How to make sure that the husband does not change. Sudden love for work. Real facts treason husband

Every married man at least once thought about treason. Experienced psychologists say that even the thought of the Adulter affects behavior ..

A rare man manage to hide his treason from his wife. I have a friend who pays a lot of attention to his wife, manifests care and does not even look towards other representatives of the beautiful floor - that is, it behaves like a good husband, and when it is not there (it often happens On business trips) - sleeps with other women.

He himself motivates his behavior with confidence in that everything in his family life is exactly as it should be. The male about his infidelity is not experiencing, so does not allow various annoying misses , and in the family there are no problems - the spouse does not even suspect that her beloved "goes left."

If a man is perfectly aware that infidelity is bad that it is necessary to avoid changing in family life, he begins to worry about his adulters. As a result hide your infidelity becomes problematic occupation , and man (scientifically proven that representatives strong Halves Humanity is not able to lie so virtuoso and plausively, as ladies) "gives out his head."

A smart wife will always notice treason. To do this, it will not necessarily have such irrefutable physical evidence as the smell of someone else's perfume, traces of lipstick on a shirt and daily delays at work.

Men give out eyes! True, it is worth noting that in some cases they "don't even hint" about his campaigns to the left. Then 10 signs of treason come to the revenue. After all, hide all the man will not succeed in any case!

1. Forgetfulness and fatigue

He is sudden began to forget your memorable dates : Dating Day, weddings. Even about your birthday, it remembers only after the corresponding reminder of the electronic diary. He stopped wearing a ring , Putting it somewhere on the far shelf of the cabinet or hiding in the pocket of the jacket. He is constantly complains for fatigue explaining this reluctance to have sex or together go to the movies (restaurant, theater, etc.).

In principle, his lack of sexual desire is the first sign of treason. Even if its reason is in it, and not in you. Also, one of the bright signs - sex turned into a banal I / O process: no preliminary caress and delicacy, record speed of sexual intercourse. In general, if the previously multiple orgasm was norm for you, and now the part has become a holiday.

2. Unusual behavior

Depending on the nature of the man and the reasons for which he goes left, his behavior becomes different from the one you are used to. A sharp change in behavior is also a bright sign of treason. It should be noted that the behavior changes as it were from the inside - externally, he tries to show that everything between you is as before.

There are two options here. If the wife is to blame (in any case, if the spouse thinks so), then the husband behaves extremely irritable. But if it is completely treated on his conscience and blame, in principle, there is no one, except for himself, then the spouse, the opposite becomes unusual for caring, gentle and loving. Consider both.

He is "soft and fluffy" ...

So, he became slightly removed, thoughtful, very attentive and kind. It does not pass and the day without gave you any pleasant bauble or flowers, arguing the unusual wastefulness by him by the fact that it just "wanted to make a pleasant." So a man is trying to pay off, compensate for his adherence with increased attention, and even a material nature.

... then evil and irritable

On the other hand, he can become sharp and rude. If earlier during sSOR. He was the first to come to reconciliation, trying to smooth in every way conflict, now even does not think about correctness and softness. This often suggests that you annoy it, do not suit sexual terms. That is, tritely dumps all the blame on you.

3. Difference

If earlier you had a common profile on a computer, one for two email box, now he created his own profile and mail , putting on both ingenious passwords. He argues that it comes to an important documentation with work, - He is afraid that you can accidentally remove it.

If before his phone was lying around, where he fell, and often he asked you to answer the call, now even in his soul he has conversations with business partners. He does not produce your mobile out of hand , it takes him even to the toilet, afraid to leave the phone without supervision, "alone" with you.

The reasons for such behavior do not explain or leads dubious arguments in their favor. On calls and sms messages with you try not to answer - For example, it turns out into the corridor or simply turns away, closing the screen of the phone with your hand from your curious or even indifferent looks. With each call, the alarmingly shudders.

He began to react inadequately to jokes, badly perceive jokes about the married infidelity. Any joking hint (for example, "dear, and what is your long female hair on my jacket, I have a short hair") leads him to confusion.

