Stages of female alcoholism by behavior. Changes in the condition of the skin and hair. Change in psycho-emotional state

The desire for equality between men and women swept over Russia as well. Women strive to work and earn no less than men, adopt men's habits and want to be less dependent on the male sex. Unfortunately, women have largely adopted the bad habits inherent in men. It is with regret that one can state the fact that an increasing number of women are becoming susceptible to alcoholism.

Female alcoholism

Female alcoholism, as well as male alcoholism, is an addiction to alcoholic beverages containing ethanol. Of course, the division of alcoholism into male and female is rather arbitrary, alcoholism in the stronger and weaker sex inherently has a physiological and psychological addiction to strong drinks. Both the consequences and the mechanism of action of ethanol on a woman are no different from the same factors in relation to men. However, doctors still distinguish female alcoholism as a separate disease. Why is this happening? The development of alcoholism in women has a certain specificity, completely different than in men, the reasons, features of the course and therapy. Perhaps it is worth starting with the factors that contribute to the development of alcoholism in women.

The reasons

Women, unlike the stronger sex, are more emotional and receptive, and it is psychological reasons that often push women to relax with the help of alcohol.

The main occurrence of alcohol dependence in women are:

  • Depression. Factors contributing to the development of depression can be loneliness, misunderstanding of loved ones, dissatisfaction with the life lived.
  • Severe psychological trauma - the departure of a spouse, the loss of loved ones, illness.
  • Boredom. This reason as a start for the development of alcohol dependence is very typical for the wives of wealthy people. The husband is engaged in business, but at the same time does not allow the woman to earn money herself. There is an emptiness, a bunch of unspent energy, a feeling that life is passing by. In this situation, alcohol comes to the rescue as a salvation from blues and despondency. Addiction is developing very quickly.
  • Serious responsible work. In this case, serious business ladies holding high positions in the service become the target of alcoholism. This requires a lot of stress, stress and fatigue build up. Alcohol is seen as a pleasant end to a workday, a way to relax and sleep. Over time, relaxation and tranquility give way to habit. This is how addiction develops.
  • Active advertising of low-alcohol cocktails and beer. Such drinks are used between times, in the company of girlfriends, teenage girls at discos. Weak alcohol is not perceived as something serious, although in reality one bottle of beer is nothing more than 60 milliliters of vodka. A year later, the evening ends with a bottle of wine, and then vodka.
  • Social dissatisfaction with the position in society, low income, inability to achieve a high status in society.


The development of addiction takes place very quickly - in just five years, a woman from a successful well-groomed lady turns into a downsized alcoholic. This is partly due to the fact that women to the last hide their addiction to alcohol, and partly because of the physiological features, thanks to which alcoholism in the weaker sex develops much faster.

Female alcoholism has the following characteristics:

  • Low enzymatic activity for ethanol. Alcohol is processed and excreted from a woman's body more slowly than that of men. At the same time, there is an increased sensitivity of the liver tissues to the toxic effects of ethanol. The liver is destroyed very quickly, and in a short period of time a deadly disease occurs -.
  • The blood-brain barrier between blood cells and the cells of the fluid surrounding the brain in women is more permeable, and therefore ethanol penetrates incomparably faster through this fragile membrane and damages neurons.
  • Having a menstrual cycle. In the premenstrual period, many women experience increased mental stress, which can be easily relieved with alcohol. At this time, the absorption of alcohol into the blood increases, which enhances the toxic effect of ethanol.
  • Equally important is the different water content in the bodies of men and women. Thus, in the female body, water is 10% less, which causes an increased content of ethanol in the blood at an equal dose. An increased concentration of ethanol aggravates the intoxication of the body, and therefore irreversible negative changes in the internal organs are faster.
  • The lower blood flow in the organs responsible for the accumulation of blood - the liver and spleen and a large number of venous vessels contribute to the rapid damage to these organs.
    Rapid absorption of alcohol in the small intestine, respectively, rapid intoxication due to increased penetration into the bloodstream.

Because of these features, the development of alcoholism in women is immeasurably faster in comparison with the male part of the population. The woman feels more and more craving for the constant intake of alcohol. In turn, the frequent use of high doses of strong alcohol leads to a severe form of alcoholism with damage to internal organs in just a few years.
On the video about the features of female alcoholism:

Signs and symptoms

It is often very difficult for loved ones to diagnose incipient alcoholism in their relative. This is facilitated by the fear of condemnation of society and the associated secrecy of the woman.

