Difference between serum and cream What makes a serum different from a regular cream

With the help of a serum, you can make your face literally shine, get rid of inflammation, age spots and even level wrinkles. A beauty guide to using these magical "helpers" in front of you.

Elixirs, activators - as soon as they do not call serums. The bottom line is that such products are light in texture, in the overwhelming majority of cases do not contain fats (with the exception of oil anti-aging serums) and are enriched with several (5-7) components at a higher concentration. They are used to enhance the protective functions of the skin. As a rule, such recovery courses are carried out every 3-4 months.

If already at the age of 25-30 you notice the first signs of aging - wrinkles, dull complexion, decreased skin elasticity, do not despair. Conduct an anti-aging course of serums. Do not be afraid of the "withdrawal syndrome": even if you suddenly stop using concentrates, the effect of their use will be noticeable for another 2-3 months.

Transformation time

If we talk about the first results, which everyone wants to see quickly, then here you need to be patient. When using funds, for example, with vitamins C, E, retinol, and other antioxidants, dramatic changes will be visible no earlier than in 4-6 weeks. Penetrating into the skin, the active components of the product begin to act in the deepest layers of the skin, and not only in the epidermis, thereby providing a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Another thing is beauty products with instant action. These include moisturizing concentrates with hyaluronic acid, as well as elixirs based on silicone, which literally in an instant evens out the complexion, and due to reflective particles, it looks younger. This result, due only to optical illusions, is called the "Cinderella effect" by cosmetologists. After just one application, you will notice a dazzling result, but how long it will last is the question!

In winter, apply moisturizing serums, like creams with hydrating properties, 40–45 minutes before going outside. The cream should be absorbed. If you neglect this rule, the moisture will literally evaporate in a matter of minutes. And the skin will become dry and irritated.

Elena Monakhova, beautician of the TORI salon

Serums for professional use differ from products for the mass consumer. This is due to the fact that when creating a product for millions of buyers, the brand strives to make it as versatile as possible. Hence their "sparing", superficial and less pronounced effect in comparison with salon products.

Serums are selected individually depending on the task. And many of them can be used even during adolescence. For example, those aimed at treating pimples and acne or other irritations in adolescents associated with their transitional age and hormonal imbalances.

Taking into account the environment, water quality and stress, moisturizing serums can be used from 20-25 years old. After 25 years, you can use serums with vitamins and collagen. At this age, the aging process of the skin is activated - and the earlier you start preventing age-related changes, the longer you will retain your youth.

Some serums can be used on their own. They create a protective lipid layer on the skin surface and no further application of the cream is required. But in most cases, the cream will still come in handy. It is better to use serums in courses, the longest course is 3 months. After that, a break of at least 4 weeks is required.

Young, yes early

At a young age, under 25, it doesn't take much to look attractive. The main rule during this period is not to neglect cleansers, use a moisturizer and regularly peel (you can limit yourself to home procedures). This grooming is usually enough to keep you looking fresh. But sometimes annoying pimples appear. What to do with them? And here anti-inflammatory serums will serve you excellently. Usually, they include extracts of plants such as aloe, propolis extract, enriched with useful trace elements - zinc, magnesium. They have a mild antibacterial effect, soothe irritated skin, relieving redness.

If skin problems are more serious (comedones, acne), it makes sense to look for a serum in the pharmacy cosmetics segment. Often, azelaic acid is added to such products - it has been proven that it inhibits the growth of "bad" bacteria that live on the surface of the skin and provoke inflammation in acne. Anti-inflammatory serums "work" on the principle of a soft scrub: gently exfoliating the skin, they cleanse its surface from impurities, facilitating the access of oxygen to the cells.

Mature solution

After 30-35 years and until about premenopause (45 years), the skin is especially in need of careful care. In addition to creams, masks and salon treatments, moisturizing serums should be used daily. They normalize the hydrobalance in the upper layers of the epidermis, improve the barrier and protective functions of the skin, and reduce the feeling of tightness. If the skin is dry, pay attention to glycerin, amino acids, lactic acid, NMF - natural moisturizer factor. These substances, like a magnet, attract water molecules to themselves. Just imagine, 1 molecule of hyaluronic acid is able to hold up to 1000 water molecules! For comparison: a regular cream contains only 2-3% of hyaluronic acid, while its concentration in serum can reach 40%. As a result, the skin is tightened, filled with radiance, the fine mesh of wrinkles disappears.