He looks frightened eyes and is quite stupid trying to get out of the unpleasant situation, "lean" her. He became thoughtful. Often just sits or lies, thinking about something, silent, no one hears anyone and nothing seemed in front of me.

10 signs that the man changes you

5. New things in bed

He applies new unexpected poses for you , and it makes it confident and skillfully. On your "who taught you?" He answers with annoyance that he saw a similar one in the movies.

Maybe the opposite - full loss of interest in bed. Husband no longer hugs you when wakes up in the morning, for example. He makes comments about the unshaven feet or "not like that" intimate hairstyle, which was previously not observed.

6. The smell of another woman

It smells of strange spirits from him. It works only if the "alien smell" was noticed repeatedly. This applies to this visit the shower immediately after work . He also did not even have time to say hello to you, but already went to wash, - isn't it strange? Previously similar in family practice was not noted.

Women's hair appears on his clothes, on the body - scratches and traces of lipstick. By the way, because of the scratches he goes to sleep in a t-shirt , in every way hiding your body from you. Allegedly due to the fact that he is cold.

What gives the traitor with his head?

10 signs that the man changes you

7. Changes in the car

He painted the car and began to wash her more often, buy new accessories for her. Front the seat of the car is moved away from being used to you , in the ashtray there are cigarette cigarettes (you do not smoke or smoke the cigarettes of another brand).

Him costs increased dramatically But it argues this frequent vehicle breakdowns. Because of these breakdowns, he allegedly fears home.

8. Changing image

If earlier he went to work in jeans and sweater, without adhering to business style, then now began to wear expensive costumes. He began to be interested in fashion On men's shoes, buying bright shirts, new clock and purse.

He began to follow my appearance . Signed in the gym, to the pool, sometimes runs in the morning, began to make a manicure and pedicure, changing the hairstyle. I nervously reacts to your comments that he likes you like it is, and nothing needs to be changed.

9. New habits

He changed the brand of cigarettes on more expensive, buys another shampoo, toilet water, after shaving gel, etc. New words appear in Lexicon, and more peculiar to women Sometimes copies the emphasis characteristic of his mistress. It became more relaxed in humans, often flirting.

10. Jealousy and calculation

Husband became jealous and picky. Constantly browsing your diary, pickily reads SMS . Looking for what to find fault, in order not to be guilty yourself. At the same time, if it allows you to do the same to you, then the list of messages and uniforms often turns out to be empty. In a phone book new numbers of men with names close to women appear (For example, Victor, Alexander), and new women's numbers do not appear.

In the evening, warns about what it will stay and will be later, but trying to agree on everything, for example, what will buy such products on the way home. He does this in order for you every minute did not disturb him with calls.

10 signs that the man changes you

Interestingly, what do famous women think about male change? What allows them to understand that a man is wrong?

I am still very young and not married, so I can not talk about married treason, but about the infidelity of your loved one. I am sure that you can do without new-fashioned modern methods - detectors of lies and special agencies that are sent to her husband of fake mistresses.

There are women, very sensitive to fragrances - they always remember how their favorite man smells. And if the aroma of foreign spirits is mixed to the natural smell - this is a faithful and bad sign.

And there is also no simple everyday wisdom: it's enough to look into the eyes. Always it is incredibly difficult to look into the eyes of those who deceive.

In addition, I know exactly what you should not strive to call a man to a frank conversation. The phrases of the type "We need to talk seriously" help him come up with excuses. The best attack is sudden.

We must leave a man alone, do not make it interrogas and create the appearance of complete trust. And then in the wrong this moment Ask him a provocative question. Cracked by surprise, he is confused and definitely issuing himself.

Liquor husbands today are rare specimens. You can always guess about treason if it happened.

If the relationship is satisfied with it - both in moral and in the material plan (about the family future with children, it is necessary to think) - and if she really wants to further build a relationship with this man, then she will pretend that nothing knows. Of course, what it can cost ...

Well, if the relationship has exhausted yourself and you want to finally put the point, then the cheating is a great reason to leave. In relations, it all depends on the woman.

