Fun for kids my family. Thematic entertainment in the senior group “Big family. Children enter to the song "Here are the legs"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Zelenogorsk kindergarten No. 6 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the social and personal direction of development of pupils"
senior caregiver
Yantsen Olga Alexandrovna;
Musical director
Zimina Irina Vladimirovna
Entertainment "We are together" together with the family for older children.

Program content:
1. To form an idea of ​​​​the world of the family, as about people living together: dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister; trusting parent-child relationship.
2. Promote the development of understanding, mutual assistance in family life.
3. Create conditions for the development of free communication between adults and children in the course of joint activities.

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4. arouse interest, emotional response, a sense of pride and respect for their loved ones.

Equipment: chest, ropes, multi-colored cubes, 2 bags, scissors according to the number of participants, colored paper, tables, projector, cat costume, musical accompaniment(piano, CDs)

Children with their parents enter the hall to the song about the family, sit on the chairs.
Hello, dear fathers and mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers! We are glad to see you at our family holiday. It's good that we met today. Everyone had a lot of important things to do, but you found the time to come to us for a light. Let's forget about household chores and try to have a good time.
Who are you with today? (children's answers)
- This is your family. Do you live in harmony with your family? (answers)
- Tell us how you take care of your loved ones? (answers of children and adults)
I would like to make sure this is the case. A magic screen will help us in this, which, like in a fairy tale, will show each family.

(view family slides)

How beautiful and wonderful everything was. We have already visited the photo fairy tale, and I invite you to Lukomorye.
I know that the path to a fairy tale is not close,
But we are not the first to go on the road.
And you, my guys, moms, dads
Do you want to go with me?
So, I invite you to Lukomorye!

To get us into the fabulous Lukomorye, we need to go through a difficult path, be attentive, understand and trust each other. You, dear children, need to wear magic glasses. Trust your parents, and they will guide you along the cherished path. And you, parents, help children, tell them how to overcome obstacles.
We will go around the stumps along the narrow path,
Quietly across the river we will get into a fairy tale!

(Children close their eyes, and adults, holding the children's hands, lead them through obstacles)

- Is it nice to know that there is a reliable and close person?
- Children, was it difficult for you to go with eyes closed?
- Why?
(Come in Cat from Lukomorye.)
And here I am - a scientist Cat,
I'm walking the chain.
A magical chest in Lukomorye I watch.
What's so interesting about it that you're guarding it?
And if you want to know, you need to pass my tests. But for this you need friendship and mutual assistance. Ready to work together? Then let's start!
I am a funny cat
And I love to play
Everyone stand up for me,
I will chase my tail.

(Game "Catch the tail")

- Was it interesting for you? (answers of children and adults)
- Children, did you enjoy playing with your family?
A start! What good fellows! Together they ran after the tail, like a needle - for a thread!
Children and parents, tell me, do you dance at home? Do you sing? Then you will easily cope with my musical test. Everyone stand in a circle and repeat after me. But be very careful.

(Playing with singing "One-two")

Dear adults, you can take note of this game and use it during family holidays. And now I want to test your strength and dexterity. Who will sort the cubes faster.
You need to split into 2 teams. I have 2 bags of multi-colored cubes. They need to be sorted by color. Whose team will complete the task faster, those are the most friendly and fast. Your team collects….. cubes, and yours……….

(Competition "Disassemble the cubes by color")

Vedas: Dear Cat. Maybe the chest is already open?
Cat: No, it won't. Your love, warmth and cordiality are missing.
Vedas: What do we need to do?
Cat: I have a magical workshop of hot hearts. Each of you must invent your own heart. There are tools and materials.

(Children and adults go to the "workshop", cut out hearts under the guidance of the presenter and the Cat. Then they stand in a circle with hearts)

Vedas: Look how big we got, Friendly family.
Cat: What is a family?

(Children and parents tell a verse about the family, each family line by line)
Family is us. Family is me
My family is my father and mother.
Family is ......., dear brother
Family is my fluffy cat
The family is two dear grandmothers
Family - and my sisters are mischievous
Family is godmother, aunt and uncle
Family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit
Family is a holiday at the round table
Family is happiness, family is home
Where they love and wait, and do not remember evil

Cat: Now give your love to each other, exchange your hearts and hug!
(Parents and children exchange hearts, hug) Children and adults sit on chairs.
Magical music sounds, the Cat opens the chest and gives treats to everyone!
Vedas: Take care of your families, take care of each other, love your children and parents, help relatives and friends in trouble!
Cat and Ved:
Be all healthy and happy!
Entertainment "We are together", together with parents

Prototype development in Lesson Notes section and published on 9th December, 2016
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entertainment scenario in kindergarten, dedicated to the Day family "The whole family over a cup of tea."

