The most unsuccessful tattoos in the history. These socks like the sun are present, but do not heas. And the name in the passport on Lucifer, it is interesting, I did not change

Find a good tattooer - a problem not from the lungs. Therefore, to great unfortunately, bad tattoo is not uncommon. Masters do not always manage to realize the client's idea.

But the problem should be noted, it does not always happen in tattoos. Sometimes the masters are how they perform their work on the "Hurray", just client ideas are ... so original that those surrounding and approximately cannot understand their essence. Anyway, in one, and in another case, the result is not very.

We offer you to get acquainted with the brightest fakes.

1. That's what happens when you try to repeatedly repeat the drawing of another wizard.

2. Original hairstyle, right?

3. Immediately shows a real basketball fan.

4. Senor Nipple.

5. Tiger, whom life blew a little ... or a lot.

6. The body is only a shell?

7. Poor, poor Marilyn.

8. The case when the client's idea completely discredited the work of the master.

9. This is a starry sky, and what did you think?

10. Something tells us that the owner of this tattoo Fan Eminem and M & M's.

11. Turtle Your head ...

12. This guy is just a tattoo glasses lacked.

13. When the child grows up, he must certainly be offended by the author of this tattoo on the shoulder of the father ...

14. These socks like the sun are present, but do not warm.

15. So York would like this portrait.

16. I wonder, and who will come out if it is lightning to unbutton?

17. Those who suffer arachnophobia do not look!

18. I would like to believe that he is sick for his favorite team better than his tattoo looks like.

19. And the name in the passport for Lucifer, it is interesting, did not change?

20. Maybe this broiler was his pet friend in childhood?

The first place in this ranking opens a tattoo with the names of Beloved. More precisely, former beloved ... how many times they warned that this is not the best idea, but Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp and Melanie Griffith still decided to perpetuate the names of the second halves on the body.

Angelina Jolie

In the 90s on the shoulder of the current ambassador of goodwill, UN and Mother 6 children Angelina Jolie bowed a dragon with the inscription BILLY BOB - in honor of the first husband Bil Bob Tornton. But, as you know, the couple soon broke up, and the coordinates of the birthplace of each of the 6 children of the actress appeared on the site of the dragon.

Johnny Depp


All in the same 90s and on the same shoulder Johnny Depp nubized Winona Forever, which in a couple of years has turned into Wino Forever. Sorry, Winon Rider, but Johnny preferred wine!

Melanie Griffith

The fourth anniversary of the wedding with Antonio Banderas Melanie Griffith decided to celebrate the tattoo with the name of her husband. What do you think exactly where? Again on the shoulder! Antonio and Melanie relations on Hollywood standards were very long. Almost 20 years together! Therefore, the tattoo of Melanie had to be reduced only in 2015.

Same Tatu Giselle Bundchen, Eva Longoria, Zoe Saldan and Siena Miller

It is unlikely that a successful tattoo can be attributed to banal patterns in the form of stars and flower. The "happy" owners of the same tattoos are Giselle Bundchen, Eva Longoria, Zoe Saldan and Siena Miller - all asterisks.

Kristen Stewart and Scarlett Johansson

But Kristen Stewart and Scarlett Johansson specially made their tattoo deliberately inaccurative. Of course, the tattoo is purely personal. But let's think it looks not very much.

Tattoos with errors

Tattoos with hieroglyphs have already managed to become the subject of jokes and jokes. Especially if the hieroglyphs are written incorrectly. Chris Evans, Justin Timberlake and even Rihanna walked with errors on the body.

Justin Timberlake

In the film "Alpha Dog" Justin Timberlake played Narcodilera. To give a brutality, the body of the actor and singer was covered with tattoos. Among which were 2 hieroglyphs meaning "figure skating". Very strange tattoo in principle, and for the drug dealer, especially. But, fortunately, these tattoo were temporary.

Chris Evans

Full Chris Evans fought on a bicep hieroglyph "Family". Well, I wanted to fill ... complicated chinese Again confused and star, and a tattooker. Such a hieroglyph should be used only with the name of any family, without it, there is no point in the symbol.


Rihanna has always differed originality. Therefore, her mistake was not in Chinese hieroglyphs on biceps, but in the inscriptions on Sanskrit on the hips. The tattoo should have denoted: "Forgiveness, honesty, suppression, control." But philologists claim that in fact, Diva is written on the hips: "Long-patient, gullibility, restraint, inner calm, fear and fearlessness."

Prepared Margarita Khauxon

Maria Timoshkin

Cafe Manager, now on maternity leave

"This creation appeared on my shoulder in 2013. Then my friend and foreigners were hanging out with foreigners. After another party with the Italian artists, we were not fully cut - came brilliant idea: capture them on the body name music groups. The names are translated as "talking to the deaf" and "marry me in Vegas." I saw, by the way, these musicians then the first and last time. And now I have a husband and a child, and about these groups it is not ashamed of these groups, no, rather, it's just no need. "

Dmitry Guriev

Tattoo Master, made Cavalerap Mary

"Most often, understandable, overlap bad tattoo - Somewhere 40% of customers come to fill something over. So it is worth thinking well before something to fill, and it is worth it in a conscious age - at least after 25 years. If you decide to fill the tattoo on your face, it is better to think again. I draw cars sketch myself: her tattoo and life are associated with music, so painted fish with headphones and a magazine. I take your ideas from the subconscious. Well, from the Internet.

