Mystery of nature and cosmetic: thermal water for the face. Living water for face! Amazing what she is capable

Magazine Photoelf represents you a surprisingly healing elixir of beauty based water. We immediately want to calm you - pour 2 liters of water to the day will not have to do. We are now only two glasses of water, but change its structure so that it will turn into a healing elixir, and we will apply it on a special scenario.

Healing water with a changed molecular structure and positive energy - live water for the face, well rejuvenates the skin and is extremely useful when receiving inside, but you need to know a few tricks of her cooking, about which Foto-Elf cosmetologists will now tell you.

How to turn into live water?

To make a live water from simple water, we will now change its structure and fill our clock with positive energy. Perform it quite easily. After all, the fluid is capable of changing its properties depending on the information received. This is not fiction, in a scientifically proven fact, information about the magic reincarnation of water we placed here: ". So, proceed to the sacrament 🙂

Fill two glasses with ordinary water and put them nearby near the computer. Suitable drinking from the crane (do not forget to filter), bottled without gas, and better - well or spring. Put the audio track "Tibetan mantra for rejuvenation" or other similar, healing melody.

After the water is impregnated with the impact of the mantra, its molecular structure will change (see photo). So it turns out live water for the face.

This is not the effect of computer graphics, but a real picture of water molecule. Changed in this way, water has amazing regenerating and rejuvenating properties. This cosmetic means will not replace any advanced cream. And the effect of using will be noticeable very quickly. You will very soon believe the mask for the face of a live water, seeing which it gives the result.

Using live water for beauty

We and we prepared two glasses of water capable of doing wonders. Water from the first glass to drink immediately after cooking with unhurried sips. And the fluid from the second must be frozen. A mold for the preparation of ice cubes (preferably with round cells). As soon as fill it with water, hurry to remove immediately into the freezer compartment of the refrigerator (it will be useful for the skin of the face).

IMPORTANT! Water after listening to the "Mantra of Rejuvenation" should not hear other sounds and expressions. Since it will lose the acquired structure, its healing properties will turn into ordinary drinking water, losing its healing effect.

Frozen cubes will use for a mask. In addition, it is desirable to drink at least one glass of spoken water. You can more. Only about the reserve will not work it.

Live water for the face creates wonders!

To create each new portion of the Living Driver, turn on the "mantra of rejuvenation" immediately before preparation and use. Drinking beauty water needs to fully relax and at this time will free yourself from thoughts about unfinished affairs, problems, in general - to throw off the whole negative (or at least try to do it).

Dedote these few minutes to your transformation. Imagine how each cell of your body is recovered, as the youth of the skin of the face, drinking the healing moisture, how forces appear with each sip. Thank the rejuvenating water for these wonders.

Water Mask

  • 2-3 ice cubes (those that you frozen before)
  • several cotton circles
  • cotton or linen fabric napkin

Take a comfortable pose on the bed. Try 10-15 minutes to do not communicate with anyone, but dedicate time only yourself, your beloved. Two frozen cubes pre-lay in a small bowl so that they are slightly taught. You can't pour out the cloth, it is still useful. We take one cube and start gently led them on the skin of the face and neck (you can massate the neckline). We act without hurry, because skin care requires a careful, neat approach.

The procedure may be somewhat unpleasant from the influence of cold, but should not stop. All cubes must gradually melting while rubbing. We remove excess moisture from the skin, giving the towel. Next, we take a disc from the cotton, dip it in melting water and well wetted facial cover, eyelids, neck.

Facial massage

Touch the skin of the face with the pads of the fingers, which contributes to the full water absorption. Then, using another cotton disk, take the face of the life of the lively moisture again.

Accept the horizontal pose, and the cover of your face with a damp cloth, lie about 5-7 minutes. Try to relax as much as possible, without thinking at this moment.

At first, after the procedure, a slight burning sensation can be disturbed and itching. This is natural and should not cause concerns and means that live water for the face begins its effective work on skin rejuvenation.

Face mask from living water will restore the upper layers of the skin and transmit samples of the perfect molecular structure of cells responsible for maintaining its elasticity and elasticity.

