Harm piercing - what he is dangerous. The navel puncture heals for a long time, since the sweat formed under close clothes is an excellent medium for breeding bacteria. Due to the uncontrolled piercing of the top of the auricle, its deforms may occur

Piercing has long ceased to be something amid and exclusively youth. And it is unlikely that someone thinks that this simple procedure can seriously hit health and even be fatally dangerous.
If you think about a new hole on the body, you should know about the dangers and contraindications of piercing, then not to bite your elbows.

1. Infection during the procedure

- The main danger of piercing. You can pick up any disease that is transmitted through blood and the master at home, and in a professional tattoo - the cabin and in the elite beauty salon. Patients with hepatitis and HIV, sometimes, do not know about their diagnosis, or just hide him from the master. These serious viral diseases are also contraindicated to piercing.
It is worth only casually carrying out sterilization and infection becomes inevitable. No wonder in many countries, piercing owners cannot be donors. In Russia, you can hand over blood only a year after the procedure.

Common throughout the method of puncture with the pistol, pays an even greater danger of infection. Worldwide, professional pirsiers have already abandoned its use, due to non-sterility. We also, the absolute majority of salons and private masters continue to use guns.
In addition to diseases, during a puncture you can get elementary sepsis - infection of blood. With all the abundance of disinfection methods, it still occurred complication of piercing. Harmful microbes can get into the fresh rout from the tool, with the hands of the master or from the decoration. Female outcomes from sepsis are not rare.

2. About 20% of punctures end in serious complications

According to statistics. Most often it is strong inflammation and bleeding, swelling, suppuration and allergic reaction. We must take into account that after the puncture, careful care for the piercing area is needed. Several times a day it is necessary to process this place with a special disinfectant solution.
If you decide on piercing lips or language, then you better forget about smoking and alcohol to heal. In the future, the number of repurchased cigarettes and drunk, you will have to cut significantly, otherwise the puncture place will be constantly inflamed, appreciated and even bleed.
Also, a special diet is needed to full healing. After piercing navel and intimate zones, you can wear only cotton linen, otherwise you will create the soil for bacteria. In other words, Piercing involves changing your lifestyle, and it is necessary to be ready.

3. Piercing violates the vital processes in the body.

All of you have heard about acupuncture, as a way to cure diseases only affecting certain points. And imagine if instead of a point responsible for the vision or work of the heart, a hole appears. Health problems after that can not be avoided.

4. The constant impact of the foreign object leads to inflammation

and over time can cause tumor diseases. In addition, deciding to piercing, many do not know about their allergies to metals. Especially often causes allergic reactions of nickel, which is included in the composition of gold jewelry.
For your information: Real decorations for piercing are made from surgical steel, titanium and niobium. It is clear that their design is very lame. Golden rings and rods that you probably looked at yourself, it is possible to wear only after the final healing of the point of puncture. In some cases it takes up to six months.

5. Deceit of piercing

Also in the fact that you may have rolled keloid scars for life. Methods of getting rid of them Aesthetic medicine invented a lot, but they are all expensive, they require an individual approach and sometimes ineffective. Most people learn about their predisposition to the formation of keloid scars, already making a puncture.
Carefully inspect your skin. If it has scars from scratches and cuts, which have not been passing for many years, then you have a very serious contraindication to the piercer.

6. It is categorically prohibited piercing

If you suffer epilepsy, eczema, psoriasis, diabetes, blood diseases, stomach, kidneys, bronchial asthma, heart disease, systemic diseases or rheumatism, then piercing is categorically prohibited.
It can easily provoke serious bleeding, seizures, shock conditions and a sharp exacerbation of your disease. The same applies to people who ever suffered a cranial injury.

As you know, health does not tolerate a frivolous attitude towards themselves, so analyze all the dangers and contraindications of piercing before you dare.

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What is a tattoo? This is an artificial impaired integrity of the skin with the help of (cutting) tools and the subsequent introduction into the skin of coloring substances in order to obtain persistent, non-disappearing patterns or other images.

An excursion of the history of the tattoo has 60 thousand years old, it applied in ancient Egypt. The word tattoo (tattoo - source) comes from Taitian (TA - drawing, atoua deity). In the primitive society, the ancient people portrayed pictures on their body, which, for example, indicated to belong to a certain tribe, the genus, the social affiliation of its owner and allegedly emphasized their body with magical power, defended in battle, protected from pain

Other researchers believe that the word "tattoo" occurred from the "Tau" of the Polynesian "tattoo" and translating as "wound", "wounded."

