Negative allegations. Negative and positive statements

Our today's reality is as we want to see it. In the event that a person really wants to live differently, he will certainly dare to change his life.

Today Mohammed Ali is recognized as the greatest in the story of the boxer. However, at the very beginning of her career, long before he achieved success, Ali was just one of the many young athletes seeking to achieve world glory.

You may also remember the day when the headlines of all sports publications decorated the bold statement: "I am the greatest boxer!"

These words were told by a young man named Cashius Glue in front of the first serious fight in his life. At first, the media ridiculed the arrogance of glue, however, after the newcomer won the Sonny Lison himself, all journalists took their words back. The glue did not just won, he predicted his victory.

Cassius glue, later Ali, began his triumphal march in the world with the words "I am the greatest boxer of all times and peoples!". It should be noted that he learned not only to predict the outcome of the fight, but also to call the round in which he will win (as time has shown, his predictions most often came true).

How did he succeed? Was he really endowed with the gift of foresight? Did he possess any secret knowledge or mystical force?

We confidently answer these questions affirmatively. Mystical strength, which Mohammed Ali possessed, is called power of suggestion. This great force has the words in which a man sincerely believes, who make him believe in itself and subsequently become reality.

Impact of power of suggestion

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that Muhammed Ali never said: "I am a great boxer", "I am one of the best" or "Next year I will become the greatest boxer in history." No, he always spoke extremely short and clear: "I am the greatest boxer!" Pronounce this simple phrase, he simultaneously performed three essential tasks.

First, he clearly defined the goal, to achieve which his subconscious was to achieve. Given the fact that at the subconscious level, a person is not able to perceive the past or future time, he automatically forced himself to completely concentrate on the present. He cultivated faith in his truth of his words and his own strength.

Secondly, speaking with a similar statement, he inspired his own subconscious, that there is no way back, he knew "what should go only forward and confirm his words with real actions.

Thirdly, he urged others in the fact that the goal would certainly achieve. He realized the impact of the power of suggestion. That is why before the beginning of each fight, he tried to make that the future opponent heard his statements. If Ali said that he would win in the third round, at the subconscious level, his rival was already preparing to leave the ring after the second. The power of the suggestion of Ali was so great that he helped him influence not only on his own subconscious, but also for the subconscious of all who surrounded him. Ultimately, his intentions were always materialized.

An important thing is the fact that Ali used various suggestion techniques. He demonstrated faith in himself not only with words, but also teleports and facial expressions. So, even during the breaks between the rounds, he never sat in the corner of Ring and tried not to lose eye contact with the opponent. Such actions, of course, were the methods of suggestion - they helped him believe in their own invulnerability and forced them to believe those around it.

In conclusion, we would like to emphasize that Muhammed Ali actually possessed a unique boxing talent, but he was also endowed with stunning psychological abilities. Long before the release of Ring Ali one after another she won the great victories in his mind.

Impact of negative statements

The inspirers of a certain opinion, the man thus protects his subconsciousness from the beliefs of others. The fact is that our subconscious is ready to accept any thought on faith, providing the opportunity for other people to influence our mood, worldview and views. So, if you hear a negative assertion (for example, that you lack self-confidence, abilities, good luck and so on), you will be subconsciously tighten into a negative perception, which, in turn, will have an impact on your actions. Remember: negative allegations always generate negative results.

An excellent example of the existence of such a relationship is the case that occurred with a talented athlete Mary Decker at the 1984 Olympics. Outstanding Runcher Mary Decker was a real star and great hope of America in athletics. However, in almost all the interviews that Mary gave before the beginning of the Olympics, we heard the same phrase: "I feel that I was smoothed! I was smoothed ... I was smoothed ..."

We are confident that, uttering these words, Mary did not think about the consequences. At that moment, she was under colossal pressure and did not give a report in their own actions, but her subconsciously reacted immediately to negative statements and the results were not forced to wait. At the 1984 Olympics, Mary Decker really performed as if she was smoothed ...

Negative perception causes a person's subconscious to be tuned on the worst result is an unshakable law of causal relationship. The main problem is that too many of us pay attention exclusively on the result, while the reason and the investigation make up a single whole. We never think about what led us to defeat, error or failure. We are not aware that we find yourself in certain life for some reason. We do not notice that they deliberately sent their inner energy to achieve a negative result.

Only faith will help you achieve the goal in any circumstances.

In confirmation of the above, we would like to tell you the parable of a young monk, which we usually use at our seminars. So, the young novice came to the monastery, crossing the threshold of which all monks, according to the eventual custom, should be given to silence. Just a year, each of them is given the opportunity to refer to the abbot of the monastery and pronounce a phrase consisting of no more than three words.

It was a year, and the rector asked the young monk:

Do you want to tell me something?

The bed is too tough, "the young man replied. The abbot with understanding nodded his head and told him to go back.

Over a year passed, and the abbot again turned to a young monk with the same question. This time, the young man said:

Food is too scarce.

The abbot with understanding nodded his head and told him to go back.

