How to see what you like you guy. How to understand that you like you a man - the main signs, ways. How to understand what you like you guy with whom the unfamiliar

On his behavior with you and in relation to youGuys try to take care of the girls who like them. If he offers you help even when you did not ask for it, it clearly says that you are calling his interest, and he wants to make a good impression on you. For example, you casually mentioned that you do not know how to restore some feature on the phone - in response, it will offer to see what the problem is. Or, he will give you to displacing my jacket, seeing that you dressed easily and clearly marznet. In general, any manifestations of concerns are a good sign. Also is not excluded and the opposite option - he wants you to take part in his affairs. For example, he may ask him with a choice of some kind of thing, showing that he trusts your opinion. He also advised to you on various issues - cooking a kind of dish, what a series or a movie to see and the like. By way of communication guy with youHe is constantly trying to maintain a dialogue, regardless of whether you communicate with the person or by correspondence. If embarrassing pauses arise, he is trying to fill them with some stories or ask you questions. Similar behavior and on social networks (in contact, classmates, etc.) - Even if the last message in the conversation was from him, then without waiting for your reaction, he will write you again. Also a good sign that you are pretty guy, is that The fact that he wants you to treat you anything - coffee, apple, candy and the like. If you have noticed that a young man is trying to joke to raise your mood, then this is also a multi-ring "signal" - he clearly hopes to impress you. By his gestures, look, smileWhen you appear in the company, his behavior changes slightly - it can become more intense or, on the contrary, behave annoying. Coming with you, he is trying to be as close as possible - he leans to you and for a few seconds, or even longer, it looks at you, carefully listening to everything you say. It is possible that he tries to touch you at any convenient moment - moving the road, showing something in his phone, correcting you the scarf, etc. A smile can appear on his face completely involuntarily when he sees you - during the conversation, in the first seconds of the meeting, when I catches your opinion. In appearance guy, changeHe is concerned about his appearance, and even if he doesn't directly ask, whether everything is in order with him, it is still noticeable that it is important for him - he is trying to correct some elements of clothing, touches his hair, if it looks at his reflection in the mirror Surfaces. It tries to sit straight, straightening the shoulders, turning to you - while his posture may look somewhat tense. By the way, enhanced pupils when looking at you can also say about very much!

How do you like to like a guy by SMS or phone

Some young people cannot decide to declare their sympathy with personal communication, preferring telephone dialogues or SMS. In this case, there are several signs that clearly demonstrate his sympathy:
    More often, the initiative of the phone calls is due to it. Even if you do not have such a tradition, it's just that way, he will find a reason for which you can call. This can be some kind of refinement or working issues. He can also say that looking for contacts of the general acquaintance. For example, attention to the duration of your conversations. The guy called you at a certain occasion, but after clarifying the question, is not in a hurry to put the phone? This is a faithful sign that he likes and the reason for the call, most likely, was contrived. Also, if there was no special reason for the call, and you understand that the young man is trying to extend your dialogue with all their mights - it says that you are pretty companion. It is trying to regularly be with you in touch. If you do not schedule a meeting or you did not appear on the network for a long time, it still supports contact with you using SMS or calls. It is possible to talk to you once again, but completely compensates for this by telephone. Some guys are very worried, while in close proximity to the subject of sympathy, so it is much easier for them to make the right impression on the girl. Please, the most obvious sign - the guy found your phone number in a personal profile on the social network, got it through common acquaintances or got it Some other unknown way. However, even if he asks the phone number personally, it also talks about his undoubted interest in your person.

How to understand what you like to correspond on the network

The network correspondence takes more and more time, however, without a "living" communication with a young man, it is easy to determine that it nourishes certain feelings. He is waiting for you. Now many VK users have the opportunity to be on their page in such a way that their friends do not even suspect it. If you went to the network and saw that the young man also appeared online, despite that before that it was not there for several hours or days, and this case is not happening for the first time - it seems that he was waiting for you. Surely, being in the status of "invisible", he watched when you appear in VC, and as soon as it happened, I decided to go and myself. Attention. As soon as the new post appears on your "wall", he, as a rule, marks him like. The same applies to your new photographs. He also often does not bother to comments on one or another records. In general, any activity on your page is not covered from his gaze, and, of course, it speaks of interest to you. He is active. Even if you never write to him first, it's not difficult for him to take this mission to myself. He may be interested in how your day went, just throw out funny pictures or video, send you songs on the wall, ask various questions. He also asks you about photos that appear in your profile - when they were made, who is with you in the pictures and the like.

He is jealous. If there are posts from other male users on your "wall", he can accompany them with unflattering comments or write to you personally about this - ridiculous recording, just to ask the personality of the guy, etc. He can also clarify if someone likes you. If you do not answer his message for a long time, he sugared or offended by the assumption that you communicate with a more interesting interlocutor. He is trying to like. In his profile, there were records that have an explicit attitude to you. Perhaps some time ago you discussed some musical artist, a film or show, and now on its "wall" there is a record that develops this topic - a quote from the film, a song, some picture. The interest of his friends. His buddies or relatives suddenly began to "lick" any pictures or posts, and even at all - to be added to friends. This undoubtedly indicates that the guy tells about you to other people and, apparently, this happens in a positive way. He is helpful. He does not disappear in the midst of the conversation with you for a couple of days. If he needs to be rejected, usually he tries to warn you about it. He also tells about his plans, even if you did not ask them. He worries. If you were not for several days on the network, this would in no case be tamed from his attention. As soon as you go to VC, at the first dialogue attempts to find out why you were absent for so long.