Target: Create conditions for rapprochement and rallying of kindergarten groups through a festive event.
1. Create conditions for rapprochement and rallying of children.
2. give children the concept of a family - as a group of people living together, taking care of each other and loving friend friend.
3. Create a festive mood.
Equipment: laptop, drying in packs according to the number of participating groups, buckets with cubes hoops, small basins-baskets, eggs from kinders, chef's hats, teapots, teapots, wooden spoons, a container of water, a flash drive with music.
Domovikha, Kuzya

Entertainment progress:

The music “Weather in the house” sounds, everyone gets up in big circle.
(Russian folk music sounds muffled)
Domovikha: Hello good people! Welcome
You sit down at the tables.
I always welcome guests
Tea, tea, tea!
I invite you to the samovar
With tea, tea, tea
And a bite, and a bite
Tea, tea, tea
Drink tea, friends, in Russian.
Tea, tea, tea
Today it was not in vain that the holiday began with a song about the house, about the family, for each of us they are the most important thing, the most necessary thing in life. What is a family guys? (children's answers). Really, really happy family, this is when mutual understanding, warmth and comfort reign in the house. This is when there is both a mother (hostess) and a father (owner) and a bunch of funny kids. But the groups in our garden are also like families, because you are all together all day long. And help and respect and love each other, well, just like in real family. Now we will check whether each of the groups has actually become a family.
We have another very important family This is the Jury family. Meet!
(introduces the members of the jury)
And to judge - today they will not be points and points, but with what it is customary to drink tea in Russia from time immemorial. What do you think it is? (children's options) Of course, these are drying!
What can start a holiday? Only now my master is not there - brownie Kuzi. In my big family there is a mistress - it's me, there are children - it's you, and the owner should be too, right guys? Where did my Kuzma go, what happened to him? (answers) You know, guys, I think that he is still sleeping, as always. He really loves this thing: to sleep. But I think he will definitely wake up when he hears that we are having a lot of fun and join us. And we are starting! I am glad to all of you, friends, all of us a strong family, and to prove it, you need to dance a dance.
Children perform the dance "fixies"
(sleepy Kuzya enters, stretches)
Kuzya: Hello guys!
Boys and girls!
I came to visit you
So welcome the guest.
And don't be sorry
Pour me some tea
You are here to drink tea. Right!
Domovikha: That's right, that's right, Kuzya. But look what a mess the kids have made. Is it possible to drink tea with such a disgrace?
Kuzya: It's not okay! You can't drink tea like that! But what to do?
Domovikha: And I know that our family will help us - the teams and our first competition "Merry Cleaning".
I competition "Merry cleaning".
Domovikha: We will give each team a bucket with cubes in it. The first participant to the hoop, pours the cubes into the hoop, runs back and passes the bucket to the next participant. He runs, collects, runs back, passes the full bucket to the next player. He pours out, etc. Until all participants play (the number of players is even).
Kuzya: The winner is the team that did the “cleaning” faster.
Domovikha: Congratulations to the apartment cleaning champions, they probably always have cleanliness and order in the house.
Kuzya: Oh, this is not an easy job! Bring order to the house. So it is very difficult to create a family, and it is even more difficult to maintain it. I, too, sometimes swear with my mistress. Little... Sometimes...
Domovikha: Why are you talking about this, Kuzenka. We got out cleanly now, and you "take out the dirt from the hut."
Kuzya: So you, hostess, spoke with proverbs. Troubles, joys happen in every family. And Russian proverbs and sayings teach us worldly wisdom. And I think: do our families know such proverbs and sayings. I announce the second competition.
II competition "Proverbs and sayings about work"
Domovikha: And I also know the saying about family life“The hut is not red with corners, but red with pies.” Those. while the drying jury is counting, we will prepare the dough for the pies. What do you need for the test? (answers) Of course, eggs. How more eggs, there is more dough, the more dough, the more pies. Our testicles do not beat, so we will now test the accuracy of our families.
III competition “Get in…”
Domovikha: Opposite each team, at a certain distance, there are “baskets” and testicles are distributed to the players. One by one, everyone throws into the basket. The family with the most eggs in their basket wins.
Kuzya: Let's see (checks the baskets), who wants more pies with tea, who has collected more testicles (gives the baskets to the jury). Now let the strict family of the jury work, and for now we will do physical education and warm up together.
Fizminutka: "Family exercise"
in autumn, spring,
Summer and winter.
We go out into the yard
Friendly family.
Let's stand in a circle, and in order
Everyone is exercising.
Mom raises her hands.
Dad sits up cheerfully.
Turns left and right
Made by my brother Seva.
And I'm jogging
And I shake my head.
Domovikha: Our kids are good
Engaged from the heart from the heart
And now, before the sacrament of tea drinking,
We invite our families to dance.
Announcing a dance competition
IV Competition “Dance”
Kuzya: We offer you several musical compositions. Each of them offers its own dance moves. We're sure you can't go wrong (dance)
Domovikha: All families are very musical,
All families are very danceable,
They tried to surprise us
To get dry.
Kuzya: And who will get the drying, the jury will tell us (jury estimates)
Domovikha: You all dance very well, but can you guess our riddles?
Kuzya: (in a solemn voice) Riddles contest.
V contest "Riddle Contest"
The leaf was green
It became black, broken,
He was on the slope -
He became in the store (tea)
White as snow
In honor of everyone
Got in the mouth -
There and disappeared (sugar)
Under the same roof
Four brothers stand (table)
The fat man is worth
akimbo barrel,
Hissing and boiling
Tells everyone to drink tea (samovar)
The ring is not simple
Gold ring,
Shiny, crispy
All for a look...
Well, food! (bagel)
And the last riddle:
How to start talking
It is necessary to brew tea as soon as possible (teapot)
Kuzya: This is a riddle, it was not just guessed. She led us to the next task. Closer and closer to the tea party itself.
Domovikha: We need to fill the teapot.
VI competition "Cheerful cooks"
Domovikha: Here are the chef's hats. There (on the opposite side) are a mug of water, a teapot, a tablespoon. On a signal, the player puts on the cap, runs to the teapot, scoops up water with a spoon and pours it into the teapot, runs back and passes the cap to the player, etc. Whoever fills the kettle with water the fastest (or who has the most water) wins.
(Teams getting ready)
Kuzya: One, two, three
Run to the teapots.
Domovikha: Let the jury see who got the water in the teapots
Kuzya: while the jury is watching, I suggest playing.
Now I will call different words, and you listen carefully, and if you think that this word is suitable for a happy family life, then clap your hands loudly, and if it does not fit, then wave your hands and say: “No, no, no!”.
- Friendship, respect, quarrels, insults, love, affection, rudeness, deceit, fun, joy, harmfulness, comfort, mutual understanding.
Kuzya: Well, we put things in order, kneaded the dough, brewed tea - it's time to
Domovikha: But first, let's hear the jury's family.
(Domovikha and Kuzya leave and exit with trays)
Domovikha: The samovar makes noise, bagels
On the tablecloth - self-assembly,
And sweets and cookies
And fragrant brew.
Kuzya: We invite everyone to the tables
We treat you with Russian tea!
Come visit us again
We are always glad to have guests!
(everyone is invited to tea in groups).

