Pulse in pregnant women. Normal and abnormal pulse rates in pregnant women

Pulse is an indicator that says how often a person's heart beats. This value is extremely important in the diagnosis of various diseases, and by its changes one can judge the state of the heart, blood vessels, and the whole organism as a whole. The pulse rates in pregnant women are slightly different from the usual indicators of a healthy adult. It is worth considering what values ​​are recognized as optimal and what various deviations from them may indicate during carrying a child.

Normally, in a healthy adult, the pulse is in the range of 60–90 beats per minute, temporarily accelerating during physical exertion and serious emotional distress. For women, the rates are always slightly higher than for men. This is due to physiological characteristics - the heart of the average woman is slightly smaller and beats more often. Also, the female body is more susceptible to fluctuations in hormonal levels.

In addition, the heart rate usually changes with age. The older the person, the higher the heart rate, so some loads begin to be carried more heavily. If a person's pulse is constantly overestimated or underestimated and at the same time does not normalize for a long time, we can talk about pathology.

It is also important to measure blood pressure along with the pulse. The upper and lower blood pressure parameters show how much blood is pumped by the heart. This indicator is also important so that you can make a complete picture of the state of the cardiovascular system and judge the health of a person as a whole.

An absolutely ideal indicator is a value of 120 to 80. However, in reality, such pressure is quite rare, since in the life of any person there are always factors that will affect the level of blood pressure. Small deviations in which there are no signs of malaise can be considered the norm.

For women, blood pressure should always be slightly lower than for men, but for the most part they usually depend on height and physique. Each person can have their own individual normal indicator. If the pressure is greatly reduced or overestimated relative to the norm and symptoms of heart pathologies occur, you need to consult a doctor and find out the exact cause of this condition.

The pressure and pulse during pregnancy always change. Usually, both indicators turn out to be overestimated relative to the norm - this happens for many reasons. Therefore, during pregnancy, women are advised to avoid factors that can lead to an even greater increase in blood pressure and heart rate.

Important! Pregnant women with severe abnormalities during gestation are usually advised to see a cardiologist.

Heart rate in pregnant women?

In general, increased heart rate is more common in pregnant women, especially at the very beginning of gestation during the first and second trimesters. In the third trimester, it usually drops slightly and becomes closer to normal. For many, the heart rate can reach 80–90 beats per minute constantly, practically not decreasing, therefore such readings are considered the norm. The frequency of heartbeats during pregnancy can be predicted in advance and is affected by the following factors:

  • level of physical fitness. If a woman went in for sports on an ongoing basis before pregnancy, then it is likely that it will be easier for her to endure the load in the form of a fetus;
  • age. In women after twenty-five years, the pulse rate during gestation is on average higher;
  • weight, as well as the presence of other diseases and pathologies that can affect the heart rate and blood pressure.

Additional reasons for an increase in pulse and pressure during childbearing can be called a large mass of the fetus itself, various stresses, constant strong emotional experiences, malnutrition, the development of any pathologies.

The rate in the early stages is always slightly higher, but it should be borne in mind that strong deviations should not be ignored. If the heart rate indicators exceed a hundred, it is better to immediately consult with your doctor.

Important! If the expectant mother develops hypertension or tachycardia, it is also necessary to check the condition of the fetus, to make sure that there are no intrauterine pathologies.

Pressure during pregnancy also usually rises and may be slightly higher than 120 to 80. Often, mild hypertension when carrying a child becomes a normal variant, and it must necessarily disappear after the birth of the child. If hypertension or tachycardia does not disappear some time after childbirth, it is imperative to be examined by a cardiologist.

