The girl has a bad mood how to raise. How to cheer up VKontakte. Acupressure for mood swings

Date. She is sad. He is nervous. She says it's all right. He believes. She is offended. He tries to make her laugh. She's not fun. This is what happens if a man does not know how to cheer up a girl, and his chosen one does not make any hints on how to do it. You have to try out the most effective ways one of them will definitely work.

Men often perceive the discontent on the face of a girl as a reluctance to communicate, and prefer to retreat. Not everyone can understand that the phrase: “Nothing happened” with tears in your voice is a call for help, and the best thing a friend can do in such a situation is to be there. Sometimes, in order to save the chosen one from depression, it is enough to gently hug her or hug her tightly. The hug of a loved one has healing power This is a fact proven by many studies.

After the girl understands that her “knight” is needed with all her problems, and not just with a smile on her lips, she relaxes, calms down and is ready to talk. In this moment loving man should turn into ears. There is no need to break loose and solve the problem if such a task is not set (for example, arrange a showdown with her offending boss, look for a client who has been rude to her). You should also not teach and give advice, this conversation has completely different tasks, therapeutic:

  • First, an upset girl, no matter what happens, needs to speak out. Release negative emotions through the word helps to reduce the internal mental tension and improve your mood.
  • Secondly, a calm conversation can help put all the problems on the shelves and make your own decision. A friend in this situation should support not with moralizing or formal sympathy. A man who is an active listener will show that he is attentive to the information and tries to understand what is bothering his beloved, sometimes he will summarize everything that was said in the heat of emotion, helping the girl cope with the chaos that reigns in her mind due to excitement.
  • Thirdly, such a conversation is of great motivating value. For example, if a girl is worried that she will not be able to pass some kind of test - pass an exam or give a presentation, it is her companion who close person, is able to inspire confidence in her, reminding her how much she did to achieve this goal, what qualities and qualifications she has: “I saw how much you worked out, you will definitely pass.” Such an affirmation for success, a verbal positive encoding, significantly improves emotional condition and uplifting.

Even if a heart-to-heart conversation took place, a man should not expect that the girl will immediately begin to smile and flutter like a butterfly. Women are often very fixated on the problem and cannot move it away. To help your beloved discard gloomy thoughts, you can give her another topic for reflection or a case, everything that urgently requires female competent advice and participation will do - from choosing a new mobile phone to love ups and downs in the life of a mutual friend.

Not all men are ready to show empathy (listen and talk), it is easier for them to entertain a girl, especially since there are many proven options that can be implemented to dispel girlish sadness and improve mood:

  • Invite the girl to walk, it is not necessary to talk at this moment. Walking and contemplation helps relieve stress, fresh air clears the mind of the "husk".
  • Watch a movie together that your beloved might like and have a beneficial effect on her mood.
  • Invite to a restaurant or become a chef for the evening and prepare dinner for the chosen one.
  • Go to a disco and dance to your favorite music.
  • Plan for your favorite special day filled with romance.
  • If the girl’s period of depression has dragged on, then you can learn some new skill together - for example, learn to dance tango, play the guitar, cook sushi.

In choosing entertainment, you need to rely, first of all, on the tastes of the girl. If she is an intellectual, then you can play an intricate game together. board game. If the chosen one loves computer games, then you can go through the quest together. If the chosen one is a “fish”, then it’s worth going for a swim or a bath together. Anyone who is in love with an extreme girl will have to ride a roller coaster with her. Whatever is chosen, the "knight" must not leave his lady in a bad mood.

Laugh, but don't laugh

In almost all situations (coma of real tragedies) humor will help. However, there is one caveat - you can’t joke about what worries the girl. Such ridicule will not only not cheer you up, but will plunge the poor creature into an even deeper depression, because. resentment and misunderstanding will come from a loved one.

Empathy will help to cheer up a girl, you need to take her place and realize what is important for her in a relationship. To do this, you need to be on the same wavelength, observe what she likes, how she reacts to certain actions. Plus, it will not be superfluous to read books about relationships. One such popular work is The Five Love Languages ​​by Gary Chapman.

  1. prefers gifts
  2. languishes without encouraging words,
  3. can't live without touch,
  4. respects deeds,
  5. takes quality time.

This idea is very simple but can help. The healing power of words and hugs was mentioned earlier, but other points have no less power.

