals, what should be done in such a situation? (Sit face to the steering

Ostrich is a beautiful creation. Can he call himself a bird? (No, because the ostrich does not know how to talk)

Sober on our New Year Banquet remained ... (Christmas tree)

There are different questions, but almost everything can be answered "yes" or "no." What question "yes" will not answer, if you don't lie? (Are you sleeping?)

The student was expelled from the class. For what? (Per door)

How many giraffes live in the Black Sea? (Zero, they do not swim and do not live in the sea)

Why can robots feel a feeling of fear? (Robots steel nerves)

A glass is empty, how much does Nuts are in it? When drawing up a new year program
Do not forget to choose in advance, and other guests. (Zero)

What can you do in space, even if you want very much? (Hang)

This is not a rhino, although we see only one horn. (This cow looks due to the corner)

He is in front of us, but we do not see him? (Future)

Flies and rustle, but this is not a rough. (Brother or Sister of Sherchavik)

What way do people are transported on the ground - the most popular and ancient way? (On foot)

It was tomorrow, but then it will become yesterday. What is it? (Today)

Present six legs, two heads and one tail. And now tell me what it is? (Rider riding a horse)

What hand need to stir tea or coffee? (Better to stir the drink with a spoon)

Complex riddles for New Year 2019 comic with answers

Snowman and Snow Baba - whose parents are they? Most likely, you will be answered that Snow Maiden. But the correct answer is a snowy person.

Why does Santa Claus always have a red nose? Most likely, they will answer that he drank a lot. In fact, because it is just from the Russian bath. After all, in Russia there is such a tradition: December 31 with friends to go to the bath.

Why Santa Claus has such warm hands. Someone can say that he is not real. But, in fact, because he took on the chest (it is better to use in a male company) or, because it is affectionate (the answer is more suitable for the women's company).

Why is a snowman on his head wearing a bucket? They may say that this tradition is such, he doesn't put on the shoal. But the correct answer is that he went on December 31 to endure garbage, and he returned home only in May.

Why instead of the nose at the snowman always carrots. Everyone exclaims that carrot is cheap and eat in every home. In fact, all because the snowman in childhood was constantly poking in his nose and he was given to the upbringing of Dad Carlo.

The snow woman has two waists, why is she so lucky? Here logic can go into the move: its body consists of three parts. In fact, everything is much easier - it is so convenient to hug.

What will bring one grandfather to us,
What in a coat red dressed?
What we want, we wish,
Or all that dream about?
There is no secret in the riddle:
It will give just ...

Who is noise? Who sicks so?
As if shots from the gun.
Confetti everywhere, which means
This is New Year

Long needles
But she is not a Christmas tree.
A visit every year we have it.
Well, of course - this is a tree ...

When we will have fun themselves,
She will pay, suddenly, hot tears.
Does not attract it visible an external gloss,
On the droplet flows on the tablecloth wax.
Sorrow her light and hot
But the New Year's melts ...

So she shines and manits,
Like hundreds of diamonds,
And she hangs on the Christmas tree,
Our bright ...

I put on a suit and mask,
I am now a hero of a fairy tale,
I am satisfied, happy, happy
Start ...

Mysterious artist
The window painted,
All rivers, reservoirs
Transparent ice fed.

And in his order
Lies, does not melt snow.
And the defer is Razz
For games and fun.

That so love all winter
And what is any child glad?
When instead of rain and heat
Behind the block Balit

Slopim ball, then another -
With cute face like this:
Nose-carrot, eyes, mouth,
Maybe this is children, cat?
Although, nose a bit great ...
Babes, it's ...

He is in the peel beautiful, bright,
Do not eat it really no reason.
All the guys put in gifts
Fragrant, juicy ...

Instead of the nose - carrot,
And on the head - bucket,
White and gentle -
baba snowy

Not a pop creation
Not heavenly shine
Not sea depths of the queen
In the new year she sparkles.
Beautiful sun shines,
Admire forcing ...

When is New Year comes?
Raging the blizzard at the gate,
Spin in the air snowflakes,
On the puddles freeze the ice?
Draws on the window she,
Hostess itself -...

Happy New Year Congratulations
And gifts are handing.
We are your best friends,
Waited for us in the morning,
Preparing the treats desperately,
Are we in your house ... home?

