Simple face drawings for caroling. How to make a white face for Halloween? Rules for choosing and how to use paints

Have you been invited to a Halloween celebration or are you planning a party for your friends yourself? October 31 is just around the corner and you should have time to prepare for this evening, which brings mystical entertainment and terribly fun adventures. Think in advance what your face will be like on Halloween, because the makeup should be in harmony with the costume and create an image of an evil character.

Halloween Makeup: Los Muertos-inspired Face

Your job is to make your Halloween face as spooky as possible at home, and we'll show you how to do it with paint and makeup. So, what can be Halloween pictures on the face, how to make them without the help of a make-up artist? It turns out that the question of how to paint a face for Halloween seems difficult to many, but it is not difficult at all!


1. Apply to face thick layer of white paint, this is the base on which Halloween face painting is applied with paints and eyeliners of other colors.
2. Eye shadow highlight cheekbones and brow ridges to make the face look thin.
3. Draw black circles around the eyes, stick on false eyelashes. Remember that all Halloween face painting is done in dark, red and black colors, otherwise Halloween face painting will not look ominous and all your efforts will be in vain.
4. Now let's move on to the eyebrows. Do you know how to paint a face for Halloween so that it looks like a lifeless mask? Just fill in your eyebrows, and you will get the image of a ghost or a terrible demon.
5. For lips, choose a lipstick that matches the suit, and lip pencils create the required form and outlines. If the choice fell on red - find out which one is right for you!

Well, you have learned how to draw a face for Halloween, but what image to choose, original and unique?

You can turn yourself into a witch by applying green make-up to your face, drawing big eyebrows and thickly lining your eyes with black pencil or mascara.

In general, almost the main role is played by the applied makeup on the face for Halloween, its color determines the type of character. Blue is associated with a vampire, white is associated with a ghost, and so on. Experiment!

By the way, there are actually a lot of varieties of dead-makeup. A few examples are in the Halloween makeup photo below:

Horror make-up

You can make terrible scars and scars on your face using a special make-up wax. This is how Jokers and Frankensteins are made. Let's see how to make a scarred Halloween face:

These scary faces can be seen at parties and even on the street, they will scare anyone. It all depends on imagination and skill, on the availability of cosmetics of the appropriate colors and shades. Take a look at what a Halloween face can look like, photos will give you interesting ideas:

It would be useful to know how to make an artificial deep cut on the hands with a minimum of materials:

The slit throat effect is a scary make-up feature, so here's another YouTube video:

Original holiday make-up

And how to decorate a face for Halloween so that it does not scare, but, despite its sinister appearance, draws attention to the girl? Let's take a look at the YouTube video:

The original glamorous Halloween face mask can give you an attractive exotic look!

Who said that the face on this holiday has to be scary? Lies and lies! A variety of fairies (good, evil, forest, river, field and others), characters of mythology of all countries and peoples are also welcome! For example, in the YouTube video below, you will see the creation of a make-up of an evil forest fairy. The tutorial is self-explanatory, so don't let the English comments scare you - you'll understand everything by watching the video!

Characters from literary and cinematic works are also in trend. The Queen of Hearts will impress everyone! Watch the YouTube tutorial below:

Have you thought about your look and makeup yet? 🙂

How to paint your face for Halloween if you were invited to a party?

If you have already decided on the character, then you need to choose the appropriate costume, accessories and paraphernalia, as well as take care of the hairstyle. But in order for the image to be complete and realistic, special attention should be paid to makeup or makeup.

  • Face preparation

Makeup - the mask should always be applied only to a previously prepared face. It is necessary to degrease the upper layers of the skin well, for this wash with ordinary soap, and then use any tonic on alcohol. Then apply a thin layer of cream or makeup base, this will protect your face from the harmful and drying effects of cosmetics.

How to paint a face for Halloween for a woman or girl?

Everything will depend on the image and complexity of the costume, we will consider the most popular options.

