Sexy conversation. How to write sexual messages communication for intimate themes that give

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How much means reading in your life? Are you often interesting articles about all your leisure leisure? Do you draw any new information, getting acquainted with the material on countless Internet pages? Fascinating Chivo: Articles about everything in the world reading of meaningful, worthy of attention of books, alas, it is not always time. A variety of material scattered on the Internet resources, of course, does not fill the shortage of classical or avant-garde creativity, but will significantly expand the horizons. A regular acquaintance with information that periodically appears in virtual printing, goes into a pleasant habit. In addition to the Internet, the source of information becomes printed editions. Many prefer to read articles in newspapers and magazines, receiving news from there. It does not matter where we take the data. The main thing is not to give your brain to levelerate, saturating it interesting and necessary for himself. Circle of readers' interests are multifaceted. Someone with Eustice reads cognitive articles, and only entertainment lines can take someone. About tastes, as they say, do not argue. But there are people, the sphere of knowledge of which is not limited to something defined. This is a category of active readers, constantly developing, inquisitive and tireless. They need to know everything. As a child, they broke toys and tried to repair them themselves, they were collected from the designer of the locomotive and painted the walls in the apartment, sewed the dresses of the doll and secretly disassembled the old TV from their parents. Such children with an equal interest listened to cognitive articles and fairy tales, watched transmission about space and historical films. Today they are the most grateful reader's audience. There is still a mass under categories of type "Garden and Garden", "Sports News", "Repair with your own hands", "Tourism, Travel", etc. Well written interesting articles about everyone always find their reader. The main thing is an attractive material supply, an affordable language. Of course, a worthy plot to read, to forget about everything in the world, wanting to walk to the end and learn something new. Baby to watch how the interests of the female and male audience differ. It is clear that interesting facts and articles about fashion trends, the latest news from world podiums are unlikely to attract a strong half of humanity. They will certainly be uninteresting embroidery techniques, beads, nuances of creating a home comfort. "Cook" both may include interesting articles about health and recipes: many culinary shows of modern television are carried out by men - chefs of expensive restaurants. And this is an exception previously serving nonsense today, rather, is a rule. Men now love to cook, willingly share recipes, participate in culinary programs and are happy to teach it this surrounding, proud of their achievements in the field of cooking.

Women's interests

Another thing is women. There are a lot of magazines and Internet portals offering interesting articles for women to any subject. Do not want to especially think, seek to relax and read without thinking about read? Then, for you, secular rumors, news of the show-world, reliable (and not very) facts from the life of people who diligently gathered by editors from around the world. How do you get to distract a serious fiction? At your service - interesting articles about health, telling about the prevention, symptoms and treatment of various diseases. Someone needs it to solve their own problems, someone opened a page for general development. Agree, we get a lot of useful information from such sources! What can the head be hurt? Why unscrews his leg? Why there appeared spots on the skin, etc. How to treat what to buy what needs to be done - the accuracy of the read should not rely on 100%, but as a basis of the information obtained you can take. Title magazines and their Internet analogues print interesting articles for girls. Such resources never suffer from their deficit. Perhaps here in priority fashion news and a secular chronicle, but this data is always "gripping".

Articles for men

What are men read? In addition to sports news (who played - who won - for what minute the ball scored / got knockout), they are interested in car articles and materials similar subjects. New models of auto, achievements and innovative developments in this area, modern tuning and much more, thanks to which the car enthusiast not only raises the general level, but also, it may be preparing for something important in life, for example, to acquire a new car. More serious Attract technology and new technologies. The knowledge gained is not necessarily applicable in practice, but it is quite interesting, the more modern science makes a march forward in its development daily. Technique, relevant six months ago, it will be already obsolete. Every day we are introduced with the news of high technology, forming us with respect to computers, phones, different new-fashioned gadgets. Group video cities, artificial intelligence, robotics and much more - optional to be botanged to read cognitive articles about this and many other things.

