Congratulations on the day of rocket troops and artillery in prose

Again in November, the whole country is in fireworks.
The world congratulates you, rocket troops!
Artillery beats, chord salutes
Takes and surprises all the people.
Artillery and rocket troops
Among the people your glory is great,
"Katyushas" glorified the country,
In a harsh war with the Nazis,
And after convincing victories
Cover with fire from new troubles,
You will surely save the country...
We believe in you rocket troops.
Salutes in honor of the Victory will sound,
And a parade will flash in the sky of lights,
And again the joy will be great.
Thank you rocket troops!

During the war, the Katyushas glorified the country,
During peace, the army is strong with soldiers,
After all, artillerymen and rocket troops are on duty,
Their service to the country is great.
Happy holiday, I congratulate you all,
May you always be lucky in the service,
Good health, patience and joy without end,
Happiness, life without hassle.

To the artillery Russian missile troops,
The guys are coming, prepared seriously,
Here courage and good tactics are needed,
You can entrust such a country to fighters.
I wish you a wonderful holiday,
So that there is a lot of joy, fun,
Feasts of a magnificent, good toastmaster,
And from the authorities for the service awarded.

Today joy fills the chest,
Salutes rumble multicolored,
In smart uniforms, artillerymen and rocketmen are walking,
All are deserving of an award.
With all our hearts, we congratulate you on the holiday,
We wish you joy and happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
Your career growth, good luck and kindness,
May God grant that you have a happy fate.

Service in the artillery is honorable and important,
Strong, reliable there, brave troops,
Readiness, tactics are very high,
Teaching on highest level are always carried out.
Happy holiday, I congratulate you with pleasure,
I wish you patience and willpower from the bottom of my heart,
Prosperity, happiness and warmth,
So that you always have reliable friends.

Artillery, rocket troops,
The country hopes for you, and the country believes in you,
You are prepared, smart, honest, strong,
Reliable and strong motherland sons.
Today is your holiday, congratulations,
You deserve gratitude, admiration,
Let the peaceful reward find you,
Luck and success will come immediately.

Let the enemy be afraid everywhere
Let the air be under our control!
With you the world is kinder and more beautiful,
Both on land and at the bottom.
We want to wish you
Let the tasks be done.
Let the heart be relentless
To accomplishment playfully!
Technology serves the good
Brings pleasure.
And let them deserve awards
For the family that always waits!

Rocket troops today - "Hurrah",
And artillery - praise three times!
Good luck on all fronts:
At work, at home and in dreams!
Let happiness strike with an "artzalom",
Success is definitely waiting for you everywhere!
Congratulations flies to you like a reward,
What else is needed for happiness?
Let there be more peaceful things
In the service, everyone succeeded!

By force of rocket troops and artillery
People have long believed
On this day we must bow
Both rocketmen and gunners,
Warrior who performs his duty, without excitement -
For that today our congratulations!
Glory to them, rocket launchers, gunners,
To the valiant defenders of Russia!

Someone raves about the blue seas
Someone is heavenly high.
And we have rockets behind, shoulders,
Tomorrow we are rocket men with you.
Not featured in novels
And not sung in songs
Stand like the word of truth
Reliable missiles.
And you and I are rocket launchers -
We are strong in friendship
And you and I are responsible
For the fate of the whole country.
In the name of Nedelin not without reason
Our school is named -
You and I are always in the shock ranks,
Everyone will give their life for their country.
Girls, love, don't be afraid
Believe in our friendship and love,
Because we are both a shield and a conscience
Us nurtured grandfather's land.

Putin congratulates on the Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery

Good luck let it knock on your door!

General congratulates on the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery

On guard of peace and tranquility
Russian missile troops are standing.
May life bring a lot of pleasure
And not only on holidays, but always!

I wish you, dear, happiness.
I know that you love your job.
Please be more often at home,
For this request, I know you will not condemn!

Cool congratulations

The rocket man is sitting, crying:
A hundred tons in a rocket
And you won't hit her with a ball,
But only in Washington!

On it is the head of the combat
Soared - and up to the stars!
Shouting to her: "To hell with you!" -
Friends, let's raise a toast.

For life to be beautiful
Without grief and resentment
Glass on red button
It's been poured for a long time!