The disease can be recognized by a combination of some signs:

  • Alcohol is used even for insignificant reasons, there is always a desire to drink.
  • A rapid increase in the doses of alcohol consumed and its strength, the development of immunity to large doses of alcohol.
  • Refusal of snacks while drinking, loss of appetite.
  • A change in a woman's circle of friends, the emergence of actively drinking people in friends.
  • Denial of problems with alcohol, sharply aggressive behavior in response to possible remarks about alcohol cravings.
  • Changes in the mental and emotional state of a woman - episodes of memory loss after drinking alcohol, constantly depressed mood, apathy, rudeness.
  • Physiological changes. There is a tremor of the hands, puffiness and redness of the face, traces of burst capillaries on the nose are observed. The skin around the eyes sags and bags appear under the eyes.
  • Lack of personal hygiene. A woman ceases to take care of herself, becomes untidy, an unpleasant smell of an unwashed body and unwashed clothes comes from her.

When the first symptoms of alcoholism appear, it is the woman's relatives that should sound the alarm, since the drinking lady herself is hardly able to assess how dangerous her condition is. And if at the first stage it is possible to counteract the development of the disease on its own, then at the subsequent stages one cannot do without drug support.

Photos of women suffering from alcoholism

Stages of the disease

Experts distinguish three stages of female alcoholism:

  1. The first stage is characterized by an increased desire to take alcohol. This is due to the body's habituation to the effects of alcohol and its effect on the opioid receptors in the brain. Psychic dependence is formed.
  2. The second stage can be considered as drunkenness. There is irritation from the inability to drink alcohol, psychological dependence is quite clearly expressed. Pathological changes in the internal organs and the brain have not yet been observed, but the appearance of a drinking woman is already undergoing negative changes.
  3. This is the last stage of alcoholism, in which there are numerous pathological changes in the liver, kidneys, and brain. This stage is characterized by high physical and mental dependence on alcohol. The woman drinks a lot and often.


Given the transience of the development of alcoholism in women, the consequences of libation come very quickly. In some cases, a woman reaches the third stage of alcoholism in a year or two of the constant use of alcohol.

Almost all internal organs are affected, which leads to the death of a woman, or the appearance of the most severe pathologies:

  • due to constant poisoning of the body with ethanol;
  • multiple lesions of peripheral nerves, characterized by weakness in the legs, cramps and pain in the lower extremities .;
  • cirrhosis of the liver and progressive liver failure;
  • chronic pancreatitis of alcoholic etiology;
  • - delirium tremens, generated by the constant toxic effects of ethanol on the nervous system;
  • caused by a lack of thiamine and leading to early dementia.


There is an opinion that female alcoholism is incurable. On the one hand, this is a true statement, since alcoholism is a disease that, in principle, cannot be completely cured. There are periods of remission that last for years, sometimes the patient's entire life. But the alcoholic will fight the temptation to drink a glass or two for the rest of her life.

The main complication in the treatment of alcoholic illness in women is late diagnosis. A woman rarely turns to a narcologist on her own. This is facilitated by increased emotionality, shame and guilt towards relatives. Therefore, helping a woman who is drinking is considered an extremely difficult task, especially if there is an active reluctance to receive drug treatment.

At the first stage of treatment, it is advisable to identify the reason why the woman began to drink. Eliminating this psychological background, coupled with medication support, will undoubtedly give a positive result.

It is advisable to treat female alcoholism in a specialized department of a narcological clinic, where all the necessary procedures are carried out:

  • removal from hard drinking;
  • and cleansing the body from the decay products of ethanol;
  • supportive therapy with drugs based on disulfiram or;
  • psychotherapeutic assistance, conversations with a psychologist, group sessions;
  • restoration of internal organs with the help of medicines - nootropics, vitamin and mineral complexes, hepatoprotectors.

On the video about the treatment of female alcoholism:

At home

Recognizing her addiction to alcohol, the woman takes the first step towards healing. However, not all alcoholics dare to fight addiction in the hospital due to a feeling of bashfulness, intolerance to their appearance and unwillingness to be in plain sight. If a woman categorically does not want to go to the clinic, you can try to help at home. At the same time, it is important to create a favorable microclimate, an atmosphere of understanding and support.