For almost all women, it is important that quality time is spent on them, i.e. an hour or two when mobile phone won't call and Soccer game will be turned off. To cheer up a girl, her chosen one can do with her and for her what he usually avoids. Something she didn't expect from him at all. For example, courageously walk with her through all the shops, take a picture of her against the backdrop of all the monuments and trees, or take a walk with the dog. Such a sacrifice will be appreciated.

A specific case and time will help even in the case when a real misfortune happened in the life of a loved one, there is no time for jokes and entertainment. You just need to be there, provide all possible assistance and surround with care. For example, release her from household chores, put her to bed, make hot tea.

Don't forget and prepare a special surprise

Many men shrug their shoulders and say they don't have money for gifts. However, to cheer up a woman, you do not have to be a millionaire. enough to cook little surprise, which will show the girl that her chosen one never forgets about her, knows her tastes and wants to please her. There are many options and they all have their own:

  • download for her a book that she has long wanted to read;
  • send SMS filled with tenderness;
  • always have a chocolate bar with you if the girl is sweet;
  • bring a thermos of tea and a hot sandwich to the date if the meeting takes place immediately after class or work.

If all these methods have been tried, and the chosen one continues to be sad, the man should not be sad. The main thing is that she is not sad alone. The paradox is that, ideally, a woman should figure out for herself what kind of support she wants to receive from her “knight”, if the mood is at zero, and convey this information to him, it’s better not to hint, but in plain text or focusing on everything what to taste.

In this case, at the first sign of unhappiness on the face of his beloved, the man will not panic, he will do exactly what she likes - hug, listen, give tea or take her to dances. Test for Bad mood and the ability to accept each other in sorrow and in joy is one of the key ones.

Silence, peace, the moon is getting higher ... Jealousy in the heart, the roof is going! Come soon, come on! Or from the roof of the Shiganu. 9

Gather your lips in a bow, relax, stretch in a smile, relax, show a duck with your lips, relax. Repeat 10 times every 15 minutes before my arrival! 14

Wanted the most wonderful person in a world that illegally crossed the border of love and stole my heart! I suspect you in the first place! 10

Your lucky number is 73526852234316562. Look for it everywhere! 7

Due to the violation of an article of the love code, I condemn you to life imprisonment in my heart. We will seal the verdict with a kiss, it is final, not subject to appeal. 30

If you see me, don't look. If you look, don't kiss. If you kiss, then don't stop. 29

I lie, struck in the heart, my fate is inexorable. And medicines will not help here, the disease of love for you is incurable! 11

My heart was stolen by you. Take it - I'm not greedy! 20

Honey, I love you so much that the zipper on my jeans can't stand it! 11

Do you know what people say behind your back? - Cool ass! 13

Sending you something beautiful, tender, erotic, smart and fun. Your photo, of course! 11

The virus got into my phone book, chose the most beautiful, smart, affectionate, sexy and charming girl and sent her this sms! 22

I need to have a serious talk with you. I have a bad news. It will be better if you learn about it from me. Imagine, quite by accident I found out such a nightmare, it turns out that Santa Claus does not exist! 13

Pulse over the edge, pressure is high, state of mind horror, lack of coordination, diagnosis depends on you, treatment - your love! 11

In paradise they said that the most fled from them beautiful angel… But I did not betray you! 16

I want to gently kiss you so that your heart never freezes! I miss you, my love! 27

You live in my heart, you live in my soul, in my thoughts, in my head. When will you pay for your stay? 17

Autumn has come, the leaves are falling. I don't need anyone but you. 9

The world is conquered by the brave, the strong, the noble. Of course, it's about me! 9

One hundred thousand chipmunks, kittens and pandas cannot be compared with you in softness and fluffiness! 10

I would like to send you all my love, but I'm afraid there is not enough space in the smartphone's memory! 14

You've won two tickets to tomorrow's city cleanup! Brooms and dustpans are provided for free! The offer is limited. 7

You are very beautiful and beautiful girls gotta breed! 11

You are just awesome! You are beautiful! Your belly button is absolutely stunning! 12

Every person's mood rises and falls. The one who is nearby has natural desire help a person feel better. Especially topical issue becomes when you need to cheer or a potential partner.

There can be many reasons for a low mood, ranging from ordinary boredom to serious problems. It does not matter here what reason prompted the girl to lose heart. The guy has an urgent need to cheer up and make his partner laugh, so that he feels good at the same time.

The online magazine site understands how important this need is becoming. Sometimes guys just don't know what to do to solve a situation.

How to cheer up a girl?