Velvet age

Anti-aging serums can be a significant help in the care for women "50 +". Many, by the way, may well limit themselves to such care. But still, in winter, it is better to use such serums in tandem with a good nourishing cream. Look for biphasic concentrates labeled "whey in oil" - a relatively new beauty product with a focus on multipurpose effects. It simultaneously removes wrinkles, flaccidity and flabbiness of the skin, as well as deeply nourishes it. The composition includes oils rich in linoleic acid, containing valuable omega-3 fatty acids; rosehip seed oil, black currant, evening primrose, shea butter, macadamia, cocoa. And to get rid of age spots, take a product with kojic acid.

Often, unaesthetic spider veins appear on the wings of the nose, cheeks and even in the décolleté area. Such "beauty" can be a manifestation of rosacea - vascular disease. For prevention, be sure to use special anti-couperose serums with vitamins K and C, extracts of cornflower, ginger, sweet clover and other extracts from medicinal plants. And only then mask imperfections with foundation or special powder.

Ekaterina Lipskaya, dermatologist, cosmetologist, Ph.D., training manager of A-PHARM

The use of serums both at home and within the framework of salon procedures is always relevant, regardless of the season. Serums usually contain a large number of active components and in greater concentration. Moreover, the serum enhances the effect of creams applied after it. Although the effect of self-administration of the serum is quite obvious.

Functionally, serums are divided into moisturizing, anti-aging, lifting, etc. As an example, consider the options that French laboratories offer us.

First of all, anti-aging serums are in demand, for example, from the Nyuksyurians line (Nuxe brand). They should be applied at least to the area of ​​wrinkles with patting, hammering movements and as a maximum on the entire face in order to prevent aging.

Sometimes ladies complain that they cannot find anti-aging care for sensitive skin, since the skin “reacts” to everything. Noreva Laboratories in the Novean 3D line offer an intensive regenerating anti-aging serum that is also suitable for sensitive skin.

Particularly relevant is the Isofil Line Uriage Intensive Firming Anti-Wrinkle Serum. This tool is especially recommended for those ladies who do mesotherapeutic procedures, contour plastics, peelings and other dermato-aesthetic procedures. The serum enhances the effect of these procedures and prolongs their effect.

Very often, ladies who have a reduced skin turgor look for serums with a lifting effect. In this case, we can recommend the Isoden line serum with an immediate lifting effect from Uriage or the new product Merveyance Expert from Nuxe.

Application rules

1. After cleansing the skin and before applying morning or evening cream.

2. If the product is with a dispenser, 1-2 clicks are enough. Spread the serum between your palms and then press them against your face, starting from your forehead, going down to your cheeks and chin. No need to rub it in with effort and stretch the skin once again.

3. Some serums are applied locally, say, only to the area around the eyes in a few drops - read the instructions and do not waste the precious product.

4. If the instructions do not indicate additional information, the serum can and should be applied to the neck area, for some reason many people often forget about it. But it is the deep transverse wrinkles in this area that give out the woman's age.

When shopping for skin care products, ladies often wonder what to buy, serum or cream? The most correct answer is both, since these tools perform different functions.

Cream and serum, from what age you can

The cream is intended for the care of oily, dry, normal and combination skin... It is most often divided by age, so it is worth taking a closer look at the inscriptions on the packaging. You can use a cream, especially a moisturizing one, literally from the age of 16. Moisturizing is the key to healthy skin, so this tool will not be superfluous. The nourishing cream is good in frosty weather, it helps to retain moisture in the skin and protect it from external influences.

Serums can be used at any age, if acne appears or the skin is too dry, then the cosmetologist can prescribe it literally from the age of 12 during the period of rapid hormonal development. It is better if a beautician picks up a cream or serum, he will more correctly choose skin care, so do not hesitate to visit these specialists.

What are the similarities of this cosmetics

The similarity of the care products is, in principle, the same, both of them are intended for the care of the skin of the face. They deliver nutrients, fight imperfections in the skin and prolong its youthfulness. This is where it all ends and the differences begin.


Most often, serum is a storehouse of nutrients that penetrate deeply into the skin due to their structure. About 70% of the whey contents are active ingredients. The combination of a serum with a cream of the same series gives the maximum result. The use of the serum allows you to achieve maximum effect. They are subdivided:
  1. Moisturizers.
  2. Anti-aging.
  3. Restoring.
  4. Against acne, pigmentation and others.

That is why they are often used pointwise, on problem areas. Serums cannot protect the skin from cold, dryness and UV rays, so a cream must be applied over them, which will help the skin retain all the substances obtained from the action of the serum.

Also, the funds differ in consistency, active substances and composition. The cream is based on water and oils, the serum does not contain oils, but it contains, for example, fruit acids and other active substances, depending on the purpose.