  • Gothic makeup

Classic Halloween Makeup 2017 New Gothic Girl Makeup Ideas for Witch, Demoness, Shadow Lady or Black Widow.

  1. This face painting for Halloween does not take much time and does not require special skills.
  2. To begin with, the skin must be whitened with light powder, theatrical makeup or white shadows.
  3. Whitewash can be made independently, for this you need to mix a fat cream with white clay or loose dye and apply to the skin with a wide brush.
  4. Then, with the help of gray shadows, emphasize the cheekbones and brow ridges, give the face thinness and angularity.
  5. Then move on to the eyes. Here you can use the effect of smokey ice or just highlight the eyelids with a dark color. Using liquid eyeliner, draw even and bold arrows, it is not forbidden to use not only black, but also red, emerald, dark blue or white.
  6. Refrain from bright acid shades, it can spoil the image.
  7. Classic black mascara and false eyelashes will help to make the eyes more expressive.
  8. Particular attention should be paid to the eyebrows. They need to be plucked in advance and give them a neat shape. Highlighting the eyebrows is very important, it can be traditional black, brown or even burgundy.
  9. The final step will be the lips. Here you can give free rein to your imagination, any shades from blood red to black will emphasize your fatal image.

Halloween face painting is getting more and more popular. You can complement the evening make-up with the image of a small spider or a scorpion. You can also make the image more sinister by adding bloody tears, scars, cracks and protruding veins.

  • Skeleton image

Making such an unusual face makeup for Halloween is very difficult, but the result is worth the effort and time spent. First you need to draw the contours of the main bones of the skull. The places where the bones are supposed to be are painted over in white, the voids are highlighted in black. The main elements of drawing are the eyes, nose, cheekbones and jaw. If your suit does not cover the neck and décolleté, you need to draw the cervical spine and upper chest. Start painting with "voids", for this, use black and dark gray shadows. The intensity of the shade should decrease from the center to the edges. Paint the rest of the face with white. Cover your lips completely. With the help of silver and light gray shadows, highlight the cheekbones and temporal lobes. Final touches. The lines of the teeth and protruding bones need to be made very sharp and clear, for this you will need a liquid eyeliner or pencil.

  • Artistic images

It is not at all necessary to make a scary and frightening face for Halloween with the help of makeup: the photos below are a vivid confirmation of this. Your image can be mysterious, fatal and even romantic. With the help of theatrical makeup, you can turn your face into a real work of art. When applying make-up, it is worth remembering that it must be kept in the same color scheme as the costume. Too rich a palette of colors can spoil the image and turn it into a carnival.

  • Makeup options for men

If everything is clear with the fair sex, then how to paint the face of the male half of the population on Halloween? The stronger sex in this regard was much more fortunate, because their image can be really awesome, while the girls still want to keep a little femininity and beauty.

  1. The Walking Dead Perhaps the most popular characters among guys are skeletons and zombies. However, the variations are very different, it can be a stylish skeleton guy or a real Horseman of Death. But the general essence of the makeup does not change, usually it is a white face and dark accents on some parts of the skull.
  2. Characters from movies and comics If you want to emphasize individuality and stand out from the gray mass, then for the idea of ​​makeup, you can use the image of a character from your favorite movie or comics.
  3. Heroes such as Edward Scissorhands or the Mad Hatter are especially popular. Fans of Batman films can use the makeup of the Joker or Harley Joker. But fans of Marvel comics are the luckiest, as they have hundreds of thousands of characters to choose from from the Hulk to Spider-Man.
  • Makeup options for children

Do not forget about the smallest members of the family. Even though kids prefer to wear scary face masks, for Halloween, you can pick up an image in which they are not needed at all. Therefore, an interesting make-up will help complement the costume.