Gunners, you are dangerous guys,
You have a powerful weapon in your hands.
Madly for courage love you girls
And the guys respect: you are in the service!

We wish you that in your life
Everything was always honest, as in battle,
Health, happiness, a more beautiful girl,
And trust your instincts!

greeting card

Rocket troops today is a holiday,
And I want to wish dear
I have less conflicts of different
No problems in the service.

Everything will come true - I know for sure
Of course you'll be lucky
And it will be in life the way you want,
And only the best will come!

This day is dedicated to the brave and strong
And no one dares to say otherwise.
Rocket Forces of Great Russia,
We hasten to congratulate you with pride in our hearts.
Artillerymen are held in high esteem.
In our country, infinitely large.
Thank you for keeping
Peaceful sky above!

These troops were called "God of War"
Ever since the first fusees,
Mortars, guns were invented, -
At least something has already been handed over to museums for a long time.

In any war, the question of victory is simple -
How many missiles and guns does anyone have?
How, remember, - answered the question
Great immortal "Katyusha"!

You are the god of war! But no war is needed
And only peace all over the world people crave!
Artillerymen! Your orders
A guarantee that our sky will be peaceful!

Artillerymen! Holiday order:
Congratulations, glorious estate!
Artillerymen! Motherland appreciates you!
We wish you peace, happiness and health!

Artilleryman is the god of war
Will accurately cover the enemy with fire.
And if the targets are almost invisible,
Confidence, accuracy is always with him.

It is necessary, aim at the plane
Or sink a detachment of ships,
Heavy shelling will clear the approach,
Will cover the attack of the Queen of the Fields.

I'll tell you without hypocrisy
I love artillery!
There guys anywhere -
They will always find their target!

Kohl fell under their sight,
You won't be whole!
Know not for nothing famous
Our army is the elite!

Voice congratulations on the day of rocket troops and artillery

Russia knows the price of honor,
Sons, brave without fail,
Congratulate the Motherland is ready
Happy Missile Troops Day, without which
The defense of power is unthinkable
From enemy attack.
And every warrior is proud, broad-shouldered,
Everyone knows - he is an artilleryman!
I sincerely congratulate you all
And I wish peace and happiness.

Today is Rocket Troops Day!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
May the sky be peaceful, clear,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

Let your rockets rest
The volley of guns will not be heard,
Only peaceful fireworks
Today people see in the sky!

Artillerymen, before you more than once
The country was saved in battles
And many fallen names then
Forever written in the book of glory.

Now we live in the world, and already
For a long time the shells do not sing.
Let main task for you
Only fireworks remain.

May happiness be as fast as a rocket
Let the projectile of love lift your spirits!
Be happy in winter, spring and summer,
I congratulate you today, on a holiday.

Who fell in battles - glory and honor to those,
Who is alive and well - to those of strength and prosperity!
May all the good things in life await you
Any wishes come true!

Someone raves about the blue seas
Someone is heavenly high.
And we have rockets behind, shoulders,
Tomorrow we are rocket men with you.

Not featured in novels
And not sung in songs
Stand like the word of truth
Reliable missiles.

And you and I are rocket launchers -
We are strong in friendship
And you and I are responsible
For the fate of the whole country.

In the name of Nedelin not without reason
Our school is named -
You and I are always in the shock ranks,
Everyone will give their life for their country.

Girls, love, don't be afraid
Believe in our friendship and love,
Because we are both a shield and a conscience
Us nurtured grandfather's land.

My rocket troops
You are the most secret!
And your strategy, of course, I do not understand.
But I'll tell you fun
What are you tonight
Definitely go to celebrate your holiday!
I wish you good
To have nice days
And the service-friendship has not ceased to please you!
Let the eyesight of an eagle
Won't let you down, darling
And life will dance a sunny and very kind waltz for you!

Congratulations to you today
Artillery of the country!
Wishing you happiness on holiday
We all need you all the time!
May good luck and luck
By your side without end
They remain without a doubt!
Peace, joy, kindness!