Somewhere far away
Where are frost, and forever being silent.
Place it is not easy
Find, though it is very necessary.

There is under the holiday of the new year,
Elfs work for Santa,
After all, he will come to visit us,
At midnight, how to try the chimes.
North Pole or Lapland

Songs New Year sounds
Babes joyfully squeezed.
Snowballs, Sledge and Leddy,
Fur coats, sweater and ruins.
We are waiting for Santa Claus we
Bright, fabulous ...

These sticks in the package -
Buy even children.
Set fire and sparks suddenly
We are flying from all sides.
This is a New Year ...

It's on the holiday of New Year's
Constant attribute.
Decorate with windows,
Seen them and there, and here.
Real in palm
Become a droplet immediately
And paper does not melt,
Rejoicing immensely us.

When winter, on the puddles of the ice,
Fly from empty clouds,
What is the name of? ...

Looks a view to your pattern
In winter, the eyes are chained.
She is beautiful
But the palm is quickly melting.

Winter covered everything with her white and frosty mood. And even if you have a rain outside the window, and even a new year at all "does not smell", I suggest you to plunge into the world of children's mysteries about the New Year. They will create a festive atmosphere and the dums are sad to come to mind will not give))) and together with children laugh, it is also useful for health and for the soul, and for harmony in the family!

The riddles about the new year is one of those win-win, which are always perceived everywhere "with a bang"! In addition, such fun likes absolutely all children: and measuring and calm kids, and fidget. And even adults willingly turn on to the breakdown of these puzzles. And the festive mood reigning among the participants helps to organize a special intellectual joyful atmosphere of New Year's celebration.

Why do you need riddles

We are talking about riddles and enjoy them in the scenarios of family and school holidays. And did you think about the use of mysteries? What are they needed for? Is it just for fun?

Children of all ages gladly guess the riddles. After all, the riddles raise the mood and the "martial spirit" of victory, the joy of achievement and this is a unique feeling of the winner! "I'm fine fellow!" - The child rejoices, the first gone to the hidden meaning.

In addition to joy, mood and delight, the riddles are also useful for the development of thinking, memory, the mixture and logic are developing.

To inspire children to achieve new victories, increasing their own significance and self-esteem, do not rush to immediately speak correct answer. The harder way is the more value award. And this very clearly describes the importance of finding a solution to himself. But nobody canceled praise! After the child finds a response, it is necessary to praise it!

Riddles about the new year

Well, now, together with children, we go to the mysterious path of the smelting and logic! In this article you can find interesting riddles with answers about the new year, which will make your holiday just unforgettable. Be sure to include them in the game New Year program.

Riddles about the New Year tree and toys

On a beautiful Christmas tree shine
Among coniferous tinsel
All the colors are shining
New Year's ...


Hedgehog looked like her
Do not find the leaves at all.
Like beauty, slim,
And for the new year - important.
(Christmas tree)

There is a Christmas tree in the corner,
At the window on the floor.
And on the Christmas tree to the top,
All beautiful ...


Hang in the Christmas tree on the painter,

But not balls and not toys.

Let them and not brilliant

And just ... real.


In winter, in the watches of fun

Vice on bright ate me.

Shoot, exactly gun,

My name is.


Guest in the New Year came:
Like a frog - green
Lips all - in needles ...
Who came to us?

(Christmas tree)

Riddles about New Year and Santa Claus with Snow Maiden

Christmas tree with toys,

Clowns with clappers.

All the people are having fun!

What holiday?

(New Year)

All on Christmas tree toys:
Beads, balls, flappers.
Gift guys awaits.
What holiday?

(New Year)

He will come to us in the New Year
And gifts will bring
Who he wants the question

(Santa Claus)

Our windows brush white
At night he painted.
Snow pole dressed him
Sad garden thickened.
Unless to snow
Not accustomed to
Is there a sleeper in a fur coat?
We will come out
Yes, as crying:
- Hello, …!

(Santa Claus)

She is in silver with pearls dressed -

Magic granddaughter of the magical grandfather

(Snow Maiden)

We blinded a snowball
Hat done on it,
Nose attached, and in a moment
It turned out ...


Christmas tree on holiday New Year
Adults and children calls.
Invites all people
In the New Year ...


