Bad tattoos. Tattoo bringing trouble

Since we started talking about tattoos at all, it is worth highlighting one important fact. Some may seem to get real good tattoo Simply simple - found a master, looked at the portfolio, came, flew, suffered and ready. But, as they say, not all masters are equally useful. But it is the skill of the master and from his art taste The quality of the tattoos depends, both of these facts are important. A normal master will never fill something that knocks out categorically. But there are not so many such, because for most tattooers there is a simple rule: if the client pays and asks - he is stuck exactly what he asks. And in the end you can look at the worst tattoos. If you have a drop of artistic taste ... well ... We warned you.

From the unsuccessful photo could only get a completely disgusting tattoo According to the artist's plan, this is A. Schwarzenegger.
It is already stiff.
Uh ... What is it at all? One in one, yes.
Tattoo for people with a bad fantasy.
Probably this is some kind of tribal custom from her homeland ... But what is Hallo Kitty?
Do not knock pictures of children ... just do not.
Someone else's brain brain. Not treated.

God ... Elvis, what did they do with you ?? He is an artist, he sees so much! Probably…
But it is really scary.
Well, at least thought reported
But this guy with self-irony is fine I think, or Edward recovered a little?
Yes, Pasha, you're in the ass. More precisely "on". This bastard dismissed Batman!
But the snake came out well!
Ideal similarity, yes.
This tattoo even scares a little ...
It seems that the master did not even hardly tried. In theory, this is a wolf. Or not? No, do not knock out other photos. This is not the most better memory about. It's damn it, what? And for what?
Scary? Scary ridiculous.
Well, at least mom loves ...
Well, just as the case described. Made well, but a fool.

Liked? That's it. At the same time, the portfolio is the results, of course, will not be displayed. And the portfolio itself may be Lipov. So our advice to you - contact us only to proven masters, according to the reviews that you really trust. And yes, if you are not lucky and you ran into such authors the worst tattoos, then you do not have any options for action - either to score an unsuccessful drawing something normal, but not all wizards will agree to work "by partard", or look effective methods Tattoo information. Either stay for life with a terrible reminder of your continuity. But there are options, yes.

Johnny Depp once said that the body is like a diary. Popular tattoos are now not normal decoration or fashionable barcode. They marvel our meetings and gusts, successes and lesions. To carry the tattoo means to stand out from the car, report something intimate about yourself. We will call the reasons because of which the idea with a tattoo will have to postpone.

Age frame

Tattoos do not make minors. The reason is not only in young aged (But in it too). The body is still developing, the body grows, its outlines change. Tattoo, applied at 15, with time can deform, will look ugly.

You need to weigh everything and do not hurry!

The tastes of adolescents change rapidly, one day the tattoo will be superfluous and will only annoy. Therefore, the idea to make a tattoo must be not a momentary, but mature.

Skin condition


Cannot do tattoo when increased temperature. Sometimes after the session, the body can react with steaming heat, and if a person has already been sick, he will become only worse. You can also get infected with diseases transmitted through blood: HIV, syphilis, tuberculosis.

It hurts

There are skin sites that are particularly sensitive (ankle, loin), each injection of needles will be given to the strongest pain! After applying, the image will have to handle the skin with healing ointment.

Tattoo is difficult to minimize

If you want to remove the tattoo with time, you cannot return the skin to your previous condition. It can remain a noticeable track or it will become uneven. It's easier to buy beads from natural stones and change them to create a new image every time.

Negative assessment of others

Many believe that the tattoo is those who relate to some kind of criminal group or sitting in prison. Therefore, the reputation of its owner may suffer.

Age-related skin changes

Tattoo, made on the brush, female chest Or abdomen, because of the sorcement of the skin can lose clear contours and generally the meaning! Smile merry clown It will turn into an "acid" grimace, and the appetizing rosette will appear.

Tattoo can interfere with career growth

In the appearance of the "right" worker tattoo fits badly! What rocker adorns is not suitable for a teacher or deputy.

Low money

No need to go to the Tattoo Salon with a fine amount. The embodiment of your plan may not be enough money. A tattoo made by cheap materials will quickly swell, after some time it will have to restore it.

Risk of allergies

Be sure to learn the composition of paint to apply an image! And make sure that the tools running the master, sterile. Otherwise, inevitable complications.

Reducing immunity

Doctors believe that the tattoo may not affect internal organs, reduce them immune defense. It is fraught with purulent diseases and hepatitis.

Tatu Mania

Sometimes it is called. Fasciating the decoration of her body, people turn into real tattoo maniacs.

Our suitable cause Among this list? Then neither step in the tattoo salon! Sit at home and drink tea ...

