What the perfect guy should look like. The ideal man - what should he be? Education is an obvious plus

Who is the perfect guy? What should it be? How many people, so many opinions exist. Every girl has her ideal. One wants a rich and pretty boy, the second will be grateful if she finds a devoted and affectionate life partner.

Don't look for a copy!

One of the most deplorable mistakes is finding a guy who looks like someone. For example, the search for a guy who looks like Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp is unlikely to end well. Yes, they are great actors. Yes, their appearance may be ideal for someone, but in addition to appearance, one must also take into account the inner qualities of a person. Alas, the longer you date a copy guy, the less he will resemble the original, the less you like it. And it is unlikely that a handsome man will have a wonderful character. In addition, after a while you will begin to be jealous or break up, as many girls may like your boyfriend. The result is not a fairy tale, but a complete failure. A fictitious "star" will think only of himself, selfishly rejecting the needs of other people, so you should not make the search for a young man who is sure to look like someone the meaning of your life.

Ideals are rare.. True, it is possible to single out several patterns, several qualities of guys that especially attract beautiful ladies. Consider the main criteria.

A guy shouldn't be a drinker

He can drink on holidays, but that's all. Many quarrels occur due to excessive drinking by one of the partners. Treason and scandals can firmly enter life. A person who is not addicted to alcohol is more positive and optimistic than an alcoholic. In our time, it is very difficult to meet such a person, therefore, if a guy drinks only on big holidays, this is already good. Choose the lesser evil!

The young man must be independent

Infantile sissies cause negative feelings, they are not able to make decisions themselves. Yet it is not in vain that there is an expression "like behind a stone wall." A man should protect and solve those problems that a woman cannot handle, and not just stand on the sidelines. And one can hardly expect accomplishments from a sissy.

Sensitivity is a big plus for any person

If a guy feels when his girlfriend is not feeling well when she Bad mood, a headache or she's just tired, it's very nice.


Appearance is also one of the criteria for choosing a guy. A neat looking guy will attract more attention than a slouching young man with unwashed hair and yellow teeth. Just remember that fashionistas are too fixated on themselves. And such a position in life does not guarantee happiness in a relationship. If the relationship is serious, "I" disappears - "WE" appears. This is the only way to create a strong couple.

Education is an obvious plus

The guy has to be educated. Knowledge of the elementary rules of behavior and etiquette is necessary, because without it it is simply a shame to appear in a decent society. For the first time in a relationship, a girl inspired by love may not notice flaws in her lover's behavior, but after a while she will see them. It is unlikely that anyone will like living with a boorish gopnik.


The guy should learn to take timely initiative. It is worth pleasing the lady with spontaneity: unexpected trips to the cinema, gallery or cafe, trips. A young man, and not his companion, should be responsible for entertainment of such a plan, so initiative will become one of the most important qualities of a guy close to the ideal.

Pleasant character

Character plays a very important role. It is he who determines the development of relations to a greater extent. The chosen one must understand some women's actions, forgive small whims, some irascibility and nervousness, so characteristic of individual women. If a guy does not know how to control himself, then this will split the relationship in the future. A girl should not give a guy a reason to quarrel, but he should not be too aggressive either.


It is easier to communicate with an intellectually developed person. With a thinking, well-read interlocutor, you can always find common topics that are interesting to both of you. Talking to each other is very important, it helps to better understand the inner world of a partner. If there is nothing to talk about with a person, then he will quickly get bored.


Financial security attracts many girls. But not everyone has money. And for those ladies who define this criterion as the most important in choosing a life partner, one can only sympathize, since the main thing is sincerity and love, and not the presence of banknotes in a fat wallet. Money will not create happiness or turn indifference into love.

Loyalty and honesty

Of course, the ideal guy should be faithful to his girlfriend. A true gentleman does not stare at other girls. The main task of the girl will not give a reason to her lover to change, although if a young man really loves, for him there are no girls other than her.


A man should be able to help provide for his family. A woman should not work alone, and a man should not just lie on the couch. Everyone is able to contribute their small contribution in order to cover the overall costs.

