Beautiful beginning of the legend of love. Proverbs on the topic

liefde. love



liebe Love Amore.

熱愛 αγάπη


عشق l "Amour.


Do you believe in real love? And in love at first sight?

And in love forever? If not, these love stories,

despite the sad and tragic consequences, refresh and reopen

your faith B. love!

Romeo and Juliet

Tragedy of William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet can be safely magnified by the most famous lovers of all time. The story of their love is incredibly tragic. The legend of two teenagers born in the familiar families. Romeo and Juliet were fell in love with each other at first sight. In secret from relatives, they got married, passionately loved each other and donated their lives in the name of love. Do you end my husband or wife in the name ... GM ... What still symbolizes real love?!

Their unscrewed cum put an end to the enmity of montext and cabbage families.

Cleopatra and Mark Anthony

The story of Athony and Cleopatra's love is one of the most memorable, intriguing and touching. The love of these two historical heroes was immortalized, too, by William Shakespeare, was an inexhaustible inspiration for the creation of several movies and still appears in the tales of all over the world. They fell in love with each other at a glance. Their relationships added Egypt strength in the region, n.about their love was outraged by the Romans who were afraid of the growing influence of Egypt. Despite the threats, pen and Cleopatra got married. It is known that the pen has reported false information about the death of Cleopatra and he committed himself by falling on the tire of the sword. When Cleopatra learned about the death of anntony, she also committed itself. Some say that she died from snake bite, and others - from poison lined in a hair pin. Grand love keeps grandiose victims.

I will add from myself. Description of the exterior of Cleopatra, to put it mildly, does not quite coincide with reality. A Cleopatra performed by the beauties Elizabeth Taylor Yuzh does not compare with the image of the queen either on an ancient coin, nor with sculpture ...

Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinoevra

The history of the tragic love of Sir Lancelot and Queen Gyainevra, is one of the most famous stories of the legendary kingdom of King Arthur. Sir Lancelot falls in love with the Queen of Gyaineavry, the wife of King Arthur. Their love is slowly, but gaining power, but while Gyainevar is holding away from Lancelot at a distance. Ultimately, her passionate love for Lancelot won and they became lovers. One night, a group of twelve knights, led by Sir Agravian and Sir Modred, King Arthur's tribe, caught lovers. Sir Lancelot, in a fight, managed to escape, but the poor Gyainevar was not lucky. She was arrested and for the depraved behavior sentenced to death through the burning. Do not worry. A few days later, Sir Lancelot returned and saved his beloved Geinery from fire. These are not quite funny events split the unity of the Knights of the Round Table and weakened the Kingdom of Arthur. Poor Sir Lancelot finished the life with an impoverished replacement, and Gyainevro, he had grown in the nun in Amsbur, where he died.

Tristan and Isolde

In various manuscripts and interpretations, the tragic story of Tristan and Isolde was told and retold. It happened, again, during the reign of King Arthur. Isolde was the daughter of King Ireland. She was promised to King the cornwall brand. The King Mark sent his tribal Tristan to the exciting in Ireland, so that he would bring an isold to the cornwalon. On the way to legal narrowed, Isolde and Tristan fell in love with each other. Secret love relationships continued after the marriage of Isolde and King Mark. Having learned about the tricks of his wife, the King Mark forgave the isold, but kicked the tristan from Cornvol. Tristan went to Britain. There he met Isecht British. She attracted his attention to that her name was like the name of Isolde. He married Isauset, but his life did not work out, because he could not forget his true love - an isold. When Tristan fell ill, he was sent for Isolde, hoping that she would cure him from the ailment. If she agrees to come, then the sails on the ship will be white, and if not, then black. His cunning wife Isecht, seeing white sails on the ship from Cornvol, lurted to Tristan that the sails of the approaching ship were black. He died of grief, and soon, from the broken heart died and isold.

Paris and Elena Troyanskaya

History i'm Paris, Elena Trojan and Trojan Wars s described in Homer's oriade, where real historical events are intertwined with fiction. In short, the story of another love is brief. Elena Troyanskaya was one of the most beautiful women in the whole world literature. She was married to Menel, Tsar Sparta. Paris, the son of the Trojan Tsar Priama, fell in love with Elena, kidnapped her and hurt him, taking with him some treasures of Menel. In order to repel Elena from Paris, the Greeks gathered a huge army led by Menelia, Brother Agamemnon. Troy was destroyed. Elena, Czema and invading returned to Sparta, where he lived happily before the end. Li loved to Elena Paris? Or maybe she was indifferently to share love - the main thing that the beloved was royal blood.

Orpheus and Eurydica

The story of their love is also an ancient Greek fairy tale on unhappy love. Orpheus fell in love with Eurydice, beautiful nymph, and they got married. They were very happy and lived in love. Aristi, the Greek god of agriculture, fell in love with Eurydice and began to pursue her. During escape from Aristleys, Eurydice came to the snake nest, the snakes in his leg were bruoked and died. In Mount, Orpheus began playing such sad melody and pet bin such a longing that the nymphs and gods cried. On their advice, Orpheus sank into the otherworldly world and his music was so depleted, the goddess of hell (they say that he was the only one who succeeded) that she allowed the Orpheus to pick up Euridic with him, but provided that Orpheus should go ahead of Euridic And in no case look back until they leave the otherworldly world. In fear of losing Euridic, he, forget about the perverse of Persephones, turned around to look at the beloved and Euridic disappeared for the second time, but already forever ...

Napoleon and Josephina

Their marriage was founded only on financial mutual benefit. 26-year-old Napoleon liked Josephine - much older than him, the use of influence in society, a rich woman. After time, Napoleon really fell in love with Jazefin and love was mutual. Despite the fact that they changed each other, but in relations they retained mutual respect and passion (respect for French ...). Over time, they were separated, since Josephine could not give him one thing that Napoleon was so desired - the heir. They broke up, but forever retained the love of each to another.

Odyssey and Penelope

Not all t AK appreciate the sacrifice in love relationships as the ancient Greeks, although this is known to us only from the wonderful love stories of Greek mythology, where maybe the sacrifice was also mythical? Okay. The war thrown Odyssey far from his home. For 20 years of separation, Penelope resisted as many as 108 applicants for her hand resisted, and in impatience we wanted to replace her Odyssey. And Odyssey, rejecting the proposals of the wonderful magicians who promised him eternal love and youth, returned home to his wife and son. Briefly and clearly.

Paolo and Francesca

This love story is described in the immortal masterpiece of Dante "Divine Comedy". The story is taken from life. Francesca married Gianchotto Malatesta, a bad man, but this was asking that Brother Gianchotto, Paolo was a lover FarNI ...

Love and X flourished in a lush color exactly when they (so he believes Dante), together read the book O Sir Lancelote and the Queen of Gyainevre. Making them together, the bad man Gianchotto shaple them both ... Gianchotto obviously did not like the books and therefore was not familiar with the story of Lancelot and Gyainevra, and, especially annoying, did not know that neither Gyainevar, nor Lancelot, after they were covered, did not die in place from the sword of the jealous king Arthur.