This, first of all, depends on her age and costume. For a baby, for example, the image of a Pumpkin is very suitable. Take paint or theatrical makeup and draw the outline of a pumpkin on the child's face. It should capture the eyebrows, cheeks and the top of the chin. Using different shades, create a smooth gradient from light yellow to bright orange. The color intensity increases from the center to the edges. Using brown paint, apply longitudinal curved lines. They will imitate pumpkin sectors. With black eyeliner or gouache, apply triangular eyes and a carved mouth of the future festive pumpkin. Finish the makeup with a stalk and green leaves. An older girl can dress up as a witch, for this you need a bright and beautiful make-up. Use different glitters and rich colors. And to give the image a holiday spirit, draw a web, bat wings or an imp's tail. Well, if the daughter is not afraid to be funny, she will like the image of a real witch with a creepy green face.

  • Makeup for boys

The boys can choose a variety of holiday makeup options. Various animalistic characters are very popular. For example, a puppy, a kitten or a tiger cub. They are very easy to draw and look quite cute. For a more specific image, it is worth choosing an individual make-up. If your son decided to be Count Dracula, then you should put on vampire makeup, if he chose a superhero costume, then the symbols of Batman or Spider-Man will come in handy. And for the living dead, zombie or skeleton, there is a detailed photo instruction.

  • How to remove makeup

After the holiday, it is necessary to properly remove makeup from the face. To do this, it is better to use a special milk, but if it is not available, you can do with water and soap. To do this, wet your face with warm water and apply a little liquid soap on a cotton pad or sponge. Wait until the paint becomes soft and flowing, and carefully remove it layer by layer. Do not rub the skin or smear makeup all over the face, harmful substances can get into the eyes. After washing, wipe the skin with an alcohol-containing tonic and moisturize with a greasy cream.

The tradition of celebrating Halloween came to Russia and all the territories of the post-Soviet space relatively recently - with the development of club life, as well as the fashion for theme parties. The holiday of mysticism and horror took root in the new space quite quickly, and this is not surprising: young people and children fell in love with it for the opportunity to dress up in costumes of fairy-tale villains and monsters, bright paraphernalia in the form of burning candles and pumpkin heads, and, in general, the amazing atmosphere of jokes and pranks, which invariably take place on the eve of All Saints' Day.

Every year, on the evening of October 31, a variety of events and parties are held in honor of Halloween,

If you have received an invitation to one of them, you should prepare thoroughly.

You will need a costume of some character with a bad temper, and you can complement the image of the villain with a special Halloween-themed face mask or simply by painting your face with paint.

Let's talk about what makeup options exist that are most suitable for the holiday, how to properly use special face paint when going to

Halloween and how to paint your features to ensure that you get the intended image.

Learning how to create a scary image for Halloween with the help of paints

Let's make a reservation right away, make-up and makeup are fundamentally different things. Both from the point of view of the use of means for creation, and in terms of effect: makeup is well suited for those who do not want to change their image or their costume too much and do not require it.

But makeup on the face for the Halloween holiday, made in the appropriate theme, can not only radically transform your appearance, but really be extremely frightening, which is actually required.

To create a bright image with makeup, you will need to buy special paints in advance. Paint for drawing on the skin is of two types - oil-based and water-based.

In the theater, they usually paint on the face with oil makeup - it is bright and keeps well on the skin, but you must take into account the fact that it will not be easy to remove such drawings in the future: they will have to be literally rubbed off the skin and use a special cleansing composition for this.

A more convenient and practical option for drawings on your face for Halloween will be aqua paints - they do not differ in increased durability, but they can be washed off easily and simply. By the way, getting aqua paints is also easier than buying theatrical makeup - they are sold in large children's stores, in the departments for creativity.

Painting the skin for Halloween will require not only the preliminary purchase of a coloring composition - you will also need all kinds of brushes and sponges, cotton pads and correction sticks, napkins.

Do not forget before you brightly paint your face for Halloween, be sure to do an allergy test - apply not a large number of paint on the skin of the hand and wait - if irritation appears. If within half an hour no reactions followed, you can start drawing scary faces on All Saints Day.

