The name of folklore circles in kindergarten. Throw bangs. Go. Necessary terms of implementation of the program

Music project in the senior group Dow

Valitova Larisa Vladimirovna
Description: The project is intended for the development of children 5 - 6 years under the guidance of the musical leader or teacher of additional education.
Project: "Folklore circle as a means of increasing the interest of preschoolers to Russian folk creativity."
The relevance of the project.
The earlier the person comes into contact with the music in his life, the more bright and rich sees the world around him when he matures. After all, music has a special force: it is not only able to decorate life, but also develops the dormant of the soul, teaches feeling the thinnest nuances. Such lessons a person remembers for life.
The actual task and at the same time a serious problem of modern musical pedagogy is to convert the process of formal studies into the process of cognition of creativity and communication. Good, interesting, creative work today is not only daily work and calendar holidays, but also interesting meetings, creative associations, master classes, and, of course, concert activity.
So there was an idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a children's creative team. But in what direction to work? What do you need a modern child? There are many answers, directions as well. It is a vocal ensemble, a dance team ... But there is also a game on musical instruments, as a type of performance, which is extremely attracted by the preschooler. Next again goes a dilemma - what tools, what orchestra? Again, the choice for the leader .. The answer was found quickly, since in the near past, when communicating with the educator, she was made by the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an ensemble of lodkuries.
Spoons were and remain one of the most distinctive and popular drum tools from the Russian people. Back in the XVIII century. Instrumental ensembles and soldier choirs used in their work spoons. They played funny and comic songs. By this time, there is an image of spoons on the cheating pictures with scenes from folk life. The crumbs used spoons for rhythmic dance accompaniment and complemented their sound with buboins. Tied to their handles. Currently, this musical instrument is a mandatory attribute of folklore and instrumental ensembles.
Next, the following task arises ... I want not only boys in the ensemble, and that spoons are a "male" lesson. Then the following decision moves: the boys will accompaniate, and girls are singing.
Children's orchestra or folklore group is an effective means of developing musical perception and hearing in children, their presence expands the scope of musical activity of the preschooler and increases interest in music. Since the preschooler is not familiar with a notice literacy, he learns to play a rumor, which ensures high efficiency of the development of special musical abilities.
The full performance of the musical work is possible when the child:
- perceives and understands the nature of the music, which is possible in the presence of general performing skills (emotional responsiveness to music);
- Searches for adequate means of expression, which requires special performing skills.
In this case, we can talk about the expressiveness of music execution - live, bright reflection of the mood, experience, the nature of the musical image.
If a child understands the musical image at the level of the emotional experience of the nature of this image, the integrity of the expressiveness of the execution and technology of execution is possible.
In the process of working on a musical product in children, the abilities of creative ensemble musitization are developing, children learn to interact with each other, receiving joy from this and pleasure, the ability to listen to the partner.

Problem: Reduced interest in folk folklore, to actively performer.
Project participants: Music director and pupils of the older group
Project type: Long-term, creative.
Implementation period: 1 academic year.
Goal:increasing interest in Russian folk art through the development of special performers of pupils;
Expressive execution of musical works in front of the audience.
1. To acquaint with the song creativity of the Russian people, form a steady interest in the folk song.
2. Create conditions for the development of creative initiative in the performance of songs and orchestral parties, the ability to interact in the team.
3. Improve the pedagogical skill of the head of the mug.
4. Create motivation in children to continue musical creativity.
Expected Result:
1. Creating a folklore mug "Lee Garden ....".
2. Development of the abilities of positive cooperation and creation in collective musical activity.
3. Popularization of Russian folk creativity, in particular, the song folklore and the game on spoons.
Stages of project implementation.
First - preparatory (September).
The second is the main - project implementation (October - April).
Third - Final (May).

First step:
- thematic planning;
- a set of children in a circle (10 people - 5 boys and 5 girls);
- diagnosis of children (a lade feeling, sound - high-rise rumor and a sense of rhythm);
- Acquaintance with musical instruments (spoons) and receptions of the game on them ("pendulum", "horse", traditional "adult", etc ..);
- Development of rooms (batch of spoons for boys, dance and rhythmic movements for girls).
Thematic planning.
September (end of the month) - Russian folk song "And I am in the meadow."
October - Rus. nar. The song "How I will go on a quick river."
November - r. n. p. "Like ours at the gate."
December - r. n. Melody "Kalinka".
January - r. n. p. "On a green meadow".
February - "There is always a case," music. An. Alexandrov, sl. M. Ivensen
March - r. n. P. "Justice - Chernozem".
April - r. n. n. "I'm sitting on Pebushka."
May - r. n. P. "On the grief - then Kalina."

Approximate work of work on the musical work.
1. Conversation about learning song.
2. Heading the vocal party.
3. Heading a batch of spoons.
4. Healing dance and rhythmic movements.
5. General performance (rehearsal).
6. Speeches on holidays, etc ..

Second phase.
Circle classes are held 1 time per week, the duration of the lesson - 25 - 30 minutes ..

All songs are performed under Accordion accompaniment, i.e. It is necessary that the music leader (if he is a pianist) owner the skills of the game on a folk instrument for the most accurate interpretation of folk music.
When learning parties, the teacher uses the techniques of display and explanation. Each child is invited to repeat the party, with each child there is a small individual work to correct errors. By whom the party gets better, it is proposed to get up to everyone so that children can coordinate their actions with his actions.
At the same time, the experience of positive imitation samples accumulates, promoting the development of positive relationships, develops the ability of independent actions in jointly musication, develops the ability to musitization.
With each subsequent repeat in the rehearsal, the teacher draws attention to each child, recommendations are given to each in the process of muscy. And also, each rehearsal is a preparation for a performance, this upbringing of the artist's culture is posture, it looks, this is a smile. The teacher emphasizes, draws the attention of each child to how it looks, corrects and complements.

Currents from the month of October to the month of May are built in this way:
1. Repetition of the previous musical repertoire (as they show on holidays, etc.)
2. Work on the current musical work:
- repetition of "difficult" places in the parties;
- individual work on phrases;
- subgroup work on phrases;
- Group work on phrases;
- In the process of working on the work options for tasks (movement, receptions of the game, rhythm), it may be changed - complicated or simplified - this is due to how children cope with the tasks assigned to them;
- learning or repetition words of the song;
- exercises for tension removal (if necessary);
3. Acquaintance with a new product (not at every lesson):
- a story about the content of the song, the execution of the song by a teacher, an explanation of incomprehensible words, since some Russian words came out of everyday use;
- showing parties of spoons and dance movements, if children wish, then you can repeat with them.
At the second stage, the teacher plans a number of performances, because Children, coping with their goals and tasks, are ready and want to perform.

The events of the second stage, on which the circle "in the Garden of Lee ...":
1. Joint celebration of the Day of Our Miass. Performed: p. n. p. "And I am in the meadow" and r. n. P. "How I will go on a quick river."
2. Holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.
Performed R.N.P. "Like ours at the gate."
3. International Women's Day.
Performed: p. n. Melody "Kalinka" and r. n. p. "On a green meadow".
4. Entertainment for children of kindergarten "We play and sing."
Performed: "There will always be a case" MUZ. An. Alexandrov, sl. M. Ivensen and r. n. P.
"Land in the Black Soil."
5. Holiday for Victory Day.