In his work, Margaret Mitchell (Margaret Mitchell) did the relationship, where love and hatred went hand in hand. Proving that the time decides everything, Scarlett about "Hara and Ratt Butler, never lived in a synchronous harmony. After this whole epic story, the beloved experienced a passion for each other, but never were constant (there would be constant - there would be no Stories). Their stormy marriage surrounds the battles of the civil war.

The frivolous and indispensable in his tastes for men, constantly pursued by fans, Scarlett could not make the final choice. When she finally decided to dwell on Rett, her impermanence pushed him out.As they say: the train went ...

No h Ajda do not leave the heroine: "After all, there is always tomorrow."

Well, how can I disagree with her?

Eloise and Abelar

This story of the love of a monk and monastery, whose love letters have gained world fame. Events are proceeded somewhere in 1100. Peter Abelar comes to Paris, where it is going to get an education at the Notre Lady School. Fulbert, School canonik, hires Abelaa as a tutor to his tribe Eloise. Abelar and Eloise, of course, fall in love with each other, Eloiza became pregnant and in a big secret, they got married. Fulbert was in rabies and Abelar sent Eloise to a safe place in the monastery. Fulbert, who decided that the elaisochoe would get rid of Eloisa, orders his servants, while Abelar is sleeping, castrate it ... nightmare !!! Abelya, of course, nothing remains to go to the monax and devote their lives of knowledge. With grief, Eloiza becomes a monos. Despite separation and adversity, they continue to love each other. Later, their spicy love letters were published.

Pirs and Fesba

Love story, touches the heart of anyone who read about pyram and fesby. It was a disinterested love, where even in death they stayed together ... nothing new, but briefly tell. The femors were handsome and in addition, a friend of childhood fesby, one of the most beautiful girls of Babilon. They lived in the houses in the neighborhood and, growing up in love with each other. But parents, of course, were categorically against their marriage union. One day, femors and fisba agreed that at night, before the dawn, when everyone would sleep, run away from under the supervision and will meet in the field, near the tute tree. Fesb came first. During the waiting, she saw a lion with a bloody mouth, running to a rollery thirst for a thirst. At the sight of a terrible predator, Fesb fell into a panic and hidden near the hollow stones. Running, she dropped a cape. The lion picked up the scarf of his bloody mouth. Going to the place of date, the femors saw the fesby cape in the teeth of the lion. Confident that the lion eaten a fist, killed by grief femors pierce himself with his sword. We have already read about it somewhere ... f Isby is still hiding in stones from the bloodthirsty lion. After some time, she comes out of shelter and sees that the femors have done. She killed grief, of course hesitates himself with the same sword. Poor fesby. After all, before sticking yourself, she had to pull the sword from his chest beloved ... And what is the lion? He ran in his bloody affairs.

Salim and Anarkali

Everyone knows this story, who once missed (I did not know).
Salim, the son of the blinking andmPERA.Akbar, fell in love with an ordinary curtisan named Anarkalei. He was trimmed with her beauty and fell in love at first sight. The emperor's father could not accept those m, that his son fell in love with a simple curtain. According to another version, Salim was an unsuccessful child, he did not listen to Pope and he sent him to study him for 14 years. Returning home, Salim plunged into an unworthy life and having sang in Papin Harem, where he met Anarkali , Daddy his beloved wife. Once he was treated there ... Akbar did everything to dismiss the anarkly in the eyes of Lyubili in her. When Salim found out about these trips, he declared war on his own father! Like this! But the gigantic army of Emperor Akbar was invincible. Salim was defeated and was sentenced to death (his father?!), N Oh Anarkali intervened in this outrageous decision of the emperor and said, they say, let me spend one night with Salim, and then kill me. She spent the night with Salim, and the next day, by order of the emperor, in front of his beloved, the girl was alive in the brick wall.

I will add from myself. This love story beat all the previous ones, with his barbaric stupidity, because in the legends where the protesters of beloved parents were involved, those at least did not want death to their own children ...

Maya Rosova.

Based on:

Akhtamar - Ax, Tamar!

Ovanes Tumanyan

Every night to waters vana
Someone from the shore goes
And without a boat, medium fog,
Boldly to the island floats.

He mighty shoulders
Dissecting waters,
Rays attracted
That the lighthouse is far sender.

Round stream, spike, spinning,
For swimmer runs in the age of
But fearless is not afraid
Neither dangers or troubles.

That he threatened the night
Foam, water, wind, darkness?
Exactly loving eyes
Lighthouse is burning in front of him!

Every night spark light
Manyat caressing the secret spell:
Every night, dressed,
Waiting for his Tamar.

And mighty shoulders
He fresher waters,
Rays attracted
That the lighthouse is far sender.

He sails towards happiness
Boldly fights the wave.
And Tamar, argue passion,
Waiting for him in the darkness of the night.

Not in vain expectation ...
Closer, closer ... So he!
MiG bliss! MiG Svidanya!
Sweet sacraments Paradise sleep!

Quiet. Only water splash,
Only full of clean char
Stars pour and tremble
For shameless Tamar.

And again to the Benches Vana
Someone from the shore goes.
And without a boat, medium fog,
The distance from the island is floating.

And with fear remains
Above the water Tamar one
Looks, listens, how beats
Frightened wave.

Incredible facts

Do you believe in real love? And in love at first sight? Do you believe that love can last forever? Probably below the presented love stories will help you strengthen your faith in this feeling or renewing faith in it. These are the most famous love stories, they are immortal.

1. Romeo and Juliet

This is probably the most famous lovers around the world. This couple became synonymous with the love itself. "Romeo and Juliet" is the tragedy of William Shakespeare. The history of two teenagers from two warring families who fall in love with each other at first sight, then marry, and later risk everyone for their love. The willingness to give his life for her husband or wife is a sign of a real feeling. Their premature departure united warrant families.

2. Cleopatra and Mark Anthony

The truthful story of love Mark Anthony and Cleopatra is one of the most memorable and intriguing. The history of these two historical characters was subsequently recreated on the pages of the work of William Shakespeare, and was not unreleased by the famous directors. Relationships Mark Anthony and Cleopatra are a real verdes to love. They loved each other at first sight.

Relations between these two influential people put Egypt in a very favorable position. But their novel was extremely outraged by the Romans, who were afraid that as a result of him, the influence of the Egyptians would increase significantly. Despite all the threats, Mark Anthony and Cleopatra got married. They say that being in battle against the Romans, Mark received a false news of the death of Cleopatra. Feeling yourself devastated, he committed an act of suicide. When Cleopatra learned about the death of Anthony, she was shocked, and then also committed suicide. Great love requires big victims.