As usual, the guy manifests his sympathy

If you like the guy, you will immediately understand this in the signs below:
    He is interested in your phone number and how can you find in VC. If you met on the social network, he will initiate a meeting. Perhaps he after personal communication, without any questions, he himself found your page in VC - this is also an obvious sign of his sympathy. You constantly catch his view, being in one company, in a movie or walk. He is trying to do not look at your eyes. At the same time, it can suddenly take his eyes, feeling embarrassing. As not paradoxically, but this behavior can also talk about what you like a young man. Probably he does not know what to say to interest you or just afraid to break some nonsense, so it's not trying to make a conversation with you. As a rule, such behavior can be distinguished in the company, but if you stay alone, he will try to somehow express himself. I think that in his presence you feel easily and relaxed, and for this calls for help all your wit. If this happens in a certain team, then, among other things, it is likely that a young man wants to assert in your eyes, demonstrating that he may well be a "soul of the company". If someone from friends allows themselves offended or tactless jokes at your address The young man draws attention to this, trying to translate the conversation to another direction. It is possible that you accidentally pushed in a crowd or some stranger tried to tie a conversation with you - most likely, the guy you like, will try to intervene in the situation, taking care of you anymore anyone else or "sewing" a new potential Fan. I think you have a beloved and how long has the last relationship ended. He may be interested in this unobtrusively, asked indirect questions. For example, he will start talking about some kind of cozy place, adding: "Go there with my boyfriend." In fact, in response, he hopes to hear that you are currently not a romantic relationship. If you find out that a young man sets some questions about you with shared friends or acquaintances, then do not even doubt that he is experiencing sympathy for you. The guy learns from third parties some details of your personal life, is interested in your plans, a neighborhood area and the like? He exactly wants a closer acquaintance! You noticed that being close to you, he loses a concentration, can not get together with his thoughts, he grows everything from his hands? He clearly reflects about something, and it is likely that it is about you. Some guys are lost at the sight of the girl who is not indifferent to them, while others begin to behave unnecessarily self-confidently, trying to make an indelible impression. He can joke a lot, to tear over the surrounding, boasting some kind of achievements, authoritatively arguing about this or that matter. If you know that, as a rule, this behavior is completely atypically for him, then you probably have caused serious interest. In a conversation with you, he recalls some details regarding you: "You, as usual, put one sugar spoon ? "," Are you still watching that series? "," How is your cat? " etc. It is also manifested in memorizing dates - your birthday, the first meeting with you.

How to heal his interest in you or suck the dust

The fact that you like a man can cause an ambiguous reaction. With mutual sympathy, of course, I want to provoke a certain one for more active actions, but it happens that there is no return interest, and, accordingly, a desire to get rid of the persistent fan.

How to strengthen sympathy

1. Show interest in it. Ask about how his day passed, what kind of music is interesting for him. Also specify which movie genres he prefers, what is fond of, in what places it loves to be. 2. When meeting with an object of sympathy, try to look spectacular. Let your clothes are not causing, but will emphasize your very winning sides. Do not forget about the details - manicure, hairstyle, suitable makeup. If your communication takes place in the network, then try to add the most successful photos more often. 3. More often make it compliments. Praise his musical preferences, external data (hairstyle, eye color, figure, etc.) Ask to recommend the film, after which thank the choice. 4. Be kindly when communicating with him - smile, show interest in the topic, which he touched, do not interrupt it and do not ignore it. 5. Show him that you are a rather versatile personality that is not used to bored. Sign up for some courses, master classes, group classes with fitness or dancing. More often in various places, mentioning this in a conversation with a young man. 6. Let him understand that you are not a member of any respect. If you want a guy to whom you are prettifying, take more active steps, flirting exclusively with it. Of course, this does not mean that you must ignore other fans. Just show the guy that he causes the greatest interest precisely. 7. Take him signs of attention, but do not be obsessive, observe the measure. Periodically, it is possible to be interested in his affairs in VC, but if he does not particularly develop the topic, then we are on him. Let him understand that he is not disseminated to you, but you are not going to impose. 8. If it seems to you that he pays for little attention to you, and could be more active, do not tell him about it and do not express complaints and offensive. He may not guess that you are waiting for it more decisive behavior, and you can not hint at it by reproach, but flirting. 9. Invite it somewhere - just at the cafe drinking coffee, in the movies, on the rink or for a walk in the park. Tell me, that there were several free hours, and you had an idea to call or write it about this. It is desirable if at this time the guy will not be busy anything.