To cheer up a girl, you need to start by finding out the reasons for his decline. Usually girls openly talk about what happened to them. Based on this, you can understand what needs to be done. For example:

  1. The girl is just bored. Invite her to go to the movies or to some interesting event together.
  2. The girl says she has problems. Offer your help in resolving the issue.
  3. The girl is mad at you. This is the most common option why a girl can be sad and even cry. If a guy offended or upset her with something, then to cheer up, you need to eliminate the cause.

Many people are surprised when partners who once loved them leave. They say that perhaps it was not love, but a fleeting feeling. But if you ask them if they had quarrels, they will answer: “Yes!”. If we remember that scandals do not arise out of the blue, then it should be understood that it was the failure to eliminate these reasons that led to the fact that the lovers broke up.

There can be many reasons for quarrels. One of the categories of likely clashes between partners is that one offends the other with his actions or words.

What grievances can be discussed? No one, for example, likes to be physically beaten or verbally abused. There are some actions and other expressions of one's emotions that are unpleasant for absolutely any person. There are also individual factors that are not accepted. specific person. For example, someone does not like being bitten even in a fit of passion. Another may not like being called a "bunny". The third one is annoyed when a partner puts on red underwear. Each person has such factors that, for some reason, unbalance, cause anger.

Entering into love affairs, men and women usually talk about what they like and dislike. This is exactly what is important to remember if you intend to build harmonious relationship. What to do with that list that has the name "He (She) likes" probably does not need to be explained. You just do what pleases your partner than what you bring. But sometimes people forget that with the column "He (She) does not like" you need to do the exact opposite. Quite often, men and women, knowing that their partners do not like it, still do things that can lead to grief.

Why are you doing something that offends your loved one? After all, from the fact that you act badly, you will not smile back. It's one thing if you do what your partner doesn't like without fear that he will leave you. You do not intend to build serious and long relationship with whoever you see, so don't worry about what he likes and doesn't like. But if you're looking to create long and strong relationship, then why don't you listen to the requests of your loved one?

Quarrels arise because you do not want to hear what your partner does not like and act in the desired way. Why are you surprised that they stop loving you, moreover, they leave you? You yourself were disrespectful to the wishes of your partner. So, why should he continue to respect you?

If you know what your loved one doesn't like, then just don't do it. You do not need to play psychologist and find out, and then force your loved ones to change in order to love what they do not like. You don’t like something or you are afraid of something, and the partner says: “Yes, you spit on it. It's so cool! And for some reason you're nervous." How would you feel? You were treated disrespectfully, did not try to accept the fact that you did not like something, and even asked that you love something that rejects you. Do you believe that your partner loves you?

Don't act like this. You should not worry about the reasons why your loved one does not like something. For you, the main thing is what exactly frightens and does not satisfy your partner. If you do not want unnecessary quarrels and reasons for next problems, then just accept that your man or woman does not like something, and do not do it, even if you think that there is nothing wrong with your act. Be respectful of your partner's wishes, then he will begin to respect your wishes and preferences!

The recipe is quite simple: just do or tell the girl what she wants! Guys should not neglect the desires of girls. If they are in dire need of something, they even begin to be offended, sad and cry, then you need to listen to their desires and do what they want. It will definitely lift your spirits.

How to cheer up your girlfriend?

Guys quite often go into a stupor when their girlfriends start to be sad, cry or take offense at them. However, the stupor has not yet helped anyone in resolving the issue. If you want to cheer up your girlfriend, then use the following tips:

  1. Talk to the girl. Find out what happened that caused her mood to drop. Usually guys do not listen to their girls at first, which is why they bring the situation to a quarrel or conflict. If the girl is really upset, now you should listen to her calmly and adequately.
  2. When you find out the reasons for her bad mood, be sure to solve the problem. Either agree on something, or promise. Sometimes it’s enough just to bring negative experiences to the point of absurdity. Tell the girl that she has nothing to be upset about because you are fine.
  3. If a girl does not want to talk about the reasons for her bad mood, then do not insist. Let her want to tell you about everything herself, and you let her know that you will be waiting for this moment.
  4. Have a good time together. Depending on where your girlfriend likes to spend time, you can go for a walk, do something extreme, arrange romantic dinner etc.
  5. If you are not near the girl, then you can cheer her up by phone. Call her, talk to her, tell her a lot of pleasant and kind words.
  6. Do not forget about gifts that can be made even remotely. Order a bouquet of flowers or some gift that will be delivered to the girl's house by a courier.
  7. Write nice message via phone or social media. You can send her some nice or relaxing video, beautiful picture or just a smiley.