3. Lancelot and Gienevra

The tragic story of Love Sir Lancelot and Queen Gienevra is likely to be one of the most famous among the legends about the King Arthur. Lancelot falls in love with the Queen Ginever, the wife of King Arthur. Their love grew very slowly, because Ginevra did not let Lancelota close to himself. As a result, however, passion and love overcame her, and they became lovers. Once at night, Sir Agravain (Sir Agravain) and Sir Modred (Sir Modred), the nephew of the King Arthur, who was headed by a group of 12 knights, broke into the Queen's room, where they found lovers. Castled by surprise, they tried to escape, however, it was only Lancelot. The queen was captured and sentenced to the death penalty for married treason. However, after a few days, Lancelot returned to save his beloved. All this sad story divided the knights of the round table into two groups, thereby the Kingdom of Arthur significantly weakened. As a result, poor Lancelot finished his days, being a modest hermit, and Gienevra became a nun, and having spent her until the end of his life.

4. Tristan and Isolde

The tragic story of the love of Tristan and Isolde was a numerous number of times retold and rewritten. The action took place in the Middle Ages during the reign of King Arthur. Isolde was the daughter of the King of Ireland, and only woke up with the King of Mark Cornwall (Mark Of Cornwall). The King Mark sent his nephew of Tristan to Ireland in order for him to accompany him the bride is an isold in Cornwall. During the trip, Tristan and Isolda fall in love with each other. Isolde still marries a mark, but the love intrigue continues after her marriage. When Mark finally found out about the treason, he forgave the isold, but Tristan exiled from Cornwall forever.

Tristan went to Brittany. There he met the isold of Brittany. He was drawn to her, because she looked like his true love. He married her, but marriage did not get genuine because of his true love for another woman. After he fell ill, he sent for his beloved in the hope that she would come and could cure him. With the captain of the ship sent by him, the vessel was a persuasion that if she agreed to come, then the sails of the vessel on return would be white, if not, then black. The wife of Tristan, seeing white sails, told him that Sails were black. He died of grief before his love could get to him, soon after that he died and out of heart break.

5. Paris and Elena

Taught in Homeric Iliad, the history of Elena Trojan and Trojan war is a Greek heroic legend, which is half fiction. Elena Troyanskaya is considered one of the most beautiful women in all literature. She married Menel, Tsar Sparta. Paris, the son of the King of Troy Priama, fell in love with Elena and kidnap her, take it into Troy. The Greeks collected a huge army led by Mennel's brother, Agamemnon to return to Elena back. Troy was destroyed, Elena returned safely in Sparta, where she happily lived with Melalya throughout his life.

6. Orpheus and Euridic

The history of Orpheus and Eurydika is an ancient Greek myth of desperate love. Orpheus fell in love very much and married Euridic, a beautiful nymph. They loved each other very much and were happy. Aristi, the Greek God of Earth and Agriculture, carried away by Euridic and actively pursued her. Saving from the Aristleys, Eurydice landed the snake into the nest, one of whom was fatally bitten her leg. The distraught Orpheus played such sad music and sang so sadly that all the nymphs and gods cried. According to their advice, he went to the underworld, and his music softened the hearts of Aida and Persephone (he was the only person who dares to such a step), who agreed to the return of Euridic to Earth, but under one condition: at the achievement of the land, Orpheus is not Must look around and look at her. Being extremely alarmed, the in love did not fulfill the conditions, turned around to look at Eurydice, and she disappeared a second time, now forever.

7. Napoleon and Josephine

He married her at the cost of the age of 26, Napoleon clearly knew who takes himself to his wife. Josephine was older than his rich and prominent woman. However, over time, he deeply loved her, and she, however, it did not stop them both from the change. But mutual respect kept them together, all burning passion on its path did not fade and was genuine. Nevertheless, in the end, they broke up, as Josephine could not give him what he so wanted, heir. Unfortunately, their paths were divided, however, throughout their lives, love and passion for each other in their hearts.

8. Odyssey and Penelope

Little couples understand the essence of sacrifice in relations, however, it was best that this Greek couple was understood. After they were separated, a long 20 years passed before reuniting. Shortly after marriage on Penelope, the war demanded that Odyssey left his newly-made wife. Although she had very little hopes for his return, Penelope still resisted 108 grooms, who sought to replace her husband. Odyssey also loved his wife very much and refused the wordus, who offered him eternal love and eternal youth. So he was able to return home to his wife and son. Therefore, believe Homer, who said that real love is worth waiting.

9. Paolo and Francesca

Paolo and Francesca are the heroes of the famous masterpiece Dante "Divine Comedy". This real story: Francesca was married to a terrible man Gianciotto Malatesta. However, his brother, Paolo, was the full opposite, Francesca loved him, and they became lovers. Love between them became even stronger when (on Dante), they together read the story of Lancelote and Ginevra. When their connection was disclosed, the husband of Frances killed both.

10. Scarlett O "Hara and Rett Butler

"Gone by the wind" is one of the immortal literary works. The famous creation of Margaret Mitchell is permeated with love and hatred in Scarlett and Rett Batler. Proving that time decides everything, Scarlett and Retet seemed to never stop "fighting" with each other. Throughout this epic story, this rapid inconstant passion and their stormy marriage proceeded against the background of civil war events. The coquettle, non-permanent and constantly pursued by the fans of Scarlett cannot decide among numerous applicants for her attention. When she finally decides to dwell on Rib, her changeable character, pushed him away from her. Hope is finally dying when their novel is never reborn, and Scarlett says at the end: "Tomorrow will be a new day."

11. Jane Eyre and Rochester

In the famous Roman Charlotte Bronte, loneliness finds treatment alone, making the company to each other. Jane is an orphan that got a job as a governess to the house to a very rich Edward Rochester. The couple quickly got close to the rochester under a rough appearance turned out to be a tender heart. However, he does not reveal his tendency to polygamy, and on the day of their wedding, Jane discovers that he is already married. Killed Mount Jane escapes, but then returns after the fire destroyed the Rochester's house, killed his wife and left him the blind. Love triumphs, loving reunited and live their days in each other's society.

12. Leyly and Medezhnun

The famous classic of Persian poetry and one of the most famous poets of the medieval East, who supplemented the Persian epic poetry of the spoken speech and realistic style, Nizami Ganja (Nizami of Ganja) became famous after writing his romantic poem "Leyly and Medezhnun". Inspired by the Arab legend, Leyly and Medezhnun is a tragic story about inaccessible love. For many centuries, she was told and retelling, and the main heroes were portrayed on ceramics, and wrote about them in manuscripts. Leyly and Kais fell in love with each other in school. Noticing their love, they were forbidden to communicate and see each other. Kais after that decides to go to the desert to live among the animals. It is often undernourished and becomes very exhausted. Thanks to its eccentric behavior, it becomes known as Majnun (crazy). In the desert, he meets the elderly Bedouin, who promises to win him Leyly.

The plan fails to be implemented, and Leyly's father continues to deny in love to be together because of the insane behavior of Majnun. Soon he gives her married to another. After the death of her husband, Leilya, Old Bedouin contributes to her meeting with Mucnun, however, they could not completely be on the same wave and understand each other. After death, they were buried next to each other. The story is often interpreted as the allegory of the desire of the soul to connect with the Divine.