Dr. Gellshtern in the work of the "Tattoo from criminals", speaking about the origin of the term "tattoo", claims that this navigator Cook brought him from the island of Haiti, where the locals applied tattoos for marking members of their tribe in the sign of sexual maturity, any special Merit to the tribe, from superstition, etc.

First information O. tattooing among EuropeansAccording to Professor Rickka, they refer to the beginning of the XVIII century, when tattooed people began at the fairs, who for money demonstrated their body.

Since then, the tattoo has spread very quickly, especially among the sailors. She penetrated into the criminal world.

The widespread tattoo received among criminals: the manifestation of morally defective people.

Knowing drawings, inscriptions, their traditional location on the body, a law enforcement officer can easily determine the inclination of previously convicted of certain types of criminal manifestations.

There were cases when crime was revealed by tattoos i.

Tattoo in the modern world -this is a fashion, a form of manifestations of cultural life, because they are not caused by the need, but a changeable pretty day.

The psychological basis of fashion is an instinctive, weakly dependent changes in the consciousness as one of the manifestations of herdness ... (Encyclopedic dictionary. T. XI.H. - SPb., -1896. - P. 579.)

Fashion - This is a lifestyle at a real historical moment. It concerns every person and all sides of his life - from the form of a heel to literature, from the flavor of the spirits before architecture.

But it is not necessary to forget that not all that is fashionable - useful for health. Some hobbies dictated by fashion can be harmful and even lifeful for life.

In society, widespread, especially among young people, has been applied to the body using the tattoo technique drawings made in different style: body art (color tattoo) and a simple tattoo.

If we talk about psychology in connection with the tattoo, here a certain interest is the psychology of the tattooer himself. I really expresses yourself in every work.

All nations for centuries have developed a certain symbolism, to get acquainted with which is not too superfluous

Risk to health

However, such methods of impact on the body are associated with a health risk: from a minor infection to a serious, threatening life of the disease. Therefore, those who are going to make a tattoo or piercing must be aware of all related danger.

Now tattoos are made using a special apparatus, the action of which resembles the work of the sewing machine. Depending on the size of the drawing, the procedure can take from an hour to several hours and accompanied by minor bleeding. Depending on the place of applying a tattoo, it may be more or less painful.

In addition, even if, when applying a tattoo under the skin, an infection was not included, the coloring substance (especially red) could cause an allergic reaction (redness, swelling or itching of the skin) and other complications of the dermatitis type.

Meanwhile, foreign physicians believe that the tattoo application may have serious consequences. There are cases when the tattoo masters infected their customers with tetanus, tuberculosis and even AIDS.

Also, according to state centers for the control and prevention of infectious diseases (USA), the taxation of a tattoo may lead to the development of a skin infection known as the name of the impetigo or dermatitis.

But sometimes after some time on the skin under the drawing or around it there is an eczema. This can even lead to hospitalization. The paraphenylene radiamine contained in the dye, which is allowed to be used in strictly limited quantities in the cosmetic industry. Especially risk owners of black tattoos.

Another unpleasant effect is the formation of scars.

Since in the United States of America has recently spread very much when tattoos are harmful to health, the authorities were forced to take the situation under their control.

Back in 1961, in many states, restrictions on tattoos were introduced, since this procedure was often infected with hepatitis. In the same states where such restrictions were not introduced, tattoos are not included in the category of medical and cosmetic services regulated by the state.

In 2003, the employees of the US Navy were banned from tattooing their heads and neck, and sailors already having a knocker were ordered to get rid of them.

Currently, there is also a ban on the import of temporary tattoos based on Henna imported from Asia and Africa. Henna in America is officially permitted only for hair color, using it in tattoos is illegal and subject to persecution by law.

By the way, the American Association of Blood Banks and the American Red Cross do not take blood from donors who have made a tattoo less than a year ago. During this period, negative consequences of a risky procedure are usually identified.

In Russia, unfortunately, there are no statistics on tattoos, and officials from medicine have not yet sharpe on this attention, but this does not make the procedure less harmful and dangerous. Moreover, tattoo salons are now found at every corner.