The smart woman feels, everything notices, - and if she wants something, he always gets it. The main thing is to be wise and far-sighted. And do not live with alone impulses.

Yaroslav Kolomiets

Signs of treason husband Every year we notice and detect this irrefutable evidence of many women. This is often the ladies ashamed, and introduces into a stupor. Currently, it is no longer uncommon that even the strongest relationships between a strong sex representative and a woman give a crack. The reasons for this can be a lot, but the fact remains the fact and the number of betting every year it increases.

Psychologists claim to recognize the signs of treason of her husband in atypical behavior. Unfortunately, faithful husbands today are big rarity. Statistics says that three representatives of a strong floor of four change their wives. At the same time, three femines out of four believe that the spouses retain loyalty to them and only one of them suspects treason. Many women every year with horror find out that the spouse on the side of the intrigue and the faithful, as it always seemed to them, the husband wishes a divorce. Other ladies, to put it mildly, are unpleasant surprised when they are detected by sexually transmitted disease. Third representatives of the beautiful gender is embarrassed by the fact that the family budget was spent on the content of mistresses.

To begin with, it should be decided whether to expose her husband in treason. Often, women, so that, try to close their eyes to the infidelity of the beloved spouse, especially if the attitude of the husband to children and his wife has not changed in the negative side. Often there are cases when a man satisfied with his intimate life begins to manifest himself much better in relation to the family. Therefore, it is necessary to think about whether marriage is worth it because of the weakness of the spouse or, after all, you need to save it. Of course, it is much easier to advise anything, than to feel all the unpleasant experiences, but to disable the mind, even in such situations it is impossible in any way. You can destroy everything in one moment, but it is much more difficult to build a reservation. It is worth thinking about it, but to decide, of course, a woman, because many Femin believe that it is better to be vigilant in moderation than to be the last one who finds out about the treason of faithful.

Signs of treason husband in behavior

So, if a woman still decided to catch a loved one, then there are many signs that outstand their passion for a new woman.

If a woman suspects his man in something or simply exposed to the influence of the story shown on TV or unsuccessful girlfriend's relations, then psychologists advise to look closely towards the behavior of her husband and listen to their intuition, and also pay attention to direct facts that will indicate infidelity. husband. Of course, the above signs do not mean with 100% probability that the spouse is wrong, but it is worth thinking why he does it and what can be done to avoid an unpleasant "surprise" in relations.

Signs of treason of husband There are quite a lot and here only the main of them are listed. Any femin herself should feel if something in her relationship has changed with her husband and whether he changes her, because in this regard, women's intuition works very well.

In any case, you can run at the following items below, putting the minuses and advantages near them. If the advantages weighed significantly, then it is necessary to think seriously, but do not need to panic, because the signs of male treason are pretty easily confused with simple changes in men who can be associated with age, affairs or just work. After all, whoever spoke to, and people tend to change. Therefore, before you begin to find out the relationship or fall into, it is worth making sure that the reason for doubt is exactly.

So, how to determine the treason of husband on behavior - signs:

- If earlier the husband has spread things, and now it takes care neatly;

- ceased to share his events at work and mysteriously silent;

- Previously, the spouse arranged how the wife was preparing, and now he tells how to cook and at the same time asks to prepare new dishes;

- Usually, the husband behaves in different ways, and now it became affectionate and caring, as if to blame for something;

- If a man has become more commonly ordinary to take a shower, he had new hair care products and for the skin, for shaving, and another unknown from where men's cosmetics who took, then, most likely, all this he does not for his wife;

- If the spouse is nervous every time, when the phone calls and tries to get out when he wants to answer the call or call someone;

- If the spouse began to schedule SMS, although before that he never wrote to anyone;

- If the husband does not leave his phone for a minute, then men begin to behave, who have something to hide. In this case, it is worth looking at his phone and pay attention to who is completely inoperative time with the spouse by constant calls. Surely under the male name will be hidden by special female, but known only to the spouse. If a very woman does not wait to find out who names, then you can rewrite the number and call him back under the pretext, which was mistaken by the number;

- If the spouse has become unexpectedly a workaholic and constantly lingering at work late, then it can also sign about signs of treason of her husband and about taking time with his mistress;

- One of the signs of treason of husband are frequent business trips, of course, in fact, traveling can and exist, but often it is on business trips for men, a new relationship is given to the house, which is very convenient away from home;

- If my husband began to dress up to work, as a holiday, at the same time, the work for him was "Katoroga" before, and now it became a "holiday", then it is worth thinking about it;

- If the husband often began to pay attention to the "gatherings" at the computer and hastily closes the tabs when the wife approaches, this means that there is a man to hide;

- if an unknown woman or several such ladies appeared in friends, and he actively began to lead with them or with her correspondence;

- If traces from another femin remain on men's clothing - it can be hair, lipstick, smell of perfume, ladies cigarettes and so on;

- If a condom is found in the pockets, a reception, a check from a restaurant or a ticket from a hike into a cinema, it also testifies to the secret of a man that he thoroughly hides;

- if it is not possible to scale from the family budget to rest, a new purchase, it can also talk about the embezzlement on the mistress;

- If the spouse began to appear new, expensive souvenirs: the keystitch, dear notepad, ties, a stylish wallet;

- if sex in life has become a rarity, and her husband gave an attraction due to difficulties and fatigue at work;

- If the husband began to offer novels in bed, namely, other postures, then perhaps this is the influence of another woman;

- If a man confuses his wife's name with another female name;

- If friends and colleagues say they saw her husband with another femin, then these facts should also think about these facts.

So, having determined the treason of her husband on behavior, what to do next to a woman? Psychologists do not recommend hot and arrange a scandal, pursue a new passion and rushing with a divorce. Such actions will not keep her husband, but rather pushed. Maybe it will be better to live in ignorance and be a wonderful wife: gentle, sweet, good, good, beautiful and calm and then the husband thinks about what the wife can have someone, and therefore there is a possibility that he will lose his beloved and Change your behavior.

Unfortunately, treason of her husband is not uncommon for most married couples. Moreover, the novels on the side may have both a systematic nature and a completely random (for example, Ajulter happened in a position on a business trip, with friends). There is another presence of permanent mistresses they consider the same indispensable attribute of their lives as the presence of a car, for example (comparison of the hurt, but these are realities).

At the same time, no normal man (if it comes to suddenly flashed with this feeling) does not want to destroy the family and will try to hide the fact of deception in every way. Even when the wife begins to suspect something, it climbs out of leather to justify and not let it truth. But each spouse would like to know how to understand what my husband changed you. This will allow her the most, without waiting for confessions, bring to clean water with incorrect and take appropriate steps.

How to understand what you changed your husband: signs

Men also differ from each other, like women. And say that they all somehow behave the same when they want to hide their adventures, it would be wrong. But all women's media, as under the car, are replicated by the same signs of treason. Perhaps some kind of truth is in it: the human psyche is so arranged that at the time of the danger, all people tend to behave about the same. How to understand what a husband changed you? For general opinion, according to such signs:

  1. Increased cases of lack of home.
  2. Systematic and incomprehensible to the question: "With whom?" There is a clearly unsure and confused answer.
  3. Various pretexts under which he strives to escape from home. Especially the increased number of meetings, business trips and business dinners should be alert.
  4. Explicit "traces of a crime": the smell of spirits, traces of lipstick, nails, lips, incomprehensible SMS, etc. He can bring exclusive arguments, but it all says exactly about treason.
  5. How else to understand what a husband changed you? This is a change in mood. It doesn't matter which way, but it should alert.
  6. His look. Look at his eyes: if it doesn't look straight, your eyes run or he takes them to the side - then this is also one of the signs of deception.