Each has its own ideal

Everyone has different tastes, each girl has her own qualities in priority, but most often the ideal guy is described that way.

Yes, there are no comrades for the taste and color. One girl might be crazy about a blond, blue-eyed violin player, while another might be attracted to a dark-eyed cook. That's the way it should be. The most important thing is that a guy should eradicate aggressiveness, ignorance and bad manners in himself. Appearance is far from being the main criterion for everyone., so simple accuracy will suffice.

Women of different age groups will look for different men. For example, a woman who is already thirty years old will most likely look for a good husband and father for future children, but a younger person will just need a cheerful, intelligent and attentive person.

Ultimately, we can say that the ideal guy is a person with a pleasant appearance, neat, well-read, independent and not deprived of spiritual kindness.

At the same time, not everyone imagines what they are, these qualities of an ideal man. And what she lacks in "ordinary" men.

Times change and so do ideals. Although ... At different times, the qualities that formed the basis of the concept of "perfection" changed many times. Although the main and basic, probably, have not changed since the Stone Age, but only changed, overgrown with details.

Even today, one of the central qualities of an ideal man, most women highlight the strength of mind and the ability to provide for a family. And these qualities can be called echoes of the distant past.

So far away that hunting for mammoths then was not fiction, but a trade. Then strength was an indicator of physical viability, the ability to bring healthy offspring, the ability to feed both oneself and the family.

At the present stage, these two points have not lost their relevance. Unless a few more basic features have been added to the portrait of the ideal man, which are no longer inspired by natural necessity, but by the preferences of individual women.

List of qualities of the "ideal"

Quite a lot of sociological surveys were conducted among the fair sex, differing in age and social status. But almost all of them were unanimous about what qualities an ideal man should have.

So, they should be:

Inner rod. The strong-willed qualities of a woman, it turns out, are valued above all else. Almost no one needs an insecure and weak husband, everyone wants to feel like women next to their companions. Not mothers, full of worries about an adult child, and not shrews, pulling back for every extra step and sidelong glance. But just women - weak, fragile, who want to "handle" and a new dress.

Secured. From the point about new dresses, another quality follows for an ideal man - the ability to provide for himself and his family. The quality of the earner is still appreciated by women. Except that in society they began to talk less about it since women were allowed to earn on an equal basis with men. However, the thesis that the “strong half” should earn more than the “weak half” has also not gone away.

Caring. Despite all the necessary strong-willed qualities, the ideal man should be caring. Women value this very highly, sometimes even higher than the previous two qualities. So that he would meet me from work, and help carry the bag, and drink tea, and wrap his legs in a blanket.

Smart. Almost all ladies value intelligence and quick wit in their beloved. It is necessary that he be a fairly good storyteller and quite a pleasant conversationalist. If he is a boring interlocutor, then it will become simply uninteresting with him very soon. And the woman will go to look for someone with whom it is interesting. True, there is such a type of men with whom it can be interesting almost without words. But such gentlemen are very rare.

Funny. A sense of humor is an important quality of a modern ideal man. Agree, it is quite difficult to always remain serious, and a sense of humor is sometimes the only thing due to which we can stay afloat in this life. And even more so, it is impossible to communicate with a person who is serious, no matter what happens.

external attraction. Of course, the ideal man should be attractive in appearance. This is normal, because women are sensitive beings. The aesthetic qualities of the world around her must meet her requirements. Beloved also cannot be ugly. Although, if he is truly loved and all other qualities outweigh his external imperfection, a woman will love his shortcomings, and simply ignore them.

In pursuit of looks...

Let's separately consider the external qualities of the ideal man. For some women, he must have the muscle of a young Van Dam, the chin of Orlando Bloom, and the charisma of George Clooney.

Not so long ago, scientists tried to compile a portrait, so to speak, of an average ideal man. Based on the results of sociological surveys among women, scientists have drawn a similar portrait. I must say that the little man turned out to be quite ugly, because he was made up of separate parts of the body of various individual men.

Naturally, a woman in everyday life will not really like this type, because it will be too perfect, too symmetrical, too chic. In practice, women are of the opinion that a man may well be slightly more beautiful than a monkey, and appearance is not the main selection criterion.