Applying a lively mask daily, you already remember in a week that the skin of the face was greatly crushed. An hour after the procedure it will be possible to feel how the regeneration process of the epidermis is being processed. A light chill will be felt on the surface of the skin, and inside - pleasant warmth. A few days later the more significant effect will be visible. Leveled the skin on the cheeks and chin, on the forehead, the neck will become like a winch 🙂

Here are such simple methods, without the use of expensive creams and complex ingredients, you can improve the skin, acquire a blooming facial, excellent well-being and confidence in its irresistible. The use of water for beauty will transform any woman, while being a completely affordable tool for each fine sex representative.

The magazine "Facial Skin Care" sincerely wishes all its readers to remain irresistible at any time of the day, never fall in spirit, boldly look into the eyes of new trends, staying always beautiful and confident ladies for whom no everyday storms are not afraid!

Your face skin will say "Thank you" for the use of live water, and we are talking to the photoelf "Thank you" for using the recipes that we carefully select, considering the experience of traditional medicine and the competent opinion of cosmetologists.

And here, please read the opinion of the professor of nonsense about the magical properties of living water.

Thermal water Among modern beauties acquired enormous popularity.

This is a leading cosmetology for humidification, recovery and skin rejuvenation.

Secret In saturation of the epidermis necessary microelements, minerals and moisture throughout the day, even with makeup.

To achieve due effect, you need to learn how to use miracle tool right.

The folk name of thermal water - "Live water".

Real fabulous term with similar effect.

Word "Thermal" It came from French (Thermal), literally translates as "warm."


Thermal water has natural origins. Its source is the fountaining underground geysers. Properties of water Depend on the temperature of the source.

Select 3 types:

  1. Subtermanal water (up to 37 ° C). Does not exceed the temperature of the human body.
  2. Thermal water (up to 42 ° C). The source is suitable for the adoption of therapeutic baths.
  3. Hypertermal water (above 42 ° C). The most valuable gift of the earth to restore the water balance of the skin.

The value of such water is that it is saturated with various healing minerals:

  • copper;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • bromine;
  • fluorine;
  • sodium;
  • chlorine;
  • biologically active substances.

Depending on the concentration of salts, a lively elixir has next classification:

  • hypertensive water tones and moisturizes dry skin (maximum salting content);
  • hypotonic water soothes, normalizes the exchange for a fatty skin type (minimum salt content);
  • isotonic water similar to chemical composition with human blood (suitable for all skin types).

The manufacturers have improved the composition of the thermal product, enriching it with various herbal extracts and essential oils. Thanks to them, the elixir acquires medical properties Depending on the used vegetable element.

For example, a pharmacy chamomile fights irritations and inflammations, the violet dry the fatty skin and removes acne, aloe juice disinfect. So when choosing a bottle pay attention on his composition.

Any kind of thermal water is beneficial affects skin:

  • returns a healthy complexion;
  • removes irritation;
  • struggles with dryness (especially at a sultry time);
  • cleans from excessive fatty;
  • moisturizes the face all day;
  • protects the skin from negative natural factors;
  • activates blood circulation (cells are obtained by maximum nutrient components, while maintaining youth);
  • used as a peculiar makeup fixer, making it more resistant.

Council! Selecting the thermal water, consider the condition of your skin, the effect will depend on it. It is better to get advice on a cosmetologist.

What is the thermal water differs from the usual?

The main difference The thermal fluid from the usual is its superstav. This causes her mechanism of impact. Simple water, evaporated, dries the skin. And live water not only moisturizes, but also creates protection against evaporation of the inner moisture of the body. Thermal elixir is a natural humidification source.

What is thermal water different from micellar?

Micellar water Also is a popular cosmetic product. Its main component element is solutions of fatty essential acids. They allow you to carefully, without damaging the layers of the epidermis, remove makeup and remove various contaminants. Tool is optimal for all skin types, even the most sensitive.

Both of these miracles different with their functions. Thermal water moisturizes, and - cleans. And they must complement each other in regular care.

With a modern pace of life, it is not always possible to find time for intake cosmetology procedures for the face. Yes, there is no resting time.

The problem of moisturizing It is solved by a bottle of thermal water, which at any time can be moistened and refreshing the face, maintain the skin with minerals and vitamins, to remove traces of fatigue.