Third stage.
Project results.
The final event is the performance of a mug "in the garden .." at the final parent meeting at the end of May. Children performed not only two new songs -
R. n. n. "I'm sitting on pebbles" and R.N.P. "On the grief - then Kalina," but also repeated the previous five songs, since not all the parents could have heard them earlier.
As a result of the project, a cohesive creative team was born at a good professional level (for children of this age). It was noted by both educators and parents, and the head of the kindergarten present at the meeting.
The success of the operation of the circle is determined by the presence of a favorable cultural and educational environment, an atmosphere of mutual understanding and friendship, where each event becomes for all, children and adults, an event with a joint emotionally significant, vibrant vital phenomenon living in the team of like-minded people.
The tasks set at the beginning of the project are completed, the goal is achieved. But most importantly, this is what the teacher feels when his children who were often inattentive, scattered, inhibited, or, on the contrary, hyperactive, became real artists who actively perceive information and showing interest in everything new. After all, preschool age is a fertile soil in which the grain of success should be thrown.

1. Night edition of the "Rural Horovod".
2. Gogoberidze A.G., Derkunskaya V. A. Education area "Music". Methodological set of the program "Childhood" // St. Petersburg, childhood - press, 2012.
3. Kindergarten: weekdays and holidays. Methodological manual for pre-school educational institutions // Link - Press, Moscow, 2006.
4. Melik - Pashaev A. A. Pedagogic of art and creative abilities. M., 1981.


1. Russian folk song "And I am in the meadow."
Description of movements.
Girls stand in the first line, boys - in the second (hands with spoons on the belt).
All children sing a song, girls perform musical - rhythmic movements:
1 Coupling - Turns of the body;
2 verse - springs;
3 Coupling - putting the legs on the heel.
At the end of the third purchase, the girls diverge on two sides and stop the face to each other. Thus, boys are in the center. Further, 4 bills are played without words, during which boys play on spoons:
1 Coupling - quarters up - down;
2 cubs - quarters to the right - left;
3 Coupling - a "horse" admission;
4 Coupling - reception "Pendulum".

2. The Russian folk song "How I will go on a quick river."
Description of movements.
Girls stand in the center and sing a song, boys stand on the sides in two lines face to each other (hands with spoons on the belt) and perform dance movements:
1 Coupling - putting the legs on the heel - go towards each other in the lines and change in places - further again putting the legs on the heel and return to their places.
2 Coupling - similar to the first couplet, but first the springs are performed.
3 Coupling - reception "Horses" (game on spoons). When repeating the last phrase, all (and girls, and boys) raise straight hands up and circling on the spot.

3. Russian folk song "Like ours at the gate."
Description of movements.
Children stand in the same line at the central wall, alternating the girl - a boy, and holding hands.
1 verse - everyone sings and move forward "topotting" and back;
2 Coupling - "Topotki" back and forth are performed by girls, boys in place - "Springs", hands with spoons on a belt;
3 Coupling - "Topotki" forward - backward boys, girls - "Springs" on the spot, hands hold the dress.
4 Coupling - Girls continue to perform the "spring", the boys knock with spoons at the top - at the bottom of the quarters. At this time, the pair of soloists (girl and boy) slowly passes forward and stops, connecting the hands of the "boat".
5 Coupling - Girls and boys sing and continue to perform the movements of the fourth couplet, the soloists are circling.
6 verse - "ant" is five back, "Dragonfly" mans him with his hand, the rest perform previous movements.

4. Russian folk melody "Kalinka".
Description of movements.
Boys are sitting on the chairs, holding a spoon in front of them. Girls behind the boys stand in the dance.
1 Coupling (slow part) - girls go in a circle first one way, then to another (on the second sentence). The boys are in turn knocking with spoons of two quarters on the first sentence, then also take turns of three eighth to the second sentence.
Chorus - Girls are squatting into one line behind the boys, futs back cheeks and swing their heads. The boys knock with spoons as follows: Once in front of themselves, the second time is bred to the sides so as to knock on the spoons of the neighbors to the right and left.
2 Coupling (the slow part) - the junction playing in the "streams", the boys play on the spoons by the traditional "adult" way by holding a spoon in one hand, skipping the index finger between them, and hitting the palm of the other hand.
Chorus - Girls diverge on two sides and clap your hands, boys play chorus, as for the first time.

5. Russian folk song "On a green meadow".
Description of movements.
All children stand in the same line and sing a song. On the words "their - will, the girls are made of cotton in their hands on the game on copper plates - once with the movement up, the other - with the movement down. Boys perform the same on spoons.

6. "There is always a case" MUZ. An. Alexandrov, cl. M. Ivensen
Description of movements.
All children stand in the same line and sing a song. Starting with the entry, boys play along with the accordion rhythmic drawing of two quarters, two eighth and quarters. This drawing is repeated for each loss.

7. Russian People's Song "Landside - Chernozem"
Description of movements.
All children stand in the same line and sing a song.
1 Coupling - Girls perform the exhibition of legs on the heel, the boys play on the spoons of the "pendulum" reception.
Chorus - all obstacles (3) to the right and left and steep around themselves.
2 Coupling - Girls perform the same movement, the boys play a hunchback.
Chorus is the same.

8. Russian folk song "I'm sitting on Pebushka."
Description of movements.
Children stand in the same line and sing a song.
The two first lines of each bunch of boys play spoons up - down quarters.
Girls put the leg on the heel.
The last two lines of each ticket boys play quarters to the right - left ..
Girls perform the "springs".

9. Russian folk song "On Mount - then Kalina."
Description of movements.
Boys stand in the center in one line, girls on both sides of the boys.
On the first line of each couplet, the boys perform a turn to the left, exposing the left foot on the heel and hitting with spoons, like cotton "plates" twice, then the same thing is performed to the right, three tribes are performed on the words "Kalina" and "Raspberry" ).
Girls at this time go towards each other, and together with the boys there are three tribe.
On the second line of the check, the boys perform the same movements, and the girls diverge into place.
Chorus - the boys perform one jury, then get up with a turn to the left and foot on the heel, performing one blow in spoons and the words "Kalina" and "Raspberry" again three tribes (hands on the belt), on the second row of the motion, repeated with turning to the right .
Girls perform stealing in one direction, then triatops with boys, and stealing in the other side and tribe.

Galina Grigorieva
Perspective work plan for folklore mug "Lark"

Perspective work plan

folklore Circle

« Zhavoron»

for senior children school age

head: Grigoriev G. A.

goal: Acquisition of children to the origins of Russian folk culture, upbringing love for folk folklore, traditions and history of the Motherland; Acquaintance with different types of folk art.

Time spending: The second half of the day, once a week for 25 minutes

Month the topic of classes and goal

September 1. "Milicia asking, guests are expensive!"

goal: To introduce children with the hostess "Russian hut", With its inhabitant, Domotnik Kuzey. Cause interest and desire to come to "Russian hut" to classes. Correctly transmit a rhythmic pattern when learning a song "Our hostess"

2. "What is born in the summer - in winter it is useful"

goal: Fasten the knowledge of children about summer months, the phenomena of nature, remember the summer ritual holidays (Trinity, Semit). Use oral folklore: Proverbs, sayings. When repetition of summer chains, pay attention to the correct pronunciation of text.

3. "Musicians Assistants"

goal: To introduce children with household items in Russian bey: Rocker, buckets, trough, washing board. Explain the meaning of these things, show how to use them. Heading a folk song "Gone mlad for water". Fastening the Power Step when playing a song.