But no one canceled the aesthetic pleasure. And so women continue to stare at handsome men from movies and glossy magazines. But at the same time, they themselves are well aware that living with such handsome men is one continuous flour.

Painting a portrait of perfection!

The list of those qualities that should be present in the appearance of an ideal man:

Beautiful smile. Oddly enough, women most often pay attention to a smile as an aspect of male appearance in the first place. She attracts most girls much more than muscle or height.

By the way, the muscles are in second place. Broad shoulders, a narrow pelvis and prominent muscles also attract women, but not in the same way as a beautiful smile.

Many young ladies are not able to resist a certain color of a man's eyes. Some "melt" from blue eyes, others have a weakness for brown or green. But, you see, looking into the eyes, you can really “drown” in them and completely forget what you just asked him about.

It turns out that slightly crooked legs are also a sign of male attractiveness for women. It is rather difficult to understand the reasons for this phenomenon, however, the fact remains. What for a woman is a nightmare, horror and widespread suffering, for a man is a kind of “zest”.

The portrait of the ideal man is very often complemented by the fact that brunettes are much more loved than blondes. Maybe because "dark" men look much more brutal and courageous than "fair ones".

A rough, deep voice is also defined as a necessary quality for an ideal man. The ideal man should be able to captivate you with his voice so that you definitely don’t run away from him. Just one word from him should make you want to follow him anywhere!

Some young ladies, by the way, like a little femininity in the appearance of a man. It is believed that such a “male” will become an excellent head of the family, will not cheat, will be a diligent family man and father of future children. This is exactly what women are looking for in everyday life. Therefore, many of us choose such a man, in whose appearance there are necessarily some feminine features. It can be softness and tenderness in the look, or chiseled jaw lines, or a minimum of body hair.

Yes, the description of the ideal man very often includes a clause according to which a man’s body should have a minimum amount of hair. Woolly mammoths are not liked by all women. And, as a rule, smooth skin attracts young ladies much more than dense vegetation on a man's body.

As you can see, the list of ideal male traits is quite detailed. And one can argue, what is the most basic quality for a modern ideal man, almost indefinitely.

Everyone has their own ideal!

What should be the ideal man, each woman can decide for herself purely on an individual basis. It is possible to breed long philosophical conversations about the search for the ideal ad infinitum.

But it’s not for nothing that they say that a loved one is always perfect. And in a loved one you will be admired even by his shortcomings, which you will exalt and be touched by him.

And in the unloved, even if it contains every single quality that your list abounds in, you will still find a lot of shortcomings and will reproach him with them. So, dear ladies, do not look for the ideal and perfect.

The most important quality necessary for an ideal man is his love for you. And leave the ideal ones for aesthetic pleasure.

In everyday life, ideal specimens are practically never found, remember this. By the way, it is likely that ideal men will demand that their beloved match the ideal woman.

Many girls ask: what a perfect guy? The ideal guy is the person who combines all the best qualities. Most often, the ideal is precisely the loved one. You may be asking yourself why? The answer is quite simple - yes, because when you love selflessly and sincerely, you are ready to turn a blind eye to any shortcomings. At this moment, the question of how to send a guy off does not arise at all, because you want to be with him every minute of your time. And even shortcomings in such a person as such do not exist for you. And all because love overshadows the human mind, and you begin to see only what you want. Beloved for you will always be an ideal, an example to follow, the closest and dearest person, how can there be flaws in such a person?

What qualities should an ideal guy have?

Of course, you can say that there are no perfect people, perhaps it is, but we always try to strive for the best. A proven fact, there are still a number of qualities that every girl is looking for in a guy. So what qualities attract the attention of girls? What should be the ideal guy? For girls, the harmony of the spiritual and physical health of a guy is important, because if a person is in harmony with himself, he will be happy, he will radiate the so-called "sunlight". Such a person will always be in a good mood, and the smile will not leave his face.

Probably the second criterion when choosing an ideal guy for yourself is his appearance. Of course, this is a matter of taste, some like muscular guys with model appearance, while others, on the contrary, are plump and short guys. It's purely a matter of taste. A handsome guy is much more likely to please you, because his eyes, facial features act like a magnet.