We are so tired today
Song songs and danced.
Even winter, and here we are hot
And in the bag we are waiting for us ...


If the forest is covered with snow,
If smells of cakes,
If the tree in the house goes,
What holiday? ...

(New Year)

In the new year we do not be sad
We sit under the Christmas tree
And to each other with expressing
We say ...


Santa Claus Bag big
For his boss with his back
Convenes the whole nation
On cheerful ...

(New Year)

Quickly light flashes,
From above down running down.
This friendly team
Called ...


Everyone sing and having fun
Water a friendly dance,
Because now the holiday.
What holiday?

(New Year)

Santa Claus for New Year
Christmas tree kids will bring.
And on her as if the fire
All sparkles big ...


The whole year was lying on the shelf,
And now hangs on the Christmas tree.
This is not a flashlight,
And glass ...


In it twelve months
Easily fit.
All their collateral together
One word, it ...


Like in summer cucumbers

Lopali we joyfully

Yellow Bubentsy

Spit sweet.

Fragrant lumps

Waited for sons and daughters,

Only Grandfather Moroza

Before us and not conveyed


Riddles about winter

Called the tracks,

Rooted the windows

Joy to children gave

And on sledding rode.


Like feathers of heat-birds,
All sparkles and sparkles,
Crawled the forest, meadow
Winter white


The sun will hide, with the wind howls,
Sky will close blue
And gym steles


An even large collection of mysteries about the winter is in this.

Funny riddles about the new year

You can offer kids funny riddles about the new year. Yes Yes! Such also exist. So, the riddles about the new year with the answers are funny ...

What could be more elephant

And at the same time weightless?

(Elephant shadow)

Who goes without legs

Lies without bed,

Though light,

But the trees and roofs lomit?


Lies the grandfather - there is no whore.

Lies all winter, no one will raise.

Spring will come - he will disappear.


Ears long sticking,

Tailing round beam.

In white fur coat is having fun

Wolf gray is afraid.


How many winters in the year?


On the new year he came to the house.
Rushed red fatty.
But every day he lost weight
And at the end completely disappeared.

(The calendar)

He hid under the Christmas tree modestly,

and silence keeps stubbornly.

That in him - Santa Claus will say,

he brought him in the bag.


From under the poloz, the snow flies,

And the breeze in the ears whistles.

With a steep mountain we go down,

You are on the way not to become -

Obstacles are not afraid of "tanks"!

Good fun ...


Who sits away to everyone

And at the same time no one is afraid?


Riddles - Beachs about the New Year

Well, here ... our kids cheat even more ... And now the riddles about the new year with a trim. These riddles teach children care. They are rhymed, but the correct answer does not sound in rhyme. Therefore, when you solve babies should be as attentive as possible. However, any mistake - causes a friendly attack of laughter, which significantly adds a positive holiday and joy.

Who is Assistant Santa Claus?
Who with carrots instead of nose?
Who is whole white, clean, fresh?
Which of the snow is made? - ... Leshel?


Here she is beauty,
All overflow!
Brought it with frost,
Is it a tree - ... birch?

(Christmas tree)

Packages Santa Claus
Three horses in heavy WHO.
What is their name, remember! -
... March, April and warm May?

(December, January and February)

Come to us on the ball!
So that no one recognized you,
Let your moms save you
Carnival ... pajamas?


To make a bright one night,
I need to help my grandfather.
They say all children in the holiday
Chorus: "Christmas tree, ... rods?"


Much a lot of many years
Gives us gifts grandfather,
Gives a Christmas tree, congratulations,
This holiday - ... Birthday?

(New Year)

Do you me or not a friend?

Become more in a circle ...

Holding hands kids

Divide the nose ... Bear?


Santa Claus came to us,
The granddaughter of young brought.
Children are waiting for her gift -
This girl is ... mermaid?

(Snow Maiden)

Who he is, with a white beard,
Ruddy and gray,
He is all better and kind!
Guess? - ... Barmalei?

(Santa Claus)

And at the end of the article with riddles about the new year, see a funny video with funny riddles for children!

Here we had a wonderful mysterious contest ... Mysterious New Year's Mysterious! And let any mystery of life decides easily and brings joy!

Joy from every moment!