In other words, to cheer up a girl, start paying attention to her. The main thing is to do nice things and say good things, good words. And everything else will become unimportant.

How to quickly cheer up a girl?

Psychologists advise to influence a girl in several ways at once, which will help her quickly cheer up. How can I do that?

  • Give her something tasty. Girls feel better when they eat something sweet.
  • Compliments. Just don't overdo it and talk to the point.
  • Give her new emotions. So that she does not dwell on her experiences, it is better to give her new experiences. They occur when spending time together, for example, on a walk, when going to some institution, etc.
  • Invite the girl to go shopping. You may not understand this, but any girl gets a good mood when she makes purchases.
  • Make pleasant touches. We are not talking about sex, although we do not exclude it. Hug a girl, touch her, press her to your chest - all this is a pleasure.
  • Watch a movie together. Depending on the situation, choose a movie that will distract your girlfriend from sad thoughts.

But sometimes a guy will not be able to cheer up a girl. This is also normal, because there are a lot of reasons for the decline of the spirit. The guy should not try to be omnipotent and influence the girl. If you try various ways, but they do not help, which means that the cause of a bad mood may lie in something else. Sometimes you can’t do without the help of a psychologist if the girl has gone into a depressive state.

How to cheer up a girl by correspondence?

Modern technologies help lovers or just friends to keep in touch at any distance. If you are not close to the girl, but want to cheer her up, then various ways on social networks allow you to do this by correspondence:

  1. Write something long and interesting letter girl in a positive way.
  2. Send her a gift that the social network allows you to make.
  3. Send the girl various jokes, anecdotes, pleasant or funny pictures.

If you write something to a girl in order to cheer up, then be sure to write literary words and in full. Abbreviations, obscenities and slang can be perceived negatively by a girl, as disrespect for her.

It is not necessary to expect the girl to respond to your message. Understand that in a bad mood, she may not communicate with anyone. She read your letter - this is the most important thing. You tried to help her, now a lot depends on her.


Not always you will be able to influence the mood of the girl. And this is understandable, because her mood depends only on her. Only she herself can spoil the mood, and no one else. If it seems to her that other people constantly do bad things to her, offend, annoy her, then she is mistaken. In fact, she does all this by observing what is happening around.

If someone spoils the mood for a girl, she does not need to succumb to provocations. The fact is that the mood of a person depends entirely on his decisions that he takes at one time or another. Two factors matter here:

  1. Does the girl find something pleasant or unpleasant for herself.
  2. Does the girl think something is right or wrong.

In the first case, what she sees at one time or another, she evaluates as “like” and “dislike”. If she likes something, then she rejoices; if you don’t like it, then you feel sad, crying, irritated, angry. But the fact is that only she determines for herself what she likes and dislikes. For example, a yellow T-shirt may not be liked because of its color, but a girl can change her mind about a thing if she suddenly turns out to be very practical and wearable.

In the second case, the stereotypes, delusions, principles, views on the world that the girl has learned since childhood speak about the correctness and incorrectness of what is happening. Her parents brought her up in a certain direction, and now everything that they have invested in her, as right, will please, as wrong - upset. But in themselves things, people, events cannot be right or wrong. They just are what they are. And correctness and incorrectness are marks, as in school "5" and "2". But if the girl had been brought up differently, then her concepts of right and wrong would have been different.

See how the girl's mood depends on her? In fact, only she is responsible for the mood she is in. No one else can spoil her mood if she herself does not agree to someone spoiling it.

Hello dear readers. In this article, you will learn how to cheer up a girl in the absence of personal communication. You will know how to achieve this, what words to use. Consider cases with an unfamiliar young lady and with a friend. Take a look at SMS examples. Find out what mistakes can be made when virtual communication.

Cheer up

If you want to cheer up a young lady with whom you have been talking for some time, a classmate, classmate or work colleague, you want to cheer up a girl on VK or by phone, then you should listen to the following tips.