Girls are attracted by the guy's mind, his quick wits. A smart and quick-witted guy will quickly find a solution to any questions, thanks to his mind, he will be able to surprise like no other. For example, book a table in a chic restaurant, give a long-awaited bouquet of white roses at a meeting and make your heart beat faster. And he knows firsthand how to arrange a romantic evening.

According to many girls, a guy should be a well-formed personality, he should have his own interests, hobbies. A guy who makes plans for the future and achieves what he wants in the eyes of a girl looks strong, courageous, and strong men always attract attention.
It is equally important that the guy be cheerful, mischievous, understand jokes, because with such a person it is much easier to find a common language, and indeed to carry on a conversation. With him there will always be a million topics for conversation. And, of course, such a guy will quickly win over your friends and parents.

Agree that girls are looking for a caring, sensual guy who will treat her with understanding, will help with solving some problems. He will help carry heavy bags from the store, pick you up from work by car because you are wearing high heels, will escort you to your apartment to make sure you are safe, kiss you gently goodbye. And, of course, you will look forward to your next meeting. After all, all girls love tenderness, affection and care.

The ideal guy, according to the girls, should be well-groomed, clean, shaved. Often for girls, the smell from a guy is decisive, if he smells “delicious”, respectively, they will pay attention to him faster. How he dresses is also important, he may not dress according to the latest fashion standards, but the ideal guy must have a sense of taste.

However, if your boyfriend is perfect, you should not “shout” about it to the whole world, here you must not forget that there are no comrades for the smell and color. For you, your boyfriend can be perfect in everything, but another girl will think how it is even possible to communicate with such a person.

It is very important that a guy be a good person, if he is kind and sympathetic, he will have many friends, he will quickly gain authority at work and not only. You want to see such people next to you, because they radiate energy.

In other words, polite, well-mannered guys with good looks, self-confident, smart, funny, not neglecting themselves, are able to strike any girl on the spot. http://moiasemia.ru

Ideal guy: what is he? Video

In early 2013, an experiment was conducted in the United States, during which more than 1,000 young guys were interviewed, who chose the qualities of an ideal girl.
Of course, everyone will agree that ideality is a relative concept, since everyone can have their own ideal, but the common features still coincide.

All the guys admitted that being free is a very exciting position, but if they meet the right girl, they are ready for a serious relationship. The ideal girl has the following 10 traits and if a guy meets such a young lady, he will hold on to her with all his might. So, what is she? Let's start at the bottom of the list:

10) She is independent
Nobody wants to babysit a girl. From time to time, if the girl really had a hard day at work, it is certainly acceptable to cry on her shoulder. But, if a girl cannot work because she is “very bored”, she constantly calls the guy, distracting him from work, in the end, she will not leave him free air. Therefore, guys from such girls run to the nearest exit.
It is quite another thing if a girl has her own personality and opinions, she can stand on her feet, both financially and emotionally, and at the same time she lets her chosen one know that she misses him - this is the ideal girl.

9) She is smart
Of course, an intimate relationship is important, but sooner or later, if there is nothing to talk about with a girl, the guy will get tired of it. A woman who can talk with a guy on the same intellectual level is very exciting. A smart girl knows how to interest and make sure that the guy is never tired of being with her. To do this, it should not reveal all the secrets, it should remain unsolved. A smart woman will constantly surprise her chosen one with new facets of her personality.

She is sexy
Everyone has their own concept of sexuality. But, a girl, in any case, should share the interests of a guy. If, for example, he likes fine lace lingerie and she wears Mickey Mouse cotton panties, that could be a problem. An ideal relationship is when partners are perfectly compatible and find the same things seductive.

7) She is beautiful
This fact may seem obvious to you, but it is nevertheless quite important. The ideal girl will not only want to look good for the guy, but also for herself. She must always look perfect. Guys should be proud to hold her in their hands and should enjoy the sight of her, in any light. And this does not mean that she should be a top model. Remember that beauty is in the eyes.