New Year's meeting is always associated with fun, jokes, festive competitions and, of course, gifts. In large cheerful companies, you should think about the entertainment program. Songs, dancing is good. But you can prepare contests for adults, and for children. And even better - New Year's riddles. Then New Year's Eve 2019 will be more exciting.
A selection of the most original and interesting mysteries for the new year 2019 today on our website. Here you will find riddles for the youngest children, students, schoolchildren and adults. Funny, comic and even with trick, all New Year's riddles are represented in verses or short into one sentence.

This new year should not be bored alone. Pig loves noise, fun, holiday, sea emotions.

Before meeting a new year, you need to create an atmosphere of the holiday. To do this, decorate the house (or apartment). Make a Christmas tree must be installed in the place that is clearly seen in the room. It will not hurt to put fir branches in the vase.

Be sure to buy a symbol of 2019 - a pig. It can be a figurine, piggy bank, toy. Near her it is necessary to put her favorite treats: nuts and acorns. Does not hurt the Christmas wreath. Children, with pleasure, will decorate the windows with snowflakes.
In order for the year is successful, it is advisable to invite friends or relatives to gathered a cheerful company. Pig does not welcome those who are sitting on a diet. She loves to eat delicious and carefully.

So, on New Year's Eve, you should not deny yourself the pleasure to try different dishes.

On a note! In order not to offend the hostess of the year, no pork dishes should be on the festive table! Until the festive evening, you can go to the hill, or on the rink.

New Year's riddles for children funny with answers

Riddles for children 3-4 years old with answers

If the forest is covered with snow,
If smells of cakes,
If the tree in the house goes,
What holiday? … (New Year)

A blizzard outside the window
We are in a hurry rather to the house.
Frozen sama
We are beautiful ... (winter)

Christmas tree on holiday New Year
Adults and children calls.
Invites all people
In the New Year ... (dance)

Many "rain" on the Christmas tree,
New Year's tinsel
But the rest of the rest
Multicolored ... (balls)

Throughout this holiday rumble!
Explosion, followed by a cheerful laughter!
Very noisy toy -
New Year ... (slap)

On the Christmas tree hang
And make beautiful
They are her outfit. (Christmas decorations)

Hedgehog looked like her
Do not find the leaves at all.
Like beauty, slim,
And for the new year - important. (Christmas tree)

In winter, in the watches of fun
Vice on bright ate me.
Shoot, exactly gun,
Your name is ... (slap)

They are circling in the air
On the palm of your hand, we fall,
Neva, like empty
And the name is all ... (snowflakes)

Who comes to visit us
Winter sometimes
In fur coat, warm boots,
With a white beard?
He brought gifts to us
Kind ... (Grandfather Frost)

What it is?
Screaming - no rest.
Lights and there, and here -
This is a festive ... (salute)

New year will soon meet.
There is a simple question:
At night, who carries gifts to children?
Well, of course ... (Santa Claus)

He comes in winter evening
Loan candles on the tree.
He turns round dance -
This is a holiday ... (New Year)

He lives quite a bit
And now it is waiting for the threshold.
Who will come in twelve to us?
Well, of course ... (New Year)

Riddles for children 5-6 years old about new year funny with answers

Blizzard in the court walks,
In the house, the Christmas tree sparkles.
Children lead dance.
What holiday? (New Year)

Standing, barbed, like a Yozh,
In winter in a summer dress.
And we will come to us
Under the New Year -
Guys will be happy.
Merry trouble
Polon mouth:
Prepare her outfits. (Christmas tree)

Called the tracks,
Rooted the windows
Joy to children gave
And on sledding rode. (Winter)

Nose - carrot,
Hands - sticks,
Instead of body -
Show, friend, smelting,
Who is the corner? (Snowman)

I am the granddaughter of frost
And blizzards
I am here every year!
With my snowflakes-girlfriend
Merry dance leads. (Snow Maiden)

She has two pigtails,
White, like snow cilia,
Dress gently blue,
Liccino, as if ice,
She will come to visit us
Because the new year! (Snow Maiden)

First grader and preschooler -
Everyone loves this holiday.
Loves the Christmas tree dress up
Class and school decorate.
And in a suit masquerade
Grandfather Frost wait. (New Year)

Red Girl Sadd
She does not like spring,
She is hard in the sun!
Tears pours, poor thing! (Snow Maiden)