Articles for general audience

Buying a magazine to read the house, think about the neighbor! Let it be interesting articles about life - it is always interesting to both. After all, after reading, you can share opinions, and it combines, like any common cause. Any material read by you can be a reason for discussion. Why not ask the tone of the evening conversation? Especially if the news is a fireworks that can hit the imagination? Even a woman is able to interest car articles if they are not talking about the causes of the brake pad or knock of suspension, but about the latest models of the favorite car brand. And if this model is created specifically for women, then the article is obligatory to read! It will tell about any friends, and the thought of thinking to formulate, operating with accurate names and numbers, and not just "I like the one, small, red!" Fully might pass through both half of interesting scientific articles if they are talking about the facts of long-life, understandable discoveries, achievements. In this perspective, women will probably read the news of technology and new technologies, especially when the article will tell about intellectual models of the vacuum cleaner, kitchen combine, new phones or tablets. The wing of the horizon does not occur in itself. Our brain receives data from the outside, processes them and gives them to us in the form of thoughts that we transform into speech. So, interesting facts and articles can be useful for a person often staying in society. Having come to work in the morning, do you not share the impressions of the heard or read news? Automatically you become a distinguished colleague and an interesting interlocutor, your social rating increases at times. Taken interesting articles about life, analyzing someone else's experience, we try on the place of another person, thinking how we entered in his place. Thus, we warn potential errors that could be allowed in a similar situation. Constant reading. Motives and desires we try to read articles about what is able to give us emotions. No matter what - the main thing, get what makes us think, talk about it, analyze, reason. It is safe to talk about the basic functions of reading: with the meaning of the material, any of the articles will be carried out to them. In other words, each of them must comply with these requirements: interesting facts and articles should awaken the desire to talk about them, must be "precernly" decorated, pleasant to the eye, and they must contain maximum useful information for the chosen topic. There is another feature of reading, testifying in his favor. The habit of reading the articles teaches empathy, which is so lacking in the modern world. We are talking, of course, not about scientific topics. Reading interesting articles for women, we are experiencing with people, on behalf of which the story is conducted. Even a small experience gained as a result of the processing of such a material sometimes changes the attitude to life. Interestably, interesting scientific articles do not cause such feelings, but they are able to surprise, convince, cause delight. Practice, we form our own worldview. Sharing your impressions, are interested in others. Discussing read, we cause interest and respect for yourself. This is not just a pastime. This is a pleasure, thanks to which we are developing.

To attract the attention of the girl, to interest it, it is worth thinking about the topics for the conversation.

First of all, it is necessary to carefully examine her interests, hobbies, on the basis of this, you can make an approximate content with information.

Which will help you choose the right direction of communication with the girl. Themes can be philosophical, serious, intellectual, funny.

If you are planning to talk with a girl in contact, on the phone, then it is worth studying her interests.

It is important to remember what you know about her. It will be much easier if you are already familiar with it through common friends or you have proven a correspondence with her.

Important! If you are planning to talk to a girl, then the first thing is to carefully examine the page in the future interlocutor.

Browse all the important details - photos, groups, communities, downloaded video and audio files. All this will tell the hobbies of the interlocutor and will help to tie a conversation.

To quickly tie an interesting communication with a girl to pay attention to the advice:

  • If when studying the page, you will see something general - familiar, hobbies, hobbies, then you can start a conversation from this topic.
  • To attract attention to tell about an interesting event from the autobiography.
  • It is not necessary to immediately communicate with personal topics, it can beat off the girl's hunting from the girl.
  • If you do not want to disappoint the interlocutor and not to become uninteresting for her, then focus on the situation. It is better to read her page in contact again, review photos, groups.

List of questions on the phone and in correspondence in VK

If you are interested in the girl, then the first thing to choose the themes for conversation with it. You can first consult with friends, they will be able to help in this matter.

If you wish, you can communicate with a girlfriend or a friend of the girl, through her friends you can learn about the interests, hobbies and other nuances.

To communicate by phone or by correspondence in the VC, it is required to make a list of questions on different topics - intelligent, unusual, funny, romantic, serious, smart, vulgar, common.

If it is impossible to come up with, you can use the generator who will select a large number of to communicate.

So, consider a list of general issues to communicate with a girl:

  • What day have you spent?
  • What is your mood now?
  • What are you doing?
  • At lunchtime, do you visit the cafe or take lunch with you from home?
  • How did you get home from work, without incident?
  • We are cold now, and how are you doing with the weather?
  • You live in a beautiful city. What seats would you recommend visitors in the city of tourists?
  • Have you already given a vacation at work this year?
  • Do you jog in the morning?
  • How did you celebrate the holiday on March 8, the new year?
  • What gifts were given to you for your birthday?