At the end of the third year, a young monk appeared before the abbot and stated, without waiting for the question:

That's it I'm leaving!

The abbot only shook his head and said:

It is not surprising that you have no strength anymore, because all this time you just did that I complained ...

The reason for any failure lies in the negative perception of the surrounding world and its own personality, which causes a person to unconsciously strive for a negative result, and vice versa - if a person has a positive attitude, the subconscious mind leads its shortest way to the best result. Everything is very simple. Try, and you can make sure that yourself.

We are able to achieve everything that our mind can comprehend and what he can believe.

(Napoleon Hill)

If you really want to achieve the goal, first of all you need to believe that you are able to do it. It is not enough just to dream and hope that your dreams will be implemented by themselves. Remember: any action is based on faith and in order to achieve the desired result, you must believe in your strength. The stronger you believe in success, the more the result will be.

The key to success in any endeavor is conscious confidence that you are able to achieve the goal. In previous chapters, we have already mentioned that, first of all, you should record your goal on paper. Next, you need to resort to visualization technique, and then turn to the power of suggestion. It is the power of suggestion that will tell you the way to the world of desires.

Writer and actor Will Rogers once remarked: "I only know what I read about today in today's newspaper." Perhaps it is not known to us that he meant, however, we know exactly what a person is really easier to perceive the information set out in writing.

Another truth is that we all give up suggestion. Recall that repeating statements instill confidence in us. Each time you have a loud pronounce a positively charged phrase, you can be sure that you have at least one listener - your own subconscious. It immediately reacts to your words and makes you believe in their justice. So, if you lack confidence in yourself, but despite this, you are trying to find faith in success, the subconscious will surely support you, asking: "Why not? Perhaps you will succeed ..."

However, a person speaks with any statement to a numerous audience has an even greater pressure on its subconscious. For example, if in a circle of friends you argue that you will certainly reach the goal, you still literally forcing the subconsciousness to tell you the following: "Well, now you have only one way out - to succeed! You must confirm your words with actions, otherwise all These people will consider you a fool or just a chatter. I think it's time for me to work for work - I can not leave you alone in such a situation. "

The power of suggestion helps a person get rid of doubts and internal fears. She makes him believe in its own strength at the subconscious level.

How to use the power of suggestion?

Now that we know what role the suggestion plays in the process of creating the future, to achieve success and implement a dream of life, we need to find out how to use this force correctly.

As with all the listeners of our seminars, we invite you to use the self-explanation technique below. Most likely, at first it will not quite conveniently perform this exercise in the presence of others, but there is nothing wrong with that. Do not hurry - remember that the main thing is not speed, but quality.

1. First of all stand up. As you know, the human ability to concentrate directly depends on the position of the body. We always advise people to use this technique in a wide variety of life situations. Imagine, for example, you need to make an extremely important phone call. We assure you that if you are talking standing, the results will surprise not only you, but also your interlocutor. You will literally feel how the whole body is filled with strength and the powerful wave of positive energy, enthusiasm and self-confidence comes from you.

2. During the suggestion process, slightly pinch yourself - this will allow you to preserve the feeling of reality. Do not forget that the index finger is the most sensitive organ of touch. Opening the door, leading to consciousness, he allows a person to "see" everything, to what is touched. In this context, the main function of the thumb is in the attachment of even greater force to the indicator. Thus, hemplining themselves with these two fingers, you make your mind fully focus on the process and gain determination.

3. And finally, in conclusion, loudly and clearly say the sudden phrase-statement. Make sure your voice is not trembling and sounded confident. Feel what you say seriously!

If you happened to see the next episode of "Star Wars" called "the Empire inflicts a response", you can easily remember the restless iodine. This graduate of the Gedi Pedagogical Institute tried to explain the importance of the power of suggestion - the greatest strength in the universe. He spoke his student: "Remember, Luke, there is no such thing as an" attempt ", so never say" I will try ... ", say" I can! ". The great power of suggestion gives a person an amazing ability to predict the future and turn words in real events.

It is in these simple words that the truth is. A person is able to inspire himself or surrounding almost any thought. The main thing is to remember that doubts and fears are told in our consciousness in the same way as faith in success. We sincerely advise you to avoid such phrases as: "I will try to become the best", "I will try to become beautiful" or "I will try to win." Is it worth spending your precious energy to force yourself to doubt your own?

The inspired phrase should not be too long, fade or well-known (you should not use sustainable expressions, since this phrase should not matter for anyone, except you). The key to success is brevity, so clearly express the very essence. In addition, do not forget that the person's subconscious is not able to perceive the past or future time, which means you need to adhere to the framework of this.

You must pronounce the inspired phrase as might convincing. When you feel that you start to stuff and get confused, start all over again. If you fail to pronounce a cherished phrase - shock it (in some cases a lot depends on the volume). Get rid of the constraint and doubt, spread the borders and convey your message to the very depths of the subconscious!