Whatever paint you use, the skin of the face will need to be prepared for its application. To do this, arm yourself with an alcohol-based lotion and, moistening a cotton pad or swab in it, treat all surfaces on which you are going to apply makeup. Then apply an additional nourishing cream, rub it into the skin until completely absorbed and finish the preparation by applying any base make-up base.

Such activities will help make-up lie better, and your skin will be saved from the direct harmful effects of synthetic dyes.

As for the choice of colors, it completely depends on your imagination. Do not forget only that successful makeup is always combined with a suit. And now let's look at the most popular and scary options for drawings on the face for themed Halloween parties, and also learn how to do them yourself without the help of professional make-up artists.

Draw scary pictures on your face

The simplest drawing can be a gothic version of the coloring of scary demonic faces for Halloween. Such an image is suitable for a terrible vampire, and for an evil witch, and for a ghost from the other world. How do you draw this look on your Halloween traits?

Very simple:

  1. First, cover your forehead, cheeks, chin with a thick layer of white paint;
  2. Take the usual cosmetic eye shadow and, choosing a gray tone, highlight the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cheekbones, superciliary arches, so that the face turns out to be thin, sharp and angular;
  3. Highlight the eyes in a special way - draw dark circles around them or just huge arrows. Enhance the effect with false eyelashes or other eye makeup accessories. For drawing in the Gothic style, also use a black and gray range of tones and avoid warm shades - otherwise all the chic and horror will go down the drain;
  4. Eyebrows can be highlighted, or you can, on the contrary, paint over them - it all depends on what kind of image you have chosen for yourself. Filled in eyebrows will create a full mask effect, and will perfectly fit into the image of a ghost or demon;
  5. Do not forget about the lips - there are no strict recommendations on the color scheme. Choose a paint or lipstick that matches the rest of your make-up or costume as closely as possible.

As a finishing touch, you can draw on the cheeks or on the forehead some kind of Gothic symbolism, an animal that is somehow connected with dark forces, or just an original web.

You can decorate yourself for Halloween even more extravagantly. Try to turn into a feisty witch with tousled hair and green skin. To do this, cover the entire face with green makeup, excluding the lips area. With black paint, draw deliberately long upper arrows on the eyelids, draw huge eyebrows, and draw a cobweb on the cheeks.

Also highlight wrinkles with black paint - you are an old and terrible witch! And do not forget about the main detail of the image - an ugly wart on the nose or chin.

Paint your lips with scarlet lipstick, but be sure to outline it in black, and complete your character by messing up your hair in a chaotic manner and putting on a pointed hat.

How to make vampire faces for a Halloween party?

It's also pretty simple. Only for the completeness of the character you will need to buy false fangs and colored lenses of any but bright color. Apply a thick layer of white makeup or powder to your face.

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If you've been invited to a Halloween party, it's time to think about your look. If you have already decided on the character, then you need to choose the appropriate costume, accessories and paraphernalia, and take care of the hairstyle. But in order for the image to be complete and realistic, special attention should be paid to makeup or makeup. If you also have no idea how to paint your face for Halloween, then a couple of useful tips and ideas will help you make your choice.

Face preparation

Makeup for a man, woman or child should always be applied only to a previously prepared face. Otherwise, you run the risk of ruining the skin or, in addition, getting chemical burns. It is necessary to degrease the upper layers of the skin well, for this, wash yourself with ordinary soap, and at the end, use any tonic on alcohol. After that, apply a thin layer of cream or makeup base, this will protect your face from the harmful and drying effects of cosmetics.

Makeup options for women

How to paint a face for Halloween for a woman or a girl? Everything will depend on the image and complexity of the costume, we will consider the most popular options.

Gothic makeup

Classic gothic style makeup is suitable for the image of a sorceress, demoness, mistress of shadows or a black widow. Such a face painting for Halloween does not take a lot of time and does not require special skills.