4. "Freckles - Autumn - Sheaf Last Site"

goal: Expand the knowledge of children about autumn calendar holidays. Replenish vocabulary "September-list Falls". Fastening the dance step when learning a dance "Autumn - Guest Dear"

October 1. "Bread - everything head"

goal: Acquaintance with the old methods of cleaning bread, with workers of labor (chase, sickle, millstone). Use as much as possible folklore(Proverbs, sayings). Educate respect for the work of Hlebboroba. Heading Slashki "Wheat, Being". Correct words and folklore turns: "Zhemnahka", "Merka".

2. "Great Pokrov"

goal: To acquaint children with folk calendar.: Holiday cover. To show how much the people's calendar had in the life of a peasant. Singing choir "On the grief of Kalina". Perform movements in accordance with the lyrics.

3. "It is standing from a brick, then cold, then hot".

goal: Acquaintance of children with a Russian oven and all relevant homemade utensils (cast-iron, grab, a kocher). Teach children to correctly use these objects, talk about what dishes were prepared in a Russian oven, which dishes were used. Teach children correctly perform a dance step in dance "On the grief of Kalina".

4. "Russian folk toy"

goal: To introduce children with the history of Clay Dymkovsky toys. Talk about a wooden toy - Matreshka. Develop a creative fantasy in coming up with a sarafan pattern for nesting. In the performance of the city "On the grief of Kalina" Pay attention to the correct pronunciation of text.

November 1. "To the thin head of your mind you will not stick"

goal: To introduce children with folk folklore about labor, Lene, mind, stupidity. Show how simple Russian people appreciated the value of knowledge. Learning to sing children folk songs with a popular tool and without it.

2. "Pottery Master"

goal: To acquaint children with folk crafts, with the ancient profession of potter. Learn to compare clay dishes (Jug, Krinka, Bowl) with other types of dishes. Note what value is clay dishes in the folk folklore, bring examples from fairy tales and songs. Reliable K. work profession, introduce children with genre folklore - Labor Songs.

3. "Come on the pattern for the shawl"

goal: Fasten the knowledge of children about the handbone as one of the types of art. Secure the ability of children to create a pattern, learn to pick up beautiful combinations. Sounds Russian folk song "Ah you, Seni".

4. "Tips and roots"

December 1. "Winter is not summer, dressed in a fur coat"

goal: Fasten the knowledge of children about the folk signs of winter with the help of proverbs and sayings. Learn to execute songs-shaft (winter). Remember the folk tales of winter. When singing the chain correctly pronounce text.

2. "Masha Saratan's back.

goal: To introduce children with female Russian folk clothes using samples and illustrations. Top up folklore Vocabulary new in words: Sermyag, TV cheek, Kushak. Teach children to understand and love old. Learn folk song "In the forge".

3. "Sit near the windows"

goal: To acquaint children with a genre of a lullaby song and a pennist. Teach children sing these songs in the singing room, gently, gentle. Develop the work skill without accompaniment.

4. "Golden spindle"

goal: to acquaint children with everyday life "Russian hut": Walker, and Spherical. Show how they used in the old days. To kill the children of the songs who sang for work. Continue learning "Russian dance". Learn to correctly perform a fractional step.

January 1. "The flag came on the day before Christmas"

goal: Conduct a conversation about one of the most important ritual holidays christmas, about the soda fortune telling. Learn to execute carols fun, correctly vote folklore turns. Cook with children folklore Holiday - Christmas.

2. "Good city of Gorodets"

goal: To acquaint children with folk art fishery - Gorodetsky painting. Mark traditional features of the fishery, learn to make patterns of finished forms, be able to celebrate Gorodetskaya painting from Khokhloma. Use during work Proverbs and sayings about skill.

3. "Lives in the people of the song"

goal: Tell children about the types of folk songs (lullaby, chastushki, labor songs, grade, calendar and chanceal). Instilling love for a folk song, be able to use it in the game, teach singing a song without accompaniment and under folk instruments (accordion).

4. "Painting Towels"

goal: Secure the knowledge of children about such a form of art as embroidery. Call a desire to draw a pattern of geometric shapes, the pattern of rhythmically, beautifully combine colors. Become acquainted with folk games "NOZEL", "To canvases"

February 1. "Russian folk toy"

goal: Talk about Russian toys: Doll, Matrychka, Toy Tararushka. Talk about the symbolic values \u200b\u200bof Russian toys. Teach children to make a rag doll. Be able to beat toys using folk songs and fun.

2. "How a man has learned fire"

goal: To summarize and systematize the knowledge of children about the role of fire in life. MUZ. a game "Firemen on the teaching"

3. "During the days of celebrations and misfortunes"

goal: Tell children about the warheads of the Defender of the Fatherland, about Russian heroes. Recall the sayings about courage and courage, learn the soldiers' song "Soldatshi - Braves of the children"

4. "Gzhel beautiful"

goal: To introduce children with folk fishing Gzhel, develop aesthetic perception. Learn to draw gzhel patterns. Improve the ability to sing in the dance.

March 1. "Oh, you, Maslenitsa"

goal: Preparation K. folklore holiday Maslenitsa. Tell children about the birth of the holiday, traditions, features. Repeat acquaintances and learn new ritual songs. Make a carnival doll.

2. "When sunshine - warm, with Mother - Good"

goal: To talk about mom, maternal love, kindness, loyalty. Use proverbs and sayings, folk song "Mother Mother". Teach children walk snake during singing.

3. "Spring, spring, come here!"

goal: To introduce children with spring cerebrals, explain to children the special importance of calendar songs in the life of the peasant. Introduce me to didactic game: "What kind of paints and for what you need spring". Develop the fantasy of children when performing a collective applique "Spring came".

4. "Joke joke - Mix people"

goal: To introduce children with fun folklore(Pestech, Nonbylitsy, Remensant Tales, attract to participate in the economy of the inhabitant "Russian hut" Domomanka Kuzu. Move children to independently elapnowicious. Learn a triple tribe in dance.

April 1. "Thin-Bryng, Gicles"

goal: To introduce children with folk instruments - husls, balalaica, show their beauty sound. Singing dance songs accompanied by these tools.

2. "Fock water boils and as a mirror glitters"

goal: To introduce children with the Russian rite of tea drinking, the history of Samovar and Tula gingerbread. Teach beat folk songs.

3. "Russian whistle"

goal: To acquaint children with clay whistle, play on it. Cut the whistle from clay. Repeat a triple tribe.

4. "Red hill"

goal: To introduce children with traditions of folk festivities at the Easter week. Teach children to play verbal games. Singing chastushki.

May 1. "And behind him, such a smooth, no wrinkle see"

goal: To introduce children with various ways of ironing linen, with household items that were used when ironing (Iron on coals, roller). To acquaint children with riddles, proverbs, sayings.

2. "Russian bell"

goal: To introduce children with the Valdai Bell. Teach them to play, I use folklore Dictionary: Boltal, Bubrenitsy, Glukhary, subductive bells. Develop sound hearing. Perform a song by playing on the bells.

3. "Hello, sun-bell-bell"

goal: Remember folk songs, fun, fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, in which the Red Sun is mentioned, as the role of the sun in the life of a person. Singing songs in the dance, work out a variable step.

4. "Merry Quiz"

goal: Gaying acquaintances folk Works, according to the objects, songs, separate expressions. Remember and play folk air games.

Municipal Preschool Educational Institution

kindergarten №7 "Zhuravushka"

The program is considered and approved.

at a meeting of the Pedagogical Council

MDOU D / C №7 "Zhuravushka"

Protocol No. ____ from "____" _____ 2012

I argue:

Head of MDOU D / C №7 "Zhuravushka"

Panasenko S.Yu.


cup "Pre-school folklore"

(3 years old, from 4 - 7 years)


Remizova L.N.