Before making a tattoo, think carefully!

You should not do this if you are prone to allergic reactions, or you have too sensitive skin. Even remember that the tattoo procedure is quite painful - you will also prick needles! - And then it is not easy to minimize a native drawing and in many cases wounds remain and scars.

Tattoo with the use of henna, which became especially popular recently, is extremely dangerous, and the henna itself, but paint, which is included.

The dye contains a very strong allergen, and many people can cause lifelong allergies to sunscreen, painful pills, as well as on the same dye and eye shadows containing the same dye. The impact on the immune system and the threat of infection with deadly infectious diseases of the paint particles fall into lymphatic vessels, and on them in lyvphathetic assemblies that become similar to muddly storm sewage and cease to perform their protective - immune function.

The reduction of relief tattoo will not bring, as the paint particles that have fallen into lymph nodes have time to make their black things, and the lymph nodes cease to fully respond to everything alien and pathogenic, and also cease to produce antibodies to various viruses and bacteria.

So is it worth the game of the candle? After all, in ten years, you can regret that by stupidity they made a shocking knack, and on the sorcement with the age of the skin she will look far away as aesthetically, as in his youth ... is it better to look for some other ways to decorate yourself?

Think about it! Fashion - changeable!

Tattoos removal methods

The most effective and sparing method of removing the tattoo is a laser skin grinding. In order to significantly reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe pattern, and sometimes it may be necessary to completely delete it up to 12 sessions during the year. It is easier to remove black drawings, the most difficult - red and yellow. On the site of the laser use will remain a scar. At best, it will be bodily color, but can be discolored or red.


Piercing (from English "to Pierce" - piercing)

And another very trendy direction is Piercing .

The piercing of the XX century began with now Puritan America. He was born in a homosexual environment.

Piercing on the face is a bright way of self-expression of adolescents and adults. Today, piercing in fashion, but not everyone imagine how damage it can cause health.

Many do not mind pierce their naughty or nose. Whether it is a ring, barbell or "tunnel" made of gold, platinum, titanium or just steel, piercing (from the English. "To Pierce" - piercing) in various places still remains a fashion trend. At the same time, such parts of the body, like ears or nose, is the usual thing, further in the list of the most popular places for piercing is a navel, lips, tongues, eyebrows and intimate places. Nevertheless, whatever taking care of the Earring in the navel, she trays a lot of dangers. Each fifth piercing ends with an allergies or infection. Sometimes the leaky piercing leads to inflammation and serious damage to the ear cartilage.

This is not all the dangers of piercing.

Danger of intimate piercing.

Piercing in the intimate area is especially dangerous. Not until the end of the healing piercing in this area can lead to infection through an open wound. In this way, diseases such as hepatitis B and C or HIV may be transmitted.

In some types of piercing, there may be a danger of incorrect tissue healing. This is often compared with holes in the cheese. Such an effect most often occurs in the area of \u200b\u200beyebrows and with intimate piercing.

Damage to nerve endings can be detected after many years after the puncture was made. Every tenth person who already has a piercing must be attended by a doctor to rinse a non-healing wound. In extreme cases, piercing is removed. But there are a lucky ones who all quickly heal.

Danger of puncture navel

If you are planning to give birth to a child in the near future, then do not hurry to pierce the navel. First, the wound in the navel heals for a very long time, requires constant care, washing. It is impossible to make infections in the wound, otherwise there is a risk of blood infection. Secondly, during pregnancy, many women arise a terrible problem: or a hole from the puncture is ugly stretched, or navel ... rushing. The wound is constantly bleeding, it fits and heals badly. It is not known how much elastic skin and this nightmare will not happen to you or not.

Oral piercing

Usually do in the language, lips, cheeks, sky, or immediately in several sites. Impact on all of the above zones may entail serious consequences.

Pain. People who have oral piercing, say that the pain is the first thing that appears after the procedure.

Edema. Poll language can cause strong swelling. According to the American Association of Dentists, sharply sweeping language in extreme cases can actually overlap breathing and call asphyxia.

Long bleeding. The area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth is very good bloodsink. The blood vessel, punctured during the procedure, can cause serious bleeding.

Damage salivary glands. Incorrect punctures in the oral cavity can damage salivary glands and cause their long-term inflammation.