13. Eloise and Abelian

This is the story of a monk and nun, whose love letters have become world famous. At about 1100, Pierre Abelar went to Paris to study at the Notre Dame School. There he acquired a reputation as an outstanding philosopher. Fulbert, a high-ranking official, hired Abelar as a tutor to his niece Eloise. Abelar and Eloisa fell in love with each other, and they won the child and secretly got married. However, Fulbert was furious, so Abelar hid Eloise in a safe place in the monastery. Believing that Abelian decided to throw Eloise, Fulbert ordered him to castrate him while he slept. Murge of Eloise became a nun. Despite all the troubles and adversity, the couple continued to love each other. Their love letters filled with feeling were published.

14. Pears and Fesb

A very touching love story that will not leave indifferent anyone who read it. Their love was disinterested, and they were confident that even death would be together. The femo was a very beautiful man and from childhood was friends with a fist, an excellent maiden from Babylonia. They lived in neighboring houses, and fell in love with each other as agreed. Nevertheless, their parents were categorically against their marriage. One night, right before dawn, until everyone slept, they decided to slip out of the house and meet in a nearby field near the tute tree. Fesb came first. While she was waiting under the tree, she saw a lion, who was approaching the source located near the tree to quench her thirst, his jaw was in the blood.

Seeing this terrifying spectacle, Fesb rushed to run to hide in the depths of the Lion's forest, but on the way he dropped his handkerchief. The lion walked behind her and stumbled upon a handkerchief, which he decided to taste. At this time, the pear came to the place, and seeing a lion with bloodied jaws and with his beloved handkerchief, he lost the meaning of life. At that moment he pierces himself with his own sword. Unrecoverable about what just happened, Fesb continued to hide. After a while she came out of shelter, and discovered that the fem was made with him. I realized that she had no need to live, she takes a sword of her beloved and also kills himself.

15. Elizabeth Bennett and Darcy

In fact, Jane Austin embodied two attributes of human nature pride and prejudice in their heroes Darcy and Elizabeth. Darcy belongs to the Higher Society, it is a typical educated representative of the aristocracy. On the other hand, Elizabeth is the second gentleman's daughter with very limited means. Mr. Bennet - Father of five daughters who received the right to grow as they want, who did not receive school education and were not brought up by a governess.

Very indulgent mother Elizabeth and an irresponsible father never thought about the future of her daughters, believing that it would say that it would be all good. "Everything is good" in the understanding of the mother of girls meant to marry a rich and wealthy man. For a person, such social status, who possessed Mr. Darcy, the flaws of Elizabeth's family were very serious, and absolutely unacceptable for his polished and sophisticated mind. He falls in love with Elizabeth, but she refuses him, but later she understands that he cannot love anyone except Darcy. The story of their association and the origin of love is very interesting.

16. Salim and Anarkali

The story of Salim and Anarkali knows every in love. The son of the great emperor Mogolov Akbara, Salim, fell in love with the usual, but very beautiful curtains of Anarkali. He was fascinated by her beauty, so it was love at first sight. However, the emperor could not accept the fact that his son fell in love with Kurtizanka. He began to put pressure on Anarkali, using all sorts of tactics so that she fell in the eyes of the Prince in love. When Salim found out about it, he declared war to his father. But he failed to defeat the giant army of his father, Salim suffered defeat, was captured and sentenced to the death penalty. At this point, Anarkali interfers, which refuses his love in order to save the beloved of the paw of death. Her buried alive into a brick wall in front of Salim.

17. Pauchontas and John Smith

This love story is a famous legend in the history of America. Pokalontas, Indian Princess, was a daughter of Powhatan (Powhatan), who was the leader of the Indian tribe of the Pamp, who lived in the territory of the modern state of Virginia. Princess for the first time saw Europeans in May 1607. Among all, she drew attention to John Smith, she liked him. However, Smith was captured by members of her tribe and tortured. It was Pokalontas who saved him from torn apart by the Indians, later the tribe took him as his own. This incident helped Smith and Shiftas to come together. After this incident, the princess often visited Jamestown, passing messages from the Father.

John Smith, having received heavy wounds after a random bang of gunpowder, returned to England. After another visit, she was told that Smith was dead. After some time, Pokalontas was captured by Samuel Argall, who hoped to use it as a binder between him and her father in order for the latter to liberate English prisoners. During his captivity, she decides to become a Christian and, taking the name Rebecca, pissed. A year later she married John Rolfe. Going to London through a certain time, she together with her husband met with his old friend John Smith, a few years later. It was their last meeting.

18. Shah-Jahan and Mumtaz-Mahal

In 1612, a teenage girl Argenmand Banu (Arjumand Banu) married a 15-year-old Shah-Jahan, the ruler of the Empire of the Great Mughal. Then she changed the name on Mumtaz-Mahal, she gave birth to Shah-Jakhan 14 children and became his beloved wife. After in 1629, Mumtaz died, the mournful emperor decided to create a worthy monument in honor of her. It took 20,000 workers, 1000 elephants and almost 20 years of work to complete the construction of this monument - Taj Mahal. Shah-Jahan did not have time to complete the construction of a black marble mausoleum for himself. Overtakented by his son, he was concluded in a red fort in Agra, where he spent lonely hours, looking through the river Jamun to the monument to his beloved. Subsequently, he was buried next to her in Taj Mahal.

19. Maria and Pierre Curie

This is a story about partnership in love and in science. Without the opportunity to continue studying in Poland, because universities did not accept women, Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie came to Paris in 1891 in order to enroll in Sorbonne. Marie, how to call her to call the French, spent each one's free minute in the library or in the laboratory. A hardworking student once came across the eyes of Pierre Curie, director of one of the laboratories in which Maria worked. Pierre actively cared for Maria and made her an offer several times to marry him. Finally, in 1895, they got married and began to work together. In 1898, the couple opened Polonius and Radii.

Curie and scientist Henry Becquerel (Henri Becquerel) received the Nobel Prize in 1903 for the opening of radioactivity. When in 1904, Pierre died, Marie gave himself a promise to continue their work. She took his place in Sorbonne, becoming the first woman-teacher school. In 1911, she became the first person who won the second Nobel Prize, this time in chemistry. She continued to conduct experiments and teach up to his death from leukemia in 1934, moving the memory of a person who loved.

20. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert

This is the story of the love of the English Queen, who mourned her deceased husband for 40 years. Victoria was a living, a cheerful girl who was fond of drawing and painting. She climbed into the English throne in 1837 after the death of his uncle King Wilhelm IV. In 1840, she married his cousin Prince Albert's brother. Although, at the beginning, Prince Albert was not listed in some circles for being a German, subsequently, they began to admire his honesty, diligence and devotion to their family. The couple had 9 children, Victoria loved her husband very deeply. She often used his advice in state affairs, especially that the diplomatic negotiations concerned.

When Albert died in 1861, Victoria was emptied. She did not appear in public for three years. Her protracted privacy caused public criticism. There were a few attempts on the life of the queen. Nevertheless, influenced by Benjamin Disraeli Prime Minister (Benjamin Disraeli), Victoria returned to public life, discovering the parliament meeting in 1866. However, she never shot a mourning for her beloved husband, carrying black robes up to his death in 1901. During her rule, which was the longest in English history, Britain became a global power, over which the sun "never enters."

