Wrapping salon. The procedure is chocolate wrapping. Conducting the procedure of stages

Five Best Spa Wraps

Any beauty salon today seeks to surpass competitors, actively offering new interesting procedures capable of returning beauty, youth, help to lose weight or relax after a tiring day. And in each salon you can now find a magic spa wrapping, which has both these wonderful properties at the same time.

If you do not have extra money or time to visit the spa, or you simply do not know which of the many types of wraps prefer, then try all these procedures at home.

Having done this, you will significantly save your money and you can choose the most optimal option in terms of efficiency and on the effect on the skin.

What wraps start the path to beauty?

If you are new in the area of \u200b\u200bcosmetic wraps, then we are ready to offer the five effective, especially popular with women recipes.

Honey wrapping

This procedure based on honey will give you the following effect: your immunity will increase, and toxins will leave the body, as well as all the excess fluid.

Scars, stretch marks and other irregularities on the skin, and cellulite will become less noticeable, or will pass at all.

Honey needs to be slightly warm in the water bath. It is necessary to ensure that overheating does not happen, because from high temperature this product loses all its miraculous properties.

Honey is a very useful and strong means in itself, without any additional ingredients. If the main goal is to overcome cellulite, then boldly apply in pure form.

Know! But if you want to also get pleasant bonuses in the form of silky smooth skin, then you can add some essential oils, natural fruit juices, milk or apple vinegar.

Oil wrapping

To hold it, you will need several different types of oils. One of which will become the basis, and others contribute to strengthen the effect of the procedure.

Cosmetologists are advised to choose olive oil or almond. And other oils should already be chosen based on the goal of wrapping.

If you strive to speed up weight loss using it, it is best for all the oils of fhenhel, juniper, lemon, ginger, grapefruit, cardamom, rosemary, geranium and cypress.

Both of these clay varieties will be good for your skin with useful minerals, contribute to the removal of the toxins and the disappearance of the "orange peel".

Preparing the mixture is extremely simple: clay is diluted with mineral water and is thoroughly mixed.

Water need so much so that after adding it to the clay, it turned out a cashem, resembling a pretty thick sour cream. That's all - a mixture is ready, you can begin the procedure.

Chocolate wrapping

For your information! Very fragrant, fantastically pleasant is made from cocoa powder.

In addition to the mass of positive emotions after this procedure, you also discover that skin flabbiness disappeared, wrinkles and cellulite, the skin structure has been restored, and there is no trail from fatigue and stress.

You will need a natural cocoa powder that does not have any additives.

Measure about 100-200g it and pour the pair of glasses of enough hot water. Mass must be homogeneous.

You can apply the casca from cocoa only after its cooling to 40 degrees.

How to do wrapping?

When the mixture for wrapping is already completely ready, the time will come to prepare your skin to this pleasant spa procedure. To do this, it is necessary to break it well and handle a scrub for the body.

The mixture is applied only on dry skin. After uniform lubrication of all problem areas, you will need to wrap them with an elastic food film.

It is necessary to wink it tightly, but, without tightening, so as not to disturb the normal blood circulation. To enhance the thermal effect, you can wrapped in a blanket and lie so hour and a half.

After the procedure, you should take a shower and moisturize the skin with cream.

To obtain the maximum effect you need to do wraps 10-20 every two days or every other day.

Remember! Take advantage of the recipe for you, or by each of them, and please your body such a pleasant procedure as. It will only strengthen the beauty of your skin, pulls out and smoothes it, climbs cellulite and gives you great pleasure.

- strengthens the sweating, improves blood circulation,

Displays toxins, improves the metabolism, saturates the body by trace elements, splits subcutaneous fats.

Duration 30 min - 1500 rubles

  1. Fucker wrapping (cosmetics-based thalassoprocessorAlgologie.)

- The procedure for combating excess volumes and cellulite contributes to the splitting of fat
Duration 2 hours - 3000 rubles

  1. Wrapping "Laminaria" (marine brown algae laminaria)

It helps not only fight cellulite, but also strengthens the immune system, gives rise to energy, which is relevant in the conditions of the metropolis.

Duration 1.5 hours -3500 rubles

  1. "Chocolate wrapping" (cosmeticsKleraderm.)