When at a family holiday the table already ceases to arouse keen interest among the guests and owners of the house, they usually use philosophical themes and global political disputes are started, but at the same time, someone usually desperately yawns and squints at horizontal planes, or even at the door.

Well, then, it's time to move on to an active celebration program and diligently involve all those present in funny Games. Choose those that will be appropriate today, now, in this company.

Better yet, entrust the organization of entertainment to children. They are able not only to help mom set the table, but also to become real "stars" family holiday. The main thing is to help them believe in themselves. Who knows, maybe for someone this will be the beginning of a truly stellar career?


This game is especially good for a male company - and it is also appropriate for adults, serious men and for fun kids. Two teams are playing. The one that completes the leader's task first wins. The host announces the topic, for example: “By height”, the participants of each team must line up in height (either from the smallest or from the largest, by agreement). Followed by: eye color; the floor on which we live; the number of letters in the names; age; foot size, etc. How much imagination the leader has.


From nutshell or plain paper you need to make boats and glue triangular sails to them. We let the ships float in the plate. We blow them in different directions. You can hold a competition for the most beautiful, fastest, and even the most unsinkable ship.

"Formula 1"

This game is especially appropriate in the company male drivers. But no less recklessly play it and the kids. After all, car racing is really interesting!

The players sit around a table, a fire, or simply sit in a circle on the floor. The goal is to become the best Formula 1 driver. To do this, all you need is to remember two simple commands:

1) Vroom-m (the sound of a speeding car).

2) And-and-and-and (the sound of brakes, like a squeak).

To start the car in a circle, say clockwise, the player turns to the neighbor on the left and says: "Vroom-m." The one to whom the car “arrived” can:

2) Turn it in the face of the “sender” and say “i-i-i-i”.

Now the "sender" must "go" to the right. The one who is out of the game is:

1) “Passing” the car, he will turn to his neighbor and say not “vroom”, but “i-i-i-i”.

2) “Braking” the car, instead of “and-and-and-and” in the face of the “sent” “vroom-m”.

Enough "driving", you can enter a time limit for the answer. As a result, the remaining "in the game" 2-3 drivers are appointed "Schumachers" and sprinkled with something "suitable" from drinks, at their discretion (as you know, champagne is used in real races).

Auction for ladies

The facilitator asks some women's theme(for example, "flowers", "cosmetic companies", "items of clothing", "jewelry"). The task of the participants is to name in random order the words related to this topic. The participant who calls the last word, receives a bonus point.