Celebrities live a public life, they are always in sight, and each of their step is considered under a microscope. Like I. ordinary people, Celabriti adore tattoos. At the same tattoo I want to watch the clock, hitting the originality of the design and idea of \u200b\u200bthe owner. On the other just do not look without tears and regret. It turns out that the stars make misses, and it also concerns the native picture. The site has drawn up its list of celebrities, whose tattoo can rightly be called "worst". So, proceed.

Celebrity tattoos

Tatu Cheryl Cole

Cheryl Cole has always been distinguished by its brightness. Being still in the group Girls Aloud, it was difficult to not be noticed among the colleagues on the scene. Perhaps for this reason the girl chose such an extravagant design of the tattoo in the form of a rose. And it's not in the picture, but its massiveness on such a fragile and slender television stars. The bushes of Rose Sheril piled on the lower back, thereby closing his old butterfly tattoo. As the singer declared that the butterfly for her was a start symbol. Well, the beginning of the career has long been laid, and we note, very successful, so the need for a similar figure disappeared by itself. Therefore, Cheryl deleted it here is the wrong way.

Cheryl Cole

Tatu Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber is known for his love for tattoos. At such a young age, the singer already has many drawings on his body. The last "acquisition" of Justin is the singer's mother-tattoo. Thus, the young man always feels the presence of a person close to him. However, besides this cute Tattoo, Justin has a full opposite of its opposite - a very strange picture of a girl to wings resembling it former girlfriend Selena Gomez. Does Justin still do not know that the portraits and the names of their girlfriends can never be punched, especially at the very beginning of relations? Be that as it may, but in the ranking of the worst tattoos of celebrities Justin Bieber with its selenium with wings ranks second.

Justin Bieber

Tatat Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp once performed the same mistake as his young colleague Justin Bieber. It is known that Depp met with actress Winona Ryder for many years, the couple even announced the engagement. In honor of this, actor Nagolol himself on the hand of Tattoo inscription "Winona Forever", which means "Winona forever." However, the plans were collapsed and they broke up. Johnny had to interrupt his tattoo with "Winona" on "Wine". As a result, it turned out "Wino Forever", which is translated as "Wine forever". It does not think that anyone consciously wanted to surrender himself in abuse of alcohol. But Johnny Depp managed that.

Johnny Depp

Tattoo Steve O.

This guy knows how to start the crowd and attract attention. Wide famous factthat Steve is absolutely deprived of taste in terms of Tattoo. Many of his drawings were repeatedly recognized as the worst. But your own sweating on the back is to see the hotel. Probably, not many can come the idea to perpetuate themselves in their own own body. Portrait of Steve About bangs close-up on the whole back of the actor-balancer with the inscription "Yeah Dudee, I Rock!" (Yes, dude, I am really cool, or I will stew). An incredibly big head, which distinguishes several of the real size of Steve's head, speaks of his internal qualities, namely passionate love Attract universal attention.

Steve O.

Tattoo pink

Pink's singer also distinguished himself with his originality and nubble on the Help button - the word "Help" under a small point. The actress itself admits that she does not help her very much and needs activation. I wonder how many people have been pressed on this button to select Pink?


Tatu Nicole Richie

Love for God is good. No one will condemn you for it. But to show your religious focus on such an inappropriate place for this, namely the fifth point, blasphemous. As you could notice, Nicole Richie placed a tattoo in the form of a cross just below the lower back.

Nicole Richie

Tatu Mark Jacobs

List " Worst tattoos celebrities "continues famous Mark Jacobs. Famous worldwide designer always affects his taste and original ideas. However, it is the taste of him and failed. The reason why Mark Jacobs made a tattoo in the form of a sponge bob, but it looks terrible. An adult man is not worth falling into childhood.

Mark Jacobs.

Tattoo Carrie Hart

Carrie Hart is a famous American motorcyclist and part-time husband singer Pink. In 2009, a young man just shocked others, demonstrating his unusual tattoo, and to be accurate, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe picture. On the hand of the motorcyclist knocks out a portrait of his beloved wife in the form of a dead man. Well, what can you say ...

Carrie Hart

Tattoo Scarlett Johanson

We are closed by our list "The worst tattoos of celebrities" Scarlett Johanson. The girl is always elegant and attractive. But sometimes the stylists criticize her color tattoo in the form of a sunset on her hand, considering her tasteless and not fit into the image of the "Hollywood diva." Heself Scarlett adores his drawing and says that every look at him makes her happy.

Scarlett Johanson

The worst celebrity tattoos are not a myth. Even the very famous people Can make errors that later will be very difficult to fix. What is the reason: in bad taste or second pulse? Anyway, think about your future tattoo to the smallest things before going to the master, and you will avail such curiosities like the stars from our list.