How to make it clear that there is no reciprocity

To say it straight. Call it on a frank conversation and admit that your sympathy does not go beyond friendly. HintThat you have long like another young man, and you do not want to build a relationship with anyone else. Not to give him signs, To answer his questions short and dry, oncoming issues not to ask. In social networks Do not respond to his messages instantly. To wait for a while, and only then give a single answer or not to respond at all, if in principle his message was not contained directly. I do not write first. Do not be shy to flirt with others Young people with him or talk about the guy who you like. Refuse to meet alone. If you have to see in the company, then not to pay attention to him more than others.

The most interesting and exciting in relationship is the first weeks of communication. You do not know what he is, but you are terribly interested. A bunch of questions are spinning in my head, you're standing for the future: is it capable of sending you Maldives, will the new phone give you a birthday, this spacious apartment is already hanging and hanging a mortgage?

Men will not stop laughing on us until we stop considering every Highup as a potential husband. I do not see anything reprehensible in it! And why spend time on a guy who does not suit you for any criteria. It's not for that mother's berry grown, so that she entertained with everyone in a row for one-only breakfast in bed, and even tasteless, and even cold.

Thinking on the future - right, that's just sometimes we do not understand men, not all those with whom we get acquainted, consider us even as potential girls, we for them so, for a while.

Where are the goats or a girl on time

Before switching to the plans for the future, it is necessary to find out, and whether it is possible. Do you need a new friend of our thoughts, feelings and emotions or he just decided to encroach on a spicy body?

For any girl, it is, of course, is incomprehensible. On the hell, a normal healthy man spend time on the girl if he needs only sex from her. Around the full full of other women, let them find the one that will be pleasant and their lustful mind, and the depraved heart.

Here we underestimate yourself. Men are sometimes primitive, saw - wanted. Yes, it is you. Neither to sleep, nor, does not want anything - only you. Yes, you can feel an Angelina Jolie or any other movie star.

Battle for commander body

Is it worth finding out if you like a man or don't he need one? Decide to you. In the battle for your body, he can fall in love, however, it happens quite rarely, but there is still a chance.

I would be unpleasant to know that I don't like a man, but it is important for him to only know me in intimate quality. It is very unpleasant. To the girl and, even moreover, he would not treat the girl and so. There he will become a meek lamb, and you can do it in any way? Bad man, very bad.

Love does not love

But the worst happened when you fall in love. Who has no such? It is guaranteed that you yourself will expand active fighting for its conquest, that's just meet such a powerful story that it will be not only a body, but also the heart.

If you know in advance that you do not like a man, then you are much easier to decide whether he need you, well, and as a result, think over the strategy for its conquest.

Sign of the first. He is constantly busy

If your man is constantly busy, he does not even have time to call you - he does not love you. Do not deceive yourself, you can always find a few minutes to call back. Many men smoke and find time for this lesson, what are you worse than cigarettes? Even if your man is a fireman, a policeman, a superhero, a superslode or president, he will always take time to save one nervous system. He is not obliged to constantly take the phone, but you should always be sure that he will call back. If not - he does not like you.

Everything is good in moderation

It is worth mentioning about those girls who love to speak very long or call very often. In your case, do not take the phone - this is an instinct of self-preservation. If a man says he works, then you should not continue the conversation. If you call 16 times on the day, then you make no sense to call you, still declared more than once.

Sign of the second. He is not looking for meetings

If a man, again, is busy: he does not invite you on dates, it does not offer just to meet, but I am satisfied with communication by phone, then he keeps you about the reserve. You will meet only when it does not have other options. As they speak in the people, on baptia.

If a man needs, he will do everything, just to achieve the desired one. You probably know that even working for days, many guys are able to cross the city in the hope of seeing their beloved! Are you unworthy? Agree that you would have come, if he called. Do you really believe that he is so busy, what is just sleeping and works? It does not dine, does not watch TV, does not play before bedtime in the phone, nothing: sleep - work.

Sign of the third. Herself was offended - herself and goodbye

If you felt one of the previous factors of dislike, it was certainly time to express something about this to my friend. How did he react? If he was still, and you did not stand the first and called back, then this is the third indicator that you do not like your "young man."

Any man understands that if a woman is offended, she just needs a little caress. Call back - this is the minimum on which completely all men will go who love. They do not be the animals that will leave their girlfriend to suffer alone. And no matter who is to blame!

Eagle - Bird Proud

If offended, you talked a man a lot of unpleasant words: insulted him, began to scream, cry or buoy in other ways, then do not call - it is again instinct of self-preservation. You are not so long known, but to call (and even more so to meet) with hystericals that are able to endure the brain in the first weeks of dating ... it is necessary to be Kamikaze. What will happen then?

Fourth sign. He is not interested in you

You only chat on distracted topics. He is absolutely anyway how you will get to the house at three in the morning. He has no matter to your plans, at least for the next few days.

If a man shows you that you have to adapt to him and makes you change your plans for meeting him, he does not respect you. If he does not show any care, do not expect anything good. Do you think the situation will change with time? Very vain. At the beginning of the relationship, certain stereotypes are laid, if he does not give a damn ...

Fifth sign. He is a cold-blooded macho

He is a handsome man, all women fall at his feet and he knows about it. He loves himself. Such as he do not speak compliments, do not pay for you (and for themselves rarely), do not give flowers. You should be happy that you can swim in the rays of His glory, his beauty, his divinity. He is incredibly smart and lacks your intellectual abilities, it is beautiful and points to your flaws, he flirts with everything in a row, but he came with you ...