This is an excerpt from the book of Bobikin N. Yu. "Ornaments, myths, fairy tales." Legend of great love. As they say, a fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint of good young (and red girls) lesson.

Legend of love

It was in the good old days when people lived in harmony with nature and each other. There was no wars, murders, deception and betrayal. People deified the planet the Earth on which the goddes of living earth lived and worshiped. They built her temples, brought the fruits of their work. In one of the villages in the temple of the goddess of the living earth, twelve beautiful girls lived. They helped the main priest in her numerous rituals inspired by the Great Space, and in the free from rituals, the time they loved to jump on the steppe on rolling horses, swim in deep mountain lakes, swing on the branches of trees in dark forests. The girls were strong leaders. Many villages led to the priestess of their daughters, so that she trained them with their magic arts: to turn into various animals, from the air to produce various items, never to become. But from many thousands of contenders, only twelve girls took the great priestess on the well-known principle. The girls were trained with his healing and community, knew how to instantly disappear and suddenly appear, stopped the boom and spears. After the year of study, the girls took the rite of initiation in the priests of the Goddess of the Living Earth and went to other villages to serve in the temples dedicated to the most severe goddess of the planet.

They all differed from ordinary people with extraordinary light. When the girls were angry along the steppe - a pillar of light coming from them was visible for many kilometers. They could heal any disease with one glance or touch. Amazingly talented children appeared on the strength of their love, and the husbands became great masters. Everywhere, where such women lived, the arts bloomed, love and beauty reigned. Far outside the country of the goddess of the living earth was glory about the students of the Great Priestess, many men wanted themselves to be in their wives. But the love of such a girl was not easy to deserve. Each of them knew how to read thoughts, could learn their future and their unrolved children. If a student leaves from the temple, another girl from many thousands of contenders was chosen to her place. But turned the wheel of history. Men appeared who decided that they were stronger than women and the main deity should be a man. They began to change rituals at their discretion, priests to appoint men. But without the power of great priestesses, the male deity was weaker.

Once on Earth, a terrible black sorcerer appeared. He wanted to become the lord of the whole planet. With the help of his black witchcraft, he learned that the love of one of the devoted priestesses can make it the most powerful priest. Asked the sorcerer of his warriors and went war on the country of the Great Goddess of Live Earth. I groaned the planet Earth. For the first time, people began to kill people, violated the Great World and Space Equilibrium. The warriors tried to capture the wizards, but the wizards knew why they were needed by the sorcerer, and were not given to the warriors alive. Warriors and to our settlement came. Calculated the main priests that the warriors of the black sorcerer will soon appear, gathered his student to the Council. Together with the villagers, eleven girls went to defend the village. The twelfth wizard, his granddaughter Zarin, left the priestess with him. This girl was one of the most powerful magicians and had to change the main priestess in the temple of the Great Goddess of Live Earth.

Already five years have manifested the abilities of the girl. Even without dedication, it was glowed by special light, and caravans, animals and birds stopped from the radiance of her blue eyes, the patients were cured. The main priestess began to think how to save the girl and her magic fate, how to keep knowledge for descendants embedded in a small head. After all, even the uninitiated seen a bright radiance around the girl, the light of blue eyes gave her magic properties. The priestess could, began to muffle the radiance of the girl, making a magic rite over her. External light Girls is dumb, and the blue shine is left. But the magical abilities temporarily lost Zarin. And the warriors of the evil sorcerer have already seized the village. Not enough time to priesce to end the rite. She hid her girl under black cloth, sent her to children who hid in the temple. Here, and the door is broken, the warriors ran into the temple, captured the main priestess, pulled it into the courtyard.

And on the yard on the horse waited for her leader of the troops of the black sorcerer, the priest of the male deity Tollyon. Only he confessed his secret black sorcerer. The leader has already consisted among the dead defenders of the village eleven student of the priests. Where is the twelfth? Only a handful of children and several weak old people remained from the residents of the village. Who is? Steel torturing the warriors the main priestess, but she silently demolished all torture. The leader began to travel around the children and old people and, lowering his eyes to the ground, looked through with his intuition, which of them would give himself. It was not able to withstand - I groaned the main priestess, and Tollyon saw how the blue shine of the eyes of one little girl broke out. He ordered to take a girl into his conversations, and the rest of the inhabitants, including the main priestess, kill and burn. One of the warriors grabbed the girl, kept her into the fabric, which she was covered, put his horse across his horse and touched the reins. I heard Zarina only shouts and moans dying their friends. The leader of the warriors did not say anyone that he found a student of the priests - a great wizard. Too small was a girl. He doubted in his choice, decided to observe her.

With women, Tollyon always arrived very sternly. After spending one night with them, the next morning gave it to her first oncoming warrior from his squad. Warriors thought that this time he would do as always. Though Mala was a girl, but was so attractive and beautiful that the warriors began to argue, who would get this little miracle. One of the warriors even became a guard at the leader's tent, so as not to miss the moment. What was his surprise in the morning, when severe Tollyon did not bring the girl from the tent. He left her at himself. The day after day the girl lived with him next, in the evenings conversation with him. Warriors after raids on neighboring villages and cities brought different dishes, and the leader from his hands fed Zarina. She saw Tollion that her blue eyes acted soothing on people, birds and the animals sat down at the feet of a little zarina, his warriors wounded themselves. He did not allow anyone to her, he ordered his warriors to not talk about the girl.

A lot of time passed, no time, loved the girl of the leader for affectionate attitude towards her. He also understood how the road became a girl. In one of the quiet nights, they learned the power of great love. But they were careless in love with their feelings. In minutes of love, their souls rose into the space of the Great Space, splured their energies, brightly spurred the blue light of the love of two great priests of the Toliona and Zarina. I saw the black sorcerer pillar of bright light and realized that he was deceived. He began to look for Tollyon and Zarina, the only wizard, who remained alive after his raids on the country of alive land. Lovers could not get away from the chase, betrayed their warrior, who was guarding at the leader's tent. Grabbed the leader and girl servor of the black sorcerer. The black sorcerer began to conjure, to ask the question of his dark forces: whether he could become the most powerful person on Earth. And he learned that the case could still be corrected if he would eat the heart of the zarina and drink the blood of Tollyon. But the sorcerer wanted to take his bloody ritual so as to learn his former comrade, warrior warriors. The sorcerer decided that in the eyes of Tollyon he would kill the girl and eating her heart. The associated leader of warriors jested over the precipice, and near the sacrificial table and put the girl on him.

Silently, with love looked at each other lovers, realizing that they parted forever in this world. But Zarina and Tolion knew that unearthly love binds them forever. While the sorcerer was preparing for the commission of a ritual, a small magician and the leader of warriors swore, which they will never break out, will always meet in other embodiments and love each other, whatever it should be. Their great love is already recorded on the waves of the Great Cosmos, and now also connected by a strong oath of two wizards. Here the black sorcerer snapped the heart of the girl, forever froze it in his bias. With bloodied hands, the villain shoved him in his mouth, quickly ate, so that no one could stop him. Wildly shouted the leader, losing his favorite. He could not silence and told the sorcerer that he would not succeed, because forever binds him and the wizard is a strong oath for all times. Oversized, spinning like a wolf of evil sorcerer. He will never be the most powerful person on earth. The only thing he could do is to curse their love.