  • To begin with, the skin must be whitened with light powder, theatrical makeup or white shadows. It is possible to use watercolors or gouache, but then the result will not be so realistic. It is possible to make whitewash on your own, for this you need to mix a fat cream with white clay or loose dye and apply it to the skin with a wide brush.
  • After that, using gray shadows, highlight the cheekbones and brow ridges, give the face thinness and angularity.
  • When finished, move on to the eyes. Here it is possible to apply the effect of smokey ice or just highlight the eyelids with a dark color. Using a liquid eyeliner, draw even and bold arrows, it is not forbidden to use not only black, but also red, emerald, dark blue or white. But refrain from bright acid shades, it can spoil the image. Classic black mascara and false lashes will help to brighten up the eyes.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the eyebrows. They must be plucked in advance and give them a neat shape. Highlighting the eyebrows is extremely important, it can be classic black, brown or, moreover, burgundy.
  • The final step will be the lips. Here it is possible to give free rein to your imagination, every shades from blood red to black will emphasize your fatal image.
  • Final touches. Halloween face painting is getting more and more popular. You have the opportunity to complement the evening make-up with the image of a small spider or a scorpion. In addition, it is possible to make the image more terrible by adding bloody tears, scars, cracks and protruding veins.

Skeleton image

Making such an unusual face makeup for Halloween is very difficult, but the result is worth the effort and time expended.

  • First you need to draw the contours of the main bones of the skull. The places where the bones are supposed to be are painted over in white, the voids are highlighted in black. The main elements of drawing are the eyes, nose, cheekbones and jaw. If your suit does not cover the neck and décolleté, you need to draw the cervical spine and upper chest.
  • Start painting with "voids", for this, use black and dark gray shadows. The intensity of the shade must decrease from the center to the edges.
  • Paint the rest of the face with white. Cover your lips completely. Using silver and light gray shadows, highlight the cheekbones and temporal lobes.
  • Final touches. The lines of the teeth and protruding bones must be made very sharp and clear, for this you will need a liquid eyeliner or a pencil.

Artistic images

It is not at all necessary to make a terrible and frightening Halloween face through makeup: the photos below are a vivid confirmation of this. Your image is perhaps mysterious, fatal and also romantic. Through theatrical make-up, it is possible to turn a face into a real work of art.

When applying make-up, you should not forget that it must be kept in the same color scheme as the costume. An overly rich palette of colors can spoil the image and turn it into a carnival one.

Makeup options for men

If everything is clear with women, then how to paint the face of the male half of the population on Halloween? The stronger sex in this plan was much more fortunate, since their image is perhaps really frightening, while the girls still want to keep a little femininity and beauty.

the walking Dead

Perhaps the most popular characters among guys are skeletons and zombies. But the variations are very different, it is perhaps a stylish young skeleton or a real Horseman of Death. But the general essence of the makeup does not change, in most cases it is a white face and dark accents on some parts of the skull.

Characters from movies and comics

If you want to highlight individuality and stand out from the gray mass, then for the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmakeup it is possible to use the image of a character from your favorite movie or comics. Heroes such as Edward Scissorhands or the Mad Hatter are very popular. Fans of films about Batman will be able to apply the make-up of the Joker or Harley-Joker. But fans of Marvel comics are the luckiest, because they are presented with hundreds of thousands of characters from the Hulk to Spider-Man to choose from.

Makeup options for children

We should not forget about the smallest members of the family. Despite the fact that children prefer to put on terrible face masks, for Halloween it is possible to pick up a look in which they are not useful at all. Based on this, a fascinating make-up will help complement the costume.

Makeup for girls

How to paint a girl's face for Halloween? This, first of all, depends on her age and costume. For a baby, for example, the image of a Pumpkin is very suitable.