Husband changed: how to behave with him

You know for sure that the spouse changed you. Any woman is experiencing severe emotions. But then the question arises about what to do with it, that is, how to live on. After all, as before, it seems to be impossible, but how is it different? The deceived wife is especially painful when she gets a double betrayal, - if the husband has changed with her friend. Some are so hard it is worried that even ready to reduce scores with life. But we must always remember that therefore, gather with the forces, do not lose human dignity and

bring yourself with your husband (and my friend too) honestly and openly. Declarant of his pain, experiences, fellowships. We tell what you now have that your world is destroyed. But try to do it without hysteria, but calm (as far as possible) tone. Believe me, the husband will be in confusion, because it expects predictable scandals, accompanied by reproaches, threats and curses. And your behavior "will choose from the saddle" and will act, as maybe, it will be a lesson for him, and this situation will forever remain in the past. And if not, why do you need such a person at all?

Sophisticated treason - a spread phenomenon. Many women after many years of living together begin to suspect their husband in infidelity. Sometimes suspicions have grounds. Women have a developed intuition, and therefore they can feel anything, even if the fact of infidelity is carefully hidden. How to find out up to 100% with an accuracy that the husband is deceiving? How to check your husband on treason?

How to determine deception and treason from the husband?

There are various signs for which you can determine if the spouse changes. Many inconspicuous little things point to a attentive look at many facts of our biography. It is possible to find the proof of treason, if you carefully look at the alleged class. At all, it is not necessary to catch a husband with political to make sure of his infidelity.

External physiological signs

First you need to carefully consider the spouse. When he once again returns home from work, take a look at his things, try to feel the smell emanating from him, make a conversation on the distracted topic during dinner. To understand that the spouse is incorrect, it is possible in physiological signs:

  • Sight. During the conversation, a person who feels his guilt involuntarily avoids a straight look. Of course, there is such a category of people who can lie in the eye. However, they will not even be able to constantly look directly to the deceived spouse. The modifier will try to quickly escape from conversations and distracting on someone or something else.
  • Smell. Recognize deception can be on the odorous smell of faithful. It will not be necessary for the fragrance of female spirits. Maybe a man suddenly began to smell a stranger soap? Or the hair is washed with shampoo, which is not in your bathroom?
  • Other people's hair on clothes. One hairs, accidentally hit the shirt, is not a reason to arrange a family disassembly. However, if the spouse systematically brings the same hair on their clothes - this is definitely not an accident.
  • Scratches on the body. Passionate lovers often leave marks at different parts of the body. Optionally, the entire back should be crushed in the beloved. Little note may appear on the buttocks, lower back, neck.
  • Traces of someone else's lipstick. Each man tries to wipe lipstick. However, he can not always notice small specks on the collar, and not every lipstick is just erased.

Change in behavior and relationship

After the aduilter, husbands change their behavior sharply. It is possible to determine the deception by the way the spouse is talking on the phone. A man will retire when conversation, delete incoming calls and SMS, put mobile on vibrations at no time. Products are looking for a reason to get out of the house. They will be happy to go to work and do not seek early go home, often go on business trips.

Previously, a silent man becomes talkative, and a loud man can suddenly climb into himself. The attitude to the spouse changes. The gifted husband suddenly begins to criticize the figure, appearance, culinary abilities of his wife (see also :). If a man feels his guilt, he, on the contrary, can become affectionate and causing.

The ratio of the spouse to personal correspondence in social networks can help catch a spouse on treason. Go unexpectedly when the husband sits at the computer. The modifier will try to quickly hide its messages and close the account. If the question is why he did this, the husband denies everything, is the first sign of his infidelity.

Sometimes the irritability of a man is explained by the problems at work, and secrecy - attempts to make you a surprise. Male psychology is arranged in such a way that a sudden desire to learn about his plans can knock him out of the gauge. However, changing behavior without visible causes should be alert.

What other changes in behavior can reveal a deceiver? Job with his friends. Some people do not know how to deceive. Whatever cunning they seem, but disagreements in the stories of friends can be found. Some will assure you in the devotion of the spouse, others will take eyes. Aware of the deception will behave not as usual.