This question is especially relevant in the summer, when the sun is mercilessly " fries »Skin. Also, thermal water catalyzes cellular regeneration, which allows you to preserve youth and freshness. For this, the oligoelements contained in it are responsible.

Cosmetologists insist on the fact that the daily use of thermal water retains youth For years. The process of aging slows down significantly.

Thermal water - Natural natural product, which does not contain malicious dyes, fragrances, shock absorbers, parabens, etc. Therefore, the tool is even allergy.

How to use thermal water?

Producers of the moisturizer describe in detail possible ways to use it In the instructions. List of thermal water applications are extensive:

  1. The main means for daily skin care.
  2. Face care after peeling, grinding and other damaging cosmetic procedures.
  3. Cleaning the skin after removing unwanted hairs. It will help to prevent irritation, as well as moisturize the skin better than any tonic or lotion.
  4. To secure makeup, thermal water sprayed at a distance of 30 cm.
  5. Breeding dry masks and various clays, which will strengthen their effect.
  6. With a debt of dry air, the use of thermal water will help minimize the harmful effects of the environment on the skin. To do this, sufficiently sprinkle the face several times a day. If your mascara is not waterproof, then avoid fluid from entering your eyes.
  7. During a long flight on board the aircraft, the skin is experiencing stress. Thermal water will prevent skin dehydration during this period.
  8. Thermal water creates a protective layer. Before applying a moisturizing cream, use it to be a barrier to evaporate natural moisture.
  9. Before using a mask or scrub, moisten the skin with thermal water. It will allow useful substances to absorb themselves.
  10. To enhance the effect of cream or mask, add "live" water to them. It will help to cope with many problems up to the manifestation of psoriasis.
  11. Thermal water can irrigate the face during sports workouts when the body carries the loss of precious moisture.

After the giving moisture fell on the skin, she needs to give time to dry. Excess you can delete after 30 seconds. Ideal time to moisturize the face - before using a night cream. After 18.00, the skin is appropriately absorbed nutrients.

Council! Thermal water is still better to apply differentiated. For dry skin, a tonic hypertensive product with a large content of salts is suitable. For bold leather owners, a stabilizing hypotonic composition will be the optimal option.

If you do not want to deal with the "chemical" subtleties, acquire isotonic water. It is useful for any skin type.

Thermal water instead of tonic

Cosmetologists recommend
Replace the thermal water ordinary tonic, as it performs similar functions more efficiently.

But to replace masks and creams by this giving elixir not worth itSince the skin will not have the necessary nutrients. One can only add thermal water into their composition before applying to enhance the effect.

Better to give preference verified Markam:

  • Vichy;
  • La Roche-Posay;
  • Avene;
  • Evian;
  • "I AM THE";
  • Dermophil.

Most firms For convenience, bottling sprays of different volumes are produced. They are comfortable to wear in his pocket and the lady's handbag of any size.

Products are distinguished by their properties, as mined from different sources. Acquire bottles recommended In pharmacy chains or online. The reliable manufacturer ensures that the bottle is packed with hermetically, since when reactions with oxygen, healing salts are precipitated.

Is it possible to make thermal water at home?

The network contains some homemade recipes for the lifelike elixir, but they have nothing to do to real thermal water. The liquid from the source retains its wonderful properties of three days, so it is impossible to stock it. Therefore, in production conditions, the product is hermetically packaged, excluding air and all sorts of microorganisms.

Each beauty is dreaming and healthy and beautiful skin at any age. It is impossible to protect yourself from stress, the malicious influence of external factors on the skin. But you can provide her powerful protection. It is such an armor that is thermal water. Its daily use will allow preserving the precious moisture, and the skin will shine in any situation.

Why do you need thermal water for face: Review of the best brands and reviews about them. Look at the video:

In this publication, I will tell you about how great the benefits of melt water To preserve the beauty and youth of the skin. After all, water is a universal cosmetic skin care agent.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers for skin care and hair tried to use rain or melt (out of snow) with water. But in our time it is impossible to be confident in the environmental safety of such water. In modern living conditions, we usually use tap water and, unfortunately, rarely boil it for water procedures.