I am fashionable such that everyone is surprised!
I love me beads, sequins - any decoration.
But on my, believe me, great trouble
The outfit is put on just once a year. (Christmas tree)

Tree put it in the apartment,
Like a soldier in green uniform.
I will decorate it all day -
Do me this is not too lazy.
Well, when a new year comes to us,
Someone gifts will bring him. (Christmas tree)

On the thread balls collected
And in the decoration tied.
Now they shine on the tree
Through the emerald needles. (Beads)

Put it on - and you can not know
You are a knight, tramp, cowboy ...
Who do you want, you can easily become in it.
And you decide - you will become again. (Mask)

Under the battle the door open the door,
We win one, we encounter another. (Old Year and New Year)

Riddles about the symbol of the new year Pig for children

Major in the new year a pig. No one remembers the old new year. The symbol of 2019 is and a shopping mother, the remedy, smooth pig in a yellow dress, and a slim charming pig in a gold dress, and an economical piggy bank. Riddles about different pigs and piglets are waiting for a meeting with you!

Cool and sorry to tears!

She got not brilliant
Overflow icon.
She has a real
Neranny Piglet.
Sorry only: for him
Do not buy nothing to her.

Who got drunk in the new year?
Who, grunting, got dressed in a shower?
Not guess, not a pig,
And on a pig similar (husband)!

Ikra, language and Olivier.
Potato, chicken, roll.
What will not be on the table?
There will be no pork here (Kotlet).

But the riddle about a pig is not from the gastronomic side, but with astronomical.

I'm in gold outfit
Decorating every home.
Symbol of the year I, friends!
Who am I? Right! (Pig!)

The gloomy guest asked the pig:
Tell me: Are you a reasonable pig?
You can see in a fine conversation
So how can I do this?
And the pig thought: what is the sense?
You all night are lying under the Christmas tree!
And the only one who listens to you
Tasty baked (pig ...)

Pink ears, slender hoofs,
How can you not fall in love with such a pig?
Piglet elegant to her gave nature.
Here he is a real, cool symbol of the year!

She has his own patch, but nothing can acquire nothing. (Pig).

Riddles for New Year 2019 for adults with answers

Barely reached in winter - they are always with you.
Two sisters warm. Call them ... (mittens)

The sun looks up - pay.
There are no suns - tears will hide. (Icicle)

Two birch horses on snow carry me.
Horses these reds, and their names ... (skis)

Who is on the holiday of New Year's
To us, friends, will come today?
Belous and Krasnonos.
Who is it? (Santa Claus)

Short New Year's riddles for adults with answers:

  1. Santa Claus Barette. (Bag)
  2. The canvas for the arts of the invisible winter painter. (Window)
  3. What a sewing needle is different from the Christmas tree. (Ush)
  4. Itself does not lie and sleep does not tell. (Frost)
  5. Came, crumbled, rods hung on the branches of Oaks. (Winter)
  6. Carnival platband. (Mask)
  7. Heavenly snowmate. (Cloud)
  8. The place where the guys in the winter holidays are collecting abundant crop of cones. (Slide)
  9. Boys died in different chestnakers. Each boy is in his chosella. (Fingers in gloves)
  10. All my life goes to overtaking, and you cannot overtake each other. (Legs)
  11. Five years old are equal, only different growth. (Fingers)
  12. It does not burn in the fire, it does not sink in water and does not rot in the ground. (Think)
  13. And rhe, and the voyage - everyone fell. (Sleep)
  14. Without which a person cannot live? (No name)
  15. Blowing, grows, and can't walk. (Plant)
  16. They beat me, crop, turn, cut. And I will endure everything and kind. (Land)
  17. Crop, not a month. Yellow, not butter. With the tail, but not the mouse. (Turnip)
  18. The more of me take, the more I get it. (Pit)
  19. A hundred fires hold in a small barn. (Box of matches)
  20. What can you cut the ax? (Smoke)
  21. Without hands, without legs, and the shirt asks. (Pillow)
  22. And there is no language, and the truth will say. (Mirror)
  23. It will be born in the water, and the water is afraid. (Salt)
  24. Diplomas do not know, and I write a century. (A pen)
  25. Yesterday it was, today there will be tomorrow. (Time)

New Year comic riddles for adults, which can be fused on corporate or in a big fun company:

1. What hours do the right time show 2 times a day? (Who stopped.)
2. Where is the water stands? (In glass.)

3. What happens to the red scarf, if it is lowered for 5 minutes to the bottom of the sea? (Will wet.)
4. What kind of disease is nobody sick? (Nautical.)