Aspiration. Decorations can be unwound into the mouth to pieces, creating the risk of hitting them when inhaling in the respiratory tract.

Damage to teeth and jaws. Stones in jewelry can contact with teeth, causing crushing of dental enamel, damage to teeth and jaws.

Allergic reaction. Piercing decorations containing certain metals can cause an allergic reaction.

Damage to nerves. If the puncture was made through the nerve, it will cause loss of sensitivity in the puncture area for a long time, up to six months.

Infection. The presence of a wound from puncture in a certain bacterial environment in the mouth increases the risk of developing infectious inflammation.

If you still decided on oral piercing, doctors recommend carefully comply with all guiene recommendations and care for this peculiar innovation of your body. This will help prevent sharp or deferred complications. Dentist can, for example, to register you a special antibacterial rinse, which will help to contain both wound and decoration clean. "It doesn't matter where you made piercing, on the cheek, lips or language, all hygiene measures should be respected properly"

Piercing eyebrows.

In this area there are many vessels and a triple nerve. In case of damage to the vessel, hematoma appears, since the infection quickly applies to subcutaneous tissue. Even more unpleasant if the nerve is hung, then it can skew the face. Often the scar remains, which is also few people like. After all, the face is an open part of the body, and the scar will remain for life.

Doctors (except those who are fond of piercing) and have no idea how to shoot these damned pieces and what to do with them. Not that this problem arose every day, but when it happens that the victim, decorated with such jewelry, is brought to emergency care, adorned with such jewelry, the doctors are helplessly diluted with their hands: to remove the "jewelry" with a patient, especially if he is unconscious, not so simple. And you have to - if they cause bleeding, inflammation and allergic swelling or when injured in the field of piercing occurred. In addition, the piercing can not always make an x-ray. Some doctors have a batter hour goes to just remove all this beauty. Such help will not be called ...

Piercing is primarily a riot against the generally accepted morality.

Piercing and tattoo ─ the most fashionable ways to decorate the body and face today. Girls and guys, painting themselves from heels to head with multi-colored patterns and repeatedly piercing nose, ear sinks, navel, eyebrows, tongue and lips, consider such procedures with ordinary cosmetic manipulations. But in fact, they are surgical operations, since there is a violation of the integrity of the skin and subcutaneous fabrics, cartilage. And like any medical intervention, punctures can be threatened with unpredictable consequences if the amateur will be performed.

Risks and contraindications

Major serious troubles are, as a rule, with the desire to make a piercing or tattoo inexpensively. In order to save teenagers, they are often trying to pour themselves to independently and punish themselves all that in their environment is considered the most prestigious. At the same time use self-made heater and paints, conducting operations in unsanitary conditions.

Blood contamination, tetanus, hepatitis, tuberculosis and AIDS ─ Foreign travelers independently applied by the abnormal needles of tattoos and punctures. Quite often, young people also urge themselves with scars and non-healing ulcers that appeared as a result of the suppuration of the wounds due to the infection. Few know that for piercing and tattoo there are a number of serious medical contraindications:

Blood Diseases: Hemophilia, Diabetes, Hepatitis B and C;
bronchial asthma;
congenital defects of the heart, kidneys and other internal organs;
Allergies to coloring substances used to create tattoos, and metal decorations inserted into punctuations.

Harm from tattoos

Hazardous consequences of body tattooing are associated with the use of reusable tools for applying them, as well as low quality, unhealthy paints. So, perennial observations show that the risk of hepatitis C for people who have made a tattoo, is 9 times higher than that of the rest of the population. The worst, deadly diseases of our time are transmitted just through blood, which remains not only on the equipment of tattoo salons, but also in ink, not stored in sterile refrigerators.

Many troubles deliver the components of the coloring compositions used to create drawings on the body. And not only because they often cause a strong allergic reaction to the skin, the development of dermatitis. Multicolored dyes always include heavy metals: cadmium, chrome, lead, nickel, titanium. In blue inks, cobalt and aluminum are contained, in red ─ mercury sulphide. All these elements are extremely toxic and can cause skin cancer.