Explanatory note

The acquisition of children to folk culture as the direction of the domestic pedagogical thought was actively developed in the 80-90s of the twentieth century, when in the context of changing the concept of education, an active appeal to the folk experience as the basis of the living space, its spiritual and moral filling takes place.

Children's folklore playing an important role in the education of preschoolers, the leading sign of whose organization is the unity of poetics, music, manners and the function of the work (M.N. Melnikov).Its peculiarity is due to the folk artistic thinking and the requirements of folk pedagogy. For example, in the sayings, sweepings, children's songs, improvisitation, images, rhythm and instruction (M.Yu. Novitskaya). This is a kind of school game, designed to provide the child an adequate way to know the surrounding world (A.M. Martynova). Children's preschool folklore - First of all, the culture of the dialogue, it is focused on interaction, the need to listen and respond. To the fairy tale, created by children in the edification, attracted the fiction, carrying a deep life sense. Children's calendar folklore gave an intonation-poetic, shaped form of communication with the outside world. Functionality is an essential condition for the admission of children to folk culture.

The Program of the Additional Education PhysicoFolklore Mug was composed on the basis of a mandatory minimum content on the musical development of preschool children of the federal component of the State Standard, an exemplary program of preschool education L.M.Vasilyeva, taking into account the author's program "Ladushka" I.M.Kaplunova and I.Novokoltseva, The basis of the program of authors O.L. Knyazeva and M.D.Makhanova "The acquisition of children to the origins of Russian folk culture" recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Currently, in our preschool institution, the possibility of adopting preschoolers to Russian traditional culture in the conditions of additional education, circle work. The main task of the circle is to help the child develop as a unique being that manifests its creative potential choosing the optimal activities. I am attempting to generalize and systematize the folklore repertoire from different sources with an emphasis on the socio-moral and speech development of preschoolers from 4 to 7 years, as well as to overcome shyness in children by means of musical and theater activities. The program defines ways to solve problems of moral education: the valid attitude of the teacher to each child, emotionally - positive communication of preschoolers.

The originality of the program is laid in the cycle of the folk calendar, in the repetition and frequency of events. This principle underlying the entire program allows children for three years to learn and live alone and the same rites, holidays, customs and the corresponding oral and musical material, the quantity and level of complexity of which increase every year. The feature of the program is its integration, which allows you to combine various elements of the educational process and the process of "living" folklore, its "germination" into the life of a child.

Popular art combines the word, music and movement. The connection of these three components is formed a harmonious synthesis, which achieves a great power of emotional impact. What allows you to comprehensively approach the problem of socio-moral education of preschoolers to solve communicative and speech problems. And also, the folklore is one of the effective methods of upbringing, melting huge didactic capabilities. Popular art combines the word, music and movement. The connection of these three components is formed by the emotionality of preschoolers. Knowing, creatively mastering the experience of past generations, children not only study it, but also implement the knowledge gained in everyday life. Phollar works teach children to understand good and evil, to resist bad, actively protect the weak. Show care and generosity to nature.

The pre-school folklore program has the following sections: Circular activity implies a comprehensive study of the followingsections:

Section 1. "Children's Music Folklore".

Section 2. "Folk song".

Section 3. "Game folklore".

Section 4. "Horovod".

Section 5. "Playing for children's musical instruments."

Each section is given features of software content according to the age of children, so that it is more convenient to trace his complication in how gradually the child is immersed in the world of folk music, calendar holidays, as folklore material accumulates. In parallel with this, guidelines are also developed. in each

The structure of building and mastering the children's program is as follows: During the training, children absorb material from simple to complex. Through the simple works of children's folklore, and then more complex melodies, game, songs, chorus; Through the intonation of fairy tales with handles to prepare children to execute more complex works. A more complex song folklore repertoire, and as a result, fixing the material traveled - holidays, entertainment, theatrical ideas for children and adults and with parents' participation.

Forms of summing up:

    Integrated type classes;


    Theatrical submissions, concerts;

    Calendar holidays;

    Video and photographic materials;

    Parent reviews, Dow Teachers.

The purpose of the work mug: the introduction of preschoolers to the spiritual culture of the Russian people.

Program tasks:


    To acquaint children with Russian people, poetic and musical creativity, traditional holidays;

    Form performing performing skills in the field of singing, musitization, movement;

    Teach to understand the role of the family, its place in the family, to educate the future owner (hostess), her husband (wife).


    Form socio-moral, mental health of children;

    Create conditions for manifestations of love for native land, respect for the traditions of their people and people of labor;

    Raise tolerance in children.


    Develop independence, initiative and improvisational abilities in children;

    Develop the active perception of music through musical folklore;

    Develop musical abilities: a sense of rhythm, a lade feeling, musical and auditory views;

    Use small folklore forms for speech development in children;

    Develop the communicative qualities of children through folk dances, games, fun.

Basic shape of working with children: thematic classes and occupations of integrated type.

Methodical techniques:

    visual, verbal, practical;

    conversations with children;

    observation of nature;

    hearing Russian folk songs, fairy tales;

    playing for children and children themselves Russian folk fairy tales with adults with parents involvement;

    staging songs and small folklore forms;

    manual labor.

Organization of work Mug:

The program is designed for three years. 34 classes are held per year, 4 times a month on a specific day of the week (1 occupation per week). The duration of the lesson is 25 min. (Middle preschool age), - 30 min. (Senior preschool age), - 35 min (preparatory to school group). The number of children in the group is 15 people. The program provides for:

thematic classes - 40;

dominant classes - 20;

entertainment - 4 ("Kapuatnitsy", "New Year's boot", "Vasily-Dweller", "Yarilina Games");

integrated classes - 4 ("Autumn Park", "World of Toys", "Sparrow Disco", "City of Masters").

Structure classes for children 4-5 years


    Articulating gymnastics;

    Main part:

- singing

- Musically - rhythmic movements, muscy.

    A game.

Structure classes with children 5-6 years


    Articulating gymnastics.

    Main part:

- conversation,

- singing, staging,

- Musically - rhythmic movements, muscy.

    A game.

Structure classes with children 6-7 years.


    Articulating gymnastics.

    Main part:

- conversation,

- singing, staging,

- Music and rhythmic movements, muscy.

    A game.


Expected results of the program implementation in children by age:

4-5 years old

    Play the simplest Russian folk fairy tales and stage Russian folk songs;

    Be able to move from colloquial to singing intonation;

    To have elementary ideas about popular holidays (Outnaires, Kuzminki, shints, carnival) and their traditions;

    To be able to alternate different games of the game on spoons, adjust the simplest rhythms on the tambourine;

    Know the name of the tools (triangle, dull, balalaika) and distinguish them on sound;

    To put the leg on the sock and the heel ("hitching"), go for the driving snake, rebuild into the pairs from the circle and on the contrary, spinning in pairs with different positions of the hands, make a knot and pass through them;

    Provide full assistance to peers and adults;

    Show independence and goodwill in the players with peers.

5-6 years old

    Participate in games with theatrical actions and more deployed dialogues;

    Play russian folk tales and stage folk songs;

    Be able to apply speech folklore turns into everyday life.