Believe me, he doesn't like you. He needs the same girl as he himself. That next to which he will feel the usual. He will become more stupid, kinder and adequate. By the way, it is not a fact that the only one will be really very beautiful, just for him it will become the only one. Unfortunately, you will not be. The stereotype has already developed. You are the person next to which he is still cooler.


Well, there is still an option that he is actually a complex botan, which only the seven-year course on pickup and a six-year-old seduction passed. He was recently taught to communicate with the girls, and he wants to like it so much that he tries to be alpha male.


If you notice you don't like a man, start to actively think. If he somehow degrades you or behaves unworthy - it's better to leave. I understand that the girls love to try to change the man, save the lost soul, and about the joy they get from the conquest of men, I generally silent. You should understand that the man almost immediately understands that he met his love. His attitude to that very will never be inappropriate. Even Richard Gir initially respected his "beauty."

Did you put an eye on the guy? Not sure if he feels the same? Detect that you like the person of one with you the floor - it is not easy, confuses and scares a slightly ...

But if you, on the contrary, wait for such signals - or check the situation - then you can figure out everything!

Method 1. Perelenguy signals!

He mirrors your gestures
When people concentrately listen to each other, they subconsciously imitate the language of the interlocutor's gestures. The next time, when you participate in some interesting discussion, cross your hands, bring your chin, slightly bow my head, spare out of your glasses, etc. If he does the same, it means that his attention is focused on you.
Do not waste this experiment on a simple trio, if his mind is not absorbed by what you both speak, the method may not work.

He smiles and supports visual contact.
Platonically loving friends of the guys smile at each other. They also support visual contact. But if your boyfriend looks at you for a long time, while smiling is widely, it behaves much more intimate than most naturals with each other.

He takes his eyes
Okay, let's say, he does not stare in the most pupils, but if you catch it on the fact that he sharply turns away, barely look in his direction, it means that he looks at you until you see this. Of course, if the food does not stick to your cheek, then his game in the glance can mean that he is interested in you.

He wants to know everything about you
The guys are not peculiar to the ability (and desire) to unravel the threads of the personal life of their buddies. If your boyfriend sets many questions about your life, interests, hobbies, friends, and, most importantly, feelings, it means that he is not satisfied with chatter and wants to meet you at a deeper level. Or you just his best friend.

He concerns you without urgent need
Naturals can welcome each other with a cotton in the style of "Give five", to squeeze each other, and can even slap on the ass in the gaming manner, but most of them will not feel comfortable from the touches not provided for by the "Rules of the game".
If your boyfriend allows himself to touch your hand, put your hands on your shoulders, standing behind you, hugs, or finds the pretext to pull out the sort of your hair, he probably tries to penetrate your intimate space - or even checks how you We react to his courtship.

He is nervous when you're near
His palms sweat, he laughs a nefple, or stutter when you're near? This means he is concerned about what you think about him - which means that he is trying to impress you.

He gives you a nickname
In a male company, it is often given a nickname to those who do something unforgettable, but if your guy comes up with a nickname for you just like that, especially if you have not yet done anything outstanding, to earn it nickname, then it shows how much your relationship is significant.

He is trying to cheer you
Everyone has a buddy - an eternal joker and an amateur attract the attention of the crowd, but if the guy makes special efforts to make you laugh, he either tries to raise your mood (you are in lately Grust?), or flirting struggle.

He belongs to you not as to other guys
Not all guys are open in the manifestation of feelings. Gays, in particular, can hold back until they are convicted that it is safe.
If he does not give you any hints at all, then it is worth going from the opposite. Avoids to watch your eyes? Speaks with you quickly, briefly or monoside? Never never concerns you? And so he behaves only and exclusively with you and no one with anyone?
Well, it means that he really dislikes you (however, if he cannot find the pretext, so as not to be with you in the same room, then it is probably not the case) or fights with his feelings to you.

Method 2. Intelligence Boot

Try light touches
Try to touch his hand as if "by the way", by chance. If he quickly removes, he is not interested - watch the expression of his face. But if it is not immediately moving immediately, slowly or does not remove your hand at all, then he may be interested.

Move to it
When you sit on the sofa, move to him closer - approximately as in the movie when the guy is trying to acquire a girl by the shoulders. Do not turn to it immediately. If he moves away from you, it reduces the chances of his attraction to you. But if his reaction is barely noticeable or absent at all, and even more so if he repeats your gesture, it increases the chances that he is interested.

Ask directly
Well, not literally - do not ask him to marry you. But at this stage, if he responds to "random" touch and obvious interest on your part with the return of these gestures, you just need to express assumptions out loud. Say something like: "You know, it seems to me, you send me some hints, and I wonder if I understand everything correctly. Are we just friends, or is there something more?" Give him a chance to think about the answer - do not rush it. Maybe he is not sure of his feelings, or maybe this is his first experience. He cannot have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow he feels. If you are still in doubt, then you must say that you find it attractive and do not hide it. If he smiles or nods, that is a good sign.