  • Take paint or theater makeup and draw the outline of a pumpkin on the child's face. She must capture the eyebrows, cheeks and upper part of the chin. Using different shades, create a smooth gradient from light yellow to bright orange. The color intensity improves from the center to the edges.
  • Using brown paint, apply longitudinal curved lines. They will imitate pumpkin sectors.
  • With black eyeliner or gouache, apply triangular eyes and a carved mouth of the future festive pumpkin.
  • Finish the makeup with a stalk and green leaves.

An older girl can dress up as a witch, for this a bright and beautiful make-up is useful. Apply different glitters and rich colors. And in order to give the image a holiday spirit, draw a web, bat wings or an imp's tail. Well, what if the daughter is not afraid to be funny, she will like the image of a real witch with a terrible green face.

Makeup for boys

Boys can choose a variety of holiday makeup options. Various animalistic characters are very popular. For example, a puppy, a kitten or a tiger cub. They are very easy to draw and look pretty cute. For a more specific image, it is worth choosing a personal make-up. If your son decided to be Count Dracula, then you should put on vampire makeup, if he chose a superhero costume, then the symbols of Batman or Spider-Man will come in handy. And for the living dead, zombie or skeleton, there is a detailed photo instruction.

How to remove makeup

At the end of the holiday, you need to correctly remove the makeup from your face. To do this, it is better to use a special milk, but if it is not available, it is possible to get by with water and soap. To do this, wet your face with hot water and apply a little liquid soap on a cotton pad or sponge. Wait until the paint becomes soft and flowing, and carefully remove it layer by layer. Do not rub your skin or smear makeup all over your face, harmful substances can get into your eyes. At the end of washing, wipe the skin with an alcohol-containing tonic and moisturize with a fat cream.

Halloween is a famous holiday, All Saints Day. It is believed that at this time the line between the world of people and spirits becomes thinner. And although the tradition of dressing up as unusual creatures is not very old, it is ideal for parties. It often turns into a competition to see who has the best make-up and outfits. Therefore, girls try to make Halloween makeup bright and unique. But there is no need to reinvent the wheel, many different options have been invented and tested before us, it remains only to learn how to make them.


For a girl, this is not the most pleasant comparison, but everyone can do witch makeup for Halloween.

The classic scary version of the western witch is green skin, warts and an evil look. It is easy to execute it. Find a false nose and clip onto your own. On top of the base, evenly apply green makeup to the entire face, neck and exposed skin. Black smokey eyes and brownish bruises under the eyes will be appropriate. Add blush with dark green shadows and highlight the cheekbones.

Complete the look with a long black dress and a pointed hat. A black cat or a broom would be appropriate. Remember that this is not a Barbie, here the more terrible, the better.

No less interesting is the image of the cold witch Maleficent, created by Angelina Jolie in the film of the same name. To do this, you will need black horns, a chic black dress with a high collar and some cosmetics. Whiten the entire face, evenly bring the eyebrows and eyes. With theater wax, enhance the cheekbones, tint them to match and line them with purple shadows for an edgy effect. Don't forget red lips.


The black cat is the magical companion of witches. He keeps his secrets, walks by himself and looks elegant. It is easy to recreate his images. Even out skin tone and prepare shadows or makeup.

The eyes must be predatory, because the cat is a hunter. A black pencil and mascara will help you: you need long arrows, thick eyeliner lines, and lush eyelashes. The cat does not and cannot have a blush, so leave the blush for another occasion. Instead, draw a cute little antennae with which the cat smells the victim. On the skin between the lips and nose, put a bunch of dots on the left and right, from some points draw the antennae on the cheeks with long, even lines. So the cat will be recognizable. And don't forget to paint the nose black or pink.

The Cheshire Cat is no less famous. Predatory handsome man with a wide smile. The biggest problem in this image is precisely this smile.

Take a black pencil and draw an outline almost from ear to ear. The lines should run above and below the lips. Draw a border with clear black paint. Fill everything inside with white, including your lips. To make your Cheshire Cat smile, draw thin lines from the corners of your lips to the drawn ones. Draw out your teeth. Also, the teeth can be small, but this will require a little more drawing art - look for examples in the photo to make the cat successful.


The Bride of Dracula is very easy to recreate. The main attributes of the image: bleached skin, like a zombie, fangs and blood. Light powder, white makeup and shadows will help create a deathly pale face. Don't forget your neck and arms.

It is better to make the eyes dark and gloomy, the gentle look of Barbie will not work here. Thick eyeliner lines, long shadows and smokey eyes on the entire upper eyelid are what you need. It will be useful to find red or black lenses, guys will appreciate the power of the look.

Usually, simple scarlet lips are enough. But with the help of makeup, you can create an imitation of someone else's blood leaking from your mouth. Feel free to draw stains on the chin and cheeks. Makeup for Halloween should be bright.

By the way, if you do not have suitable fangs, with the same make-up you can put on a white dress, smear it in blood and pretend that you are a dead bride, look for detailed pictures for more accurate details.

naked skeleton

You can create the illusion of the absence of skin with a black and white palette, emphasizing the natural skeleton. First of all, whiten the entire face, neck, chest and arms. Then take black paint, light makeup or gouache to gradually paint over everything that the skeleton is deprived of.

  • Nose. It can be seen that the skull does not have a bone in place of the nose, so the most accurate skeleton should be without a nose. Color it in completely.
  • Eyes. The skeleton has empty eye sockets, so paint over the upper and lower eyelids with black dye. Try to keep the circles under the eyes round and symmetrical. If the eyebrow can serve as the upper border, then outline the lower one in advance.
  • Jaw connection. If you feel the skull, you can see that the jaws are attached in the area of ​​​​the ears, but the cheeks are empty. You can boldly outline the cheekbones and lower jaw, and draw the space between them in black. Keep this idea in mind for zombies as well, as they are often missing skin too.

An important detail of the skull is the teeth, they highlight the skeleton on Halloween. It is necessary to paint not only the lips, but also part of the cheeks from above and below. To do this, simply draw black vertical lines, as if these are the gaps between the teeth. But do not get carried away: remember, a person has only 32 teeth, that is, 16 each from above and below.

To complete the skeleton, draw the bones on the neck, ribs and spine for yourself. Pictures with the human structure and detailed video tutorials will help you with this, just look for Halloween makeup photos.


When toys play a negative role in horror films, they look really frightening.

There are several different options for how to do Halloween doll makeup:

Cracks can be drawn on the face of girls with a regular eyeliner. Draw the outline and paint it gray inside, as if a piece of paint or plastic had fallen off the barbie. The main thing is to observe chiaroscuro and pay attention to details.


walking dead recent times became popular, because their images constantly flash in films and TV shows. Partially decomposed zombie flesh is not achieved with simple makeup, gelatin or liquid latex is required. After dissolving it, you need to quickly apply the mass to the skin - it dries quickly, do not hesitate.

It is better to edit the chin and the area near the nose, because usually these areas look scary in zombies. While you wait, you can make faces and train facial expressions - this will distribute the latex unevenly, random curves will appear on the zombie skin, which will ensure naturalness. Do not be afraid to draw the skeleton, as if bones are breaking out from under the flesh.

Paint over your face with gray or white gouache, because zombie skin is not as pink as that of ordinary people. You can even draw a skeleton or bare bones. Feel free to apply artificial blood. You can make it at home with safe food coloring and thick syrup. Not only is it delicious, but its consistency will also resemble the blood of a victim that a zombie has recently enjoyed. Smear in it not only the chin, but also a little neck, if the selected outfits allow.

The advantage of a zombie is that this creature is already dead, so you can add a bullet mark on the forehead or paint a shattered jaw - this way a beautiful Halloween makeup will also turn out to be versatile. Let your imagination run wild.