At the first stage of alcoholism, when the internal organs have not yet been affected by alcohol intoxication and the woman's appearance has not undergone dramatic changes, psychotherapeutic assistance and medication support for the sober period using coding are sufficient. This treatment can be combined with work and normal daily life.

At the second, and even more so the third stage, alcoholism treatment at home is impossible.

As with any disease, alcoholism is easier to prevent than to cure. When the first signs of depression or mental anguish appear, a woman needs to see a specialist as soon as possible, and not discuss her troubles over a glass. In particular, one should be careful of those ladies who had alcoholics in their family.

A documentary on female alcoholism:

There is no objective explanation for the fact why modern society is drowning in rivers of alcohol, which, like a whirlpool, pull healthy people into their arms, making them practically disabled. Indeed, with a relatively safe functioning of organs and systems, people are not able to independently give themselves an account of their actions, falling out of the dense structure of society.

This is especially true in relation to female alcoholism. For some reason, recently it was this type of disease that began its epidemic spread. This fact cannot but receive a great resonance, since it is the beautiful half of humanity that is the basic element of any of the cells of society around which everything revolves. It is necessary to understand this and make every effort to eliminate alcoholism, as the main destroyer of women's destinies.

Is a psycho-narcological disease associated with the abnormal addiction of women to alcoholic beverages and their systematic use, accompanied by damage to the brain tissues and internal organs. It would seem, what's wrong with that? Everyone drinks alcohol and nothing bad happens. But it has its own characteristics that are associated with the female body and addiction to alcohol in general.

Normally, the human body needs a certain amount of ethanol, which, due to the correct organization of metabolism, is produced daily. At the same time, up to 50 milliliters of alcohol in the equivalent of 40-50% alcohol solution, which neutralizes the liver without consequences, will not harm the female body.

But if we simulate a similar situation in which ethanol will systematically enter the blood, even in this amount, a certain part of it will penetrate through the blood-brain barrier of the brain. This will certainly irritate the opioid receptors, which are responsible for the formation of dependence on this substance. Therefore, the disease comes from afar, passing along the fine line of norm and pathology.

With the development of an addiction to alcohol, the dose that regularly enters the body increases, which has a toxic effect on the liver cells, heart, brain, nervous tissue and kidneys. Sooner or later, this will lead to irreversible structural changes with the development of organ failure, which will further aggravate the toxic effects on the brain.

The general patterns of development of the disease in the female and male body do not differ. But there are some features that made it necessary to distinguish female alcoholism as a separate disease. It is characterized by its own laws that affect the development, course, outcomes and treatment of the problem. These include:

    Relative psycho-emotional lability of women. This means that their higher nervous activity is arranged in the direction of the predominance of not logical, but intuitive activity of the brain. In this regard, they are more emotional and more susceptible to the negative influence of stress factors;

    Increased sensitivity of the liver tissue to the toxic effects of ethanol against the background of reduced ability of enzyme systems to process and detoxify. This leads to prolonged action of small doses of it and the strongest destruction of the liver with transformation into;

    The fragile structure of nerve cells and interneuronal connections. This leads to a violation of the transmission of nerve impulses already in the initial stages of alcoholism in women;

    Slow blood flow in the depot organs. These are the liver and spleen. This is due to the relatively low activity of metabolic processes, hypotension (low blood pressure) and a large volume of venous vessels, which additionally contributes to damage to these organs;

    Weak structure of the blood-brain barrier (a special membrane that limits the brain from toxic substances). As a result of this feature, alcohol almost unhindered gets to unprotected neurons;

    Reduced excretory function of the skin and kidneys, which slows down the excretion of ethanol metabolism products;

    Rapid absorption in the intestine;

    Incompatibility of female sex hormones and alcohol breakdown products.

Thus, a situation arises that a woman herself, without noticing it, very early begins to feel the need for alcohol. This very quickly causes a decrease in self-criticism, and any comments of relatives on this matter are denied. The damage to the brain, liver and other internal organs occurs even faster. Ultimately, everything pours out at lightning speed into a severe form of alcoholism with persistent addiction and multiple organ dysfunction.