List of questions about life and hobbies:

  • Do you like to ride long distances?
  • What directions in music do you prefer?
  • What do you like to read from modern literature?
  • Did you play computer games?
  • What movie would you look now?
  • You can swim?
  • What qualities in friends for you are the main?
  • Are you alone in the family or do you have brothers or sisters?
  • What games for you were the most loved in childhood?
  • Did you get my mom in childhood?
  • Do you like lunch at the weekend with your family?
  • Do you have a cat or a dog?
  • Can you nourish the shelf or paintings on the wall?

Funny and unusual questions:

  • What do you do with alarm clock when he raises you too early?
  • How would you paint the refrigerator color?
  • What weather is closer to you?
  • How do you fold clothes?
  • Have you walked to walk to the street in slippers?
  • Do you like to break thin ice on the puddles?
  • Do not think it would be nice if people could fly like birds?
  • What thoughts do you have when in the morning you appear in the mirror shaggy?
  • Have you ever had breakfast soup?
  • Would you be a tree?
  • Do you like the film with blades bubbles?
  • Have you ever sang stuck in the elevator?

Vulgar should be avoided, because they will discuss the desire for further conversation for a long time.

The issues generator will help to make a list of 20 or 100 suitable issues for communication. If you wish, you can create an essay that will allow you to think about the topics for the conversation in advance.

What to come up with philosophical topics

With a frequent correspondence with a girl in VC, you need to choose a topic to communicate in advance.

To interest it, you can come up with philosophical or general topics that will be able to attract the attention of the interlocutor.

Its useful to note! During the conversation in VK, the interlocutors do not see each other's faces, so the conversation may be easier.

But still it is important to come up with an interesting topic that will cause increased interest in humans and will deselect his desire for further communication.

Below in the table has a list of the best topics for guys and men, which are used to conversate with the weak floor representatives:

Topic short information
Questions about the girl You can talk about her appearance, interests, hobbies
Movie If you are planning to make an interest, then definitely ask questions about your favorite films, in the conversation process you can find out what kind of genres and actors like it.

Do not forget to learn how it belongs to movies in the cinema, at a convenient case, call the cinema

Travel Topics You can find out where the girl went to rest. What countries and cities she managed to visit, and that she more attracted it, what sights saw.

Do not forget about yourself, tell me where you were, what I saw and where I would like to go again

Friends Talk to her about her friends. Find out how resting with friends, what are their common interests. Tell about yourself about friends
Job Talk about work. Find out who works. If she loves work, the conversation can delay and go into a friendly bed. But tell me about yourself and your work

Suggest the topic to conversate a girl is not so difficult, the main thing is to choose the appropriate.

And how to find it can be found from the article, for this it is worth studying the interests and hobbies of the interlocutor in advance, it will help to tie a relaxed and interesting conversation.

Do not ask obscene and repulsive questions that can forever repeal the desire for the girl for further communication.

Useful video

This material is intended for those who are 18.

It would seem, a modern person to surprise or shame quite difficult. But there are topics in which many are difficult to be brave or frank - and these are intimate themes. The question of contraception, individual preferences in sex and disagreements rises extremely rarely, thereby causing a missing and quarrels of couples and in love with couples. But you can learn a few tricks that will give courage even the most shy.

How to convince man to use a condom

The eternal struggle of two titans - pleasure and security. Any man will say that he is against a condom, if it comes to a proven permanent partner. And this has its advantages. But what if the couple just met and did not open each other all the inconsideration? What if a young man and listen to you does not want and want to start a "no extra rubber"? Well, you need to place all the points above "and" to avoid anyone unnecessary course of antibiotics, stress and discomfort ..

Here are some ways to knock off popular arguments against condom use:

  • If the partner tells that the STD is not sick and trust you completely: the STDs may not file any symptoms for months, so trust-based observations and words is not the best precautionary measure.
  • A condom reduces sensitivity: nonsense. It has been proven that latex does not affect sensations during sex and does not reduce sensitivity. In addition, a young man always has several options: either a condom and a woman or no condom and hand. Choosing for him.
  • But the girl on the tablets, why also a condom: for some, a condom is indeed only protection against unplanned pregnancy. But most people use it to prevent infection of STDs. In addition, hormonal pills that help girls avoid pregnancy, do not protect partners from the STD. It is necessary to explain the guy how much time and effort goes to maintain the optimal hormonal background (in order to guarantee the absence of pregnancy), and how little time you need a guy in order to wear a condom and protect both from the disease.
  • The guy does not have a condom with me: Well, who is going on a date? No condom - no sex, so running to any 24-hour store or pharmacy. Is it too hard? Well, a few weeks of treatment will help arrange priorities.