  1. Wish good morning. Be sure to cheer up the whole day. In addition to the words themselves, you can add beautiful postcard, for example, with a cute cat basking in the sun, with a snowdrop breaking through the snow.
  2. If you notice that the young lady is in a bad mood, she is sad, then you should not interrogate, revealing the reason for what happened. If a girl wants, she herself will tell about everything. Your task is to switch the young lady to something positive. For example, invite her to answer some weird question which is very important to you at the moment.
  3. Send to the wall social network colorful postcard with an interesting poem, a cool video or a fun melody.
  4. Submit a video in which you appear in interesting way. Say something funny or optimistic. You can also send videos that show funny situations with pets or babies.
  5. Send the girl a beautiful song, comment on it, for example: "listening to this music, I think of you." You can also send a poem, especially one written with your own hand.
  6. please virtual gift, which can be accompanied by a playful commentary.
  7. Write an interesting anecdote that is sure to bring a smile to her face. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the girl and her sense of humor.
  8. Give the young lady a new experience. Invite her to the cinema or to some event, you can even go to the circus.
  9. Remind yourself of some funny incident that happened in your joint past, if the virtual communication was preceded by a personal one. Submit a collage with photos of that moment, if any.
  10. If you communicate close enough and for a long time, send two photographs to the young lady. The first will be your old picture, the second - a photo that you will take on purpose, making a funny face. If possible, you can wear some kind of cool outfit or cap. You can make a collage from two pictures, and leave a comment under it: "Find five differences."
  11. Wish the young lady have a good day. Ask her to smile as often as possible. Follow this request with a fun emoji.

If you want to cheer up a girl, avoid writing very large messages, it is better to give preference to short SMS.

How to cheer up a stranger

Let's look at how you can cheer up unknown girl by correspondence.

  1. Cheer up by writing a message accompanied by unpretentious emoticons.
  2. Please the young lady with a cute picture. It can be kittens or other animals (preferably cubs), flowers.
  3. Leave a humorous comment on the wall. This may intrigue the girl. If the young lady pays attention, wants to talk, start a conversation with funny story that allegedly happened to you. But it's better not to lie. Therefore, if there is no such story, tell the story that you read on some site.
  4. Compliment the girl based on what you know about her. Pleasant words sure to cheer her up.
  5. A stranger will not remain indifferent if you can tell a story with a share of self-irony.

Message Options

I offer you examples SMS texts or short messages on a social network that will surely bring a smile to the young lady's face.

  1. "You are the thief of my heart, you must be detained."
  2. "I can't wait any longer for you to call me and I'll come running."
  3. "Save me, otherwise I will perish without your love."
  4. "Getting out of bed in the morning with memories of your eyes."
  5. “Here I am writing a message. Guess who? The most beautiful creature on our planet. I'm very happy to have it with me."
  6. “Your image is always before my eyes. Thank you for filling my life with happiness and my heart with endless love.”
  7. “It’s very cold outside, but the memories of you warm my soul. I'm very lucky to have you."

You can write something similar in your own words. The main thing is that the meaning is similar, and your message carries only positive and always brings a smile to the face of the young lady.

Possible mistakes

When deciding what exactly to write to a young lady via SMS or on a social network, keep in mind that there are certain points that need to be avoided. These include:

  • compliments including weak spots girls, her complexes;
  • jokes that offend her personally or those close to her;
  • messages with profanity;
  • stories about relationships with other girls;
  • offers of an intimate nature;
  • it is unacceptable to write jokes with swear words, vulgar, about blondes (if the girl belongs to them, or about redheads, brunettes), about informals, about the stupidity of women, about ugly young ladies, fat women. It is possible that the girl may take it personally, think that you are mocking her.

Now you know what to write to a girl in order to cheer her up. As you can see, with virtual communication, you can make mistakes that will not only make the young lady cheer up, but will also make her even more discouraged. main feature Your messages - a positive attitude, a charge of optimism. If you have good feeling humor, feel free to show it.

In this article, we will touch on a very serious topic. She is even more serious than the last topic -. How to cheer up a girl?- that's what we're going to do with you today. A lot can depend on the mood of your girlfriend. For example, will dinner be cooked today, will you be allowed to go with your friends to hell knows where, will there be sex! Therefore, this article is for men. However, I ask women to read this article too. I would like you to add your suggestions about .

So, as the men noticed, the girl's mood very often changes, however, as in men. But since women are more emotional creatures, mood swings are much more noticeable. But not always. A lot depends on. There are men who behave like women, that is, when there are difficulties, they whine, freak out, scream, and react violently. Women, I ask you, do not be offended, but it is so. And vice versa, women behave like men: they are reasonable, balanced, first they think, then they act, they have self-control, they are not biased towards anything.

All these are stereotypes of behavior, and we need to break them. Now many have noticed that women have become like men, and men like women. But we will not talk about this, since the topic of this article is how to cheer up a girl. I just love to think.

How to cheer up a girl?

There are many ways to cheer up a girl. There are standard and banal ways that work less and less, and below I will explain to you why. There are non-standard ways that depend on your creativity. So that your girlfriend's mood does not subside for a long time, and at night the sex is hot, You need to resort to unconventional tricks. They are the key to success.