Give him time
After you openly designate your interest in it, wait. If he is interested in you, he will appear very soon. If he does not appear, it probably began to avoid you. If you have enough to stay with him just friends, give him a little time, and then you will come to contact. But do not flirt with him at all - show him that you would not give up from more, but also "just friends" is also ok. If he is natural, nothing can be done with this. But if he is interested, give him a little more time to think about everything. Do not write it off with accounts if he immediately did not invite you to a date. Support the connection, and be patient.


1. If you are at work, and he looks at you, constantly walking around, publishes some sounds or starts conversations with other people, but ignores you, it means that he wants to attract your attention, that is, he likes, But he does not know how to show it.

2. If he often teases you, grabs your things and runs away, forcing you to pursue it, then you probably like it. If you are traveling in transport and he sits in front of you and shoots my eyes, then you probably like him. But, the biggest mistake you should not do is not to demonstrate any interest in him in response. You make him feel bad ...

3. If he sits with you near and pressed, then you like it, but if he is a loft boy, he will tease you, so do not be discouraged.

4. Try to remember the first time you met with him. If he behaved unusual (his pupils suddenly expanded, said strangely, etc.), and still behaves so much, then you still like him, but he doesn't know how to tell you or does not want you to know you For one reason or another (for example, due to internal homophobia).

5. If you fool, and he likes to look at you and smile, and then leaves, it is a certain sign of interest.

6. Please note whether he begins to behave flirtary when there is a guy, or he flirts with girls. Most guys who love you will try to get jealous to another.

7. If you are sitting alone on the sofa in the living room, and the subject of your adoration comes to take a place, take note if he sits right next to you or touch.

8. If you are a party with a swimming pool, please note whether he looks in your direction all the time and leads a look right away, barely noticed that you burned it. Any guy to whom you are deeply indifferent will be nervous, lost in guess, gay you or not. Look for signs - for example, when you watch TV, and he looks at you constantly, but immediately turns away as soon as you notice his eyes.


1. Do not lead yourself as if you don't like it! It hurts and confuses, and he can fall behind you at all.
2. Keep in mind that it can actually be natural, and you incorrectly interpreted its signals.
3. If you yourself naturally, and it has become known about his homosexuality, then we treat this fact. Do not tease and do not poison it, as it is homophobic behavior.

Many girls are tormented by the question: how to understand what you like you guy or a man, reveal the secret of the soul of a young man, and understand - how to act? Is it worth showing activity to behave more aggressively with him, or vice versa - push off him, and wait for his actions? After all, if you like you - then you need to do one, and if not, is completely different.

In fact, it is not so difficult to understand, and how to do it we will talk in this article. There are several clear signs that the guy is interested, and there is a chance to have a relationship, and they just need to be "considered." Well, then act in circumstances.

Sign 1. Constant presence of a guy in your life

The main signal is that a man is interested in you - you will begin to amazefully meet it in different places, to be in the same institutions, see next to you again and again.

If we are talking about what you work with him or learn together - in any case, you will see it next to the companies, in the dining room, somewhere else. Perhaps if you are actively communicating, it will try to speak with you, to manifest itself in any way.

Sometimes these meetings will seem random, sometimes very strange. But in any case, the case is, or fate - you can try to understand, do we really meet with this man just like that? Or does something lead to each other?

Just do not rush to guess, and build air locks, representing how you play a wedding with him, give birth to children, and live together in love for a long time and happily :) No, there are no prerequisites, and it is very dangerous, to make and dream about what can not come true at all or come true, but with another man.

While your task is to understand, really in you the guy is interested, or it's just a case.

Sign 2. Gifts and attention signs

Do you give you a young man gifts? Does the flowers pretext, does it pleases with cute little things? If this does not happen, then it is necessary to think seriously, but do you really like him?

After all, gifts and attention signs are signs of love relationships, feelings. The guy who feels something to you, and became interested - he will definitely have a desire to give you something, somehow please you, and make a compliment. Not only in words, but in practice - in the form of gifts.

If a man gives you something, and this happens not only on March 8, when they congratulate all the girls, but without reason - this is a sign of interest. It's time to sincerely thank and give a boyfriend with a smile. And look at his reaction.

If you see that your smile sincerely pleased, inspired, and he filled with energy headed for his affairs - chances in the interest of a man are, and big. If he showed himself indifferent, and did not respond to your impulses to an even account in any way - well, maybe he will manifest himself in something else.

It is also very important that the guy do not just gifts, but something surprised you. Did surprises. It is not always possible at the stage of the relationship, when there are no relationship yet, but if it happens - then Bingo! The likelihood that you like the guy is very great.

Sign 3. Views and observation

Believe me - if a guy or a man is interested in you, and you liked him, he will look at you. Men love their eyes, they like to watch the beauty of a woman, for her grace and her gestures, figure, and so on.

Therefore, from your side to detect signs of interest and first love, everything you need is to be very attentive. Try periodically sharply and unexpectedly unfold in his direction. What do you see?