  • A young man cannot finish due to latex: in this case, it is not necessary to choose a condom, but to the guy himself. Who is to blame that he tries so little? Sex requires mutual desire and desire to enjoy - and no one said that it would be easy. So let the young man decide that he needs: sex or complain to her helplessness. In the end, women somehow manage to depict pleasure, bring this joy to a partner and start - I will not believe that the guys are not given.
  • The guy is fruitless: if the pair is not configured to create a family, it is not bad. But this does not mean at all that with the possibility of having children left the ability to pick up and transfer the STD. Especially if the young man had many partners with whom this trick was held. Unprotected sex is not the battlefield from which you can go defeated - fight for your health and insist on safe sex.
  • Without a condom, we get closer: hardly. Scientists have proven that strong arms for 20 seconds bring together a pair (and even unfamiliar people) much stronger than sex. So we wear a condom - you still have time to look.
  • To consider someone patients - this is an insult: Well, no one is protected and is not endowed with superphysk immunity - everyone can pick up the STD. And the point is not only in whims of the girl is the matter and in taking care of a young man. Who knows, maybe a girl is not quite clean? The condom is protection for the guy himself. So you can regard condom as a sign of care, and not doubt about health.
  • The girl wants too much: in fact, a condom is a minimum that the girl can ask for a guy. If it does not suit him, and he does not want to hear about such things - it's time to collect suitcases. If a person is not serious about his own health, it is impossible to expect a serious attitude to others from him.

How to learn not to be shy to talk about your desires in sex

Serious topics require a serious approach to business. No one said that it would be easy to frankly - but this task can be simplified (and for both parties). Here are some tips:

  • Choose a suitable place. Yes, the atmosphere affects the perception of information and our reaction to it. This does not mean that you need to go to the sea or go to the restaurant to talk about sex - just pick up the most casual moment. In no case do not make an elephant fly: Sex, of course, the topic is serious, but not so much to start it with the phrase "I have to confess you in something" or "dear, we need to seriously talk." Try to smoothly move to the topic of sex and what does not suit you.
  • Do not fall asleep partner with your "I want" or "I don't like it." Start with pleasant words: tell us what you like in bed, from what you are crazy and what your man conquers you. Then offer - in no case require something to change something. Give a man to think, and do not put it before the fact. It is even better to find several advantages for him, so he will quickly take your direction. In the end, maybe something that you do not like, in the same way do not like it? Everything is possible.
  • Do not smear thoughts. Make a conversation as close as possible and at the same time concrete. Men like to see clear goals in front of them: Tell me exactly what you do not like and we will come opposite. So it will be easier for both sides - you will immediately become better, and the man does not have to think all the way to work, what was the conversation yet. In addition, do not make sex individual pleasure - ask that the man does not like during love. He is the same person, with the same needs and emotions (often much more stronger), like a woman. And he should not do anything to you.
  • Start practice. Yes, yes, after any theory, you need to move to practical classes - try making adjustments to sex in practice. We advise you to take this, when you start talking to your loved one - perhaps, it is possible to start a conversation standing near bed or a secluded town. Why tighten learning?

How to say "no" if you do not like the actions of a partner

The ability to refuse that it does not bring pleasure or even harm, it applies more to psychology. But here are some tips:

  • Learn to respect yourself as a person and as a woman. Honestly, it would be enough. Only respecting himself and appropriate, a person may refuse to do what he does not like and all the more, if it threatens the STD, psychological injuries or unplanned pregnancy.
  • Clearly explain to him that you do not like: sex is pleasure not only for men. If such an argument does not fit, it's time to diverge - every person is worthy of respect. Even if it is a relationship for one night. The guy wants dominance or extreme - let the night butterfly call.
  • Try to calmly say that it is not so - indignations or discontent will not help. Only this can be continued to make love without cooling passion - but already taking into account your interests. If a man respects you, he will take note of the word.
  • Avoid performances: Men are not fools, they read a woman as an open book, and they should not be launched another acting. Talk to him by human language and as frankly as possible - so he will understand you faster and the relationship will not shake.