Water from the crane often has high rigidity. Look inside your kettle and imagine how much harm you apply with your skin with such water. Therefore, I recommend that you soften the tap water slightly, adding to it soda (0.5 hl. Per 1 liter of boiled water).

In the past few years, professional cosmetologists seriously became interested in thawed water. The benefits of melt water For skin and health generally invaluable.

The properties of melt waterfor skin rejuvenation:

  1. Melt water acts on the structure of the skin as a biostimulator.
  2. For some time, it retains the crystal lattice of ice.
  3. The structure of molecules of molecular water is identical to the structure of water molecules in the cells of the human body.
  4. Melt water is easily embedded in human tissue and stimulates metabolic processes in the skin.

Washing into melt water, you stimulate skin cells to update, and collagen and elastin fibers for recovery. Melt water improves the complexion, making it fresh and young.

You can read about homemade ways of making melt water on many sites about health or watch learning videos on YouTube. The only thing I would like to add is that it is not so troublesome as it may seem at first glance. The main thing is to make the decision to indulge yourself and its skin with water with an ideal (relict) crystal structure.

Talay water can serve you both as water for washing and a tonic instead of tonic. It is important to know that after melt water, the skin is not tightened and does not dry, although it does not mean that it does not need to use a moisturizing cream.

Talu water can be used to prepare brazers from medicinal plants, then freeze again in special ice containers and use for easy massage faces with frozen ragum cubes. This procedure perfectly affects the skin, neck, breasts, pulling it up and stimulating cell renewal.

Be always young and beautiful as spring!

Everything secrets of thermal water: What makes it possible to preserve youth from which it is possible to save youth.

Thermal water is needed to stabilize the water balance in the skin of the face. It is useful to spray on the face before applying the cream, as well as to secure or refresh the makeup during the day.

  • before applying the cream;
  • for making makeup;
  • as a nutrient medium with mineral deficit;
  • to care for problem skin.

What is the thermal water

What is the thermal water? Should she spend money spent on her? How to use it? We will tell that we can expect from application and explain how exactly the composition affects the skin.

It should be remembered that thermal water can harm. Since the elevated concentration of some mineral substances sometimes causes dermatitis or irritation on sensitive skin.

Famous pharmaceutical stamps:

  • La Roche Posay with selenium;
  • Vichy (Vichy) has a high dose of sulfur;
  • Avene with a high concentration of silicon dioxide;
  • Evian (Evian) contains a rich mineral composition and has a pH of 7.2.

Young healthy skin does not need water enriched with minerals.

Swimming in thermal sources since ancient times was part of beauty and health care. Today, water saturated with minerals continues to remain popular thanks to its therapeutic properties.

(Module still read 2) If you have to stay for a long time in the sun you just need Avene water. She will protect his face from irritation, sunburn and keep makeup for longer times.

Thermal water La Roche Posay and Evian are perfectly cleaned, toned, moisturized. Vichy helps to get rid of drowsiness.
Tap water often becomes the cause of all skin problems. That is why our person needs additional mineralization.

Healing thermal sources in Europe and Russia

Sicily is rich in sources with therapeutic effect. If you want to visit the natural sauna, saturated with mineral pairs, go to Sciacca, Italy.

Healing sources are also located in the beautiful historic city of Achireale, Sicily.

Be sure to visit the sources on the Mediterranean resorts, there you will cure arthritis, pain in the joints, burns, eczema, psoriasis. Due to the soothing and anti-inflammatory properties of mineral water, there is a noticeable decrease in itching, redness.

Other thermal sources with therapeutic effect:

  • Terme - Vilitator on the Tyrrhenian coast;
  • Edipsos, Greece;
  • Icaria Island (the best sources in the world with a powerful therapeutic effect);
  • On the territory of the Czech Republic, France, Hungary.

Not far from Tyumen there are sources rich in calcium, magnesium, bromine, chlorine.

Famous sources in Belokurikh, which will help cure allergies.

Many have heard about Kamchatka sources. The land here is famous for a huge number of geysers.

Do not dream of visiting Baikal? Sources in these places alkaline. In winter, you can enjoy the contrast of temperatures, water +40. And the air over it is much lower than zero -30.