Rocket troops and artillery
Today they celebrate their holiday!
I wish you always believe in yourself
And they knew in any situation -
You will definitely succeed
You just need to really want it!
Always, always hope for the best
And to achieve your ability!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
On the holiday of artillery,
And wish you
Believe in your strength!
So that there is a lot of happiness
There was a mood
To enjoy work
So that doubts are gone!
And we also wish you
On this wonderful holiday
Get a Service Medal
Or a badge!

May you be lucky on the day of artillery -
A shell of love will fall into the funnel,
A rocket of happiness will fly into your house
And your life will be illuminated with success!
I wish you good luck now
I wish only the best for you!
Let the fire of dreams burn in your eyes,
And every moment will be rewarded with good!

Today is a holiday, the day of the rocket troops
And the artillery of the native country!
I wish all the best come true
And troubles were avoided!
Let fate help, so that always
Problems you easily knew how to solve!
And never be sad, of course!
And never give up in life!

Happy Rocket Troops Day
I hasten to congratulate!
Hit the goal in life
And don't betray your friends.
May you always be lucky -
Every day and all year round!
Let dreams come true
You will be forever happy!

Happy Rocket Forces Day! Hooray!
Happy Russian Artillery Day!
Now it's time to celebrate
We believed in you!
May you always be lucky
Celebrate - in style!
Let luck await in business
And do not know fear!

Beloved, happy holiday to you
Artillery shell
I will send to your heart I -
'Cause you're the closest to me
Let from my projectile
Sorrows will break!
I wish you the best
Let things work out!

My friend, today is such a day
What time to congratulate you
It has come. On a holiday with all my heart
I want to wish you good health.
Fatherland our faithful son,
Let the artillery live!
Plenty of reasons to be proud
You are brave, smart - honor to you!

I will congratulate my husband
Happy Artillery Day!
And I want to wish
Be smart and fast
Strong, brave, never
Don't give up in life!
And for many years
Best stay!

Dad, happy holiday
Happy Russian Artillery Day!
I wish you a lot of strength
Joy, luck!
I wish to win
In life's battles
Never lose heart -
In the life of inspiration!

Rocket troops today is a holiday,
And I want to wish dear
I have less conflicts of different
No problems in the service.
Everything will come true - I know for sure
Of course you'll be lucky
And it will be in life the way you want,
And only the best will come!

Artillerymen a couple of hundred years
Defend their own country
And the secret of its popularity
They make it easy and simple:
Whoever goes to artillery is glad with his heart
Defend your country with dignity.
I congratulate you on the holiday, brother,
I wish to serve faithfully, calmly!

I congratulate you on this holiday,
I want to wish you happiness soon!
Let rockets be fired in your honor
Salute rockets, so as not to lose heart.
And on the day of artillery, I also wish
So that joy touches you as soon as possible!
Let the sun warm you with rays
Let it live brighter, more wonderful, cheerful!

I will congratulate my uncle
And from the bottom of my heart I want to wish
Good luck, happiness and kindness,
To make life fun.
The day of the rocket troops is coming to us,
May you always be lucky -
Accept let your brain be happy
This wine and vodka charge!

Artillerymen, before you more than once
The country was saved in battles
And many fallen names then
Forever written in the book of glory.
Now we live in the world, and already
For a long time the shells do not sing.
Let the main task for you
Only fireworks remain.

Let the rocket troops
Constantly thriving!
I'm good luck and good
I wish you today!
May all the best come
What you have always dreamed of!
May luck always wait
So you don't have to wait!

Let the blue sky be clear
And children will not look into the eyes of war.
"Thank you!" - we say to the gunners
Because they are dedicated to the cause.
And on this cold November day
Let fear not disturb courage.
Your potential is undeniably huge.
He will help you in any battle!

I want artillery
Rocket troops -
Health, happiness to you!
Let life be bright
To lead you forward
For the best to come true!
And happiness suddenly found!

I'm in a hurry with the day of the rocket troops
I congratulate you!
On a holiday I will say from the bottom of my heart -
Close friends
Let them always help
And luck awaits!
May you have many years
Endless luck!

Artillerymen and missilemen
Today is a holiday!
I wish you have fun
I wish you luck in business!
Let everything work out for you
May the joy of life come to you!
Let wishes come true
Day after day, year after year!