Women's logic

The facilitator names several items. Participants must name an item that is not on the list and explain their decision. For each correct answer, the participant receives a bonus point. Examples of tasks "What is superfluous?":

Hair coloring with henna, basma or hair dye. (Coloring with paint, since henna and basma are natural dyes)

Vanilla croutons, breadcrumbs, raisin croutons. (Breadcrumbs, as they are not a ready-to-eat product)

Viscose, cotton, polyester. (Polyester, since viscose and cotton are natural materials)

Eau de toilette, lotion, perfume. (Excess lotion as it is used in hygiene purposes, a Eau de Toilette and perfume - like perfumery)

Basting, machine stitching, overlock. (Batting, since it is done by hand, the rest is done on a sewing machine)

Non-standard situations

The facilitator offers each participant difficult situation, from which he must find an original way out. Participants with the most interesting answers receive a reward point. For instance:

You have been preparing for the party for a long time, specially bought elegant dress to impress everyone. However, when you arrived, the outfit of the hostess of the house turned out to be like two drops of water similar to yours. What to do?

You are waiting for the arrival of your husband's parents. To impress, you decide to cook something special. However, nothing works out for you: - you oversalt the soup, the roast burns, and the pie looks like a sole. You do not have time to fix anything, because the guests are already ringing the doorbell. What to do?

Before an important date, you went to the hairdresser. As a result terrible mistake you have your hair dyed green color. Goodbye is one hour away. What to do?

You came to the holiday knitted dress. You are talking to a respectable guest and suddenly notice that someone has caught a jacket button on the thread of your dress, and the further he moves away, the more it unravels. And the conversation isn't over yet. What to do?

The participant with the most points wins a prize.


Plays any number of participants. All participants in the game sit at the table, if it is a free area, form a large circle. In the center - the driver with a handkerchief in his hands. He throws the handkerchief up as he flies, everyone laughs out loud, as soon as the handkerchief is on the table or on the ground, everyone calms down. As a rule, at the moment when the handkerchief touched the ground, the “very laughter” begins, but the “fant” is taken from the most laughable. A phantom can be a dance performed, a song told, a joke told, or a playful "task".


This game requires 1 more men than women. The players line up opposite each other. When the melody sounds, the men “grab” the ladies, and the “extra” ... dances with a mop! It's pretty fun to watch the loser gently hug the mop. eighteen

Shoe for Cinderella

Guests are divided into two teams. In each, a captain is chosen, and both must leave the room for a while. Teams sit opposite each other, take off one shoe or boot and throw it in the center on one pile; you can also put “extra” shoes in a pile - use the stocks stored in the closet. The task of the captain is to put on shoes for his team as quickly as possible. The first team to wear the shoes wins.


For this competition, it is better to divide into teams: "boys" and "girls", regardless of the age of the participants.

From balloons"boys" of various sizes and shapes need to be molded with adhesive tape female figure, and "girls" - to mold a sculpture of an "ideal" man.

Some of the balloons may already be inflated. In addition, stock up enough uninflated balloons and threads. Interesting to use for this game Balloons various sizes and shapes.


The game involves couples (man and woman). In addition, a bottle (glass or plastic) and a flower (real or artificial) are required for each pair.

Women hold bottles under their arms, and men take flowers in their teeth. The task of each pair is to put the flower into the bottle as quickly as possible without the help of hands.

The pair that completes the task faster than the others wins a prize.

Like Aunt Irina

Those who play according to the counting rhyme choose "Aunt Irina", who goes to the center of the round dance. The round dance joins hands, walks in a circle and sings:

Like Aunt Irina

There were seven children

They didn't drink, they didn't eat,

Everyone looked at the aunt

Together they did this.

Aunt Irina portrays all sorts of grimaces, stands in unthinkable poses (squats on one leg, presses her knee to her chin, etc.). All players must accurately repeat her gestures and grimaces. Whoever makes a mistake, inaccurately repeats the aunt's pose, will replace it in the center of the circle and will show the players what to do.


The game is very good in a large children's or youth company, but it is quite applicable in a closer, but no less friendly circle. So, everyone stands in a circle, in the back of the head one after another. At the leader’s command, everyone takes the waist of the person in front, and together they make “hip movements” left-right-back-forward. Better, of course, play the game to the music! Further, the task becomes more difficult. The leader asks to take the waist in front of the person standing through one! Then, as you may have guessed, “hip movements” are repeated left-right-back-forward. Then the task becomes more difficult again, now it is proposed to take the waist of the one standing two people ahead! Naturally, the movements of the hips ... The game is played until "enough hands". At the end of the game, as a rule, everyone merrily “falls” to the floor!


Participates in the game "male" half of the company. An honorable task - to make jewelry for the woman you love!

Pasta or clothespins (and if there are, then shells, large wooden or plastic beads) are very convenient to string on shoelaces with hard tips. And how fun to present the best decoration its lucky owner! At the same time, a small photo session will not hurt - there will be something to remember later!

Hands on the table!