How serum and cream are used

  • Be sure to read the instructions for the action of the serum. For example, a product containing retinol, glycolic acid is best applied at night, as it contains active ingredients that are sensitive to the sun.
  • Serum is applied pointwise to problem areas. From the fact that it will be used in larger quantities, the effect will not be better.
  • Buy small bottles of cosmetics, such things do not store for a long time and are used in courses, no more than 4 times a year.
  • Usually the serum is packaged in a dark glass bottle and equipped with a pipette so that bacteria do not get into the solution and it is convenient to dispense the agent;
  • The serum is the base, the cream is applied on it, not under it. A moisturizing or nourishing product from the same series is best suited. You should not enhance the action of the serum, choosing a cream with active ingredients, the unexpected may turn out.
  • The cream is applied with or without serum. Distinguish between day and night cream for the care of the eyelid area. The cream is denser in consistency and may contain fragrances and preservatives. Most often it performs the function of protecting the skin from the external environment.
  • It is better to choose a cream with a dispenser or use a spatula so that germs from the surface of the skin do not get into the jar. The product is purchased according to age and skin type, so the care is carried out more fully. Since the serum cannot remove dry or flaky skin, there are no oils in it.

Since the serum gives the most persistent result after a month of use, you should not expect an instant effect, although the lifting series gives it immediately. You can use this tool at absolutely any age. They are free of preservatives and dyes, fragrances, so there is no allergy to serum. The choice of the drug should be based on the problem of the skin; on top, be sure to apply a product with UV protection.

How to use

It is best to use the serum in the morning and evening, unless there are specific instructions. Apply it to the skin after tonic. This helps to maintain the moisturizing effect on the skin and helps the active ingredients to be absorbed better. The serum is ideal for alginate masks. If necessary, the serum can be used continuously if it is moisturizing or anti-acne. Between applying the serum and cream to the face, it is best to pause for 15 minutes so that the active substances are better absorbed into the skin.

Don't save money when buying

Since serums work well with anti-acne creams and retinoids, they can be used to enhance the effect on the skin. Most of all positive reviews about the means of famous brands. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to buy a quality product, then it is not worth saving. The effect of the serum on mature skin is especially noticeable. It has a rejuvenating effect, wrinkles are tightened, the skin literally starts to glow. The cream, unfortunately, does not give such an effect, therefore, the older a person is in age, the more he should use serums to improve the condition of the epidermis.

If a certain brand of cream and serum is suitable, and the effect is visible, then they can be used for a long time. It is not necessary to constantly change care if it is suitable.

Serums came to cosmetology relatively recently - only in the 1990s, and immediately won the first place among the care products. They came from pharmacology - a science that is on the border of two others - pharmacy and cosmetology. However, despite the fact that they have been on the market for more than twenty years, not everyone knows how they differ from the cream, how to use them correctly and at what age. We propose to fill these gaps.

Serum: effect

Has there ever been a situation with you when you, having bought an expensive and advertised cream, simply did not see the effect from it? It seems that the money has been paid, there are useful substances in the composition of the product, but the wrinkles, the tired look, the grayness of the skin remain, as before. Cosmetologists assure that this means that this particular care product for your skin lacks the amount of active substances, that is, their concentration is less than necessary.

If you have noticed this more than once and cannot find a cream for yourself in any way, you should try using a serum: it contains a much higher concentration of nutrients, other systems for delivering useful ingredients into the skin are used; high-quality serum can even be a substitute for laser procedures at a beautician.
When is serum needed? In cases where a quick and high-quality effect is needed, although many women, having made sure of the effectiveness of serums, make them the basis for daily care, which is also not prohibited by cosmetologists.

It is a mistake to believe that serums are only for mature skin and anti-aging care. Serums, like creams, are different: moisturizing, mattifying, improving complexion, tightening, eliminating wrinkles, oxygenating, enhancing the effect of day cream, tightening pores, etc.

How to choose a serum?

When choosing a serum, forget about the standard approach by skin type. Now you need to concentrate on the problem that you want to solve: elimination of facial wrinkles, improvement of complexion, narrowing of pores, nutrition, etc.

Be sure to pay attention to the age indicated on the bottle: if you bought a 45+ serum, and you are not yet 30, you may experience an unexpected skin reaction or irritation.

If you are prone to allergies, it is best to visit a beautician before purchasing a new product in your cosmetic bag.

It is worth paying attention to the time of the year when you are going to use a particular serum. So, in spring and summer, experts advise buying water-based serums, and in winter - oil-based ones. In addition, in winter it is better to avoid products with antiseptic action - they dry out the skin.