May happiness be as fast as a rocket
Let the projectile of love lift your spirits!
Be happy in winter, spring and summer,
I congratulate you today, on a holiday.
Who fell in battles - glory and honor to those,
Who is alive and well - to those of strength and prosperity!
May all the good things in life await you
Any wishes come true!

Happy holiday, happy artillery day!
May you be lucky in life!
So that your loved ones believe in you
Know - only the best awaits!
Believe - you will succeed
You just need to want!
On holiday - all the best,
A lot to achieve!

I congratulate you on the day of the rocket troops,
And artillery, of course, dear!
We wish that everything comes true for you,
So that every day promises a successful battle -
But not with the enemy - we do not need enemies,
Join the fight for your dreams again!
For the good of our dear country
We wish you to live and prosper!

On the day of artillery, rocket troops I hasten
You, my friend, I sincerely congratulate!
May all wishes come true! Ask,
I ask you to glorify your profession -
Let the time of peace never go away,
And for this, of course, try!
Let good luck and luck await
Live well, achieve your goals!

I congratulate you on this festive hour,
Artillery let all the strange notes
You guys mean so much to us
Like everyone who home country protects.
And I want to wish never to be sad,
And always strive to win!
And be patriots of your beloved country,
So that our homeland can be proud of you!

Rocket troops and artillery
Today they celebrate their holiday.
And in this wonderful, truly, moment
I want to wish you with all my heart:
May the sky be peaceful, bright, joyful
And the time will not come for the red button!
Let fate surprises be sweet
And all good things will happen to you!

From the first cannon to today's missiles have reached.
Artillery Day is a big Russian holiday.
Artillerymen did not let us down in the war.
We have no right to raise glasses on this day, do we?
One hundred millimeters was the caliber of one of our guns.
They called that gun a long time ago.
And in honor of the fact that it was the best,
One hundred grams we drink, right, it's not a sin.
Let there be peace on the basis of parity.
Rocket troops are a bulwark of tranquility.
Let the St. Petersburg Cadets know no wars,
And the cannon in the city, let it only strike at noon.

Congratulations on the Day of the Rocket Forces
Faithful defenders of the country,
We sincerely wish you on this day,
So that there will be no war forever.
Protect your homeland properly
Stay alert, but keep going
In life there will be no war, but joy,
To love, create and do everything.

Takes and surprises all the people.

Among the people your glory is great.
'Katyushas' glorified the country
In a harsh war with the Nazis.
And after convincing victories
Cover with fire from new troubles,
You will surely save the country...

And again the joy will be great.
Thank you rocket troops!

Battery always ready
Keep the boundaries intact
There is, my friend, your merit,
No wonder you are an artilleryman.
Be a brave son of the Motherland,
And cherish the honor,
And no matter what happens in life
Keep dignity in everything.

Again in November, the whole country is in fireworks.
We congratulate you, rocket troops!
Artillery beats, chord salutes
Takes and surprises all the people.
Artillerymen and rocket troops,
Among the people your glory is great.
"Katyushas" glorified the country
In a harsh war with the Nazis.
And after convincing victories
Cover with fire from new troubles,
You will surely save the country...
We believe in you rocket troops.
Salutes in honor of the Victory will sound,
And a parade will flash in the sky of lights,
And again the joy will be great.
Thank you rocket troops!

On your holiday, I want to wish you
To shoot once -
Just to show the ability
Well, then stand guard!
So that you are beautiful in parades
They showed us their power
And your life would be peaceful
So that there are many parks, groves,
Forests, and rivers, and the sun light ...
And there was no war!
And I wish for many years
You live in good, love!

Happy Missile Troops Day glorious congratulations
We will collect in the most beautiful bouquet!
This day is also celebrated by artillery -
We will tell the whole world about gratitude!
Defenders, take admiration
And wish you eternal good!
In profession and personal luck,
Immeasurable love, light and warmth!

Congratulations on the day of the rocket troops,
Artillery too - hello!
From the bottom of my heart I wish today
Long and happy years to you!
And in this profession, beloved,
Always be successful
Become forever you irreplaceable
And never be sad!
Let luck not only work,
But life is always waiting for you
Let worries be pleasant
And health will not fail!
Fulfill any desire
Let yours hurry up
You live, and do not know suffering,
Let the soul not hurt about loved ones!