If, after once, you will catch his eyes on yourself, sometimes embarrassed, sometimes confused, sometimes curious - it is obvious that the young man looks at you. Once it looks at - it means that you are interested, and you already like you. Guys will not spend their attention and time on the girls who are not cute.

Do you know what your compatibility with a man?

To find out this - click on the button just below.

But those that they like - men on them pulls like a magnet, or as if you were anointed with honey))

A man simply will not be able to resist the temptation again and turn into your direction again and look at you, and it is at least in these moments that you can "catch" and take it into clean water.
But if you look at the guy once again in one room with you, and he didn't even led an eye, and watched anywhere, just not on you - this is a reason to think seriously: do you really like you? Maybe you are not interested in and indifferent to him?

Sign 4. Older and diligence men

The guy who is in love with the girl, or sees in the girl the one with which he would like to meet and be constantly, can do as a weakman - and just be silent and not to do anything. Either he will begin to try.

What does he start trying to try? You will surely feel it and see!

Remember the main thing - your behavior means a lot for a man, but if there are no harmony at the level of signs, the relationship will be very tense. It is very advisable to find out the exact compatibility of your zodiac sign with a man's sign. This can be done by clicking on the button just below:

He will strive to talk to you, spend time with you, to fulfill your desires, listen to you, and do everything that depends on him - if only you drew attention to him.

This is the effort and diligence. And then it does not even matter whether a man is rich or not, it is important how hard he is trying on the basis of the resources that he has at the moment. After all, why do you need to meet with a guy who, let's say, is rich, but at the same time he does not care for you, and he perceives you as a cheap prostitute, and is not going to put in you and spend money on you, time and other resources?

Sign 5. Reaction to Your Requests

How does the guy react to what you asked him about something? Will he be your request to fulfill, or will it be deeply indifferent?

Try to ask him about something, and the prosperity of the reaction. If the guy is trying, and does - maybe he likes you. I did nothing, and only found an excuse for the fact that there are no results - most likely you are indifferent to him.

This is a simple and effective way to reveal the feelings of a man. Use it competently. The main thing - do not strive before the beginning of any relationship to take all your problems on the guy, and their decision - and then the horse can die, and he will decide that nafig it is necessary - he immediately arrived.

Sign 6. Words for recognition, love, compliments

With the words of love and recognition - you need to be careful. On the one hand, yes, they are showing the interest of the man in you, and obviously make it clear that you are achieved, and want to be with you. It is unlikely that the guy will be overlooked for the sake of the girl who is not interesting for him.

But, on the other hand, it is said that the man is generally better not to listen! Yes, what guys say - you need to perceive approximately as follows: "blah blah blah." After all, the words do not mean anything! These are just words, and almost everyone can pronounce something.

What is really important? It is important how the guy is acting, and that he does for you! I repeat - it makes it for you, and not just like that. After all, if he does something for another woman, or for himself - what is your sense?

Therefore, any words of the guy need to be perceived with irony and humor. Thinking to yourself: "Speak, say, but let's see what you will do in reality."

And further to look - either the guy does something in reality, and you thank it for it, or his words are just an empty sound, and the coat of air - and he does not fulfill his promises. In this case, from such a guy it is better to run. After all, he has not become a real man, and not the fact that someday becomes.
By the way, many men are really very silent, and can be closed, but you should not reject them. It is quite possible, he will be a wonderful husband or father in the future, because it will do, instead of chatting, and pour into your ears a molasses from beautiful words and compliments.

Sign 7. Mimic, gestures and embarrassment

Your interest in a person who you really like is to actually hide quite difficult. If you communicate with a guy, then you just have to feel that it behaves not quite usually.

Maybe sometimes it is embarrassed, although it seems to be no reasons, sometimes his expression becomes absent or alarmed.

There are many small and noticeable signs, in the facial expressions and gestures of a young man who will suggest you - everything is not so simple, and maybe he is really interested in me, and is sympathy.

In fact, girls usually possess very intuition, and feel such things at the subconscious level. Relationship is a female horse, so it's probably just worth talking more to a man, and then everything will become clear by itself. If you still do not communicate, you can find any third-party reasons, and talk about different non-deep topics. And to look at the guy's reaction, and its feelings.

Sign 8. Polite and gallant

If the guy only "pulls you for the pigtails," or makes some stuck comments, but thereby showing its interest - then this is a kindergarten. A real man, if he likes a woman, behaves with her neatly, and gallant.

That is, a man understands your need to be politely and correctly behaved with you, and will keep these rituals. At the same time, this does not mean that a man should be fed under a woman, in all her Pottakaya and indulging. Of course, a man must be tough enough, with a rod, and sometimes make decisions and behave confidently, not allowing you to evade.

But the man to whom you like - will do it not in Khamski, but so that you will like it very much.

Sign 9. Jokes and Friends from friends

There is another indirect sign that you liked the guy. And this is the behavior of his friends. It happens that young people share their feelings with friends, or friends notice their strange behavior, and understand what cause.

In this case, if you communicate with your boyfriend's friends, then various jokes will be sprinkled in yours and his side, and pods.

Sometimes they can be quite harmless, sometimes even sharp and unpleasant. But in any case - if they go, then it is possible to have a reason. Perhaps friends see that the guy behaved strangely, and above all in relation to you - and "smiled" him.