The more often the better

Please note that the suggestion process should be permanent. The more often you will perform the appropriate exercise, the faster your consciousness will turn into work and the sooner you will achieve the goal. Manage your mind - do not let him manage you.

Stand in front of the mirror and say loudly: "I am genilan and unique! I laid a lot of talents, and I skillfully use them in life."

According to Indian philosophy, the phrase, uttered ten thousand times, automatically becomes mantra, that is, a constantly repeating thought responsible for the formation of the future and able to change the fate of a person. By regularly applying self-sufficiency technique, you will discover the opportunity to dive into the most hidden corners of the subconscious and raise the veil of your future.

Once we began to inspire the idea that with the help of a popular network marketing today, we sell more than one and a half million copies of the book "Chicken Soup for the Soul" ("Chicken Soup for the Soul"). Today we can with confidence to declare that they coped with the task.

Responsible for the performance of this work, the area of \u200b\u200byour subconscious will certainly answer you. Sooner or later your inner voice will begin to mirrorly reflect the phrase repeatedly uttered, and you will hear: "You are geniant and unique!" Gradually, the impressive approval will be supplied from your consciousness all negative and destructive thoughts, opening you the way to harmony, happiness and success.

What ideas we should inspire yourself.

We have already reviewed the instant technique and found that the success of its application depends on the frequency of exercise, but another logical question arises: what ideas should we improne yourself?

Of course, this question is purely individual, and every person is worth looking for an answer in himself. It will be easy for you if you set a clear goal. We advise you to determine one basic (that is, permanent) and several auxiliary statements that will vary depending on life circumstances.

Stand in front of the mirror and say loudly: "I have a unique talent and successfully apply it in practice!"

When formulating individual inspirational approval, remember the main components - a positive charge, brevity, accuracy, structurality and simplicity of perception. This phrase should capture in your subconscious, just as the words are remembered after repeated listening when you wake up and when you go to bed. Morning impressions play a particularly important role in the life of every person. Disheveled hair, lean eyes, complete lack of makeup or punching bristles - this is what we see in the mirror in the morning. A completely natural reaction in this situation is a sense of discontent and dissatisfaction with itself (of course, if you are not a rare exception to the rule). We publish a sad sigh, and a new day loses its charm in our eyes, we are in power of negative perception.

What does a person feel at the moment when he is given to the power of negative thoughts? So, in this way, he does not send a negative signal to his subconscious? Is it every morning looking into the mirror, he does not inspire the thought of what does not look good enough? How does such a negative perception affect his mood? How will he feel during the day? Perhaps it will be overcome by a feeling of anxiety that does not allow focusing on the performance of work? Can he succeed? Will his subconscious mind be with all their might strive to achieve the goal or, on the contrary, will make it all to prevent this?

Stand in front of the mirror and say loudly: "I have a great dream, and now I am embodying her in reality!"

However, everything can be quite different if, waking up in the morning and looking at its reflection in the mirror, you will smile and tell yourself: "You know, and you look very good" or even "yes you are just handsome!" Try, and you make sure it is completely easy.

Try it right now to break away from reading this book and smile yourself. Make a deep, slow breath and just smile. Feel like a simple smile completely changes your mood and worldview. Do not wait for something or someone who will make you happy, be happy right now! You can fill your body with vital power, energy and joy without any help - the choice remains yours. Remember: Smile - the easiest and most reliable way to change the negative attitude to positive.

Start your day with a smile. Look at yourself with love and every morning, looking into the mirror, say yourself: "Hello. I love you very much, today we will have another wonderful day with you."

Resize every day with love and faith in success. Go through life with awareness that you are able to achieve everything about what you dream.

We all should answer the next question: "What do I think and talk about yourself?" What do you choose to love or hate, inspire or disappoint, help or harm yourself? He forget that the first person you have to make a good impression before in the morning you come out of the house - it yourself! You, not anyone else should believe in yourself. If you can love and evaluate yourself for advantage, you will love and appreciate the whole world.

Multimillioner W. Clement Stone, the owner of the AEON corporation in Chicago, every morning reminds its employees to contact themselves with the words: "I feel amazing. I am healthy. I am beautiful." He taught hundreds of thousands of his subordinates to use this technique of suggestion to help them achieve personal and financial success.

Another excellent opportunity to tune in to the positive way is to take a shower or bath. It is no secret that many of us sometimes sing in the shower. So why don't you talk to yourself about how wonderful person are you? Why don't you hug yourself and not say anything pleasant? It should be noted that self-compliance technique allows a person not only to raise the mood, but also to improve its own organism. Refer to myself with the words: "I possess unique mental abilities. My brain is full of amazing ideas that are easily implemented and bring success." No one will hear you - no one, besides your subconscious, will not know about this conversation. You can save everything that has been said in secret. Take a look at your hair, spend your hand on them and tell me: "What delightful hair!" Touch your face and clearly say: "My face is fine." Believe me, after that you will leave the shower in a wonderful mood and feel infinitely happy simply from what you are in the world.

Is it really triggered?