In general, the normal values ​​for a pregnant woman can be summarized in the following small table;

However, in any case, with a high heart rate, it is also important to pay attention to the general condition of the woman. Temporary deviations from normal values ​​can be considered an acceptable condition, if there are no signs of malaise. It is imperative to consult a doctor if the following symptoms occur against the background of cardiac arrhythmias or blood pressure:

  • dizziness, headaches, impaired coordination of movements;
  • shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness in the chest, pain on the left side of the chest, inability to endure even light loads;
  • "Stars", "flies" before the eyes, visual impairment;
  • numbness in the limbs, pallor of the skin.

These are the main symptoms of disorders of the cardiovascular system, they should be especially alarming during pregnancy. In order not to provoke their occurrence during gestation, you need to avoid any excessive physical exertion, mental and emotional exhaustion, severe stress and anxiety. All this can lead to hypertension or tachycardia.

To mitigate the symptoms of the usual increase in rhythm and pressure during pregnancy, it is important to adhere to the correct daily regimen. A pregnant woman should get enough rest and eat right. Also, do not neglect special exercises for pregnant women, which help to better tolerate pregnancy and prepare for childbirth.

If an attack of tachycardia or hypertension occurs abruptly, the condition is rapidly deteriorating, then you should not resort to self-medication. It is better to see a doctor as soon as possible, in especially severe cases it is permissible to call an ambulance.

Also, do not forget that it is important to measure the pulse and pressure of the fetus. The doctor should be visited constantly, depending on the course and severity of the gestation process. With competent constant monitoring of the condition of the mother and child, the likelihood of bearing and giving birth to a completely healthy child is much higher.

Due to the changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman, many life processes during this period proceed with some peculiarities. Certain indicators and conditions may go beyond the normal range, but this does not always indicate the development of pathology.

Many pregnant women do not even suspect that certain changes are taking place in their body, because this does not always affect the general well-being of the expectant mother. But women also often notice some irregularities in themselves and begin to worry. The pulse during pregnancy also often goes beyond the established norms. Is it worth sounding the alarm in such cases?

What is the pulse rate during pregnancy?

The pulse of a healthy person normally ranges from about 60 to 90 beats per minute - this largely depends on the individual characteristics of the body. In addition, changes in this indicator are influenced by many factors, and therefore this value is unstable. However, during pregnancy, it can change even at rest, which is facilitated by a wide variety of reasons.

As a rule, in the early stages of pregnancy, the pulse remains unchanged, but with the onset of the second trimester, it often rises - on average by 10-15 beats per minute. Most of all cases of increased heart rate in pregnant women fall after 26-27 weeks of pregnancy - at this time, the number of beats per minute in a pregnant woman can reach 110 or 120.

A few weeks before delivery - after about 32 weeks - the reading usually returns to its previous level. Nevertheless, in some women, changes are observed already from the first weeks of pregnancy, especially if the expectant mother suffers from early toxicosis.

Rapid pulse during pregnancy

First of all, the frequency of oscillations of the walls of the arteries is influenced by the volume of blood of a pregnant woman, which constantly increases with an increase in the term. Until the end of pregnancy, the blood volume of the expectant mother increases by an average of one and a half liters, because all the products and substances necessary to ensure the vital activity and normal development of the fetus are delivered to it along with the blood. This puts an increased strain on the mother's heart, forcing it to contract more often and beat faster, pumping blood through the arteries. It is completely physiological that the pulse can increase in this case.

But this is not the only reason for a change in the pulse in a pregnant woman. Other factors can also affect the vibrations of the artery walls:

  • hormonal changes in the woman's body: some hormones that are intensively produced during this period contribute to an increase in the pulse rate of a pregnant woman;
  • deficiency of vitamin and mineral substances (to a greater extent it is expressed during the period of toxicosis): mainly there is a lack of iron, magnesium, potassium;
  • displacement of the heart under the pressure of a growing fetus - in late pregnancy;
  • emotional shocks and malfunctions of the nervous system;
  • physical activity: the heart rate increases with physical exertion and sports;
  • body position: in a position, lying on the back, the pulse quickens;
  • general weight gain during pregnancy: excess weight provokes many disorders in a woman's body;
  • improper lifestyle of the expectant mother: this is primarily smoking, drinking alcohol and unhealthy diet (in particular, an increase in heart rate is caused by drinks and foods containing caffeine);
  • taking and using certain medications (very often this applies to vasoconstrictors).