If this happens - this is a call for you about the interest of a man. You can also talk to friends directly, but try to do it carefully. Because again - they can pass it later to him, and convey in a distorted form, it seems like they are interested in them. And then the guy can begin to behave inadequately, learning about your interest.

Sign 10. If you like you guy - he achieves you

And the last sign and the secret that is the easiest - and in fact the most effective. If you like a man, then you will not wonder: "How to understand - Do I like it or not like me?".

Because a real man will definitely manifest his feelings, starts to take care of you and seek you with all their might. Will overcome obstacles, difficulties, problems. Will take care of your care, give gifts, invite anywhere.

In general, a man or a guy you like to truly - will act! And do not sit back, and to whine yourself about yourself that this is what a beautiful and interesting girl, and I am such a loser, so I can not even tell her about it.

I repeat - if you are looking for an answer to the question - how to understand, then with the most likely - you do not really like the guy. Maybe it will be angry, or cruel - but it is true.

Or you like you, but he is still quite weak and behaves like a child, instead of manifesting himself as a man. And why do you need it then? He was ashamed to approach you and start to communicate, or he was glad to start to care for you - and when Gopnik attacked you in the doorway, he will also go away, and will "be shy"?

Do you want to be with a real man, strong and caring, or with incomprehensible smear? Think about it.

And it is possible that you will relax, and you will understand what they are very bathe about, I like you to someone or do not like it, it's most likely that guy or a man who are really cute, they will definitely show themselves! And then you will already be sure of 100%, that there is an interest from their parties, because it will be apparent!


Remember the main thing: overlooking the question "How to understand if you like a guy or a man?" - Not worth it. Because the guy in relations should always be active. He must seek you, he must do something that you notice him, he must manifest himself and behave like a man.

You should just look at his behavior - and either to approve good actions, or reject bad, not allowing incorrect and unworthy behavior towards yourself. That's all! And just take courtship if they are.

If you are afraid of the imaginary attachment for the guy to whom you do not like - maybe you can even succeed, and start a relationship with him. But in this relationship you will always "drag the cart" of your relationship, on which you will sit your man in the willf, and relax. Do you need it?

It's better to just be active, bright, watch your appearance and mood - and your life will definitely attracted a guy or a man, with the appearance of which you do not ask the question - do I like me? You will be sure that he likes you - 100%!

If you want to be with your beloved man - you need to figure out whether you are compatible with the sign of the zodiac?

Find out accurate compatibility with a man - clicking on the button just below.

How to understand what you like a guy? This question arises from many girls after familiarizing with an interesting guy, with whom it is nice to spend time. Unexpectedly, young features begins to understand what is experiencing to the young man not only a friendly feeling, but more. I want to tell the guy about it, but there is no confidence that he will divide this feeling. And of course there is a desire to find out, and what is experiencing a friend? How to understand what you like you like, if it does not show it in any way? Male communication with young special can actually tell a lot. Psychologists allocate a number of signs that help determine that the young man is experiencing a certain sympathy for a fair sex.

Signs that you like you guy

To understand perceives the guy, a girl like a friend or is experiencing tender feelings to her, attention should be paid to the following signs: as a guy talks, what does, it should be analyzed, as often happens with him and much more.

Psychologists allocate the following points that make it possible to understand that you like you guy:

- It is important to focus on whether the young man holds an eye contact. If so, this suggests that young specials like he likes. Often it happens when the girl likes, but by virtue of his timidity, the guy removes his eyes. It also testifies to love;

- Attention should be focused on whether the guy is easily distracted on those who fit it. If it is easy and immediately forgets, about which the girl herself is not so important for him;

- It is important to record the attention that the young man says, since what he affects in conversations may be a good indicator of a favorable attitude;

- If a friend teases or jokes, then this is a good sign that the guy wants more and thus he sympathizes;

- If the young man shares personal information or talks about his experiences, family issues, it would be possible to go to a more serious relationship;

- if the guy makes sophisticated compliments to the female mind, at the meeting admires the appearance - it also indicates a deep sympathy;

- If the young man is trying not to look brutal in the presence of a girl, and with his friends jokes, expressed in obscene words, but with his chosen one behaves correctly and sophisticated - this means that the girl him is the road;

- If the chosen is asked about his personal life and tries to very carefully find out, whether the girl meets with someone or communicates with other guys, then this is the likely sign that he would like the girl to dream about him;

- It is important to pay attention to how the young man responds about other representatives of a beautiful sex, it can give to understand whether he has one that he needs;

- If the young man asks advice how to conquer the heart of another girl, then this indicates that he perceives a girlfriend as a good friend;

- If he is always skeptical to all female representatives or says that it cannot find a suitable girl, then it might imply that, in his opinion, a suitable girl is the one that is now next to him;

- If the young man behaves like Lovelaks - this suggests that he is or trying to make jealous or he really chases victories on the love front;

- You should pay attention to how the guy says when communicates by phone. If the young man is shy in real life, and expresses free emotions on the phone - in this way, he manifests sympathy;