Of course, it works! Dr. Wayne Dyer, the author of Bestseller "To live to live," once stated his colleagues at the university: "I will certainly become a famous writer." Such a statement caused the surrounding grin - it happened long before it was printed and his first book was published. To date, this talented person sold more than fifty eight million copies of his books.

Stand in front of the mirror and say loudly: "I see, I feel and believe in my success. I move in the right direction and do everything to achieve my goal."

The great coach, striving to bring his team to success, always calls his athletes champions - this technique is used worldwide. Why do these people turn to their wards not otherwise as "Hi, champion!". Are they all really already champions? Of course not. Just a good coach knows that at the subconscious level, a person performs the tasks that the subconscious mind perceives. An outstanding coach Lu Holz never spends more than two years to turn the loser command to the champions command.

Stand in front of the mirror and say loudly: "I am a winner, and I am inadequate!"

Believe in the exercise of your dream

The power of suggestion is capable not only to change the perception of a person and make him believe in itself, she also allows him to carry out his dreams. Take, for example, Wayne Walnis, who achieved the glory of an outstanding athlete already at the age of seventeen. He was before the choice - hockey or football. He liked to play hockey more.

However, when he wanted to start doing this sport professionally, he was answered: "Young man, you weigh only sixty-nine kilograms - you are too light. On average, the weight of the hockey player is ninety kilograms. You will not be able to play - you will just be flooded with ice."

Stand in front of the mirror and spend loudly: "I feel completely healthy!"

Walnuts with confidence stated: "Once I am the easiest, it means that I will get easier for others to the washer."

He sincerely believed that she would achieve great success, and Wayne Walnis became a star concluding multi-million-dollar contracts. Seven times in a row, he was recognized as the best NHL player. Thanks to the unshakable belief, he became a real champion, an inaccessible winner in his favorite sport.

Help others believe

Helping another person to believe in itself, you thus increase its self-esteem and improve the mood. He, in turn, will certainly answer you reciprocity - thus, this simple technique will help you to please not only others, but yourself. In addition, it is an excellent way to influence others. However, remember that hypocrisy here is inappropriate - the key to success is sincerity. It should be noted that there are three types of compliments - admiration for physical perfection, admiration for mental abilities and, finally, the admiration of human spiritual qualities. Traditionally, it was so that compliments belonging to the first of these species serve for the male half of the population to express the sympathy of the female half. The second type of compliments, as a rule, hear the "great minds" of our world, that is, people who have achieved success in science or business at the expense of their mental abilities.

Agree that these types of compliments are not applicable to all. There is nothing surprising in this, because we are not all possess an outstanding mind or stunning attractiveness. That is why the most common is the third type of complimination, allowing to note the personal qualities, achievements and actions of a person.

We are all - individuality, and each of us has its own character to be inherent in certain qualities (for example, sincerity, courage, discipline, perseverance, sociability, loyalty, openness, sensitivity, and so on). Someone is distinguished by high moral and ethical principles, spirituality and honesty. Someone demonstrates courage, perseverance and courage. Someone manifests sincere love for children or animals. Each person has positive qualities, emphasizing which you have an impact on its subconscious. This type of compliments is the most effective way to express a deep admiration in relation to another person.

Does your friend successfully coped with the performance of work? The child learned to ride a bike? A friend tells about his successes in skiing? Praise everyone who is next to you. Perhaps someone in this world is not enough for your approval and admiration. Help others find faith in yourself.

Make compliments more often. Do not be afraid to tell people good, sincere and kind words. Fill the life of those surrounding you with the joy. Remember the "Boomeranga rule" - every good word you said sooner or later will definitely return to you, and perhaps it will happen at the moment when you most need it.

Stand in front of the mirror and say loudly: "I know that I live in vain, and I am happy!"


So, each of us can achieve outstanding results, using the power of suggestion and visualization technique, as well as formulating all its desires, goals and dreams in writing. The success and scale of our achievements depend only on us! What can we become? What can we convince ourselves right now? We bring to your attention only a few examples:

"I'm flourishing." "I'm happy". "I am absolutely healthy." "I love, and my love is mutual." "I am beautiful." "I am fun." "Harmony reigns in my soul." "I'm rich". "I am confident in myself."

"I am friendly configured to others."

Formulation of life credo along with other personal transformation techniques, which we told above, can completely change your attitude to the most important person in your life. To myself. You have the opportunity to engage each of the eighteen billion cerebral cells and send them to work together for the realization of your dreams. Subject to a clear definition of the target, the subconscious will help you change and become the person you have always dreamed of being. The process of personal transformation is invisible to the eye. It happens unnoticed and quickly. Just once it happens.

Stand in front of the mirror and say loudly: "I am a wonderful person!"

As soon as you familiarize with the process of personal transformation and its main conditions, you will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in practice. You can easily perform this psychological exercise as often often.

Suppose B. this moment You think that you lack external attractiveness and skills to get acquainted with new people. Do you think that surrounding dislike you? We offer you the following scheme of action.