Rocket troops today - "Hurrah",
And artillery - praise three times!
Good luck on all fronts:
At work, at home and in dreams!
Let happiness strike with an "artzalom",
Success is definitely waiting for you everywhere!
Congratulations flies to you like a reward,
What else is needed for happiness?
Let there be more peaceful things
In the service, everyone succeeded!

Russian artillery and rocket troops.
We congratulate you today! After all, we are calm until
Your glorious sons stand guard over the frontiers,
The native country can sleep and watch peaceful dreams.
Fireworks, boom buglers, everyone is fit, strong,
Clouds, move a little bit, let the disk of the moon shine
The world to be in our power, while you exist,
Russian artillery and rocket troops!

General congratulates on the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery

Good luck let it knock on your door!

Rocketeers, gunners,
I send you my congratulations.
I wish you only a peaceful sky
Good luck, happiness and love.

Shells howl and thunder rockets
You have long been accustomed to
I wish to serve, as always:
Fearless and patriotic. ©

Rocket, artillery troops,
Today is your beautiful holiday.
Let life be happy
And the sky is clean, bright, clear.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you perseverance in battles,
Let people know, the whole country
About your military achievements! ©

All those who serve in the missile forces,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Improve your combat skills
We wish you guys every day.

You rocket men are the pride of the country,
All lean, strong and broad-shouldered.
Thank you today we all say
Our glorious gunners.

We wish, of course, great victories to you,
To hit the target accurately, without fail,
To protect and keep the security of the country,
Live happily, with soul, with inspiration! ©

greeting card

Rocketeers, gunners,
The whole country is proud of you.
You keep the sky of the Motherland,
So that she can sleep peacefully.

Let the teachings be easy
And only training battles ...
Rockets fly into the sky
In fireworks, as if woven!

Rocket troops and artillery
Today they celebrate their holiday.
And in this wonderful, truly, moment
I want to wish you with all my heart:
May the sky be peaceful, bright, joyful
And the time will not come for the red button!
Let fate surprises be sweet
And all good things will happen to you!

On the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery,
I want to wish you good luck!
Let today only a volley of fireworks,
It will light up the sky on holiday!

The borders of the country will not be disturbed,
The rumble of guns and shells flying!
May you in your difficult service,
It will be easier and always lucky!

I congratulate you!

Congratulations on the day of the rocket troops,
And I want to protect the country
To make everything you want come true
So that you do not know the war.

May God reward you with health
This is always the main thing in life,
Like a rocket, happiness hurries to you
To never be sad.

Voice congratulations on the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery

Artillerymen and rocketmen are soldiers!
Congratulations today guys.
I wish you to be proud of your skills,
But so that in practice, they were not useful in battle.
May heaven and earth be peaceful!
Congratulations again, friends!

Happy Rocket Forces and Artillery Day
We congratulate you
Faithful defenders of the country,
From the heart to you
On this day, we wish
So that there will be no war forever.
Protect your homeland properly
Be on the lookout
But let's continue
There will be no war in life
And the joy
To love, to create
And do everything.

My friend, today is such a day
What time to congratulate you
It has come. On a holiday with all my heart
I want to wish you good health.

Faithful son of our fatherland,
Let the artillery live!
Plenty of reasons to be proud
You are brave, smart - honor to you!

Again in November, the whole country is in fireworks.
We congratulate you, rocket troops!
Artillery beats, chord salutes
Takes and surprises all the people.

Artillerymen and rocket troops,
Among the people your glory is great.
"Katyushas" glorified the country
In a harsh war with the Nazis.

And after convincing victories
Cover with fire from new troubles,
You will surely save the country...
We believe in you Rocket Forces.

Salutes in honor of the Victory will sound,
And a parade will flash in the sky of lights,
And again the joy will be great.
Thank you rocket troops!

Happy holiday, happy artillery day!
May you be lucky in life!
So that your loved ones believe in you
Know - only the best awaits!

Believe - you will succeed
You just need to want!
On holiday - all the best,
A lot to achieve!

On the day of artillery, rocket troops I hasten
You, son, I sincerely congratulate!
May all wishes come true!
I ask, I ask you to glorify your profession -
Let the time of peace never go away,
And for this, of course, try!
Let good luck and luck await
Live well, achieve your goals!