Those who wish to participate in the game sit close to each other on one side of the table. They receive some small object (coin, button, nut), put their hands under the table and begin to quietly pass this object from hand to hand. The driver sits on the other side of the table. Having seized the moment, he suddenly commands: "Hands on the table!" Everyone should immediately put their hands on the table, palms down. In order not to betray the one who holds the coin (by holding it between the fingers), the other players also hold their palms in a “boat”, tightly squeezing their fingers. And yet, the driver can guess who has the coin and in what hand (by the accidental knock of the coin on the table, by too tense and slow movements, etc.). At the request of the driver, the player must show this hand. If the driver guessed correctly, this player replaces the driver. If you didn't guess correctly, the game is repeated. The main rule: whoever drops or throws out the transmitted object at a dangerous moment, he becomes the driver.

"Football" fluff

The two teams sit down opposite sides table. The table is divided in half - as a rule, there is a middle line on folding tables. If it is not there, then the line can be marked with chalk on the tablecloth or with a thread (to stretch it, tie its ends under the table).

A “ball” is placed on this middle line - a bird's feather (a light lump of wool, cotton wool, foam rubber is also quite suitable). The players of both teams simultaneously begin to blow on the "ball", trying to blow it off the table to half of the "opponent". The team that succeeded "scores a goal" against the "opponent".

The game starts again middle line and is carried out to the agreed number of “heads”.


The host scatters on the table pieces of 20-25 prepared in advance different small items: nuts, badges, pencils, coins, pins, etc. Everyone looks at them carefully for one minute, and then the leader covers all this property with a newspaper. Now all the players take turns calling one of the items, without repeating what has already been named. Who could not do it in 5 seconds, he is out of the game. The last one not eliminated is the winner. It is desirable for the facilitator to have an alphabetical list of items and mark those that have already been named.

What changed?

For those who want to test their powers of observation and memory, ask them to carefully look at those sitting, then go out for 1-2 minutes. When inviting the driver to enter again, those remaining in the room must keep everything as before, except for 5-7 changes, which everyone will agree on. For example, you can rearrange the vase on the table, two people sitting swap places, maintaining their previous positions, you can slightly change someone’s hairstyle, remove the badge, etc. The driver, returning to the room, tries to find out how more change. Then the one whose change was noticed before the others goes to drive.

The game of charades

A charade is a riddle in which the hidden word must be guessed in parts, and each part is itself a whole word, for example: trace - experience, steam - mustache. The game of charades can be simplified a little: parts of the word are already given, and you need to add a whole word from them. Write in advance on the sheets the words that make up the charades: trace, steam, experience, mustache, pass, port, floor, sack, wasp, tour, hay, gas, shaft, spruce, dock, yar, fret, brand, mouse, weight, yak, point. Put the sheets with these words on the table in no particular order. Let each take the two words that will make up the charade. Whoever gets the most charade words is the winner.

five points

Children are especially good at this game. Fold a stack of identical sheets of paper and pierce them through with a needle in five places. Each participant in the game receives a piece of paper and marks punctures on it with dots. Then he makes a drawing - any, but so that the line of the drawing passes without interruption through five points. This competition is not only in the ability to draw, but also in ingenuity, richness of imagination.

Repeat and add

They agree to name words on a specific topic - for example, the names of games. The first player calls: hockey. The second repeats: hockey - and adds: checkers. The third one already says three words: hockey, checkers, charades. Finally, someone will not be able to repeat, without error, the whole series of words (hockey - checkers - charades - crossword puzzle - tags - rounders - badminton - the third extra - blind man's bluff ...). That player is out and the next player in line tries again. The winner is the one who said the longest series of words. It is desirable for the organizer of the game to keep a record of the called words in order in a column and to monitor the observance of the word order when repeating. This game is also good because it will help you collectively remember a lot of things. good games. Some of them can be played right there.

fish, animal, bird

The players sit on the sides of the room. Choose a driver. He walks past them, repeating three words: "Fish, beast, bird..." Suddenly stopping in front of someone, he says loudly one of these words, for example, "bird." The player must immediately name some bird, for example "hawk". You can not hesitate and name those animals, fish or birds that have already been named before. The one who gapes or answers incorrectly pays a forfeit, and then “redeems” him - reads poetry, sings, etc.

Prize with a secret

For this game you will need big box, postcards by the number of participants in the game, prizes for each participant. Cut each card in half. On the back of one of the halves, write the name of the prize, and on the other half, write the tasks. Tasks can be as follows:

Sing a song

Tell a poem

Ask an interesting question

Tell a funny story

Make a riddle

Make a wish

Sing a duet with someone

Say a phrase, an aphorism for reflection

If you have many participants in the game, you can write the same tasks twice or come up with different ones. Put the halves of the cards with the task in a box, and put the halves of the cards with the name of the prizes in prominent places in the room where the game is being held. Invite everyone present to take the halves of the card with the task from the box and, in turn, complete what is written on the card. After completing the task, the player looks in the room for the other half of his postcard, where the name of the prize he deserves is written. When the half is found and the halves of the card match, the host must give this player the prize indicated on the card.

Quack quack!

