To tears: a dying baby fought for his life for his mother. Sparrow. The little hero found a family

Apparently, there is no quick happiness,
light as the wind blowing ...
For some reason, happiness must be suffered ...
pay for every moment.

The story of this little kitten began in the city of Krasnodar. Completely defenseless, he found himself on the street and asked for help from people, but no one noticed the crawling little body. Only one Man could not pass by and brought the baby to Shelter for injured animals "KRASNODOG"
There he was named Sparrow.

Later, I learned that the name was given to him in honor of a man whose heart sank at the sight of a defenseless little life. The savior Sparrow has such a surname.
On examination, it turned out that the kitten had a spinal fracture. When I saw his photos on the Krasnodog page, my heart sank. At the same time there was fear ... fear of losing ...

In traumatology "Krasnodog" there is always silence, or rather, there was, and then a Sparrow suddenly appeared in it, and the silence left this place. If he does not meow, asking for the pens, then he purrs, purrs loudly!

He never cries in pain. Probably he a real man... He is strong, copes with his trouble! It’s hard not to believe it, but it’s just so. A sunny, cheerful cat child, still quite a crumb, grown up for several years, he turned into a little hero, into a fighter for his own life!

The kid was rotting alive. And at the same time he purred, if you touch him ...
For a week with all my thoughts I was there, in the shelter. As he, alone in a cage, bedsores to the bone, what to do! And she made a decision, if fate wants to take it, then let it happen in love and affection.
Sparrow did long way to a new life. Many people responded to his trouble. Lyudmila Peshkova , - a person without whom many tails would never have known what life is without pain. She does not sleep for days to help. Lyudochka, I know that the day will come when I will be able to hug you tightly and say THANK YOU THAT YOU ARE !!! Thanks to Svetlana for taking our tomboy with her on the plane. Irinka Nikolaeva , who gave up all her affairs and went from St. Petersburg to Moscow for Sparrow. Irishka, you really did the impossible !!!

THANKS TO ALL OF YOU FOR HELPING US WITH MONEY !!! We alone would not have coped with Vorobulka.

THANKS to our attending physician Andrey Vladimirovich Albul for giving the baby a chance for life. Olga Andreeva that is always in difficult moment was there. Olya, without you I would have lost my mind long ago. Together we are big family... Sparrow underwent two operations - on the spine and on the paw. During this time, many tears were shed, how many sleepless nights I cannot remember. But together with YOU WE HAVE CRUSHED THE MOUNTAINS !!!


AND sometimes children are forced to grow up ahead of time. This is a story about a boy Vladik and his mother Tatyana Kudryashovs. The family lived in the small town of Dobryanka, in the Perm region.

An ordinary family with ordinary problems. Vladik's mom left his dad, who drank heavily. She and her son settled in a wooden barrack with two small rooms. And then a misfortune happened to my mother. A stroke, as a result of which Tatiana was paralyzed to one side.

The baby was only eight years old, and his mother became disabled and could not take care of the child. The guardianship authorities did not know what to do with the boy, he could not be given to his father, he was not able to take care of himself, and after a while his father died in a fire. There was only Orphanage... But the baby flatly refused to leave his sick mother. They made a compromise decision: a neighbor took the boy under her care.

Then the second grader began to take care of his mother himself. The boy himself went to the forest for firewood, chopped it, then cooked, and even cleaned. There was no sewage system or running water in the barracks. Vladik carried full buckets of water to the second floor several times a day. Mom forgot how to talk. The son sat down next to him, took the ABC book, and together they learned to read and write.

A whole eight years passed in this way. When Vlad was sixteen, the local media found out about him. Then a story was shot about the little hero on central television. Finally, the local authorities noticed this family. Tatiana was examined at the clinic and taken to a sanatorium for treatment. This wonderful family was given a new two-room apartment with all the amenities. Vlad says that until then, people who are not indifferent call him and help him financially.

Now Vlad is studying to be a welder. He wants to find a job in his native Dobryanka so as not to leave his mother. The guy also has a lover, they have been together since the age of fifteen. Instead of a girl with her mother, they come every day to help Vlad with the housework and take care of his mother.

Now he goes to the Kudryashov family and Social worker... Tatiana is slowly recovering, begins to cook herself, already knows how to use a multicooker. They look to the future with optimism. All the hardest they have gone through and left in the past.

Fate deprived the child of a normal childhood, but brought up a real man.

The photo on the left is a small bald boy named Nolan. Curled up on the bathroom rug, waiting for Mom to get out of the shower. Nobody in the photo on the left ... Nolan is gone. He died at the age of 4 from cancer.

Two months later, his mother, Ruth, wrote a letter to her son. You read it - and it is impossible to hold back the tears.

"Two months. Two months since I held you in my arms, listened to how you love me, kissed those pies-lips. Two months since you curled up against me. Two months of absolute hell. "

A year ago, Nolan started having trouble breathing. Parents thought the child common runny nose... And then the doctors named the diagnosis - rhabdomyosarcoma. A type of cancer that affects muscles and bones.

The kid suffered from severe pain and in the last days life could not even eat and drink - he constantly vomited. Inside small body a huge tumor grew, which squeezed his heart and bronchi. When the doctors said there was no cure for cancer, Ruth decided to speak honestly with her son.

She laid his head on her shoulder and asked:

Is it hard for you to breathe, my boy?

Yes mom.

Are you in pain, baby?

This cancer sucks. You don't have to fight him anymore.

Do not?! But I will! For your sake, mom!

Are you fighting for your mom?

Nolan, what's your mom's job?

Protect me from danger.

Honey, I can't do this anymore. Now I can only protect you in heaven.

So I will fly to heaven and play there until you come. You're coming, right?

Of course! You can't just get rid of your mom.

Nolan spent the last months in a hospice. Ruth came to the boy to take him home for the night. I wanted to spend one more evening with him.

“I was waiting for Nolan to wake up. Seeing me, he gently put his hand on mine and said: “Mommy, everything is fine. Let's stay here. " My 4-year-old hero tried to make things easier for me.

For the next 36 hours in between sleep, we played, watched videos on YouTube and had fun as best we could.

Then we lay together, and he said what he wanted a funeral, what people should wear. Said not to forget to take his beloved Teddy bear... Then he wrote that he left each of us, and also asked us to remember him as ... a policeman.

Around 9 pm, I asked Nolan if he would mind if I went to the shower. He said, "Okay Mom, Uncle Chris will sit with me." “I'll be there in two seconds,” I said. He smiled and I closed the bathroom door.

Then the doctors said: as soon as I left, he closed his eyes and fell deeply asleep. Life began to leave him.

When I left the bathroom, a team of doctors was standing around his bed. They looked at me - they all had tears in their eyes.

“Ruth, Nolan is in deep sleep,” the doctors said. - He doesn't feel anything. Breathing is difficult, oxygen levels are dropping. "

I rushed to my son, clung to him, and then a miracle happened that I will never forget ... My angel sighed, opened his eyes and smiled. “I love you Mommy,” Nolan said, turning his head to me. At 11:45, he died when I sang the song "You are my sun" in his ear.

He woke up from a coma to say with a smile on his face that he loves me! My son died like a hero. He was a warrior who left with dignity and love in his heart.