Artillery, missiles
It's all your work.
Day of the Rocket Forces for you
With us to celebrate the hunt.

You know many secrets
You are a professor in your field.
Take a break, because from work
Your nerves are on edge.

In honor of you, we even
This is the first time they wrote
In them we wish that relatives
You were often kissed.

Hurry to the table soon
The guys will tell you a toast!
Late for sure
An extra drink will be punished!

Russian artillery and rocket troops.
We congratulate you today! After all, we are calm until
Your glorious sons stand guard over the frontiers,
The native country can sleep and watch peaceful dreams.

Fireworks, boom buglers, everyone is fit, strong,
Clouds, move a little bit, let the disk of the moon shine
The world to be in our power, while you exist,
Russian artillery and rocket troops!

The sky is clear - your merit,
And not those who predict the weather,
And on you, as a true friend,
All Russia hopes ours.

Horizons sometimes let it be hazy,
But radars do not sleep even at night,
After all, missilemen, gunners
We call our roof for a reason!

From the time of the legendary "Katyusha"
And to the complexes of new anti-aircraft
You are the eyes of a peaceful life and the ears,
Representatives of the troops you are elite!

On this day we want to wish
To show skill only in teachings,
You didn't have to fight
Let your service be peaceful!

It was sad? All will pass,
Artillery forward!
Gulp will meet this holiday,
The loudest rocket
The most colorful fireworks
Let's blossom the night by the minute.
Let any enemy be afraid
We are rocket launchers with you!

On the Day of the Rocket Forces, I sincerely wish good health, peaceful sky and unearthly happiness! May your life be filled with colorful events, sincere love and reliable friendship! I wish you every success, fulfillment of all goals and a cheerful spirit!

Gunners, your eagle eye
And the accuracy of the tasks
The country is kept by one presence.
You are heroes and everyone knows it.

May there be peace in the soul, country, family.
I wish you happiness, vivacity and money.
Let there be no reason to change the relief,
Life will be from lucky steps.

Happy Rocket Troops Day guys
Good luck to you and keep it up
With all artillery power
Stand up for your country.

I wish you growth in rank
Joy, health in the body,
Let there be fewer reasons
Show all knowledge in the case.

Let the rocket troops
Luck always follows!
Let the service be so easy
After all, your experience means so much!

I wish you peaceful days
Any of you are already a hero!
But for dangerous, evil enemies
Turn on the "combat mood"!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Those who were artillerymen
Who served in the rocket troops,
Thank you for clear skies!

And we want to tell you:
"You are not more courageous in the world,
May we not see war
And our children are growing up in the world.”

Happy Rocket Forces and Artillery Day!
We respect you heroes.
We always praise, without hypocrisy,
Your courage, strength and minds.

Congratulations! Let it be cloudless
The sky above the Fatherland,
Well, let your path be sunny.
We wish you happiness!

Artillery, rocket troops,
Accept instant congratulations!
Let everything be on your side,
Let success and admiration surround.

Let your health not fail you
Surrounded by security everywhere.
After all, you protect us with yourself,
May everything be wonderful for you!

I will prove to everyone now with an example,
That it is not in vain that this holiday was established -
Day of rocket troops and artillery,
He must be respected by all.

The power of all countries is increasingly reactive,
If not for the rocket troops,
That would not defeat the enemy
Often hopeless longing.

Do not catch up with Europe and America
Forever rocket our potential,
You may not immediately believe
Our gunner intimidated everyone.

"It's impossible for us to compete with the Russians,"
This the Pentagon has long recognized
But they strive to look not sad,
So that their people do not drive them away.

Only for the sake of appearance they accumulate great power
Our foolish enemies
Seeing our power, they roar wildly,
They make boots out of fear.

I'm in the morning today for the rocket men
I drink, and I will drink until midnight,
For gunners and gunners,
What any kid wants to be.

Sleep well, mother Rasey,
The sky will be clear above you
And a cloud will happen - we will scatter,
We can defend and protect
The horizon is sky blue.

Congratulations to you, rocket launchers
On a special day I want
About all your successes
Today I will not say anything.

Thank you all for your service
Happiness and health to you
Rainbow and bright life,
Without frustrations, troubles and dramas.