5. When hands are pronouncing? (When they are you, you.)
6. What does a person have under her feet when he goes on the bridge? (Sole shoe.)

7. Why often do people go and never go? (On the stairs.)
8. How far a hare can run into the forest? (Until the middle, then he will run out of it.)

Forget forever about the problems with pressure!

At most modern drugs from hypertension do not treat, but only temporarily reduce high pressure. It is already good, but patients are forced to take drugs until the end of the life, exposing their health load and danger. To correct the situation, a drug was developed, which treats a disease, and not symptoms.

9. What happens to the crow after 3 years? (She will go fourth.)
10. Under what tree during the rain hides the hare? (Under wet.)

11. What a live creature hides your teeth? (Snake.)
12. If the cat climbed the tree and wants to sink on the smooth trunk, how will it come down: head down or tail forward? (Tail forward, otherwise it will not hold.)

13. Who is above us upside down? (Flies.)
14. What is like half of the apple? (On the second half.)

15. Where can I see the White Bear and Penguin in one day? (In zoo.)
16. Is it possible to bring water in solo? (It is possible when it freezes.)

17. Three ostrich flew. One hunter killed. How many ostrichs are left? (Ostrich do not fly.)
18. What bird consists of the letter and river? (Oriole.)

19. What snake is the easiest to detect? (Rattling.)
20. Crawling the spelling crow along the wires, and towards it electric current. What will happen to the crow? (At first it will become closed, and then it will stop talking at all.)

21. What does everything hear and says nothing? (An ear.)
22. What never fit into the pan? (Cap.)

23. What does the toad eat in winter? (Nothing, in winter she sleeps.)
24. Which elephant without a trunk? (Chess.)

25. What is the most terrible river? (Tiger.)
26. What month is shorter than everyone? (May - three letters.)

27. Where is the edge of the world? (Where the shadow begins.)
28. Can the ostrich call himself a bird? (No, as he does not know how to talk.)

29. What is easy to raise from the ground, but do not throw far? (Pooh.)
30. What crew does not spread your head? (Petushin.)

31. What is standing between the window and the door? (Letter "and".)
32. What can be prepared, but you can not eat? (Lessons.)

33. If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how much time do you need one cat to catch one mouse? (Five minutes.)
34. How many months a year have 28 days? (All months.)

35. The dog was tied to a ten meter rope, and three hundred meters took place. How did she succeed? (The rope was not tied to anything.)
36. What can travel in light, staying in the same corner? (Postage Stamp.)

37. How can an abandoned egg fly three meters and not crash? (You need to throw an egg for four meters, then the first three it will fly the whole.)
38. The man led a big truck. The lights on the car were not clogged. The moon was also not. Woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her? (There was a bright sunny day.)

39. Two people played checkers. Everyone played five parties and won five times. Is it possible? (Both people played with other people.)
40. What could be more elephant and at the same time weightless? (Elephant shadow)

41. What do all people on Earth do at the same time? (Get older.)
42. What gets more if you put upside down? (Number 6.)

43. How to jump from a ten meter staircase and do not bother? (It is necessary to jump from the bottom step.)
44. What hand is better to stir tea? (Tea is better stirred by a spoon.)

45. What question cannot be answered "yes"? (Are you sleeping?)
46. \u200b\u200bWhat question cannot be answered "no"? (You are alive?)

47. What has two hands, two wings, two tails, three heads, three torso and eight legs? (Horseman holding a chicken in his hands.)

Riddles for the New Year with a trick (with answers)

These funny riddles can be sidewged at the table, they will perfectly fit into any scenario for adults.

In the new year, we need to turn on

TV do not forget

Forget forever about the problems with pressure!

At most modern drugs from hypertension do not treat, but only temporarily reduce high pressure. It is already good, but patients are forced to take drugs until the end of the life, exposing their health load and danger. To correct the situation, a drug was developed, which treats a disease, and not symptoms.