- It is possible to understand that you like an unfamiliar guy on the phone, if his voice is excited and he is extremely polite, so he is trying to impress;

- It is possible to understand that you like a guy by correspondence, if communicating by e-mail, the young man tries to hit the spelling and wit, so he tries to seem intimate;

- If the guy is trying to be ridiculous or polite, the sewing emoticons, pleasant words, then, most likely, he wants to develop in the future relationship;

- If none of the signs are not observed from all of the above, then this does not mean that the boy's guy does not like the guy. Most likely, the young man prefers to open about his feelings, not to declare;

- It is necessary to focus on the fact that the guy does, it will help you understand that you like you guy; Gestures are the language of the body that can actually have an opportunity to urge that he wants to hug with you, and not only to communicate;

- It is important to notice whether the young man is "by chance" adapts to the girl;

- When young people sit near and the guy concerns the knee or his fingers during the transfer of something delayed on the female fingers, this indicates that the girl causes him far from friendly feelings;

- If the girl catches his eyes from his head to the legs, then this means that the young man is in love and admires;

- If the young man takes his eyes when an unexpectedly girl noticed that he was looking at her, then this is a sign of interest and desire to hide this moment;

"To understand what you like you to guy, can tell the body of a guy, which also participates in a conversation. If the young man often leans to the young person to say something; If the body is turned to the girl, and the hands are not crossed on the chest and free, then this is a sign that it is open to his interlocutor and glad to communicate;

"It is possible to understand what you like to know the guy by the fact that he is doing for the young charming. For example, he tries to be a good friend, pleases in the trifles, pleases with minor gifts;

- a sign that the guy falls in love, is the provision of any kind of services;

- If the young man shows care, pampers his girlfriend with sweets, buys what the girl wishes, comforts her when she is upset - this;

- If a friend is really not indifferent, then such a young man will always be near to listen to problems and help solve them;

- You should pay attention to how a young man behaves in the society of other ladies. If he communicates with other specials as with his girlfriend, if he also touches them, teasing, then it may be a womanizer;

- If the guy reluctantly tells a friend about communicating with other female individuals, it implies that he already represents it in the role of his girl;

- You need to pay attention, whether the guy is trying to be with a girl and whether it wants to go to a new stage of relationship. This can be judged from how often the young man invites you to meet, is he trying to be near the company of peers, whether he wants to sit at one desk at school, whether to be a partner on the game;

- It is possible to understand that you can like a guy on a conversation from how often he says "drove by, decided to go?" If the young man explains why he wants to see you, then this suggests that he shy his feelings and pulls him greatly to her friend;

- To understand that you like a guy on behavior, you can analyze how often meetings occur and what is busy leisure young people on dates;

- If the pair is engaged in the fact that it is characteristic of married couples - shopping, cooking, then this means that these relationships go beyond the buddy and young man sees their future chosen in his friend;

- If walking, the young man invites other friends, then this indicates that he sees a friend in the girl;

- If you meet, he invites other couples, then it means that he wants relationship with her friend;

- If the young man invites his sisters, brothers, the nearest friends or introduces parents, then this is a sure sign that he treats a girl with serious intentions;

- Much can be urged from what the young man thinks actually, taking into account how long and often a couple communicates. If without communication does not pass and the day, then most likely, the young man is in love, but if the meetings happen once a month, although he lives near, it is likely that he has no feelings, except friendly;

- It is important to draw attention to how long the meeting is lasting, and if the young man cannot finish the conversation and part on a date, then this is a true sign that he is experiencing something more than friendly feelings;

- To understand that the girl likes a guy, allows where the guy invites you to dine together (noisy bar, restaurant or student dining room). The last institution clearly does not exceed romantic experiences. Of course, great importance should not be given to the place where they were invited. It will only make it possible to assume the attitude towards the girl, but it is not able to tell about everything;

- The meeting time is also of great importance to understand how much the girl likes the guy. It can make a key to solving the issue, how seriously the young man is perceived by the girl and whether she wants to continue the relationship. It is important to pay attention, at what time of day meetings occur: during the day or evening, and at what days of the week: weekends or weekdays. If the meetings occur during the day, the relationship is on a friendly level, but this does not mean that he does not want more. Meetings on weekdays may also testify to friendly relations;

- You can carefully ask how to ask your friend's friends, what they think about your relationship, it will help to figure out how much a girl likes a guy;

- understand that you like the former guy you can the following features: He finds far-finished reasons to call the girl, these conversations last longer than the usual time, he finishes a conversation on a positive note, says that he is pleased to hear the voice;

- If the guy is shy, then it is necessary to manifest itself first: kiss the young man, hug, take hand. Such behavior will help to express themselves with a young man;

- To see if you like a guy, you need to be the first to confess the feelings. It is necessary to do it. If the young man feelings are not divided, it is not worth doing from this tragedy, as it will bring suffering, so it is better to bring everything to a joke. Having lost hope of romantic relationships, you can save a good friend for all my life.

If necessary, you should take a break in the relationship. This happens when love is converted into real love. In this case, you should take a pause in friendship, because it will be too painful. After the girl cools down to the guy, it will be possible to start to see.