1. The process of personal transformation should be started from a specific purpose. In this situation, your goal is to get love, recognition and support of others or, perhaps, to find your second half. After that, I will certainly write down your goal on paper, not forgetting that the wording should be as clear as possible and accessible to perception.

2. Now visualize your goal, using seven steps that we told you in the previous chapter. Your main task is to see yourself with a new person. In your imagination, you can imagine anything! Perhaps you dream to see yourself in the role of your beloved actor or actress or mentally be on the paradise island in the arms of a loved one. In this new world you are a soul of the company - everything is crazy about you. Moreover, you are surrounded by such a number of friends that you just do not have enough for all time - everyone dreams to chat with you. People look at you with admiration, ask questions and freeze in anticipation of your wise councils. For more effect, we offer you to increase the number of present - let friends you have as much as possible.

Listen to the words, voices, sounds. If you are on the island (for example, in Hawaii), listen to the size of the ocean. Enjoy the atmosphere of fun, dancing and music. And now imagine that all this is actually happening, and not in your imagination. What do you feel? Allow these delicious sensations to fill each cell of your body. Is it really beautiful?

3. Finally, it is time to formulate your life credo that you will use as suggestion. You can create a whole series of short phrases that you will repeat every night before bedtime. For example: "I am sociable and charming." "I am extremely mil and interesting in communicating with others." "I'm balanced and possess confidence in myself." "I am always surrounded by people who are nice to my society." "My vital energy is infectious."

Repeat these phrases daily before bedtime at least for a month. Let them burn you as if you were falling asleep under the affectionate whisper of waves running ashore. Over time, each of the inspired statements will take its place and will automatically sound in your consciousness as the words of the favorite song or poem. All of them will live within you.

As soon as you feel that it happened, you can be sure - you are close to achieving the goal. Do not doubt, the subconscious has already received a signal and applies all efforts to help you become a new person. What is happening personal transformation will be reflected in each of your Word and gesture - without noticing, you will begin to call the surrounding positive reaction. People will see in you what was not noticed before, and you will feel that your dream has become a jaw!

The power of suggestion is limitless. It was she who helped Mohammed Ali climb to the top of success and become the greatest boxer of all the times and peoples. She changed the lives of millions of people. This method is indeed extremely effective, and, most likely, iodine was right, arguing that the suggestion is the greatest strength in the universe. This power is ready at any time to help you touch your dream.

The process with which we consider the various circumstances of your life and react to them, is influenced by a variety of factors. In essence, our views and acts are based on convictions or faith in how the world should be arranged and how he should act.

If we add to the Mr.-d chain, which was discussed in the previous chapter, the link of beliefs, it becomes clear that actions arise from sensations or feelings that, in turn, grow out of our thoughts, and thoughts ...

As you know, men can not tolerate our hysterics and tears, and we, in turn, do not love when he screams on us, expresses reproaches, etc. Well, what about? In life, unfortunately, everything is not always smooth.

I thought for a long time how to reach my beloved.

But sometimes it seemed to me that he did not understand me completely, and he did not want to understand that our relationship was a mistake ... and everything in this spirit. I think everyone has such absurd thoughts, no matter what is significant, just a situation ...

Equipment equipment OT negative thoughts - cutting

As soon as you felt that a negative thought was crushed into your consciousness, just cut it out. Do not analyze it, you do not need to argue with it, it is not necessary to defend themselves from it - just cut it away from myself and put something else to her place.

And the key principle here, you must do it immediately, at the very moment, as soon as the very thought felt.

Technique of getting rid of negative thoughts - label

This technique ...

Previously, everything was fine - I grew up in a prosperous family, the emotional shocks were rare, the psychological pressure from the side did not experience.

But then something incredible was going with the psyche. Began to suddenly appear thoughts from which it becomes mildly scary! Then they began to emerge unpleasant memories and then to all of this, I began to invent some terrible situations and take them for the real.

And recently I still began to think that I was able to make some terrible things ...

Have you ever been to the situation when you can't get rid of obsessive thoughts about a person? What did he say or did, and how much did it surprise you or offended you?

Sometimes, when someone hurts us, our children or loved ones, gossips with us behind or puts us in a dead end with their actions, we continue to think about this clock, and sometimes even weeks.

You wash the dishes, drive the car, walk the dog, but you can't forget how much ...

Scientists have proven: Thoughts - the basis of health.

The more often you think about the unpleasant things, the more you risk getting sick. Conversely - the more often you think about pleasant, the less your chances of being in the doctor's office. American scientists from the University of Wisconsin came to such an unexpected conclusion.

A group of researchers under the leadership of Dr. Richard Davidson examined 52 people aged 57 to 60 years. Each of the participants in the study was asked to recall in all details ...

Hello. I appeal to you asking you to understand yourself and dispel bad thoughts. I do not know how it is more correct to name or fear, or depression.

In general, I have bad thoughts almost constantly, except for the moments, when I think about something or someone, or I dream, I remember, etc. The rest of the time when my head is not busy anything, thoughts come to her About the death or misfortune of people close to me, or grief with me. Or thoughts, for example: "If I don't succeed now, then I will ...