We will all look together

What? (Irony of Fate)

"What is the most wonderful gift dreams of getting a woman for the new year? There is a hint! The length of the gift is 15cm., And its width - 7cm. " Guess the desire for your beloved! (Stodollar bills).

Baba will soon forty years, but jumps like a fool.

Give the correct answer. - Who is she? (Snow Maiden)

That on the festive banquet, jumped, rope,

And under the might of the clock, under the Christmas tree fell! (Santa Claus)

It costs pale, to the edge is full. Who loves her, she ruins. (A bottle of vodka)

Always dressed in winter, but she herself spit on it. (Herring under a Fur Coat)

Tuchka tried, a bunch is navalna. (Snowdrift)

How to make a man just whisching in bed? (Pick up the remote control)

There is always on the table.

He loves his whole country.

In it sometimes even sleep.

Guests all want him! (Russian salad)

In a red hat, red nose,

But not at all Santa Claus.

Without gifts came to us,

Well, though I found the door.

(Husband from corporate returned)

Kneel everyone will put

Dance people will force

Will everyone go quietly,

Because it is very slippery. (Ice)

Coluting balls

Forget forever about the problems with pressure!

At most modern drugs from hypertension do not treat, but only temporarily reduce high pressure. It is already good, but patients are forced to take drugs until the end of the life, exposing their health load and danger. To correct the situation, a drug was developed, which treats a disease, and not symptoms.

Unprecedented beauty

Manyat, wounded, burn,

And attract the mystery

And all the riddles are not

When you look at ... (neckline)

These New Year's riddles with the answers will be an excellent supplement for a funny company that gathered at the table.

New Year's riddles with answers are funny, comic

Most important, most necessary
Guest for the new year in the family.
Entertains how can
And does not ask for Olivier. (Television)

Like in summer cucumbers
Lopali we joyfully
Yellow Bubentsy
Spit sweet.
Fragrant lumps
Waited for sons and daughters,
Only Grandfather Moroza
Before us, they never reported. (Mandarins)

Only in the winter it happens
With roofs of houses she hangs.
If you kiss it,
That in the frost does not break away. (Icicle)

Lies the grandfather - there is no whore.
Lies all winter, no one will raise.
Spring will come - he will disappear. (Snowdrift)

Christmas tree, balls, flap!
Cones, tinsel, toys!
And who will say: what holiday,
Do grandfather comes to us? (New Year)

Hang in the Christmas tree on the painter,
But not balls and not toys.
Let them and not brilliant
And just ... real. (Cones)

Let him and not drunk
But it stretches for all
And so he is not alone -
New Year's ... (serpentine).

The most terrible winter beast.
He is all afraid, because he can bite. (Frost)

So that the hearing is not losing,
Close the ears soon.
Soon there will be rumble
New Year ... (slappers).

Guest in the New Year came:
Like a frog - green
Lips all - in needles ...
Who came to us? (Christmas tree)

Tickles his nose, and we forgive him.
Kohl will crap into the forehead, we will not give.
We always celebrate the New Year with him
Under the battle of the Kurats toasts speak. (Champagne)

Everyone was covered under the snow,
The house smells like cakes.
That's tree in the house goes
So soon ... (New Year)!

Want to change suddenly?
Doesn't even know a friend.
You will fall into a fairy tale
Only shut up ... (mask).

Christmas tree - real,
Toys on it - shiny,
Flashlights from disco,
And "snow" from the pharmacy.

He is a cracker and spiny.
He loves to suffer in winter,
But but just with the eyes
The window will create patterns. (Frost)

Warring year
It remains exactly five minutes.
Fog churants expect
But he is on the screen, here as here.
Toms the oldest results
And with the new congratulates everyone
Hopes in their people inspire.
Learned? This is (president).

His days are all shorter
And longer than a night.
This month all the gurb
We meet New Year. (December)

Hang, overflow,
All new year dangle
Without doing without movement
How easy decoration. (Christmas decorations)

Forget forever about the problems with pressure!

At most modern drugs from hypertension do not treat, but only temporarily reduce high pressure. It is already good, but patients are forced to take drugs until the end of the life, exposing their health load and danger. To correct the situation, a drug was developed, which treats a disease, and not symptoms.