Based on natural cocoa, it contributes to the removal of toxins and excess fluid from the body, helps to reduce fat deposits and an increase in skin elasticity, fights with stress, brings a sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure and pleasure.
Duration 1.5 hours - 5000 rubles

II. . Wraps to remove excess liquid and toxins

  1. "Green clay" (detoxifying thalassopro-scientist based on cosmeticsAlgologie.)

- Used to enhance lymphatic and removal of toxins, as well as to remove fat decay products with cellulite 1-2 stages.

Duration 2 hours - 3000 rubles

  1. "ILL and Clay" (draining ThalassoproConor based on cosmeticsAlgologie.)

-Processor, improving microcirculation and lymphatic drainage.

Used to strengthen vessels and prevent varicose veins, to remove fat decay products with cellulite 3-4 stages.

Duration 2 hours - 3000 rubles

III . Wraps for skin restoration

  1. "Four algae" (stimulating cosmetics-based thalassoprocessorAlgologie.)

To restore skin tone, lost due to age-related changes, after transferred diseases and sudden weight loss, as well as for the correction of the figure after pregnancy and childbirth, is used to prevent stretch marks.

Duration 2 hours -3000 rubles

  1. Wrapping "Winotherapy" (100% natural product).

Rejuvenates, nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the body due to antioxidants contained in the skin and grape bone,

He has a common strengthening effect.

Duration 1.5 hours - 2500

Wraps in the Spa-Master salon

Professional wraps offered today for slimming at the spa center of the health and beauty "SPA-Master" have a comprehensive effect on the body, health and normalize the functioning of the skin, and also improve the emotional and mental state of our customers. The basis of this method is the intensive impact of all sorts of natural components (mud, oil, chocolate) and the creation of the original effect from temperature change when wrapping the entire body.

The effect of various wrapping methods

A fundamentally wrapping for skin restoration is to limit the exit from the surface of the skin of evaporation products, such a procedure can be represented as a cosmetology mask for the whole body. The result of a greenhouse effect created by such a mask is extended pores and, as a result, more efficient penetration of active ingredients into the depth of the skin, which, in turn, contributes to the generalization of the entire body.

In modern cosmetology, the above procedures are divided according to the objectives and active substances used:

  1. Based on algae. The most effective wrapping of belly and sides is used for concentrated removal of excess fat deposits in localized points of the human body.
  2. Wrapping based on natural substances: oil, honey, and the most pleasant procedure - based on chocolate. The skin passes the saturation stage with nutrients accelerating the metabolism raising its plasticity. Among other things, it is aesthetically attractive procedures.
  3. Based on mud saturated by trace elements. This procedure has a positive effect on blood circulation and metabolism. A mansion is worth a procedure that is based on color clay. This wrapping for the withdrawal of toxins and fluid contributes to an external cosmetic effect on deposits when cellulite, effectively removing them.

Modern cosmetology applies the latest developments of medical science and uses the most effective techniques in treating and restoring skin cover. This fact is due to a variety of methods for using wraps, the effectiveness of which is proved under clinical trials. In general, the procedure leads to such results:

  • Lower weight and reduction of cellulite deposits.
  • General restoration of efficient skin functioning.
  • Improving the appearance of the skin due to accelerated blood circulation.

High-quality wrapping in the salon "SPA Master"

Performing low-cost wraps from cellulite in Moscow at the SPA-Master Health and Beauty Center, highly professional and experienced staff uses the latest achievements in cosmetology, applies the latest developments from world cosmetology centers. High returns from the procedures performed has a beneficial effect on the appearance of our visitors, and also significantly improves the emotional state of customers.

We are pleased to offer you luxurious SPA-care on the body based on the best professional cosmetics lines. In the process of professional SPA care, you can plunge into a hydromassage bath with sea salt or vegetable extracts; Clear and make smooth skin, thanks to various peels, relax during the massage ... Well, of course, take a closer, while wrapping, while getting the maximum benefit for your body and the body as a whole.


Wrapping is a magical wrap. Thanks to the application of useful active tools on the body, it removes slags from the body, allows you to improve the quality of the skin, struggles with cellulite and extra centimeters. Correction of the figure with the help of such procedures is not only the most pleasant way of thinning silhouette, but also just a beautiful rest.