6) She respects the guy
This is an important detail. A woman should respect a guy. This means that she obeys the guy, even if she does not always agree with what he says. And, of course, she never tries to humiliate him, under any circumstances.
Such a girl will never make a scene in public or in front of friends and family, she will always be able to wait to discuss issues with a guy in private.

5) She lets the guy be himself
Guys can't last long with a woman who tries to get them to eat cottage cheese and fruit for breakfast and insists that the guy turn down a poker night with the guys. The perfect girl lets the guy do what he loves to do. She must understand that men and women are different, and allow the guy to be himself. Just like guys don't stop her from going shopping with her best friend, a girl shouldn't expect to give up her friends for her.

4) She doesn't nag the guy
There's nothing worse than constant reproaches! The ideal woman knows how to prove her opinion - namely, to discuss, not complain.

3) She gets along with boyfriend's friends and family
The ideal girlfriend will not only help the guy's mom in the kitchen, enjoy listening to his dad's stories, but will also hang out with his weird friends on a variety of topics. She will do her best to get to know and love the most important people in his life. And she won't try to get a guy to give them up. She will sparkle with her boyfriend's brother and his job problem. The guy's friends will be delighted with her and will consider her an ideal candidate for their own friend.

2) She loves the guy with all her heart
If a guy finds a woman who will love him for who he really is, and not who he sometimes tries to be, the guy will not really want to let go of such a girl. A woman who doesn't try to change a guy is hard to find. Of course, each person has their own slightly strange habits that their boyfriend / girlfriend will try to fight. But, if he / she loves his chosen one - she / he will be able to measure them with them.

1) She makes the guy want to be better
Any man who has a long-term loving relationship with a girl or wife will tell you that she makes it so that he wants to be the best. She doesn't have to say or do anything, it just comes naturally.

If you believe the joke, the ideal guy is the one who thinks first about the girl and only then - about the children and the future mother-in-law. Any girl will appreciate restraint, politeness and respect for her in a representative of the opposite sex.

Personality of the ideal guy

As they say, a guy must be a person - strong, promising, able to achieve success in life. In addition, it is important that he has good things. It will always be easier to communicate with him, he will be able to calm and cheer up the girl. If you constantly whine and see only negativity in life, a rare girl will stay with him.

It is also important that the gentleman is sensual enough. He must treat his beloved with understanding, tenderness and reckon with her opinion. Naturally, a stupid guy is far from being perfect. Relationships where you feel smarter will not last long and will eventually break down for the reason that people have nothing to talk about with each other.

Appearance is an important factor

Well, not to mention the attractive appearance. The ideal guy should correspond to women's ideas about male beauty. And the representatives of the weaker sex can argue forever about this concept. Someone prefers blondes with tall stature and blue eyes, while others prefer dark ones and shorter ones. Someone prefers more brutal men, and someone loves chubby good-natured men. All this is just a matter of taste. But the same cannot be said about cleanliness. No girl will like a guy who does not take care of himself and his hygiene. Who wants to be around a smelly, unattractive companion?

The perfect guy doesn't have to be Brad Pitt. But he should be just well-groomed and have a beautiful body. This concept, of course, does not include the presence of a "beer belly", but some girls like it. Nevertheless, the majority prefers to see sexual "cubes" on the stomach of their companion. So smart, funny guys who are personalities will also have to go to the gym a bit to become the ideal.

Taste and color

But in any case, do not forget that the taste and color of a comrade cannot be found. The same guy can drive one girl crazy and not like another at all. This is absolutely normal. The main thing is not to be aggressive, ill-mannered and ignorant.

Appearance is also not important for everyone, the main thing is that a person be good. But this concept can also be viewed from different angles. For example, for older women, this is a caring husband, and a wonderful father, and a good lover in bed (for many, this is very important, and again, everyone has an individual opinion on this matter). For different women, these ideas are also different.

Summing up and answering the question of what an ideal guy should be, we can say that he should be a person with a pleasant appearance and a developed intellect. Plus, he is a well-dressed, neat and just a pleasant person to talk to. Only then will a young man be able to proudly declare: “I am the perfect guy for my girlfriend!”