It is impossible to start a conversation with a conversation about sex or hints at him. If you use a joke on the topic of sex as a seed, then the chances to try to continue to be reduced over something else will be reduced to a minimum. Get mutual understanding with a girl. Comprehensive its moral values \u200b\u200band echo return their girlfriend. When her language of its televitations becomes more friendly and open, go to conversations for a sexy topic.

Tell us about a case from the life of your friends and watch her reaction. In this question, you need sensitivity, not arrogance. You, as it were, try to go beyond the permitted and force the girl to overcome the taboo. It is for this reason that it is very effective to make cases of anyone else. You can, practically no risk of risking, talking to a girl about the genre "Nu" in fine art, without causing it to feel awkward due to the fact that she began to be excited from the hidden eroticism of the topics of the conversation. After all, you just discuss one of the directions in the visual arts.

Most women will be slightly shocked when you first tap in talking the theme of sex. For them, this is a natural "subconscious" reaction, and not a reflection of true feelings. If you do not feel the feelings of awkwardness, it means that the purpose is almost achieved (in other words, she gives you a hint of all his behavior), do not retreat. Continue without false modesty to develop the topic, and the positive reaction from her side will not wait long.

Of course, there are exceptions to the rules, but if you rightly appreciated the girl from the very beginning, then you probably distinguish whether it is really shocked by your indecent conversations or is in some indecision, if not to say that he is intrigued.

With the help of a conversation on sexual themes, it's easy to move from a conversation to rapprochement. Just once again touched in a conversation the topic of intimate relationships, and she will be forced to think about sex with you. If she demands this idea as a pleasant or entertaining, it will begin to giveit.

The conversation about sex can lead to an excellent topic for discussion: sexual fantasies and whims. The essence of the foregoing is to evaluate the girl, and, hopefully, the right understanding, as in fact, she appreciates in a man.

Some women - fortunately! - I want only furious and passionate sex. How much know, perhaps the young man of a girl is not able to satisfy her; or it is very vicious; Or her sexy hunger reached his peak and she wants at least once in his life to completely give himself to the power of unbridled passions. The motives do not play any role: the goal justifies the means.

Suppose you started a conversation for a sexy topic with a story about the case of your "buddy", and the girl's reaction was positive. Of course, you can immediately go to rapprochement, but for this you need feelings, and in this case it is better to throw it a fantasy. Incidentally, mention that your girlfriend likes to join intimate relationships just because she is free to engage in anything, without fear to be convicted by his young man.

Just over the reaction of the girl. Did she tend to your story or seem to have reacted to him positively? If the girl smiles at the same time or touches you, then you will prime casual about one well for you a familiar couple in love, where a woman cannot get all that she wants, because of the fear to ask the partner. With sincere sexual relationships, this cannot happen only because their essence lies in experiments with fantasies and subsequent expression by them through action.

[Talked "nothing", a man risks in 10-15 minutes of communication to turn out of an attractive stranger in an annoying bore. The ability to easily and naturally translate the conversation with a charming stranger from the secular bed into the world of sexual desires is the necessary quality of a successful seducer. On the practical pickup of trainings of the Academy of Dating Using Special Equipment You are in real conditions to learn how to direct the thoughts and desires for your new familiar in the direction you need.]

If the girl agrees with you, the reaction will not make himself wait. The time has come for active actions! Start interested in her hidden intimate desires, for example: sexual positions, group sex, loving threesome. The main thing is not to overdo it with your personal fantasies. Carefully listen to all its intimate lust and then let them down.

Find out what a man who is nearby thinks is not easy. Meanwhile, the quality of relationship depends on this. What is his fantasy, what does he see your meetings and you? Yes, a lot of interesting things can be hidden in his head. You need to be interested in the most intimate. So that you can sneak into the hidden corners of His consciousness, below we will tell you about the guy's frank questions, how to ask them and what.

Let's start with what to talk about on a date or when you meet in order to interest. The main thing is not to fall asleep with his questions, some it annoys.

Topics choose from ordinary to original, if the situation contributes to:

  1. Do you have a hobby?
  2. What sport do you do?
  3. Where would you like to move?
  4. Do you like ice cream?
  5. What are you afraid most?
  6. What can be laughing you?
  7. Do you like to climb a blanket and watch movies?
  8. If you could return to the past, would you change anything?
  9. What do you think, what advantages do you have?
  10. Whether you have the opportunity to fulfill 3 desires, what would you go?
  11. Do you believe in life after death?
  12. What would a million dollars spend?
  13. How do you spend your weekends?