We invite you to enjoy the procedure, or "cocoa" from JanSsen, and get nothing comparable!

For more information about the SPA-Cares you are interested in, as well as the lines on which we work, you can read in the relevant subsections of the "Wraps and SPA-Care" section.

Relax-care on the body with a shower of Vichy

Removing stress, bliss and peace, revival, return of cheerfulness and a healthy tone.

If you, like a Phoenix bird, burn at work or in a bustle of daily worries, this program will help you reborn and re-return to life with a good mood! The hands of our master and warm summer rain of the soul of Vichy, as in magic, get rid of fatigue and nervousness, returning you an excellent tone and vigorous arrangement of the Spirit.

  • Care stages:
  • Floral peeling with 15-minute wrapped. Professional peeling "Sea Poles" from Thermes Marins de Saint Malo, which consists of a combination of the Dead Sea salts and the Atlantic Ocean with a sweet almond oil and calendula flowers, not only effectively cleans, tones and nourishes the skin, but also helps to restore the overall mineralization of the body.
  • Option 1
    Shower shower + relax massage on hydrophilic oil or massage balsam (40 min.). Hundreds of filament-shaped warm pips of water carry not only a pleasant feeling of caress, but also the healing effect. The mechanical and temperature effect of thin pips of the soul create a special ionized zone on the body, thereby contributing to the improvement of oxygen exchange, improving blood circulation, removing the nervous voltage. The relaxing effect of the soul of Vichy, reinforced by simultaneous manual relax massage, will immerse you into the world of nigs and serenity.
  • Option 2.
    Wrapping "Land of America". This is a unique procedure for Saint Malo based on lavender essential oils, Petitgreine and empty not only moisturizes and pulls out the skin, but also removes emotional tension.
    Shower Vichy (15 minutes)
  • Final care: moisturizing and nutrition
    Body Cream Moisturizing Oil Based Carite
    vitamin E, laminarium extract
    For nutrition - body oil: apricot oil +
    laminaria extract.
  • Tea or fresh juice
  • Duration of the procedure
  • Cost of procedure
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Option 1: 4 200 rubles.
    Option 2: 5 050 rub.

"Ice and Flame"

Tonus Relax Care with Mosaic Wrap

In this care merged and reached harmony, it would seem incompatible feelings: warmth and cold, a sense of global relaxation and tonization.

The contrast temperature effect on the upper and lower part of the body harmonizes the energy balance and eliminates stress. The thermal impact on the upper part of the body removes muscle tension, activates peripheral blood circulation and cellular metabolism. The cooling effect relieves gravity and fatigue in the legs, increases the tone of the veins, has an anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor action.

"The complex effect of hydrotherapy in the form of a shower of Charcot and contrasting mosaic wrapping will put in order body, soul, thoughts and will return to you harmony with you and the world around you!

  • Care stages:
  • . Peeling from Thermes Marins de Saint Malo
  • . Shower Vichy (10 min.)
  • . Mosaic wrapping
    . Preheating wrapping on the top of the body. Soft texture wrapping from Saint Malo with a pronounced lipolytic effect will warm up the body up to 37-38 ° C: gentle heat will allow you to relax and relax. As part of: Kaolin, laminaria, fus, guarana extract.
    . Cryo-wrapping legs. Anti-inflammatory, vasoconductive cooling gel will take fatigue and heaviness in the legs. It is highly recommended for varicose veins, cellulite edema, as well as for the prevention of varicose varicose.
  • . Massage head and stop. For 15 minutes, there is a contrast mosaic wrapping, you will enjoy a relaxing head massage and a reflexure foot massage.
  • . Contrast shower Charcot. To prolong the effect of wraps, we offer Charcot's shower session in the Scottish Soul Mode. The simultaneous impact of cold and hot jets of water will give you an indescribable feeling of revival.
  • . Final care. Application of final body and feet.
  • . Tea or fresh juice
  • Duration of the procedure
  • Cost of procedure
  • 1 hour 50 minutes
  • 5 900 rub.

"Magic Mermaids"
Anti-cellulite program with shower Charcot for business women

The active impact of water and seaweed will return to you a slim tightened silhouette and the energy of a full-fledged life!

  • Care stages:
  • Professional peeling from Thermes Marins de Saint Malo
  • Wrapping "Thalasso 10" (25 min.). This is a unique effective procedure. Already after the first session guarantees you a decrease in volumes. Contains the fusion of two types of fuses that contribute to the removal of slags and toxins; organic iodine in high concentration, "burning fats"; Red algae and microelements Si, Mg, SE, which restore the body's mineral balance, provide lifting and skin toning.
  • Toning shower massage Charcot (10 min.)
  • Final care. Application:

    Anti-cellulite serum

    Active anti-cellulite gel,

    Cream for elasticity of body skin and bust.

  • Tea or fresh juice.
  • Duration of the procedure
  • Cost of procedure
  • 1 hour 50 minutes
  • 5 900 rub.


Answers on questions:

Good day! Unfortunately, at the moment, the service "Souls Charcot" We do not provide ". We have Vichy shower within the framework of SPA-care programs on the professional French cosmetics Saint Malo. : "Lode and Flame", "Revival" and "Magic Magic" SPA-Care "Revival" from Thalasso Bretagne performs only Natalia Andreeva - a beautician, a SPA-a-aestheticist in the body and face.

Good afternoon, Svetlana! Of the SPA-care, aimed at reducing the edema of the legs, we can recommend: 1. SPA-Care from Thermes Marins de Saint Malo: "Detox wrap" or Tonus relax Care with mosaic wrap "Lode and a globe". Both of these care are perfectly coped with the ethnicity of the legs. 2. Anti-cellulite "green coffee" from Pevonia Botanica. The main purpose of this procedure is the fight against cellulite, but it also copes perfectly with the edema. 3. SPA-care "Algae" from janssen with options ...

Marina, with varicose veins, thermal impacts are contraindicated, which means all warm wraps using thermoelectory can not be done. Your option is to choose the so-called, "cryo wraps", which not only will not harm your veins, but on the contrary they will lead them into the tone. For you, we recommend the anti-cellulite algae program from Janssen with the cooling alginate lifting mask "Arctic" or SPA-care from Thalasso Bretagne "Revival" with a refreshing effect "Cryoacive". Care "Rev. ...

Ask a Question

Spa wrapping - a long-known method of correction of a figure, based on the properties of components of natural origin and stimulation of the possibilities of our organism. The mask is the main part of the procedure, in it, as a rule, contains a large concentration of nutrients and minerals that have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. It is believed that wrapping is a tool in the fight against cellulite and unwanted fat deposits. This is true. Together with the solution of these two problems, a number of other tasks are solved, such as the strengthening of vessels, removal of puffiness, the struggle against impaired musculoskeletal system and rheumatological diseases, strengthening and purification of skin tissues.

Spa wrap - This is a whole ritual consisting of several steps.

As the first acts peelingUsing it, dead skin particles are removed, thereby allowing the opportunity to freely penetrate the active substances into the skin as far as possible.

The next step is to be applied special composition with active substances.

After applying the healing composition, your body wrap up into a polyethylene sheet, regardless of the type of wrapping. After you relax for 40 minutes, at this time you can use other services of our salon, for example, to carry out face care, or face massage. After 40 minutes, the wizard removes the film from you with a mask.

Final stage - application of final means.

Each client, our master will select exactly the wrapping that is most effective for him. The choice of wraps is huge - classic mud, cold, bandage, self-heating, etc.

Any wrapping on VDNH can be combined with other procedures, for example, the reinforcing anti-aging wrapping is perfectly combined with a spa capsule, we recommend that the bandage cold wrap is combined with the press engine. By the way, a stagnation of a fluid that squeezes vessels and interferes with the work of lymphotocks, which leads to a slowdown in the metabolic processes of the body - the main cause of cellulite. There are no equal in the fight against excessive fluid of the press therapy, so if you combine the press and wrapping, the result will be noticeable much earlier, if you use these techniques separately.

Combining several techniques will give you a faster visible result.

As for the number of procedures, the course on average is 10-12 procedures, but for each person it is compiled individually, it depends on the state of the skin, and what purpose you are haunting. The effect of the course is more pronounced and durable than from one, so when purchasing a course we have special offers.