An increase in heart rate during pregnancy is called sinus tachycardia by doctors. In most cases, it is physiological in nature, that is, it is an absolute norm and does not require special treatment. However, situations are not excluded when a rapid pulse is the result of disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system, and then the deviation from the norm cannot be ignored.

A pregnancy pulse of 100 or 110 may be normal if the woman is no longer worried about anything. In the supine position, sometimes the pulse in the third trimester of pregnancy reaches 120 beats.

Indicators above 100-110 should be the reason for additional examination of the expectant mother.

Doctors believe that the physiological increase in this parameter in a pregnant woman does not bring any harm to her or to the child if this indicator does not exceed 140 beats per minute against the background of the general well-being of the expectant mother. However, high grades should be a reason to see a doctor. Medical advice is also needed if the rapid heart rate is accompanied by nausea, dizziness or headaches, darkening and rippling of the eyes, fainting, malaise and feeling very tired, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, and pain / tingling in the heart.

Slow heart rate during pregnancy

If the symptoms described above occur, the pulse of a pregnant woman may also slow down. Often this condition is accompanied by a simultaneous decrease in blood pressure.

A slowdown in the pulse is called bradycardia, which can also be considered normal during the period of gestation. However, it is still necessary to consult a doctor and describe your well-being: you may need some correction of the condition. With a decrease in indicators to 60 beats per minute and below, a consultation with a doctor is necessary! It can be associated with increased intracranial pressure, ulcers, gallstone disease, jaundice, renal or hepatic colic, uremia.

If a woman has a slow or rapid pulse during pregnancy, then the doctor will first of all prescribe vitamin preparations. If the heart rate is exceeded, you will need sedatives suitable for expectant mothers: based on valerian, motherwort.

If you feel tachycardia, then you should lie down and relax - very often rest and rest bring the state back to normal. But in order not to miss any deviations in health, you need to regularly visit a doctor, without missing scheduled examinations.

Especially for - Margarita SOLOVIEVA

In medicine, many types of pulse are distinguished, and there are also different characteristics of it (rhythmic / arrhythmic, with high / low amplitude, and so on). But most often, when they talk about the pulse, they mean the heart rate (HR). This value is capable of changing under the influence of a large variety of external and internal factors. In particular, the heart rate of children is always slightly higher than that of adults, because they still have a small heart. But for athletes, it is the other way around: a trained heart muscle is able to pump the same volume of blood, making fewer contractions.

The work of the cardiovascular system also has its own characteristics during the period of bearing a child. The pulse rate in pregnant women may differ from that adopted for adolescents and adults. But, firstly, not much, and secondly, the expectant mother should feel good at the same time. Otherwise, you will have to look for the cause of the violation.

What is the normal pulse rate during pregnancy?

As we have already said, heart rate is an unstable value and can change rapidly under the influence of various factors. For example, an increase in heart rate during pregnancy can be caused by:

  • physical exercise;
  • emotional upheaval;
  • improper lifestyle and nutrition;
  • deficiency of certain nutrients (in particular potassium, magnesium, iron);
  • drinking caffeine;
  • prolonged lying on your back;
  • hormonal changes.

In addition, you should be aware that an increase in heart rate can provoke the use of certain medications. Among these are nasal Ginipral, Brikanil, Partusisten, Naftizin spray and others, which are often prescribed to expectant mothers.

Each person has his own "normal" pulse, at which his body functions normally and he feels good. Doctors have determined the framework in which a physiologically normal heart rate can be: it is from 60 to 90 beats per minute. The higher it is, the greater the likelihood of developing pathological conditions. But during pregnancy, this rule has some exceptions.