Where dancing and sing
Cats and soldiers,
And gifts are distributed
Princes and pirates? (Carnival)

On the table,
And sometimes he trembles,
And in the mouth literally melts,
Who guesses the dish? (Jelly)

Barbed, smelly,
Elegant green
Under the New Year comes,
And joy will bring. (Christmas tree)

Up the top sparkle
The Christmas tree decorates.
Without it impossible
New Year ... (star).

In the salad is a new seasoning,
And in meat, too, she is,
It occupies the whole table,
And it is impossible to eliminate it! (Confetti)

In the new year we do not be sad
We are sitting at the table at the table.
And each other with an expression
We say ... (congratulations).

That in the pelvis was avossed
In the salad bowl,
Yes, it is not a secret!
Of course ... (Vinaigrette).

We bought for the Christmas tree
In the new year she was presented
Like bright chains
Shine in branches ... (lights).

This friendly chain around the Christmas tree runs.
Wallboard slaps in the palm and squeal from joy. (Dance)

Very soon he will come
Joy, happiness will bring.
Protects from Nekood
This is a holiday ... (New Year).

It packs, choose.
He is changed and wished.
And if you do not guess with him,
Then he will force me.
And in the new year they put in the bag.
His under the Christmas tree will find. (Present)

The guest is unpreded knocking
Take the gate,
He will shake you, charm,
Without him, nowhere.
For him covered the table,
And decorated the whole house
Who knows who will understand?
It comes to us ... (New Year).

Not a fire
New Year's Day.
Carefully ignite
These wonderful lights. (Bengal lights)

  1. Who is never in a hurry, and never fears? (New Year)
  2. What white carrot grows in winter? (Icicle)
  3. What grows upside down? (Icicle)
  4. When can I find last year's snow? (January 1st)
  5. What kind of toy shoot like a gun? (Slap)
  6. It was a wheeler, became a ribbon. What is this new year toy? (Serpentine)
  7. Who has a beard - the main instrument of labor? (Santa Claus)
  8. What kind of winter guest is in every yard with a broom in hand? (Snowman)

Riddles for New Year for students

Even adults will gladly take part in numerous contests and guessing New Year's mysteries. Moreover, in return, they can get New Year's souvenirs and gifts that should be prepared before.

Here you do not need to go on stage, and arrange all the event in a conventional friendly atmosphere, including sitting at the festive table and drinking your favorite champagne.

For the new year, it is not necessary to make very complex riddles, as they only take time and will not raise the mood. They should be simple and easily solved. As options, you can bring the following tasks:

  • What is the best present for a woman on New Year's and other holidays with rustle? (banknote).
  • Drinking a lot, it feeds a little, but the gifts are generous. (Santa Claus).
  • Only she remains sober after the holiday. (Christmas tree).
  • Shesize, not a snake, shoots, not a weapon. (Champagne).
  • What dreams of any adult before the new year and is waiting for from his accountant? (Prize).
  • Dressed in winter, but he does not pay attention to it even in the summer. (Herring under a Fur Coat).
  • Without which the New Year's event can do? (vodka).
  • His "bring" in the house early morning after corporate party. (Husband).
  • If the whole company is loud on New Year's Eve shout, she will come to visit one hundred percent. (Police).
  • By filling it a little, it will become hard as potatoes. (Snowball).

Let all the jokes be a little duty, as the company gathered the appropriate, but all the answers must be exactly harmless to disappoint anyone. It is very easy to turn the usual feast in a full-fledged celebration, which is waiting for all 12 months.

It all depends on the leading and thoughtfulness of the mysteries. It is best to pre-draw a kind of scenario and from it to repel in the process of performances.

In addition, you can pay attention to the poetic forms of mysteries that have a sufficient amount.

  1. Beauty from the forest is green. Decorated with balls, garlands and flaccuts (spruce).
  2. Being in the air, they descend on their hands. They hang in weightlessness, like empty and name their ... (Snowflakes).
  3. With the finest peel and smell, decorate the New Year's table. (Mandarins).
  4. It comes to the house to us winter sometimes, in the fur coat, boots and necessarily with a beard. (Santa Claus).
  5. Three coma kids rolled out, and brought them slightly. With red carrot got ... (Snowman).
  6. The clappers explode, looked at the guests of the little animals, a good gnome woman with a Christmas tree into the house, the next most likely in the house will be ... (Emergency).