Signs and symptoms of female alcoholism

It is unlikely that the woman herself, who is drawn into this most dangerous disease, will be able to identify its signs in herself. The main responsibility lies with her family and friends. Especially if they lead a correct lifestyle. Of course, in the case of the presence of "associates" living according to the laws of alcohol dependence, it will not be possible to realize the disease at all. Such people are really unhappy because they lose everything without realizing it. And when they think about it, it turns out that time is wasted. Therefore, it is very important to notice female alcoholism in its embryonic state. Symptoms include:

    Increased desire to consume alcoholic beverages, and no matter what. Those with alcoholism, begin to look for any reason and excuse to drink;

    Increasing the doses of alcoholic beverages required to achieve a state of intoxication that was not there before;

    Refusal to "snack" after the accepted portion of drinks containing ethanol and loss of appetite in general;

    Loss of interest in previous hobbies and values;

    A person's isolation and connection with people suffering from alcohol addiction;

    Inappropriate behavior: rudeness, hysteria, obscene speech, which were not previously noted;

    Decreased self-criticism and intelligence;

    Irresponsible attitude to work and the use of all means to purchase alcoholic beverages;

    Drinking alcohol alone;

    Cyanosis and puffiness of the face;

    An increase in the size of the abdomen due to the development of alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver;

  • In the clinical course of female alcoholism, there are three stages. Their designation is advisable from the point of view of the formation of dependence and complications, as well as therapeutic measures.

    First stage. In the pathogenetic respect, it is represented by the process of the emergence of alcohol addiction. During this time, the opioid receptors become addicted to ethanol products. It is this process that paves the way for the formation of persistent mental dependence and the transition of the process to the second stage. Clinically, this is manifested by the woman's unusual desire for a drink. As a rule, this is motivated by poor health, problems in the family and at work. The most important thing is that it occurs more often than was observed before, which indicates the failure of the brain to resist pathological desire.

    Second stage. It occurs when opioid receptors irritate the brain in the absence of alcohol. This suggests that the woman already has a mental dependence on him. There are no structural changes in the neurons of the brain and tissues of internal organs. Clinical manifestations at this stage can manifest themselves in the form of a drunken form or constant intake. For women, the second type of disease is more typical, which leads to a rapid withering of the female body and the transition of the process to the next stage.

    Stage Three. It is characterized by irreversible structural changes in opioid receptors, brain and other organs. This leads to a persistent dependence on alcohol, the use of which becomes a way of life for the sick woman. At the same time, in addition to mental dependence, organ dysfunction develops.

    Consequences of female alcoholism

    Given the fact that female alcoholism is characterized by a lightning-fast course, it extremely quickly leads to serious consequences. All of them either disrupt normal life activity, or lead to damage to internal organs that are incompatible with life. These include:

      Toxic alcoholic encephalopathy with brain damage;

      Polyneuropathy with impairment of the structure and functioning of all peripheral nerves;

      Critical decline in intelligence and mental disorders;

      Alcoholic delirium (delirium tremens);

      Toxic hepatitis with transformation into liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension with development;

      Overdose and poisoning with alcohol substitutes;

      Renal failure;

      Acute pancreatic necrosis and chronic (damage to the pancreas);

      Positional Compression Syndrome, which occurs when women get drunk to the point that they feel nothing and compress limb segments. In this case, there is a violation of blood circulation in them, which leads to a subsequent amputation.

    In deciding the issue of helping women suffering from alcoholism, it is necessary to be guided by the most important rule: "the rescue of a drowning person is the work of the drowning person himself." As cruel as it may sound, this is actually the case. If a woman does not realize that she has lost her way in life, succumbing to bad influences, no effect should be expected from the most expensive methods of treatment.

    Therefore, such a person should be surrounded by the necessary attention. A woman should feel that she is complete and that someone needs her. But do not overload her with all sorts of problems, especially when prompting for treatment. You should never put pressure on such a person. All arguments and comments should be tried to be presented in an easy way. Patience is something that all close people need to stock up on. This is the only way to force a person to come to an understanding of his problem himself.

    When this happens, not a day is to be lost. A woman should become a patient of a narcological hospital, where complex treatment will be carried out.

      Specialized psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance.

      Detoxification therapy.

      Drug treatment of alcoholism itself - drugs that form an aversion to alcohol in women (disulfiram).