Already from the first weeks after conception, serious changes begin to occur in the body of the expectant mother. Hormonal changes can, among other things, change the heart rate of a woman. Acceleration of heart contractions especially often occurs against the background of early toxicosis, when a pregnant woman is sick, she feels unwell and weak, sometimes even faints.

Such a temporary increase in heart rate is considered normal if, closer to the second trimester, the indicators return to normal. However, already on time 25-27 weeks they can start to rise again. Approximately by this period, the amount of blood circulating in the vessels already increases sufficiently, which leads to an acceleration of the heart rate: the heart has to work harder, because blood volumes are increasing all the time: by the end of the term, they may exceed the norm by 1.5 liters. The mother's heart pumps blood, which supplies oxygen and nutrients to the organs and tissues not only of her, but also of the child's body. That is, now he definitely has to work more intensively than usual - this also affects the heart rate.

In addition, the unstable emotional state of many expectant mothers also contributes to the acceleration of heart rate: if they get nervous, it is already difficult to breathe, it becomes stuffy, and dizzy. Please note that immediately after a meal (especially a large meal) or physical activity, the heart rate will be higher than usual at rest.

A high pulse rate during pregnancy can normally remain the same until at least 32 weeks: by the end of the period, the heart rate can return to its normal value.

Of course, if a pregnant woman lies on her back for a long time, carries heavy bags from the market, gains excess weight or drank a lot of coffee, then an increased heart rate in such situations will be quite natural. If the heart rate accelerates at rest, then it is necessary to look for the reason. Often it is neurological: if you get nervous, the pregnant woman's pulse immediately rises, the heart begins to pound, and it becomes more difficult to breathe. You should avoid such exciting moments and learn to react calmly to different life situations. A rapid heart rate during pregnancy by itself does not affect the fetal heart rate. But the emotional state of the mother, arising from the acceleration of the heart rate, may not have the best effect on the baby. So staying calm during this period is very important.

So, a slight increase in frequency can be considered a physiological norm, which does not harm the expectant mother and her baby in any way, except for cases when there is a sharp increase in heart rate. However, you should be aware that compared with the usual (non-pregnant) state, the pulse rate during pregnancy can only increase by 10-15 units, that is, normally it should not exceed 110-115 beats per minute. At the same time, the expectant mother should not experience severe discomfort and malaise.

Vibrations in the walls of the arteries that carry blood can often be seen very clearly from the outside, especially when the heart is beating rapidly. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that a high pulse during pregnancy is accompanied by some unpleasant sensations: shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, tachycardia, a feeling of lack of air, heat in the chest or head. But such conditions should be transient and not accompanied by other dangerous signs.

If, against the background of an increased heart rate, a woman loses consciousness, experiences severe dizziness, weakness, nausea, or it is difficult for her to breathe, then she must certainly tell the doctor about this. Low blood pressure and high pulse rates during pregnancy should also cause concern. Such symptoms can be signs of disorders of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine systems.

It should also be noted that not only a frequent pulse (or tachycardia), but also a rare pulse during pregnancy (or bradycardia) should be a reason to see a doctor. If the heart rate does not reach 60 beats per minute, then be sure to consult about this. A medical examination is also required in the case when arrhythmia develops in a pregnant woman, that is, the heartbeats are not rhythmic.

How to lower your high heart rate during pregnancy

If the doctor discovers any pathology or disorder in the health of the expectant mother, then he will certainly recommend her an effective safe therapy that will help reduce the high pulse rate during pregnancy by eliminating the cause. Otherwise, no medicines at your own discretion can be used. If a high pulse is caused by nervous tension, then after consulting a doctor and his approval, you can drink soothing teas or drugs approved for use by pregnant women (motherwort, valerian).