Everyone sits in a circle on chairs or just on the floor. The man who is blindfolded sits in the middle, he has a pillow in his hands .. After he is blindfolded, everyone changes places and observes silence. The driver tries to feel someone's knees with a pillow, then puts a pillow on these knees and says: "Quack-quack!" The player who has a pillow on his knees must also answer him (it is allowed to change the voice). The driver must identify the player by the voice and give his name. He gets 3 tries. If the driver guessed right, they change places.

History from the cap

Everyone writes on separate pieces of paper, each one word of their choice. The leaves are collected and mixed in a hat. Then everyone takes one piece of paper from the hat and reads it to themselves. The essence of the game: tell a coherent story using the words from the cap. The first player starts with the word: “Once upon a time...” and comes up with a sentence with the word he pulled out. The second one continues and so on. The stories are very funny and then remembered more than once!

Musical instruments

Divide everyone into several teams of 2-3 people. Each team receives a sheet with the name of a musical instrument and must depict the game on it, supplementing it with sounds and movements. The group is given one minute to prepare. Then, one by one, the groups introduce themselves, and the rest guess the instruments.

Give each of the two interlocutors 10 nuts, a topic for conversation and say that they should communicate in pairs, talking and asking questions on the topic, but without saying the word "I". When one of the couple utters the word "I", his interlocutor takes one nut. The one with the most nuts after 5 minutes is the winner.


You will need pencils, crayons, sticky tape and a large sheet of paper. Give each team a set of pencils. At different ends of the room, attach a sheet of paper to the tables or to the wall so that the rivals do not see. Each player receives only one part of the task (description of the picture). Everyone chooses a place for themselves on a piece of paper, and everyone starts drawing at the same time.

For instance:

1. Man in blue pants...

2. ...crying a lot...

3. ...a striped toy in your hand...

4. ...cries a lot...

5. ... on the street under the maple ...

1. A baby in a stroller...

2. ...holding a bottle of juice...

3. ...drinks Coca-Cola...

4. ... reads a book ...

5. the raging sea...

Dogs and roosters

The players sit in a circle. The driver gives each the name of the city. Then he says: "I heard that in the city ... dogs crow and roosters bark." The player whose city has been named replies: “No, sir, in the city ... dogs do not crow and roosters do not bark. The city where the dogs crow and the roosters bark is called... The player whose city was named responds in the same way. If someone does not answer immediately or gets confused, he gives a deposit. When a lot of pledges are collected, they are redeemed by completing the tasks of the leader.


Blindfolded, you need to reach the designated place without hitting the placed objects (shoes, watches, dishes, etc.). If you want to cheer up the participants, for the second or third time, when everyone has already seen what kind of objects are on the floor, ask someone to take off the clock and put it down as well. Then blindfold the participants and change their watches... eggshell, placing it so that more likely stepped on her. It is difficult to convey the feelings of a person who knows that there is a clock on the playing field and hears a crunch under his own foot...


Take a large empty egg carton. On the bottom of each hole, write the numbers from 1 to 30. Place the target card on the floor. Divide the players into 2 teams. Draw a line one and a half to two meters from the target and give each team 4-5 balls. The goal is to hit the cells and score as many points as possible, but the ball must hit the floor once before hitting the target.



And our favorite guests are the most -

1st child.

This holiday today

Dedicate family day

And our concert is cheerful

We are starting for you!

2nd child.

We are such a gift to loved ones

Let's invent a calendar

So that this family holiday

Met him every day!

3rd child.

We hurried for two weeks

And they taught their words.

We need to contain our excitement.

4th child.

How many people are in the hall!

A glorious holiday awaits guests!

Accept congratulations

From your own children!

5th child.

You wish that we

You weren't upset

To T-shirts and socks

We washed ourselves!

6th child.

So as not to whine, not to fight,

You wouldn't be rude.

It only needs you

We were an example!


I so wish that more often

Parents and children were together.

Then it will be better for everyone

Live in the world!

Leading. (Children answer.)

Who lives in a big apartment?

Four men.

Grandpa lives in an apartment

Both dad and great-grandfather

And Mishka, dad's son.

Another beauty lives

Inseparable from relatives.

One of them is calling her

To my beloved granddaughter.

Dear daughter

Another one calls her

And the third - sweet Masha

And our mistress!

And calls me mom

The youngest man.

Leading. Who lives in your family? (Children answer.) look, (child's name)


Look, it's me
And this is my mom
This is brother Vovochka,
And here is my sister Olechka.
Dad is strict and big,
He is always like that with us.
grandmother in a headscarf
And old glasses.
And this is grandfather Yegor,
You know, he's the driver.
And I will say with a smile:
This is my whole family!

Leading. What a big family (child's name)



  • Entertainment can be timed to international day family, which is celebrated on May 12.

The soundtrack of the song " parental home"from the repertoire of L. Leshchenko. Children enter the hall and line up in a semicircle against the central wall.

We will sing, dance, have fun here,

Then a miracle will happen!

Let's start the holiday soon

It's time for us, friends, to receive guests!