Dangerous consequences of piercing

For piercing, the master's experience, and the cleanliness of the instrument, and the correct selection of ornaments from hypoallergenic metals are important. There is always a danger of getting a needle into large blood vessels, active points and nerve endings. This professional knows this and will surely warn about the possible negative consequences of punctures on different bodies:

nipples ─ Pain outbreaks for 2-3 weeks, damage to dairy ducts;
eyebrows ─ strong bleeding, hematoma, paralysis of facial muscles when hiding nervous plexuses;
ear shell ─ hearing loss and deformation;
nose ─ soreness, complication of the process of respiration through narrow and small nostrils;
lips ─ strong swelling prevents reception of food, the decoration destroys the enamel of the teeth;
Basket ─ inflammation, long healing wound, tightening the skin;
Language ─ loss of taste sensations, bleeding, swelling with respiratory tract, violation of diction.

Many problems delivers intimate piercing. It will heal at least 2 months, during which blood periodically will be frozen from the wound, possibly suppuration. Whole this period will have not only thoroughly abide by genital hygiene, but also completely abandon sex.

Care for a "beauty"

Special concern and caution will be required immediately after the procedure for applying a tattoo or piercing. It will be necessary to regularly use the ointment healing wound, wash it with a disinfectant solution, carefully removing the released sections. With the suppuration and increasing body temperature, it is necessary to immediately contact the doctor to avoid complications. For the period of puncture healing, it is better to insert decorations from surgical steel into it, which are then replaced with gold, titanium or platinum. Nickel alloys, cobalt and silver can cause strong allergic reactions and irritations on the skin.

Observe certain rules will have after healing damage. Pictures on the body lose their brightness, leaving under the right rays of the sun. It is necessary to take care of them and from the effects of detergent, cosmetic or therapeutic agents containing alcohol and chlorine. Therefore, sunbathing on the beach, wash and swim in the pool with chlorinated water will be possible only after applying special protective agents to the tattoo. Especially unstable are white, yellow and pink colors. It will be possible to update the drawing from time to time where intensive skin friction occurs.

Piercing requires greater or less attention depending on the location of the puncture. The smallest concern is delivered to the healing wounds on the ears, and the nose punctures do not tolerate frequent cold. The mouth and intimate zone due to the presence of a significant number of microorganisms are subject to the development of infectious diseases. Extremely dangerously dangerously dangerous inflammation on nipples that can move to the axillary lymph nodes, generate the cancer of the mammary glands.

Deciding to make a tattoo or piercing, it is to really evaluate all possible risks of such procedures. After all, they can cause the loss of health and reputation, significantly complicate life. Especially since the age of gold rings and straticles in the nose, a navel, language, eyebrows and on the chest will look less and less aesthetic, as well as the clear outlines and color of the drawings on the elasticity of the body.

Piercing is a minimally invasive procedure for piercing soft fabrics and picking faces, different body zones, followed by setting in the hole of the ornaments of hypoalgren metals. When inflicting injuries and the introduction of foreign bodies, the body corresponds to the protective reaction, which can lead to unpleasant complications. There are consequences of piercing that can be prevented and treatment, but there are also those that cannot be corrected.

Proconol features: what can go wrong

The history of piercing in our country has a couple of dozen years old and not all fans of this method of body lifting are aware of its subtleties and pitfalls. Everywhere there are photos of young people with earrings in different parts of the body, but the most amazing and extreme trend in this area - tunnels in the ears, nose. If you want to become a person or emphasize your beauty as an original method, we suggest you to get acquainted with the features of different types of punctures.