So it was, there will be, humanity will always look for an answer to the question of what love is?

Today is a beautiful morning, sunny, with a bright blue sky, the smell of spring, bird singing, but for many it is ordinary morning, ordinary life, ordinary relationship, ordinary breakfast, and so all your life, while love will not be told, well, or something Looking like that they are later called love.

At first, everything is fine, I want to live, sing, dance, create, joy overwhelms to the edges and overflows for the edges of the soul, but ...

Very often ask the question: why, during therapy, it is necessary to concentrate on the negative, and not on a positive?
Many people who believe in the law of attraction (at the simpler level it can be explained as follows: what you focus on is exacerbated), it is worried that the repetition of the "negative" phrase reminder will only strengthen the problem. But the fact is that negative thoughts, experience, installations and symptoms exist regardless of whether you are consciously referred to them or not, they still affect you. The denial of their existence will not make them disappear. But if you get time and accept them, take them on the light and convince yourself that they are not dangerous, you will be able to get rid of them once and forever.
When weeds appear in your garden, it makes no sense to repeat: "I have no weeds, no weeds, no weeds." It makes no sense to pretend that there are no them. And it doesn't matter how much you will concentrate on the beautiful plants that grow in your garden. Weeds will not go anywhere until you feed them.
Take time - pull out the weeds so that your garden is filled with beautiful, healthy plants. This is what happens to your psyche. When you get rid of the weeds of the past, you become a healthy, full of life by a person.
Another important thing you need to know about is that it does not erase memory, does not erase emotions. We work out them. This is a very important item. After study, we still remove lessons from our experience. But if we just join your past experience, try to erase it without study, it hardens and remains where it is.
Often, when we work out anger, it gradually turns sadness. Then we work out sadness, and a sense of loss appears. We work with this feeling, and in the end it can turn into gratitude for experience and lesson. When anger leaves, more positive feelings appear.

This is not a minute miracle, work!

It's amazing how quickly gives real, long-term results. To get them, you may need months and years of generally accepted therapy.
The so-called one minute miracle occurs when you expect it least. But this is not the norm. We all have deep emotional behaviors that are very difficult to break, and our brain resists changes. Therefore, often to get radical changes, permanent work is required.
For especially deep emotions - these are the thick roots of yours - your work can take an unexpected turnover. If then, from what you are trying to free yourself, as a rule, it is emotions, it becomes stronger during therapy, be sure - you are on the right track. When you start opening your emotions, a large number of depressed experiences goes to the surface. Do not give up: it is so your body tells you how much emotional energy was collected around a particular problem. If you continue to work by the method, you will be free from it. The results you can achieve in these cases for moments, hours or week can really change your life.

Can you do this!

I know that at first the method looks a bit incomprehensible and strange. But if you learn points and understand the process, you can get quick results.

Show enough love and pay right now 15 minutes to try when you feel the result - perhaps a slight improvement or real change, you will understand that the method is worth learning and appearing in your life.
And just imagine ... If this tool is actually what others talk about it if you can feel the results that have felt many other people - what can be your life?
What is it like to get rid of physical pain that you feel?
What is this - free from old wounds, injuries and sad stories?
What can you create, what to achieve, what to influence if you eventually free yourself from limiting installations - baggage, which pulls you back?
It all starts from the first steps -

To a greater degree, the awareness of our personality is not built on positive statements about who we are. Speaking: "I like sports" or "I believe that Jesus is the Lord," we define who we are, through positive statements. We are athletes or fans and christians.

We have seen God shows who he is and who is not. Just as he outlines his personal boundaries with negative statements, we do. Speaking: "I hate injustice," I declare what I do not accept, and this is a very important statement. If I say: "I don't like science," I do the same as an approval as if I said, "I love philosophy."

Many people do not come into contact with the experience of their "non-me." A boy who had no talent for medicine, not too firmly declared his parents about it, - that the gift of an arculap is not part of his "I". He had to scream "I hate medicine" until someone had heard him. But negative statements are manifested in different forms. Poor academic performance at the institute and full failure in practice - the form in which the negative statements of this boy showed. Negative statements are reality. Similarly, as we must adopt responsibility for what is inside our personal borders, we must recognize yourself in what is outside our borders.

An excellent example of a negative approval is given in history, told by Jesus, about two sons who worked on their father:

"One person had two sons; and he rushed to the first, said: Son! Go, today, work in the vineyard. But he said in response:" I don't want "; and after, repenting, went. And the approached to another, He said the same. This said in response: "I am, sovereign"; and did not go. Which of the two fulfilled the will of the Father? They say to him: first. Jesus tells them: Truly tell you that Mytari and the harmnica forward you go to the kingdom of God "(Matt. 21: 28-31).