If you want to solve several problems with different serums, then make a small plan: use one serum for 2-4 weeks, and then, two months later, the next. But you can also combine: for example, during one course (2-4 weeks), alternately apply two or three types of serums. In any case, it is advisable to apply the product once a day at night.

Who can use the serum?

Serum can be used from 25 years of age, but only moisturizing or regenerating. If you want to apply an anti-aging remedy, it is better to wait 30 years, using it in courses of 1-2 months, and then take the same break and start the course again.

How do I apply the serum?

Since serums are concentrated products, let's first figure out the dose: 2-3 drops of the elixir are enough to anoint her face and neck. It is a mistake to believe that the more you apply the funds, the better: too large a dose can have the opposite effect of the expected one.

Apply the serum to well-cleansed skin, spreading over the entire face, starting from the forehead. The serum is applied along the massage lines: from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the wings of the nose to the ears, from the chin to the lobes of the ears. The serum should be patted a little for better absorption. Then we move on to the neck, driving in the product well to the area just below the collarbones, you can go down to the décolleté area.

Some serums are used on a spot (for example, to care for the skin around the eyes). If this is your case, carefully read the application instructions so as not to waste an expensive product.

After applying the serum, you can apply the cream - it will strengthen the protective barrier of the skin, as well as complement the care with its own properties. It is best to purchase the same series of cream and serum.

Before important events, to look brilliant, you can peel the skin of the face and neck before applying the serum, so the effect of the serum will be even more noticeable.

If these questions baffled you and made you think, then our today's article will be of interest to you. We will tell you some interesting facts about the use and purpose of the face serum.

5 facts about face serum that are not known to everyone

Let's find out what a serum is, how to use this remedy and what problems a face serum can help you with. Here are the 5 most frequently heard statements about whey. Let's figure out which of them is true and which is a myth.

1. Serum or cream? Many people mistakenly believe that the only difference between a serum and a cream is a lighter watery texture. However, this is a big misconception. Yes, most face serums really have water as a base, due to which they penetrate deeper layers of the skin than creams (since water penetrates into the skin much more easily than an oily base of a cream). But that's not all: serums contain much more AHA-acids, which help to penetrate vitamins and beneficial substances deep into the skin. The most important thing is that serums have a much richer composition with useful components and substances. The face serum is an emergency aid in the rapid regeneration of the skin. The effect after applying the face serum will be visible much faster than after applying even a very good cream. Therefore, if you notice that your skin needs intensive care, it's time to start using the serum.

2. Serum instead of face cream. If the face serum is so good, so effectively and quickly removes signs of aging, age spots, fatigue and other skin problems, it would be logical to assume that serum is the best replacement for cream. However, this is not entirely true. The serum is best used in conjunction with a face cream, applied under the cream. And that's why. Many modern serums, despite the fact that they are very effective in combating many skin problems, cannot protect it from the negative effects of the environment and do not have sufficient SPF. This means that by fixing some problems, you can acquire others. That is why, if the serum of your choice is not able to protect your skin, additionally use a cream or other means for the skin of the face that protect against aggressive environmental influences.

3. Serum can be used all year round... Yes, there are no restrictions on the use of the face serum, and you can safely apply it on your face both in summer and winter. However, if you want to achieve the greatest effect, we recommend that you use the serum in courses. Apply the serum to thoroughly cleansed skin of the face and neck twice a day for one month, then take a break for 2-4 months and repeat the course again.

4. The face serum is designed for mature skin... The high concentration of nutrients in the face serum makes us think that such a product is better suited for mature skin, because for young and young it is better to use more gentle care. This is not entirely true. Of course, it is foolish to use a face serum designed to fight the signs of aging at the age of 18. But there are serums designed to solve problems typical for young skin: acne, irritation, age spots. For example, if you have acne, then a face serum that contains sebum-regulating ingredients is suitable for you.

5. Serum is a universal remedy. Sometimes it is difficult to find a good foam for washing on your own, let alone a face serum. Therefore, it is better not to experiment, but to seek advice from a cosmetologist, who, depending on the needs of your skin, will be able to recommend you one or another composition of the serum. If it is not possible to turn to a specialist for help, then you will have to carefully study the composition yourself. First, pay attention to whether you are allergic to certain components. Also pay attention to whether there is glycolic acid in the composition, a component that makes the skin more susceptible to the sun, which means that you will need to additionally use a cream with a high SPF. If you find many antiseptic components in the face serum, then remember that such a serum is best used in the warm season, while in winter it will dry the skin even more.

