The most creepy "living doll", its existence is hard to believe

Meet Lulu Hashimoto, also known as LuluIdoll, live japanese doll... Lulu is literally alive, but not very much a doll, since for her image she puts it on her head special mask dolls and a wig, as well as stockings for arms and legs with a pattern imitating doll joints. Previously, girls all over the world used makeup to turn into a doll, but now they just need a costume. on this moment Lulu is popular in Japan for her Instagram, which has turned her into a style icon. An amazing and at the same time alarming phenomenon. We look!

Designer Hitomi Komaki - Lulu's producer and costume designer - says that “ living doll"Is the result working together with the creative team Nukopan. They make doll costumes and head masks, which the designer really liked, and she invited them to work on a "doll model" together. The experiment was such a success that Lulu became an Internet celebrity.

There is only one Lulu costume, but several people have worn it. Among them are designers, dancers, models. According to the producer, the identity of the person who is currently part of Lulu's image is kept secret. This does not prevent the character from attracting a lot of attention to himself: on the streets and shows, many people approach the girl with requests for a photo, and she is always happy to pose.

Lulu is also one of the semifinalists of the Japanese Miss iD competition. According to the organizers, it is for those girls who deserve to be noticed in the new era. Not only people participate in the competition, but also characters created with the help of artificial intelligence and 3D graphics. Agree, Lulu fits perfectly into the concept of such a futuristic competition.

People love shocking. Extraordinary personalities are gaining a lot of popularity on the Internet and in life. Of course, every person has their own reason to change.

Often it is provoked by rather tragic events in life. A living doll from Japan created her own new image for completely different reasons. According to the girl herself, it was just interesting for her to try herself in a new style.


Japanese doll: a little history

In the country rising sun they adore everything new and unusual. The Japanese mentality is fundamentally different from our understanding of life.

Lulu Hashimoto went even further. She created from herself real doll... No, she's quite alive, that's just her unusual image makes millions of people admire the girl's resourcefulness. She was helped to achieve such incredible results:

design work.

Yes, Lulu achieved the appearance of the doll without the participation of plastic surgeons. In principle, this is correct. It's just that quite often such interventions take place with a variety of complications. Let's talk about the secrets of reincarnation in more detail.



To give your face an incredible image of a doll, this beautiful girl Japan uses an ordinary mask. Of course, the case is not complete without makeup. In these matters, young Lulu will give odds to many experienced stylists.

Many girls try to imitate the image of a doll on themselves. They wear false eyelashes, paint themselves exaggerated big eyes and wear doll clothes... This trend is especially popular in Japan, where there are entire subcultures, such as, for example, lolita, according to Smart Magazine.

but the greatest similarity 23-year-old Japanese woman Hitomi Komaki managed to achieve with the doll, whose puppet image amazes, but at the same time scares a little with its realism. For the first time, residents of Japan could see a living doll on their streets this summer. She delighted some, but also shocked many.

Looking at the photo of the girl who took herself for this image the pseudonym Lulu Hashimoto, by which she is better known on the Internet, it is difficult to guess that this is a living person.

Hitomi is a designer by profession, but she has a passion for dolls since childhood. She has been making them by hand for over 9 years. But the girl herself decided to turn into a living doll about 2 years ago, when she saw the creation of talented doll manufacturers. It was head in life size, which inspired Hitomi for this look.

“They seemed to have read my thoughts, this is how I imagined myself in the form of a doll. I still remember how I got goosebumps when I looked at their work, ”says the girl.

Now Hitomi is rarely seen without a mask on a doll's face. But the wig and stockings of fashion designer Ko Ueno, who is unique in that he applies a pattern of doll joints to his products, helped her finally form the image.

Many people liked this image, and now Lulu's instagram has almost 30 thousand subscribers. Hitomi herself is sure that she gave birth to new fashion wearing a doll mask, and soon it will become the same attribute female beauty like false nails or eyelashes.

At the moment, several orders have already been made for the manufacture of the same mask.

As for Hitomi's future plans, the girl intends to release her first music video. She is sure Lulu will turn out to be a real pop star.

People love shocking. Extraordinary personalities are gaining a lot of popularity on the Internet and in life. Of course, every person has their own reason to change.

Often it is provoked by rather tragic events in life. A living doll from Japan created her new look for completely different reasons. According to the girl herself, it was just interesting for her to try herself in a new style.


Japanese doll: a little history

In the Land of the Rising Sun, they adore everything new and unusual. The Japanese mentality is fundamentally different from our understanding of life.

Lulu Hashimoto went even further. She created a real doll out of herself. No, she is quite alive, that's just her unusual image makes millions of people admire the girl's resourcefulness. She was helped to achieve such incredible results:

design work.

Yes, Lulu achieved the appearance of the doll without the participation of plastic surgeons. In principle, this is correct. It's just that quite often such interventions take place with a variety of complications. Let's talk about the secrets of reincarnation in more detail.



This beautiful Japanese girl uses an ordinary mask to give her face an incredible doll look. Of course, the case is not complete without makeup. In these matters, young Lulu will give odds to many experienced stylists.