However, in most cases, it is possible to bring down an increased pulse during pregnancy and improve well-being by following simple recommendations:

  1. Drink water - in small sips.
  2. Lie down and relax.
  3. If the pulse has increased while lying on your back, gently, without sudden movements, turn onto your right side and sit down.
  4. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply.
  5. Be outdoors more often.
  6. Eat foods rich in magnesium and potassium, as well as iron and vitamins.
  7. Eliminate caffeinated drinks and foods from your diet.
  8. Do not overeat, eat fractionally.
  9. Watch for weight gain.
  10. Don't overwork, don't get enough sleep.

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

When a new life is born in a woman's womb, the pregnant woman's body tries to do everything possible to ensure the full development of the fetus. The body seems to completely change its rhythm and adapt to the needs of the unborn baby.

Therefore, when the pulse becomes rapid during pregnancy, you should not immediately panic. Because there are certain norms for increasing the heart rate during childbearing, which do not threaten the health of the mother and baby.

The rate of increase in heart rate during pregnancy

In a person in a normal state, the number of heart beats per minute ranges from sixty to eighty beats. Together with this work of the heart, the body provides itself with oxygen and other essential substances.

But during pregnancy, women have a higher heart rate, because the body has to work for two. After all, the baby needs a constant supply of oxygen, which he receives through the blood.

By the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, the child ends the process of laying the vital organs and systems. It is during this period that the baby most badly needs a large amount of oxygen and other nutrients.

When carrying a baby, the blood volume of a pregnant woman increases, as a result of which the heart has to work harder to drive all the blood. Accordingly, the pulse becomes more frequent. Typically, in pregnant women, the number of heart beats rises to one hundred beats per minute, and in some cases to 115 beats. Doctors call such an accelerated rate of heart contractions physiological.

Symptoms accompanying an increased heart rate during pregnancy

There are times when, during pregnancy, a large pulse is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Nausea and vomiting... If an elevated pulse is accompanied by these symptoms, then it is necessary to consult a doctor who will determine the cause of the poor health of the pregnant woman. Sometimes these symptoms can indicate heart disease that requires diagnosis and treatment.
  2. Pulse in the abdomen during pregnancy... This pulse most often occurs in the lower abdomen and can be weak or strong. One of the explanations for this phenomenon is the movement of blood through the aorta. Sometimes the cause of the ripple can be the baby's hiccups. Pulsing can appear at any time and pass by rhythmic movements. If there is no pain or other unpleasant and disturbing sensations with such a pulsation, then there is nothing to fear.
  3. Weakness and... Such symptoms can be accompanied by hypotension and loss of consciousness. You need to see a doctor to normalize the condition.
  4. Lack of air... Such a phenomenon can harm the baby, because a small amount of oxygen will enter his body, therefore, it is necessary to ensure constant ventilation of the premises and be more in the fresh air.

Reasons for an increase in heart rate during pregnancy

The causes of tachycardia while carrying a child can be:

How to lower your heart rate during pregnancy?

To reduce the pulse rate during pregnancy, you should not take any medications that can harm the baby. Sound sleep, good rest, breathing exercises can replace medicines. It is necessary to exclude nerves and tension.

If, with this mode, the pulse does not decrease, then you should consult a doctor who will advise the drug according to the condition and duration of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, it is very important to monitor various health indicators. This approach is necessary in order to be able to notice deviations in time. In this case, it will be possible to make the necessary adjustments at the right time. One of the most important indicators is the pulse of a pregnant woman. Next, let's talk in more detail about why it needs to be controlled and what is the rate of the indicator.

Heart rate features

In medicine, there are many types of pulse. Also, experts highlight its various characteristics. In most cases, when they talk about the pulse, they mean the heart rate. During the period of bearing a child, the cardiovascular system of a woman also has its own characteristics in work. The pulse rate in women in an interesting position can differ significantly from the pulse rate, which is acceptable for adults and adolescents. It must be said right away that the difference is insignificant. In addition, the expectant mother should feel good about it.