Like any cosmetology procedure, wraps have their own contraindications:

  • skin diseases;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • pregnancy (on certain zones);
  • recently transferred operation with non-surging seams;
  • rash or abrasion on the skin;
  • others.

Wrapping in our salon at the EDPH will help not only solve your aesthetic problems, but also will give the opportunity to disconnect from reality and fully relax from everyday life.

Name of the procedure time price
SPA (SPA) wrapping 40 min. 2 000 r.
Chocolate wrapping Keyano. 40 min. 2 500 r.
Spicy pumpkin Keyano. 40 min. 3 000 r.
Watching in Oil Carite La Sultane de Saba 30 minutes. 2 500 r.
Mask with clay loose La Sultane de Saba 30 minutes. 3 000 r.
Watching in Carrit Frangipani La Sultane de Saba 30 minutes. 3,500 p.
Coconut wrap 40 min. 2 500 r.
Cream Fresh Wrapped Papaya Pinease Pevonia 40 min. 3 000 r.
Thalasso Bretagne algae wrap 40 min. 2,900 p.
Mud wrapping Thalasso Bretagne 40 min. 3,500 p.
Algae wrapping strengthening THALASSO BRETAGNE 40 min. 3,500 p.
Gel wrapping Algosorum Thalasso Bretagne 40 min. 4 000 r.

Perfect female body ... What can be beautiful and more pleasant? Especially if you are going to expose to its warm sun and burning the cooling of the sea wave. How in the shortest possible time to get rid of extra kilograms, how to achieve perfect forms and beautiful smooth skin if few days left before the vacation?

In previous articles, we gave detailed information, how to simulate the figure and get rid of fat deposits with a lymphatic drainage massage and, which overturns are, and how to do them at home.

But, if you want to entrust your body to a professional cosmetologist and get a maximum of pleasure from the proposed relaxation overtakers, then, salon anti-cellulite programs are what you need!

As for the quality of service, the proposed compositions for overturns, the duration of the procedures and their cost, then all SPA salons can be varied. However, the preparation of the body to overtakes and the session itself is carried out by approximately such a scenario.

Scraping or body preparation procedure before wiring

Immediately before the output procedure, you will prepare the body - will be comprehended. The components of the scrub are selected depending on the type of skin, as a rule, these are various natural components: vegetable extracts, oils, cocoa, chocolate and abrasive materials (coffee, salt crushed bones of apricot, nut shell).

Thanks to such a procedure, the texture of the skin is aligned, removable cells are removed, blood circulation is activated, the metabolism is improved. Scraping session, depending on the state of the skin, can last 20-30 minutes. Then the scrub is washed off. And only then the second stage comes - applying components for overturning.

As active components, various cosmetic compositions, essential oils, chocolate or sea products can be offered.

Thalassotherapy or byproof by the Sea

There were times when our parents went to the mud, to undergo a course of health procedures, today everything is much easier, in any city you can visit the SPA Salon or beauty salon and get a complex of anti-cellulite sessions using the seafood: mineral salts, algae, dirt, clay.

Overlooking algae is one of the most popular and efficient skin care methods at any age.

Algae - valuable drug resources, inexhaustible sources of useful salts, minerals, amino acids, vitamins derived from the ocean. Their combination with essential oils, under the influence of heat, allows you to penetrate into various layers of epidermis, remove excess liquid, toxins, slags, saturated with skin with useful substances.

The algae wrapping will help reduce weight, simulate body contours and change the skin structure (get rid of fatty sediments and cellulite on hips, buttocks, sides and abdomen). During the procedure you can fully relax and relax.

Additionally, you can offer extract based on seaweed - laminaria, which is especially popular in cosmetology and are also widely used in the salons. The active substances contained in the gel on the basis of laminiria split fat deposits and together with excess fluid are derived naturally, thereby bringing slags, the blood circulation is activated, the contours of the body are being activated, the "orange crust" is being removed, the skin condition is being improved.

Mud abolitions against cellulite

The Tesori Delli Termae program is especially popular today, it is held in Russia, so in many world-famous medical centers.

This program provides for the use of such components as: ready-made cosmetic dirt, mineral salts, drainage water, salt cream and vegetable oils. The procedure begins with moisturizing the body, while it can be carried out, both on the whole body and locally - to problem zones.