    To have ideas about popular holidays, their rites and traditions (sashnaires, Kuzminki, shints, Maslenitsa, Easter);

    Use in the everyday life of the work of small forms of folklore (carols, shafts, functions, counters, proverbs, etc.);

    Own more complex admission of games on spoons, play in the orchestra;

    Know the name of the tools (triangle, dooda, harmonic, hussli, cracks, balalaika) and distinguish them on sound;

    Be able to combine the movements of the hands and legs. Perform dance movements: "Snail", "River", two circles in opposite sides, "wall on the wall", perform movements in a free dance;

    Provide assistance to peers and adults;

    Show independence and goodwill in games with peers, attention and care for loved ones;

    Correctly evaluate your actions and acts of others;

    Transfer the knowledge gained kids.

6-7 years old.

    Scene show by Lyubovvid theater, be able to improvise;

    Introduction to its speeches not only oral, but also musical folklore;

    Know the traditions and customs of the native land, understand the meaning of folk holidays, be able to tell about it;

    Own the skills of transferring emotionally-shaped songs;

    Sing open sound with clear articulation;

    To be able to dance "fraction", perform elements of the dance: "Cabbage",

"Thread with a needle";

    Have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe objects of life that people used as musical instruments (Rubel, saw, comb);

    To be able to be able to express themselves, freely communicate with peers and adults;

    Transfer the experience gained to the kids.

Interaction with specialists and parents:the work of the circle is more efficient and effective with the participation of specialists DOU: to consult a psychologist's teacher resort to solving social and moral problems in children. Other teachers take part on holidays, entertainment in the role of characters. Parents help in making attributes, costumes for holidays; Participate as characters.

Conversations with parents, their participation in the work of the mug helps and at home to fix the knowledge and skills received by children in classes and, thereby, to achieve the results we want.

Methodical recommendations for the implementation of the program: this program is recommended for educators and musical leaders of kindergartens, as well as, educators of additional education, working with preschoolers for the aesthetic education and the study of folk art.

Necessary terms of implementation of the program: special premises, technical means, Russian folk musical and noise tools, folk houses, folk costumes, different types of theater, oral and musical folklore material, attribute.

Contents of the program Circle


"Children's Music Folklore"

Theme 1. "Fees, sentences, shafts".

Genre diversity appeal to various types of nature; about animals; about maternal love, affection; About parts of the body. Their use in everyday life, disclosure of the child's voice, the strength of votes is its bellivity, emotional temperament, naturalness. Work on the exact intonation of the melody with musical accompaniment and without it. Develop the initial creative manifestations of children in singing, the ability to independently find affectionate intonation in singing.

Topic 2. "Lullaby songs, Pestushki."

Purpose of these works. Comprehension of a populic dictionary underlying the diversity of melody musical revolutions. Exercising in pure intonation of melodies that include quint (up), in the ability to keep the intonation on one sound. To achieve long singing singing.

Theme 3. "Consoles, teasers, chastushki".

The purpose of this type of folklore is to use in gaming activities. The development of musical hearing, memory, the singing breathing of the voice apparatus. Learning to invent individual variants of traditional folklore images corresponding to the creative abilities and performing opportunities for children.


"Folk songs"

Topic 1. "Calendar Songs".

Song as a means of communication of man with nature. Association on the subject and plots (communication over time of the year, the topic of crop, labor). Teach children within a quart accurately transfer the movement of the melody. Follow the clear and clear pronunciation of words, perform a logical stress in musical phrases.

Theme 2. "Wedding Songs".

Features of poetic presentation and melody. Acquaintance with the links of the wedding game (walling, looting, bachelorette party, farewell to the native house, wedding, meeting of young in the house of the groom). Development of emotional responsiveness to music, instilling interest and love for her. The distinction of expressive music is the tempo, dynamics, register. Identify their role in creating a musical image. Ability to compare products of various genres. Teach children to speak about emotionally-shaped songs.

Topic 3. "Lyrical song".

Genre variety (sad and removed; deeply sad and concern --made). Develop the ability of children freely and ease to keep a melodic line, without losing the wallers and affordability of the voice. Breathing training. Learn to sing, expressively using various intonations, performing paints. Follow the right, clear pronunciation of words. Teach control the quality of singing.


"Game folklore"

Theme 1. Song chorus.

Its main feature (communication parts, challenges of the game, ending). Processing singing skills. Transfer of image, character in singing.

Topic 2. "Movement, theatrical action".

Work on movements, dialogues to games. Move in accordance with the nature of the music, transmit in motion the content of the text of the songs. Acquire listen to the logical conclusion of music. To bring children to the ability to expressly transmit the game image.



Theme 1.2. "Types of rounds. The main elements of the Russian dance ".

Types of rounds; Choreographic (movement), song dramatic (plotting).

Processing choreographic movements. To achieve expressive transmission of dance and gaming movements, their rhythm in combination with singing. Independent change in movements due to changing dance parts.


"Playing for children's musical instruments"

Topic 1. "Acquaintance with folk instruments."

Classification of folk instruments. Teach children to hold elementary play skills on musical instruments, in various ways of sound recovery. Learning to determine the timbre of musical instruments. 3 Acquaintance with the elements of a note letter. Game on musical instruments in one and groups, emphasizing the rhythmic and timbre variety of music.

Topic 2. "Ensemble game".

Teach children to control themselves in this type of activity, adapt to the game of their comrades, observing the rhythmic drawing of the musical work. Independently start and finish the game on children's musical instruments, according to parts of the work, its variations.

Educational - thematic plan

circular work with children 4 - 5 years

Theme lesson


Theorem. part

Stratic. part

1. "Repka"

2. "Rubbinnik" - gathering with moms

3. "Autumn troubles"

4. "Making the case - Goulai boldly"

10 min.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

15 minutes.

20 minutes.

20 minutes.

20 minutes.

5. "Teremok"

6. "On a visit to the forest"

7. "The grandmother Natalia" is a holiday

8. "Sarafan's Solly Sarafan"

10 min.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

10 min.

15 minutes.

20 minutes.

20 minutes.

15 minutes.

9. "We were in the dance"

10. "Kuzminki"

11. "Fair toys"

12. "When Mother Good"

10 min.

5 minutes.

10 min.

5 minutes.

15 minutes.

20 minutes.

15 minutes.

20 minutes.

13. "Hello, Zimushka - Winter"

14. "Wearing Orchestra"

15. "On a visit to the Snow Maiden"

16. "New Year at the gate"

10 min.

10 min.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

15 minutes .

15 minutes.

20 minutes.

20 minutes.

17. "On the threshold - a striding"

18. "Sky" - Entertainment

19. "Mitten"

10 min.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

15 minutes.

20 minutes.

20 minutes.

20. "Miracle - Balalaika"

21. "Red Song Lada"

22. "Ware White, where ran?"

23. "Oh, my pancakes"

10 min.

10 min.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

15 minutes.

15 minutes.

20 minutes.

20 minutes.

24. "Wire Wires"

25. "Lullaby Song"

26. "Zayushkina Hut"

27. "Grache on Mount, Spring in the yard

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

10 min.

20 minutes.

20 minutes.

20 minutes.

15 minutes.

28. "Quickly grow up to work!"

29. "Birds fly, carry spring

30. "Soroki"

31. "Easter"

10 min.

10 min.

10 min.

10 min.

15 minutes.

15 minutes.

15 minutes.

15 minutes.

32. "On the green, in the meadow"

33. "Cheerful bells"

34. "Study will always come in handy"

holiday speech.

35. "Visiting a fairy tale"

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

20 minutes.

20 minutes.

20 minutes.

20 minutes.


4 h. 10min.

10 h. 25 min.