I know that you will certainly ask us:

“What is this holiday? Who are your guests?

And our favorite guests are the most -

Grandmothers, grandfathers, fathers and mothers!

1st child.

This holiday today

Dedicate family day

And our concert is cheerful

We are starting for you!

2nd child.

We are such a gift to loved ones

Let's invent a calendar

So that this family holiday

Met him every day!

3rd child.

We hurried for two weeks

And they taught their words.

We need to contain our excitement.

So as not to get lost in the performance.

4th child.

How many people are in the hall!

A glorious holiday awaits guests!

Accept congratulations

From your own children!

5th child.

You wish that we

You weren't upset

To T-shirts and socks

We washed ourselves!

6th child.

So as not to whine, not to fight,

You wouldn't be rude.

It only needs you

We were an example!


I so wish that more often

Parents and children were together.

Then it will be better for everyone

Live in the world!

Children sing the song "Sunday", music and lyrics by L. Olifirova. After the song, the children sit down.

Leading. Today we are gathered in this hall to talk about family. Which one of you guys will say what a family is? (Children answer.) Family. This word is clear to everyone. Family from the first moments of life next to each of us. The family is the house, it is the father and mother, the grandmother and the grandfather. According to the definition given in the dictionary by S. Ozhegov, a family is a group of relatives living together. How many of them, these relatives?

The child tells A. Kardashov's poem "One, two, three, four."

Who lives in a big apartment?

Four men.

Grandpa lives in an apartment

Both dad and great-grandfather

And Mishka, dad's son.

Another beauty lives

Inseparable from relatives.

One of them is calling her

To my beloved granddaughter.

Dear daughter

Another one calls her

And the third - sweet Masha

And our mistress!

And calls me mom

The youngest man.

Leading. Who lives in your family? (Children answer.) look, (child's name) drew (a) his big, friendly family. Let's hear what he (a) tells us about her.

A child comes out with a drawing “My family”, reads a poem.


Look, it's me
And this is my mom
This is brother Vovochka,
And here is my sister Olechka.
Dad is strict and big,
He is always like that with us.
grandmother in a headscarf
And old glasses.
And this is grandfather Yegor,
You know, he's the driver.
And I will say with a smile:
This is my whole family!

Leading. What a big family (child's name). There is a grandmother, grandfather, father, mother, brother and sister. But the family can be small. Most grandparents live separately. But that doesn't make us love them any less.

A child comes out, tells a poem by Elena Duke “My grandfather”.

Our grandfather is very businesslike:

He walks around the house, forgetting about peace.

He helps his grandmother all day,

Doing this is not at all lazy for him.

He keeps losing points.

It will break something, then it will lose.

Always in a hurry, but tired of business,

Sit down with a newspaper - already snoring!

The child recites the poem "My Grandmother."

My grandmother is with me.

So I'm the boss in the house!

I can open cupboards

Water the flowers with kefir.

Play football with pillows

And, lying on the floor, yell.

Can I eat cake with my hands?

Slam the door on purpose.

And it won't work with mom.

I already checked.


Let's please our grandparents with a dance today!

Children perform "Quadrille".


Grandparents all smiled

So, we guys are not in vain trying now!

One, two, three, four, five.

Now you can play!

Amusement games are held with grandmothers “Who will wind up the ball faster”; "Feed your grandson blindfolded yogurt."


Let's continue the holiday

Songs to sing, dance, play.

Which one of you guys wants

Poems for mom to tell?

1st child.

Who warms with love
Everything in the world succeeds.
Even play a bit?
Who will always comfort you
And wash and comb,
Kiss on the cheek - smack?
That's how she always is
My mother is dear!
A. Churbanova

2nd child.

On mommy's cheeks
Two magical dimples
And when she laughs
The light is so radiant!
Mom is my sunshine
I am her sunflowers.
I'll come and kiss
Your own mother!
It's good to live in the world.
Love your mommy!

Children sing the song "Good Sorceress", words and music by S. Yudina

Leading. Today, children give their talents to their beloved mothers! The girls want to perform their favorite dance.

A group of girls perform "Dance with Ribbons" (music and movements chosen by the music director).

Leading. These are the sports girls we have. And the boys will show their love for their mother in the attraction "Mom's Helpers".

The game-attraction "Mom's helpers" is being held.

To play, you need two baskets with the same set of food models: milk bottles, candy boxes, juice boxes, mayonnaise, fruit models. At a distance of 5-6 meters, put 2 hoops. Two children are playing. On a signal, you need to transfer one item from the basket to the hoop. The child who finishes transferring "mother's purchases" faster wins. The next pair carry the products from the hoops to the baskets.

1st child. Everything about mom and mom, but nothing about dad ...

Leading. So tell us about your dad.

2nd child.