  1. Nose. The earrings in this zone most often put on the nostril or to a fold under the partition, but there are methods for introducing decorations through cartilage. Nose piercing - painful procedure! Rehabilitation lasts up to 4 months, during which pain, swelling is observed and regularly hardening in the nose of droplets with sea salt and antiseptics.
  2. The replacement of the product causes difficulties - it is possible to remove and insert only in exhalation, otherwise small details will fall into the respiratory tract. During the runny nose, inflammation of the channel is possible. When rejecting, the scar remains and there is a risk of cartilage destruction.
  3. Navel. One most common species among young fashionists who are not shy showing their flat, tagged tummy. The process of forming the hole is carried out without anesthesia, and the client is experiencing severe pain. Inconvenience is pursued in the first 2-3 weeks. It is forbidden to download the press, play sports and any physical work.
  4. Due to the presence of adipose tissue in this part of the body, the percentage of inflammation and ignorance is high. During pregnancy, the channel may be damaged, start filling, the scar tissue does not withstand stresses and diverges, forming stretch marks.
  5. Eyebrow. The puncture and period of healing is a real test. During the introduction of the needle, bleeding sometimes opens and strong pain occurs. Frequent consequences after piercing - bruise under the eye, swelling. The skin heals 1-2 months, for this time it is forbidden to sleep on the side of the wound, touch your hands and change the earring. Vertical puncture heals long and with complications.
  6. Nipples. Most often, this bodymodification can be seen on the male body, for women this step turns around a number of serious health problems. Due to the hole can be blocked by the breast duct, inflammation starts during breastfeeding. The procedure passes painfully, for tightening the injury takes about six months, during which the pain is not passing, even during sleep.
  7. Lips. For the puncture, the central or side part is selected. It is important that the product on the conquering teeth does not damage the enamel. In the first 1-2 months, piercing becomes a real test. A person is experiencing problems with food intake and diction. The main disadvantage - leakage through the puncture of saliva. If the lip is punctured on the edges or in the middle, it is impossible to smile and talk until it is completely lit.
  8. Ears. The most familiar and banal view of the punctures. In the salons make holes in different places - cartilage, gogerel, urine. Rarely, who thinks that this is a serious procedure. But in the ear there are many biologically active points. Their damage threatens in violation in the work of internal organs, problems in the development of the child. The glass heals 1 month, and cartilage to six months.
  9. Language. Fashionable and unusual, but a few agree to the hole. The procedure goes quickly, but after it it is impossible to talk, there is. It is forbidden to eat a number of dishes and products. Because of the puncture, flavoring receptors are often disturbed.
  10. Intimate piercing. Only extremals are solved on the punishing genitalia. The desire to get aesthetic benefit and increase sexual pleasure, to end the erection violation, the breakdown of the bridle in men and the soreness of the clitoris. The process of forming holes is very problematic, healing often passes with complication and takes a period of up to several months.

All types of piercing have consequences. In half cases, piercing holders face negative reactions of the body, which confirm the photo, and there are additional treatment, and the rehabilitation period itself is stretched for a longer time than specified.

Taking a decision on the puncture, be prepared for problems.

What are the consequences of improper care or puncture

Why is the complication develop? The most common cause is a violation of sanitary standards, puncture and personal hygiene techniques during the procedure and after it. The second most important is the use of poor-quality jewelry provoking an allergic reaction. At best, the body will turn the metal and the scar will remain, in the worst there will be swelling of respiratory organs and, as a result, anaphylactic shock.

What hazards lie in the violation of the technique of piercing different parts of the body and the rules of care:


During meals, food remains remaining and if the mouth and inflammation will begin not to rinse the mouth. High risk of blood infection. Fringe Earrings about the teeth provokes caries and destruction.

Damage to the nasolabial triangle threatens:

  • inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • increased salivation;
  • bleeding;
  • allergic rash;
  • impairment of sensitivity;
  • stomatitis.

Often, the presence of bacterial diseases and herpes virus are diagnosed with herpes virus.


As a result of the improper introduction of the needle, the eye is possible to defeat the eye nerve, which can lead to loss of vision or its deterioration. During the reception of the soul, dressing the eyebrow piercing holders often cling to the earring and pull out. Other complications: the expansion of the pupil, the omission of the century, the limitation of the visibility field.

The effects of incorrect care:

  • century infection;
  • eyelash falling;
  • conjunctivitis.


In this zone, tender skin, which is bad and long heals. If the wound process is incorrectly, a dangerous abscess can develop, melting tissues. It is fraught with the formation of keloid scars and an increase in a benign tumor.

Local consequences:

  • pain and blood from the wound;
  • infectious inflammation, pus;
  • gap due to contact with clothing;
  • allergy to metal.


Piercing breasts for women is a serious step, since during breastfeeding, many are faced with the inability to feed, splashing the milk through the holes of the blockage of the ducts. It is dangerous for a young mother and child.


  • inflammatory reaction;
  • swelling and painfulness up to six months;
  • violation of functionality;
  • discussion of fabrics and rejection of decoration.


If the puncture is incorrect, it can destroy cartilage, a keloid scar is formed. In some cases, the surgeon is required and a cosmetologist for excision of scar tissue.

What to expect:

  • respiratory disease: rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • inflammation;
  • swelling;
  • pain for a few weeks.