The strangest thing I stuck was a bear in a burning car. This is based on a joke: "They walked the Bear in the forest, saw the car, sat down in it and burned down." That was the guy's idea. And so men have no one popular topic one. If the guy feels like a dragon, he makes himself a dragon. Now, by the way, the girls have a rather popular query - fill the symmetric tattoo under the breast. Or over the navel. More girls beat twigs and flowers. In general, the most important thing is that a person has a taste, a tattoo sketch can be found on the network, but you can make it beautiful. "

Sergey Korol


"This miracle on the navel is the most important thing about my port and the mistake of youth, my first tattoo. Made it nine years ago. I saw some guy model a sign of biological weapons on the navel and wanted myself the same. What happened is not particularly similar to the aforementioned sign. True, an understanding of this fact was formed only in three years, and all this time I was absolutely sure that the tattoo is extremely cool. "

Maxim Titanic

Master worked with Sergey

"He wanted to fill the tattoo in the style in which I work, that is, in the style of Oriental. He also has enough interesting place for tattoo; I didn't beat anything before that in this zone. Solving meanwhile, to bring tattoo or reboot it, people are focused on opportunities and desires. If you want to do something large, it is enough to find good masterwho takes the tattoo. Note that with color tattoo more complicated. "

Ksenia Malyshev


"I have five tattoos, they are all small size, mostly on the fingers. Each of them means a lot to me - certain period In life, which was very influenced by me. Sun curve, approximately 5 per 5 cm, no exception. I was naked in honor of one person who he himself became the sun for me, pulling out of the terrible depression. So, the sun for me means something beautiful, big and bright, which helped me again begin to enjoy life. It expresses my huge love and gratitude for not everyone is lost.

However, it looks somewhat ridiculous. Many people called this tattoo "dissatisfied Jack Sparrow", "funny monster" and "Dude Dude". The tattoo was stuck in a hurry and ineptly, because of this, the whole idea was lost. No, not like this: she just disappeared, my tribute to man turned into a mockery. "

Nikita Petrov

Tattoo Master, stuffing a flower for Ksenia

"Get a tattoo, which then do not have to regret, simple. In addition to the choice of the competent artist, the first thing you need to thrash the "internal designer" - even if you actually designer - and fully entrust the process. And the most, perhaps, the responsible stage is the selection of the master. Each good tattooker works in its direction. If you see the portfolio of work in different - most likely, it is not involved in any of them. Focusing the studio is not always correct. First, because there is a rotation, secondly, because only one person will stuff your tattoo, but may not be that you will not find him in the studio that you have talked.

If you in no way come into contact with the tattoo culture, do not be afraid of the scale. A good help in finding a master and ideas can be visited by conventions. For example, I have a client, a guy who wanted initially fill himself something in the style of realism in black and white colorsBut then I decided that he likes a ornamental tattoo much more. I came to me with the idea to score the whole torso, although before that did not have tattoos at all. And this good approach To a question.

Regarding the funny tattoo: there is a branch of an old tattoo, such a hooligan - with phrase and appropriate images. It happens very witty sometimes damn funny. I saw on the dude - the vampire jaw and the inscription "blood is not, suck ...". Ugar adds the fact that it is forever. "

Vyacheslav Dmitriev

"My tattoo appeared at the birthday of a friend. At the holiday she had a tattoo master if he could be called that. I joined the word "buy out", which means "understand", but this is not connected with the topic of sale. "Buy" is the name of our friendly company. We somehow got acquainted with the Belarusians, one of our new acquaintances was abused by this word. This is something like the reincarnation of the slang word "destroy", we even have in Vkontakte. Then, after the first session, Tatu was erased and I had to adjust it - I won again. In the future, I think I will still fill the tattoo, but time will tell. Drunk exactly not going to punish anything definitely. "

Andrei Flycher.

Dmitriev did Kavalemp Vyacheslav Dmitriev

"People are infrequently fighting drunk. Tattoo shops have no restrictions on customer service, but to come drunk - this disrespect for the master. The master says how and what should look, shows, everything is negotiated, so if something client does not like as a result, then this is his problem. In some tattoo salons, by the way, something like a contract agreement is concluded before you fill the tattoo so that there are no conflicts in the future.

Behind the tattoo should be careful, over time they burn out in the sun, they must be smeared sunscreenSometimes walking on adjustments to the masters. If we talk about inscriptions, then most often stuffed words or phrases in English. Still with varying success, the Russian language is popular - some are beaten even in Europe. Popular, of course, Latin. Most often, people find ideas on the Internet - it concerns phrases, lyrics, words.

Per lately The culture of Tattoo in Russia, in principle, well developed - highly artistic things became popular, our masters became experienced, mastered technicians in which awesome things can be made. If we talk about customers, then yes, they periodically choose unsuccessful sketches - find them somewhere in instagram. The masters offer to add any items in their sketches, but people are difficult to imagine something otherwise: when they come for the first tattoo, they just want to fill. At the same time, it does not matter to whom to get, just want - that's all. "