The second son did not know who was actually in fact. He did not want to work in the vineyard, but could not say: "I will not go." Thus, he did not have contact himself. The first, because I could say "no," was in contact with him, and this was enough to say yes. "Yes." People of this type can speak "no", and then their "yes" means a lot. We must be in connection with your "no" and control it, otherwise it will control us. The second son did not own his "no", and it seized them. "No" always manifests itself in any form or manner of behavior. In this case, "no" manifested itself in intentional delay.

Some negative statements may be such: "No, I don't like to perform in front of a large audience", "No, I don't like it when you tease me with other people", "no, I will not work for such a payment", "no, I do not allow swearing in my house "," No, I don't like Cocaine "," No, I don't want you to touch me, "no, I do not agree with your opinion", "No, I don't like this film, restaurant ", etc.

Being in contact with your "non-I" experience, we can truly separate themselves from the surrounding world. If we cannot say who are not, we do not have hope for sanctification, because we cannot hate evil and separate from it. People with fuzzy boundaries cannot reject what does not apply to them. If we cannot say what "non-me" is at the level of our body, feelings, installations, actions, thoughts, abilities, solutions, desires and borders, we will not be able to protect the soul from harmful influence. We will accept what does not belong to our "I"; It can be good things, but they are not true, and bad, who do not have to belong to someone at all. In any case, it is "not-me."

For Sandy "No-I", the approval would sound as follows: "Mom, I love you, but this Thanksgiving Day I don't want to spend at home. I want to spend it with my friends." If her mother would get angry, Sandy could argue: "I'm sorry that you are angry with me, but you have to come to terms with it. You will have to change your plans for Thanksgiving, because I will not come."

Maybe it sounds rude, but straightforward statements are necessary for people who love to control others and do not recognize their responsibility for their own disappointments. In fact, this statement would help Sandy more than her mother. It would help her understand who answers what. If her mother is so controlling a person that accuses his daughter in his grief, she will not hear the truth anyway.

It is extremely important to be able to make negative statements. We must be able to say what "non-me" is to gain his "I". What we like will not matter until we learn that we do not like. Our "yes" does not matter if we never say no. The profession chosen by me will not bring pleasure if I think it can "cope with anyone". Our opinions and thoughts mean very little, if there is nothing to oppose them.

Each of us at least once wondered how he lives. And after this, the thought inevitably comes to how I would like to live. We can choose a lot: where to work with whom to communicate, where to go, with whom to live, how to enter some particular situation. And each of our choice affects what our life will be. But the choice is responsibility. Responsibility for your actions, feelings and thoughts.

In psychotherapeutic practice, I use a valuable rule: "Thoughts - feelings are actions." If you apply it in life, then create every new day will be much easier. What is thought? These are unspoken words that are born in our mind. After the birth of thought, there is an opportunity to make a choice: what thought should be thrown out of the head, and what to leave is negative or positive. It is from this choice that it depends on what feelings we will experience on. Any thought continues in feelings. Negative thought "He did not call, it means that I am indifferent to him" leads to negative feelings: "I am scared, hurt, sad." The continuation of these feelings is the action: "I will call him myself and I will express everything that I think."

It is for this algorithm that we form our lives in all areas: in relations with others, in work, in relation to yourself, to their money, health. Absolutely everything begins with thoughts, and if we learn to make the right choice towards positive thinking, then very quickly note how our life changes.

Step number 1. Change allegations. Once my colleague said: "In psychology it is very important to ask competent issues to the client. The result depends on this. From how much the question we task will depend on and his answer. " I am convinced that we all need to learn how to ask competent issues yourself. If you learn how to ask: "How do I feel right now?", "I feel good or bad?", "Why now I feel this?", "What emotions are dominated within me?", "I would like to feel better. ? "You better know ourselves better.

The more we think how terrible our life is, the worse it becomes. The more we talk about the difficulties, the more difficult it will be

It is important to remember that the force that helps us overcome any obstacles is within us. The way we will use strength depends on our thoughts and allegations. The power of thought controls the actions. This is the only thing we can control. And choosing thoughts and approval, we choose a certain life.

Approval is the plants that we borrowed from significant people for us in childhood, younger or adult life. For example, a father since childhood claimed: "You are a bad girl, you behave badly and because of this they will not be friends with you." As a result, the matured girl is convinced: to have friends, it should be for everyone "good" and try to please everyone. But her friends still do not have - there are only those who enjoys her. She is alone and unhappy. The statements change our way of thoughts. From what thoughts are more formed in our mind, the life experience we will form for ourselves depends on.

What to do with negative allegations that have rooted in our mind? They need to be changed, convert. How? Write on a sheet of paper all negative statements about life and about relationships with people you heard from significant people. Opposite each negative approval, write a positive approval. For example: "We all had losers in our family and you will not achieve anything in life," we will convert into a positive statement: "I am a wise and intelligent. I can do everything. My life is filled with success. " Approval is important to pronounce in the present time, and not in the future. All written positive statements read out loud every day during the week (or more), until you begin to believe in them sincerely.

Approval needs to surround positive thoughts. The more we think about how terrible our life is, the worse it becomes. The more we talk about the difficulties, the more difficult it will be. Change your thoughts, your approach, and life itself will change around you.