Heart rate

Experts say that the pulse is an unstable value. Therefore, it is capable of rapidly changing depending on the effects on the body of certain factors. For example, an increase in heart rate can provoke:

  • emotional shock;
  • physical exercise;
  • improper nutrition;
  • deficiency of various nutrients;
  • prolonged lying on your back;
  • hormonal changes.

For humans, the heart rate is 60 to 90 beats per minute. However, this rule has some exceptions during pregnancy. In the body of a woman, significant changes begin to occur in the first week after conception. Serious hormonal changes have a particular effect on a woman's pulse. Therefore, against the background of early toxicosis, an acceleration of heart contractions can occur. A temporary increase in heart rate in this state is normal. As a rule, by the second trimester of pregnancy, the indicator begins to level out. However, at 25-27 weeks, the pulse may start to increase again.

An unstable emotional state of a pregnant woman contributes to an increase in heart rate. There are often cases when the expectant mother gets nervous and it becomes much more difficult to breathe, dizzy. In addition, the increase in heart rate does not need to be surprised after eating and walking. During pregnancy, the rapid heart rate may remain normal for at least 32 weeks. By the end of the term, the heart rate may return to normal again. Of course, in the event that a pregnant woman gains excess weight, carries heavy bags, returns from the supermarket or drank, an increase in heart rate will be absolutely natural.

If the pulse accelerates when the woman is at rest, then a more serious reason must be looked for. It often has a neurological character. Therefore, it is important to avoid exciting moments and learn how to calmly respond to various life situations. A high heart rate in a mother does not in any way affect the work of the fetal heart. However, a woman's emotional state can negatively affect the child's health.

A slight increase in heart rate during pregnancy can be considered normal. She will not harm either mom or baby. An exception is a sharp increase in heart rate. If we compare the frequency of blows before and after conception, the second indicator should be higher by 10, maximum - 20 units. In other words, normally it should not exceed 110-120 beats per minute. It is important to consider your well-being. A woman should not feel unwell and discomfort.

How to downgrade

In the event that a pregnant woman has a high pulse, the doctor will conduct an examination. If any irregularities are found, he will recommend to his patient an effective and at the same time safe therapy. Thus, the pulse will be reduced, and the reason for its increase will be eliminated. Self-medication in this case is highly undesirable. Taking medications on the advice of friends or colleagues is also not recommended. The most correct solution is the doctor's room.

  • drink water in small sips;
  • lie down and relax;
  • inhale and exhale slowly, deeply;
  • go for walks more often;
  • eat foods that are rich in potassium and magnesium;
  • try not to overeat;
  • do not overwork;
  • sleep well.

The main effect on the pulse rate is the total volume of blood that circulates in the circulatory system of a pregnant woman. It is worth noting that the main changes in heart rate occur at the very beginning of pregnancy. This is especially true for the first manifestations of toxicosis or the first half of pregnancy.

Slow heart rate

As for the rare pulse, it is observed in a few women. A slow pulse can be in those healthy mothers who have a trained heart and went in for sports before pregnancy. However, this condition can also be caused by pathologies (kidney disease, liver disease, thyroid disease, disorders of the regulatory functions of the nervous system, heart pathologies). If a slow pulse is detected, it is also recommended to be carefully examined by your doctor.

Children whose mother had a low heart rate (below normal) during the period of their gestation, in most cases, are born with a lower body weight. Also, babies may have signs of hypoxia. If symptoms are not expressed, it is enough to normalize your lifestyle:

  • start eating right;
  • have sufficient activity;
  • take a certain time to rest;
  • drink green or black tea;
  • be in the fresh air more often.

In the event that a rare pulse is dangerous for a woman and a fetus, a cardiologist will treat the patient. He will also prescribe special drugs that are completely harmless to the body of the expectant mother. The pulse of pregnant women is measured at each examination by a doctor - a gynecologist or therapist. It is desirable that a woman in a position independently control this indicator every day.