Educational - thematic plan
circular work with children 5 - 6 years

Theme lesson


Theorem. part

Perkt. Even

1. "Lingre cake"

2. "Harmoshechnika-Tovorchka" - Sowing Mama

3. "Ah, my cabbage"

4. "Every matter your own time"

10 min.

5 minutes.

10 min.

10 min.

15 minutes.

35 min.

20 minutes.

15 minutes.

5. "Where was Ivanushka?"

6. "Swirling, our dance"

7. "Bread - everything head"

8. "On a visit to the autumn" - a holiday

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

10 min.

5 minutes.

20 minutes.

20 minutes.

15 minutes.

35 min.

9. "The fairy tale of us" -Presenting for kids

10. "Kuzminki - about the autumn of the alert"

11. "Welcome to hurry is needed"

5 minutes.

10 min.

10 min.

5 minutes.

20 minutes.

30 min.

15 minutes.

35 min.

13. "Hello, Zimushka -Zima"

14. "Sleeping on a bench" - Sowing with moms

15. "Winter Carousel"

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

20 minutes.

35 min.

20 minutes.

40 min.

17. "On the threshold - a striding"

18. "Sky" - Entertainment

19. "Valenka Holiday"

10 min.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

15 minutes.

35 min.

35 min.

20. "Merry chastushki"

21. "Bogatyri" - entertainment with dads.

22. "Laughter and Fun"

23. "Pancakes of Russians"

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

20 minutes.

35 min.

20 minutes

20 minutes.

24. "Annual Guest"

25. "Family in a heap, not terrible and cloud"

26. "Vasilisa - Beauty"


10 min.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

10 min.

15 minutes.

35 min.

20 minutes.

15 minutes.

28. "Wonders - Kudesa"

29. "Birds fly, carry spring"

30. "Soroki"

31. "Easter Egg" - a fairy tale for kids

5 minutes.

10 min.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

20 minutes.

15 minutes.

35 min.

20 minutes.

33. "Road is not ECHA, road fun"

34. "Russian Song"

35. "Meeting at the Ocean" - a concert for parents

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

20 minutes.

20 minutes.

20 minutes.

35 min.


3 h. 45 min.

13 h. 40 min.

Educational - thematic plan

circular work for children 6 -7 years

Theme lesson


Theorem. part

Perkt. Even

1. "Labor and science - brother and sister"

2. "Zhikharka" - the stage for children of the middle group

3. "Our gate always dance"

4. "List Falls" - integris. occupation

10 min.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

10 min.

20 minutes.

25 min.

25 min.

20 minutes.

5. "Autumn gatherings" - entertainment

6. "Pokrov"

7. "Like our Duni"

5 minutes.

10 min.

10 min.

10 min.

35 min.

20 minutes.

20 minutes.

20 minutes.

9. "The fairy tale came to us" - performance

for the middle group.

10. "Kuzma - Demyan"

11. Rapid theater - Lesson with Mama

12. "Mother's Mother" - entertainment with moms

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

10 min.

5 minutes.

25 min.

30 min.

25 min.

35 min.

13. "Zimushka - Sudarushka"

14. "Shuba yes caftan"

15. "Spiridon - Solvice" - Bibabo Theater for the Middle Group.

16. "New Year at the Gate" - a holiday

10 min.

10 min.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

25 min.

25 min.

30 min.

30 min.

17. "On the threshold - a striding"

18. "Scary evenings" - entertainment

19. "Valenka Holiday"

10 min.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

25 min.

35 min.

35 min.

20. "Visiting the house"

21. "Games of Wellcome" - with dads.

22. "Without songs the world of Tesne"

23. "We are waiting for the spring"

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

10 min.

10 min.

30 min.

35 min.

25 min.

25 min.

24. "How on the oil week"

25. "Marya - Skinny" - a lesson with mothers

26. "Forty Ptah"

27. "Birds fly, carry spring"

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

10 min.

30 min.

30 min.

30 min.

25 min.

28. "Blow into the twin ..."

29. "Red Speech Speech"

30. "Verba - Verbochka"

31. "Easter chime"

10 min.

10 min.

10 min.

10 min.

25 min.

25 min.

25 min.

25 min.

33. "Come visit us" - Concert

for children and adults

5 minutes.

5 minutes.

30 min.

30 min .


4 h. 05 min.

14 h. 55 min.

Perspective planning

with children 4 - 5 years











"Autumn troubles"

"Business before pleasure"

1.Develop the rhythm, coordination of hands and legs.

2Form about children interest in a healthy lifestyle.

3. Formation in children a respectful attitude towards work, to acquaint with proverbs about labor.

4. Expose children to the manufacture of elements of the Russian costume together with moms (rowan beads).

5. Knowing children with dangling games, calendar songs.

6. Ride the speech dialogue in the dramatization.

7. For the idea of \u200b\u200bthe autumn work of the farmer, labor instruments.





« On a visit to woody

"Moody Dun Sarafan"

1. Evolving children with the theater Bibabo, teach led dolls, betray the character of the hero.

2. Create the ability to conduct a dialogue.

3.Connect interest in collaborative work.

4. To meet the elements of the folk costume (Kokoshnik, Sundagan), the objects of life.

5. learning to coordinate movements with the text.

6. learning to sing expressively, well pronouncing the text.


"The grandmother Natalia" is a holiday

1. Form a respectful attitude towards old people, the desire to help them.

2. Create knowledge of domestic animals.

3. Repair the receptions of the game on spoons, the ability to alternate them.

4. Add to children joy, attract to joint activities.




"We were in the dance

« Kuzminki "

"Fair of toys"

1. To know with the form of national holidays - gatherings.

2. To know with the balalaica and its sound.

3. The initial knowledge of the labor dance

Master the dance movement "Vorottse"; To summarize the expressive execution of dance-gaming images.

4. To get acquainted with folk songs and proverbs about labor.

5. Wear a shallow motorcy in the process of decorating toys.

6.Fine interest in work; Get satisfaction from completed work.


"When Mother Good"

1. Recompret in children respect, caring attitude towards the mother.

2. Create knowledge of folklore works about the mother, emotionally transfer their content.

3. Create an atmosphere of joy of communication with mothers.





"Hello, Zimushka-Winter"

« Funny orchestra

"On a visit to the Snow Maiden"

"New Year at the gate"

1. Evolving children with the traditions of the meeting of winter, folk games, rounds.

2. Having creating images of the game through singing and movement.

3. Ride the timbre rumor in children, playing the orchestra.

4. To teach children to control the toys of the Bababos theater, maintain interest in theatricalization.

5. The children go for the leading "snake."

6. To make children joy from the manufacture of Christmas decorations and from contemplating the New Year's tree.




"On the threshold - a stride"



1. To know with the calendar holiday winter shints, his customs, traditions.

2. To know the children with the decor of the Russian hut (cast iron, the village rug), use the oral folklore.

3. Had children talking carols.

4. Wear expressiveness of speech.

5. Know children with traditional winter clothes. Attract parents to make it.

6. Create an atmosphere of ease, for the self-expression of children in the dramatization of the fairy tales.





"Miracle - Balalaika"

"Krasnaya Song Lad"

"Ware White, where run"

"Oh, my pancakes!"

1. Examine balalaica on timbre.

2. His children pass the fun character of the song. To achieve in singing a clear articulation, produce a singing breathing.

3. Purpose dance movements "Pickyryelochka", circling in pairs with different positions of hands ("Boat", "Baranochka").

3. To children about Carnival. To acquaint with songs - shafts, rites, riddles.

4.Realing carnival games.