Step number 2. Neutralize stress. Stressful condition paralyzes us, prevents thinking positively, prevents life and move forward. Sometimes we justify this state your failures or laziness. How to overcome this obstacle? It is necessary to understand what stress is actually:

  • fear before change
  • inability to identify life priorities
  • shifting responsibility for inability to control their feelings on other people
  • negative thoughts and improper atmosphere in the current situation

Everyone knows that yoga helps to restore the harmony of the soul and body. Everyone knows that with the help of breathing we can calm the nerves and put our thoughts in order. Breathing is the first physical action that helps with stress. Start deep breathe, do it consciously, focus on every breath and exhale. Imagine how air enters the lungs, as it comes out. This focus helps to switch the consciousness with negative thoughts to neutral, and then concentrate on conversion into positive thoughts. When breathing is leveled, and the head will become free, ask yourself: "What am I afraid, what scares me so much?"

Stress is fear, and we need to find and speak his reason: "My power inside me, my world cares about me, I have no fear, I'm not afraid of anything, I create a harmonious, happy life." Repeat these statements until you feel peace and joy. Do not take the word "stress", do not justify them internal and external tension. Remember that you are the owner of your life, your thoughts, feelings and actions. And only in your power to take stress or refuse him, in your power to spare yourself and fall into depression or refuse it and think positively.

When the thoughts configured to positive appear in our mind, we increase the level of satisfaction

Learn how to create thoughts that will make you happy. Happiness has a property to attract love and good. A statements that will help redirect thoughts in the stressful situation, a great set. You can come up with them by taking the basis of a few examples: "I am free from all fears, there is no place for stress in my world," I am successful and fearless, every day I feel more protected "," I am calm, I balanced, I am filled with love and kindness "," I have a wonderful relationship with friends, relatives, colleagues. They love and appreciate me. "

Step number 3. Learning self-esteem. You will never appreciate and respect yourself if you think about yourself bad. Very often we speak ourselves: "You are not like everyone else," "You're not suitable for anything," "You do not have enough courage," "You must ..." When the thoughts configured to positive appear in our mind, we increase the level of satisfaction with their own actions. Therefore, the statements like "I am well done", "I am an interesting person," "I take myself as I am, with all your advantages and disadvantages," "I should not" help anything to wake anyone. Self-esteem increases our self-confidence, and self-confidence contributes to the development of self-esteem.

There are several methods of working with a sense of self-esteem. And these methods are very effective: they return to us the type of thinking, which was peculiar to us in childhood, when we loved and accepted ourselves without conditions.

Write on a sheet of paper all the negative statement about yourself, as an personality that you heard from significant people. Opposite each negative approval, write positive. Pronounce them as often. I offer several universal positive statements that will increase your self-esteem: "I love myself. I am perfect, "" I feel good. I am worthy of love, "" I accept myself as I am, here and now, "I have a developed sense of self-esteem", "my consciousness is filled with healthy, positive thoughts", "I love myself without conditions."

Step number 4. Learning for a forgiveness. Can a happy person feel if it is full of bitterness, anger, offended? Voluntarily agreeing to sit in the "Beature Well", we will never get out of the sad darkness. Sadness, anxiety, fear, pain, feeling of guilt, insult, anger ... if we cannot part with these feelings, it means that we do not want to let them go. Moreover, it means that we are comfortable in a gloomy, filled with offended life. From this we suffer most of all, and not the person who has once offended. Even if it happened quite recently, it is already in the past. Only a real can become a foundation for our future.

Forgive the offender - does not mean to justify his unworthy behavior. Forgiveness is a conscious action. It frees us from negative energy. We have a choice: we can continue to live in the offense, and we can start a new happy life. Whatever serious disadvantage, no matter how difficult is injured, live past is not the best choice.

How to overcome reluctance or inability to forgive someone? Take a sheet of paper and write: "I, (Your name), forgive you, (the name of the offender). I forgive you for the pain you causing to me. I forgive you, (the name of the offender), and free you and yourself from this feeling. I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you". For 5 days, read this statement as often as possible until you feel peace and joy.

To come to success, you need to act. This is not superpost - this is a solution that each of us can take

Step number 5 Learn to attract success. For many people, success is a continuous movement to something more, to expand the comfort zone, to the constant growth and understanding of relationships with themselves and the outside world. We are mistaken, saying to ourselves: "I know that successful people are people gifted, having superposses that I do not have. That is why I am not successful. " This is self-deception and an attempt to justify himself.

To come to success, you need to act, move to the target target. This is not superpost - this is a solution that each of us can take. Our success largely depends on the ability and desire to communicate with you and the surrounding people. Having learned to develop in itself happiness, joy and love, refusing negative allegations in favor of self-esteem and faith in yourself, we will automatically begin to project it on all areas of your life. And then success will not make himself wait.

about the author

The psychologist specializes in family and existential psychotherapy, transactional analysis. Her site.