      Suturing for alcoholism - subcutaneous administration of drugs that block opioid receptors in the brain (naltrexone). The duration of the drug depends on its dose.

      Coding with hypnosis and psychotherapy.

      Correction of pathology of internal organs.

    The consistent and phased introduction of each of the methods of treatment depends on the stage of alcoholism and is subject to strictly individual selection. Don't be put off with this. After all, nothing in life happens just like that.

The urgency of the problem of female alcoholism is increasing every year. And the reason for this is that the body of the fairer sex gets used to alcohol much faster than the male. According to statistics, men drink themselves to drink for 7-9 years, women - for five. Another feature of the problem is that it is much more difficult to treat. Many narcologists believe that female alcoholism is incurable.

How to determine the stage of alcoholism?

The experience of treating this pathology in women shows that in the case of systematic consumption of alcohol, 88% develop persistent dependence. Its peculiarity is that the external signs of the problem appear later than in men. This is precisely what makes early diagnosis difficult. Sometimes even the people closest to a woman do not even suspect that addiction is progressing. And in order not to be late, you should have information about the symptoms of different stages of female alcoholism.

The first stage in the representatives of the weak half of humanity lasts less than a year. She is characterized by the following signs:

  1. The regularity of drinking. Before that, a woman could drink periodically, but not constantly. In the first stage, she drinks at least twice a week.
  2. The disappearance of such a symptom of a hangover syndrome as nausea, which was always characteristic of a woman before. Now, even large doses of alcohol drunk do not make her nauseous.
  3. Reducing the amount of intoxicating drinks from which the lady gets drunk. Before the onset of the first stage of alcoholism, she needed much more to get drunk.
  4. The manifestation of irritability, nervousness and even aggressiveness, if a woman has not consumed alcohol for 3-4 days. She begins to look for any excuse to drink in the company.

It is worth noting that at the first stage, female alcoholism is treated with psychological methods, since the addiction is of a psychological nature. Usually, alcohol consumption is an attempt to relieve stress, forget, escape from personal problems that cannot be solved.

The second stage lasts from one to three years. She is characterized by the formation of physical dependence on alcohol. This stage is characterized by the following manifestations:

  1. The use of strong drinks has been going on for several days due to the onset of withdrawal symptoms. Its intensity is not as pronounced as in men, but a woman begins to "help" herself with new portions of alcohol.
  2. The intervals between the binges of the patient become shorter.
  3. The woman begins to forget what happened to her, with whom she drank, where and how long she was intoxicated.
  4. The mode of wakefulness and sleep is disturbed. The addict can sleep all day. She experiences insomnia at night and has a headache. The pain is relieved by drinking alcohol.
  5. Dysfunction of the liver and kidneys due to increased alcohol consumption.
  6. Specific changes in appearance. The face becomes swollen, red, the skin ages, dries up, because alcohol dehydrates the body.
  7. The appearance of a slight tremor of the hands.

The second stage of female alcoholism requires the use of psychological assistance and drug treatment in connection with the onset of physical changes in the body. Treatment is started by removing the woman from hard drinking. Only after this is complex therapy carried out.

The third stage of alcoholism can last for several years. An alcoholic woman is easily recognizable even by her appearance. Her hands and face become swollen, and bruises grow under her eyes. She moves, as if on skis, without taking her legs off the ground, memory and all thought processes deteriorate catastrophically. The desire to drink becomes the main goal in life.

During periods of hard drinking, delirium tremens, psychosis occurs.

Causes of female alcoholism

Most often, social problems push a woman to friendship with alcohol. These are problems with her husband, bosses, colleagues, lack of money and self-realization. The cause of female alcoholism can also be emotional upheavals, for example, the loss of loved ones and work capacity, dismissal from work. Then alcohol helps to forget. But temporarily! Having sober up, the woman realizes that her problems remain unresolved, and the binge is repeated. This is how a vicious circle is formed.

In rare cases, the husband who drinks is pushed to addiction.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 10 minutes


We all have seen it. Women alcoholics are more rare. In any case, they do not come across so often in our field of vision. Because they hide their addiction to the last, in order to protect themselves from censure and not become an outcast in society. What are the causes and consequences of female alcoholism? Why is he scary? Are there any ways to treat it?