"Let this woman never knows a sense of love, and you, my old friend, in all the centuries you will serve women, and if you meet your only love, you can not be with it nearby. In all a century!" With these words, the sorcerer cut off the rope on which the leader hung and dropped him into the abyss. The soul of a person can come to the ground several times, incarnate in the images of other people. Many times were embodied Zarin and Tollyon, but could not reiterate in their love. And so that it never happened, the black sorcerer taught people in honor of his male deity to give sacrificing the lives of young men and girls. The more young people will be killed on the altar of his insatiable God, the less likely to meet in love with this life. To never enthusiastly enthusiasm the Great Love. People, blindly trusting in black priests, killed each other without regret, gave their children to the ripples of the gods.

Animals took an example from people and also killed their children and comrades. For many thousands of years, dark time on Earth came from where love was gone. The earth itself has changed, darkened from grief. The sun closed his face from such a planet, began to shine with another light, so as not to be swollen his pure rays evil coming from people. Many thousand years have passed since. For a long time there is no black sorcerer, forever disappeared the male deity, in honor of which young people were sacrificed. I did not take into account the sorcerer that great love was recorded in the space chronicle, the Universe exists only when there is love. She returned to Earth. I began to search and connect all lovers. The time will come, a small magician and the leader of warriors will return to Earth and will be connected in his love, so that peace, good and beauty recovered on the planet, as it was in the distant old days.

Going on the journey, we choose the direction for a long time and thoroughly think about the route. On the eve of the day of all lovers, we suggest you choose one of the seven seats, the visit to which will become the most romantic moment in your life.

In the Asian part of Istanbul, on a small island of the Bosphorus Strait in the Ostochydar area, one of the symbols of the ancient Constantinople - Leandra Tower (her also called the Girl Tower). According to one of the versions, it is believed that the tower built the Athenian commander Alkivad for the control of Persian ships, and on the other - that it originated during the reign of the emperor Konstantin Great.

Many well-known works are dedicated to this, who has already become a cult, turret. One of the myths says: In the greatest times, the young man named Leandr fell in love with the priestess of Goddess Aphrodite, the hero, which lived in the Girl Kulesi. Every night in love floated to his hero, and the torch served as a landmark that the girl lit up. Once the Fire Floas and Unhappy Leandr, wandering in search of a lounge house, drowned. Only in the morning of the waves, they brought this terrible news to the hero. Her heart could not stand grief, and the girl in despair rushed into the Bosphor's Water, wanting to meet with his beloved sooner.

This quiet city in the north-east of Italy has long become mandatory for visiting almost every couple. And this is not surprising, because it is here that you can find the house of the XIII century, in which, according to legend, Juliet lived.

Once this five-storey mansion, built near Piazza Erbe, belonged to the Ral of Dal Capello, who became the prototype of cabbage. At the end of the XVII century, the mansion was sold to the family of Rizzardi and began to serve as a preamant yard. However, the coat of arms of the Capello family - a marble hat - still decorate the arch leading to the courtyard.

This popularity of the house Juliet acquired after the release in 1930 a feature film about lovers from Verona. In 1972, in the courtyard with a balcony, standing under which Romeo was recognized in the love of his beloved, the statue of Juliet was installed. There is a tradition: if you write a letter to Shakespeare's heroine, then this love will definitely find the sender. There is another savory custom: it is believed that touching the breast bronze juliett brings happiness.

Even if this day of all lovers you meet alone, do not despair. Go on a trip to the beautiful Italy alone! Go to visit Juliet, write a letter with a cherished desire and taste the most delicious pasta in the world in one of the local traots.

Which of us does not know the touching story of a young girl, which for the sake of meeting with his beloved was ready to give life? Of course, this is a little mermaid. The monument to her in the capital of Denmark for almost a hundred years is one of the main symbols of the city.

A sad fairy tale of real loyalty and anything that does not require love still inspires many for the romantic deeds and feats in the name of high feelings. Love in love in a beautiful prince Little Little Mermaid, not a minute not doubting, gives the sorcerer to his voice, in order to get a foot tail in return and have the opportunity for only a few days to be on land with her prince and try to charm him. But, as often happens, the young man falls in love with another, condemning the mermaid on death. She refuses a new deal with the sorcerer, which offers her to save life and kill her beloved with her own hands. Of course, love wins. But the end of this story is sad: the girl rushes into the sea and turns into a marine foam.

Almost not far from Vilnius, in the "Lake Town" of Trakai, the former residence of Lithuanian princes, is located the largest of the old castles preserved in the country (XIV-XV centuries). This place, sneeze in many verses and poems, is capable of its greatness and beauty to conquer everyone, it is shrouded in legends and secrets, and the water surrounding the castle still keeps the images of those who lived in it noble people.

Local residents say that this fortress on the water appeared at all for defense - she was erected at the request of a woman. Biruget, the wife of Trakai and Zhemite Prince Kystutis, did not like to live in an old traca, what she did not get tired of talking to her spouse. Compared to her native Palanga, there were too few reservoirs and not so beautiful as in native places. In order to please your beloved woman, the prince at the beginning of the XIV century began to build a castle on the island surrounded by lakes.

Go here for inspiration, walk through intricate corridors and admire the graceful frescoes - the Trakai castle will not leave you indifferent.

This bridge is one of the oldest and iconic in St. Petersburg. How many legends work around this place - and do not count!

Built in the XVIII century, a merchant kisses, who owned a nearby Pite "Kiss", a bridge, turned into one of the most romantic places in the city. And not surprisingly. It is said that it was in the XVIII century, when the borders of the city reached only to the sink river, he served in the residents who, for various reasons, had to leave the city, meeting place and farewells. In addition, it is believed that the kissed bridge is called so because he leads directly to the gate of the Guards Fleet crew, and it is on him with sailors who go to the sea for several months or even years, their girlfriends said. In addition, the ancient legend has been preserved that in the old days, in love with the bridge, which for some reason had to hide their feelings for some reasons.

Be that as it may, it is not at all important which of the stories will actually be true, because the city and kisses are the bridge from which the most beautiful view of St. Isaac's Cathedral opens, deserve that you come to St. Petersburg at least a couple of days .

In a long time in the mountains of Abkhazia, a love couple lived. ARRA was so beautiful that legends were made about her beauty, and mermaids in the mountain waters envied her. Ahra was the brave and bold young men, crazy in love with Amp.

Once the evil mermaid is deceived by taking the image of the young man, put the girl in his arms and tried to lose the unfortunate from the cliff. Amra prayed for mercy, and tears, river flowing out of her eye, fell into river water. The God of Water was angry at the mermaid, which tried to deprive the life of an innocent man, and turned her into a stone, but ARRA was turned around with her, and did not have a break out of her hands. Ahra, the same hunting, suddenly felt the strongest pain in the heart and understood: his beloved threatens the trouble. From helplessness he dropped a tear, knowing that he would no longer save his beloved. Since then, on the ground, where the tears of two divided by fate of love fell on the ground, flows of crystal clear water from the mountains.

If you decide to go on a journey through Abkhazia, be sure to visit the waterfalls Men's tears and women's tears, which are located quite close to the lake Rice. There is also a legend that waterfall women's tears performs desires: all the trees surrounding the waterfall are hurt by flashes and ribbons with cherished desires written on them.

20 kilometers from Novorossiysk is a truly fabulous place - the Emerald-Blue Lake Abrau, surrounded by mighty ridges of the mountains.

The exciting legend of the love and friendship of the shepherd of Durso and the beautiful daughter of rich from Abrau, who was against this connection, is transmitted from generation to generation. Once a rich family of the girl arranged a feast, and, for fun, the guests began to throw bread pellets into the sky. Seeing this, Allah was angry with residents for the desecration of bread and sprinkled the land under the feet of celebrating. In the place where the rich was dyed, a huge lake was formed. And it happened so that the beauty from Abrau had a beloved in Durso, and he did not comply with Heaven. Returning home and found a picturesque lake on the spot, the girl from grief and despair rushed into his waters, which suffered her to the beloved, back to Durso.

It is said that if you carefully look at the stroit of water, you can see the trail who left the loving girl, - a moon track.

Be love?

Warm summer day. Young, completely young, is a stupid, inexperienced and naive girl walking in the park past the pond. She has a good mood. On the soul light. She feels that soon her life will change. Be sure! God will send her a man whom she is waiting. He will do it, because it should be so!
Once at the "Brotherhood" meeting, she heard and remembered these words: "If you want love, learn how to give love. Do not wait for her. Realize that love is already there. She is in you! Be love, breathe love, smile with love and give love! For all we give, we get backwards. " And suddenly she notices a man. He's very handsome. And yet - very lonely. Sits one on the park bench and looks at the water. It can be seen that in his life there is no love. If he loved, his soul would be open to the world. And it is closed, like a black hole. But in it, in this depth - light! That's for sure! She is sure.
- You will not tell me what time? - asks the young lady.
He answers, but the young lady listened. She so loved his face - such right, so sophisticated and courageous at the same time, that everything heard. He has absolutely black, curly hair and blue eyes. No, not blue. They are blue! And he has a voice ... He has a voice, like a huge cat, is inspired, soft, caressing.
From embarrassment, the girl cared and hurried away.
"What am I doing? She thought on the road. - Why am I running away? And what's the rule: "If you want love, learn how to give love"? Yes! I have to give him love! After all, it is so obvious - he needs love! Love will make it happy. No, not just love - my love will make it happy! I can love him as no one ever loved! In me, such a sea of \u200b\u200blove ... "
The young lady turned back and again approached a man bored on a bench.
- Are you not boring? She asked, radiating love.
"No, by no means," the man replied. The girl was confused and thought: "Why does he tell a lie? - But after a moment I guessed. - Ah-ah ... He just does not want to burden me with his sadness! What is he's kind! Good and unfortunate ... no, you have to make. I'm coming up now. If I ask him, and he will say "yes," then I was not mistaken - it's he. Let God give me a sign! "
- And I wanted to invite you to meet our "Brotherhood". I think it may be interesting to you. We meet to talk about God. After all, God is present in the life of every person, but the person does not notice him. People suffer precisely because of this. They do not find time for prayers, do not think that God does for them, and do not know how to be grateful. God is love. And I want you, too, learned about it, touched His grace and became happy ... Please come!
- You asking? - Smiled man.
- Yes! - confirmed the young lady. And he agreed!
- The fact that we met with you is not by chance! It's a sign! I feel the great potential of love! But you are closed! Discover yourself for love! She said when they were at the meeting "Brotherhood".
"You really ask me about asked him."
She pressed against him, felt his smell - deep, exciting, spicy. And almost screamed:
- Oh yes of course! I am ready to love you with all my heart, all my life! In every person there is God! Love a person - to love God in it! Love deified! Love is a great gift from which you can not refuse! If she comes, we must open it to meet her! So we open themselves to God! The same night she became a woman. No, he made her woman. And the point is not in this? - Lost virginity. The fact is that she felt. Solved in him, she was born again. She had a body - the present, alive, sensual. He mastered every cell of her creature, penetrated her creature, he was constantly in her. It sounds strange, but this is true. Barely touching ... the tips of the fingers ... not a hand, but hot air ... She felt a clay, warm, pliable clay in the hands of the Creator ... Laughing deity ... He drank her body with gentle lips ... tender, Like rose petals ... She suffered from his smell - a drinking, exposing, driven crazy ... and whisper, whisper of incomprehensible words ... Fire floods in the middle of black sky, the adsatory sound of magical tambourines and singing shaman ... Breathing of the abyss. .. smooth, verified movements ... God turned into a predator ... Predator before jumping ... Confidence, strength, pressure ... At the time of death, she closed around ... a bright outbreak of pain ... Inexplicable happiness ... non-existence ... the weightlessness of non-existence ... Death ... Having survived death, she began to rise ... with a powerful stream ... somewhere up ... there is no death ... her body came to life after death ... Rhythmic movements, inhale In her life ... Limit pleasure life ... Life, which has become a utmost pleasure ...
Before that, she was only an empty vessel. But did not even know about this void. She did not imagine that it could be so much feeling! But now, now everything changed. She loved him in all horseshoes - as a man, like a father, like a son, and most importantly - like God. He became her God. He instilled her! In all her life, no one else was needed. Only he!
However, one only ... they have already met for three days, the three happiest, the most brightest, brightest days in her life! And he never told her about his feelings! He never said that he loves her. Of course, confess to love is not easy, even scary.
She understand. Scary to open the soul to another person. But she loves him, so there is nothing to fear! How does he not see it? .. Nothing. She will help him. Fate judged them to be together. Now it's forever. Such a feeling is worthy of eternity. Yes, of course, they will have children, there will be a house. Someday they will be made up and die in one day. But it is only here in this world. And there - where the union of their hearts is concluded, they will always live. Love, if this love is never running. She is eternal.
He sits on the bed and looks into a huge window - naked, beautiful, covered sweat. And outside the window is sleeping the city and high sky. She leaned on the back of the bed and looks at his back. He has a wonderful, the most beautiful of all the most beautiful population ... with short, curly, black hair.
- Do you love me? - She asks, in advance knowing the answer, and waiting.
But he is silent and continues to look out the window. As if he does not hear.
- You did not hear? I asked - do you love me? - For some reason, her heart beat in his chest, like Ptah, who fell in Tight Silk.
"Do you want to hear the answer? .." he asks.
"Yes," Ptah in the chest rushed and froze.
- You're asking? - he asks again.
- Yes.
He turns her head to her. Looks from behind the shoulder. He has blue-blue eyes:
- No, I do not love you ...
On the last sound of the last word Ptah in her chest dies.