5. Look to restrain your emotions, reckon with the interests of others.



1. Use familiar dance movements of free dance.

2. Make sure to use readers in games, follow the rules.

3. Create knowledge of oil rites.

4. To make children pleasure, joy.




"Lullaby song."

"Zayushkina Hut".

"Ruch on the mountain, spring in the yard."

1. Know children with lullabies, learn to transfer gentle, singing challenium melody, sing.

2. Hold children to choose suits, attributes for drawing a fairy tale.

3. Encourage children to solve the riddles, telling flowes about the heroes of the fairy tale.

4. Evolving children with folk signs of spring, shallow.

5. Fold in games, dances familiar dance

walled movements.

6. Hog the vocabulary of children.





"Extremely sore, yes, sleep"

"Birds, fly,

spring carry "



1. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe spring land, attract children to landing seeds.

2. Round proverbs about labor.

3. Addness with children about the relationship in the life of birds with phenomena occurring in nature in the spring

4. Recommend the careful attitude towards birds.

5. The initial knowledge of the Easter festival.

6.Arding Easter games, develop the game's gaming interaction.




"On green, in the meadow."

"Cheerful bells."

"Visiting a fairy tale"

1. Design the previously obtained knowledge of folk material, musical).

2. Doing children show their skills in the use of different types of theater (desktop, math, bobbo).

3. Hold the familiar dance movements in a free dance.

4. Suppose familiar musical instruments and be able to play on them.


"Learn - always useful"

1. Subject to clear articulation and expressiveness in singing.

2. Do children to overcome shyness, create conditions for the manifestation of their artistic abilities.

3. Create the skills of cultural behavior.

4. Create an atmosphere of joy from communication.

Perspective planning

with children 5 - 6 years









"Brushing pie."

"Garmoshchka - Govorushechka"

(Sowing Mama)

"Ah, my cabbage."

"Everything has its own time."

1. Know children with calendar autumn holidays, their traditions.

2. Do children emotionally transfer movements in labor rounds.

3. Enrich the repertoire of proverbs of saying about labor.

4. Do notify children in the process of salting cabbage and baking pies.

5. Women's knowledge of children about nature.

6.The children have an articulation machine.

7. Familiarity of children with a musical instrument - the harmonica, the character of his sound.

8. Develop personal quality in children - hospitality (host).





"Where was Ivanushka?"

"Screw our dance".

"Bread - everything head."

"On the guests to the fall"


1. Cross the children emotionally transfer the character of the hero in theatricalization, to form a clear pronunciation of words.

2. Find the skills of the cube.

4.Rery a song repertoire with a joking character, to draw them, transmit progress.

5. To acquaint children with the labor of the farmer, to educate respect for bread.

6. To acquaint children with proverbs and sayings about bread.

7. Develop the diction of children using booms.

8. Move the children to independently perform dance movements: "Snail", "Snake".

9. Do children to the manifestation of initiative and overcoming shyness.





"The tale came to us"

(Presentation for kids)

"Kuzminki - about the autumn of a gland"

"Welcome to hurry is needed"

"Mother's Mother"

(Entertainment with Mama)

1. To know the children with the calendar holiday Kuzminki and the traditions of this holiday.

2. To know the children with the objects of life: Bench - chest, cradle - rocking chair, spindle.

3. Wear artistic skills.

4. Looking for a voice to transmit the melodiousness of lullaby songs, encourage emotionally to transfer the character of the songs.

5. Teach to analyze the actions of a person and express their opinion.

6. To kill children with works of oral folk creativity, revealing a kind relation to each other, mutual understanding and formation of a tolerant attitude towards others.

7.Mind the ability to act together, coordinate your actions with the actions of others





"Hello, Winter - Winter"

"Sit down on a bench"

(Sowing Mama)

"Winter Carousel"

"New Year at the gate"

1. To know the children with the traditions of the Russian people - gatherings.

2. Building element of the Russian costume (Kokoshnik).

3. Fill the repertoire with the works of dance and playful folklore.

4. Create a positive atmosphere at the festival to enrich the emotional sphere of the child.




"On the threshold of a stroller"



"Valenka holiday"

1. To know the children with the traditions of the Russian people - Merry Christmas.

3. Looking for singing songs-carols.

4. Expose children and parents to the manufacture of attributes and decoration of the hall for the holiday.

5. Develop a personal quality in children - hospitality (host and hostess).

6. Do children emotionally manifest themselves in a free dance, applying familiar dance movements.





"Merry chastushki"


(entertainment with dads)

"Laughter and fun"

"Pancakes Russians"

1. Top up the song repertoire with chastushkami. Be able to transfer their cheerful character.

2. Help the right singing breathing.

3. Do children use small folk genres in everyday life.

4. Finding in children volitional and moral qualities on the examples of epic heroes.

5. Cooking the speech of children in cleanrs and patter.

6. To know the children with the characters of folk holidays - scomer.

7. Ride the coordination of hands and feet in dance, learning to perform the movement "Wall on the wall".





"Guest annual"

"Family in a heap is not terrible and cloud"

"Vasilisa Kras"


1. To know children with the traditions of the Russian people - Maslenitsa, the carnival week.

2. Wear a feeling of mutual assistance, partnerships in games, fun.

3. Having to coordinate the pronunciation of text with the movement in dancing, games, staging songs.

4. Recompret the feeling of respect for mom, grandmother, girl.

5. To know with the heroine of Russian fairy tales - Vasilisa. Learn to weave braid.

6. To acquaint with the objects of life: spread, rocker, chamber.

7. To learn children to move by opposite, perform a concert step.





"Wonders - Kudesa"

"Birds fly - carry spring"


"Easter Egg"

(Tale for kids)

1. To know children with the traditions of the Russian people - spring land, agricultural calendar and the holiday - Soroki.

2. To replenish the repertoire of children with Schelli Songs.

3. Wear a rhythmic game skills on instruments in the orchestra, coordinate your game with others.

4. To acquaint children with Easter celebration.

5. Subject to emotionally embody images in theatricalization.





"Spring we bring - the games are covered"

"Road is not ECHA, road sweat"

"Russian song"

"Meeting at the Ocean"

(Concert for parents)

1. Reflow in children knowledge of oral folklore.

2. Find the artistic skills of children in the speech.

3. Recompret the children's careful attitude towards nature.

4. Create the received communicative skills in games.

Perspective planning

with children 6 - 7 years









"Labor and science - brother and sister"

"Zhikharka" -Assage for

children of the middle group

"Our gate is always a dance"

"List Falls" -integrir. occupation

1. Find knowledge of children about calendar autumn holidays, their traditions and rites.

2. Tycho to perform a new djor movement "Cabbage". Expressively transfer traffic in dance.

3. To introduce new proverbs and sayings about labor, encourage children to consciously use them in everyday life.

4. Continue learning neatly, working with natural material, to show fantasy and independence.





"Autumn gatherings"



"Like our denuni"

1. Learn to understand the meaning of the holidays and their rituals.

2. Women's vocabulary vintage words: well done, maiden, terem, Svetlitsa, Torny.

3. Creating and decorating a folk costume together with moms.

4. Know children with wedding and kiss games.

5. Develop a speech and emotional scope of a child, performing chastushki, fun.

6. To kill children with a new type of theater - "People - Dolls". Learn the cuff.





"The fairy tale came to us" -Presentation

for the middle group.