The face serum cream is a lightweight and effective cosmetic product that has a weightless consistency and is able to solve many problems of the facial skin.

There are many options for the forms of the cream, each of which has its own properties, and their action depends on the constituent components. One of the most popular forms today is serum.

"Serum"- translated from English as a concentrate. If you find this word on the bottle in the name of the product, it means that this is a serum.

What is a cream serum?

Serum cream is a product in which contains a high concentration of active ingredients. Its base is water or oil. In general, this remedy acts on the skin in the same way as a regular cream. Serums taken separately are able to rejuvenate the skin of the face, cleanse, moisturize, nourish, heal acne or other skin problems.

The peculiarity of such funds is that their assets are concentrates of effective components. A small bottle of cream serum contains about 10 times more active ingredients than a jar of cream. Accordingly, such a remedy brings quick and positive results. That is why the popularity of this cosmetics is so high.

What types of serums are there?

Serum creams, depending on their action, can be divided into the following types:

  • Anti-aging;
  • Restorative;
  • Toning and tightening;
  • Nutritious;
  • Moisturizers;
  • Antistress agents, sedatives;
  • Anti-inflammatory.

Important! Serum cream, unlike a regular cream, cannot have a multi-effect. As a rule, this tool has one focus. However, this property only increases the effectiveness of serums - their action is aimed at solving the main problem.

Serum or cream

What is the difference between face serum and cream:

  1. Due to the high concentration of components, serums contain more active substances.
  2. Serum cream is much lighter in consistency than regular cream. Therefore, when applied to the skin, most of the components are absorbed into its deep layers, affecting not only the surface. The cream, because of its density, "works" only at the epithelial level.
  3. The serum cream does not weigh the skin down, therefore it is suitable for all types of skin.

Choosing the right product

In order to find a truly effective remedy, certain features must be taken into account. First of all, it is important to understand that when choosing a serum, as opposed to choosing a cream, it is necessary to focus not on your skin type, but directly on the problem.

It's important to consider your age and the severity of the problem. Serums are very rich, so using a powerful product can be harmful in some cases.

Serum creams are much more likely to cause allergic reactions than regular creams... Potent bioactives that are not suitable for your skin can cause itching, redness and irritation. Therefore, be sure to test the product before using it on a small area of ​​the hand.

Cosmetologists do not recommend using serums for people under 30 years old. Young skin is itself capable of restoring its structure and function. The use of such a concentrated product can only harm natural processes.

Advice! Opt for light water-based cream serums for summer and oily options for winter. The presence of water in serum creams applied before going outside will cause severe redness and chapping of the facial skin in the cold. That is why they are based on oils and fats.

Good creams

This tool allows you to saturate the skin with vitamins and nutrients, prevent aging of the facial skin and preserve its youth. The composition contains valuable oils - shea, wheat germ, which increase the elasticity of the skin and give it tone.

Approximate price: 165 rubles.

Radiance of Youth Serum - One Hundred Beauty Recipes

The cream has a light consistency, it is perfectly absorbed without leaving behind a greasy sheen. After using the serum, the skin becomes soft, smooth, and its cells are saturated with moisture. The product can be used as a day or night cream, suitable for all types of skin.

The composition contains jojoba oil, creatine, black currant extracts, green tea rose hips, collagen and linden flowers.

Approximate price: 50 rubles.

Black pearl - concentrate for face and eyelids

The structure of the cream is very light, which ensures rapid absorption and penetration into the deep layers of the skin. The product perfectly moisturizes the skin, does not leave an oily sheen and tightness effect. Perfect as a makeup base.

Approximate price: 130 rubles.

Serum cream suitable for sensitive and dry skin types. The composition contains an extract of Damascus rose, camellia oil. The basis of this cosmetic series is Dead Sea water. The preparation perfectly moisturizes and nourishes, perfectly refreshes the skin and fights the signs of aging. - effective and useful tools.

Approximate price: 220 rubles.

Natura Siberica serum "Shrinking pores" for combination and oily skin

Natural cosmetic. The pore-tightening serum contains an extract of Japanese Sophora, Altai chamomile, flax and calendula. The tool allows you to narrow pores, normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands. It also tones, nourishes and cleanses the skin.

Approximate price: 570 rubles.

Chocolatte "Anti-Acne"

This serum is based on natural ingredients: decoctions of kelp, flax, marshmallow; hyaluronic, salicylic, azelaic acid; panthenol; extracts of sage, St. John's wort, calendula. The product eliminates problem rashes, normalizes functions and mattifies the skin of the face.

Approximate price: 230 rubles.

Anti-aging care. Video review: