How to use men's perfumery correctly. Girls use men to get closer to another. She only calls at certain times

A quick glance at any cosmetic store is enough to understand that men are discriminated against in terms of beauty. A couple of shelves for guys against a sea of ​​products for girls. The following logic is seen behind the meager choice: a man does not spend more than five minutes on self-care and does not buy more pair funds. Water, razor, toothpick and one universal cream- that's all, and that's enough.

Olesya before the experiment

Although many girls are not too keen on banks and there is nothing wrong with that, I personally spend 20-30 minutes on self-care in the morning and 40-60 minutes in the evening. My kit contains thirty creams, oils, serums and scrubs, plus a separate shelf for hair and nails, plus boxes of decorative cosmetics... All these remedies solve the frequent anxieties of twenty-eight-year-old women with mixed skin: you need to remove greasy shine on the nose and forehead, dryness and peeling on the cheeks, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes after work, the first wrinkles - well, save the hair worn out by paint.

The main question is - is there a difference in skin and hair between men and women? Genetics and hormones are reflected in the structure of the skin. Manufacturers of men's cosmetics often refer to high concentration testosterone in the blood of men (ten times higher than that of women). Testosterone affects education sebum... Therefore, the skin of guys is more shiny and prone to acne, but better withstands aggressive environments: wind, sun, malt - and hops. Another nuance - the skin of men for a longer period of time retains collagen in the cells, which is responsible for elasticity and firmness, therefore anti-aging care you need a different one.

Basic care set in men's cosmetics - cleansers, toners, moisturizers and nourishing creams for every taste and budget, but without special nuances like masks and peels. Here's what I managed to collect from beauty shops.

Neutrogena body lotion, 460 rub.

Budget thick cream Intense Repair. It nourishes well and does not smell in any way. For the body, nothing special. But good for the skin of the legs.

After Shave Lotion Nivea Men, 396 rub.

Mattifies the skin like the legendary Nivea Men After Shave Balm. Has a characteristic odor and a sticky texture. Can be used after shaving your legs - excellently relieves skin irritation.

BB cream La Roche-Posay, 1013 p.

Hydreane hypoallergenic BB cream with light toning effect. Moisturizes, softens and is suitable for sensitive skin and also protects from sunlight.

Lab Series Universal Facial, RUB 2507

All-in-One Face Treatment is the brand's bestseller. The unscented gel solves four problems at once: soothes and regenerates irritated skin, moisturizes and mattifies.

There are almost no serums and masks in the men's departments, but there is big choice bag and dark circles under the eyes. Shop assistants say they are popular with women - they say they work harder. I tested two male eye gels for two weeks. They worked exactly like women, as well as aloe juice or enterosgel. Equally good.

Girls addicted to makeup combine great amount means aimed at a specific problem. Hence the dominance of cans and the schedule of their use, reaching automatism. Most of the male products are multifunctional. Cleansing is three-two in one: face wash, shower gel and shampoo. Tonic - immediately and after shave. Men's cream should simultaneously moisturize, nourish, matte, relieve irritation. Which is, of course, very convenient in theory.

When I washed my face male gel, splashed tonic and smeared cream, skin immediately tightened and pinched. Spent the day with a matte and dry face. But everything took no more than five minutes.

The male face scrub has tough granules (obviously to stir up the beard). It made the skin dry even more. Not even saved at work a spray can with thermal water- a tool that men ignore in vain. I gave up the tonic for a few days. Then she began to wash herself alone cold water... Until I found a suitable Weleda moisturizer. It is recommended even for sensitive skin. It is fragrance-free, relieves inflammation and moisturizes well even after a nuclear tonic.

In addition to strong drying properties, the main complaint about men's cosmetics is an aggressive perfume. It is not clear why each product is flavored with the smell of synthetic brutal? Body products should defeat sweat odor. But why add obsessive fragrance to shampoos, hair gels, scrubs and face creams? Due to the sharp bouquet, the products are difficult to combine. The day I poured all the bottles on myself, at work they thought that I was replaced by a rookie guy. But the discovery was men's cosmetics Lab Series Fragrance Free. It works great, does not tighten the skin and can be used for two - priceless.

But the manufacturers of men's cosmetics ate the dog on shaving products. Men's razors, gels and shaving foams (fragrance free) - ingenious invention... Men's looms last longer, are cheaper, shave smoothly and do not cut the skin. Honestly, I was afraid to test the men's electric razor - I thought it would cut off my legs.

After shave products must be included in female care... We already have the matting balm Nivea. Another discovery is Nivea aftershave lotion. If you splash it on the palm of your hand, pat it on the face and complete the treatment in this way, it will moisturize and relieve redness by replacing thermal water and solve the problem of tight skin. It can be used after shaving legs or bikini - soothes irritation, and the fragrance disappears after 20 minutes.

Even men are infringed on the field of tonal means. This is not about the orange make-up, which Joseph Kobzon likes to smear, but about the usual daily remedies that make the skin a little smoother, a little fresher, a little healthier in appearance. If in Korea there is a boom in BB-care creams for men, in Russia there are none. When I went overboard with the masculine matting agents, I added La Roche-Posay BB cream to moisturize and more fresh look... This is a unisex brand, BB cream is difficult to suspect on the skin, but you will look a little better.

Olesya two weeks after the experiment

I did not find any interesting male hair products (we will leave aside the shampoos that promise to hide the bald spot in one application). If you're a guy with dyed hair or long, rocky hair, it's best to go to the women's department for shampoo and conditioner. Two-in-one shower and hair products do not create anything phenomenal with hair, but at least they do not spoil - even mine dyed hair shower gels did not get worse. However, I was sorely lacking nourishing masks and hair oils - including shine.

I will very briefly say that almost no caring products for the body in the male departments could be found, except for the Neutrogena line. And that's nothing compared to the variety of female nutritional butters. Good remedy except for the hands and heels.

Results of the experiment

The skin has adapted and shone in 14 days. Gone is the need for tonal means... The main thing is to avoid products with a vigorous menthol fragrance. Although I lacked hydration and thin pleasant aromas, which are always in women's cosmetics. Thanks to male means, I learned what it is matte leather and no acne. Although, when switching back to women's cosmetics, two weeks after the experiment, I was bothered by acne, which has not happened to me since the age of 19.

In fashion, the boundaries of the floor are noticeably erased. We wear almost the same jeans and sneakers. In cosmetics, the division into masculine and feminine is also gradually disappearing. Given the tough economic situation, the idea of ​​sharing makeup with your boyfriend, brother, or even dad doesn't seem out of the ordinary. On the contrary, it is possible to raise funds for everyone. If apart from men's cosmetics there is nothing in the house, I will use it. Leaving is leaving.

It seems to me that many men are needlessly ill-informed in matters of beauty. While it's hard to imagine bloggers with swatches and reviews of cuticle oil at Dirty or Habrahabr conferences, there is nothing wrong with taking care of your skin, nails and hair and keeping an eye on appearance... Moreover, even a small arsenal of male products does an excellent job.

Agree, after shave creams and balms, lotions and colognes have always existed. Another question is that everything was limited to this assortment. For example, 10 years ago, an advertisement for an anti-wrinkle cream performed by the courageous charming Matthew Fox (a strict doctor in the TV series "Lost") would have been a shock to the public, but now it seems to be in the order of things.

What are men's cosmetics?

IN this moment, in addition to the notorious shaving balms, there are many more cosmetic novelties for men: moisturizing creams(daytime and evening), creams and serums anti wrinkle, active formulations against acne, which is observed in men more often than in women.

The main difference between men's and women's creams is ease their structures... It is important for a man how quickly the cream "disappears" from his face. No man will wait 15-20 minutes for the cream to be absorbed. That is why men's creams are mainly made on light gel bases that quickly penetrate the skin and do not leave marks or an unpleasant sticky film on the surface. Such funds are used in the morning and in the evening after washing.

It will not be superfluous and thermal water, which in summer, for example, can be used instead of a cream. It is usually available in aerosol cans, which are very convenient to use. Thermal water contains a lot of microelements useful for the skin, strengthens the skin, and when regular use improves complexion. It is used at any time of the day to refresh the skin of the face.

Popular with men and face serum- obviously, due to the ease of use and effectiveness, because serums are actually concentrates active substances, while the lungs are without a fat base. They are transparent concentrated viscous liquids, produced in bottles with dispensers, which means that their use is not difficult.

Basically, face serums are used to combat wrinkles, and in men, deep expression wrinkles appear in the first place. This is due to the structure of male skin: it is almost 10 times denser and thicker than that of women, sweat and sebaceous glands work more intensively, there are more of them in number, since in male body a stronger production of sebum and sweat is hormonally determined. It is for these reasons men's skin more prone to education mimic wrinkles and only then - superficial. Serums are usually used once a day - in the evening before applying the cream or instead of it.

In the arsenal of a man should also be antibacterial anti-inflammatory cream, because the acne or episodic skin inflammation occurs in men much more often than in women.

This is due to the male hormone. testosterone... In the structure of the skin there are a lot of receptors that are sensitive to testosterone, and it is he who stimulates the production of sebum (sebum). The secretions accumulate on the surface of the skin and create a breeding ground for microbes.

With regular use of an antibacterial cream, such phenomena disappear. This cosmetic product used 2 times a day - as the problem arises.

Classical after shave balm will help relieve irritation after this procedure. As you know, in men, much more hair than women - up to 30-35 thousand, who are subjected to daily shaving. And this causes increased sensitivity skin. This fact cannot be ignored, shaving balm must contain anti-inflammatory and soothing components and be hypoallergenic.

By the way, deodorants were also once considered only a female cosmetic, but now the range of this irreplaceable attribute is wide for both men and women. Perhaps in a few years the choice of men's face creams will be just as large.

Of course, the percentage of men who care about their appearance is not that much compared to women. But in an amazing way, bottles and tubes with cosmetics migrate from women's cosmetic bags in men's bags and lockers.

While we are thinking about the need or uselessness of cosmetics for men, cosmetologists are probably already creating new means to preserve the ideal male beauty... And, by the way, they are not engaged in new business. It is known from history that the first "customers" of elixirs of eternal beauty and youth in the form of cosmetic creams were not women, but men-conquerors and royalty who were striving to retain power in their hands. So, we can say with complete confidence that the very idea of ​​men's cosmetics is not new.

From men's to women's cosmetic bag

Can women borrow their creams from men? Sometimes men's cosmetics may well be useful to us.

Of course, men's and women's cosmetics are very different from each other. Manufacturing firms do not create in vain under one brand different means, of which some are intended for fair half while others are for the strong.

Their composition takes into account the peculiarities of the skin. In men, the skin is thicker and denser. Due to this, men's cosmetic lines are more active. They contain more constituent substances and often perform several functions at once: for example, moisturizing, disinfection, wound healing.

Women's cosmetics are softer and more gentle.

However, in case of emergency, ladies can borrow some cosmetical tools... Sometimes experts even recommend it.

For example, when a woman cleans her face on her own. After this procedure can be applied to the skin male gel or after shave balm... Do the same after using a hard scrub.

But it is worth remembering that this is not the norm. There is no need to “reinvent the wheel”. All the nuances in the compositions cosmetic lines have long been thought out by specialists. And the composition of the funds is selected so as to comprehensively and effectively solve exclusively the problems of women or the problems of men.

Men's body and face care products often have a harsh, invigorating scent. Women's cosmetics are distinguished by more delicate and romantic aromas.

Although sometimes there are individuals among the ladies who prefer male smells but they are in the minority. Products with neutral odors can be used by both men and women.

But perhaps the end result of using these tools will cause some confusion. Take for example male cream slimming in the abdomen... Naturally, no one will forbid a woman to use it for her own needs.

But it must be borne in mind that she may have completely different reasons for this problem. Cellulite is very rare in men. And a woman can have it the main reason non-retractable tummy. And the male remedy will give a minimal effect as a result.

Again on male and female skin the result of the application will be different, because the skin of men and women is different.

But male gel or foam

Men's guide: how to use perfume correctly

Let's not hide the fact that most men are pleased to hear compliments from others, especially if it is praise from a woman. And very often this is a compliment about - an accessory that is an integral part of your personal style.

We have already written that men should pay more attention to perfumery. Do not forget that when choosing a partner, women are very often guided by the smell. This is because ladies have a better sense of smell than strong half humanity. A woman's sense of smell is specially tuned to capture the male contents, including in good perfumery, which can provide its wearer with a significant advantage over others. This and the increase male attractiveness and increasing stress resistance, self-confidence and more.

The human nose is able to distinguish about a trillion different shades and every smell provokes a strong emotional connection... For example, one of my strongest memories of my father is the way he came home from work, he took me in his arms, enveloping me with the scent of cologne. Now, when I catch that distant familiar scent somewhere, I immediately remember those moments from my childhood. By the way, during adulthood, many men continue to use the same, or as the father.

A good perfume gives the image a sense of integrity. We know that good clothes raises self-esteem. A well-chosen aroma creates a similar effect. Choosing a decent perfume, a man can be sure that not only looks, but also smells at least a million dollars.

By the way, two-thirds of men use cologne or only occasionally. Why is this happening? I think the main reason is the absence enough information, because it is controlled by women and the stronger sex simply does not receive information about it in full.

How to choose the right eau de toilette or cologne?

Remember that when choosing a purchase final decision, guided by your taste, you accept! But if several close people or a specialist who really understands fragrances, for example, an employee perfume shop recommend something to you - be sure to try it!

So you've bought a cologne or eau de toilette. Once you start using perfumes, you will understand that buying eau de toilette is a process, not an end goal. A lot of men end up collecting dozens of scents in theirs.

What capacity to buy eau de toilette?

Here, as they say, size is not important, the main thing is to like the smell. In addition, colognes are inexpensive and tend to run out. Over time, the molecules of the perfume composition begin to disintegrate from exposure to heat and light. Therefore, radiators and direct light should be avoided. A regular wardrobe is perfect for storage.

How to use toilet water?

Apply small amount perfume on wet skin for example after a shower. Start experimenting gradually. When you get used to the process, you can start applying eau de toilette to other places besides the already familiar ones. Chest, neck, lower jaw, wrist, forearm, inner elbow, shoulder, chest, neck, lower jaw, wrist, forearm, inner elbow.

Do not spray all of these points at the same time. Pick a few that you like the most.

Do not apply to feet.

Repeated application of the spray to the same spot throughout the day is not recommended.

Do not spray perfume in the air, and then do not stand in the middle. In this case, you will not achieve anything and most of the eau de toilette will simply settle on the floor.

Try not to put perfume on your clothes. In this case perfume composition will not bind with natural oils secreted by the body, the smell will lie unnatural and can spoil the material from which the clothes are made.

Do not pour into the palm of your hand. If you have a classic bottle, place one finger on the neck, practically covering it, and gently turn the container over.

Don't overdo it - people nearby should smell the scent, but not be knocked off their feet.

In conclusion, I would like to say again that with the help of fragrances you express yourself - do not forget about it!

The question of choosing a perfume is very individual, because we choose not according to some special criteria - the smell is something intangible, you can draw it, but you can bring associations with some emotions and sensations, but still everyone will see something in these symbols. then your own. Each scent certainly has a mood, a character, and a color.

So why is more and more more girls and women prefer male perfume for women? What do they want to say by this, and can it mean?

Psychologist's opinion

The first step, of course, is to answer such a question by a psychologist. The most surprising fact was that the answer was received immediately, and this, of course, speaks of its relevance in our time.

So, psychology identifies three main reasons for the desire of women to use men's perfume .

The first is the most "logical" is a woman's predisposition to male type behavior. When women's fragrances cannot emphasize her character or inner strength and the woman does not feel "floral" or "citrusy". She needs something "stronger" and then she feels comfortable and harmonious. Almost all girls gay use men's cologne for this very reason.

The second is the most popular among girls under 25... They use a perfume that reminds them of close person, for example, about a loved one or about a father. And when she feels the smell of her own, there is a subconscious feeling that the close person is nearby, and she is protected.

And the third reason, quite rare, according to a psychologist, is when a woman uses men's cologne in order to create a sense of the presence of a man in the house or, in principle, in his life. So that those around her could smell the smell of male perfume from her and think that just this morning, leaving for work, her husband choked on a perfume next to her. And she herself begins to believe that this is exactly what happened.

As it turned out, in psychology non-verbal communication(that is, in the language and facial expressions of a person) there is a whole subsection - the olfactory system, that is, unpleasant odors environment both natural and artificial human odors. The presence of a whole science of smells suggests that the choice of scent can tell a lot about people around us. It is not for nothing that perfumes with pheromones are popular today - substances that can attract the attention of the opposite sex. Many books and works have been written on the topic of olfactory agents, and this area will never lose its relevance, because one of the most important tasks of a person is to produce correct impression to other people

Personal experience

But, of course, only women themselves can answer the question “why do women use men's perfume”. I asked the representatives of different ages, styles and looks. As it turned out, a lot of young girls choke exactly male perfume... When asked why? they, as a rule, answer: I like the smell and that's it! In fact, the desire to stand out from the crowd and not be more and more characteristic of girls "under 16 and a little older", so they are ready to resort to any, even the most bold decisions which is undoubtedly great. They quite calmly choke on masculine perfumes, not finding anything "like that" in this, and thereby emphasize their individuality.

Other women admitted to using the scents of their loved ones. This reminds them of them, they feel their presence and miss more and more during the breakup. And also, in the meantime, I can add that a very common case is when young girls strangle their toys with the cologne of their beloved, and then, in the evenings, sit on the couch, burying themselves in them, sadness and remembering moments of love and happiness.

And one woman even told me a story when a friend of hers used men's cologne to attract attention in the company of men, because they understand their perfume much better than women's. Thus, she earned compliments for making the right choice.

Several girls confessed that they once smelt with male perfume, and then told their friends that they had just been on a date and smelled like that.

Well, among women more mature, very few people refused men's perfume in favor of the female, because already the “status” does not allow performing this kind of “ bold deeds”, However, why Eau de Toilette may not like it? After all, since we love men, then we also love the fragrance they choose. And if we believe that men's cologne matches our inner peace and mood, why not perfume it? After all, the most important thing is, first of all, harmony with oneself ... because others are drawn to harmonious people.