"Kuzma - Demyan"

Make-up theater-occupation with moms

"Mother's Mother" -dreaming with


1. Desperate the knowledge of children about labor and gaming rounds. Emotionally transfer their experiences.

2. Had children to perform the dance movement "Fraction", execute the element of the Russian dance "Cabbage".

3. To know the children with the objects of life, which were used as musical instruments: Wooden spoon, saw, comb, Rubel.

4. Encourage children to joint work with mothers to create a mobby theater.

5. Teach children with etiquette rules





"Winter - Sudarushka"

"Shuba yes caftan"

"Spiridon - Sunflower" -Theater Babo for the middle group.

"New Year at the gate" -promnik

1. Enrich the vocabulary of children with old words: caftan, spiridon, sunflower, etc ..

2. Ensure the skills of the body of the Bi-Ba-Bo. Develop the intonation expressiveness of speech in theatricalization.

3. Fill the song repertoire with works about winter.

4. Add Christmas toys for kids.

5. Create an atmosphere of joy and fun at the holiday.




"On the threshold - a stride"

"Scary evenings" - entertainment

"Valenka holiday"

1. For a more in-depth idea of \u200b\u200bthe holiday - winter shirts.

2. To know the children with the objects of life: Rushnik, Russian oven, grasp, etc.)

3. To know the children with the rite - a bond, stage songs - carols.

4. Ride the imagination and fantasy of children in the manufacture of masks.

5. Support the spirit of the partnership and good rivalry when holding games and fun.

6. Street family ties in the competition for the best decoration of the boots.

7. Move children to improvisation in a free dance using familiar movements.





"Visiting the house"

"Games Menets" - with dads.

"No songs of the world of crap"

"We are waiting for the spring"

1. Continue to acquaint children with the heroes of the folk epic.

2. To educate moral qualities in children, maintain interest in a healthy lifestyle on the examples of epic heroes.

3. Expand the song repertoire, exercise creative abilities in the drainage.

4. To learn the right singing breathing and pay attention to the clear articulation in singing.

5. Game a game movement - "Rouh".

6. Create knowledge of children of folk material about spring.





"How on an oil week"

"Marya - Snorper" - a lesson with moms

"Forty Ptah"

"Birds fly, I carry the spring"

1. Wash the knowledge of children about the holiday - Maslenitsa and carrying the carnival week.

2. To introduce himself from the heroine of Russian folk fairy tales - Marya - Primpt, decorate with her the towel.

3. To learn the dance "Vologda Lace", improve the ability to move the ditch step, perform rebuildings.

4. Teach children alternate various techniques of the game on wooden spoons.

5. To make the attention of children to the relationship of natural phenomena.

6. To know the children with the rite of "forty".





"Blow into the twin ..."

"Red Speech Speech"

"Verba - Verbochka"

"Easter chime"

1. To know the children with the holidays - Palm Sunday and Easter.

2. To learn ritual games.

3. Wash the folk repertoire with riddles, shallows about birds and about spring.

4. Attract dad to the manufacture of benchmarks together with children.

5. Fold the skills of working with the test.

6. Develop imagination and fantasy of children when decorating Easter eggs.



"Spring we bring - the games are covered"

"Come to visit us" - Concert

for children and adults

1. Ensure the performing skills of children in theatricalization, singing, dance.

2. Drive children freely use oral and musical folklore material.

List of used literature

    Bardenp. And lived - were. - Tomsk: ed. Tomsk University - 1997.- 222c.

    Beckin S.I. "Music and Movement". (Exercises, games and dances for children 5-6

    Budarina TA, Korepanova ON Acquaintance of children with Russian people. Creativity. - S-PB: Childhood - PRESS - 2001- 400C.

    Burnina A.I. "Rhythmic Mosaic" (rhythmic plastic program for children).

    Vetlugin N.A. Child musical development. - M.: Education, 1988.

    RF Law "On Education" (as amended July 20, 2004).

    Zaretskaya N.V., Root Z.Ya. "Dancing in kindergarten."

    Kalinina R.R. The program of creative-aesthetic development of the child. - St. Petersburg, 2002.

    Kaplunova I., Novoskoltseva and .. "Like our gate", "go there, I don't know where", "this amazing rhythm".

    Kartushina M.Yu. Russian folk holidays in kindergarten. - M., 2006.

    Knyazeva O.L., Mahanova M.D. Acquisition of children to the origins of Russian folk culture. - S.-Petersburg, 1998.

    Kozlova S.L., Kulikova TA Pre-school pedagogy, 5th ed. - M.: Academy., 2004.

    Koltsova M.I. Russian folklore at musical classes, matinees. / Pre-school education, No. 5/1993.

    Medvedev M .. "And we have seeded."

    Melnikov M.N. Children's folklore and problems of folk pedagogy. - Novosibirsk, Enlightenment, 1987.

    Merzlyakov S.I. Folklore - Music - Theater. Edited - M.: Humanitarian Center Vlados - 1999. - 216c.

    Miklyaeva N.V., Miklyaeva Yu.V., Novitskaya M.Yu. Management of the educational process in the DOU with the ethnocultural component of education. - M, 2006.

    Mikhailova M.A., Voronina N.V. "Dancing, Games, Exercises for a beautiful movement.

    Naumenko G.M. Russian People's Children's Music Creativity. - M.: owls. Composer, - 1988.- 190s.

    Naumenko G.M. Folk holiday ed. - M.: Link - press - 2000.- 224С.

    Nomov R.S. Psychology. - M., 1999.

    Orthuh G.A. Music folklore as a means of developing musical abilities of children. / Pre-school education, №9 / 1994.

    Posbyanskaya N.P. From winter to autumn. - M.: Children's literature -1979g.-286c.

    Smirnov S. Pedagogy. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 1998.

    Starikova K.L. Folk rites and ritual poetry, Ekaterinburg, Pedi station. Societies, 1994.

    Starikova K.L. At the origins of folk wisdom. - Ekaterinburg, Ped. Societies, 1994.

    Tikhonova M.V. Krasnaya Izba.- St. Petersburg, 2000.

    Fedorova G.P. "Sing, dances, play from the soul."

    Patanco. I.V. Education in kindergarten. Integrated approach - M.: TC, 2007.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school №2 R.P. Basal Karabulak

Saratov region "

folklore program



Warry Tatyana Yuryevna

Basal Karabulak

Explanatory note.

The study of traditional culture is of great importance in the education of the younger generation. The use of the values \u200b\u200bof the people's festive and gaming culture and folk pedagogy contributes to the formation of an active and full-fledged personality, education among students' love for the native land, folk culture.

Within the framework of this program, mastering students of festive and gaming culture is envisaged.

The program classes contribute to the introduction of students to folk and gaming culture, the formation of their aesthetic and creative ideas, help to identify and develop the artistic abilities of children in the process of educational and practical activity.

Distinctive features of the program

This program is aimed at studying the traditional festive and gaming culture of the Russian people, both material and spiritual, as well as to develop the creative abilities of children.

The feature of the program is that it is built on a combination of different areas of educational activities: in the process of classes, students get acquainted with folk games and holidays.

In addition, students are involved in practical and research activities for the preservation and revival of traditional festive-gaming culture, participate in the holding of calendar holidays.

Purpose Programs is the development of educational values \u200b\u200bof folk gaming and traditional culture.

The program provides for the solution of the following tasks:

Promote development in children of skills and skills of scientific folklore and ethnographic research;

Introduce students to creative, research activities;

Develop the interest of children to folk culture and involve them in a rich world of traditional festive and gaming culture, creative abilities in the process of studying the foundations of popular culture.






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Theme lesson




























































Explanatory note










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