The use of thermal water

So that in pursuit of beautiful skin, do not throw money into the wind, you need to know which water to choose and how to apply it correctly. For example, dehydrated skin needs tonization with high saline saline. Fat - moisturizing.

For what purposes are used thermal water:

  • Moisturizing the face during the day.
  • Spraying under the cream, oil. So faster and more efficiently absorbed useful elements of cosmetic products.
  • Moisturizing after applying creams, which includes glycerin. Glycerin pulls moisture from the dermis, and thermal water compensates for such a lack.
  • Breeding masks from clay.
  • To secure makeup.
  • Application after depilation and shugaring: Soothes irritation, removes the remains of wax.
  • For removing irritation after shaving.

It is scientifically proved that the use of thermal water before masks, applying cream and hardware procedures, significantly increases their effectiveness.

What thermal water is better to choose

The thermal water of each brand has its own unique composition and properties, as it is produced from a particular source, where a certain set of useful elements and minerals is present.

Avene. - The most popular thermal water with a balanced composition. Ideal for sensitive, dry, tired skin. Use it for washing the skin of the face. Wash in the morning and in the evening. A few days later you will notice big changes. So you can forever get rid of boring acne, pigment spots and other defects.

Avene calms the skin of the face, saturates minerals, refreshes, moisturizes the skin. Such a means can be used even to people with dermatitis or psoriasis. She helps to soften the rash after shaving, epilation. Suitable for care for delicate children's skin.

Vichi (Vichy) - Another miracle of nature, which is impossible to recreate with the help of science. 15 useful minerals and antioxidants are intertwined in the composition, they are extremely important for the skin, giving the opportunity to a woman to look young regardless of age.

Vichy due to exceptional properties is suitable for all types of skin skin. Antioxidants help to deal with signs of aging. Minerals soothe, protect against environmental aggression, revive cells after attacks by free radicals. Vichy does not contain preservatives, parabens. After use, allergic reactions are not observed.

Thermal water La Rocher Gives soothing, refreshing, toning care for sensitive skin. Contains selenium, powerful natural antioxidant. It is neutralized by the destructive effect of free radicals, protecting cells from premature aging. Useful for skin as tonic, washbasin, removal of irritation after depilation. Changes with problems of sensitive skin and dermatitis. In other words, this thermal water is aimed at calming the skin, removal of discomfort.

Hypoallergenne is 100%.

Evian (Evian) Improves the tone of the person, fastens the makeup, moisturizes, nourishes, narrows pores, gives a healthy shining shine. Evian is suitable for use after shaving.

We select thermal water like the skin

Before you buy thermal water, first decide which it will be better for you. To make it easier to choose, use the table where the funds are selected for each skin type.

The composition of thermal water for face

1. Isotonic.

The composition of thermal water with neutral pH on the content of substances is similar to blood cells.

Effect: Soothes skin, relieves inflammation and irritation.


2. Hydrocarbonate sodium.

The composition of thermal water due to high doses of minerals and microelements has a soothing effect, enhances the protective functions of the skin cells, dry the pimples, fastens the makeup well.

Bioderma, Gamarde, Vichy Spa - Vichy contains a lot of calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper, zinc.

3. With selenium.

Needed in summer. Selenium moisturizes and soothes the skin.

  • La Roche-Posay;
  • Dermophil Soin D`eau Bagnoles de l'Orne.

4. Low-mineralized.

Removes inflammation.

  • Avene, contains calcium, magnesium, silicon, iron;
  • Evian;
  • Thermal Spray Body Line Thermal Babor.

5. With essential oils or extracts of medicinal herbs.

Phalkey extract neutralizes inflammation, dries acne. Aloe and chamomile soothe of different kind irritation.

Avon Naturals, Bio Caudalie, Kenzo.

How to use thermal water for face

Thermal water can be used as often as required (at home, in the office, on the beach). Just do it correctly, so as not to apply more harm than good.

1. From a distance of 20 - 30 centimeters from the face.
2. up above yourself.
3. To the side, and then enter the droplets cloud.

Then, after 2 - 3 minutes, praise the face with massage movements or remove the excess moisture with a napkin (required!).