Changes in appearance

What changes in the appearance of a husband may indicate infidelity? For a new passway, a man is ready to change the hairstyle, perfume, go to the gym, change the style of clothing. Previously, the spouse could go to work without having hairstyles, and now it costs the mirror longer than you? New things appeared in his wardrobe, he began to carefully pick a shirt to trousers, and socks to shoes? There is a reason to alert.

It is possible to catch a husband in deception by how he began to treat his figure. Often, adult men try to match the young mistress and begin to lose weight, care for their skin, making a manicure, strengthen the muscles. "How can I check a husband on treason on his appearance (more in the article :)?" - Frequently asked the question of deceived wives. Below are 10 ways to calculate the modifier:

  1. pay attention to the hairstyle;
  2. check out the availability of new linen;
  3. look for a subscription to the gym;
  4. consider the number of new shirts;
  5. look at his nails (perhaps he made a manicure);
  6. turn it with a bristle;
  7. pay attention to the intimate zone;
  8. compare the new image with the old;
  9. look for traces of gray hair colors;
  10. hide new socks and trace how quickly they will have a replacement.

Changes in day mode

You can recognize treason by changing the daily routine of the husband. After the appearance of another woman, men are constantly "delayed at work." If earlier the need to stay at the workplace longer put on the spouse's discontent, now he will be relaxed to this.

Some men try to go to bed later, but to get up before the wife. This is explained by the reluctance once again to communicate with his wife. The husband can stop coming home for lunch, as he documes in another place.

Someone before deception did not like to get up early, now it rises at 6 am for the morning jogging. Perhaps love for sport manifested itself after the New Passion began to appear in the nearest park in the morning. It is worth asking the spouse to take you with you. If he becomes inventing excuses - his morning jogging appeared not from love for sports.

Changing the financial situation of the family

How to catch a husband on treason in a change in the financial position of the family? Men often buy expensive gifts to their mistresses, so your wealth will change. Perhaps a man changes if:

Changes in intimate life

Sex with the treater acquires a different character. Sometimes after Ajulter, husbands are trying to avoid sex with his wife. Relationships in bed will be very rare, because the spouse will constantly "get tired at work." The husband will not show the initiative. His sudden fatigue is explained by the fact that he gave all his passion another woman.

However, sometimes a man is trying to recreate the sensations that experienced with his mistress. The spouse will notice that the husband is constantly experimenting in bed. It offers new postures, manifests too turbulent reaction. This is due to the fact that the husband is trying to recreate the sensations received on the side. If he does not experience them, you can see obvious disappointment.

Psychological treason test

It is possible to remove the change in clean water using a psychological test. If you have already noticed the strangeness in the behavior of the husband, the answer to questions will not be difficult. The test "Does your husband change" is presented below.

Be prepared for the fact that the spouse may not be tested by a simple test. Evaluate the result of healthy, consider all the circumstances. The test is just an attempt to look at the situation from the side, he can make thinking. Conclusions are yours.

How to treat treason?

There is no universal council for each woman. The attitude towards infidelity depends on many factors: education, desire to preserve the family, the causes of the novel on the side, the presence of children. Sometimes the woman herself pushes her husband on deception. Permanent scandals, discontent appearance, reproaches can provoke a man to search for new, comfortable conditions for existence.

Before taking a cardinal solution, it is necessary to understand what you want for yourself. Save family? Part with a moder? Sometimes the willingness to change and go to each other allows you to save and strengthen family bonds. If you can not forgive treason, output the modifier for clean water and go away. Do not arrange scandals. Make the view that it is indifferent to you.

If you want to save the family, try to ignore the threshold of your husband. Find out what it is dissatisfied. Try to make it wants to go home every day every day. Maybe after the birth of children, did you stop watching out the appearance? Make a manicure, give children to kindergarten and make a job. Buy a new dress and make a hairstyle. Let him grow up in treason now.

Sometimes to expose her husband persistently offer girlfriends. They argue that all men, and yours, in particular, are prone to treason. They offer many ways to catch her husband in treason. However, in their behavior, you can see signs of envy. Maybe deceives not spouse, and girlfriends?