My dad left
Long away.
I'm without a dad, to be honest,
Not easy.
Dad, if you want
Can sing a song
If it's cold
Warm up with your warmth.
Dad can tell a story
It's hard for me without my dad
Fall asleep.
I will rise and stand quietly
At the door
Dear dad, come back
I. Babushkin

Children perform "A song about dad", music by V. Shainsky, words by M. Tanich.

We sang and played

And we all read poetry.

To make our holiday more beautiful.

We are still sleeping now!

Children dance in pairs at the choice of the music director.

Leading. Guys, did we remember all the family members? Haven't forgotten anyone? Of course, many families have several children. These are brothers and sisters. Who wants to tell a poem about sister?

3rd child.

I have a sister Luda,

She will soon be ten years old.

I'm in seventh (sixth) already a year old

Luda takes me to kindergarten.

We are the fourth year as ourselves

We go to kindergarten without mom.

In the summer - on a bicycle,

In winter, we go sledding!
V. Fufaev

Attractions "Tie a bow for sister", "Help brother get dressed for a walk" are held.

Leading. At the end of our holiday, children will sing cheerful "family" ditties!

Children perform ditties.

We will sing to you now.

How we live in our family.

Listen carefully,

Clap hard!

Our dear mothers,

We are always proud of you

Smart, calm.

We will be worthy of you!

Our daddies are no worse.

They can cook porridge, cabbage soup.

And everything you need for the house

They can make it fast!

My dad loves music

I'm not far behind him.

He plays the harmonica

And I sing songs!

Dad is writing an essay.

Grandfather solves the equation -

Everyone is sitting with lessons.

Here is our family contract!

We are without a grandmother once

We prepared lunch.

They washed the dishes themselves

And now there are no dishes!

I really respect my grandfather

I can safely tell you!

Very difficult tasks

Grandfather knows how to decide!

Our dads are masters.

Drivers, doctors...

In a word - daredevils!

Our dads are great!

We stop singing ditties.

We promise you all:

Let's grow good

And be good!


How wonderful it is today

We were all together!

Even someone sometimes

Sing along to us a song!

More like a whole family

You go out into the light.

After all, people are closer than in the family,

Not in the whole world!

Our favorite!
Grandparents, moms and dads!

We wish you, dear ones, good health.

To have no reason to be sad.

And in perfect health, of course.

Until the wedding of great-grandchildren to live!

The holiday ends with the soundtrack of S. Namin's song "We wish you happiness!".

Larisa Polyakova

On the topic of: "My Friendly family»

(2-4 years)

Prepared by the teacher:

Polyakova L.V.

Entertainment in the younger age group

on the topic of: "My Friendly family»


1. Consolidate children's knowledge about family: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brothers and sisters.

2. Expand children's understanding of the responsibilities of members families.

3. To form in children ideas about family like people who love each other, take care of each other.

4. To instill in children a sense of love and respect for parents, pride in their own family.

Equipment: a projector, photos of mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, child, a basket of vegetables and fruits, balloons of red and yellow color, tape recorder with recordings of songs "Daddy Can", « Family» , dance « hedgehog family» .

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs.

Leading: Hello guys! Once I was also small, I had a father and a mother. I live in family. Now I also have a son. That's mine family. Do you have family? Let's look at your family.

Show presentation « Family» .

Several children talk about their families.

The bear comes in.

bear: Hello children. My name is Mishutka. I accidentally heard your stories about family. What is family?

Leading: And you stay with us and find out.

bear: Yes, I will stay, because I am very interested.

Finger gymnastics « Family»

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

Well, this finger - I -

Together Friendly family!

Leading: The oldest in family is grandfather. He is very wise and kind.

Now Masha will tell a poem about her grandfather.

I have a grandfather

Like a gray winter.

I have a grandfather

With a white beard...

Leading: And also in our families have a grandmother. Grandmother cooks deliciously and bakes pies.

The game "Disassemble the balls by color (pies)»


Guess the riddle kids:

He drives a car smartly

Hammer a carnation into the wall.

Helping mom at home

And he plays with the kids.

Children's answers: Dad

That's right, it's dad.

Song "Daddy Can".

Leading: Who gets up very early, in the house with her good, warm. Daughter, son dresses, and sees off to kindergarten?

Children's answers: Mum

That's right, it's mom. Do you help your moms?

Bogdan G:

I save my mother's work.

I help as much as I can.

Mom brings me

toys, candy,

But I love my mom

Not for that at all.

Leading: Mom cooks both soup and compote. Now let's play a game with you.

The game "Compote and Soup"

Leading: Everyone in the world has a bear family. Guys will show beautiful dance O hedgehog family.

Dance "Hedgehogs"

Leading: You understand, Mishka, what is family? In order to check whether you understand correctly - listen song:

Song « Family»

bear: And I, it turns out, also have family: father Mikhailo Potapych and mother Nastasya Petrovna. They take care of me and love me. They are mine family. I will run to them as soon as possible and tell them how much I love them. Goodbye guys!


Family is work, caring for each other,

Family- That's a lot of homework.

Family is important! Family is hard!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Children leave the hall to the music.

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