The first step is the moistening of the body drainage water, which includes caffeine and horse chestnut. Then the moisturized surface is exposed to a comprehension of mineral salt, which will cleanse the skin from organized cells. If you have dry sensitive skin, natural oil corresponding to your skin type is added to the salt.

But you already wash your skin after the salt scrub or not, depends on your preferences. Then the mud composition is applied to the body, which includes brown algae, horse chestnut, cinnamon oil and lemon. This cosmetic dirt has a delicate consistency, a pleasant aroma and is completely devoid of smell of algae and hydrogen sulfide.

Duration of mud abolition 20-30 minutes. How? Watch the video.

Such an overturn has a rejuvenating and antioxidant effect. The mud composition strengthens the vessels, improves blood circulation, changes the structure of the skin, eliminates cellulite.

After the completion of the procedure, salt cream will be applied, with caffeine content, extract of brown algae, blueberries, chestnuts, cypress. The cream has a pleasant aroma, easily falls, has a moisturizing, pulling and anti-cellulite effect.

Anti-cellulite abolition of clay

Clay is the perfect cosmetics given to us by nature itself. Today, clay overturns are carried out in many beauty salons and SPA salons.

The abolition of the clay favorably affects the various layers of the epidermis: stimulates the metabolic processes in skin cells, activates blood circulation, normalizes the operation of the sebaceous glands, eliminates the electrical layer of cells from the surface of the skin, nourishes it with minerals and biologically active substances.

The clay has an absorbent effect, removes fat deposits, toxins and extra liquid from subcutaneous tissues. After passing the clay, you will not only get perfect skin, but also simulate your body.

The duration of the clay overlapping procedure is 30-40 minutes.

The cost of one thalassotherapy procedure in Moscow varies from 2 to 7-8 thousand, but in order to achieve ideal body contours and skin textures, one procedure is not enough, it is necessary to carry out 10-15 sessions.

Cellulite chocolate

Chocolate overtook is one of the most popular procedures in beauty salons and SPA-salons. It differs not only to its effectiveness, but also unique.

One session of chocolate overtake allows not only to improve the condition of the skin and simulate the body, but also enjoy the aroma, fully relax, get rid of any stress. Therefore, it is especially recommended for those who sits on a diet and experiencing stress, tension.

Chocolate overturning is ready for use in the salons, consists of cocoa powder, cocoa butter, shea oil, algae extract, orange and horse chestnut. Chocolate pleasantly envelops the skin and does not frozen, since the temperature of its melting is 36 degrees.

Chocolate nourishes and moisturizes the dermis, restores its hydrolyphic composition. Polyfinol included in its composition has antioxidant properties and struggles with aging of the skin. Chocolate has a tightening and restoring effect, he smoothes the skin, takes off swelling, improves blood microcirculation, eliminates cellutite.

The duration of the chocolate overtake procedure is 30-40 minutes, during relaxation you can turn off the light and enable easy music.

Chocolate overtake may consist of one session. No wonder it is called a "weekend procedure", it allows you to take care of yourself, fully relax and relax after a busy week.

Cost of procedures, results and other issues

You may have a question how many sessions do you really have to go through to lose weight and get rid of cellulite, as usually recommended from 10 to 15 procedures?

Undoubtedly, the type of overturns and the duration of the procedures directly depends on your weight, the presence of fat deposits and the ultimate goal to which you strive. Important value has the proposed course and regularity of application.

The price of the course of the anti-cellulite program for modeling the body in the salons of Moscow may vary from 20 to 80 thousand rubles.

This cost includes 10-15 sessions of the ocholation, which are clearly not enough to efficiently model body modeling, so they will be combined in a complex with anti-cellulite procedures, lymphatic drainage massage, exercise and recommendations for balanced nutrition, and then the result will not wait long.

But if you want to pamper yourself "weekend relax by overtaking", the cost of such a procedure begins from 1000 rubles, and the upper limit of prices is determined by the duration of the procedure, the composition of the ingredients and the elimination of the cabin.

By the way, you can do at home, using the same clay, algae, mustard, honey and other components.

Be pretty and attractive, your notchy!