Causes of female alcoholism

Increasingly, in recent years, the fairer sex has been diagnosed with diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis and hypertension ... For the most part, this is due to the excessive use of well-known drinks, which over time develops into chronic alcoholism. According to statistics, the development of female alcoholism is taking place at a rapid pace, and the country will face a demographic catastrophe if this situation does not change. What pushes a woman to a bottle?

  • Beer, gin and tonics, alcoholic cocktails and other strong drinks have become very popular in our time.... They are considered absolutely harmless, very pleasant, an excellent tool for relaxation and ease of communication. Of course, few people think about the dangers of such drinks. Because everything is ahead, and life is beautiful. However, the systematic use of these drinks in the company or while watching TV after work (alone) creates that attachment, which flows over time into alcoholism.
  • Loneliness, a feeling of absolute uselessness, mental trauma, depression, hopelessness ... Reasons that become a springboard to where there may be no turning back. Status in society does not matter. About half of women with alcoholism are single or have serious psychological problems.
  • The husband is an alcoholic. Unfortunately, this situation often becomes the cause of female alcoholism. Either the man is being treated, or a divorce occurs, or the spouse falls into the alcoholic abyss following the husband.
  • Climax. Not all women can withstand the physical and psychological discomfort that accompanies menopause. Some relieve stress with alcohol. That gradually turns into a habit, which is no longer possible to control.

According to doctors, even twice a month drunk one hundred grams of strong drink is alcohol addiction... But the "culture of drinking" in Russia has always been peculiar. If in Europe one glass can be stretched into several toasts, then in our country they drink "To the bottom!" and "Between the first and the second one more." Again, in the West, it is customary to dilute spirits, and if during our feast someone proposes to dilute vodka ... there is no need to say anything. Worse yet, many people simply don't know about other ways to relax.

Why is female alcoholism worse than male alcoholism?

Why female alcoholism is terrible. Effects

The "green serpent" and its consequences change a woman beyond recognition. Both psychologically and externally. What exactly happens to an alcoholic woman? What is the risk of alcoholism?

  • Appearance is changing. An unhealthy shine of eyes, redness of the face and bluish spots appear. Hair is dull, matted, greasy. Such a woman speaks in a raised voice, nervously gestures, perceives ignorance as a personal insult.
  • Subcutaneous adipose tissue disappears. The arms, legs and shoulders lose the smoothness of the lines, acquire an overly pronounced muscle relief.
  • The body of a woman with alcoholism begins to age early. Teeth crumble and darken, hair turns gray and falls out, skin wrinkles and grows old.
  • All systems and internal organs are affected - cardiovascular, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine, etc.
  • Thyroid malfunctions begin , which leads to arrhythmias, excessive fatness or thinness.
  • Adrenal tissue is destroyed , the production of hormones decreases under the influence of the toxic substances of alcohol.
  • Toxic alcoholic nephropathy - one of the possible consequences of alcoholism. The main symptoms are high blood pressure, facial swelling, protein and blood in the urine. With this disease, the kidney tissue begins to die off. As a result, acute renal failure and death.
  • Diseases of the reproductive and genitourinary system. Cystitis, pyelonephritis and other female ailments persecute women alcoholics constantly. And given that alcohol leads to swagger in behavior, promiscuous sexual intercourse and a complete lack of hygiene become the norm for such a woman. Which, in turn, leads to sexually transmitted diseases, frigidity, AIDS.
  • Mutations occur in the egg cells of an alcoholic woman. The consequence is miscarriages, the birth of handicapped children and stillbirth.
  • Ovarian function is weakened , which changes the overall hormonal background. The production of female hormones decreases, the production of male hormones rises. As a result - the growth of a mustache and beard, hair growth on the chest, back, legs, thinness, etc. Further - uterine bleeding, early menopause.
  • - it often ends criminal and medical abortion, miscarriage, death from complications, ectopic pregnancy or (this is at best) abandoning a born child .
  • Personality change , damage to the nervous system. Hysteria, isolation, instability of mood, depression, hopelessness. Often - suicide in the end.
  • Dulling the instinct of self-preservation , decrease in habitual reactions.
  • Loss of trust of loved ones , divorce, job loss, social rejection, etc.

Can female alcoholism be cured?