So told two candles

"I'm sorry for me," said an insecured candle with his lit girlfriend. - "Short your age. You're burning all the time, and soon you will not be. I am a lot of happier you. I'm not grieving, and, therefore, I don't touch you; I'm lying calmly on my side and live a long time. Your days are considered."
The burning candle answered: "I do not regret it at all. My life is beautiful and full of meanings. I'm grief and my wax melts, but from my fire is lit up many other candles, and my fire does not decrease from it. And when the wax and wick burn, then my fire is a soul of the candle - connects with the fire of space, the particle of which he was, and I quickly strengthened into my magnificent and shining fire house. And here I accelerate his darkness of the night; I am glad the eye of the child on the festive christmas tree; improve the air in the patient's bed For the pathogens of the diseases do not carry a living fire; I am warming up a symbol of prayer aspiration in front of sacred images. Isn't my short life? ? Yes, you will host in conservation for many years, but who needs you, and what joy and benefit from you?
The right, "Better to burn, rather than rest," because in burning life, and in the hibernation - death. And you regret me that I will soon eat and stop living, but you, in your preserved inaction and did not begin to exist, and so die without starting. And life will pass by. "
So they spoke two candles.

For love

Once a rich young man and a poor girl (and maybe, on the contrary, without a difference) fell in love with each other and admitted to each other in love.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you," she said.
"But we will never be able to get married," he said.
"I know," she said. - But I love you so much that it does not matter. We will be husband and wife or not - in fact it does not matter. Take me, because you are my only one and I want to give you everything I have.
"No, I can't do that," the young man replied. - At first we must get the blessing of parents and get married in the church. Only then can we be together.
- But it will never be! - exclaimed the girl. - Parents will never agree! And I will better die than I will live without you!
"Well, then, then we can only die," the young man agreed. And they came to the cliff and looked down.
"I'm afraid," the girl said. "They last me for the last time, a kiss for goodbye and throw off the cliff, because I won't be able to."
And the young man hugged the girl, kissed her and threw down. She crashed there. And he looked at her on top, looked, and his head immediately spinned, and it became bad, and for some reason he could die. I turned around, went home, married and years later in sixty died from old age.
And then urged their God on the righteous court.
- Well, who is the first? God asked.
"Ladies ahead," the former young man answered hanalently.
And God began to judge the girl.
- Would you like to put in the sin of adultery and impede it?
- Yes, but I wanted to do it from love.
- Did you want to neglect the laws of the church?
- Yes, but for the sake of love.
- Did you want to disobey the parents and show disrespect for them?
- Yes, but it's from ...
- You wanted to commit the greatest sin of suicide, so that he did because of you did the same thing?
- Yes, but we ...
"You forced him to kill yourself, because I could not do it myself, and made it guilty of murder?"
- Yes, but ...
- In hell!!! - the voice of God climbed.
The girl dragged. It came a black boyfriend.
- So, you did not want to disobey the parents and neglect the sanctification of the church?
"I didn't want, for God, the Father and Mother above all," said the young man.
- Did you refuse to make the sin of adultery and thus saved it from the same sin?
- Yes, I did it.
- But you killed her.
"She herself wanted to die and asked me about it." Sin lies on it. In addition, I repented in perfect.
- Did you want to die?
"But I thought on time and did not commit suicide, because it is the greatest sin."
- Then welcome to Paradise, My Son! - God said.

Switch and light bulb

The switch was small-small. Besides - black, and, as they said, - flat. The light bulb was big-big. In addition, it is bright and dressed in such a beautiful and fashionable chandelier that there is nothing surprising - the switch in love with it. He really liked that she broke out - and then seemed cheerful and carefree, then Gaslah - and then seemed thoughtful and tender. In addition, she had such beautiful forms, and this broadband chandelier was crazy! In general, the switch was very shattered. The lamp hung in the center of the room, and the switch was sticking out in the corner where he could only sigh. Light bulb coquetty wink. But be together they could not. Never. Window glass was no. He did not even notice him. They looked, it would seem, on him, but said something like: "What is the weather today". Or: "Look at what a funny puppy on the street." And about the window glass no one ever spoke nothing good, unless they scolded: "Glass, said again dirty." It was about to get angry and offended. In addition, the window glass was considered a distant relative light bulb, and the fate of the bulb always seemed lighter to him.
And once the window glass said: "Listen, a switcher. The switch. The switch and window glass never friendly, but when they say something unpleasant - often lgut. - Listen, switches, - repeated the window glass for consuming persuasiveness. - Though You know, someone sigh, naive? Do you even know that the light can not live without you? "
The switch was very happy and frightened. So always happens when it comes to love.
"You are her king, her boss, her leader, - the window glass even trembled from excitement. When you want to make a nasty - you also worry. - If you want - she will glow. You will not want to go out. It would be your desire - and she will be Flaw every second or not to burn at all. What do you suffer? She is your servant, subordinate, slave. And you sigh, fool ... "
From the surprise, the switch went to my senses - turned off and immediately went out the light bulb.
"What did you tell me? How can you call her so!" - The switch came out of myself, and the light bulb turned on. "Well, made sure?" - joyfully snapped the window glass. "Is it true, do you mean that?" - asked the light bulb, because the lovers believe only each other. "True," the bulb sighed and as if it was swept. "Now you can do with me what you want. Now you understand how I envy you, and love will turn into slavery."
"That's so ... And then sigh here, do not give sleep," the window glass is very disgusting.
"What are you talking about?" The switch smiled. "So, in fact, we are not far from each other, and this is all deception?" So we are connected? So, the fate itself is prepared for us to be together. Now we will live with you very happy: When you want, just tell me - you will flash with a bright light. You get tired - you will relax. I will be a defender of your light. And Walking. "
"Here is a fool!" - Cooked window glass. So often happens: when there is nothing to say - they swear.
This could be put on this point, but if you believe to the end, you need to add: this light never burned the light bulb. All around were surprised: how this light bulb is implausible for a long time. Everything around, probably, just did not know: this light bulb is loved ...

Why is a woman crying?

Little boy asked Mamu: "Why are you crying?"
- Because I'm a woman.
- I do not understand!
Mom hugged him and said: "That you will never understand."
Then the boy asked the Father "Why is mom sometimes crying for no reason?" - "All women sometimes cry for no reason" - everything that the father could answer.
Then the boy grew up, became a man, but did not cease to be surprised: "Why do women cry?"
Finally he asked God. And God replied:
"Having conceived a woman, I wanted it to be perfect.
I gave her shoulders such strong to keep the whole world, and such gentle to keep the children's head.
I gave her the Spirit so strong to make kinds and other pain.
I gave her will, so strong that she goes forward when others fall, and she cares about the fallen and sick, and tired, without complaining.
I gave her kindness to love children under any circumstances, even if they offend her.
I gave her strength to support her husband, despite all his flaws.
I made her from his rib to protect his heart.
I gave her wisdom to understand that a good husband never hurts his wife intentionally, but sometimes it was experiencing her strength and determination to become next to him, without hesitation.
And finally, I gave her tears. And the right to shed them, where and when necessary.
And you, my son, it must be understood that the beauty of a woman is not in her clothes, hairstyle or manicure.
Her beauty in the eyes that open the door to her heart. The place where love lives. "

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