What is the difference between standard methods and non-standard ones? You yourself probably guess. Standard tricks are predictable and they are done by EVERYONE who is not lazy. As a rule, people simply don’t have it, so it’s easier to act in a stereotyped way than to come up with something new and new. Hence the short term effect.

So answer me a question, how would you cheer up a girl? And ordinary thoughts like, I would give her her favorite flowers climb into my head. This option is not bad. But do you really think that this will cheer her up for a long time? What is the lifespan of these flowers? That's right, a couple of days, and then to the release. Well, if not flowers, then what??? Maybe take her to the movies? Great idea. That's just this question you need to agree with the girl. And what's wrong with that, you ask! And that the effect of surprise disappears. Then you say that I will not coordinate this issue with her, and invite her to the cinema unexpectedly! This kind of reasoning is impressive. What if she doesn't like the movie? After all, women love to watch snotty melodramas, not transformers with terminators. Although this is a matter of taste. So, she will not like the film and then her mood will worsen even more. This can only be done if you know perfectly well the preferences of your girlfriend.

The main secrets of success in raising the mood of a girl are:

  1. Surprise, suddenness.
  2. Non-standard, that is, something special.
  3. Unpredictability, meaning there could be something else (an extra surprise).

When we start dating a girl we like, we follow all these rules, because we want to surprise and win her over. But when she is ours, we men are no longer interested in raising her spirits. non-standard ways. And why should we be surprised, because we already got everything? Therefore, I recommend reading the article further only to those men who really love their girls, who value them. These men are the chosen ones - that's how they should be called. There are very few of them now! Girls, do you appreciate such men, because they are the chosen ones and there are few of them.

So, the very first way to cheer up a girl is extremely simple, but I warn you, this method can spoil your mood yourself. If a girl has a reason, that's exactly the reason you need to find out.

You need to make sure that your girlfriend speaks out, pours out her soul, cries into her vest, complains, and at this time you need to not only listen, but also support her morally, understand her problem, sincerely sympathize with her.

And what happens in this case? And everything is simple. Every person loves when his problems are discussed, especially women. And when you morally support a person, inspire him that everything will be fine for him or her - a person, the negative evaporates and the MOOD IS RISE. After applying this method, she will be drawn to you. But the first time to achieve such an effect is not always possible. There are some people who do not like it when strangers interfere in their affairs. Therefore, be unobtrusive. Don't force a girl to talk about her problem. Just tactfully ask her: "Are you all right? And then you're kind of sad. If something happened, I am ready to listen and help you!”. What wonderful words, right? Some kind of chivalry. Any girl, when she is in a bad mood, expects such a question from her boyfriend, so guys - remember this method. And you, dear ladies, do not forget that men do not have the patience to listen to your snot every day.

The next way that is guaranteed to cheer up a girl is pleasant surprise or surprise. Call it what you want. The essence of this method is that you need to unexpectedly make a gift. SUDDENLY! On, on and on her birthday, the gifts that you give are not a surprise. All this is predictable, because these days everything is given! And for some reason there are no gifts on ordinary gray and weekday days. This is what you should use. Let's say you notice that your girlfriend has not subsided for a week - it's time for you to act.

The third way is like an addition to the second way. The third way is non-standard. It's very easy to do something out of the ordinary. If you gave your girlfriend only a couple of times her favorite flowers for all the time (for example, for 2 years), then the third time for her will be regarded as something non-standard. She's not used to you doing this. For her, this will be a pleasant surprise, and it is this that cheers up. Do you understand where the salt is?

If you have never taken your girlfriend to a restaurant, then an invitation for her will again be considered as pleasant surprise! If you haven’t complimented her for a long time, or didn’t do them at all, then this is again great way cheer up your girlfriend. The main thing is to follow three rules: unexpectedness, non-standard and unpredictability.

Unpredictability is when a girl does not know what to expect from you. I'll tell you one example. My friend arranged to go with his girlfriend to the theater. He said where, what time and where. When she arrived, she noticed that he was not there. She began to call him, and he said that he was late, and that he would be 15 minutes late. So the performance began, and she was very surprised when she saw him go on stage. He himself was a participant in this performance, but he concealed it. That's how he did and surprise for her and turned out to be unpredictable. Of course, such an act will cheer up even Princess Nesmeyana. The main thing is to surprise. How do you cheer up your girlfriend?

How to cheer up a girl