They say that female alcoholism is not amenable to treatment. But this is not true. You can cure it , albeit with a reservation for certain female characteristics. Moreover, more than eighty percent of success depends on the willpower of the woman and her desire to "tie". Alcoholism is mostly psychological dependence. And at the initial stage, you can still cope with psychotherapeutic methods. With an established, stable need for alcohol, it will not be possible to do without an integrated approach, as well as specialists.

Treatment methods for female alcoholism

The fight against alcoholism is, first of all, a complex of measures, united by one great desire of the patient to quit drinking. But the hardest part is adaptation of a woman to lifewith no more alcohol in it. What methods are used today to combat the "green serpent"?

  • Psychotherapy.
  • Pharmacotherapy.
  • The use of drugs that cause aversion to alcohol.
  • The use of drugs that block the breakdown of alcohol and thus causing his rejection.
  • Coding techniques.
  • Taking medications to normalize the work of internal systems and organs.
  • Phytotherapy.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Laser exposure as part of complex therapy.
  • Hypnosis.

Traditional methods of treating alcoholism

Usually, self-treatment of alcoholism at home does not bring success... Given the severity of the disease and its consequences, of course, all methods can be tried, if only to achieve results. But according to statistics, the most effective are considered dovzhenko method, hypnosis and coding... The main thing is to remember that without the woman's awareness and sincere desire, treatment will not be successful.

Women’s alcoholism is talked about much less often than men’s. Often, the idea that the fair sex can be subject to such a pernicious addiction simply does not fit into my head. Wife, mother, keeper of the family hearth - how can she drown her problems in a bottle of alcohol? Alas, life examples often prove to us that this misfortune can overtake any person, regardless of gender.

The first signs of female alcoholism

It is easy to recognize an alcoholic with experience - in appearance, behavior, habits. But the success of treatment is higher if you seek medical help at the first signs of alcoholism, and they are much more difficult to notice. The problem is that women develop alcohol dependence more quickly than the stronger sex. This is due to the fact that the female body is more sensitive to alcoholic beverages, as it contains fewer enzymes that help break down alcohol.

This explains the fact that for the onset of a state of intoxication a woman does not need so much alcohol. And if in men a persistent dependence is formed on average 7-10 years after the systematic intake of alcohol, then 3-5 years are enough for weak women. And during these years neither their relatives, nor close acquaintances can guess about the addiction.

Unlike men, women at first try to hide their addiction to alcohol from others. They regularly go to work, do household chores, and never appear in public in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication. But the "green serpent" is already beginning its destructive work, and an attentive, loving person may well discern the first signs of emerging alcoholism.

  • No reason not to drink

The first step towards the development of alcoholism is regular gatherings with alcohol for a variety of reasons - receiving an award, going on vacation, holidays. For a woman who begins to develop a drinking habit, these reasons become insufficient over time. Gradually, the need for daily alcohol consumption is formed, a woman happily grabs at any reason to drink. At the same time, she justifies such a desire by the need to relieve stress, celebrate the weekend, in general, finds a lot of reasons.

  • The result is obvious

Addiction to alcohol often manifests itself in the literal sense of the word on a woman's face. Alcohol dependence contributes to the appearance of premature signs of aging: the skin becomes dry, wrinkles form on it, bags under the eyes appear, the face becomes swollen and puffy. Dull hair, brittle nails, a yellowish skin tone, a pronounced capillary network on the face are noteworthy. A woman is either trying to persistently hide the traces of yesterday's libations, putting kilograms of cosmetics on her face, or, on the contrary, begins to take care of herself less and less.

  • Nerves to the limit

One of the first signs of developing female alcoholism is constant nervousness. A woman who drinks is often depressed, especially if she is unable to drink. She is unreasonably irritated, cannot restrain her emotions, breaks down on loved ones. A woman develops such character traits as selfishness, increased aggressiveness, rudeness. And the stronger the dependence on alcohol, the more pronounced the degradation of personality becomes.

How to help?

The main problem is that it is possible to help a woman suffering from alcohol addiction only if she herself wants it. But many are simply unwilling to admit that alcohol addiction has become a disease that needs to be treated. A woman is afraid of condemnation from others and believes that she can "tie" at any moment - she just wants to. But this minute usually does not come ...

In such a situation, a lot depends on family and friends. Do not blame a woman, pounce on her with accusations. Your care and attention can do much more - to restore faith in yourself and hope that everything can still change for the better.