It is undesirable to use thermal water under the scorching rays of the sun. The problem is that water drops in the sun become dangerous and cause burns.

Thermal water is necessary for the feeling of freshness, additional humidification, alignment of the tone of the face, fastening makeup. It has a more powerful effect than sea water, the benefits of which is well known to everyone.

Not everyone spend summer on the shore of water bodies, large and small. And to distance themselves from the stuff, dust and smog want everyone. With the help of thermal water and sprays for a person, a refreshing shower is real at any time.

What are the sprays for the face

Ancient Romans first discovered thermal sources. They run deeper mineral, therefore - cleaner, and the content of useful trace elements in them above. The ancestors appreciated the find and set up the hospitals on the shores of the mountain lakes. In the XV century, Europeans began to take underground water inside. True, not for the sake of thickening thirst, but for the treatment of gastrointestinal and vascular diseases. To whom, when and how much to drink, decided Lekari: The drink was sold in pharmacies for the recipe. Finally, in the middle of the last century, thermal water appeared to care for the face. And after her - sprays, hassles, makeup clamps.

It turned out that not all waters for the person are the same. The most common - now familiar to everyone and everyone - thermal and mineral. Different manufacturers produce water from different sources, so the composition of the water is different. In some more calcium, in other sodium or selenium. Those in which a lot of salts reduce the selection of sebum, low-voltage, on the contrary, are suitable for dry skin.

Funds of a new generation are haze or mysts. Under their basis, mineral or ordinary purified water, but enriched with all sorts of useful additives (essential oils, vegetable extracts, glycerin). Each fulfills its function: moisturizing, removal of redness, treatment of inflammation.

Finally, there are special sprays fixing makeup. They make make me a resistant, preventing its spreading on the heat or lubrication from touching the face.

How to apply thermal water

With the beginning of the holiday season, thermal water lies in most road cosmetic bags. Tired citizens get Fresh on board the aircraft and spray on the face. Again and again. This is the way to nowhere, both in the sky and on Earth. Without additional moisturizing components, even the purest water from high-altitude sources of environmentally friendly areas simply evaporates from the surface of the skin, thereby making it landing than before.

Correctly apply water or spray - from a distance of 10-15 cm. In this case, you can draw a circle or eight in the air. Another option to cosmetologists suggested perfumers: you need to spray the cloud in the air and enter it. The most important thing is not to wait for complete drying spray on the face. After a minute, two after applying excess, remove the napkin. Especially this rule is relevant in the open sun, since the drops are small magnifiers and can provoke burns.

Five ways to use thermal water

1. For freshness

Substitute a face under thermal shower whenever the skin requires freshness: in a hot or air-conditioned room, during, after cosmetic procedures (peeling, cleaning, injection), solar burns.

2. For additional moisturizing

Spray the Mist on the cleaned skin. While the face is not dried, apply a moisturizing cream or mask. Thanks to this, the moisture and the useful components of both means will penetrate deeper.

3. For the "Leather like a child" effect

Child's skin moisturized, elastic, blooming. To achieve the same effect, the thermal water will need. Moreover, a lot. Apply it after each stage of skin and makeup care: after serum, moisturizing cream, primer, tone, decorative cosmetics. The skin should be saturated with life-wing moisture, but not to be wet.

4. For wet finish

Do not know how to get rid of a dense powder finish, emphasizing wrinkles even where they are not? Spread the face with a spray gun with a sprinkler. So you get rid of dull mattiness, having received a healthy shining skin instead.

5. To extend the resistance of makeup

Apply over the finished meicapa just like on the "naked" face: spray - wait a couple of minutes - getting blocked with a napkin. Do not pick up a challenge closer 10 cm, otherwise makeup can float. It is convenient to clean the brush to apply the shade with a wet manner.

Thermal water and sprays for the face: the site selection

The thermal water from the subsoil of volcanoes overnight restores, soothes, strengthens the natural protective properties of the skin. As part of the healthy skin minerals: calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, silicon.

This water for sensitive skin is rich in natural antioxidant selenium. The microelement instantly moisturizes and eliminates discomfort, and when regular use is prevented by aging of the skin.

Water for beauty face Caudalie