Focus on the interlocutor, like him to talk or listen, wants to learn more about you or tell about yourself.

In this video, Diana Shulgin will task 8 unusual and provocative questions to guys:

Personal themes for conversation with a man

With your partner, you can talk about personal. It is important for both, only the situation and the mood pick up the appropriate and ask:

  1. Where do you like to have sex?
  2. Did it happen that you felt disappointment after proximity?
  3. In what places did you make love?
  4. What post is most like most?
  5. Have you ever tried with a prostitute?
  6. Watch erotica?
  7. What are your first thoughts in the head when you wake up?
  8. Do you like to sleep alone?
  9. Often swear by mat?
  10. Do you like breakfast at home or better go somewhere?
  11. What behavior are waiting for a woman?
  12. What types of sex allow between us?
  13. Are you still upset if your partner refuses several times in a row, you will leave it after that?

In order for sex to bring real pleasure and mutual understanding prevailed, do not hesitate to discuss personal topics..

How to talk with a guy about sex?

Are you sure you know your partner well? Ask him the following questions and realize what is not very:

  • What sex do you like more, morning or evening?
  • Would you like to shoot a porn movie?
  • Do you all arrange everything?
  • How much did your longest sex last?
  • How old was your youngest partner?
  • How often would you like to do it?
  • What girls do you get excited?
  • Can you tell about your most bold fantasies?
  • What pose feel "at the height"?
  • Think about the girl like you with you?
  • Do you prefer to do this in a condom or without?

Speak ever with a close man on such topics? If not, try - discover a lot of new things.

But it is not always easy to get frank answers, it is necessary to initially establish trust relationships that will allow without tension to discuss such frank moments.

What else are the parties of the partner's intimate life?

You can start frank conversations with yourself. If the guy does not go to rapprochement, shy and cautiously, tell him about myself.

You can start, for example, like this: "I like it and then, and you?" And then on the list:

  • Are there any phrases that you wanted to hear during sex?
  • I would like to make love in a public place?
  • What do you tell friends about us?
  • Is the breast size of the girl important for you?
  • Do you like to experiment?
  • What do you do, having learned about the pregnancy of partners?
  • Do you like a virgin or experienced ladies?
  • If the future wife refuses to breastfeed to keep the beauty, how do you do?
  • Are you suffering from sexual addiction? They say that all men are typical?
  • What do you need to make a woman so that you do not throw it?
  • I wanted to bring you coffee to bed or is ready to treat yourself in the morning?
  • Do you like to command or obey in life, in bed?
  • Would you like to try threesome?
  • What configures you for sex, what excites?
  • What do you think is normal to have a mistress and wife?
  • Do you like to toys in the shower?
  • If you meet a girl in the resort, it will be considered a treason wife, or just a way to relax?
  • What do you do if you know that your loved one changes you?

The list can be continued without end, but the conversation should not resemble the interrogation, it is a light conversation, possibly with a notch of light humor, in order to remove the tension.

Caverzny questions guy

If you want to check the intelligence of your friend, his honesty and nobility, ask a couple of questions. with the "highlight"that will make him think, find a worthy way:

  • How many partners did you have before the appearance of me?
  • Why was the bathroom for so long?
  • If you see a wedding ring from a woman, will you get acquainted with her?
  • Would you kill a person?
  • Who would you like to change lives?
  • What do you think now?
  • What question would never answer "yes"?
  • Do you like children?
  • Would you give money to the first oncoming?
  • Can help the old grandmother bring a heavy bag to the house?
  • Would you pay at the checkout for a girl who forgot the wallet's houses and is very worried?
  • Without which you can not imagine the perfect woman?
  • What do you first pay attention to when meeting?
  • If a partner spent with your friend, how did respond?
  • How do you feel about free relationships?
  • How do you live last day if you know that tomorrow you will die?
  • Would you like to become a woman for a day?
  • Who can prefer a full girl with big breasts or lose weight without it?
  • Ready to have sex right now?

It is interesting to look at the reaction of the guy. But, asking, comply with the rules of decency, too active and vulgar behavior will push him away, especially if this is a new acquaintance. Everything should be in moderation.

Specifying the frank questions of the guy do it naturally, without stupid giggling and extra pressure. Show what you wonder what he thinks about, and ask you exclusively for this purpose.

Video: How do guys respond to tricky questions?

In this video, Ilya and Anton will answer 10 of the frank issues from girls who many not decide to ask: